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April 11, 2024 58 mins

It's a special Eyes Up Here BONUS episode where "The Queen of Extreme" shares the details about her amazing WrestleMania weekend. 

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:16):
All right, get in here right now. It's an Eyes
up Here extra in two places, because they've always said
two places are better than one. She didn't know by now.
My name is Chad, and every single week.

Speaker 2 (00:30):
Not only can you find me on iHeartRadio with the
point of Extreme Francine, but you can also find us
on YouTube because not only is this an Eyes up
Here bonus episode on iHeartRadio, this is an Eyes up.

Speaker 1 (00:47):
Here YouTube extra. So for the first time, a multi
platformed episode without any further ado, we gotta welcome in
the star of the show. I'm sure she's still recovering.
I think her voice might be back in its regular place.
I'm so happy to hear all about this weekend from

the one and only queint of Extreme. It's fancy.

Speaker 3 (01:11):
Hello everyone.

Speaker 4 (01:12):
My voice is not back in its place. It's almost there.

Speaker 3 (01:14):
It's a little raspy, but this is going to be
a WrestleMania weekend recap which includes Rustle Khan and Battleground
and all that good stuff that went down this weekend.
And yeah, I had to rest my voice up because
it was shot. It was almost to the point where

you couldn't even hear me. That's how much I talked
and everybody makes fun of my voice and my accent anyway,
so could you imagine how I sounded over the weekend.
It was shot, but happy to be back and still recuperating, because,
let me tell you, it was a wild one. But fun,

Oh my goodness, great time. It's great when you can
mix work and pleasure together, and that's exactly what I did.

Speaker 4 (02:06):
So we'll start off with Thursday.

Speaker 3 (02:11):
Thursday, I was dropped off with my girl Betty as always,
at our hotel, Beautiful. The Sheridan was beautiful.

Speaker 4 (02:18):
It's really nice, really nice hotel.

Speaker 3 (02:21):
We checked in and we were with the franchise Shane
Douglas as usual.

Speaker 4 (02:26):
I rider die there and.

Speaker 3 (02:29):
Ned came with us, and Big Moose came with us,
and we couldn't decide on what to eat. We sat
there like morons for about an hour. Don't ever let
Shane take a hold of the door dash app because
he does not know what he's doing. And we opted

for pizza, which was the worst mistake ever because then
we were all bloated and fat and gross.

Speaker 1 (02:58):
All that you settled on pizza well.

Speaker 3 (03:00):
Because by the time they got in and settled and
we all met in one room, it was the hotel
was so crowded and it wasn't like they had a restaurant.
It was. It was like a restaurant bar type of deal,
and the food like you had to wait. There was
always a line. There was twenty people in you know

what I mean, so you had to wait and then
once you ordered, it took another forty five minutes. So
if we went that route, we probably wouldn't ate until
nine o'clock at night because it was the host hotel.

Speaker 4 (03:33):
It was packed packed with people.

Speaker 3 (03:35):
So we didn't want to, you know, we were tired,
didn't want to bother with that, so we just kind
of ate in the room, had a couple of cotails,
and then went to bed because you know, the next
day I was up at six am and it was
wrestle coan.

Speaker 1 (03:50):
Before you get into restaurant. So where is this hotel
located in relation to the city of Philadelphia. Is it
the heart of Philly? Isn't? Yeah?

Speaker 3 (03:59):
It downtown Philadelphia, Philadelphia, so you could walk if you
wanted to. It was it was maybe was it a
twenty five minute walk, but you could walk to.

Speaker 4 (04:10):
Like the Art Museum, the Rocky Statue.

Speaker 3 (04:13):
A lot of people were going to see the Rocky Statue, right,
and you know, there was the Liberty Bell and Betsy
Ross's like you could do all that historical stuff down there.

Speaker 4 (04:24):
I didn't do that. I've been there before because I
you know, I was born in Philadelphia.

Speaker 1 (04:30):
So I didn't go there. You're gonna get moms. You
can't do that.

Speaker 3 (04:33):
You're the queen people forgetting. People were going and taking
pictures and I it was chilly, so I did not
want to be walking around the city at that point.
I was just like, eh, I went there as a kid,
you know, maybe a field trip or something. I ran
up the Rocky steps. I'm pretty sure I did, so
I didn't have to do that round. But a lot
of people were touristy and walking around. So but like

I said, the hotel was in the heart of the city.
Now Friday, that was a really busy day for us.
So we were down there, went down there a little
before nine and my table there was already a line
for Shane and I when we got there. Wow, And
I kid you not. We didn't get a full break

until about one point thirty and we only signed from
nine to two, so that line was pretty consistent. And
when the line would stop and we thought we would
have a break, somebody else would come over to the
table and another line would form. I'm not complaining. It
was brilliant, very very busy for the first four and
a half hours, and then we had about an hour

before we had to go over to the arena. So
we went upstairs, freshened up, grabbed their stuff.

Speaker 4 (05:58):
Again, we're a bunch of morons. We go outside.

Speaker 3 (06:00):
We have no idea how we're getting to the arena
because we didn't want to take the car because parking
was limited. You know how the arena is. It's crazy
down there, right and there was already a show going on.

Speaker 4 (06:12):
That was the problem. So we figured, okay, there's a show.

Speaker 3 (06:15):
Going on, there's a lot of talent already, there are
a lot of fans are already there, there's going to
be no parking. So we decided to get an uber
well who didn't know how to use the app. I mean,
it was really ridiculous. So there was a cab just
sitting there and we go up to this guy and
he was something.

Speaker 4 (06:37):
He wasn't American. Maybe he was I don't know.

Speaker 3 (06:40):
Muslim, or I don't know what he was, but I
couldn't understand his English very well, and we were trying
to explain like where we were going, and we were
giving him the address and at first he didn't understand it.

Speaker 4 (06:52):
And I'm just like, oh my god, this is a
cab driver.

Speaker 3 (06:54):
He doesn't know where to go in the city. And
I said, we're not going with this guy because he's
going to get us lost. Then he goes, no, no, no, uh,
I'd get you there.

Speaker 4 (07:04):
In twenty five minutes. And he's screaming at us.

Speaker 3 (07:06):
That should have been a telty air not to get
in this guy's car right, start screaming, I get you
there twenty five minutes, and we're like uh. And it
was already like three thirty. We had to be there
by four, so we're like fine. So we all get
in the car and like, this guy is driving like
a lunatic. But to his defense, everybody was driving like
I felt like I was in Manhattan. It was bumpered

a bumper traffic, people were cutting people off, there were
bike cyclists in the middle of the road. Like he
was dodging and weaving not to hit people. And then
I just tell him, like, sir, you're in the wrong lane.
You have to get over and he screams at me,
don't tell me how to drive. I've been driving for
a long time. Yeah, Like anytime one of the girls

would say something, he would like get hot and he
would holler at us. And I don't know, but he
seemed like he came from a country that women are
just not supposed to look.

Speaker 4 (08:06):
And I was like, you're in America, bitch, Like this
is how.

Speaker 3 (08:11):
I was getting hot. And I was just like, look,
that's the way that they are in it. You're over here.
But he was just trying to like cut in front
of people. And I was scared for my life. I said,
we're gonna die and then I'm not gonna like be
able to like finish my uh my weekend. I'm gonna
be hot. And but he got he gets us there

and before he like the doors were locked and he goes,
you pay me, you pay me now, you pay me?
All right?

Speaker 1 (08:37):
Oh you had to stay locked in the car, he was.

Speaker 3 (08:41):
Telling because Shane sat in the front and then the
rest of us it was it was me Bambi who
from More who brought it in, and then Betty we
were in the backseat, and Ned and Moose couldn't fit.
They were coming in later. Yeah, they're big dudes, right,
So I was like, get me out of this car.
So Shean's like, yeah, let them out. And then you know,

he was taking care of everything, but I was like,
get me a freak out. So finally he lets us
out because Shane's paying them. We get our gear. Now
we have you know, we all have pull bags and
our stuff. We're in front of the arena. The line
went around the block, not even on the street. It
was like around the block for us. And all the

fans start screaming and we're waving it everybody.

Speaker 4 (09:29):
And we go to the front.

Speaker 3 (09:30):
Door and I don't know who this guy was, but
he opens the door and he goes Talent and and
Shane are just standing there. We go yes, and he goes, oh,
you have to go to the back. Now we're at
the front the front door with so many bags and
Edie was the owner, said you have to go to

the back, and she goes, is this a rib? And
he goes, She goes, do you know who we are?
Apparently not, because we had to go through the crowd. Wow,
walk all the way down the street, turn the corner,
walk through the cars in the parking lot, the steps
and go through the back door. I was live it

bags that's I had my boots on. Are you serious
right now? So he's him in the hall and and
I'll pull my and I'm like, this is your dig
it's cold, you know, like, and all the fans are like,
they want to let you guys in, and I'm like, no,
they wouldn't let us in. So we go to the back.

We go through the door, and I'm like, is the
fan fest back here? The back was mobbed with people.
And when I say people, it's talent and people. I
have no clue who they are. And everybody's like a
sardine and I'm going, who are these people? Know?

Speaker 1 (10:58):
All the hangers all?

Speaker 3 (11:00):
I didn't know who a lot of those people were.
I figured, okay, maybe people brought people. And here the
show that started, I don't know, two o'clock. It was
still going on, so now, ok, wow, well it's like
four o'clock and we're supposed to start at four. That
didn't happen.

Speaker 4 (11:20):
Our signing was probably an hour and a half delayed.

Speaker 1 (11:24):
Oh damn.

Speaker 3 (11:25):
Yeah, So I basically got to sign for an hour,
an hour and fifteen minutes. Tops that was it, because
then I had to go back and get changed, and
then I didn't even have time to do makeup. I
didn't have time to refreshment. We were initially we were third,
and then they were like, oh no, you're second. So
I was like, oh my god, like I had barely

time to get changed, and then we had to you know,
go over the match and go to the gorilla and
wait in gorilla and it was just like boom boom
boom after that.

Speaker 1 (11:57):
Okay, so now stop here, let's talk about match now.
I have been looking everywhere to try to get some
kind of footage outside of the entrance that I found
one little snippet of a side view of when you're
coming out. That's all I've been able to see of
this so far. So I'm dying to actually see the

everything outside of the still that you posted the the
you know you you asked the fans to uh to
caption the photo of you look going for it looked
like a pretty hearty slap one C. W Anderson. I'm
gonna pull it up here so everybody can see what
I'm talking about. But this looked like this was some

vintage Sometimes I feel like I might be on the
receiving end of one of these.

Speaker 3 (12:46):
For sure if we were in the studio.

Speaker 1 (12:48):
Yeah, A look at that.

Speaker 3 (12:50):
That is rare and back, look at the best, look
at Shane.

Speaker 1 (12:55):
Yes, I was trying to bring the focus for the
franchise who is out cold? But that is rare and back.
So I have been trying to get the footage, but
I guess I'm gonna have to pay for it just
like everybody else and get it that way. But I
need to know from top to bottom what went on
in the match and how everything went with putting it

together and what you guys did and how it all.

Speaker 3 (13:19):
So initially it was supposed to be Shane versus Al
snow right, and then we figured out quickly that WWE
was kind of like pulling people into their realm to
do things. So Al had obligations with w W understood
it's fine, you know. It was then C w Anderson,

So I was thrilled because you know, me and C
dub are very tight, very good friends, love them. So
when I found out we were working together, it was wonderful.
So we we go upstairs into the dressing room and
you know, Shane and C dub are starting to go
over the match and everything, and they're like, well, you know, what,
what do you think you want to do? And I

was like, listen, I really I mean, I don't want
to bump unless it's a you know, something happens where
I fall on purpose. You know, it wasn't like an accident,
it's not on purpose. Like I'll do that, I said,
but Jesus like, I'm just afraid to take that one
bump and then be like dead because with all the

health problems that I've been having.

Speaker 4 (14:27):
I was just like, how about you spank me? And
he's just like it would be my pleasure.

Speaker 3 (14:35):
Do that. But initially, like you know, Shane says, so
we're not going to be heels and I was like, oh,
we're going to be heels and he's like no, he goes,
there's no way we're going to turn them. So I
was not supposed to speak. I did not have a
promo in the beginning, and Shane says, I'm going to

cut this promo and he goes, and I'm going to
say something. He said something like let's party like it's
nineteen ninety four, and that was his outline, and then
she Doug was supposed to come out. Well, some kind
of light bulb went off in my head and when
he said that line, I heard people going eh, and

I start shaking my head and I go, no, I go,
they hated us in ninety four. And then the booze
started coming in. So I grabbed the mic and I
cut a really it just popped into my head and like,
I just cut a promo to where I healed the
fans because I basically I said, oh, I said, because

you cheer me today, you think I forgot about all
the meat things you ever said about one dance? And
then I go over some of the chants and the
last chance I said was the well, I can't say
it on here, but Francy and da da da da
da dude, if you remember, you know, you know, and
if you don't, you have to look it up. And

the place started erupting with cheers. But then I turn
around and I say, listen, I'm a lady, and if
you don't respect me, I am going to take the
franchise and I'm going to get the hell out of Philadelphia.

Speaker 4 (16:15):
And the booze were overwhelming, and he.

Speaker 3 (16:18):
Looked at me and was just like shaking his head
like you did it, and I handed him the mic
and we stood there and we were in full heel mood.
So I told him, I said, leave c dub for me,
grab the ref. I did the spot where I jump
up and I jump on his head with my cucci
and the place popped. We did another little spot where

I held his leg and Shane kicks him while I'm
holding onto his leg, and then going into the finish,
we do a spot where he gives him a sliding clothesline.
Shane's out and he stands up and I come in
the ring and I threaten him and I go to
smack him, and I told him, I said, just do
whatever you want. I said, spank me. Well, he goes

down to his knee and I hear oh, and his
knee gave out or something, and I go, really right now,
his knee buckled and I almost fell to the mat.
And then he gets up and he fixes and he
positions me and he starts spanking me, and I think

he might have bit my ass too. I don't know
what he did, because that got a little bit of
a chuckle. But at the end it was all love
and we hug. Yeah.

Speaker 1 (17:33):
Of course, of course.

Speaker 3 (17:35):
But the next day, the reaction from the people that
were there, like everybody was just like, your promo was
so good. I was like, I wasn't even supposed to talk.
I just thought of something and I said it. And
I said to Sheen, are you mad at me? And
he goes, no, he goes, you saved us, because you
literally saved us, he goes, because we were over like

baby vases. He goes, and you turn them like that.
And I was so happy, you know, because I just
I said, I'm going to take a chance, and if
it doesn't work, it's my fault. But it worked, and
it was it was so nostalgic ECW. We gave them
exactly what we would have given them back in the day.

They ate it up, they ate it up. And I
don't know if the rest of the show went like that,
because we left after that because we were already paid
and it was late and we were like, you know,
we had to wake up at six the next day,
so we got the hell out of Dodge. But I
think we left them happy with what we gave them
a lot of fun, so much fun. I said, if

we could do this kind of stuff every weekend like
this would.

Speaker 1 (18:41):
Be, she'd come out, she'd come back.

Speaker 3 (18:44):
Oh my god, it was so so good, and oh
you had it.

Speaker 4 (18:49):
You had to scroll down?

Speaker 1 (18:50):
Yeah no, I singled it out. Let me pull it up.
I have it on a separate screen.

Speaker 3 (18:54):
The only thing I was upset about is I think
I looked a little wide. I think, my yeah, there
we are, and that's the back. So I don't know.
I think I looked heavy, which I have to fix
this gun of mine, because you know, there was like

something going on, and I couldn't really wear a girdle
because you could see.

Speaker 1 (19:18):
The I mean the picture. The pictures look great. I
don't know what you're talking about.

Speaker 3 (19:25):
I don't know. I was very self conscious that night,
but I said, I have to see how ridiculous my
outfit is with the feathers and the so ridiculous. But
it was great.

Speaker 1 (19:37):
I'm sorry. There was only one outfit I noticed that night.
Oh shines, there's only one right there.

Speaker 3 (19:45):
That's it.

Speaker 1 (19:46):
He's got one of the last ones that's out there
perfectly right.

Speaker 3 (19:50):
Do you know I'm wearing boy shirts instead of a thong?

Speaker 1 (19:52):
Oh I did not, Yes, Look, I.

Speaker 4 (19:56):
Was telling everyone, I said, look, this is in nineteen
ninety seven.

Speaker 3 (19:59):
I can't wear a thong, have to wear boys shirts
to cover up the goods because you know.

Speaker 1 (20:03):
And then I'm gonna give c Dub his his due.
I mean, the dude is in amazing shape. Yeah, I mean,
he looks unbelievable. So this was great, This is this
was such a great pairing and you know, as cool
as the the Al and Shane pairing with you would
have been. This was the perfect replacement for that match.

Speaker 3 (20:21):
Fun so fun. So, I mean it was a shorter match,
but it was to the point we had the crowd
the whole time. We didn't drag it out to where
we lost them. They were always popping for falses like
it was great. It was great. We were also happy
with it, and I was just so happy to work
with those two guys and so fun. So then we

get back to we got back to the hotel and
my impact friends call me and say, well, we're back
from the matches. So come to the bar. And I
had a bucket of fireball, a bucket with the little

you know, the little guys, but a big bucket yep.
So we bring the bucket down and we go in
the bar and it's it's all the impact boys and
me and Betty because you know how I roll.

Speaker 4 (21:20):
And uh we uh we closed the bar down.

Speaker 3 (21:23):
So I was there until two fifteen in the morning,
drinking fireball and getting healed by the waitress. I walked
in with one of my not your father rutiers, and
thank god it was done, because she would have did this.

Speaker 4 (21:37):
I would have taken her down.

Speaker 3 (21:39):
She goes, you can't have this in here, and she
gets her little grubby paul and she takes it off
the table. Anybody who brought a beer or something in
she would take it. And I kind of understand that
because they're serving alcohol. But like people like like guys
like like Nick Namath and Brian Myers and stuff, we're
buying drinks the whole time we were giving them business.

It wasn't like we were taste smuggling our own stuff.
So when I had the fireball, I had to put it.
I had to put it between my legs and put
a jacket over it. And then every time she'd walk away,
we'd all take a little one and would do like
a shot of it, and then like Brian would go
and throw out the stuff. And then we still had
the bucket, but we would have to wait until old

Nick Grinchy would walk away. And because she was healing everybody,
so I aimed that, you.

Speaker 1 (22:29):
Know what I mean, like you're you drink that one
and it's gonna get you buying more drinks.

Speaker 3 (22:33):
They were buying drinks, and like I think there was
a huge tip left for the woman, like she was
taken care of. So it wasn't like we were being
Davoni and just taking our own stuff in. You know,
there were there were drinks all over the table. Lou
De'angeli was there, who I was so happy because I
haven't seen him, my god, in like forever. There is

one story. There was a guy, this is kind of funny.
I have a new gimmick and I'll tell you what
it is in a second. A fan that kept coming
over to the table and was very like persistent, and
he wanted Nick's.

Speaker 4 (23:14):
And Nick to take a picture with him.

Speaker 3 (23:15):
And Nick would say, I'll get with you in like
five minutes, right, and the guy would be like okay,
he wasn't a young kid, he was like a man, right,
And then he'd wait like maybe ten to fifteen minutes.
He'd come back and hey, golf or whatever you call
I how about that picture? And we were in the
middle of a conversation or whatever. I'll get you in

five minutes. So when he came back again, lou Sign
guy Dudley was like, bro, and he stepped in and
he was like, let me tell you something. He goes,
we're just trying to hang out and have a good time.
Can you leave us alone for you know, for a while,
and then maybe we'll get you on the way out
and blah blah blah. So he goes, you better tell

the kid with the glasses he's talking to you, better
tell that kid with the glasses that he needs to
stay in his lane, right, and los like, is he
talking to me? So then like Nick jumps between them,
and I'm thinking there's gonna be like this huge fight.
So I jump up because you know how I am,

and I jump between him and Nick and I take
the guy and I bring him to the other side
of the bar and I say, listen, buddy, I say,
can you just give these guys a break? I said,
we just had a huge show. We haven't seen each
other in years. Everybody's just chilling. We're just you know,
you know, when you with your friends and you want

to have at the time, you don't want to be bothered.
I said, these guys are always bothered. And I was real,
real diplomatic and very sweet. And the man says to me,
you're the only person that's level headed at that whole table,
and I said, well, you know, I try to be
and I said, we just want to have a good
time with each other. We're all real tight friends. And

he goes, out of respect for you, I will leave
you alone. And I was like, but I was with
this guy for probably ten minutes trying to talk him down. Yeah,
because they would have kicked a shit out of them.
I mean, there's no way this guy was going to
fight a whole table of rest away.

Speaker 1 (25:15):
I would have been like, God, tie my shoe, get up.

Speaker 3 (25:17):
Oh no. I So when I came back, I said,
you all are welcome. You will now refer to me
as the Peacemaker, as my new gimmick. I am the Peacemaker.
Because he did not he did not come back until
the very end. And at the very end, somebody grabs
me and says, okay, can you help me get a picture,

And I thought he was going to say with Nick again,
and he goes with hornswaggle. I will ask him, and
I said, Dylan, will you And Dylan was gracious yes.

Speaker 4 (25:48):
But this was towards like the end of the night,
you know what I mean.

Speaker 3 (25:51):
But I thought there was legit going to be a fight,
and I will pull myself over and say I calmed
the situation down. And with me, I might have escalated,
but I don't, you know, I just try to make peace.

Speaker 1 (26:06):
No one, no one to walk away.

Speaker 3 (26:08):
I mean we were literally in the back. We had
like a table that sat maybe twelve people, so we
were all the way like away from everybody, and you know,
people were looking at us to see what was going okay,
because people are in town for WrestleMania.

Speaker 4 (26:24):
There's wrestling shirts all over the place.

Speaker 1 (26:27):
Probably great aroma.

Speaker 3 (26:31):
Oh it smelled like weed throughout the whole hotel. Oh Jesus,
that's the only smell I smelled all weekend was weed.
And I'm not a weed smoker. So I was just like,
oh my god, where who has what? Like it was
prominent everything, even outside that outside it was like it
would hit you as soon as you went out the
front door and hit in the face, like it was crazy.

Speaker 1 (26:53):
But you know what, That's another reason why I had
like no interest in going if I didn't have any
specific business to be there, because all of my people, you,
Shane whoever, you guys are a working and then b
you guys are gonna be with your buds. What am
I gonna do is sit there and stand on just
like you're like an idiot on the side. No, I
have no interest in being there because you guys are

gonna be busy all weekend.

Speaker 3 (27:16):
Yeah, it was. That was That was the most fun
night was Friday night. And then like I love Brian Meyers.
Can I just say I love Brian Myers. He was
wearing an E CW.

Speaker 4 (27:28):
Jacket and I go, oh, I like your jacket.

Speaker 3 (27:33):
I want that, And he takes it off and gives
it to me and he had like it tights up
and I go, no, baby, you're gonna be called or
like stop being a mom. I was like, Ohm, sorry,
I got so Now I have my own E.

Speaker 4 (27:46):
C W jacket.

Speaker 3 (27:46):
I told him, I said, I'll never sell it. I
love it. I just don't have one because I never
had this particular one that he gave me. But I
thought that was so sweet of him, so original, no,
I don't think so, but it's cool. It says E
CW like on the side and then a big ECW

on the back. It's like the black silk. Oh nice, Okay,
is it a baseball jacket kind.

Speaker 1 (28:12):
Of yeah, that's yes, I know exactly what I'd like it.

Speaker 4 (28:16):
It fits me perfectly. And I thought, I just thought that.

Speaker 3 (28:19):
Was very sweet of him to do, because I kept saying,
I'm only kid, I'm only kidding. He's like, you should
have it.

Speaker 4 (28:26):
This was meant for you, and you're so sweet.

Speaker 3 (28:29):
I love yeah, I love him so so. Then oh,
I I don't know if this was Friday or Saturday.
I can't remember what day. But I did get to
see my Major bendy in person, and I did get
to see my Zombie Sailor figure in person. Both are brilliant.
If you missed out on the Major Bendy, what a

shame because it is such a unique figure in the
whole toy line, Like it's so different from that is
Zombie that is Zombie Sailor. That's a pretty good picture
of me, by the way.

Speaker 1 (29:04):
Oh yeah, we're using that for the thumbnail.

Speaker 3 (29:06):
Okay, Gary, but your fings the dolls, I can't call
it Maccrdonis, screamed to me. In that's an action figure.
The face, the my toenails are read that my tips
of my fingers were French manicured. On this, on this
action figure, it looks exactly like the picture the dress

to the tea. I mean, the features are on real.
Shane's action figure had the boots with the tassels. Wonderful work.
I cannot wait until this action figure is released, which
I'm not he said, maybe August September. But then they
told the boys told me it might take a little longer,

but perfection takes time. And they do such articulate work.
Look at that, me saying and Shane, unreal, are they
not like the greatest things you've ever seen?

Speaker 1 (30:04):
I when I finally, when I got a chance to
see this, I couldn't believe how good they look so good.

Speaker 3 (30:09):
I mean, look at this.

Speaker 1 (30:10):
They got the smirk on Shane, they perfectly they got this.
Your whole thing is absolute perfection. These are unbelievable.

Speaker 4 (30:19):
It is, it really is.

Speaker 3 (30:21):
And and I wasn't keen on you know, this outfit,
but it worked, and he and Josh kept telling me
it's gonna work.

Speaker 4 (30:30):
Please trust me, Please trust me. I was like, all right,
you know, and then I saw it.

Speaker 3 (30:34):
I was like, I'm so sorry. I was being difficult.
I just didn't like the picture that you chose of me.
But I think it came out beautiful. All three of
them are just incredible and I cannot wait until they
come out. Now.

Speaker 1 (30:47):
Do you know will they be sold separately or together that?

Speaker 3 (30:50):
I'm not sure. I don't know if it's a Heels
and Face. I think it's called the Heels and Faces.
I don't know if they're gonna for like an individual
maybe a two pack as well for Shane and I
that we didn't discuss that yet. So you know, there's
still some time before they're going to be released anyway,
so I'm sure we'll go over all that.

Speaker 4 (31:12):
But I was literally blown away.

Speaker 1 (31:14):
Yeah, your major Bendy is due to come out in July. Okay,
so you guys, is that the prototype that they had
with them?

Speaker 3 (31:23):

Speaker 4 (31:24):
I saw the bloody and the non bloody one.

Speaker 3 (31:26):
They're cute, They're different, you know what I mean, They're
just different and they're cute and man, so so blessed
at this age to be even involved in this kind
of stuff. I never would have thought I'd have so
much going on, you know, at this stage in the game,

and then you know the rest of the weekend was
just busy.

Speaker 1 (31:49):
Wait, hang on, you've forgotten? Forgot you are I would
like to congratulate you, yes, on your induction into the
Women's Wrestling.

Speaker 3 (32:01):
Yeah, why did I? Yeah? There? Okay, So there we are,
Gary Wolf and the Angel are seeing are the founders
and I not only was I inducted into the Women's
Wrestling Qull of Fame, but I am their very first ambassador. Wow,
that's the second award that I was gifted that evening.

And uh, and I said, well what does this entail?
Am I going to be very busy over the next year.
I think it's just like if you see talent that
you feel is worthy enough to be you know, uh,
recommended for the Hall, you tell us and then they
go and they watch, and so I can be like
a talent scout for the Hall and help them out.

And but I'm the first one they chose, so that
that's an honor in itself. So there's there's my plaque and.

Speaker 4 (32:52):
You could see me taking the picture in the shop.

Speaker 1 (32:55):
Okay, close.

Speaker 4 (32:57):
I couldn't get it without without that shadow, but there
it is.

Speaker 3 (33:00):
And I was very very honored and I did a
bunch of press for it as well. I guess that'll
be coming out soon, but a huge honor for me,
So I'm very happy to uh to be a part
of that and think, you know, I think everybody involved
in the fans as well. It was a good time.

Speaker 1 (33:21):
I just I couldn't believe at every post, just like
the next thing that was going on, like it was
just it was so cool to see how much stuff
was happening outside of just going there to sign, which
all right, let's get an over under on how many
autographs did think you signed?

Speaker 3 (33:36):
Oh my gosh, I don't know. I don't know a lot.
It was packed, Philly was packed. Fans came out and
represent it for sure. There are a lot of foreigners.
We had a ton of people from England, Ireland, Japan, Austria.

So I think this one was the most I was
ever gifted treats. I came home with tons.

Speaker 4 (34:06):
Of chocolate and cookies and.

Speaker 3 (34:10):
Just candies and people were just giving me treats.

Speaker 4 (34:14):
The whole time, and I was just like thank you,
thank you, thank you.

Speaker 3 (34:17):
And the Austria there were three guys from Austria that
want to take Shane and I to Austria.

Speaker 1 (34:23):

Speaker 3 (34:24):
And I know they're fans because the one guy he goes,
if you come in for the booking for Austria, I'll
take you to Disneyland Paris, and I was like, what
what did you say?

Speaker 1 (34:38):

Speaker 3 (34:39):
Yeah, and I was just like, Shane, we need to
take this booking. So they're they're trying to get us
to Austria because apparently we're pretty over in Austria and
I didn't even know that.

Speaker 4 (34:50):
So maybe down the line we'll head on over there
for something.

Speaker 3 (34:55):
But I you know, we were just overwhelmed by the
the different countries that were coming to see us, because
sometimes I just don't think people know who I am.

Speaker 1 (35:09):
But you're so humble, don't It's alive and well, I'm
just gonna tell you that E CW is alive and well,
and you are right at the top of the list
of that torch carrier and I as I just I
can't say enough for what that that group photo means
right now. Oh and yeah, I'm gonna pull it up next.

Speaker 3 (35:33):
Yeah. So we we were like E CW. Alum was
scattered Throughout the there were different levels, like some people
were on the first level, we were on the second
level or whatever, different floors. Right. I never went to
other floors to see people, but just because we were
so busy and I didn't really have time to walk around.
But Sandman, who wasn't seated near us, comes over to

my table and he says, I want to get a
group picture of all of us. So I was like, okay,
let's wait till the end of the day because I
didn't you know, when you leave your table, you don't
want to loose business for your vendor or whatever, you know.
So the day was winding down and we all went
to take this group picture. Now, initially there was two

photographers that were going to take the picture. When we
all got together, I looked up and I felt like
I was at the Oscars. There were fifty photographers. I
am not exaggerating. The whole front of us was covered
with cameras. You didn't know who to look at, you
didn't know who was snapping. I don't know where they

came from. It was like rush, and it was like
and so we're just like standing there and then he's like,
give the middle finger. I was like, this is so
not classy, but okay, we did one with the middle finger,
and we did one without and it's such a great
picture and there are people in there that yeah, there
it is.

Speaker 4 (37:00):
And again photo bombs by moose and this time Ned.

Speaker 1 (37:04):
Yeah, the debut of Big Ned as the photo bomber.
Usually it's just a moose and you get the who's
that guy? Who is that guy? Yeah, well now you
got Big Ned talk about you know, you guys have
Atlas security all those years, talk about having your back. Huh,
look at these these two monsters.

Speaker 3 (37:21):
Guess what. Ronnie from Atlas was there work in the door,
so I got she really, yes, he was. So I
got to see Ronnie, which was a treat because I
haven't seen him in like so long. But Perry Saboo,
Jerry Lynn, Mikey, Whipwreck, Shane and I, Phonsie Sandman and
PJ are in this picture and just so great. It
was just so great to see everybody. It made my

heart so happy again. If if I could work every
weekend with this crew, I would be in heaven and
I would love going to work again, you know, because
there's some some weekends I go and there's no one's
there that I really like have with And it's like
you just sign, you go to your room, you go
to the airport. It's kind of boring. But this was

freaking fun. Man, this was a good time. So I
what else can I say? Thank you?

Speaker 4 (38:13):
Thank you first of all the Bambi and more wrestling.
I mean, she took such good care Shane and I
this weekend and uh, you know, just made it over the.

Speaker 3 (38:26):
Top for over the top special.

Speaker 4 (38:28):
She's she's a wonderful person.

Speaker 3 (38:31):
And we're already booked for next year.

Speaker 1 (38:33):

Speaker 3 (38:34):
More so this spoiler. Yeah, but who cares everybody else?
They didn't announce it yet. There were two They were saying,
either Minneapolis or Las Vegas, which everybody was like, please
let it be Vegas, please please. I think it's Minneapolis.
I think it's I mean, which is not good weather

wise because it could snow. Yeah, I think vegasoud have
been a better choice. But you know whatever, But you know,
thank you to her, and thank you just to the
boys and to the fans who came out. Everybody who
came to that arena show. It was sold out, it
was packed standing room only. Everybody who came to wrestle Con.

What a dream weekend. Just I can't stop gushing over
it was so fun, so fun, and oh I got
to see I saw Steve Carrino for the first time
in good Lord, I don't even remember the last time
I saw him since first or second year. After he said,
w fulded that we did indies together. Wow, and it's

been that long.

Speaker 4 (39:37):
Yeah, it's been a long time.

Speaker 3 (39:39):
It looked great, you know, so he was he was
getting in Indie Hall of Fame induction on the other
floor and he came down to say hi, and you know,
got to see him. I'm trying to think who else
I saw a good time, good friends, good fun, harmly,

innocent fun. Nothing bad happened, you know, no hookups, no,
nothing like that.

Speaker 1 (40:05):
It was just you might go to Vegas and never
come back though. It will be the WrestleMania weekend that
no wrestlers returned.

Speaker 3 (40:13):
Home to Vegas. There might be a problem.

Speaker 1 (40:16):
Now let me ask you this. Yeah, let's talk to
the rest of the weekend. Did you did you get
to see it at all, WrestleMania. Did you watch any
of the Paul Hayman Hall of Fame induction? No?

Speaker 3 (40:28):
People were telling us about it. The only thing I
saw of his induction was his entrance. I didn't see
any of the of his speech, but I did watch
WrestleMania Night one and two, and I have to say,
well done, well done, not a stinker on the card.

The last match, with all of the run ins and surprises,
I think that was booked brilliantly. I enjoyed it. I
felt like a fan again when I when Bubba was
the special ref that made my heart so happy.

Speaker 4 (41:12):
I loved seeing him.

Speaker 3 (41:13):
I loved the E c W chance, I loved Kevin
Owens with an homage to E c W on his trunks.
Like they kept mentioning us, and I know they would
because it was Philly, but it's so odd to hear
them putting us over multiple times in one show. And
they did it on both shows, which you know they

should because that that's it's our home. But I I
just thought everything was booked from top to bottom, top notch,
great card, great show. And I texted Bubba the next
day and I said, you did a great job until
you jobbed to the bottom turn buckle. Noboddy. The top's

gonna kind of heavy, wrote back pop, but I said
it was it was so it made me so happy
to see you there, A great representation of ECW, great show.
I wasn't disappointed. I liked every match and the finish.
The last match in the finish I thought was brilliant.
So I enjoyed it and I wasn't. I wasn't planning

on watching it, but my husband just said, oh, did
you hear anything? And he put it on and I
just we just sat there and watched the whole thing. Yeah.

Speaker 1 (42:28):
What did you think about that ECW theme music playing
inside of link a financial field like that? That was unbelievable,
Pretty cool, right, it was just I just wow.

Speaker 3 (42:41):
Then the thing to me that was so special is
that the whole stadium was chanting ECW.

Speaker 1 (42:47):

Speaker 3 (42:48):
Yeah, seventy four thousand people or whatever the count was
so like you said earlier, we're not dead.

Speaker 1 (42:54):
No, it's not.

Speaker 4 (42:55):
The company might not be here, but the spirit will
live on forever and those of us who are still around.
I hate when people say, oh, stop milking if for
what it's you guys are done, you're dead, blah blah blah,
like you'll get that little percentages like oh come on,
let it be dead.

Speaker 3 (43:11):
And Barry, why why should we People are still enjoying it,
you know what I mean? Like, what is the harm
about getting us all together and doing a signing and
reminiscing and being nostalgic. I find no harm in that.
I really don't.

Speaker 4 (43:29):
And I think the people who are still around are
you know, representing the company, and we're doing it well
and we're not trying to be assholes about it. We're
just living our lives and somebody books as we go.
And if ECW is mentioned, yeah, why not let's put
it over. People still dig it, So why not ride

that train?

Speaker 1 (43:52):
Like I've said a million times, you're not seeing the
WCW guys getting reunited, you know, the AWA guys aren't
getting reunited like this. It's always people want they want one,
they want five. It's an ECW reunion. They don't just
want you know, three of you. Like that picture there
was six champions of ECW in that picture. You want

all six of those guys, and you can and it
can happen, and it's it's very special when it does.

Speaker 3 (44:22):
It really is. And it's again it sounds to corny
when I say this, but we are a family. We
will always be a family, whether we're you know, current
or or not getting us together like that makes us
relevant and people want to see that. And just because

somebody's not currently on TV doesn't mean you're irrelevant in
the fan's eyes. Not at all, you know. So I'm
not saying we're the biggest thing going in wrestling today,
blah blah blah. But people still remember us and people
still like to see us, and it makes me feel good.
And I love when people come to the table and
start talking about just things that we've done and the

their face is lighting up and them being so happy.
So many people came on Saturday to tell us how
happy they were with Friday show, and one woman even
went as far to say that our show on Friday
was better than anything we put out and the longest time.
She said as a fan. Now, not everybody's going to

agree with her, obviously, you know, but as a fan,
she said, I am such an old school ECW fan,
and that made me love wrestling again.

Speaker 1 (45:40):
That's awesome.

Speaker 3 (45:40):
She said, I'm not going to wrestle Mania. I just
came here for you guys. We got a lot of
that too.

Speaker 4 (45:46):
We're not going to Mania. We just came to see you.

Speaker 3 (45:48):
We came to go to the arena, and so many
people could not get into the arena because you know,
it only what does it seat twelve hundred? Now it
doesn't you.

Speaker 1 (45:58):
Know, I'm not sure the logistics now, but they put
into i mean, Battleground puts in some pretty fancy entrances,
so they might cut off whatever the seating.

Speaker 3 (46:09):
Whatever it was the tickets, like there were tickets on
stub Hub or whatever that fifteen hundred for Battleground.

Speaker 1 (46:18):
Wow, holy crab.

Speaker 3 (46:19):
People were paying to get in that building. Damn.

Speaker 4 (46:23):
I know those are WrestleMania prices.

Speaker 1 (46:27):
That's yeah, that's nuts.

Speaker 4 (46:28):
That's crazy, right, just to see little old us. Are
you crazy?

Speaker 1 (46:33):
Well, when those lights went out during the main event,
I thought it was going to be you and Shane
in the middle of the ring, not the Undertaker.

Speaker 4 (46:38):
The Undertaker, I mean, I was hoping he'd be in
his undertaker gear.

Speaker 1 (46:43):
Well, I think that there might have been some plans
that were changed at the last minute, and maybe Undertaker
to impact the gear.

Speaker 3 (46:49):
Oh, is that what you read?

Speaker 1 (46:51):
There was a there was something I read that said
that Austin was approached and they couldn't make it happen.
So I think Undertaker was a backup, but damn, I
mean it was a perfect backup.

Speaker 3 (47:04):
Well yeah, because they put a tweet out at three sixteen.

Speaker 1 (47:07):
Yeah I saw that too.

Speaker 3 (47:09):
But could they have done that as a swerve.

Speaker 1 (47:11):
I think you gotta say, you know, the h man
is doing a pretty good job. You gotta gotta tip
the cap now. Oh, this is one last question. What
did you think of one Stephanie McMahon coming back Sunday night?
That was a pretty big shocker too. I mean, we
didn't think she would be around.

Speaker 4 (47:31):
I I didn't.

Speaker 3 (47:33):
I wasn't shocked by it. You were, oh wow, Okay,
I wasn't shocked by it. I feel like as long
as Paul is running that company her husband, I feel
like she's always gonna have something, whether she's there to
support her husband or just hey let me go out
and say something, you know what I mean, Like that
didn't shock me at all. What shocked me was her

hat at the Hall of Fame. That's what shocked her.

Speaker 1 (47:58):
Ecw A ya yep, that was that was her old
school alliance. Yeah, Asian era attire. That was he Come on,
you never know, you never know, God, no, stop it,
you never know. Dop it never say never, never ever,

never say never. And one last thing about that main event,
the Rock the greatest entrance in the history of WrestleMania
bar none.

Speaker 3 (48:25):
Oh, let's talk about entrances. First of all, what did
I pop for? I popped for the Mummers because you
know nine the world was like, who the hell are
the you y? It's so funny I mentioned we mentioned
the Mummers on another I think I was talking to
Divon about the Mummer fight. Yes, so Betty texts me

and she goes who and she spelled it completely wrong.
Who are the Mourmers? Are they like Mormons? She I
don't know who they are? And I had to explain
to her who the Mummers were, and she has never
heard of them. I go, if you were not in
the Tri State area, you probably don't know who the
Mummers are. There are string bands, comic bands. They're just

a group of guys who get really drunk on New
Year's Day and struck down Broad Street. And it's been
a tradition for one hundred years and they are beloved
by Philadelphians and South Jersey and it's just a big deal.
So in Philly they are going to get that pop.
So when seth Rawlins came out with his gear and
a hundred mommers behind him, I was just like, Yes,

this is so awesome because this is the only city
that could happen in couldn't be done anywhere else. So
that popped me. Lane Johnson and Jakelty I loved, and
I read that they want Jason back to do some
more stuff, so who knows what that's gonna bring for him.

But he looked incredible. Lane always looks good, but Jason
looked like he leaned out a little bit and that spy.
At first, when I saw them, because I didn't read
any spoilers, I thought it was him and Travis I
I couldn't tell about.

Speaker 4 (50:04):
The heights, so I'm like, the Kelsey brothers are here.

Speaker 3 (50:06):
This is awesome. But then it was Lane, which I
was fine with because big fan of both. But that
gott to pop out of me. Who else what other
entrances I thought? I thought that like the Asian girl
uh I ownA you know no sky, beautiful, great worker.

Speaker 4 (50:30):
Her entrance was a little like that Japanese kind.

Speaker 3 (50:32):
Of stuff, is like so bizarre, like she was her
body language was all kinds of weird, like I don't
know that the Japanese do it much different than we
do in America. But she killed it. She her and
and Bailey just, oh my god, so good, such a
good match. I don't Oh, and I liked Ko when

he drove Randy Whorton down on the on the game
that was It was just good. Everything was good.

Speaker 4 (51:04):
I can't complain.

Speaker 1 (51:05):
About anything Cody thoughts.

Speaker 3 (51:09):
He's he's he is the epitome of what a top
guy should be. He's a company guy. He is going
to represent the company. I mean, look at what he
was doing without the belt, you know what I mean.
And now he's he's their champion and he is just

ever I've said it for so many years. You look
at him star. Yeah, the way he carries himself, the
just the good deeds that he does, the way he
handles the young kids. He's got it all. He's got
it all.

Speaker 4 (51:44):
And he's another guy that I can see down the
line transition and.

Speaker 3 (51:47):
Go over to Hollywood.

Speaker 1 (51:49):
I could see it.

Speaker 3 (51:51):
But I think that was the perfect ending to such
a whirlwind of a storyline, and everybody went whom happy
And that's what you want. I as a as a heel.
Would have loved to swerve, and I would have loved
to see Cody just left laying on the ground. But
I knew it wasn't gonna happen, you know, so be

that as it may. I thought it was just brilliant
from top to bottom. And I will give Wwe their
flowers and tell them how brilliant they were this weekend
because they were so.

Speaker 1 (52:22):
Eight plus all round. But guess what, Throw those ones
to the sky, because the tribal chief will be back.

Speaker 3 (52:27):
He's awesome too.

Speaker 4 (52:29):
I was just looking at him.

Speaker 3 (52:31):
I was telling my husband. I was like, this man
is perfect. Is there a more perfect figure in the
whole world than rumin rings.

Speaker 4 (52:39):
I'm looking at him.

Speaker 3 (52:41):
He looks like a freaking statue of like a just
chiseled in stone. And my husband is can't argue with you.

Speaker 1 (52:53):
You can't argue.

Speaker 3 (52:56):
He's perfect looking. And I know I don't know if
he's getting sick again. I heard some Hopefully it's it's
not true, but maybe he needs a little bit of
time off. I'm not really with the cancer and stuff.
I'm not I don't know what's true and what's not true.
Hopefully that's not the case. And he'll come back stronger

than ever. But so many different angles that this could
go to with all the people that ran in and
so many ideas that are that are twirling around in
their heads right now.

Speaker 4 (53:30):
So it'll be fun to see, you know, how this
plays out.

Speaker 3 (53:32):
But great weekend, man, great weekend for everybody involved, whether
you were in WWE or on the independent scene.

Speaker 4 (53:39):
It was just a whirlwind of fun and debauchery.

Speaker 1 (53:45):
There's one company that made its own press that weekend,
but we'll talk about them another day. Maybe they tried
to make their own press.

Speaker 3 (53:55):
During the week you're talking about.

Speaker 1 (53:57):
Well, I mean, we can talk about it. I can
make it quickly, but I feel like we'll be talking
about it on a later date. But aw trying to Uh.

Speaker 3 (54:05):
Oh yeah, okay, we can.

Speaker 1 (54:07):
I think that's all. That's a whole other can of
worms that we're running out of time for.

Speaker 3 (54:12):
Oh okay, well, what a cliffhanger next week when we
talk about.

Speaker 1 (54:17):
A clip, there's because it's a lot of undress because
we didn't even get into see him punk and his
interview that he did with Ariel Hawani about a week ago.
It was a shoot interview for the Prime you know,
sports audience. Okay, and yeah.

Speaker 3 (54:33):
It's gonna for another day.

Speaker 1 (54:34):
Like you said, yeah, another story for another day. All right,
But before we get out of here, why don't you
tell them all about where they can find us, not
just here on YouTube, but not just on iHeartRadio, just
all the happenings of the eyes of your universe.

Speaker 3 (54:50):
Well, you know, if you're not following me on iHeart,
you need to. Uh that's the only way you're going
to know when a new episode hits. So push that
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Speaker 4 (55:22):
We're going to do a live very very soon.

Speaker 3 (55:24):
I know. I said that last time, but life got
in the way, and now we are planning on doing
a live within the next week or two.

Speaker 4 (55:31):
So come on over to the live and you know,
chat with us there.

Speaker 3 (55:36):
What else do we have going on? Socials?

Speaker 1 (55:40):

Speaker 4 (55:41):
Oh yeah, Facebook, what is it under the Queen?

Speaker 3 (55:44):
No, it's under Okay.

Speaker 4 (55:48):
You can go on over to that either follow us
on there or push the like button. There's two options.
I guess it's on the device.

Speaker 3 (55:54):
That you're using. But everything that I do is listed
on that page, so appearances, new clips, when I took
a shower last, Everything is on that page that you
need to know about.

Speaker 1 (56:08):
Me, the update about it, not the actual shower.

Speaker 3 (56:11):
Absolutely, So you could go over there and click follow
or click like, and you'll have all your Francine information
right there. And hopefully within the next couple of weeks,
we're also going to be utilizing TikTok.

Speaker 1 (56:26):
Hopefully getting there we can.

Speaker 3 (56:28):
Figure it out because you know, I don't know anything
about TikTok, and they say it's good for the kids.
The kids are using it these days, so we're thinking
about doing something for TikTok. So if you're a TikTok person,
look out for us on that platform as well.

Speaker 1 (56:44):
We gotta teach you some TikTok dances.

Speaker 3 (56:47):
Oh God, come on you sing?

Speaker 1 (56:50):
Can you dance?

Speaker 3 (56:51):
I was dancing this weekend. I always dance. I think
there's music always playing in my head. I'm the only
one that could hear it, but I was busting a move.
You know.

Speaker 1 (56:59):
I completely agree with everything the Queen said, but also
just support in general. Just share it, just like it.
Subscribe everything you can do to help this show out. Please,
we can't do it without you, and we hope that
you like all the content that's coming. So we'll do
these again. We'll do emergency podcasts for iHeartRadio if needed.
We will always do our YouTube extras when we can.

Speaker 4 (57:22):
But hold on, where can they find you on social media?

Speaker 1 (57:24):
If you can find you can find me at Chad
E and B on Twitter. That's all. I'll plug here
because there's been so much information thrown out to these
wonderful people.

Speaker 3 (57:32):
Okay, and if you want to follow me across the
born on social media, you can find me at ECW,
Diva Francine and.

Speaker 1 (57:39):
There we go. So, if there is nothing else to
say for the Queen of Extreme this is the chad Ster.
We will catch you on the flip side.
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