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April 23, 2024 58 mins

This week's Eyes Up Here with Francine covers the EXPLOSIVE recent CM Punk interview and AEW broadcasting of the all-in backstage footage of the Jack Perry/PPunk altercation. "The Queen of Extreme" weighs in on the topic and gives her take, but also discusses backstage fights she has witnessed in the past and how this incident may compare to one that involved an ECW original and Paul Heyman. 


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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:27):
Hey, everyone, listen Tree Team and you are listening to
Eyes up here with Free Team on the iHeart Radio
network or wherever you're getting podcasts. There's always something going
by my list.

Speaker 2 (00:40):
She had somebody, Oh, what's up? It's uh, it's getting
warm outside. It's always hot in the Kingdom.

Speaker 1 (00:48):
Can I just tell you to get off and look
at your thermostat and have it say, a million degrees
is not a good feeling. It's starting to get warm out,
and my freaking air conditioner is punky broken central air. Wow,
central air. It was so hot yesterday was eighty four degrees.

And we've been loving the weather, and we've been going out.
I've been in the gym every single day. Then I
go for a walk with the kids. It's been beautiful weather,
love it. But then you come home and you walk
into an inferno and I'm just like, what is happening here?
And there's some kind of leak going on. And we
were quoted eight thousand dollars. Yeah, I said eight thousand dollars,

eight thousands.

Speaker 2 (01:36):
Did you did you just say eight thousand dollars eight?

Speaker 1 (01:45):
I'm so upset I could cry. Eight grand, eight grand
was the one quote A guy's coming tomorrow. We'll see
what he says. Eight grand. I'm sick. I'm about to
blow on myself. I'm about to just get a paper
fan and be like one of those ladies from the south,

just sit here for eight grand. Come on?

Speaker 2 (02:09):
That is that? Honestly, I think that might set the
all time world record for air conditioning repair.

Speaker 1 (02:15):
I'm so mad. I'm so mad. I just want to
go and stick a piece of like bubblegum on the leak,
or like gorilla glue or something. Yeah. Right, Apparently you
can't do that, so uh. You know, that's what we're
dealing with now. And you might be wondering. Those of
you are who are listening on iHeart or Spotify or

Apple can't see what I'm wearing right now. I'm wearing
his sweats sweatshirt only because I'm so milky white. I'm
covering my whole pipe. I'm my Donald Duck sweatshirt on,
and I'm sweating my ass off. It's so hot in
this house.

Speaker 2 (02:54):
I'm dying. I feel bad for you. Chat's got a
nice faced hand though. Chatter's looking very good so far.

Speaker 1 (03:02):
You know, I told I said to my my husband
walks he walks by himself. I take the kids. He
walks by himself, and there's a point in our walks
where we pass each other and he walks around shirtless
in his shirts and his sneakers. I can't do that,
you know, I'm a mom. You can't. Well, I can't

even walk around in a sports bar er bikini top.
It's not acceptable for a woman to do. But a guy,
you know, you guys can just walk around shirtless if
you want. And he's shrutting bias and waving, and I'm
just like ew. And then we get home and he's
like standing in front of me, He's like, check me out.
I don't just want to skin to show me his tan.

And I'm like, you're such a dick because you're not
even Italian like I am, and you you tan better
than me. I hate that. So my goal this summer
I will lay out for twelve hours a day. I
am going to beat him, and I am going.

Speaker 2 (04:01):
To get in the competition.

Speaker 1 (04:03):
Yeah, I'm telling you I have to because I'm sick
and tired of him being darker than me. Really, because
he gets to walk around shirtless and I don't. There's
my rant, My eight thousand dollars air conditting and my
non tan body.

Speaker 2 (04:20):
That is egregious. That is the most egregious number in
the history of yeah conditioning.

Speaker 1 (04:27):
I know, I know. I can't wait till the guy
comes tomorrow. It's probably gonna this year. Well we got
to quote last at the end of last summer because
that's when the leak happens. Because there's like a leak.
It could go up, and I'm like, well, let's be optimistic,
maybe it'll go down. And then we were thinking, well,
look at the economy these days, it's probably gonna be

like twelve thousand dollars. I am just not prepared. So
you know, maybe he's a wrestling fan. Maybe I could
do a problem now.

Speaker 2 (04:57):
That would be the coup of all coups.

Speaker 1 (05:00):
I can proposition him with free merch, not not with
sexual favors. You just with like free merch.

Speaker 2 (05:05):
Kent holding that Kendo stick when he when he comes
through the door.

Speaker 1 (05:08):
Yeah that roll. Try with my Donald Duck sweatshirt.

Speaker 2 (05:12):
I am aren't you No, No, she would never wear
a Donald Duck shirt.

Speaker 1 (05:16):
Listen, that's what happened when the cable guy came here.

Speaker 2 (05:19):
No way, I told you that story.

Speaker 1 (05:22):
Did you the cable guy came to I think it
was the cable guy to fix uh the Infinity or
something this movie.

Speaker 2 (05:30):
Before I was upstairs.

Speaker 1 (05:33):
I was in the kitchen and he walks in. I
say hey, buddy, and he's like, I need to go
to your basement. I was like okay, and my husband
was here, and you know, in the basement we have
a couple posters up and he looks at the posters.
He looks at my husband and he goes, that's not
Francine upstairs in the kitchen, and my husband's like it

is and he flipped out and he runs upstairs and
he's just like, what are you doing? You have a
bun in your hair, you have a sweatshirt. I was like, dude,
am I is it showtime? Did I miss my music?
Am I supposed to be in a gown or something?

Speaker 2 (06:10):

Speaker 1 (06:10):
This is how I looked to day. I'm so sorry,
you know, amazing, but yeah, the cable guy.

Speaker 2 (06:19):
Do you go to his job and ask him to perform?
You know?

Speaker 1 (06:22):
Really? And my mother in law, every time I talked
to her, remember that time the cable guy came over
and he didn't know who you were. That was so hysterical.
Shut up Karen. Her name is Karen.

Speaker 2 (06:35):
Oh. I was gonna say, were you insulting her?

Speaker 1 (06:38):
Her name is Karen. I call her mom.

Speaker 2 (06:40):
I do.

Speaker 1 (06:41):
I never call her Karen. I call her mom. But
she mentioned that. I talked to her yesterday and she
mentioned it. Remember that time because she saw my picture
from Russell Conn weekend and she's like, you look so
beautiful there. Remember that time that the cable guy came
over and he didn't know who you were. I'm like,
I remember, But AnyWho. Uh, that's what's going on in uh,

in our humble abode. So good times.

Speaker 2 (07:09):
Man, that's incredible.

Speaker 1 (07:11):
We love it. But there's a lot going on in wrestling. Yeah,
we should talk about enough about me in my nonsense.

Speaker 2 (07:17):
No, no, no, when it comes to wrestling, you're the
only thing we should be talking about.

Speaker 1 (07:21):
Should you know?

Speaker 2 (07:22):
You are wrestling.

Speaker 1 (07:23):
It's going to be quiet on the home front for
the next two three weeks because you know, the Queen's off.
She doesn't have any I don't leave till May thirty first.

Speaker 2 (07:33):
Really, yeah, I got a lot of time.

Speaker 1 (07:35):
Off coming up, so we're going to be focusing on
more content for iHeart YouTube. Uh. TikTok on the next
Superstar of TikTok.

Speaker 2 (07:49):
If you didn't, Yeah, did iHeart get the TikTok news.
I think that was just YouTube. No, no, we don't
know that. We did that on our bonus episode.

Speaker 1 (07:56):
Did we.

Speaker 2 (07:56):
That's right, Yes, we did mention that. Yeah, Monity on
a up here in the TikTok world.

Speaker 1 (08:02):
Yeah, the kids love me over there on TikTok so
I one video. I'm making waves. So yeah, if you
if you haven't joined me on TikTok, what are you
waiting for? I don't even know what my uh, what's
my thing?

Speaker 2 (08:16):
Your thing is? Let me tell you because it's called
in front of me. It is called header Uh e
c W franccene podcast.

Speaker 1 (08:24):
Oh that's such an ode joy, that's very good. Thing
called eyes up here.

Speaker 2 (08:30):
Why isn't it well, like the header name is Francine's
Eyes up Here, but like the at thing is e
c W because it couldn't fit. Ah, maybe you.

Speaker 1 (08:43):
Just pipe in franccene ECW. It'll take you to it.

Speaker 2 (08:45):
It will, but like you know, to like you know,
for your name, like it was like you know, Francine
Eyes up here and all that stuff. It wouldn't fit
every everything.

Speaker 1 (08:54):
In too long and luscious for TikTok.

Speaker 2 (08:56):
Yeah, I mean you've got to have your name in there.
You're the star.

Speaker 1 (08:59):
Yes, that's true. Okay, Well enough about me and this
TikTok nonsense. Let's talk some wrestling.

Speaker 2 (09:05):
Yeah, let's talk some wrestling. I'd mentioned this. I can't
remember which episode. I don't know if it was on
our bonus episode or previously, but we kind of missed
a lot of the drama with CM Punk and not
just what was going on inside his current company, but

outside in his former company, bringing him up like crazy
and everything kind of getting in one pot and mixing
like a stew and seeing Punk being the master ingredient
for it. What were you able to kind of see
in relation to cempunk.

Speaker 1 (09:41):
I saw the footage. I saw the video where Tony
Khan was desperately fighting for his life, very very scary moment.
And I saw his response as to why he aired it,
which I've read. It's very long and I didn't really

get an answer. It didn't really make a whole lot
of sense to me. I don't know, I feel like
it was very underwhelming for those of you who haven't
seen it. It's like you see him and Jack Perry

like having a conversation and then you see Punk kind
of go at him. But it was very quick, right,
it was. It was very very quick, and it was, uh,
you know, from what I saw, they broke it up
quickly and that was it. I don't agree with Tony

fearing for his life. I mean, what what was so
scary about that? It was just kind of like, uh,
Punk kind of took a shot at Jack Perry and
that was that was it. But like, did he want
to air this to make Punk look bad? Was that
the goal in the beginning, because I think it backfired

on him big time.

Speaker 2 (11:08):
Yeah. I think it was to make him look bad,
but then also to help reintroduce Jack Perry. But then
also it made Jack Perry look awful. Yeah, but then
also but his character is the scapegoat, so he's the
scapegoat of this whole scenario. But then also the Bucks
are using it as the reason that they lost the

match to FTR that night at pay per view.

Speaker 1 (11:33):
It's so ironic that the booker is trying to give
a k FA response in light of this whole situation,
Like we you know, every fan knows that this stuff
is scripted. Come on, so to come off with this
footage and then go on record and say the Bucks

couldn't pray before the match and they weren't in the
right state of mind and that's why they know they lost,
because that's the way it was booked. Right.

Speaker 2 (12:05):
Yeah, it was bad.

Speaker 1 (12:07):
I don't I just didn't understand. I didn't understand his response.

Speaker 2 (12:12):
I read the.

Speaker 1 (12:12):
Whole thing, and I was just left saying to myself,
does he not know that we know this is a work. Yeah,
Like everybody's smart these days, and if you're not, you're
the five percent of the wrestling population that doesn't have
a clue as to what's going on, right.

Speaker 2 (12:32):
Or they don't want to, like they believe still that
they're I was to say, how many times have I said,
he's booking it like it's his old e fed. He's
just continuing to treat it like it's he's in his
bedroom and it's his little e fed with his friends
on the internet. It's he's not treating it like he's

in the real world. That's the way I perceive it.
He that response was a bunch of battle was it
made no sense every word, But continue I'm sorry.

Speaker 1 (13:03):
No, no, no, everybody knows he he's the boss, he's
the head booker. A statement like that comes across as
you know me and you just wrestled, right, And now
we're on Twitter having a feud and it's a fake
feud because everybody knows that we're friendly, right, but we're
having a few. To hear Tony Kahan give that kind

of response, it's so silly because we know he's in
charge of everything and he's the booker, right, and it's
just like he's trying to kay fabus but it's not working.
And this is why people who don't like wrestling think
that it's it's the dumbest thing ever, you know what

I mean. Like I was talking to Sane about this,
and you get the people who say, oh, you do
that wrestling thing. I haven't watched wrestling since I was
fourteen years old. Like it's kind of silly, don't you think.
Or I was watching today, I was watching again Tom
Segura and his wife Christina. They have a podcast and

they hate wrestling, and they were making fun of fans
who enjoy wrestling, and he kept saying it, Oh, it's
so fake. Everybody's fake and it's such fake shit and
blah blah blah script it. Now I will go and say, Okay,
we all know it's scripted, but we're athletes and you
can't take that away from us, you know what I mean.

The average Joe can't walk into a facility and do
what the guys do and the girls do. You can't
do that. So he was kind of pissing me off
a little Like I love him and I think he's hilarious,
but he was kind of pissing me off a little bit.
But then like as he was talking, he was saying,
like the fans, I guess that take it too far
and it's their life. And like we can go back

to Cody Rhodes not finishing his story and how they
had to change, you know, because the backlash that WW
was getting from the WWE universe and how everybody was
so pissed off, and like night one after WrestleMania, because
Cody lost, they had footage people were in the parking

lot kicking cars, throwing over trash cans like that kind
of stuff, and it's just like come one. That's where
we get the bad reputation. That's where people like Tom
can say Oh my god, it's so stupid, Like, look
to me, it's it's an art form. It's we always

called it like a live theater presentation where storytellers. I
happen to enjoy it when I do watch it. You know,
I'm not a consistent viewer, but when I do watch it,
I appreciate everything in the athleticism. And do I know
it's scripted, Well, yeah I do, but that doesn't take

away from what these guys and girls are doing in
the ring, right. But Tony Kahn, getting back to him,
he's the leader of ae W, the owner, the leader,
the booker, the creative head, whatever titles he has. He's
trying to come off as like he's trying to work us,

and he's doing it very poorly. And it's like, dude,
if we're if we're following you on Twitter or we're
reading your tweets or reading an interview that you did,
we know that this is a bunch of bullshit that
you're trying to feed us. You know what I mean.
It's an insult. It's kind of insulting to the smart

marks out there. And again, ninety five percent of us
I think are smart. There's that little percentage out there that,
like you said, either want a believer. They really don't
know what the hell's going on, and that's fine, living
your own world whatever. But when I read that, I
was just like, wait a minute. They can't pray they
slipped on the bananap pew they you know, everything that

he wrote, it was kind of like he was trying
to work us and he's trying to get us to
believe it's an angle, and I just I don't know.
It was insulting to me.

Speaker 2 (17:25):
Yeah, no, I agree, but it's just how does one
guy manage to live rent free in all these other
people's head Well, in the matter that Punk does.

Speaker 1 (17:37):
It goes back to what I said before. You don't
see WWE people putting over a w or their employees ever,
so for seeing Punk to be featured, you know, he
was at WrestleMania, he was on camera. He did his
little thing to be talked about on another show. Still,

to this day, good or bad, it's publicity. You're putting
the other company over. How does Tony not see that
that is bad for him and his business? How can
he not see that? What did he think he was
going to get out of airing this footage because it
was it was underwhelming footage.

Speaker 2 (18:21):

Speaker 1 (18:23):
I mean if there was like, you know, like five
minutes of a fight and swinging and then chairs flying,
I'd be like, oh shit, this is really good. No,
it was kind of like blah blah blah blah blah boom,
he got down, here comes a pollpark and that's it.
That's all it was. So was Punk wrong for throwing

a punch. Some people are saying he initiated that. Others
are saying, well, Jack Perry started it by what he said,
the crimea river or whatever the hell how that you
know that triggered him. I mean, as workers, if you
have a problem with somebody, you handle it in the back.

You don't do it in the ring. You're not supposed
to do it in the ring. People stiff each other
all the time in the ring, and that's when a
shoot happens, right, you know. But I think Punk did
the right thing and confronted him in the back. And
you know, I don't know why they aired it. I

don't think they got anything out of it.

Speaker 2 (19:28):
Well, what he explains in the interview with Ariel Hawani
from the MMA Hour and the thing that set everyone
off in the interview is that basically like he was
being brought to this situation as almost kind of a
guy to defuse a situation because in the past, I

guess at one of the Collision tapings or whatever, the
Saturday night show that they added, he had the incident
with Jack where they wanted use their glass and all
that stuff, and Jack was kind of being abusive towards
some people and cursing him off, and Punk had to
step in and be like, we don't act like that here,

we don't use that kind of stuff. Take it to
Wednesday night and kind of got the pri Madonna, you know,
with a disposition out of Jack. So this was an escalation.
But the thing that really pissed everybody off and aw
was and this is what I'm gonna play this for
you here in a minute, if you sync up Punk's
narration to the footage, it's exactly how Punk describes it.

So all that other crap that they did in that
preamble before the whole storyline stuff, it makes them look
even worse that they even had to go through all
that that storyline bullshit for what what? It made everybody
look horrible On the aw side, Punk comes out smelling
like roses in the end for defending whatever he was

defending and now he's not even in the company anymore.
But it apparently made Tony furious that that interview with
the interview is it's two hours and he holds nothing
back and basically says no, no uncertain terms. Tony is
a nice guy, but he is a horrible boss. Okay,

this is Punk Punk's nice guy.

Speaker 1 (21:19):
I didn't hear any of punks.

Speaker 2 (21:21):
Not a good boss. Okay, but a nice guy.

Speaker 1 (21:24):
Yeah, I'm sure he's a great guy, but we've said
it for years now. He wants to be one of
the boys. He's not acting like a boss. He's acting
like he's one of the guys. You can't do that.
You have to put your foot down.

Speaker 2 (21:38):
Yeah, this is what It was one of the best
interviews ever and now Punk has done these before. I mean,
he did the infamous Cult Cabana one after he left
WWE ten years ago, phenomenal, but this was great. And
Ariel Hawane though, so this is where the aw spin
comes in. Ariel Hawane has issues with Tony Khan because
Tony Khan, well, if he goes on there give the

non answers he will you know, will give them? You know,
he just he always sidesteps the questions. But I'm going
to play you the narration of the clip by Punk.

Speaker 1 (22:12):
Okay, so you can yeah, I haven't heard any of this.

Speaker 2 (22:18):
So this is Punk on the show with Area hold
on it Okay.

Speaker 3 (22:23):
Jack came back from his match. I was the next match.
I'm sitting there, I got I got people with me.
I'm not going to say who they are, you know,
because I got a lot of friends who work there
and wish them all well and I don't want them
to be punished. And I walk up to them and
I'm just like, Jack, why do you insist on doing
this dumb internet shit like on TV? And You're just like, well,
if you got a problem about it, do something about it.

And I was just like, man, come on, man, I'll
kill you. Like what are we doing? Sometimes he just
can't let you get close.

Speaker 2 (22:53):
You know.

Speaker 3 (22:54):
I thought I was doing a responsible thing. You know.
I didn't punch anybody. I just choke somebody a little bit.
Some Ojo was there told me to stop and then
I quit. I turned to Tony and I said, this
place is a fucking joke.

Speaker 2 (23:09):

Speaker 3 (23:09):
You're a clown. I quit.

Speaker 2 (23:18):
So if you look right, so right, so you see
the hands right here, Yeah, that's Tony Cohn. Okay, so
when he turns here, that's him yelling at Tony and saying,
I quit. This place is a fucking joke.

Speaker 1 (23:40):
If Tony was so scared, wouldn't he have jump out
of that chair or whatever he was on?

Speaker 2 (23:45):
And well, he kind of moves around a little bit. Look,
he kind of he puts his hand down. Yeah, hey
stop that, Hey, don't do that.

Speaker 1 (23:53):
Come on, Well, now the initial swing was that did
Punk just push him down because he said I didn't
punch anyone.

Speaker 2 (24:01):
No, he grabs him and he kind of grabs at him.
He pushes him and then he grabs him in like
a front face lock.

Speaker 1 (24:08):
Okay, I knew that part, but I thought he swung
at him in the beginning the first time I saw this.

Speaker 2 (24:13):
Here's Samoa Joe. Yeah, here's some guy I don't.

Speaker 1 (24:16):
Know, Jerry Lynn in there. Yeah, that's Jerry.

Speaker 2 (24:21):
That's Jerry Lynn right here. Okay, I think Chris Hero
pops up as well. That's Chris Hero right here? Does
he work for a wa?

Speaker 1 (24:30):

Speaker 2 (24:33):
So that's who I mean, that's who's breaking this up.
I mean, there's no slouches here. And then he's just like, hey, hey,
don't kill me, and he turns to this place fucking sucks.
I quit and that's the end of it.

Speaker 3 (24:48):
You know.

Speaker 1 (24:48):
Punk said his match was next, he had to go
out after this.

Speaker 2 (24:51):
So then he basically what he says a little bit,
you know forward in the interview, he left. He walked out,
and Jerry and Joe had to basically go get him
and convince.

Speaker 1 (25:03):
Him to company.

Speaker 2 (25:05):
And out of respect because Jerry was the agent and
obviously hit Joe was his opponent, he said, out of
respect for Jerry and Joe, he came and finished the.

Speaker 1 (25:14):
Met Yeah, he did the right thing. That's that's good
business right there. But uh, I'm telling you, like, is
there ever a positive coming out of that locker?

Speaker 2 (25:26):
You know what I mean? Great?

Speaker 1 (25:28):
They have a lot of talent there. And it's a
shame because I've always said, like more than one company
is good for business, right and right now, there's a
lot of companies out there, and and w W is
always going to be on top, There's there's no doubt
about that. But like a W could really give them

a run for their money, you know, if they did
things the correct way, and it just seems like Tony
just keeps dropping the ball and over and over again.
And it's sad because like again the talent pool, there's
so much talent there. Yeah, and I have friends that

are there, and just it's it's it's a shame, you.

Speaker 2 (26:16):
Know, Yeah, no, total shame. And it's crazy now that
Punk was just gone, and he said he could have
gone to WWE, like right afterwards. He was not held
to any kind of noncompete, but it's like it almost
happened so perfectly that he went back in Chicago, and
it's I watched this vlog that he did with WWE

for the Royal Rumble. I mean, he seems like a
completely different guy even from when he went back to AW.
I mean, he just seems humbled by this new veteran
role in WWE, whatever the new culture is sans Vince McMahon,
with Triple H and Nick Cohn and everybody else involved.

They did this really cool retrospective with him and Randy
Orton getting to sit down and watch a match, and
I guess those two had a lot of tension back
in their original run together and they patch things up
on camera, like, oh cool, very cool stuff. Just so
when you can put the narration of what he said

over that clip, it just makes AW look so much worse.

Speaker 1 (27:25):
Well you know too, It's like he walked away for
a long time, you know what I mean, Like he
was gone from the business for a really long time.
And there were these stories and you can go look
it up, like when WWE brought back ECW the fake ECDUB.
I shared a locker room with Punk. He was with

me there, right. Punk's always been great to me. I
worked with him in MLW as well. He's always been
a nice guy. I never had any problems with them.
But Rob Van Diam told a story that I don't
know if it was on his own podcasts or somebody else's,
but apparently there was some kind of meeting that was
supposed to be held and Punk walked in and was

like being the leader of the locker room and put
himself over and like all the vets were like are
you kidding me? So like he was saying like he
had heat back then. So to see him now, like,
you know, you step away and you mature and you
grow and you come into it with a different mind frame,

and you know, you're making amends with people that you
didn't get along with before, and it's all good for
your brand. You have to make adjustments and changes if
you want to survive in this business. And technically, I mean,
he's never been forgotten because those seeing Punk chants lasted
for years after he was gone. We all know that.

But you know, maybe coming back, maybe he realized I
was a little abrasive or I rubbed people the way,
you know. But now it's ten years and yeah, he's
more of a veteran now than he was in two
thousand and six, you know what I mean, right, So
people change and people deserve second chances. And he's beloved

by the fans, and as a worker, you either love
him or you hate him. And he's got friends, you know,
and he's making money for that company, so I'm sure
they would welcome him back. And it's good business for
him and Randy because down the line they work together.
Absolutely they make money.

Speaker 2 (29:35):
Yeah, you know, it's silver platter. It's on a silver platter,
and he knows it. There's all these matchups here and
now they're literally WWE is printing money.

Speaker 1 (29:50):
I'm telling you, WrestleMania. They said we were the merchandise
was the highest grossing Philadelphia was like the highest grousing
merchandise for a WrestleMania or something like that. I was reading.
It's like, yeah, they're they're doing really really good right now,
really really good, and it's good for the business. It's

it's overall, it's good. If you're a wrestling fan. I
can't understand why you would want want one company to fail.
It's everybody enjoys wrestling. Just enjoy the product as a whole.
Watch what you want to watch, don't watch the stuff
you don't like, and that's it. Yeah, people talk so

much crap. Oh you know, AW does this, WWE does that,
you don't like it, don't watch it. It's as simple
as that. There's something for everyone out there. You know,
there's so many options. We talked about WWE, AW uh
TNA uh uh NWA, MLW. There there are so many

FEDS out there, plus indies, so and and stuff that's streaming,
you know what I mean. There there's literally a show
for every wrestling fan on the planet. You can't say
there's not because there's so much wrestling out there. I
don't understand why people have to pick sides why can't

you be a fan of all the products. It's not
like a love affair. It's not like, oh, you're cheating
on WWE with aw blah blah blah. Just enjoy it.
Shut up and enjoy it. Stop fighting. The marks are
fighting on on uh you know, on Twitter. I see
everybody fighting and just get along. Just love wrestling in general.

Speaker 2 (31:42):
Yeah, pain, because you're still gonna matter which side you're like,
you're still gonna act like a know it all asshole.

Speaker 1 (31:48):
So well I would, just you know, I try not.
I look at facts. I try not to knock companies
unless there's something factual that I could say, Oh my god,
big drop the ball on this, you know what I mean?
And I feel like we pick on aew a lot.
But they've been dropping the ball a lot, you know,

and I hate to see it because I want them
to thrive. I want competition for WWE. I want a
big platform for people to work because not everybody's gonna
make it to WWE. There's only so many spaces there
for people, not everybody, and it doesn't matter how talented

you are, not everybody will make it there. So having
different companies is a blessing. I don't want them to fail.
I just wish Tony would get his shit together and
just give us a product without the drama, without the idiosity,
and then in the back like insulting our intelligence, Like stop,

is idiosity a word? I don't think it is.

Speaker 2 (32:57):
I think maybe idiocy.

Speaker 1 (33:00):
Know, without being an idiot?

Speaker 2 (33:03):
Yeah, without being an idiot or idiotic idiotic idiotic idiotic.

Speaker 1 (33:10):
You know what I'm trying to say, I gotcha. It's like,
I don't know, just just represent your brand and your
locker room.

Speaker 2 (33:19):
But you know what though, But again, but for a
guy that is the super fan, the all time great
booker of this generation, who's supposed to know everything about
the history of the business he could, he's supposed to
like learn from all the mistakes of all these past
bookers that fell on their face or tripped over the
banana peel or or took that that wrong turn because

they had the money and they made the mistakes. Like
he was supposed to correct all these things. And he's
literally taking every piece of bait that's being dangled out
there and being like, oh, oh there's the carrot, let
me grab it. Oh no, there's that low hanging fruit.
I'm gonna grab that one too.

Speaker 1 (33:59):
He needs a better team. He really needs a better team.
And I'm not knocking whoever is working with him right now,
but he definitely needs a more corporate team, not a
bunch of workers that you know, yes man, yes man, yes, sure, yeah, No,

you need people like Vince McMahon had that whole team,
you know. Okay, Hunter was a worker, but all the
suits that never stepped foot in a ring, you know
what I mean. Don't count Johnny Ace either, but you
know what I'm saying, there were there were There were
a bunch of people that worked for Vince that never

worked as a wrestler, right, and they knew exactly what
they were doing their corporate How many corporate people does
Tony have helping him make these decisions?

Speaker 2 (34:57):
I think they hired one person recently.

Speaker 1 (34:59):
Okay, well that's that's one better than they had because
it fits a bunch of the boys dictating to him
what's right and wrong. Like sometimes you can sway him
the way you want to be portrayed, the way you
feel like you should be shown in you know, in

light of whatever is going on, put yourself over and
Tony wants to be one of the boys, and we
said that, and he needs to be a boss. He
needs to stop this, and he needs to be a boss,
and he needs this to just realize. Like it's like
when you when when you break up with somebody and

you want to text them and you write out this
text that's so elaborate, but you can't hit send yet
because you're scared and you don't know if it's the
right thing to do. Right, he should have looked at
that footage one hundred times before putting it on television.
Is this the right thing to do? I don't know.
Let me look at it again. Wait, let me look

at it again. How can you look at that and think, oh, yeah,
this is great for business, this is going to boost
our show. No, it's like, uh, was it Heraldo Rivera
with the or no John Stossel.

Speaker 2 (36:18):
With the with David Schultz David no, no, with.

Speaker 1 (36:22):
The Oh my god, who's the guy who had the safe?

Speaker 2 (36:28):
Oh oh that was Heraldo with right, yeah? With uh yeah,
the vault.

Speaker 1 (36:33):
Famous guy and they open it and nothing's in it.

Speaker 2 (36:36):
Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1 (36:37):
Fifty nine minutes of our lives waiting for the stupid
vault to be yes.

Speaker 2 (36:41):
Yeah, Who the hell was that oh, it escapes me
at the moment, but I know exactly. It was Heraldo
with the vault al capone. It was alone.

Speaker 1 (36:53):
Yeah, well whatever that is, I mean it was it.

Speaker 2 (36:55):
Was Heraldough our man from last week. We played Heraldo's
clip on last week's show.

Speaker 1 (36:59):
There you oh, but it's kind of like underwhelming like that.
It's like we waited, we waited, we saw it. It
was like Mark same thing. We see this footage. It's like, okay,
don loser. Bad decision, really bad decision. So, I mean

that's just my take on it. Maybe there were people
up there that loved it, but it didn't spike up
a rating.

Speaker 2 (37:53):
No, Like I brought the ratings up a little a
little bit. Yeah, and then he bragged about it. He
bragged about the ratings. Yeah, but it wasn't that much,
but he still bragged about it, Okay, and it was
like whatever, it was like twenty nine percent, and it
was like, Aw's up twenty nine percent, blah blah blah
blah blah. It's like, man, like you only went back

next week, but he did. He had to announce his
during like WrestleMania weekend and that was all AW did.
Aw where ww's shooting half court shots in the middle
of you know, they reconstructed the spectrum and they're shooting
half court shots all weekend long, and everybody else having
these great You guys are all having amazing weekends at

wrestle coan Aw's like, hey, we've got this footage, right, Yeah,
we got this footage. And then the ratings go up
a little bit and they then they're tweeting about yeah,
went up like twenty nine percent. Whoo, we got it.

Speaker 1 (38:49):
You know, you have to put over something. You have
to You're you're in competition. You gotta put something over.

Speaker 2 (38:59):
I know, I know, But let me let me bring
this back one time. How about this so backstage fights, Okay,
that escalate now, Like we said, this did not look
that bad even from fights I've seen in bars. This
is not a bad fight. This is a guy who
shoved in a front face lock. I've seen people get
dragged over bars. Okay, could you could you pinpoint something

that you've seen that might have been either better, worse
or better, you know what I mean? Like I mean,
but a little rougher, a little more hectic, and escalated
a little more quickly.

Speaker 1 (39:39):
I saw plenty of fights in the back. I told
you I've jumped in the more fights. I don't know
what the hell I was thinking. No one's scared of me,
No guy is scared of me. But how many times
I jumped in when Shane fought somebody or you know,
stuff like that. I remember knew Jack and Sandman fighting

in the back. I do remember that one. And I
remember screaming. Lance Storm was standing in front of me,
protecting me from the chaos because we were in a
very small room. And I remember Hack was said he
said a joke, and I don't know what the joke

was about, but Jack didn't like the joke, and Jack
kept saying stop stopped telling the joke, and of course
Hack kept saying the one line over and over again.
And they went to blow. I mean they went to blows,
you know, and uh, I start screaming, and Tommy Dreamer

runs in the room. I told this story before. He
dropped the merch bag when he ran, and a fan
picked up the merch money and ran out of the building.
So we lost. It's another thing I probably got blamed for.
I got blame for everything the XPW fight. I got
blamed for the merchmid I mean, you know, I was

just nervous because I thought they were going to kill
each other. I really thought they were going to kill
each other. So I don't know, but I've seen fights,
I've seen pull aparts since. But I'll tell you what,
I'd rather than fight in the back than take it
out and ruin the match or the storyline, you know,

in the ring, like be professional about it, right, So
in that instance, I think Punk did the right thing.

Speaker 2 (41:35):
Right now, how about this? How would you compare this
to Paul airing the grievances with Saboo on TV, the
grievances when he had about yeah when you knows showed
and fired him and took all that TV time to
talk about it, air the footage, you know, recap it.
How would you compare it to that?

Speaker 1 (41:58):
I wouldn't because I think it's two different situations. I mean,
do you do you do you see any similarities? I
really don't know.

Speaker 2 (42:10):
Just taking time to talk about somebody who.

Speaker 1 (42:13):
Wanted, Yeah, he wanted to give an I guess in
my take, he wanted to give an explanation to the people,
to the fans. Why because it was one of our
top guys and.

Speaker 2 (42:24):
He was supposed to be there.

Speaker 1 (42:26):

Speaker 2 (42:26):
Yeah, that's different.

Speaker 1 (42:28):
Yeah, that's one hundred different. You could say. Like, the
one thing that bothered me that Paul did was when
he aired Tammy uh with the you know, crying with
the drug problems and her cousin dying and all like
that to me went a little too far. I think
he took advantage of the situation. But and I'm not

the only one. Uh, I'm not the only one that
felt that way about that. Say, I didn't like that segment.
But again, like, it wasn't that it was meant for TV.
It wasn't backstage footage that a security camera took, you
know what I mean. That's a it's a different. That's different.

It's one different. The other two Saboo Temmy that was
made for television, like the the Jack Perry Punk Fight
was not It wasn't supposed to be aired and.

Speaker 2 (43:30):
Did come back. Yeah, and it did use it again
in the angle that he was back for punk it
Punk's never going back.

Speaker 1 (43:41):
Well, you never say never. We said that about we
said that about uh A w W at one point
and then.

Speaker 2 (43:50):
I always thought he would go back.

Speaker 1 (43:52):
Well, you you are Creskin, you know everything I mean,
I I kind of am.

Speaker 2 (43:57):
I mean I hate I mean, you know, there's one
of those things that yes, you know, okay, like you
like I keep telling you get that Hall of Fame
speech ready never never, Just like after last week's episode,
I said, start getting ready. Oh yeah, sure, keep writing
those lines.

Speaker 1 (44:16):
Okay, we got it. But yeah, I mean, you know,
I think there's there's just some things that should be kept, uh,
kept just for like the worker's eyes and people that
are involved in the business and not in you know,

not for the fans to see. I don't think this
helped anything, not that it was personal, but it happened backstage,
and it was kind of a private thing that was trying.
They were trying to you know, handle it amongst themselves.
So I just don't know what he thought he would
get out of that footage. I guess he thought maybe
that punk you know, everybody would say, oh my god,

what an asshole Punk is? He looks so bad here
and blah blah blah, And it was quite the opposite.
And so it backfired on him and the company and
hopefully he learned from it and you know, just be
I just I want them to do well. Yeah, it
just bothers me, Like it's always Tony saying some dumb

tweet or doing something dumb. It's like, come on, man,
I want them to succeed. I want everybody to do well.
It's just good overall for everyone. And this didn't help matters.

Speaker 2 (45:36):
No, no, no, no.

Speaker 1 (45:39):
So that's that's my take on it. I don't know.

Speaker 2 (45:43):
Well, let's see what else I had. Did you see
that they they're branching off the bloodline. Did you see that?

Speaker 1 (45:50):
Yeah? I did see that, very.

Speaker 2 (45:52):
Very cool, little out of left field storyline extension, and
I'm very curious to see where it goes.

Speaker 1 (45:59):
Yeah, that'll interesting. I feel like the Bloodline's been around
for a while. I know, I had a gripe before,
like I said, oh, you know, after three weeks they
go and they try to switch it up too quickly
and blah blah blah blah blah. But I feel this one, like,
the Bloodline's been around for a good amount of time,
so it's fun to switch stuff up and see where

it goes, you know what I mean. Like, it'll be
interesting to see what they do with it. There are
there's a lot of good stuff coming out of WrestleMania,
you know, I feel really bad for Riya Ripley.

Speaker 2 (46:35):
Yeah, I feel.

Speaker 1 (46:36):
Really bad for her. Now will she come back stronger
when she does come back, that the roof is going
to be blown off whatever building she returns at. Because
the people love her, they love her, and she's been
such a she's been such a good champion, but her

character is just so over, you know what I mean,
And she was just a dword by everyone into Like
anybody that gets injured, it it really sucks, especially if
you're champ, you know. So I I think when she
comes back, she'll get the title back and she'll be
stronger than ever. But that place is going to go
nuts when she comes back, for sure. So you know,

just a bad time. It's always bad timing, always bad timing.

Speaker 2 (47:26):
It sucks.

Speaker 1 (47:28):
And they were saying, like no heat on Live Morgan.
It was just a freak accident that happened when she
hit the wall. Stuff happens all the time, so it's
just it's sad. It's unfortunate, but you'll you'll get another chance.

Speaker 2 (47:44):
It really it was. It seemed like it was just
by chance thing where you know, you have those brawls
in the back, I mean, you hit a wall, what
do you expect of your body to do?

Speaker 1 (47:55):
Shoot, I stubbed my I think my toe broke. I
stubbed it. You know what I mean. It happens. Stuff happens,
So I don't know. Hopefully a speedy recovery is in
the works for her and uh, like I said, she'll
be back stronger than ever for sure.

Speaker 2 (48:16):
So without doubt, heal or Babyface? What do you think?

Speaker 1 (48:19):
Well, I feel like when she comes back, she's going
to get a Babyface pop. But turn them.

Speaker 2 (48:28):
Yeah, gotta be a heel.

Speaker 1 (48:31):
Just like Shane and I did a theory. Well, I'm
gonna say I did because Shane was given a Babyface
promo and then I had to turn them.

Speaker 2 (48:40):
So I saw a little bit more of that. I
still haven't seen the full the full match or the
beginning promo like you mentioned, but I saw the end.
You saw the end, saw the end where everybody was
all happy.

Speaker 1 (48:54):
Is it out there?

Speaker 2 (48:55):
Yeah? I think actually c W had it on his
uh one of his pages, one of his social media pages. Okay,
that's all I've been able to see so far. But
I'm dying to see your heel promo and turning that crowd.
I'm dying to see that.

Speaker 1 (49:10):
I haven't seen it either, to be honest with you,
and I was the other day. I was thinking, I
can't remember exactly what I said, but I know I
got booed very loutly.

Speaker 2 (49:19):
Oh, I have to see that, and I'll tell you
what I'm going I was going through some of our
archives and pulling some stuff for things that we're working on.
I still want to see the shoot interview that you
and Shane did from twenty twenty, the first time you
guys sat down together for a shoot. I still want
to see that.

Speaker 1 (49:40):
I didn't see that either. I think did Rob ever
release it?

Speaker 2 (49:43):
I was gonna ask you that tonight. I have no idea,
but I saw the picture of you guys together. I
have that saved. Yeah. I was like, I want this.
Where is this? He never released it?

Speaker 1 (49:53):
I don't know.

Speaker 2 (49:54):
Oh, we gotta find that out. Yeah.

Speaker 1 (49:56):
If he did, it's on his website.

Speaker 2 (49:59):
Yeah, I got a I gotta find that because I
got I gotta hear that. I gotta hear that.

Speaker 1 (50:04):
Okay. Well, I did another one with him for Moose
that has never been put up, and Moose had me
sitting there till two thirty in the morning. I wanted
to kill him.

Speaker 2 (50:14):
It's different with Rob, though, Rob. Rob's gonna ask the
questions differently.

Speaker 1 (50:18):
Rob wasn't the one asking the question back and forth. No,
it was Timmy yeah, but but.

Speaker 2 (50:24):
Oh it was Tim doing it. Okay, yeah, uh you
know Tim's questions are.

Speaker 1 (50:30):
He was very good.

Speaker 2 (50:31):
He gets a little too Oprah Winfrey ish for me, he.

Speaker 1 (50:34):
Was very I remember when we were done. I even
said to him, like, you did really well.

Speaker 2 (50:38):
He keeps it entertaining. I gotta give him qustion. I
love Rob's style.

Speaker 1 (50:42):
On the end, Rob had nothing to do with it.
It was just it was Tim that did it. But
it was it was good. I remember being impressed with
them because I never saw Tim do an interview before.

Speaker 2 (50:52):
Yeah, they're not bad. He's not bad, but like I said,
he gets very Oprah Winfrey ish.

Speaker 1 (50:57):
You get a car, you get.

Speaker 2 (50:58):
A car with a car. But yeah, no, I've been
going through our archives a lot over the last week
or so. Okay, so a lot of pictures saved. Oh
my god, to talk about pictures. I've been saving pictures
left and right from the Battleground show. Great action shots
you raring back like this.

Speaker 1 (51:18):
I was looking a little thick, so I have to
approve anything.

Speaker 2 (51:22):
Oh, I will always approve, But no, I just love
the action shots. You look, you looks fine.

Speaker 1 (51:26):
It's pretty funny because you know, my outfit was completely
be dazzled and I had a all up my leg.
I was cut and when we came back, you know,
I had some blood and stuff and I was like,
what the hell did I do? And I had like

a it looked like a hematoma. I had a bump
and I was like, I didn't take any bumps, but
was it like getting in and out of the ring
that I hit it like because the ring apron is
the hardest part of the ring, you know. And then
I had some scrapes on my stomach as well. I
think my be jeweled to be dazzled outfit, the way

c W had me over his knee, I think it
scraped my stomach because I had like marks across my stomach.

Speaker 2 (52:18):
That's crazy that happen.

Speaker 1 (52:23):
Well, his knee gave out.

Speaker 2 (52:25):
That's right, that's right, that's right.

Speaker 1 (52:27):
We had a little problem.

Speaker 2 (52:29):
We love we love you.

Speaker 1 (52:31):
I love c WL. I said, if every weekend could
be like that, you know me, I don't like working
ring side. I loved it, and I'm actually looking forward
to the bash at Beckley because I'll be working ring
side for that one, so i'll be you know, I'm
kind of looking forward to it because it was a
good time.

Speaker 2 (52:50):
I would love to go to that show if it
was about an hour and a half closer.

Speaker 1 (52:55):
Is it too far for you?

Speaker 2 (52:57):
It's just that hair out of like the driving since
I want to go.

Speaker 1 (53:01):
Okay, that's there. Well, so so Hack and I are
on the private plane. Oh and Stephen P. Knew was
at the uh the rustle con event and uh he
comes over to my table. He goes, you damn near
scared same man to death. And I go about what

and he goes, you told them my plane was a
four seater and I said no, I said it was
an eight seater. He goes, well, he thinks you guys
are gonna die and he doesn't want to get on
the plane. It'll be fine. And then Hack comes over
and he goes, how many seats does this plane have?
I go eight. It has eight. You'll be fine. I said,

it's very scary when we take off and land. It
is scary because it rocks. It's small, it rocks, I said,
But we don't have to go to the airport, we
don't have to go through TSA. We bring our bags on.
It's great. You're gonna love it. Oh okay, he goes.
I thought it was four seats, No eight, Oh my god.

So it's it's me and Hack and yeah, it's gonna
be a good time. So and that's my next appearance.
So I'll have plenty of time to work on my
TikTok videos, my YouTube videos, my iHeart stuff, like I'm
I'm here for the next month and I'm ready to
rock and roll. So awesome, let's do some content.

Speaker 2 (54:26):
Let's do it. All right, it's time to party.

Speaker 1 (54:30):
It is. Well, what do you got going on? Anything
you want to plug? Uh?

Speaker 2 (54:35):
Yeah, I mean you know, there's always Twitter for me
at chatty and be on Twitter. Yes, always our YouTube
Like you said, it's it's growing, it's going to keep growing.
We just need your support. Get on over there and subscribe,
share it with everybody you know, like the videos, comment

on the videos, and just interact. We just need a
interaction and we need we need your support. Also Facebook
for for the Eyes up Here universe, uh franc Scene's
Eyes up Here podcasts, anything you see for eyes up here.
I'll be posting on it like crazy. So that's where

I want everybody to go. All right, and the TikTok
page and the TikTok it's yeah, let me let me
pull it up one more time because I haven't got
a committed to memory yet at ECW Francine podcast on
the TikTok for.

Speaker 1 (55:33):
All your TikTokers the TikTok. All right?

Speaker 2 (55:36):
Do I sound too old saying that? What on the
TikTok on the TikTok?

Speaker 1 (55:41):
Yeah? Kind of?

Speaker 2 (55:42):
Oh I mean, are is it too early to start
plugging wrestle caide?

Speaker 1 (55:46):
Have you guys made?

Speaker 2 (55:47):
Uh? Well, when this comes out, the announcement will already
have come out.

Speaker 1 (55:50):
Oh well, then you go ahead.

Speaker 2 (55:52):
Welcome. I'm very happy to have reunited great duo from
the second version of ec Wwe we don't use that
word right now, this second version, the new breed of ECW.
If you will reuniting one Kevin Thorn and we're gonna

call her Aeriel for this one. But Shelley Martinez Kevin
Thorn getting together for the first time in forever at
Russell Caid in November in Winston Salem, North Carolina. Head
on over to my Twitter. The ticket link it's a
little it's a little long. I haven't committed the whole

link to memory yet, but there's a QR code for it.
There's a whole link for it. But go on over
to my Twitter. I have everything posted now, so I'm
very happy to do this. Pre sales are up and
running with there's photo opportunities with them, there's single opportunities
with them. But we are going to make this the
coolest reuniting that we possibly can to the two of them.

They haven't done a signing together in eight years, I think,
but they haven't done anything on this side of the country,
the eastern side, probably in like fifteen. So yeah, this
is gonna be a big one.

Speaker 1 (57:07):
I hope you guys are near us because Shane and
I Shane and I sheap plug here are also booked
for Wressel Caid by More Entertainment. The Lovely Bambi Weavil
is bringing us to Wrestle Caid and we'll be there
Friday Saturday. Oh I don't know about Sunday. I know
we're doing Friday and Saturday and there might be something

extra Friday, so I'll keep you all posted, but uh yeah,
Shane and I will be signing autographs, taking pictures, kissing babies,
the whole nine yards. They made the announcement, so we're
good to go. So we'll see you there, Chad Star.

Speaker 2 (57:44):
That's right, I hope. So I'll pull some I'll pull
some strings.

Speaker 1 (57:47):
Yeah, let's I hope we can sit near each other
and it'll be a good time.

Speaker 2 (57:52):

Speaker 1 (57:53):
Yeah, all right, Well, if you want to follow me
on social media, you can find me at ECWD for
fran Scene. I hope you're saying safe. I hope you're
staying healthy, and most of all, I hope you're saying extreme.
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