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March 12, 2024 59 mins

Devon Dudley returns to Eyes Up Here this week. Francine and Devon share a fun recap of their recent family dinner during "The Queen of Extreme's" vacation and how there may be another set of "Dudley" kids who are about to give their Dad a run for his money. We also get an EXCLUSIVE update on the future of The Dudleys and if we may see a potential in ring return for Bubba and Devon at some point in the future. 

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:28):
Hey, everyone in and you are listening to Eyes up
here with dreamin the iHeartRadio Network or wherever you get podcasts.
As always, I am joined by my co host Chad.

Speaker 2 (00:41):
Hello, Chadster. How are we today?

Speaker 3 (00:43):
Oh, I'm awesome. I have a new name for you
as well this week for me. Yes, for myself, I have.

Speaker 4 (00:49):
A new name.

Speaker 3 (00:50):
Okay, I've renamed myself. Instead of the gesture of jubilation,
I'm the gesture of jeering because I'm never jubilant.

Speaker 4 (00:57):
I'm usually jeering.

Speaker 1 (00:59):
Yeah, I agree with that. Yes, I'm glad you finally
have come to the revelation.

Speaker 4 (01:05):
You know, I'm happy to be here.

Speaker 1 (01:06):
Okay, Well that's good. Oh you're happy. That's good just to.

Speaker 4 (01:10):
Be here, but not in general.

Speaker 1 (01:11):
I got you. You're usually your miserable self. But that's okay.
I'm glad you're happy today. We have a great guest
that's coming on in a couple of minutes. But let's
do just a quick recap. Anything going on in your
world that I need to know about.

Speaker 3 (01:26):
Oh man, it's another in my world specifically, But you know,
the wrestling world is pretty crazy right about now, and
I'm loving every second of it. Say yeah, I haven't
been this into, uh to what's going on in in
WWE in quite a while. Their television product has been pretty,
uh pretty goddamn entertaining, So I have to tell you

it's been quite fun to be a fan watching the product.

Speaker 5 (01:52):
I have to Well, the main event story, I'll just say, is.

Speaker 1 (01:56):
This because you're a mega rock fan.

Speaker 5 (01:58):
I think maybe just because of the old school flavor
of the rock.

Speaker 4 (02:01):
I think that's it.

Speaker 3 (02:02):
But the rest of the players are doing their part too.
It's not just him, it's everybody else. It's it's Cody,
it's Roman, it's seth Rollins, it's Stepford, everybody, Paul Hayman,
it's everyone involved is doing their part. It's but it's
cool as a fan. So that's what Personally in my life,
my life's.

Speaker 4 (02:17):
Always in chaos.

Speaker 5 (02:19):
But from a wrestling point of view, I got to
say loving it.

Speaker 1 (02:23):
Okay, Well, that sounds good. I have not been watching
as usual, per yus with me trying to keep up
with it a little on social media, but I haven't
really seen anything. And then again, like you know, Wrestle
Media Week and I'm gonna be extremely busy. I don't
know if I'll have a chance to watch, but maybe
I'll watch it when I come home, and uh, you know,

if I hear it's it's good, which it probably will be.
Let's you know, let's just say that right now. But
like two nights, it's just it's just so much. God man,
that's so. But it's cool if like you're a wrestling
fan and you have a bunch of friends who dig
it and you get some you know, some drinks or
some snacks and you're all like going over somebody's house

and hanging out like that makes it more fun. Yes,
you know, those days are over for me. I don't
do that. I'm here when you're younger and you're so
into the product and you have those wrestling buddies that
you can hang out with, that's a good time. So
I'm assuming there's gonna be a bunch of WrestleMania watch
parties out there and that's fun. So hopefully it's a

good show and everybody enjoys it. But yeah, yeah, right
for me. Myself got away with the kids this past week.
My husband actually went to the Arnold Classic and yeah,
and you know, if you know my husband, he is

a huge fan of Arnold Twarzenegger if you go in
our gym, like, Arnold is everywhere. He's staring at me
everywhere I turned. And then he brought him more swag
that he got and it's more Arnold, and I'm.

Speaker 5 (04:02):
Just like, good lord Arnold, I want to see it.

Speaker 1 (04:05):
He's everywhere. He didn't get to meet him, but he
you know, Arnold was on the panel a couple of times,
so he got to see him. But he met a
lot of the pro bodybuilders.

Speaker 4 (04:15):
Michael hearn he met awesome.

Speaker 1 (04:18):
Yeah, and I don't know the other guy's names. He
was telling me a bunch of the guys he met,
but very cool and he had a really good time.
So I took the kids down to ac and did
a little swimming, a little cuisine, got to walk laps
around the casino, which was you know, that was our exercise,
just kept walking. It's hilarious because this one lady like

got a bonus on her slot machine, and my son goes,
wait a minute, everybody stop, she has a bonus. We
have to watch and see what she would.

Speaker 4 (04:49):

Speaker 1 (04:50):
I was like, listen, kids, do not gamble. You save
your money, you buy houses and cars, and you do
not come here. You do not gamble. This is just
the place where we're We swim, we eat, we have
a good time. So uh, it was fun, but you
know it was It was a nice little getaway for
us and had.

Speaker 2 (05:07):
A nice Time's awesome.

Speaker 1 (05:09):
We do back. Yeah, no gambling when I'm with the kids,
No gambling, none, just found though I look around the
floor to see, like what machines are hitting, like I
need to I need to know what's going on, you
know what I mean. Like I'm always like because you know,
with the kids, you're not allowed to step on the carpet.

You have to stay on the marble floor. Kids are
not under twenty one, you're not allowed on the carpet.
So my eyes are always open and I'm always looking around.
But no gambling, just a lot of fun. It was
a good time. I can't wait till the boardwalk. It's
it's warmer and the boardwalk still what is it still?
Peer Yeah? Still pier that opens up and we go

there and we go on the rides and go to
the beach and it's a good time. So really looking
forward to it.

Speaker 2 (05:58):
Very cool.

Speaker 1 (05:59):
Yeah, fun, fun stuff. And by the time you hear this,
my weekend I'll be over. But I'm in Chicka Laca Laco, Ohio.
It was a great show. Me and Sandman had a
great time, and.

Speaker 4 (06:11):
I just can't wait to hear the travel stories.

Speaker 1 (06:14):
Oh yeah, hopefully it'll be some some you know, shenanigans
going on, because there always is. It's never a smooth sale,
you know what I mean. There's always something. Hopefully it's
it's not too bad, but when I'm with the Sandman,
anything can happen. So uh yeah, and Todd Gordon was

supposed to come with us, and then his Oh my god,
that is a story in itself. It would take me
an hour to explain. But everything that's screwed up and
now he's not coming. So it's uh, it's me, Hack
and Shane and I. You know, there's a bunch of
like we said this before, a bunch of ECW people,
and again this is after the fact. I'm assuming I

had a great time and we'll talk about it next
week more. But I was trying to get ready for
this and get my outfits ready.

Speaker 4 (07:03):

Speaker 1 (07:05):
You know, this menopause is killing me. I gained weight again.

Speaker 4 (07:08):
Oh man, I'm dying.

Speaker 1 (07:10):
I'm fasting. I'm doing the inter minute fasting and I'm
trying to watch what I eat and it's just like
it's killing me. I just don't know what else to do.

Speaker 5 (07:20):
I think I have sympathy pains for you.

Speaker 1 (07:23):
You should because it's very hard being a woman.

Speaker 4 (07:25):
It's very hard being a man.

Speaker 1 (07:27):
Hopefully I want to go get out of here. It's
so much harder.

Speaker 4 (07:30):
Being a you know how, you know how I am.

Speaker 5 (07:32):
I can drop weight like that, and right now I'm not.

Speaker 4 (07:35):
I'm dropping no weight like this. I'm not doing are you?

Speaker 1 (07:38):
Are you eating more? Because I'm not like I'm not
eating more.

Speaker 3 (07:42):
I'm doing my I'm not as strict as I've been
in past with diets. More about water drinking from me
and in the current situation, I mean, I can't have
access to water because I can't leave my designated areas
fast to use the restroom. Oh right, but but that's
a key factor for me, is water drinking and water

removal from my body.

Speaker 4 (08:07):
But I'm doing.

Speaker 3 (08:10):
Pretty good, I thought with my diet. But no, I'm
not just not seeing results. So I got sympathy pains
for you, right.

Speaker 5 (08:15):
Yeah, it's rough.

Speaker 1 (08:16):
I was like, can I just go to the plastic
surgeon and just light though my whole body. Just stick
that vacuum in me and suck everything out. If there's
facts that stuck out, I don't even know. I don't
even know what's going on. But I get on the
scale and I literally give the scale the double finger.

I get so mad every single time I get on
that scale because I'm you know, I'm watching what I eat.
I was trying to my protein, and now what I'm
trying to do is I'm trying to eat one meal
a day, which is not the healthy way to do
it because I don't get my You know, you're supposed
to get your protein and equaling to your weight, and

I don't come, you're my protein when I only won
meal a day, So that's screwing me up. But I'm
trying to cut my calories, which they say you don't
cut your calories. So I don't know what I'm doing.
I am in limbo right now. I'm so mad. So
that's what I'm struggling with. But you know, Hubbs doesn't
want me to get any plastic surgery. He's like no.

I was like, can I get my boobs done? He's
like no, can we get life? Oh no? Can we
get a lips? Done, no nothing. I'm one hundred percent
natural right now. I have nothing done to myself and
it shows. It shows that I'm natural. So I want
to get some stuff done. But Hubs said now, and
he put his foot down, so I have to listen
to him.

Speaker 4 (09:41):
Here we go.

Speaker 1 (09:44):
Oh yeah, So this is a very good friend of
mine who's tardy to the party. But I won't forgive
him today. Divon Dudley, hall of Famer, Hall of famer
in my heart, with the hall of Fame. I like that.

Speaker 2 (09:59):
Huh you k No, I was trying to find my pods.

Speaker 1 (10:07):
Well, your mouth isn't look his mouth isn't in sync
with what he's saying.

Speaker 4 (10:12):
He's here, and that's what's important.

Speaker 5 (10:13):
All right.

Speaker 1 (10:14):
I won't look at your mouth. I'm gonna look. I'm
gonna stare into your eyes. My dear, how are you,
my friend?

Speaker 2 (10:20):
I'm doing good, doing good, not bad, not bad. Get
in sleep no.

Speaker 1 (10:27):
No, So let me just let me just say. When
I was in Florida, I got to have dinner with
Devon and his lovely wife and his lovely, lovely children.
And they're a handful.

Speaker 2 (10:44):
Oh God, you have.

Speaker 1 (10:47):
Gorgeous family, beautiful, beautiful children. But the two little Are
they four and five? The girls?

Speaker 2 (10:57):
The girl? Yes, they're four and five.

Speaker 1 (11:00):
Okay, so four and five years old. I'm thinking they're
gonna be like dainty, very sweet, which they were very sweet,
but because of their dad, they wrestled the whole time.
We were trying to like sit and like have like
an adult cushion. They were body slamming each other, throwing
each other into the There was a glass coffee table

in our room, and I was just like, oh my god,
they were crazy. So yeah, your daughters, your your daughters
are beautiful. They took a liking to me. They were
holding my hand, giving me hugs. I love that stuff.
I love children. But your son, oh my god. So
this baby, I'm not naming names because I don't you know,

I don't know what you want out there in the world.
But this bab okay oh so dj oh my god,
this baby six weeks old at the time, this little
tiny creature. I have been longing to hold a child.
I haven't held a baby in years. It's been years

because no one I know has children like tiny babies.
So the first thing when they get out of the van,
I'm like, am I about to hold him. I ended up, didn't.
I ended up holding that baby for like the whole
time you guys were there.

Speaker 2 (12:20):
Yeah, pretty much.

Speaker 1 (12:21):
This kid has the strongest neck that I've ever witnessed
in his head was constantly back just staring at me.
Is this lady? This is not my mother? But it
was so nice because you know, I've seen you at
conventions and stuff, but it was just so nice being
able to just sit there and like break bread and
just shoot the shit and not worry about working.

Speaker 2 (12:44):
I mean, yeah, it's always to me.

Speaker 6 (12:46):
It's always a pleasure to do something like that when
you are with friends, especially from the past and people
that you created history with, just to sit relaxed, talk
about some of the old stories but then talk about
some new stuf stories that we might not know of
or remember and uh or that we should say that
we created. So it's always good for that. I love

I love doing.

Speaker 2 (13:11):
Things like that.

Speaker 1 (13:11):
Yeah, it was a lot of fun and I was
I was glad we made it happen, and hopefully next
year if we uh, if we come back, we'll do
it again.

Speaker 2 (13:19):

Speaker 1 (13:20):
Yeah. But I talked about your daughters. Now some people
may not know this, most do, but your sons, your
twins are actually doing things in the business. Now, do
you want to talk about them a little bit?

Speaker 2 (13:33):

Speaker 6 (13:33):
So Talenton Twell, they did a couple of things in
a w They were in a huge storyline with Pope
and myself and TNA.

Speaker 2 (13:46):
So they've been they've been around for a while. Yeah,
you know, doing that thing.

Speaker 6 (13:51):
But yeah, I mean I get asked about them more
than when people come to see me at the autograph
signing as your sons. Oh, yes, sons were here. Your
sons were there. Your sons are over they're over there.
Listen that I'm not. I was nowhere near as over
as my boys.

Speaker 3 (14:08):
That was a great storyline, it was. It was intense
at some points. You know, they were they were a
big part.

Speaker 2 (14:13):
Of the show. Yeah, they were.

Speaker 6 (14:15):
I mean they were only they were the only high
school kids at the time that I knew that was
on pay per view and making money.

Speaker 2 (14:23):
So that's about absolutely.

Speaker 1 (14:28):
So let's talk. Let's talk. Let's put you over and
let's talk about you. Who cares about your kids? I
don't care about them.

Speaker 2 (14:33):
I want to talk about you.

Speaker 1 (14:35):
How are you feeling people might not know you had
surgery about a year ago?

Speaker 2 (14:40):
Yeah, I had back surgery.

Speaker 6 (14:42):
They fused there four or five and then that's one
I sometimes, you know, I was just talking to DDP
because I've been I've been having like little chronic pains
in the lower back, and that comes with surgery. So
there's nothing abnormal. You know, when the weather's cold, you know,
the body or the back hurts. When it rains, you know,

the back hurts. So it's stuff like that, And it
kind of made me walk a little funny sometimes, like
a little bit of a limp, just because there's no
cushion in between in your spine and in the vertebrates
this cushion, so when you walk and you come down,
you have that cushion as opposed to boom like you know,

born on bone. So sometimes it happens if I don't
stretch or take the time to really you know, move
the lower limbs where I should, you know, that limp
will come on. I'm like, oh, man, I forgot the stretch.
I got to get back on the floor and stretch. Well,
I mean, it just comes with the territory. Other than that,

I'm fine, No, no big deals.

Speaker 1 (15:47):
You didn't stretch before you came to see me? Because
he was walking in front of me elevator, and I
was like, hey, old man, yell, a little limp going on.
But then I was limping right behind him, so it's okay. Dinner.
We were talking about all our ailments.

Speaker 2 (16:02):
Yeah, I wish I would have saw DDP first, be
far had the surgery would be different. I don't know.

Speaker 6 (16:12):
It's you know, I've seen testimonies from other people that
DDP has helped.

Speaker 2 (16:18):

Speaker 6 (16:19):
There was just a new testimony by Butterbean where he
could bully, he couldn't even walk, and now he's walking
straight up talking about having another boxing match. There's another
guy that I first heard about. He used to jump
out of the airplanes and basically had the two not
walking but the two uh with crutches that hooks onto

his forearms, and he was walking like that he could
barely move.

Speaker 2 (16:47):
And now he's running marathons and everything.

Speaker 1 (16:50):

Speaker 6 (16:51):
And I was like, man, if I would have went
to see him first, it could have maybe worked.

Speaker 2 (16:56):
May not, you know, maybe you wouldn't have got the surgery.

Speaker 1 (16:59):
You're saying I wouldn't know.

Speaker 2 (17:00):
I don't know if I would have. I'm not saying
I wouldn't have gotten it.

Speaker 6 (17:03):
I would have tried the DDP yoga first and his
methods on how he's helped people all before I went
and got it.

Speaker 2 (17:11):
Because I did.

Speaker 6 (17:11):
I tried everything possible before I had the surgery to
alleviate the pain and all of that, and nothing seemed
to work. So the only thing that was left was
back surgery.

Speaker 1 (17:22):
Well, you know they, I mean, look at the job
that we had for the longest time. And the people
always say like, oh, well, if you go to wrestling school,
they teach you how to bump correctly, and it's like,
it doesn't matter if you bump correctly or don't bump correctly.
Your body is going through trauma every single day. It's
not normal to take a excuse me to take a

back bump or to you know, fly off the top.
That is not normal. And every little move you make
is trauma.

Speaker 2 (17:53):
Well, God never intended your body to do things like that. No, man,
did you know?

Speaker 6 (18:03):
We had to take each other down and show who
was strong strong like bull and next thing you know,
pro wrestling was from.

Speaker 1 (18:10):
It's just you know, everybody, well, if you trained, you
should be okay, and it's just like dude, no, you're
not okay. You can take one bump your whole life,
and you don't have to be a wrestler. You can
trip down the stairs and screw your whole body up
for the rest of your life. So continuing to you know,
bump every night like you guys did, you're gonna come

across some health issues.

Speaker 6 (18:34):
You know, sometimes I look, I go, God, look at
Jeff Hardy. You know, look at Jeff Hardy, look at
rv D. Some of the things that they've done, they
didn't need back, So what the hell am I doing wrong?

Speaker 1 (18:46):
They're still going?

Speaker 2 (18:47):
Which is still going?

Speaker 1 (18:50):
I heard a little birdie, not so little big birdie
by the name of Bubba Ray Dudley, and he was saying,
you know, maybe you guys are gonna do another loop
around the world or something as a tag team.

Speaker 6 (19:06):
Yeah, I don't know. Yeah, we talked about it. You know,
of course, you know that we're gonna give give you
with the greatest hits.

Speaker 2 (19:15):
You know, we don't have to do anything.

Speaker 6 (19:18):
To try to reinvent the wheel or anything like that
where you know, we go back. We're gonna just give
the fans exactly what they like and what they missed.
So we're gonna hit the greatest hits It's kind like Kiss,
the rock group Kiss, you know, when they when they
were they had to make up on and doing all
the old songs, rock and roll all night, you know,

all of those good hits. People loved them. The minute
they took that makeup off, it was over. Fifth was over,
and you know, and then they started coming up with
new songs, and some of them were good, but they weren't.
They weren't the classics. They weren't what Kiss was known for.
The minute Kiss put the makeup on and went back

on tour and started doing those you know, those classics,
it was like it was like a resurge in the
arm for Kiss, you know, and they just started all
over again. So now that's what me and Bubba was saying.
You know, we don't have to go out there and
try to, you know, reinvent the wheel on tag team wrestling,
or try to have five star matches.

Speaker 2 (20:21):
Let's just go out there and have fun and hit
the greatest hits.

Speaker 1 (20:26):
Nostalgia. Nostalgia, that's what people want.

Speaker 2 (20:30):
Mm hmm.

Speaker 1 (20:30):
Yeah, And you could give it to him. Can we
see the what's up? What's up?

Speaker 6 (20:36):
Well, maybe we'll do the what's up when Bubba's up
on that top rop doing so reverse it.

Speaker 1 (20:42):
Yeah, you're just holding legs open, just holding them. Hey,
that's a good position to be in fun. Man, hold
the woman's legs open or guy, if you're into that,
that's fine.

Speaker 3 (20:53):

Speaker 1 (20:54):
Three D maybe, oh yeah, definitely three D, which I
told him the other day. I would have taken that
from you. Guys, no problem, it never happened.

Speaker 2 (21:04):
Yeah, no, never happened. You got away, you were protected.

Speaker 1 (21:08):
They got away.

Speaker 6 (21:09):
You were protected by three of the toughest men, and
Shane Douglas, Bam Bam Bigelow and Chris Candido, so the
Dudleys couldn't touch at that point.

Speaker 1 (21:20):
Yeah. But I also feel like if you came into
the company earlier than you did, you would have been
feuding with the pit Bulls, and I would have taken.

Speaker 2 (21:28):
That from you.

Speaker 6 (21:30):
Well, I mean again, that would have been the Dudley's.
We did actually work together. My first match I think
a c W arena. It was me and Bubba versus
the pit bulls.

Speaker 1 (21:42):
Was with them.

Speaker 2 (21:43):
Yep, you were with them and you beat the hell out.

Speaker 1 (21:47):
Of uh oh Chubby and dancing dancing.

Speaker 2 (21:52):
You had these seven inch I'm gonna say there was
seven inches.

Speaker 6 (21:56):
And were standing on freaking uh dancing with Dudley's freaking
going back and forth, up and down, trying to keep
him down till you were trying to beat them up.
I remember looking at that, I go, this is not wrestling.

Speaker 2 (22:12):
I go, what the hell am I doing here?

Speaker 1 (22:15):
Wwf, Hey, that's what I was told to do, you know?

Speaker 6 (22:20):
Oh yeah, I know, and I remember you you basically
I see I turn around and see that, and then
I start going after you, like walking towards you. It
was like Jason going after the girl that he.

Speaker 2 (22:30):
Wants to kill somebody that slow you know, ye to
the girl.

Speaker 6 (22:35):
And we were doing that around the ring until I
believe Anthony jumped down and hit me in the back
of the head of the ring.

Speaker 2 (22:42):
And then that was the night that you got a
power bomb?

Speaker 1 (22:46):
Was it?

Speaker 2 (22:47):

Speaker 1 (22:47):
You? So later we did the four corners match, I
suppose yep. So it's funny because we didn't work together
too much, but there's one match and when I had
Bubba on and I wish I could we could pull
it up to show you it because it's hilarious. I
don't know if I didn't have anybody to work with
that evening. But Paul made me come out when the

Dudleys were in the ring. It was I think, I
guess it was a house show. It was never for TV.
And I they make me come out in this big jacket, right,
and I you know I've addressed someone underneath it or whatever.
And I try to entice you and I take the
jacket off and you do the wa wouza with the eyes.

Speaker 2 (23:31):
It was.

Speaker 1 (23:31):
It was such goga. It was ridiculous. I end up
beating up all of you, and then Spike comes out
and does like some kind of death like the death
drop or something. Help the acid drop. That's right. But
I gave like I gave Bubba ddp's diamond cutter, I

did something to you. I gave Lou a regular d
d T. I mean, it was ridiculous. I beat up
your whole clan.

Speaker 2 (24:01):
Oh thank you by taking out by Francine. And then
forty days later, I'm on the podcast, Well we were all.

Speaker 1 (24:10):
When I look back and I say to myself, my god,
here I am one hundred and seventeen pounds soaking wet.
I got all these big men around me, and I'm
beating the shit out of everybody. It is so not believable,
but it was just like a little haha, gaga spot
to fill. Yeah.

Speaker 6 (24:28):
The great thing about stuff like that is when you
look back at it, Yes, realistically, a woman in your
side should not have been able to take out three
guys outside. But back then ECW did things like that,
and even though it didn't make sense, when you look
at it, it was very entertaining.

Speaker 2 (24:45):
It was how we did it right and how we
pulled it off.

Speaker 6 (24:48):
I got the reaction as opposed to some people that
do things that don't make sense and then there's no reaction.
We put a lot of entertainment and stuff like that
to even though people knew that it could never happen,
maybe it's a possibility it can because ECW is telling
that story and that was just what we did. When

you look at some of the matches that we did,
oh my god, I cringe.

Speaker 1 (25:13):
Thing. What's the worst match that you had to do?
That you look back and you say to myself, good lord,
this is ridiculous. E c W.

Speaker 2 (25:21):

Speaker 6 (25:21):
I mean, I'm not gonna say I mean we had
great matches, but and I'll get to that question. What
I was saying was it was like we're sitting up there,
and when you look at some of the things that
we're doing, stuff in front of the referee, you know,
the referees watching and it's not being a dq or
outside for like five twenty minutes on the outside of
the ring.

Speaker 2 (25:40):
You know, it's like, what the hell were we thinking?

Speaker 6 (25:43):
But because we made it so entertaining and because we
captivated an audience the way we did, people suspended that
and just didn't even think about the rules or what
didn't make sense.

Speaker 2 (25:56):
We made them believe it at that point.

Speaker 1 (25:58):
Because the other people were following the rules. The other
companies were cookie cutter following the rules, and we took
it outside the box and did things differently.

Speaker 2 (26:07):
That's why we were That's why we were the Nevada
Nevadavana Nevana.

Speaker 6 (26:13):
We were the Nevana of pro wrestling. There's no different
than Nirvana Nevana. When you know you have Martley Crue, Metallica,
you know, all these hair bands that are just killing
it in the eighties, and it didn't seem like anybody
was going to take them down. Then Navana came in
and just kicked down the door and said, nope, we're
breaking the rules. We're gonna be sad, pissed off. We're

gonna tell you how we feel. I mean, because you
know when you when you look at that type of music,
you're like, oh my god, I just I want to
murder myself.

Speaker 2 (26:41):
I'm so sad, you.

Speaker 6 (26:43):
Know, and it's like, oh my god, it's that Seattle
feel that they you know, that you always hear about.
But you know, it was one of those things where
when Havana did that, it just opened up.

Speaker 2 (26:54):
A whole new door for music.

Speaker 6 (26:58):
And it was what we did and we see W
we kicked the door down and did the opposite of
what should have been done right.

Speaker 2 (27:05):
But when we did it, we did it good and
did it.

Speaker 1 (27:08):
Very entertaining and fun.

Speaker 2 (27:11):
Yep, So I forgot what the other question was.

Speaker 1 (27:14):
When you look back at your career, it doesn't even
have to be in ECW, just matches that you've been
a part of you. You were saying, like you look
back sometimes and you say, oh my god, so cringe.
I cringe when I think of that the worst, the
worst thing, or the worst angle that you've been a
part of. That you look back in your because there's
things that I've done or clothes that I've worn that
I'm embarrassed. I'm like, what was I thinking? Like where

did this come from? Like this was such a bad choice.
Anything that you've ever done that you look back and
you're just like, oh my god.

Speaker 6 (27:44):
So yeah, t and a TNA match pay per view,
the fish market, street fight.

Speaker 1 (27:53):
The fish market.

Speaker 6 (27:54):
Yeah, yeah, they had fish line, they had fish on ice.
Oh h and nothing to that. This has nothing to
do with Curryman, who was Christopher Daniels and shock Boy.
Loved those guys, love working with them. But I hated this.
I don't like fish. I don't eat fish. I hate
the smell of fish. And it's real fish on ice,

like like you had a fish market, and of course
you know people picking fish up and throwing it and
hitting people with it. I remember looking at curry Man.
I said, listen, do not hit me. Would a guy
with a fish?

Speaker 2 (28:30):
I said, you do? It becomes real. Do not hit me.
Do not hit me at all with a fish gimmick?

Speaker 1 (28:37):
Like, what's the point it was?

Speaker 2 (28:38):
Vince russo Enough said, I.

Speaker 1 (28:44):
Have never like does that make sense.

Speaker 2 (28:50):
To go to Well, it wasn't it?

Speaker 6 (28:53):
You had it was a regular match, But yeah, they
go outside and take the fish and hit each other
as a weapon. Now that was where the rules were, like,
Oh it was It's like a street fight. There are
no rules in a street fight. You can have a
regular match, but you can use weapons.

Speaker 2 (29:09):
You know.

Speaker 1 (29:10):
God, I would throw up.

Speaker 2 (29:12):
I threw out my wrestling gear. Oh it was that bad.

Speaker 1 (29:18):
What if somebody just picked up a fish and just
smacked you across the face?

Speaker 2 (29:21):
Well, Curry and Curry Man Daniels a great but shock
Boy forgot that. I said that to him. He got
caught up in a moment and he took the fish.
He hit me. As soon as he hit me, I went, potato, God,
goddamn fish.

Speaker 1 (29:40):
Oh my god, I'm gonna have to look that match
up because I have never I've never even heard of
that one.

Speaker 2 (29:45):
It was good. I hated that match to this day.
I said it was the worst match because again I
never liked it. And I remember telling I remember saying
something to Russo. I said, we have to do this match. Oh, bro,
it's gonna be good. It's gonna be good. Bro, it's
gonna be good. I'm telling me, people gonna love it. Bro,
it's gonna be great. And I'm like, you feel a ship.
He goes no, bubbas. He goes bubbas, He goes Bubba's uh,

Bubba's cool with it. I looked at Bubba, he goes.

Speaker 1 (30:12):
Bubba's face.

Speaker 2 (30:15):
I'm just like russo you're lying. I was like, this
is a god awful, man.

Speaker 1 (30:21):
This How how many like big fish were there? Like?
Did they have boxes of fish around the ring?

Speaker 4 (30:27):
Is that?

Speaker 1 (30:27):

Speaker 6 (30:28):
You ever go you ever go to Chinatown or market?
It was a fish market, you know, like the little trade.
The big trays that they had they filled up with
ice and then they put the fish on top.

Speaker 1 (30:38):
Okay, so it was just like one one.

Speaker 6 (30:41):
They had like a whole line of it. They had, yeah,
and they had fish and all that on there.

Speaker 2 (30:47):
It was. It was bad. The smell was horrible.

Speaker 1 (30:50):
The fans like, I mean, did stars ship Nelson?

Speaker 2 (30:57):
He's never given me five stars and any of the
man it gives.

Speaker 1 (31:00):
Me negative stars.

Speaker 2 (31:02):
Not even in the freaking TLC match. I think we
got like two.

Speaker 1 (31:06):
Oh my god, that's terrible.

Speaker 2 (31:09):
But while people still talk about those matches today thirty
something years were awesome. Still please but so, I mean,
I don't know what his problem was.

Speaker 6 (31:18):
But you know, hey, it is what it is his
own what well, you know, you. Two guys may see
a wrestling match and love it, and I may hate it,
but that doesn't mean that I'm gonna, you know, out
of one to ten stars, I'm gonna go, okay, get
to two. It may get it two for me, but
not not not everybody else should you know, take it

as you know, you know everybody else.

Speaker 2 (31:42):
Is gonna look at it. The two match.

Speaker 1 (31:43):
Yeah, I just feel like I feel like back then
e c W never got like not that it means
anything but the rating system from him, but I feel
like none of our guys got a lot of stars
for the match.

Speaker 2 (31:58):
Well, I know a lot of our guys didn't like him.
It was pissed off at him.

Speaker 6 (32:02):
But I also know that you're right, none of us
got any of those stuff. But remember a lot of
people thought e CW was barbaric, right, They didn't like ECW,
even some of the veterans in WCW or WWE.

Speaker 2 (32:18):
I'm gonna say that wwf Y.

Speaker 6 (32:22):
You know, basically did not know or understand what we
were doing, and they would saying and a lot of
them would say.

Speaker 2 (32:28):
What we were doing was garbage and this and that.

Speaker 6 (32:31):
Until the fans started catching on and watching and then
showing their love and support, and you couldn't go to
an arena that wasn't an ECW show, but it was
like a w CW or WWE show where the fans
would hijack the show and start channing Ecwright. You know,

it was then that people's eyes started to wake up. So,
you know, Nelson might not have believed in what we
were doing, but that's fine. But again, what is it thirty.

Speaker 1 (33:04):
Thirty thirty forty?

Speaker 4 (33:08):
I feel like it makes me feel too.

Speaker 1 (33:11):
Yeah, it's not quite close to it, but.

Speaker 2 (33:15):
People still talk about it. You know. It's it's all
those things where it's unbelievable. Yeah, oh my, can we.

Speaker 1 (33:21):
Just can I just take this in right now? We're
so the fish We're for those listening, Uh, we're watching
the Fish Market Street Fight right now from two thousand
and eight TNA Destination x So. Buba's going for a
fish for Shark Boys. Shark Boy's going for a net
to let y'all know. Oh, Buba's moving to the fish. Okay. Oh,

shark Boy's got him in the net.

Speaker 2 (33:47):
Okay, No, that's a curry.

Speaker 1 (33:50):
Oh it's curryman. Oh I saw the Oh okay, I'm
sorry I thought that was a fin on his head. Okay,
so that's Christopher Daniels. Yes, oh yeah, now I see
his eyes okay, good and yeah he's he's uh ah,
he's dancing. Look at that. Yeah, curry man, I don't

remember this gimmick dropping to the dish. I would die
gross gross gross gross. That is disgusting.

Speaker 5 (34:23):
Far as far away could be away.

Speaker 6 (34:25):
From them, I don't think.

Speaker 1 (34:29):
Could you imagine you're so excited for a pay per view,
You're a big TNA fan, you can't wait to see
the Dudley's right, You buy a ticket, you're in the
front row, you think you got good seats, and then
they put a box of fish next to you and
you gotta smell it for like twenty minutes. You gotta spell,
which would linger probably for the next two hours because
it stinks.

Speaker 2 (34:49):
I mean, you know, it sounds like it sounds like
some of my earlier dates.

Speaker 1 (34:56):
But enough to travel Lodge, I want to get back.
You were saying that like the that's looked at us
as like the Flood and Guts company and too much
and blah blah bluh. I remember we did a house

show one night and we it was like a mixed tag.
He did, right, And we were doing all these like
cool spots and this and that, and I mean, we've
probably had like maybe five hundred to one thousand people
in the building. It was a house show. Terry Taylor
was there just visiting, and we come through the curtain
and he stops us and he looks at all of

us and he says, why'd you work so hard? I'll
never forget this. It blew my mind. And I said,
excuse me, and he goes, why'd you just work so
hard out there? It's a house show. I couldn't wrap
my head around that reasoning, and I I said, point blank,
I said, well, you know, I said, if we drew

five hundred tonight, maybe they'll tell a friend and maybe
next time we come, we'll have a thousand people. Because
we work hard. That's what we do here. And he goes, well,
he goes, when we do the we just do the
same match in every city and it's easy and we
save our energy for TV. See now you're laughing. I

you know, and I wasn't a VET at this time.
I'm still kind of green, so I didn't want to
argue with the guy. But I'm thinking that kind of
mentality is shit, Why would you do it that way?

Speaker 2 (36:33):
We did something. I didn't learn about that in terms
of doing stuff like that until I got to WWE, right,
because vets from the eighties were still there late eighties
that is, and you know they had a lot of
them had the same mentality because it was the old

school way of thinking. So the new school way of.

Speaker 6 (36:57):
Thinking, like you were describing how you felt about it,
it hadn't really registered yet.

Speaker 2 (37:02):
It was just that, you know, let's get out, let's
get through this match and get to the next town
and help you know, get the TV with no injuries.
And that's just the way it was.

Speaker 6 (37:10):
Yeah, But as as a couple, you know, sometime went on,
you know, some of the vets, you know, we would
do somewhat similar the same match, but we would change
a little bit off right, you know, to make it
a little bit different because you never know who drove,
you know, three four hundred miles to the next town,
and you know, you don't want them predicting what we

had already done in the town the night before. So
you know, it was always we changed it up a
little bit, not too much, just a little.

Speaker 1 (37:40):
Bit, but that's and that's fine because we we we
would do like the same thing. We changed some spots
here and there. But to say, why did you work
so hard? To me, that's the first thing that came
out of his mouth when we came in the back.
Why'd you work so hard out there? And I'm thinking
to myself, why wouldn't we work hard like they bought
it to get, just like you would buy a ticket

if it was a pay per viewer or a TV taming.

Speaker 6 (38:05):
I don't know if Terry Taylor would actually agree with
that method now, being that he is one of the
producers and NXT and I say that because you know,
you got to teach these kids they have to work
work hard for what they.

Speaker 2 (38:21):
Do, not just to get the TV.

Speaker 6 (38:23):
So I'm sure Terry Taylor is being a producer on
the live events and this and that, I don't think
he has that same mentality.

Speaker 2 (38:30):
Anymore, even though he's not wrestling.

Speaker 6 (38:32):
But again, I understand what he meant by that because
that was the way they did things back then.

Speaker 2 (38:39):
Didn't make it necessarily make it right, yeah, but.

Speaker 6 (38:43):
I'm sorry, necessarily make it wrong, but didn't necessarily make
it right either. But that was just the way they
were able to save their bodies, you know, because remember
back then, being on the road for fifty days straight
or forty to fifty days.

Speaker 2 (38:57):
Straight was normal.

Speaker 6 (38:58):
Yes, so they were home maybe three to four days,
maybe a week if they were lucky. So you know,
they were constantly traveling in out of cars, some airplanes
and things like that. So they were really trying to
conserve their body. Yeah, not really, but I definitely understand
both ways. But I understand Terry's logic and thinking of it,
and I definitely understand your way of lodge and thinking

of it.

Speaker 1 (39:20):
Because that's what we did fifty five years ago when
we were just starting sixty. We've been here for seven
years since. Mc man. Any comments, Oh Man, did you
hear about what's going on?

Speaker 2 (39:35):
I heard.

Speaker 6 (39:36):
I'm still shocked at a lot of stuff that I've
read and heard.

Speaker 1 (39:40):
But you know, scene anything, scene, I.

Speaker 2 (39:44):
Never saw it.

Speaker 6 (39:45):
Now, even though it wasn't producer, I've never seen any
foul play or anything like that. I wasn't the ones
that if foul play was going on, I would have
been done in front of me, you know, I was.

Speaker 2 (39:57):
I wasn't part of the system.

Speaker 6 (39:59):
And anyway way, shape or form if anything like that
was going on, never legate allegedly.

Speaker 1 (40:07):
We don't know if it's true.

Speaker 2 (40:08):
Oh no, I have no idea.

Speaker 1 (40:10):
Yeah, we're just do you think he's guilty?

Speaker 2 (40:13):
Again, I don't know. I don't know.

Speaker 1 (40:17):
Sat get it out of every guest. I try to
pull it. It's not there, it's not there.

Speaker 2 (40:22):
It's fine. Look, sometimes we could sit here and say.

Speaker 6 (40:26):
All day long that a person didn't do something swooping down.
Then all of a sudden, some huge evidence or something
happens where that person is found guilty without a shadow
of a doubt, and they we're like, wait a minute,
we would have never believed it in a million years,
you know, And you know what happened. And there's some
people that are, you know, presume guilty, and yet the

evidence show that they weren't guilty. So you know, you
gotta let it play out in court and see what
the judge thinks. And I'm sure he's gonna be judged
by you know, a good jury of his peers, and
and you know whatever, I think it's holding off in Connecticut.
You know, let them decide what they're going to do
with it and go from there. I mean, well know,

well know eventually whether it was true or not, and
even whether the.

Speaker 2 (41:15):
Verdict is uh, guilty or not guilty.

Speaker 6 (41:19):
You know, you know, if he was found innocent, you know,
there'd be a lot of people saying, I know he
was guilty, he was guilty and this and that it's
still bad and he was found guilty.

Speaker 2 (41:26):
I knew it. I know, you just never know.

Speaker 1 (41:29):
Very pc answer, it's fine.

Speaker 4 (41:31):
Mustache, Yeah, what do you think?

Speaker 1 (41:34):
Do you like it?

Speaker 2 (41:35):
I'm not. I'm not used to it. I'm used to
clean shade vents. I've never seen him with a mustache
or beard or go tea or anything.

Speaker 6 (41:45):
And when we first saw it, they kind of threw
a lot of us off and we I think uh
one of the other producers in the when I was
working with we we were in the outside of the
meeting and they would show me.

Speaker 2 (42:00):
I was like, what the hell? I said, who is that?
And then like I was like, fucking mustag?

Speaker 1 (42:06):
Wow, travel ot story. Do you have one?

Speaker 2 (42:14):
I several?

Speaker 1 (42:15):
I know you have several. Do you have one that
you can share that's funny off the top of your head.
You don't have the name names. You can call them
Larry melanchurly if you want not to put anybody in
an awkward spot. I gotta have one that you could tell.

Speaker 2 (42:30):
Oh man, because I got.

Speaker 6 (42:33):
Besides me getting so drunk, you know, here it is.
You know, I was, you know, a small kid from
book They never really did anything.

Speaker 1 (42:40):
Never a small kid from Brooklyn.

Speaker 2 (42:43):
Small kid from Brooklyn.

Speaker 1 (42:46):
I don't put Devon Dudley and small in the same category.

Speaker 2 (42:49):
But okay, I didn't start gaining wait until it really
after my fourth or fifty year in the wrestling and
then when I got to E c W, because that's
when I started taking, you know, taking training seriously.

Speaker 6 (43:00):
I should have took it seriously back when I was starting,
but I didn't. I was just trying to learn how
to wrestle.

Speaker 1 (43:05):
Right right. So tell me the story. You got so drunk.
Where were we were?

Speaker 2 (43:10):
We somewhere we were We had the travel arget and
we went that bar downstairs and I just remember not
ever going out drinking like that ever. And I had
to get carried out of the bar up to my room.
At least I thought it was my room. Somebody put
me somebody else in the room. So I pass out.

I wake up and this guy goes, hey, Divine, I go,
what the fuck. I go, Yeah, who the hell are you?
Why are you in my room? He goes, Divine, you're
in my room. I was like, it's like, who the
hell are you? It was some fan.

Speaker 1 (43:53):
I was.

Speaker 2 (43:55):
Like, you've been sitting here watching me sleep. He goes,
I didn't want to wake you.

Speaker 1 (43:58):
Wait, wait a minute, who brought you up there? Did
you ever find y'all?

Speaker 2 (44:04):
No, I don't got passed out.

Speaker 1 (44:06):
I wonder because it's funny because we were talking about
this at dinner in Florida and Devon was like, man,
he goes, when I came to ECW the first time,
he goes, I was scared. He goes, I didn't do
any of the stuff y'all were doing. I go, I
didn't do it either, And I still didn't do it
when I Yeah, we drank, but we weren't part of

the drug crowd like our party and was going to
the bar and having a couple of cocktails and stuff.
But we you know, we weren't there snorting cocaine or
doing lines off the stripper. I mean, I wasn't anyway.

Speaker 4 (44:39):
I don't.

Speaker 2 (44:41):
Know. I didn't know anything about bills nothing, right, I
knew nothing about that.

Speaker 1 (44:46):
Yeah, and he was so cute. He's like, oh my god,
he goes. I looked around and I was just so scared,
and I was like, yeah. But after a while, it
just becomes like the norm. And you know, we were
all friends, but everybody had the clicks that they hung
out with.

Speaker 2 (45:00):

Speaker 1 (45:00):
If you didn't do drugs, you didn't hang out with
the drug people. But we once we were in the
locker room, we all hung out together.

Speaker 2 (45:06):
I mean it was so it was really cool, like transtance.
You know. A guy, some kid came over and looked
at Sam and and said, is he all right?

Speaker 6 (45:15):
But I said, no, he's just drunk. He's probably sleeping.
The guy goes, he's on next. I said, I don't
worry about it. As soon as his music hit, somebody
that's happened, and he'll get right up.

Speaker 3 (45:23):
You know.

Speaker 1 (45:23):
It's great. Yeah, And that's what's great about it. Do
you remember the night that Tammy started the fight with
the Mummers. You had to have been there, you had
to have been in it. She went outside in the
back in the parking lot, you know, out the back door.
Remember the Mummers were on top of where we were,
on top of the arena, and she said something to

one of the mummers, and I think one of the
mummers called her a slut or something, and she caused
a riot that night. And I swear you and Bubba
were there and everybody ran out the door and started
fighting the mummers.

Speaker 2 (45:57):
No, I don't think I was there.

Speaker 1 (45:59):
I swear you were there.

Speaker 2 (46:02):
If he gave me a year, because remember we left,
we left in ninety nine.

Speaker 1 (46:08):
I don't know what the year was. I swear you
were in there. Knew Jack was was like shanking people,
probably like it was a mess. But there were three
people who didn't go outside, me Shane Douglas and Hack
Sandman and Sandman Status he was doing lines of coke. Well,
everybody was fighting, and Man Shane were looking out the

window watching the fight. But everybody because Tammy started this fight,
and I sware you were in it.

Speaker 2 (46:38):
Yes, you guys were in it. I don't think we
were there for that one.

Speaker 1 (46:42):
Okay, I'm gonna have to ask if he remembers that,
because I vividly do. And the whole locker room poured
out and just everybody was fighting in the parking lot.

Speaker 6 (46:51):
Yeah, I don't remember ever having getting into a fight
and at the ECW Arena.

Speaker 2 (46:56):
I don't.

Speaker 6 (46:56):
I mean other places I remember getting into fights like
Staten Island or you know, a lost Battalion hall in Queens,
but I don't remember getting a fight at the DCW
arena with fans.

Speaker 1 (47:08):
The fight the fights that you got in, was it
because of the promos that you and and Bubba you know, dictated,
because some of those were really.

Speaker 6 (47:19):
Yeah, the one in Staten Island was really raunchy and
bad and if you could believe it, it even beat
the heat Waved ninety nine one, and you know the
one that we're most famous for. And somebody took a
swipe at Big Dick Dudley.

Speaker 2 (47:36):
Why they do that?

Speaker 6 (47:37):
He jumped the railing and went after the guy and
next thing you know, me and Bubba goes deevint, we
gotta go, we gotta go. I was like, oh shit,
And I remember jumped the railing.

Speaker 2 (47:47):
I went out to go. People are jumping on us,
swinging on us. So Bubba goes devon, he goes assume
the position. I was like, here we go. We turned
to the ball, we talked about the balls. Boom.

Speaker 6 (47:58):
It was like a brawdroom fight with freaking Patrick Swayze
and Roadhouse, all the people that it was freaking phenomenal,
and then all of a sudden, the riot cops came
with the dogs and I was like, all right, stop
this ship, go back in the ring.

Speaker 1 (48:13):
The riot cops came with the dogs, and the locker
room fled because how many people had on the crazy
Do you want to plug your socials or any appearances
that you have coming up?

Speaker 2 (48:28):
Yeah, I'll be in Ohio and god.

Speaker 1 (48:34):
Lockwood, Chicka Cop. I'm there to this weekend. But this
airs after this weekend. Are you there Saturday?

Speaker 2 (48:43):
Yeah, I'm there too.

Speaker 1 (48:44):
I'll see you. Oh yeah, I'm gonna be there too.

Speaker 6 (48:50):
Yeah about being Chilicoppy Ohio and doing all of that
good stuff. And I'll also be at the big event
in Long Island me too, coming up.

Speaker 2 (48:59):
Yep, I'll be there for that one.

Speaker 1 (49:01):
Uh and then the big one Wrestle Con weekend.

Speaker 2 (49:08):
Yes, it's weekend. I'll be there for that.

Speaker 1 (49:10):
One and Icons and and Battleground at the area double duty.
I get to see Devon. I'm so excited. I'll see
you so many times.

Speaker 2 (49:21):
Absolutely, this is awesome.

Speaker 1 (49:24):
I'm happy. Well, I appreciate you coming. Devon's two timer. Now,
we were aiming for the five time Club. I have
guess this is your No, you're not a two timer, Taylor.
He's not a two tim uh No, like I think
Shane Douglas. Shane, I think is the first one to

be in the five time Club on Saturday Night Live.
Did you ever see it with Steve Morton? He's like,
I'm a five timer. They do that. They have a
VIP layer. So you're a two timer. So you have
to come on three more times to be in my club.

Speaker 2 (49:58):
I'll be good to go, where to go whenever you want.

Speaker 1 (50:01):
I love you, buddy. Well, thank you for coming on again.
I was so happy to see you a couple months ago.
We'll do it again when we can. But well, let's
hang you out this weekend. Coming up, I'm sorry, we'll
hang you out this weekend.

Speaker 2 (50:13):
Oh yeah, absolutely sweet. I just gotta get me a
nice steak and I'll be good to go.

Speaker 1 (50:17):
Yeah, maybe we can do dinner. Are you on the
night show too, because I'm not.

Speaker 2 (50:23):
I'm just sniging. We're not in chilli coffee.

Speaker 1 (50:27):
Oh you have a you have a you're driving somewhere else.

Speaker 2 (50:30):
No, no about chilli coffee.

Speaker 1 (50:32):
Yeah, chilli coffee.

Speaker 2 (50:33):
Oh there's a night show.

Speaker 1 (50:34):
There's a night show.

Speaker 2 (50:36):
I didn't know that. Yeah.

Speaker 1 (50:38):
They put me on the poster and they were like, oh,
she's doing the night show. I go, I am not
no way. And I think they thought because I was there,
I would just graciously just do it for free.

Speaker 2 (50:51):

Speaker 1 (50:51):
No, I was like, no, I don't know. That's not happening.
So after I sign them off, so maybe we can
do dinner or something.

Speaker 2 (50:57):
Yeah, let's do it.

Speaker 1 (50:58):
Let's get all well, I'll see you there.

Speaker 2 (51:00):
You got.

Speaker 1 (51:04):
Was always open for you though. All right, everybody, Devon
go follow him, go go buy Yes, there you go.
All right, buddy, I'll talk to you too.

Speaker 2 (51:17):

Speaker 1 (51:18):
So fun.

Speaker 3 (51:19):
Divon testified they were some they were some good stories
from Dalner.

Speaker 5 (51:25):
Absolutely, yeah, this was.

Speaker 1 (51:29):
This was really good. I was happy to see him again.
Like I said, we we reminisced at dinner. Those I mean,
if those wolves can talk, we were. We were just
telling stories and we were popping each other because things
that I didn't remember, things that he didn't remember. And
eighty seven years went by and it was like it
was yesterday. So it was great.

Speaker 3 (51:48):
Yeah, what's awesome about Devon and I'm sure fans that
listened to this met him in person. The intensity that
he has on air complete opposite when he when.

Speaker 4 (52:00):
He's so awesome to listen to.

Speaker 3 (52:02):
He's so chill, hang it out, and he's he's laughing,
you know, like so yeah, it's great.

Speaker 1 (52:07):
He's great.

Speaker 2 (52:08):
He's great.

Speaker 1 (52:08):
I'm glad he came back on. That was a good one.
Good interview for those listening. If you haven't followed me
yet here on iHeart, please do so. Hit that follow button.
If you're listening on uh, you know, on another platform,
hit the subscribe button. That way you will get the notification.
We have a new episode every single Tuesday at three

oh one am. So, like I have iHeart on my
phone and like clockwork, I get hey new eyes up
here with Freanzine ready to go. So if you haven't
done it, please do so, and we appreciate you listening.

Speaker 4 (52:44):
I get a notification as well on my laptop.

Speaker 3 (52:47):
Oh okay, yes, because of the my notification set up,
so I do get the same on my iPhone and
I get the same on my computer.

Speaker 5 (52:56):
So when you're when you're notified, you learn stuff.

Speaker 4 (53:01):
You know, you're all prepared.

Speaker 1 (53:03):
Yeah, that's great. Well, do you have anything that Oh
we forgot to ask him about Paul Haman.

Speaker 4 (53:08):
Oh my gosh. Well we'll just have to take care
of that ourselves.

Speaker 1 (53:11):
And yeah, so Paul Haman real quickly getting inducted to
the Hall of Fame Class of twenty twenty four for WWE.
I put something up thanking him one the Twitter machine
or X as it's called now. He didn't reply, but
that's okay, no worries about that. But just you know,

without him, I wouldn't be sitting here. So well deserved.
I mean, you know, he goes back longer than ECW.
He's been around w CW days, started as a photographer
as a kid. I mean, he's been around for quite
some time. Fantastic as a manager, mouthpiece, performer, but even

better as a booker and boss and creator of Extreme
Championship Wrestling. So I think it's well deserved, and I think,
you know, usually I guess they would wait until maybe
he's done performing, but because it was Philadelphia, I feel

like it was the right I guess it's the right
time to do it. Now, the question that everybody is
asking is who's going to induct him?

Speaker 4 (54:28):
Well, one guy was taken out.

Speaker 1 (54:29):
Of Well, my first my first thought, when you know
months ago, would have been Brock Lesnar, but he's kind
of like, uh am, I A, now he's kind of missing.
So you know, who do you think that's the nod here?

Speaker 3 (54:42):
It's a damn good question. I mean, I've seen some
names thrown around. I have to say, you'd probably have
to go with Roman at this point. I think you
elevated Roman to such a higher point as a heel,
and they've been so closely associated.

Speaker 4 (54:59):
To the current fan base for the last three years.
I would say would make sense because.

Speaker 3 (55:05):
Of that butt you're in Philly, So does it make
more sense to go with a more ECW centric name.
I saw somebody suggest RVD. I saw somebody suggest Tommy.

Speaker 4 (55:15):
Dreamer, so.

Speaker 3 (55:18):
I saw Harry Slash earlier before we started. So, I
mean there's a ton of speculation between now and then.

Speaker 4 (55:25):
Will be massive.

Speaker 3 (55:27):
I'm sure, yeah, But you know, the guy who everybody
would have pegged would have absolutely been Brock. But also
don't discount see him Punk because them Punk would be
the name. I think that would make every side happy.
I think the ECW fan would be happy with that,
and I think the WWE fan would be happy with that.

Speaker 1 (55:47):
Yeah, it's going to be interesting to see who they go.
With rumors circulating, again, only rumors, and I think it's
fan made rumors that ECW collectively as a group is
going to be put into the Hall of Fame and
they're gonna pluck four or five of us to go
up there. I don't see that happening, but I could

be one hundred percent wrong. Who knows. I don't know.
It is Philly. They're looking for that cheap pop. Yeah,
so you never know what they have up their sleeve.
But again, very happy for Paul, well deserved. He's a
mastermind at the sport of professional wrestling. He knows exactly
what he's doing. He always has and he always will.

So congrats Paul. Happy for him.

Speaker 3 (56:35):
How about the fact that, you know, I just noticed
that we talked about obviously the WWE two K two
four game, right, the Sandman is actually a downloadable character.

Speaker 5 (56:48):
Right, So Sandman is low key kind of in the
good graces.

Speaker 3 (56:52):
If he knows that, I wonder he's on the commercial
like he's in the game.

Speaker 4 (56:57):
He's one of the characters you can download.

Speaker 3 (57:00):
Imagine if they picked Sammy Yeah to be the one yeah, Philly.
Imagine the bleep they'd have to have ready, they'd have
the finger on the button to be one long bleepntes.

Speaker 1 (57:14):
He would have to get somebody to write a speech.
You know, because I always say this about Hacks. He's
a smart guy, but he's not very articulate. And his
text message is prove it. It's like a fourth grader's
texting me. He doesn't spell the words. He shortcuts everything
and doesn't use capitalization, punctuation.

Speaker 4 (57:36):
Doesn't doesn't needed to make a point.

Speaker 1 (57:39):
Yeah, when is his Dark Side one? Do we know
a date?

Speaker 4 (57:42):
I don't know.

Speaker 3 (57:43):
The only one I saw the first one airing was
John Tenta.

Speaker 1 (57:45):
And when is that? Did it start already?

Speaker 3 (57:47):
That is technically in real time? Tuesday, March fifth, that
was the first episode. Yeah, so I don't know when
today his episode is correct?

Speaker 1 (57:59):
Okay, I sent my DVR so I don't miss his
episode because I really there's a couple I want to watch.
I want to watch him. I want to watch Sherry Cherry.

Speaker 3 (58:07):
I forgot they were even doing Sherry. That is when
we absolutely have to talk.

Speaker 1 (58:11):
Definitely want to because I love her and I want
to watch hers. And there there's a couple in there
that I'm interested in, but Hacks number one for me.
So I'll try to find out some more info this week.

Speaker 3 (58:21):
And like I said, right now, I found the list.
This is what they've released so far. John tent To
week one, Buff bag Well week two, Terry Gordie week three,
and Brutus Beefcake week four.

Speaker 1 (58:33):
Okay, so we have a month before Hackey comes on.
All right, good again, I'll talk to him this weekend
so I'll see what's going on. But uh, sounds good.
I'll give me something to watch. I like it. Yeah,
all right? Where can people follow you?

Speaker 4 (58:51):
At Chat?

Speaker 3 (58:51):
E and B, on Twitter, at IB exclusives on Instagram
and every single week on eyes up here?

Speaker 2 (58:57):
All right?

Speaker 1 (58:57):
If you want to follow me on social media across
the board, you can find me at ECW d VA Francine.
If you want to know my touring schedule, just go
to my socials. Everything is on there. I hope you're
saying safe. I hope you're staying healthy, and most of all,
I hope you are staying extreme
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