All Episodes

June 25, 2020 91 mins

On this week's episode, Dr. Cox struggles to support his best friend through Chemotherapy. In the real world, Zach and Donald are joined by Brendan Fraser! Brendan reveals his love of photography, that time.he worked with Mos Def, and what it's like to be stopped by Scrubs fans nearly 20 years after his first appearance on the show. 

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Punctual and everything. There, he is there. He is one
sharp dude. Did you actually believe that I was going
to be late on a day like today? I'm nervous.
Are you nervous? I'm a little nervous, dude. I have butterflies.
I don't have butterflies when I'm just shooting the ship
with you. But this is a big deal. Yeah, we
got a list celebrities. This is the listener. This is
the type of shit that freaking you know shows when

they're getting launched and everything like that, they hope to
get a guest like Brendan Frasier. When Fallon launched, he
wished he got a guess like Brendan Frasier on that episode.
Same thing with Kimmel when they launched. It were like,
if we could get somebody like Brendan Frasier. By the way,
we've been saying it wrong. I'm sorry to interrupt you,
but I got yelled at on the internet. It's Fraser.
We've both been saying Frasier. It's Fraser. Fraser like Fraser

like Raser like laser Fraser Fraser. Okay, I'm just saying
I got someone was like love the podcast Sack you're
all you're both saying Brendan's name wrong. Sorry? Sorry? Do
you know many times I get Donald Phison? Pison, Pison?

What's the other? Oh, there's another phase on but he
spells it differently. There's phase on love Paise love. And
then there's Frankie Phaison who spells it the same way. Right,
there's a phase on North Carolina. I've never been there.
White and black Phaisons. How are you guys? How's your
week going? By the way, Donal Donald, did you know
that Dan's nickname is Daniel? I thought that that was

just kind of a Joel joke, but it really is
his his nickname in life Daniel. It's a nickname or
is that your name? And his name is Daniel. His
name is Daniel. But he's been there's a very long
story he doesn't want to go into. But Daniel, happy
to do it another time, Happy to do it another time. No,
but I'm starting to wonder if we should call on
the podcast, should be calling him Daniel because I like
to use nicknames. It makes me feel like I'm close

to someone. Well, I would be honored if you would
call me Daniel. I might just do There is Daniel
I'm gonna see, I'm gonna see, I'm gonna have been
flows because you can't force a nickname like like, you know,
I hate it when when you say someone's nickname and
you feel like, oh, I just just not flowing out
of me right now. When I was a kid. When
I was a kid, my mom was like the the

not the leader of a camp, but like the creative
director at a camp. It was a camp that had
a boy season in a girl season. The name of
it was Camp at Water. It was in Massachusetts, right,
And I remember she went around a table with all
the counselors because she had to be there early to
meet all the counselors and stuff. She went around a
picnic table. We were outside. I was there because I'm

there with my mom, and she's like, all right, everybody,
just give me your first your name and then you
know a nickname that people give you. So people was
going around I'm terrific Tasha, or I'm you know, stunning Stephen.
And they got to this dude named Daryl. He was like,
they called me delicious Daryl. And I remember I remember

being like wow, and I and then later on Cedric
the entertain has a joke where you know what grown
man wants to call another grown man delicious nickname? What
was your nickname? My father called me the Great Destroyer.

Destroy'd be like, oh, here comes the great Destroyer. I
was had my head was constantly in the clouds, and
I had a tendency to just break things and running
into them arms like gesticulating wildly, knocking over cups and stuff.
So wow, that stuck. My nickname was Biz because it's
my initials backwards graph Israel Zach. So. Uh. When I

was a kid, so I grew up with Terrence Howard, right,
he and I I've known him since he was like
twelve years old. As a matter of fact, my first
I took him on his first audition. He crashed and
crashed an audition with me, and it wound up being
like the Jackson and uh special, and he became you know,
he's Terrence Howard. Now, anyway, when we would hang out

when we were kids, there was this dude in the
neighborhood who didn't necessarily like the fact that two acting
you know, teenagers or you know, young men were walking
around hanging out together. So he was called Showbiz and
I was Hollywood. So when we come outside and back
here comes show bids in Hollywood. I'm gonna start calling

you Hollywood. No, no, no, no no, no no, how are you?
How's your life? Donald phaze On? It's good. You know.
I board in the house and I'm in the house
board you know what I mean? Same yeah, man, it's
the same old stuff. Yeah. Well, you got a birthday

coming up? I do. I'm gonna be forty six. That's
fucking it'll literally be twenty years since we started Scrubs.
When we started Scrubs, I had just turned twenty six,
So it'll be twenty years this year Scrubs will have
been We will have been making Scrubs like it was
the first The first episode came out when I was
twenty six years old. I bought you a present. No,

my wife bought me a present. I bought you a
present for both Father's Day and your birthday? So did
my wife? What did you get me? I'm not gonna
tell you. I'm not gonna tell at least all these
fine folks listening, But I did a donut machine. No
are you gonna keep the donut machine? Though? By the way,
we haven't heard the update on the donut machine I
think I might keep the donut Yeah, of course you're
gonna keep the donut machine. Will you post pictures on

your Instagram so our listeners can see it? Absolutely? I
made ice cream yesterday. I made a raspberry ice cream yesterday.
It was delicious. Do you have an ice cream maker? Well,
there are a lot of things that you can use
to make ice cream. But I have a little attachment
that goes on my little belleville and it's a mixer
and it's spit. You know. It took me two days

to make ice cream. But I made ice cream and
then I made some fudge. So it was raspberry ice
cream with a little chocolate fudge underneath. Let me tell you,
they went crazy in this household for my food mine.
So this is a new phase for your quarantine. You
become a dessert chef. Yeah. You know a lot of
people thought I would phase off when it came to cooking.
I decided to fase on. You know what I'm saying.

I decided to fade on. I think that the best
solution for your diet is to start becoming a dessert chef.
I think it'll be great for my cholesterol. Yeah, and
it'd be great for my it'd be great for my diet.
You know what I mean. I am a dessert man.
I love sweets, I love sugar, I love ice cream. Well, dude,
I made fudge to make fudge brownies. You gotta make

fudge first. I made fudge first. Oh, let me take
something right now, and nothing like some homemade fudge. Oh
my gosh. That should's good. Listen that it's good. Um.
The people loved Scott Foley. Great reaction to Scot. Scott
Foley was a great guest man, great guest everybody he
loved him on there. Yeah, and my whole timeline was

nobody cares shan like. I'm talking about ninety nine percent
of the comments where nobody cares. On Some people said
nobody cares Zack. Yeah, well I said that a couple
of times. Oh that was you, that was you commenting. Yeah,
that was me, I thought you man on my Instagram. Um,
I'm good. You know, I don't know how do you
answer that these days? He just everyone just goes yeah,

I don't know, staring at the wall. I think it's crazy.
You know, the cases are all rising. You know, somebody wrote,
somebody wrote on Twitter. I thought it was really appropriate.
They said, like, so we're all just kind of got
bored and just said fuck it because people are just
going out there. It's rising. Fauci said something like, what
do you you know people are saying like, oh, it's

the second wave. Fact. She's like, what are you talking about?
This is still the first wave, you know, And it's
spiking everywhere. It's spiking in LA It's spiking in so
many places and spiking in the South. Hardcore. Yeah, I know.
So I don't know. Oh man, it's crazy. It just
feels like people went fuck it, I'm over it, and
they're just gonna they're going out. Um, I don't know.

If you've seen all these videos of people out out
and about with no masks on, I think it's I
think it's crazy. Yeah, you know, Um, everybody's gonna live
their life, you know how They're gonna live there, you know.
And I can't. I can't stop anyone from I can
I can beg and I can plead, and I can
you know, you know, say to that's all we can do.

Please don't go out, Please think of your fellow man.
There are the people that can't you know, that won't
be as lucky as you are if you are one
of the lucky ones that you know, this virus does
nothing too. But um, I can't, I can't. What are
you gonna do. You're gonna arrest people, what are you
gonna do? Jump on people and stop him? I haven't,

we haven't, we haven't. We haven't spoken too much on
about our friend Nick on this podcast. You know, Donald
and I have a very good friend, Nick Cordero. You
may have heard about him in the news. He's about
as sick as someone can be, and he was had
no pre existing conditions, and he is forty years old,
and he was he was staying in my guest house.

I mean, he's one of my best friends in the world.
He's an amazing actor. Broadcast we did a play together.
He's a wonderful actor, a wonderful singer. Um, he's just
InCred Like you know, people always say this about people,
but like, honestly, he's the nicest person I've ever met. Like, like,
there is not a malicious, weird, competitive, angry cell in

his body. He's an angel of a human being. And uh,
he was, he was here, he was living in my
guest I'll say he and his wife bought a new
house in LA. They were making the move from New
York to LA. They have a they have a one
year old baby. They were just living the American dream.
They literally bought their first house. And he went back
to New York to pack up his apartment and got
COVID so bad that he's in staying alive with the

help of machines. I don't and no one knows he's
gonna make it. He's lost his leg due to complications
of clotting and such. His lungs. His lungs are just
Swiss cheese, they said. The COVID just just fucking destroys
the lungs. So UM. I not to be a Debbi
downer on this show, but I haven't been talking about

it because we're here to hopefully entertain you and take
your mind off things. But if you're headed out and
you don't have a mask on, UH, I want you
to think about my friend Nick. Maybe just think about it,
because I think people takes comfort and going well. First
case scenario, I'm forty, what's gonna happen? This guy had
had it was healthy, his wife's a trainer. I mean,

he's a healthy guy. And uh, and he could he
could die. So I don't mean to to to preach,
and I wasn't even gonna bring this up, but I
just felt weird all of a sudden not mentioning it.
And uh and um, you know, so while you think,
while you think it's, uh, well, everybody is out there,
just you know, about to uh all the people that

are sick of this virus, just know that this virus
isn't sick of us exactly. And and just know that, uh,
you know, don't have in your head. I think it's
a shame for people to have in their head. Uh
where'st case scenario? I get it. They say it's like
a really bad flu. That's that's bullshit. That's some people.
But there's also some people like Nick who are totally
healthy and have a one year old baby and are

just started walking, who just started walking today actually and
uh and his and he could die. I mean, we
don't know. It's it's it could go either way. So
I'm sorry to open the show with that. Donald helped
me change the tone of things by being jovial and
leading us sevens about show. We made a dread here.

Let's bring in Brendan. Everybody let's bring in Brendan Fraser. Donald,
don't say it like the oh see you too? Oh man, dude,
look at this. Donald and I both admitted to each

other that we have butterflies because we don't have fancy
movie stars on our on our part, no offense to
our other guests. They're great offense. They all did them,
they've all been great, but they're not like Brendan Fraser.
We just kicked it up a notch, like like like
like Emerald used to say, Bam, kick it up a notch.
Flattery will get you everywhere. Brandon we Um. We we're

giddy that you're here. Not only are we not only
had we always both been fans of your work, but
when you came on the show, it was really cool
because you were by far the fanciest guest star we
had on the show. And then you became like people's
favorite storyline. And I don't even if you know this,
but the episode where you where You Died is a

lot of people's favorite episode of the whole series. And
so we're just we're thrilled you're here and we want
to talk about all of it. Thank you. You helped
launch our you know, I don't think. I don't know
if it definitely wasn't on purpose. But our buddy Josh Raiden,
who gets spoken of every freaking episode, his song was
played at your character's funeral and because of that his career.

I mean, he travels all over the world now and
performs to packed houses. But this was the first song
that he ever wrote, and somehow Bill used it in
in this episode. Somehow is me. I said, you need
to stud the song, try my buddies first song. He
had never written a song, and we played it during
your funeral episode and it launched his career. But anyway,

we let Brennan talk. That's really nice. I mean, look,
the music is important so much in the across the
arc of the whole whole show. I mean, the choices
were always spot on. They made you feel the internal
conflict even though there was you know, this comedy that
that was juxtaposed against. It's a very serious environment. I mean,

how do you make a hospital funny? Yeah, you guys
did it um for many many episodes, and I I'm
so pleased. When I've been going to comic conventions in
the last two years or so, that's a similar thing

that everyone says, they're very um, they're moved by that episode. Now, look,
thanks for the nice things you're saying to me, but
you're only as good as the company you keep and
how well it's written, and some camera things too. But
I just I should say belated thank you, like what
seventeen years later now for including me in that cast

and pulling me into the fold. How we get your Sorry,
I didn't mean that's okay. I was thinking about that
today too. I let's take a walk back here. I
had just finished a run of my West End debut
in London and catohat Tin Roof, and I came back
to La and my former wife Afton and Krista Miller

are longtime friends, and I had not met Bilby before,
but I did get on the phone with him, and
I recall saying something like he's asking, how you doing.
We want you to come and do this. I let
me see the script. I mentioned something about feeling a
little tired or jet lagged or I needed to get
back to the gym, and he said, all right, well

I'll send it over. So we sent the script over
and he sent a bunch of gym shorts. I mean,
like nice ones too, so I thought, all right, I'm in.
When one man sends another man his shorts, there is
no other love. You know, when you're trying to get

an actor to do something, there's always the go to thing,
which is write a nice letter. But I'm gonna take
I'm gonna take Bill's Q on this and get more creative.
He sent you a clothing. Well, he just showed he
was listening. Listen, man, I'm tired. I gotta get back
to the gym. Let me help you out. You're some
shorts and the script that's true. Are you are you

in town right now? Or are you out of town?
I know you're doing uh that? The show, the superhero show,
Doom Patrol, Doom Patrol. Do you not know that? Donald
superhero guy. I was just watching the trailer for season
two where you guys are miniaturized and everything like that.
I'm very excited for it. I was really sided when
the show started. I was actually I watched Titans and

then when they introduced Doom Patrol through Titans and Beast Boy,
I was really excited to watch the show. And the
cast is phenomenal. You got such a really dope cast.
You Matt Bonner Uh, what's his name? Uh, Timothy Dalton,
Like it's sick cast dude, Diane Guerrero Ippa bowlby season two,
Let's get out of the Way. June twenty fifth on

HBO Max The New One. Check it out, excited, Donald,
Did you actually watch the read the comics before? I mean,
this is the first time in live action thing's been No. No,
I had not read the comic before, but I knew
it existed, but I had I had never. I had
never because it's really an obscure property. It was really

kind of it was orphaned. It was done like seven
different incarnations on Real Prince. Yeah, and they didn't they
killed everybody off at one point they brought them all
back and then Grant Morrison did the run that this
that inspired the show. So it the word surreal gets
bandied about very much in the way we speak, but
it actually borrowed from Dadaism, and you know that what

Dolly was up about surrealism in the way that this
show's inspired. A lot of the set pieces are direct
key art from um the graphic novels and it and
it did keep the sense of I don't know if
I want to call it, it's people like to say
dark where it's serious. I think it just didn't. It doesn't.

It doesn't shy away from going to the places that
motivate brooding superhero characters and explaining really why, and often
in white knuckle detail. So you guys, you guys do
you guys are very it's a very I would say
it is a dark show. Like each and every one

of your origins comes from a dark place, you know
what I mean? Just from your character alone. Your character
was a race car driver who was who was like,
you know, cheated on his wife and really didn't give
a shit about anybody but his daughter, you know what
I mean. And yeah, and he was I don't think
he won all those races fair and square either to right.

Just a bad, bad dude. And he dies and gets
put into a robot, and he's led to believe that
his daughter is I don't want to spoil the show.
He's dead. There, I said it. He's and and so's
he's struggling to reconcile how to be a better man,

except now he's trapped in this steampunk robot body, and strangely,
he's a better human being as a robot than he
was as a man right right, right, and and and
he's there for his teammates. He's like in every episode,
he's the one character who's there for his teammates. He's

there for the girl with all the personalities, He's there
for the it's crazy Jane as she's known with her
sixty four different personalities that you all but superpowers too,
that's a dope superpower. That's dope. You could sixty four
different powers. That's pretty dope. Anyway, Brendan, did you read
um comic books when you were kids? I had a

anthology of Superman. I tried to get into Batman because
all the cool kids did then. And I gotta be
honest with you think they kind of think they were formidable.
And they sort of scared me a little bit, like
it was like listening to heavy metal music and you're
not ready for it to me. And and so, I

mean I like them for sure, um, but my speed
was more like Dennis the Menace and Richie rich Yeah,
I read. I would read Archie, Little Archie, Yeah, little Archie.
Look yeah, so I guess in short, no, not really,
but then I mean when this came along, um, it's
kind of a yeah, I would want to be a

part of this because I'm not sure if if risks
like this get taken that frequently. And I'm no aficionado,
you know, in a world of comics and that kind
of thing, but I know that it's it's a piece
in Donald just touched on this. That's like everyone comes
from some horrible accident that occurred to them prior to
them being introduced to its audience, our audience, and that's

the reason why that they have to build better lives
through it. Although they bicker with one another and they
hate one another, but they can't be a part and
they don't function without one another, kind of like Scrubs,
I should say, yeah, yeah, the very theme song is
I can't do this all on my own, can't And yeah,
it's about the camaraderie. You know, You've had the most

epic career. I was just scrolling your IMDb page just
before you came on because I wanted to just kind
of glance at everything. I mean, you have the kind
of career that actor's dream of having. You from from
really cool artistic indies two the biggest tent pole movies ever. Um,
I mean, do you when you look back on things

is there is there a favorite or is it all
kind of like I mean, for us, I mean, Donald
and I look back at Scrubs. We haven't had the
fraction of the queer you've had, but I mean we
look back and go, Okay, We've had lots of fun experiences,
but Scrubs was like one of the best experience of
our lives. Is there a project that you look back
on that and go, you know, I've done a lot
of cool things, but this one in particular was like,
holy shit, that changed my life or this or or

if I had to like name something that really changed
my life for better or worse, I'd have to say
it was around two thousand. Sorry, like nineteen ninety nine.
It was the Mummy pictures. Everybody saw those mean and
still they have a resonance. I guess it's just, you know,
my dumb luck that the lore of an Egyptian mummy

wrapped up for several thousand years looking for his girlfriend
is an enduring theme that we just love to do
and over and over and over again. So you know,
we had that that had that going for it. But um,
if I think of a filmlert that that made me
feel like it changed. I worked with I worked with

Michael Kine in Vietnam on a picture called The Quiet
American and it was a pretty good adaptation UM. Christopher
Hampton wrote it m of the of the novel, and
we shot in Vietnam, and at that time, no Western

film had been made in Vietnam. I mean, if you
saw a movie that was a war picture or something,
it was in Malaysia or Thailand or doubled somewhere else
in Selfacific with the Jungles. But we had the good
fortune and um to actually be there, and it was
exciting for the reasons that it really pushed back at

as the novel did that American foreign policy was, you know,
blessed in the world, and the reality is, no, it's not.
The The picture itself, I can say confidently was put
on the chopping block by Miramax when it came out

September eleventh, had transpired it and in the I don't
even want to say his name, but the boss of
that company said, I don't want to do anything wrong
for the American people, and we never really knew what
that meant. And Michael took the picture to Toronto International
Film Festival and gave it in an audience there, and

that's when it really started to take off, and the
Washington Post wrote a piece called, let the acquiet Americans
speak and you know, in other words, you don't need
to sugarcoat this. You don't have to treat us like children.
We should know. I mean, these are things that that

we do have to discuss that UM has not changed
then and it had, it can't change now. I mean,
so to be a part of that, UM, I guess
I felt I was in UM in good company and
UM I felt like I had a chance to be

a part of a picture that would, you know, in
its own way change the world. Now movies do or
they don't, and that's the hope in the aspiration. But
it did fulfill something for me that UM was was meaningful.
And if it didn't find its audience at that time, UM,
there's always the notion of feeling that it will do

in the future. And well, I think it still holds up.
You can have a lot of people watching it now
because it's it's one of yours. I haven't seen and
I'm definitely curious and and we have a handful of
people listening to this. I'm sure we'll check it out.
I loved one of your early film school ties was yeah,
I would about to say that, oh man, that movie
hit me at the right age man and I especially
being a young Jewish man. That of course, and we

didn't and I didn't feel like I looked like Brendan,
you know. I was like, there I am, look at
our handsome mind being represented. But but but I mean
your performance in that movie as a as a young actor.
I mean, I think everyone in the world was like,
you know, everyone who loves movies was like, oh shit,
look at this new guy. I thought you really really
were great in that movie. Well. Thanks. It was sort
of the diner casting. Yeah, It's day in a way,

Ben Affleck, Matt Damon. The list is ridiculous. So many people,
Anthony Raps ridiculous. We um at that time had no
idea what we were doing. We had an abundance of enthusiasm.

Probably the most important thing to us is getting the
producer to provide us breakfast in the morning before we
had to play football all day, although they did not,
you know, I mean, and still at that time I
look at it and I think, I don't I really
don't know that much about that guy anymore. I I
you know, I just see, um, I see, I see

a cast very hopeful. But but at the same time,
we all have this sort of tenuous is this it
kind of feelings as you do when you're first starting out. Yeah,
in this industry, yeah, um so. But for that, rather
than you know, turning inward, we just swung for the
fences and hope for the best, for whatever the film
would would result. And well it was. It was really great.

Donal and I both remember that film. Finally, we've talked
about it before. And Donald, you also began your career
in a football film. Yeah, I did. It's called Remember
the Titans. Have you watched it yet? No, it's on
my to do list. I'm gonna watch these are that's fine,
and and that's fine, But these are the issues that

I'm having. Now. Let me tell you what happens. Don't
fight in front of our guests, don't fighting on a company.
Let me finish, Let me finish. Is this because is
this because I didn't read Garden State when you get Yes,
that's one of the reasons. I was in the shower
and I was thinking, you know, I've done some projects
and Zach's never seen any of them. No, I've seen

a lot of them. You've seen, dude. Was the movie
you win where where the famous rapper was a postman.
It's called Next Day. First of all, it was Next
Day Air. Yeah, I saw Second All. The only reason
why you saw Next Day Air is because I invited
you over for screening at my house with all the
producers and oh, boy, who is the rapper? I for guy?

He was really good. Most dea manst most def is
a good actor. He did a good job in that movie.
I worked with most deaf most I worked with most
Deaf once in a really obscure movie the shot and
saw Paula Brazil. It was called Journey to the End
of the Night, and he played uh, a Nigerian dishwasher
who gets roped into running a huge suitcase of cocaine

in this sort of impossible scenario that he just can't
win from. He was so good, I mean he was
what was the name of the movie, Journey to the
End of the Night? Journey scene Bay in Journey to
the End of the Night. I'm gonna watch that too,
So sorry, but Titans got moved down another rung because

I've had two more films. Let me tell you what
happens in my house. You have dinner, you get what
are we gonna watch tonight? Right? I don't know if
this happened Dais and remember the Titans. Now, let me
tell you. I just want to know if this happens
in either any of your houses. You have a list
of like one thousand classics you want to watch. You
have a list of like your friends movies you want
to watch. You got a list of movies you read

online that everyone's talking about. And then you get on
there and you're tired, and you had a glass of
wine and you like and it's HGTV time. Yeah right,
Top Chef, Top Chef, Top Chef. Listen, I could be
a cook now because I watched so much Top Chef.
Hold on. You said it's friend movies that your friends

are in, and you look at the classics and everything
like that. Dude, you can knock two out with one stone.
It's a motherfucking classic one two. Your friend is in it.
So dude, let's get to then do what are we waiting?
We're gonna do it. I'm right after quiet American. I'm
gonna do it. Um all right, I promise you this
is a commitment. You're lying, but okay, you've been saying
this for years. I just want you to know that

for years. Listen, don't go ahead. We don't have Brendan
forever because he has to feed his children. So I
want to move quickly. We're gonna take a quick break,
we're gonna come back, and then we're gonna go through
the episode because I want to talk. This episode has
so much in it, and Brendan, you probably don't even
know this, but there's so many things in this particular
episode that that became through lines for the whole series,

including when you pick me up and I yelled eagle, Um,
the a cappella group, Um, Bob Zeltzer, you're a cancer
doctor Lablin. All right, we'll be right back and we're back.
We're back, all right. So um. This episode is called

My Hero and it's the second of Brendan's three episodes
he did Um, Brendan, did you know by the way,
I knew you assumed you knew you were doing too?
But then, what what's the story of of you came
back in? Not till season three? Did did Bill? He
couldn't have possibly seeded Hey, we're gonna build your character
and come back in two seasons or so. What how

did that come about? Yeah, I gotta, I gotta Bill
knows the answer to that one. I mean, I had
such a great time with the to be continued to
you know, to Hander right that came on in the
first season that I was in, and then when he
called up to do it again, I was like, absolutely,
all right, you know you It was because I had

such a great time working you guys right on you
and you and you brought something to the table that
a lot of that went on for a really long time. Also,
your camera when you brought your camera to look at this. Look,
Zach has a camera just like that. Now I'm holding
up I'm holding up my my Polaroid one ten A
that I would not have purchased without Brendan. So I

want you know, Brendon and I are both Brendan Christa
Miller and I are all camera geeks. We all collect them.
But I was never into old polaroid cameras until I'm
at Brendon and all. And if you guys are watching
the episode and you see him shooting all these polaroids,
they that was inspired by Brendan. Those are all his
pictures you're you're looking at. And I got so into

to polaroid photography because of you, Brendon, and I've free,
not like free for the twenty years since I've seen you.
I can't tell you how many different polaroid cameras I've
bought and collected. And Donald was saying on another podcast,
he goes, why do I have so many like professional
quality polaroids of myself? And I'm like, that's because of Brendan,
Because Chris and I both got so into it. We

we've taken so many pictures of them sitting in a
closet or on the shelf right now. Because the film
is so hard to find and you know you can
get it online, um um if you buy. I actually
knowing that you were coming on, I haven't. I haven't
used it in a while, but knowing you would come on,
I was like looking online and where I can find
Fuji still makes um the film for good pack film

impossible projects another one you know, yes, but for those
of you want to get into this hobby food, fujif
P one hundred is is the go to, right Brennan,
that's like the last one let me just keeek out.
I put my glasses on. Yeah, one hundred. I just

gave him a shout out. There should be a sponsor
um so Brendan when you pick me up at one
thirty three in this kid's room. Now, I can't imagine
you even could could know this story. But the fans
I've watched eight seasons, No, when you picked me up
and spun me, the first thing I say that made
me laugh was I go faster because the whole, the

whole gag is the JD is such a nerd that
at first he's like no, no, no, no no, and then
then he's like as a kid and I and then
you're spinning. You're spinning me. And on one last take,
I thought, oh, the extra dorky if JD pretended he
was soaring like an eagle. And then I just went eagle,
which became bizarrely a huge runner throughout the whole season.

On a series of the show, Don would take me
up and I'd yell eagle, and it became a running thing.
It became his what you're talking about willis? It became
my what you're talking about willis? Became my catchphrase. You
you lifted me into my It's like in dirty dancing
doing the lift. You lifted me into my catchphrase, thanks

very very much. Everywhere. I particularly liked your shower shorts.
If I remember yes correctly, the man for the man
who has nothing to hide but still wants to I
still want and it had could have a wallet, and
then you hold it out, you let it go and
there's this sort of like sound off camera and you
just wins a bit. Yeah exactly. But I mean everywhere

I go in my life, and I've been traveled all
around the world, Um, I will have people yell eagle
at me as I walked down the street. It's forever.
It's forever. Yeah, all because of this moment. And at
one minute thirty eight and then Christa goes for a spin.
I wonder if Krista liked that. I have a feeling
Krista wasn't too fond of the spot. I bet she
liked it because it was Brendan. If it was anybody else,

she would have been like getting it. There's no way,
there's no way. I can't imagine Bill writing an episode.
If Bill put any other character picks up Christa and
spins her, she would have been like no no no
no no no no no no no no no no
no no tangle in my giblets. Yeah. I laughed out

loud at that. I don't like too much freedom now there.
It makes me tingle in my giblets. I think I
may have made that one up, because I don't think
Bill would have written giblets. But um, Brennan, you found
a way with this character to bring out something. You know,
Johnny C had yet to really warm up to anybody.

He's his character, doctor Cox is playing. He's such a
tough alpha guy. And then with your character, we see
the friendship that that that JD and Turk cav mirrored
a bit. We see, um, oh, there is a guy
out there who's silly and who's goofy and is and
is out there who's kind of like um his JD.

If you, if you will, do you know what I mean?
Like you you you brought out the silly side of
a guy the audience is only known as someone who's
so serious and agro right he was and just just
like Johnny C. Yeah yeah, yeah, although Johnny's a smidgen
nicer R wow absolute yeah. Did you know Johnny before

this had you guys work together. We No, we had
not met before. I had seen him in films that
he'd made, and but I think I met him on
the day tell you the truth, the day there was
a nail in my hand, Yeah, a board, right, if
I remember that was the first episode before this one. Correctly,
I think we met like maybe three minutes earlier than that.

But wow, Wow, it's because he doesn't take much time
in the makeup chair. I learned. He just kind of
walks in, scrubs his head and then makes like these
sort of animal grunt noises. Yeah, puts product in it
and does it again, and then like does like elaborate
clicking and snapping with his fingers and then he takes off.

He's good to go. I had to show up, like,
you know, an hour early with Christa, so we could
you know, get our strand by strand done just perfect? Yeah?
Do you? Donald went through donning through Donald. Colin Farrell
was on the show, and I think it was him, right, Donald,
you didn't want any makeup and uh, you know, because
he looks like Colin Farrell. And then Donald was like,
you know what, I'm gonna start doing that. I don't

need makeup. Either if it's good enough for Colin Farrell
is good enough. Yeah, and Donald Donald was like showing off,
like I don't even make up either, and then like,
oh we did one episode in the next week. Donal
was like, I'm gonna go back to the makeup. I
go back to Uh speaking of makeup, is that you
in in the in the costume all the time or
do they have a stand in for you or do

you have to do makeup every day like that? Which costume?
Which I've had a lot of weird ones, and I've
had some that were at all Oh for do Patrol.
Oh no, that's voiced by Riley shan I mean I'm
voicing the character Riley Shanahan. Where's the suit? Um? He
is a wonderful comedic performer with fantastic timing. Um, and

he's full on playing the character through a mask. Yeah.
Um and uh he uh he does the heavy lifting there.
I mean, I show up in an episode or two
wearing pieces of that because, like I said, it borrow,
it breaks a lot of rules and makes its own
and the way the show unfolds. But otherwise no, I'm
it's like I gotta, I gotta, I gotta be clear

with you. It's like it's like a dream job. Somebody
else wears the thing shows up for you. In recent months,
I don't even go inside the studio, like we all don't.
You're sitting in your closet right now. I've been doing
ad R on a cell phone. It's it's it's weird.
It's weird days for a business. But on the other hand, like,
don't tell anybody this is actually don't. I think that's
the case. I'm not wearing pants. I think that's the

case with I think it's the case with Mandalorian too. Um,
you know, because that's all stuntman, right, yes, yeah, yeah,
so I mean it you not to talk about it though,
do they do? The producers want you to be like, no,
Brennan's in the suit. No, no way, I would never
do that. That's not fair to Riley and I. I mean,

and I'm fifty one. Now, this this guy is like
built like a tree and that thing is that those
robots suits and all that all that, like you know
DC Comic and Marvel Comic, those outfitial supersuits. They're heavy. Yeah,
they are. Superformers are really unsung heroes. I worked with
many of I worked with them on on. I'll say

the titles George of the Jungle. The guys in the
guerrilla suits are amazing. They're they're I mean, they they
really take Sidmeian behavior seriously and U, I mean it's
it's a ding back comedy. But at the same time, no,
they were. They were quite specific about what they needed
and how they would move as a troop. And yeah, yeah,
I mean, can you tell Donald and I how to
get in that kind of shape, um, if we ever

wanted to try, because you're pretty ripped in that movie. Yeah,
go back in time and eat nothing but like broccoli
and styrofoam, lift weights until you puke, and then go
wash your mouth out and keep doing it. I was
once the gym and a gym and uh, and Arnold
Schwarzinger walked into the gym to sort of inspect it.

I guess his friend owned it or something. And he
he was still the governor, and he walked over to me.
Um on the I was on one of the benches,
and uh, I don't know if he recognized me as
an actor or if he was just sort of like
talking to me as a citizen, like, hello, what's your
goals with your workout, and I was I was so starstruck,

and I was like, uh oh um um, well, I
guess I just kind of want to look like Brad
Pitton fight Club. And he goes and he goes, you
need to eat a lot of carrots. That's all carrots.
So for like the next two months, I was just
like fucking pounding carrots and it never happened ripped No,
I mean it never happened and never was like I

never pitting fight Club orange. He definitely got orange, that's
for sure. He eats a lot of carrots and then
he just moved on to somebody else. You hit a
lot of broccoli, you you eat a lot of comquats
and you eat to squash you. He's just he's walking

around to each version of the gym for you, broccoli
for you. Peace. How long would you train? How long? When?
How long would you train for someone like that? I
mean the Mummy too. I mean, I know you're in
sixth shape, Like did you did you? Would you go

through big training periods? Yeah? I think I recall it was.
I mean all in a second year if you're gonna
you know, and then you do maintenance and blah blah.
But um, you know, I I haven't asked about this
frequently over the years, and I really don't know the
answer because everyone's body is so different, and I almost

feel reticent to say, well, this is what I did,
because then people want to emulate or do that and
it might not be right for them. But I guess
if i'd be honest, it's just just just just get
it over with and lift weights, I guess if. But
the thing is that there's wear and tear on your joints,
your spine. I became really proficient with ice bags, like

really talk about nerdy camera geek. I was like nerdy
ice cube geek and um and uh, you know, it's
a lot to keep it's a lot to keep up.
It's a lot to ask of your body. And I
have to say with confidence that I felt a sense
of relief when it wasn't something that was expected of me,

that wasn't exactly what you know I'm known for. Or
I was happy to say that someone else's job right now,
you know, like um and uh and just you know,
pound back the milkshakes, yeah, yeah, and focus. Paul Rudd
said something very similar to me. He was like you know,
I felt great when I was doing it. But I'm

gonna tell you something right now, I'd love to drink
a milkshake right now, I'd like something, you know what
I mean, Like, you're absolutely right. It's like when you're
doing it, you feel great and there's a purpose. Somebody's
paying you a lot of money to do this stuff.
But really, you know, living is a lot of fun too,
if I feel and you know, I gotta say something psychologically,

if I'm honest, I can look at those images now
and think, I see a guy who is still insecure,
who still felt like I don't know, a certain part
of your body didn't look the proportion that you were
hoping for. Or I learned from that that our self
image is just really um tied up with a single thing,

and that's confidence. If you have that, it doesn't matter
how often you go to a gym or don't go
to a gym. I really learned that it's about the
person who you are and the rest is just decoration. Yeah.
I wish I you know, I wish I I had
that confidence when I go places like the beach and

stuff like that, Like I feel great in my skin
at home, I could prance around naked in front of
my wife and stuff like that, and I'm confident that I,
you know, I still feel, I still feel and look
sexy to her. When you go to the beach, though,
and there's a and there's a you know, stigmatism of
how everybody's supposed to look and you don't necessarily fit

that type, it's like, wait a second. You know, I
don't necessarily want to take my shirt off and jump
into the water, now, you know what I mean? I
have I have, I have real issues when it comes
to that. Um. I remember working so hard to get
in shape and look a certain way, you know, when,
just like you said, when it was time for the
big reveal, I felt like I didn't reach my goal,

you know what I mean. Then I look back at
it now and I'm like, holy shit. I looked like
holy look at that, but it never back. I remember
we talked about this on the podcast. I just wish
I could have been present when I you know what
I mean, Like there were so many things on my
mind when all the projects that I've made before. I

wish I could have just been just experienced every moment,
and I didn't. I was too worried about this or
too interested in something else, uh to really focus on
you know. And now the age that we live in,
everybody has a camera right in their pocket, and we're
all privy to one another physiques, and it's you know,

it's a it's a it's a it's a macabre pastime
that is available to everyone. And you know, depending on
where you are in the world, what country, part of
the country. Somewhere in the back of my mind, I
always wonder, is there's somebody with a long lens, you know,
they're a sniper, right where are you? Yeah? Did you

happened a lot in La? For sure? But gout of La?
Is that one of the like tell us a little
bit about felt relief? I mean for that reason alone
that you know, because it's it's uh, it's a place
that's that's that's that's myopic in that sense. Yeah. And
you know, with distance you can get some perspective. Yeah, um,
which was which was helpful to me. Yeah, for sure.

You know, my wife always says, She'll say something to me, like,
you know, I'm just bigger than everybody, and I'm like,
in La, I mean, you're bigger than everybody in La.
And you go any place else and people would be like,
damn girl, either sandwich or something, you know what I mean.

But I think it's good when actors get out of
New York in LA. I mean, you have to have
reached a certain level of of of stature in the
business as you have where you can kind of be
anywhere you want. Um. But um, I fantasize about that sometimes.
I don't know about you, Donald, about about being able
to be somewhere that's not uh in the heart of

the industry. I think, well, yeah, you'd get more for
your buck. First of all, you get more, you know
what I mean. The two million dollars that you spend
in Los Angeles gets you a room with the window.
You do that shit in Montana and you got a ranch,
you know what I mean? Like that, it's a huge difference.
I would I would, you know, I can't picture you
on a ranch. Would you like a ranch I could pick?

I could pickture Listen, I could picture myself in Yeah.
I know, But wait, Donald, I never asked you this
shit doesn't have to have animals on it. It just
needs to know. I never asked you this. I never
asked you this. If you could live anywhere in the
country that's not a New York or LA and and
you could have you know, you could you know, money's
no object. I don't mean like some stupid epic mansion.

I mean like, you know, you have all the money
that you want to spend. What would you choose? Would
you choose the Montana ranch or would you choose I
don't know what. I can't picture. I never asked you
what you're what that would be for you. I'm a
city boy, so I'd have to live in I'd have
to find something. I'd have to live in the city.
But uh, if I if I could live any place,
there's two places that I would love to live. One Toronto.

I love the I love the city. It's one of
my favorite cities of all time. If I could live
anywhere and and have and if money was no object,
which it always is, but if it wasn't an object, dude,
I would live somewhere in Toronto that was freaking, you know,
wonderful and great either there or I You know, I

am a huge fan of London. You know this. It's
one of my favorite cities. I do like that area,
and you're very popular there. You're like, you're like, you know,
Denzel Washington of Kingdom. No, I disagree. There's people like
John Boyega. There are a bunch of people from the
United They do love you, and the people that are

listening in the United Kingdom can attest to loving Donald Faizon.
All right, how about this. If y'all love me in
the United Kingdom like you love Denzel or more than
you love Denzel, hit me up on Twitter and Instagram
and say that shit. Yeah, I'm gonna send it to
Denzel and be like, in your face, Denzel, in your face.
Let this let this week. I got the UK, I
got the UK. On Locke, you're gonna make Brendon have

to pull out his earphones. Don't yell with our guests. Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry,
m Brendon. I know you have to go. We don't
want to keep you longer than uh than we then
we promised we would, but we just wanted to really
tell you that we love you, and that the fans
love you, and that uh and then I hope, um,
if you're if you, if this wasn't too horrible, I
hope that you'll come back when we when we get
to season three. For that very special episode, because whenever

fans talk about their favorite episode, it's either that one
or the musical usually, right Donald, Yeah, absolutely, uh more
more that one though. That's everyone's. It seems like that's
the universal number one episode for all of the Scrubs fans.
It's rare that we get anything else. It's always the
one where where your character passes away and Cox has

no idea where he's at at the end. Well, you
guys are really kind and you were so kind to
me then, and I'm really grateful for that experience. And uh,
he means a lot to me that people still are
finding it today and that that you included me on
the show. Thank you included you, dude. We were so

happy that you were doing I remember when we believe
It's like, holy shit, Yeah, we got a real star.
We got a real star. We got it's like a
fishing we got one on the line. Um, thank you
so much, And everybody check out Doom Patrol. When is it?
When is the season two premier? June twenty five, June

twenty five on HBO Max. Guys, check it out And Brendan,
thank you so much. We love you. We'll see by
I don't now Oh my god, what what? What? What
a sweet human being? Huh? That was so awesome, dude,
I can't believe we had him on. But he's just
like his You know, these people they just and you
you're so happy when they're coming to your life. They
just had to glow peace and kindness, you know. I

even though we're over Zoom, he's just he's just he's
just fire hosting his heart at you. You know what
I mean. He's got that et heart light. He's got
the et heart light. He said it better than I do.
He's got an et glowing heart light. You feel it,
you feel it. I'm glad that. I'm almost glad that
he couldn't stay the whole time because I was looking
at all my notes about Turning talking through the episode,

and I'm like, I don't want to bother Brendan by
talking about doctor Zeltzer, right, Like, have Brendon Brendan sitting
there being like, I don't I don't know anything about it.
I don't want to. I don't want to. I don't
care that that that's that's that. Rob had a big
bit of medical jargon. What the fuck do I give
a fuck? I gotta go feed my kids. Well you
did the whole we'd skipped over the whole tony shalout situation.

We're talking go back, go back. Now that Brendon's gone,
I can relax, I can breathe. I was so nervous.
I wanted to do a good job. Now now it's
just me and now it's just us four, I can
I can talk about Zeltzer. I can talk about anything.
This whole tony salute thing. This was before he started
winning all the Emmy's. Huh yeah, before he started beating
me every single time, beating you. He beat everyone, dude,
he beat everyone. I know everyone. Okay, okay, do you

know what that's from? Do you know what that's from? You? No,
you never saw the professional Gary Oldman. Oh yeah, of
course with now yeah Gary Oldman and the we've got
him upstairs. What do you want? Bring me? Everyone? Everyone,
every I'm sorry if you're listening to this podcast on earbuds,

I apologize. I will try and counterbalance it with this
soft podcast voice I have. You don't remember that? Do
you remember that S and L sketch where they were
doing like a it was like the Sweaty Balls one
where they were doing like yeah, but that was when
alcohol was the guest start. But the normal show was like, yes,
they talked like this, that's fun, that's really fun. Oh,
it's great. The Ben and Jerry's ice cream flavor now

sweaty balls. H I want to say, it's like balls
of peanut butter. Oh man, I was hoping, what's your favorite?
Ben and jerrys that we should try and get them
as a sponsor so we can get buckets of free
ice cream. Dude, Ben and Jerry's rocks. Yo, Ben, listen.
I will pay money for Ben and Jerry's from here
on out, especially after this whole the whole black Lives

Matter situation that's been going on, when they straight up said, yo,
black lives matter. Anyone say anything else? Pretty much, go
fund yourself. Good for them. I love it. By the way,
I'm not just saying that. I really I can't have
Ben and Jerry's in my house because I'll just snort
it like it's fucking cocaine. WHOA Do we need to

have a conversation about issue. No, I'm just saying imagine
that when people that have a coke problem, I think
a problem if you're snorting ice cream like you don't
like you don't snort your ice cream. Donald It's only
problem when you get a particularly chunky flavor and that,
like a peanut butter pretzel, gets stuck in your nose.
Oh my gosh, you need to I like Chubby Hubby

a lot. Well, Daniel is freaking out over there. He
likes that too. I like no Play. I can never
find it, but it's my favorite flavor. I love Chubby.
I like anything basically anything with peanut butter because I
like peanut butter and chocolate in my ice cream. I like,
I'm gonna be honest with you. I'm gonna be honest
with you. I don't eat a lot of Ben and

Jerry's ice cream. That is the honest to goodness. Is
there another brand that you would have the audacity to choose,
because we're trying to get them to be our sponsors,
so don't find up. There isn't another brand that I
would have the audacity to choose. I'm just saying it
hasn't been something that I have been getting a lot of. Oh,
because you're trying to stay thin, but then you go
home and make that shit yourself. I prefer to make

my ice cream so if Ben and Jerry's wants to
become a sponsor and teach them up, like how to
make somebody's flavors. Yeah, so that's what Benjor is gonna do.
They're gonna come on and teach you how to make
their top secret ice cream. I wouldn't. I wouldn't. I
wouldn't give it away. I would keep it for myself.
There are a bunch of There are a bunch of
things that I wish the owners of the company would
be like, all right, look, we're just gonna give you
the recipe. Keep that shit to yourself, but you can

make it at home. Crispy Cream, Hello, teach me how
to make a donut. What about those salts Cure pancakes,
the salts Cure pancakes. Yeah, my restaurant in Los Angeles,
Donald I'm I've never had your oh my bed oh yeah.
And then there's the salts Cure pancakes are very, very tasty.
But you know where I really like the pancakes. It

is Dupars, dear du Pause. Listen, no, no, listen, no,
you fuck you fuck olf, motherfucker. Hold on, goddamn it.
Hold on. I'm now going back to my podcast. Voice
to counterbalance Donald's loud voice. And then and then Mastros,
if you could teach me how to make that buttercake, Yo,

that buttercake, that buttercake. Masstros. You remember you remember Masstros
where we used to go for steak night? Yeah? Yeah,
do you remember steak Night? I know you don't eat
meat anymore, but do you remember steak night? Of course
we used to legit, go to steake night. It is
the world's best meat. It is such a treat. Were
you going a Stagg Night? Yeah? Made that song up.

I want the world to know. That was another in
addition to our theme song with the help of Charlie Pooth.
A Steak Night with no help from Charlie Pooth is
an original song by Donald Fazon and I. Were you
going a Stagg Night? Gonna steak is such it is
best meat Steak Night. And then we did the fucking

this dance Brady Bunch dance. Yeah. Do you remember when
the Brady Bunch mut did there like would perform It's
like a band. Like in the later episodes, they became
like a band and that was their move. Like when
it's time to change, you've got to re arrange Shenanaanaana.

What was that when Peter went through puberty? Remember? And
he went he was like, and if you remember that episode,
if you're old enough to remember, he was going through puberty.
And and he when he was singing his song and
was like, when it's time to change, you've got to
re arrange. And they were like, oh no, what are
we gonna do. Peter's going through puberty? What the fuck happened?
And all of a sudden, the Brady Bunch were in

a band like out of nowhere. It was like season one,
The Brady Bunch, Day are having a hard time coming
together as a family. Season two, The Brady Bunch, They're
going to school now things are great. Season three they're
in a band like what it was Season three? I
don't know either. I'm just guessing, but out of nowhere
all but it had to be. Can you find out
when how many seasons in The Brady Bunch became? It's

the same shit, Donald, it's jumping the shark. It's like
red haired Sam coming into different strokes. You gotta shake
shit up. They went to fucking Hawaii and jumped the shark.
To remember the Hawaiian Well, of course you remember I mean,
we'd use it in scrubs. We gotta sell those tiki
necklaces on our merch shop one day, yeah, one day
when I heartshits are our merch shop going Okay, someone

said that, wait, can I fucking finish a sentence for
the little you got it? Listen for listen for the
love of yahweh sentence for Someone told me um they
had a good merch idea oh that they thought when
I mistakenly said sports players instead of athletes. Someone said,
please pick a T shirt that says sports players on it.

I like that. I'd rear the funk out of that
sports players. I wish what's your last thing? Let's talk
about Let's talk about Ted's band. Man. That's okay, thank you.
See man, this is why I should I should just
say what I want to say, because now it looks
like I'm jumping on your coattails. That's what I wanted
to talk about. Let's talk about Ted's band. Okay. Ted's
band is is introduced in this episode. You get to

see um for the second time, what a ridiculously beautiful
voice our Sammy Lloyd had. And it's so tragic to
use the word had, but it is accurate to say
had he um is. This was real. This was his friends,
all his all those men, those three men are his buddy,
and they all sang acapella with him, and so we

gave them Bill gave them jobs in the hospital and
formed an acpella group. And as I read on scrubs Wiki,
it was originally supposed to be the Superman theme, but
they couldn't get the rights. Yes, so that's how Underdog
came about. I remember that would have made more sense
because there's a whole Superman motif, but they couldn't remember.

Sam and we can sing it on here because we're
not gonna. I don't think we'll get in trouble for
it if we will cut it out. But it was
like three bullets of speed left behind, two powerful trains
turned around, one able to leap buildings, tall, inner run,

all in one single bound Superman Superman, where it is Superman, Superman,
Superman called like Superman, Steve Wait. These lyrics on these
are written by Sam and his band, the band Oh
So the song I mean you made me think that
this was the theme song had lyrics. John Williams wrote this,
John right right, right right, So it was just done right,

and so they sang the whole song with words. I
have it on my iPhone like it's something that stuck.
Those guys wrote me. Those those guys wrote it and
the lyrics, as I recall on Paul, one of the
members of the band, wrote all a bunch of them
the songs from the musical. Did he not write the

Guy Love? Oh? I don't. I don't know. You look
that up for me too. I think this is a
great Bill. This is a great Bill Lawrence question. Now, okay, hey, Bill,
talk to us about Ted's band, Ted's band and Paul
from the band whose name I can't quite remember right now,
but we will say it in this episode. Um, didn't
he write some of the musical, including the song guy Love?

Because I feel like that's a bit of trivia, that's
that's true. Also, where did you come up with the idea?
I mean, it's obvious, but oh I got it. Paul Perry. Sorry, um, sorry, guys,
it's in Um it's a Philip McNiven or George George.
Forgive me if I don't say your name right, Misserless.
And Paul Perry. I believe it was Paul Perry and

h and Bill will tell Us, who wrote a bunch
of the musical songs Bill tell Us, Now, hey, guys,
it's cool talking to you. Look. Paul Perry, who as
part of Ted's band, who are known as the Blanks
in real life. This is how Sam Woyd came into
my life. He was on Spin City back in the days,

Chris Woyd's nephew. He played basketball with us, Donald You
played ball with him. And he had this super talented
acapella band that like wrote the lyrics to Superman, made
him up and used to do it at parties and stuff,
and they were just so darn talented, and Paul used
to do all the arrangements for them, so we just
started using them on the show. Is kind of a
Greek chorus with commercials, theme songs and TV's theme songs.

So fun and you. Paul ended up writing a bunch
of the songs for Guy Love and a musical on
his own as well, and more importantly too, the Blanks
ended up touring as you know, the Worthless Peons, Ted's
band after the show rapped, doing songs from the show
and the theme song and their version of the theme
song of the finale is one of my favorites, super
talented group top to bottom and man, just even talking

about it makes me miss Sam. Thank you Bill. Finally,
where we're in the hospital where the three of us
get the hospital overnight and Ted's bands performing and they
do Charles and charts. Yeah, that was a great moment
to new boy in the neighborhood lives downstairs and it's
understood he's there just to take good care of me

like he's one of the family. Charles in charge. Oh
and I love that show. Didn't you love that show?
I did? I did love that show. Nicole Legar, Nicole Leger,
Nicole Legger a moment of silence for puberty. All right,

let's talk about Zeltzer Bob Lyndennon. Uh, this is his
first appearance. He's pretty normal in this episode. Zeltzer doesn't
really get that whacky yet. He doesn't really fly his
his his free flag. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know, I
noticed that. How about Rob Machio with I know, man,
most impressive, he really killed that. And um and then,

by the way, another thing that came up. There's a
lot of in addition to Eagle and Ted's band of
premiering in this episode. This was a thing that we
always choked about. Was um uh that that Rob is
the best surgeon. Um that according to doctor w in right,
that he because he does um he's what does he say?

He goes, um, well, everybody else's everybody else is thinking
about what they This dude just thinking has nothing in
his brain or something. Yeah, I don't. Yeah, he's like,
he's like, oh, I know what it is. It's yeah, Rob.
I say this every episode, every episode that he's in. Man,
he really does knock it, knock it out the park Man.

It was funny. By the way, this is a we
go into your head at fourteen twenty one. That was
like out of character for the show. We go into
your head and uh, we hear what your thoughts are
and that's how we we camera spins around to see. Uh.
By the way, and you had jargon, but I imagine
you just read that ship. I read that ship off
a piece of paper, mat I'm pretty sure. But I
heard you saying that medical Jarre does they donald read

that ship? He didn't remember read that right, And if
you know, I read that shit guy. So when he's
smacking the assid a nurse, did you notice that the
nurse got her ass a little perched up high enough
so that the the gag works. Yeah, of course, that's
that's how you make the joke fun. I don't know
what she's doing. She doesn't appear to be doing anything.
But no, she's just sitting there doing nothing. That's Lynn. No,

by the way, Yeah that's our friend. That's our friend Lynn.
She but she she she doesn't. I'm just gonna scroll
because I have the episode open. I'm just wondering if
she at least is pretending to do something, because, as
I recall, she just looked like she was bent over.
Season three, episode sixteen of The Brady Bunch, The Kids, Um,
the Kids. They covered Casey in the Sunshine Band. It

looks like it was a ploy for Paramount Records. They
were like, did it for three or four seasons? I
told you it was season three? See I have my
shit right and everything? Man, can you guess season three?
How did you know your Brady Bunch lower though, of
course I guess that shit. Do you do the Brady
Bunch Wiki? I should do the Brady Bunch Wiki? I should.
You're you're so funny, You're like, you're you don't remember

the fucking most obvious shit in our relationship, and then
you'll be like the Brady Bunch kids started singing in
nineteen seventy two. It was episode sixteen, season three. All right, um,
I want to talk about the choreographed move Should we
talk about that? Yeah? That was cool? Do you remember
doing that? Whenever we all of us are doing the

exact same movements and it's a split screen and we're
all thinking, and it's all the exact same choreography. And
then I read on scrubs Wiki that for some reasons,
Judy's was backwards in terms of right left, and so
they flipped her. And that's why if you look, Judy's
name tag is on the wrong side because in post

her choreography wasn't right, so they flipped her. I did
not I did not know that. I'm gonna be honest
with you. I thought this episode was going to have
way more Brendan Frasier in it, To be honest with you,
I thought it was like a whole episode about, you know,
what happened to the character. I didn't know that other
ship went on in the hospital, So when watching it,
I was like, I don't remember any of this, Like

I know. That's why I felt weird, like I wanted
to talk to Brandon, but I was like, I feel bad,
Like I want to talk about the episode, but I
don't want to put fancy Brendan through, Like talking about
the fact that Johnny sees wearing his actual Oakleys when
we do the real world spoof. Right, that's such a hilarious,
so funny. Right, did you see my hair? Dude? Your
hair's amazing. I took a picture of it to show

my girlfriend. It's so funny. And and Johnny's wearing those
comedic Oakleys, but those are really his Okleys. Johnny sees
the kind of guy that really would rock those ok
He probably still wears them. Those like wrap around like
wrap around Oakleys. They're perfect for athletes who have to
who are on the go. Like if you're jogging and
you have the wrap around Oakleys, no sunlight gets in
and they don't fall off your face. I don't care.

I love Johnny, but I'm not wearing those Oakleys. Donald
than either. Are you no matter what support you're playing, dude,
you are you you? Let's be let's tell everybody what
you are. You're more amazing, amazing, Well, dude, you know,
I love you, and you know I think you're amazing,
but you're also when it comes to sunglasses, you're very
much Uh was the one that the aviator? Yeah guy?

Or ray bands or or yeah that's sort of vibe. Yeah,
y aviators. But I wouldn't rock a colored glass wrap
around Oakley. That's not my vibe. If you if you're
playing tennis, why not. I just think they look I don't.
I know. Johnny listens, Johnny, I love you, It's just
not my style. Let me let me, let me just
start off by said Johnny listens. Johnny listens. Johnny listens

while he's weightlifting, and I know he's like, oh, like
pump an iron right now. I don't want to be like,
fuck you, braf. I love my old glass probably got
him on right now in the gym. No, I want
to talk about how not only does the janitor um
pick a lock, wouldn't that isn't locked? Did you notice that? No?

I didn't like, no one took the time to find
lockers that would have even like a fake lock. It's
like so clearly not locked. And he takes a screwdriver
and like pretends to pick a non locked locker, And
did you think that it was weird that you are
writing all of this stuff in a diary like out
of nowhere, like just out of nowhere. I forgot all
of a sudden, the show's dugie howser, And does that

imply that all of JD's voiceovers are going into a journal?
I never even I mean, I certainly didn't play it
that way for eight and a half years, right, So
when I saw that, I was like, wait a second.
So there's there's data. There's information of everyone who, like
somebody could go back and in a time capsule or
wherever you know you pass passed away. There's freaking stacks

and stacks of diaries of everything that's ever happened to JD.
I never really understood. And it seems that this is
the implication, because it's a voiceover that goes right in
the diary, that all the voiceover you're hearing is JD's journal. Now,
I do remember that I had a journal had a
unicorn with a sword on its head and needs there

to protect my hopes and dreams. And I want to
show that this. I want to the record to reflect
this journal did not have a unicorn with a sword
on its head, So no one is actually my hopes
and dreams right now on this journal. That's why the
janitor is able to get in there. But I thought
it was funny when he said theater camp, because um,
you know that was me. He really yeah, But that's

a that's a that I mean, I know we went
to Bill already, But that's another great question for Bill.
Are these j D's memoirs? Are we living in present
time when we watch the show? You know what I mean?
Is this something that took place in the past. We'll
ask him, go ahead and ask him be formally Donald,
we can do a two biller. Bill is scrubs JD's memoirs.

Is Is it like a bunch of stories that JD
has compiled in a bunch of books or is this
are we living in the moment from moment to moment?
When Yeah, because we're seeing in this episode Bill that
JD's writing a journal and voiceover goes right in the journal,
was this a doogie howser moment? Bill? When do do
do do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do

Do Do Do Do Do do do do do do
do a head The voiceover originally was conceived as, um,
you know, JD keeping stuff in his journals, but uh,
we ditched that and just kind of made it. People
just go with it. We made it an omniscient voiceover,

you know, because we're always caught in his head and
his thoughts, and people just go with it. The same
way on Modern Family, no one ever seemed to ask
who was interviewing that family and who was doing that documentary.
You know, that's it. Okay, we're gonna go to commercial, everybody,
and thank you so much for listening. Thank you for
being our listeners, our friends, our compatriots. And we're gonna

be right back with a question from and we are
bad and We're bad. We had Brendan Fraser on the
episode or pronunciation of phraser. You didn't mess it up.

For the first time. We have Alex and what's your
dad's name? Core Alex and Corey are now on the
show from a different location. Okay, welcome to fake Doctors,
real friends. We're so happy that you're here. Thank you.
We're thrilled to be on with you. Guys. Oh, thank you.

We um tell us about yourselves. We just heard a
little bit. Our producer Joel said that you're you've been
watching the show in Quarantine and you're not in You're
in different locations, so tell us what's going on. And
I see Corey as a piano right next to him. Corey, Corey,
are you a piano player? Are you a piano? Are
you going to play us a little something? I don't
think so. But I'm a piano teacher mostly okay, but

i've been I'm a composer and a piano teacher, so
that's uh. Since I can't give lessons in my living
room on my grand piano, I have to give him
in my office on my electronic piano over zoom, tricky issue.
I truly wish you knew the theme song to our
rewatch show. I love the theme song to your Rewatch show.
I think you guys did a fantastic job. Thank you

singing it. Thank you, thank You're really fantastic. I'm not
so crazy about the count in, but you know you
don't like the seven You're saying we're off tempo, Corey, No,
I'm saying that you're covering up the first couple of
words because there's a there's a there's a pickup. You know,
there's a story. So you say five six seven eight,
seven eight, there's a story. It's kind of covered, but

you know it's a it's a stick now and so
there's there's no way you can change it from here. No,
you know what, I'm gonna change it when we finished this,
when we finished this, I'm gonna change it just for you,
just for this, just for this podcast. I never imagine
we're gonna go one two but one. No, No, you
want to go five six seven. There's a story, right,

I can go a five six, five six, You can
do that. I said, I know offense Cory, but I
think the fans will revolt because they really loved five
six seven eight. They do. They love everybody's Yes, So,
like I said, it's it's probably ingrained and there's done
something new about it, but it's it's just every time
it habits, it just kind of bothers. It irks you.
All Right, Well, I'm sorry, Donald, I'm doing it for you,

I'm doing it for your Corey tell us how you
and Alex started watching the show, and was this your
first time through? Alex, why don't you tell us since
Corey's getting all the screen time, Yeah, Oh no, it's
it's Okay. I mean the reason why I wanted us
to come on is because Father's Day come is coming up,
and I said, her dad for a gift, come on
the show. But um, so I don't have to pay

for anything. I see how you do it. I see
how she's going to get him a card. I'm the
favorite daughter. Now here we go. No, So, I think
I can't remember who started watching the show first, if
it was my dad or myself. This is not our
first time in Quarantine. I would say I've seen every
episode of the show multiple multiple times, and I think

the same as for my dad. But we really bonded
over our love of the show. I think we watched
it separately and then came together and realized that we
were both watching it. And um, we like quiz each
other on Little Scrubs, Trevi effects a lot, and it's
just something that we really bonded over. Is our love
for the show. For you guys, we love that we
love families that watch together. And you know, also people

finding it. What's been crazy about this new era of streaming.
You know, the show used to be on Netflix, now
it's on Hulu. Is that more generations keep finding it?
And I think that's really that's really cool. It kind
of keeps on going. Yeah, yeah, yeah, um to. I
don't know if I watched it when it first came on.
What year was the first season? Do you know what? Nine?

I was gonna say nineteen ninety nine. I don't know,
but but I do own the complete collection of DVDs.
So I'm hoping that you guys got a little bit
of money for me purchasing that. It's a sore subject,
it's a source subject. We don't talk about it. Well, well,
we don't talk about that, but I can tell you
that you're if you listen to DVDs, you'll have all
the exact real music. You won't have any weird Um

you're you're the only people with DVDs are the ones
with no musical replace. Yeah, it was a it was
a real good purchase for me. Um great, Thank you
so much. All Right, do you guys have a question
for for Donald or for I or for me? Is
going to go first? I'm gonna go first. Um. Well,
let me just start by saying, I'm I'm so thrilled
to be here, you guys, I am, I am shaking,

I'm like very excited. Um, very happy. I have you,
I know, huge fans of you guys. Um Donald, I
just have to mention that last night, UM my fiance
and I rewatched my favorite of your movies, I think,
which is Remember the Titans say Okay, yes, I mean
thank you, thank you. You know what you know who
has never seen Remember the Titans? Don't back? It's Zach Braff. Well,

I'm gonna watch. We had a conversation at them. Thank
you for bringing this up out conversation. Thank you. We
had a conversation at the beginning of this episode, and
Zach sych it's all my to do list. It's all
my to do list. Listen, man, I've seen every one
of his projects, even the ones that didn't come out
in theaters, even the ones I'm straight to video. I've

seen everything that Zach Braff has been in. I can
count them all on this hand right here. Well, I
thought it was about sports players, and I didn't think
that I would like it. But I love Donald, I
love Denzel, and I love Rudy. So if it's anything
like Rudy. Do you like Ryan Gosling? Yes, I think
he's wonderful. He's in it. Yeah, do you like it?
What Harris. I think if it I think if it

has Rudy's in it, I feel it gets rudy with
Donald phaze on. Is that? Is it like that? No,
it's not the Listen, are you the Rudy? Freaking are
you the Rudy? Because if so, I'm fucking watching that
ship tonight. I have a Rudy moment. I have a
Rudy moment. Watch your damn movie. All right, let's just
put it up. Let's just put it like this. Let's
put it like this. Let's put it like this. Ryan Gosling, Yeah,

is f up the whole time and I saved his ass.
Let's just put it that way. Okay, I'm gonna think
about it, all right, go ahead, all right, all right,
So my question is thank you for watching, Alex. Of course?
Of course. So one of the things that's just so
incredible about the show in general is the way that
you can mix the comedy and the silliness of the

show with some of these like more dramatic or serious
moments that sort of center around the theme of loss. Right,
And I know you just had Brendan Fraser on and
that's a really big sort of you know, plot point
in the show for Doctor Cox, but of course with
the loss of John Ridder too. So I'm wondering if
you guys could talk a little bit about what it
was like to go through the experience of acting on
a really highly comedic show and then have to sort

of transition to these pretty serious storylines where the characters
are experiencing death and loss of some pretty important people
in their lives, including patients as well. Well, I'll tell
you there were times where I didn't think it was
going to work. There there were plenty of times where
I thought, this is like a hairpin turn in a car.
How are you going to go from me doing something
so silly? And then I walk into this patient's room
and I'm just dropping in for this dramatic moment, and

I really have to say, it's a testament to the
writing and to Bill. He found a way to make
it work. I mean, there were only twenty two minutes
without commercials, so sometimes you'd read them and go, how
can you be in this weird fantasy and then drop
in for this moment where we have tears in our eyes,
And I think we just always tried to play it real. Obviously,

the fantasies were heightened and some of the some of
the physical comedy was heightened, but we always tried to
deal with the patient moments like they were completely played straight.
Um And I think of the show Mash a lot because, um,
when when I grew up, we were watching Mash and
it had a laugh track on it. But when they

went into the surgical uh, when when they were operating
on the soldiers, there was no laugh track, even though
there'd still be some humor. It was just sort of
a choice they made. And I often think of that
in Scrubs. It was almost like there were moments when
the silliness stopped and we just dropped in to play
totally straight. How how a doctor would be with the
with the sick patient. So I don't know, I think,

what do you think? Donald? I think it was just
a matter of of really good writing, to be frank,
absolutely that, and thank goodness that they were you know
that we were able to cut in between scenes and
stuff like that, and it wasn't you know, if if
this were a play or something where there aren't any
cuts in it, it would be very You're absolutely right,
it'd be very hard to be funny. Funny, funny funny,
funny and then switch on a you know, turn on

a dime and now we're going to be serious. Thank
goodness that we had cuts, you know, and different scenes
edits hit together for that. This would have been a
way more challenging show if this if everything was done
on one in one take and you having to ride
that emotional roller coaster. I think you know, as any
actor will tell you, those are the most difficult scenes

where you're starting like because usually you work yourself up.
On days when I have like a dramatic scene, I'll
work myself up and I'll get to the point where
you know, I'm on the verge of crying, and so
now I don't have to act that much to get
to the tears. If I had to be funny and
laugh and and and joke around and everything like that
and then move into the dramatic and uh, the sadder

side of the scene without a cut, I don't know
how I would be able to do it. It It would
be such a challenge for me. So thank goodness for
the takes and editing. Also, it all comes down to
good writing. I mean, you can make you can you know,
there's a movie once I really love I don't know
if you ever see great movie. But one thing about

Once is like Once is the ultimate example of like,
if you have a great script, you don't need that movie.
That movie looks like a shot on an iPhone. No
disrespect to the cinematographer. I mean it's brilliant. But I
mean if if you have a great script and great actors,
you can you can make anything, anything work and uh
and uh you know it's all, it's all. It all

comes down to great writing. Is that? Thank you? Alling
slowly do that one. I love that movie. Check out
one stuff. We have a lot of a lot of
movie recommendations. Quiet American Once and remember the Titans. All right, Corey,
do you have a question for the legendary Donald phase

on where's Zach Braff? I do so for me. I
love the fantasy sequences in the show. I mean, right
from the beginning there were such funny you know, and
I think my two favorite ones of her when uh,
the character Alex you know says, how would you feel
if you know I told you I was ready now
to have sex? And the marching band comes from crashing

in your monkey and the monkey with the symbols oh
my god, and I also love memorable. It's in later
seasons when uh, somebody is trying to teach Elliott and
Tasty Como wife a dance. I get Alex told me
it was the rewind dance. Oh man, and Elliot is

so bad bad at dead dance. She just such a
fantastic jam of being a horrible at that, flapping her
hands and kicking her leg at the wrong time. Oh,
very funny. Anyway, So I was just thinking about I
wonder if there were any fantasy scenes that were like
pitched or written or even filmed that just didn't make
it into the show that you remember. It's probably pretty tough.

It's been a long time. That's a very good question.
I don't know, Donald, do you know that might have
to be our third ask Bill? I think we're gonna
have to ask Bill a third time. On this side,
this is like, um, you know that show Millionaire when
you get we should you should only be allowed a
certain amount of like ask a friend, call a friend
at the audience, like, oh, I think you're okay, I
would give you a PASSI calling Bill? All right, So

we're gonna ask Bill a third time. I hope you
can squeeze in a third one. Were there any fantasies
Bill that, um that that didn't make the cut? Do
you have any memory of anything we shot in a
wacky fantasy that that was never in the show. You
guys are watching these shows again. I can't remember any
I'm so old. I can't remember any fantasy scenes that

were cut except one that Gabby Allen always wanted to
do fantasy about newsies, you know, extra Exter read all
about it, and I think we shot that and cut
it because no one understood it. It wasn't a huge
fan of musical theater. Uh, miss you guys, love you both.
Thank you, Bill. I don't know one thing. You know?
All often the fantasies took a lot of time and money.

Yeah so I so, I feel like they were rarely
cut because it was kind of where budget was getting thrown. Um.
You know, sometimes they would be really elaborate and take
a lot of time and money. So usually they probably
wouldn't be unless something went wrong with them and they
and they weren't funny. And I can see that some
of them took a long time to make it. It
was like eight seconds you Oh, yeah, that's all. It

was just eight seconds, but you had to spend all
day at make up. Oh yeah, oh yeah, there's some
of them were so elaborate and they would take forever
and do and then it'd be fully quick. But they're
just the laugh out loud parts of the show. And
I love a TV show that just makes me laugh
out loud but also has that serious All my favorite
shows have that the laut What are some of your
other shows that you love? Well, Freaks and Geeks is

probably one of my favorite shows. Yeah, great show. Yeah,
and also Gilmore Girls is that way too. They don't
very serious subjects, but there's some really good laugh out
stuff on that form that show. They talk really fast
on Gilmore Girls. They're both they're incredibly witty. Um all right, well,

thank you guys. Um you're our very first father daughter
Colin and um and and we're very we're very happy
that you guys are bonding through our show. Because ladies
and gentlemen give a big round of applause for Alex
and co. Oh my god. Op does not sound like that.
You sound like Oprah on fucking crack right now. No,

I don't sound like I sound like if Oprah took
a fucking hit a crack rock. All right, thank you, thanks,
thank you, thank you. God argue making us argue in
front of all the guests. We argued in front of
Corey and Alex. We argued in front of Brandon, the
hell's wrong with you? I'm trying to see what it

sounds like. I'm trying in my head if Oprah did
crack how like sounds like that? Although, listen, there's one
commercial and Oprah got it right. Well, she gets a
lot of things right, but it's one of them weight
Watchers commercial. It's my favorite commercial ever. It's your favorite
commercial ever. It's a Oprah week. Yeah, because she starts

off like this. This is the joy for me. I
love bread, but favorite commercial, dude? Yeah, but who doesn't listen.
I spent a lot of time in quarantine. Yea love.
Do you know what I love more than anything? Right now?

I'm noticing? Yeah, I love bread, all right, love bread.
She doesn't do it like that, she goes down with it.
It's not bread, it's bread. Um. All right, thank you
everybody for tuning in. We've done it. We went through
the show. We had wonderful guess what I have? One

thing underdog, great song at the end of the show
one Ted's band that's on their record also Underdog. Yeah,
and then I feel like we tied the story up
really quick in this episode. You know what I mean.
I think we ran out of time. To be honest
with you, it feels like we ran out of time
on this episode. At the end of the episode, things

tie up really quick. We don't even go through the
whole chemo process with Brenda's character. We go right into oh,
you know what, chemo worked and it went right and
the cancer went into remission. Yeah, it feels like we
had to tidy up a little bit so we could
move on with the story. It's a lot, It's a lot.
It's a lot too. First of all, he was only
signed on for two episodes and listen and you know

it's twenty two minutes with credits. You gotta you gotta,
you gotta hurry. Um. Thank you guys for being our listeners.
Please tell your friends about the show. Please subscribe on
iTunes or wherever you get your podcasts. Please what else? Donald? Please? Um,
you know, read the word, follow us on Instagram. Tell
Donald that you love him. Well, you don't have to

just tell me you love me. You can also follow
me on Instagram. They can do both. They could, they
can do follow us one point four million followers, Donald
Faison myself, who I am? I do not have one million.
But you don't have to bring this up every episode.
People are gonna think you have a hang up about it.
They're gonna be like, I don't want to follow that dude.
He's gotta hang about this ship, you know what. To
spite him, I'm gonna unfollow him. Well, you know, if

those there are people out there that are like that,
you know that's understandable. But and I'm not gonna, you know,
hold you at fault for that. But you know, my
goal is to one day reach the legendary status of
Zach Braff on Instagram and have one point four million followers. Yeah. Well,
thank you to all my followers, and thank you to
everyone listening to this podcast. We we we said it before,
but we'll say it again. We never imagine this would

be listened to all over the world. And Joel gets
lots of emails from you guys, so thank you. Feel
free to continue to email Joel and us to be
on the show like that lovely father and daughter at Scrubs.
iHeart at gmail dot com and shout out to Daniel

big shout out to Joel bi follow, follow Joel and
Daniel Joel tell him you're your Twitter handle, She's very
popular on the Twitter. Given me on Twitter at Joel
Monique It's Joe L E E M O N I
q A. Yeah. And Daniel, do you want to tell
us your Twitter handle? Sure? You can find me on
Twitter at dj underscore d A n L DJ Dan.

That's there you go, guys, and uh and it actually
I had a lot of people asking for the video
of your dad talking to Fox News, so you can
find that on Daniels Twitter handle. Thank you, guys. Be safe,
We love you, wear a mask. Hunt here we go?
Are you ready? Five, six, seven years sor I'm sorry,
it just doesn't have the same magic to it. It

feels it feels, it feels wrong. I know you're right, Corey,
I'm sorry. Bob six having eight for ras about shore
we made about a bunch of docs and nurses and
a janitor who learned me here. I said, here's the
stories never all should know. So gather around you, here

are gather around you, here are spe free watch your
wiz a mm hmmm,
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Donald Faison

Donald Faison

Zach Braff

Zach Braff

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