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May 25, 2021 60 mins

On this week's episode JD AND CARLA KISS?! IN the real world, the original fearsome foursome are back to their regularly scheduled programming. Rocco became a team leader, Joelle went to the beach, everyone is a terrible friend to Zach (please watch Solos), and everyone is stunned by Zach's top secret project. Plus Cacee returns with her impromptu parenting segment, where a babysitter tells her to FIND GOD! We're so blessed.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Hi, I gotta tell you something right now, man, Oh,
I think this little boy responds to pressure very well.
You know how last week we were talking about the
coach telling us that, you know, what's up with Rocco?
How come he's not you know, he's not aggressive. We
had a little chat with him, like, hey, Bud, you

know you got to just be a little bit more aggressive.
He's had practice since then, and you know, they played
this weekend. The boy scored two goals. Let's gone. And
not only two goals, but he was like pass and
he was being a real leader, just like the coach

asked him to be. I was very very very very impressed. Now,
of course I didn't say shit to him, you know,
but me and my wife are looking at you. My
wife got emotional at the game. She was like, he's
like a deer. He's like a deer, like sprinting for
the ball, just bouncing, bounding, bung bung, bung bung. It
was very exciting to see it. That's great. It sounds
like he needed to be uh coached for lack of

a better term. He needed someone to push him and
it worked, and it absolutely worked. I was really impressed
and I couldn't. I couldn't believe. Like part of me
was like, you know, as a parent, you're always hoping
your kid is athletic in some ways and you know,
wants to get out and do the sports thing. He's
excelling in it. And I didn't think he would, you know.

I thought he'd be like, I don't want to do
this anymore. I'd rather play video games. But no, he
literally enjoys competition. So it's it's it's really awesome to
see for me. Jowell, how is your party at the beach?
It was following your Insta stories, it looked like you
had a rader at the beach. Someone's come out of
their COVIDD hole in the car with all her friends music,

all of that stories. Oh thank you. It was day
and she was like, she wanted to go to the
beach in Malibu. So we did and it was it
was my first post COVID outing. I felt really safe
the restaurant and sort of distance everybody. Um. I got

to stare at the ocean, which is like one of
my favorite things. It was very lovely and of course
kar karaoke, which can you never get enough of that?
I missed the beach. I'm really excited to I was
daydream about going this weekend but it never happened. But
I'm really excited to go back to the beach. Thanks
for starting to open up again. It's weird. Yeah, it's bizarre,
it's happening. I'm having I feel like I'm one of

those people that's having a little of agoraphobia. I'm like,
I did my toe out, like I went to like
the framer, and then like doing like a couple of
little things. But I don't know, I'm still like racing
right back to my house and hiding. But it's it's
it's all right. Listen, here's the thing. Everybody's gonna have
a little bit of uneasy nerves about going out. We've

been in the house for a year and a half.
A year and a half, that's you know, for some
of us, should say some of us Florida, Georgia different story.
But here in California, we've been in the house pretty
much for a year and a half and we still
haven't you know, our masks are still on here until
June fifteenth, and so to go out and experience life again,

it's a little scary. I'm not gonna lie. You take
off your mask, you feel naked. You know. I do
have a really weird experience when I'm out and i'm
I'm fully vaccinated, so you know, according to the rules,
I can be out and about without my mask on.
But then I feel like people are looking at me.
Like not in a store or anything, but when you're
walking on the sidewalk people I don't want to think.
I don't know. It just hasn't like it hasn't translated. Zach.

I don't know if you know this, but you're Zach Braff.
So if they're looking at you, they're like, holy shit,
Zach Braff. No, no, no, Well maybe I know. That's
not how I perceived it. I perceived it as like,
what the fuck is that guy have his mask off for? No? No, no, no, no, no, Like,
holy shit, I just came out for the first time,
and who do I see, Zach Braff. Did you guys

watch my episode of Solos yet? No? I have not yet.
Attention three knows, audience three knows from my close friends. Yeah, listen,
here's the thing. Man, here's thirty minutes for the record. Okay,
but look here's the thing. Everybody is so fucking busy
right now, everybody. And it's not that we hate, we're

hating on you. Oh you should watch the thirty minute
anything on TV that so far, nothing that I gave
my I could be like, yeah, not that I could
be like, Yo, I've got to sit down and I
got to focus on this because I want to freaking
put one hundred audience members who were probably better friends
than these three. Please check it out if you have

Amazon Prime. It's called Solos. It's an anthology series kind
of like Black Mirror, where everyone's different, um, but they
all tell like a really cool little story and they're
all for the most part, one actor in a room
and mine was Anne Hathaway. And they liked it so
much they made it the first one. And I think
it's really cool and i'd love you to see it.
Hell yeah, I can't wait to see it. Actually, I'm

very excited you'll like it. Dude. It's up your alley.
It's very sci fi. I saw the time travel thing too.
Do you want to see a picture of off my
phone from another top secret project I'm working on? Motherfucker, dude,
you might have to bleep something, Daniel. If someone responds
inappropriately because this is super top secret, but I just
want it's ridiculous, is the most ridiculous, And who's that next?

Ready to bleep? Daniel, I'm gonna freaking shoke you out
with a freaking knife. But that being said, let me
show you this is last thing and then I'll move
on since you guys don't watch my fucking shit anyway,
this is this is me in the top secret project.

I've never wanted to kill my best friend ever right now? Oh,
I love you? Maybe maybe then maybe my next project
that you guys will watch, maybe that one. I definitely
will watch that anyway, Yo, did you guys know that?
In two thousand and four, NBC attempted to make a
deal with the Learning Channel to show reruns of our
show Scrubs, but the deal fell through. Did you know that?

Do you know why? Why? Because TLC didn't want no Scrubs? Hello,
stuff you had that. I'm making this movie with ten
kids and there's a lot of dad jokes flying around,

and so many of them are so cringeing. How are you, Zachary,
I'm I'm okay, I'm okay, I'm okay. I'm working hard
and um I love it. I love the jobs I'm doing.
I'm really happy to be at working, and the sun
is out it's beautiful in Los Angeles, so I can't complain.
I don't have the right to complain about anything. Okay,

it is tough, man, It's tough out there in these streets.
It is hard out in the streets right now. Like
I was. You know, I get it, man, you're working
real hard. I bet you want to day off to yourself,
or at least a week off or something. I'm not complaining.
I'm not complaining. I know you're not complaining, but I know, yeah,
I'm a little tired, a little tired. I've been. I've been,
I've been. I've been working weekends too. But I'm so

happy to to to really. You know, I realized how
lucky I feel whenever we get to do what we do.
You know, there's so much even without the pandemic, which
of course is a giant exclamation point on this thought,
but there's so much downtime. When you're a creative person
who's basically freelance. You know, you're you're trying to get
the job. You're if it's something you created, you're selling it,

you're crossing your fingers, you're lighting a candle, You're you're
you're in a state of anxiety as you try and
launch your things, so whenever you get to do them,
it's so I just feel so lucky. So that's how
I hear you. I heard you know. I'm not gonna
say any names, but somebody said to me, oh, I'm
so excited to have a month to myself, and I
was like, I don't think I've had a month to

myself since the podcast started. Like literally, we started this
podcast and shit just started popping off and jumping off.
And you know what's it been a pop off and
a jump off. We pop off is when you get
brawl you like, you know, I'm a freaking do this,
and jump off is like this, this the jump off
is the platform that it happened at, you know what

I mean. So when you pop off, you're like, you
know you're in you know you're going hard at it.
But when you the jump off, when it's the jump off,
this is the platform that is started. And this, I'm
gonna be honest with you, man, Fake Doctor's Real Friends
was the jump off man for real. For a lot
of a lot of things, these last this last year

and a half. So I just want to shout out
fake doctors with real friends with dad. I'm gonna bosh
vinin about sure we made That's what I'm talking about.

That's what I'm talking about. Um, there's been a request, Daniel, Dannel.
We need to I need you to. I know this
is probably the last thing on your mind, but we
need to update the soundboard with some more stuff. Okay,
I feel like I'm playing You're a DJ. I feel
like I'm playing yesterday's hits and I need to load
it with some the equivalent of what the hot songs

are today do Alipa and Olivia Rodrigo and whatever it is? Okay, cool,
There's a couple of things to gas for over the
past couple of weeks that I have us say. I
need you to come over or at least teach me
how to update these because some people don't want to
hear a fuck sake to stop talking about your willie,
that's the one. We haven't stopped talking about our willies

as much, so I don't I don't know, you know
for ever can't go away. Let's try and let we
need a Joel one in there. You know do or
do not? Can't go away, there is no try or
do not? There is no try. All right, let's get
into this episode four twenty one. Um, I laughed a lot,
so did I. Very good cold open. You know, the

cold open, for those of you who don't know, is
the thing that opens the show before the before the credits,
and you know it's meant to grab you and how
do you make sure you pay attention and don't change
the channel back in the old days, But it's it was.
That cold open is packed with some very very funny stuff.
The slow motion run in and we don't know why
you're running in? That was right, you dodging people. I'm

gonna say something, and I might this might be a
little controversial, controversial, but we did that. We did the
sweating thing before Key and Peel did they kind of
bit that off of us. Well, we didn't invent that,
but we we did it a bunch of times on
this show. When when did you see it before this?
I don't think the hiding a little pipe. That airplane

they did it an airplane. That's one place. Okay, well
the airplane did it first. But it was funny when
we did a second so you're a bier by the
way I had when I was around Jack's age. Jack
is getting stitches and he's not restrained in any way.
Maybe they do. Maybe they do it that way. Now
you have kids, I don't know if they've had stitches
in their head. But when I was a child in

the late seventies, I had to get stitches, and one
of my earliest memories in my chin I still have
the scar, was being strapped to this backboard and my
head being strapped, and my mom was so upset about it,
but that was what they want. Obviously, they don't want
the child to move in any way. And so I
was using this is just sitting here getting stitches in

his eye and no one's like restrained him in any way.
Were you going crazy when when they did it? Were
you like, yo? I'm sure I was crying and upset
because I was really little, but I remember it's you know,
you know, I don't know if you you know, when
you're that age, there's very just flashes of little memories,
and one of mine is being because obviously it was
traumatic being strapped down to this board so they could

stitch my chin. What about everyone's holding their breath and
the Toddy the Todd forgot to breathe again starting CPR
like this has happened. We've obviously done CPR on Todd
multiple times. I laughed very hard at that. Todd has

um Todd has some funny ass lines in this. Here's
some other stuff. I had no clue that j D
and Turk. I mean, I remember us going on adventures,
but we went We've gone on some really really silly adventures, dude,
Like first of all, us with the US with the
alarm clock is freaking ridiculous, ridiculous, And of course on

Scrubs Wiki they realized it and said, our math doesn't
work out. Well, I know, hey, Trevor, sorry, I know,
but I mean you'd think if you're gonna do a
joke that elaborate about time, you'd really quadruple quinn tuple
trek check it to make sure that the time is right.
And apparently it's not. I mean, that's a lot of math.
I'm gonna be honest with you. Well, I mean, but
if you wrote the fucking joke, like, come on, get

the math right, the math apparently is not right. What
about Sorry, before you get to that that, I've really
laughed at the guy with the erection. There's a guy.
So if there's a guy who's in the waiting room
because he's taken um whatever, one of those drugs. Oh hi, sweetie,
we have a wilder appearance. Um, go ahead, he's taken.

I'm gonna she's heard about, she's heard about, she's never
heard about. Well, I'm gonna. I'm gonna now have to
say it in a creative way. He's he's taken medication
that leaves his his special area. Um, that's a little dang. Listen,
how am I just to do this? Then asked her
to leave? Why real quick? Okay, thank you. He's taken

viagra or something like it to keep his penis hard,
but it's lasted more than four hours, so he's gone
to see treatment. Why are you cracking up? So it's funny?
Why are you like? I don't know how to I
was trying to tipto around how to say it with
her in the room. I don't I don't know how
to say it with her in the room. And so
you can tell that the joke was that he was

going to put a baseball at on his lap and
then stand up and it would be dangling, which is funny,
but they cut around it. You noticed that, Like clearly
the networks were like, no, there's no way, because it
would have been very funny to see said, uh joke,
but right, the hat, the hat just hang it there,
he sits up and you kind of see it for

a split second, but then no, no, that would have
been so funny. But clearly the network was like, no,
you're not doing that joke. Okay, um, are you in
the top hat doing your your your happy face. That's
very funny. I laughed at that too. I want to
go that's the most ridiculous hat I've ever seen and

I must have it. Yeah, and then we go for
a ride. Now, this scooter ride is hilarious. This falls
into one of those categories. I'm giving Turka ride on
on Sasha to get him because we've gotten the time wrong.
He's going to meet Carla because they're on a break,
I guess. And they're not on a break if they're

not on a can't be married and on a break
that doesn't exist, they're not on a you can like
friends style break where you can hook up with other people.
Although we'll get that work out for Ross, right, um,
but anyway, they're on a break, or they're on a
they're on a time out. She's living where somewhere at
Eliot's house. At Elliott's house. And so you're riding on

the scooter, right, Okay, that's within reason. We're in our pajamas, Okay,
that's within And then we get then we get stuck
in a hedge trying to take a shortcut, and and
you go, I know, and I go, and I know.
First of all, I go, um, you go take a
right shortcut. I go, you got a player. And then
we go through the hedge, and you go, wow, that

hedge was thick. That hedge was thick. And then it
cuts to me. I'm literally lodged and stuck in the hedge,
and I go, oh, really, turk wasn't a thick bush,
because there's berries in my ass? Right. And then here's
one of those things that falls into not a fantasy,
but it is a fantasy. I basically mowed down the

motorcycle gang that's mad at you for tipping over the motorcycle.
I'm wearing like a hedge puncho. Right, I have no
idea what this thing is. It's a hedge garment that's
been fitted to me and it's not a fantasy. No.
And then not only that, then we get to the
we get to the diner, because I guess that's where

their meeting is. At a diner. It's not a restaurant.
It's a diner for breakfast, right, and JD sitting at
the table with the bikers. Yeah, And are we trying
to say all bikers are dumb? Well, I think these
particular bikers were not that bright. And I'm the joke.

I appears to be that I'm giving them an etiquette
lesson in how to and how to be at a
restaurant with their with their manners. But he's like, he's
like Chainsaw was thirsty, Chainsaw thirsty, Sorry his name wasn't
Chainsaw's war lord? I think war lord still the same shit.
And he goes, war Lord, I got warlord, I told
you to sip it, and he goes, war lord, I

go use your words, And then I remember improving this
like a napkin on your lap. Satan's valet. I don't
know where Satan's valet came from, but that's a very
odd biker name too. I'm just gonna be honest, he
was Satan's valet. But what about when you go, um,

when you're trying to smooth talk Carldon, you go and
I thought maybe we could have relations of an intimate nature.
And then she goes, how can I trust you if
I can't trust you? Some shit like that, and like,
my head hurts. I looked at this, I was like,
I remembered these lines. I can't believe I was. I
had the same reaction, dude, whenever you have an intricate line,

I'm like, how did Donald do that? That must have
taken a lot of takes, right, same shit. I was like, Wow,
the fact that this is a one er and I'm
remembering this is amazing to me right now. Maybe you
thought of it like a lyric because it did have
the vibe of a lyric. Maybe I don't know. Um,
oh my god. What about when um, when someone says, well,

Elliott says, what's it like to have an erection for
nine hours? And Todd goes, asked me in twenty minutes
and cox Um cox Um says, uh, you know, makes
every male in the cafeteria admit that they've tried viagra

for recreational purposes. We should get into this conversation. This
is a conversation you had. Have you tried it for recreation?
I think everybody has tried viagra. If you're a male,
I'm pretty sure you were like, let's the other one,
or I'm sure, yeah, whatever it is. I remember one

of your buddies. This is back when I was single.
I remember him being like, I bought you a gift
because he used to hang out on set all the
time and come kick it with us. And I remember
opening the opening the gift and it was a little
viagra pill and then a sample. Yeah, it was like one.
It was just like the pill itself. No no, no, no,

no no. It was just the pill itself on top
of not tissue, but you know that phone that they
have for it and everything like that. And he was
a note and it was like, don't drink with this
because apparently if you drink with these boner pills, it
doesn't work. So did it work for you? Oh my god?

It wasn't for four hours, but oh my god, yeah,
they worked. My doctor, my actual doctor, was like he
was he was retired now, but he'd be like, you
wanted samples? What do you need? What do you need? Samples?
Of and he was I always thought he was joking.
And then one time he was like, here, take this,
and it was one of them, and he drew like
a smiley face on it, and I was like, I
don't know if this is ethically correct, but yes, I

will try it, and then for sure worked. I'm glad
it exists though. You know, it allows men to I mean,
for just fun aside. It allows men to be able
to have sex way longer into their years. And I
remember my dad once someone my stepmother was flirting with him,
and in front of everyone, he goes, ooh, might be

a blue pill night way word, you know. So I'm
happy that, uh, but that that someone invented those pills. Yeah,
because eventually I'm gonna need him. Anyway, this guy is
not happy because he can't make his boner go away, no,

which I imagine sucks. But the fact that Elliott held
out for so long without laughing at it, well, by
the way, Todd goes, Todd comes out of the room
and Todd goes, he wouldn't even let me see it.
Todd just wanted to see his boner and um, and
then who is it Kelsea? Who goes, um, we might
have to do a procedure to remove the woodiness. Right. No,

but what he's like that comes out laughing. That guy's
like a sun dial in there. By the way, the
noise that Sarah is making when she's trying not to
laugh is the same noise that we would always do
to her to make her laugh, which she's like, Oh,
did you hear her call the penis a slinky du

slinky dow? She calls the penises slinkydws schwing schwans slinky news. Oh.
I don't know if we've ever talked about this on
the show, but I think this is where molbut came from.
I've got a mold on my butt because she says
that she has a because she's trying to make the

patient feel better, and she has a very elaborate story,
Sarah slash Elliott's story about how her she had to
run out of the bathroom on roller skates and everyone
saw the mole on her butt, and that's how she
got the name mobut. Yeah, it comes from there, and
it but it pays. I think it's seasons later that
it pays dividends. Let's take a break. We'll be right

back after these fine words I hated this bit about
me kissing Carla. I really hated it. Why I hated
it when we were doing it, and I hate because
it just felt such I mean, you can't I can't

blame it on alcohol. It just feels so unforgivable. I mean,
I know a lot of people everyone listening probably has
something they did wasted that they regret and they cringe
at and they wish they could go back in time.
But and I know there's no tongue and every I
don't know. I just hated it. Yeah, you know that's
the thing I would have. I would kill myself. Well

I wouldn't kill my excuse me, I wouldn't kill myself.
But I don't think I could get would be able
to get over kissing your wife, you know what I mean,
Like even if it was a tap kiss, like even
if it was like if it was a lip lock,
the way Carla and j D do it, I love

how than they're trying to paint like, but it was
your lip on top of my li was it just pursed?
I feel like your lip was It wasn't tongue, but
your lip was on top of my other lip, which
I mean your lips were slightly apart. Yeah, I don't
know if I could if it happened to me, I
don't know if I could get over it. You and
Casey kissed, I'd be I'd be pretty pissed off. Of course,

of course, I don't know how you recover from it,
and I just I don't know. I guess, I guess.
I'm so invested in these characters this many years later
that I was just so mad at JD, Like, okay,
so your shit face, but like, don't put yourself in
that situation. Why are you guys on a couch together
shit faced? I don't know, I just hate it made
me upset. Maybe I'm being ridiculous, but yeah, and like

I don't I mean, I don't know. I had an
issue with it. But what I didn't have an issue
with is you giving me the nickname Turkey Turkey Turkey
Turkey Trust Trust. Maybe he really didn't think that one out,
but he just wanted he wanted to wear the hat,
he wanted to wear the top hat, and he was

trying to do his best job. Also, I feel like, uh,
Carla instigated the kiss too, just putting it out there,
keeping it one hundred that better Casey feels like Casey.
Casey was like, yo, she instigated that. She started that.
She kept looking at me like mmmmm uh like uh

she did you dirty? Like like like like I'm like,
I'm really Turk. She was like, uh, look at I mean, like,
that's not Zack's fault, that's her fault. It's funny when
it's funny that my reaction to things, when it's like
betrayal of you, even like the character that I get
so like cringey about it, like I would never do
that to Turk, just like I feel like it's real life,

like I would never do that to Donald. Yeah. I
mean when we look at this now, I think we
both kind of a definitely at this point, we definitely
see ourselves in our in our character and the characters
that we play, you know, and so to see that
type of thing between the two, it's like, you know,
there's other forms of betrayal all that are acceptable. I

don't know that this is acceptable. No, no, but it
could have been a whole lot worse, you know. I
mean yeah, because because the real talk, if you're that
drunk that you start kissing, you never know, like who's
going to stop it? Right? Drew, Well, we should have
someone on that fucked their best friend's wife. Oh my god, goodness,

are we Jerry Springer? Is that what's happening? I would
love for that to happen. I would love to I
would love to be like you father you are. I
would love to also unity tests? Can we do eternity
tests here? On fake Doctor's Real? What about this whole
elaborate thing that's so random out of nowhere? But the

messenger monkey who's in a bellhop costume that has the
has the secret written on his pad and he's running.
He's running to tell but I've closed the window, and
for some reason, the score is Caribbean Island mus It
was a really wild mishmash. How about the janitor taking

pictures of a little girl at the park. That was
kind of creepy that it wasn't that a little creepy? Yeah,
that's weird. Why is the janitor? The janitor storyline was
kind of funny how he's constantly he's sabotaging. He's not sabotaging,
he's just showing. Look, as parents, that is the scariest
thing ever. Your kid getting hurt, that is so scary,

and you try everything you possibly can to stop that
from happening, you know, and eventually it's gonna happen in
some way when you're in the playground, right or in
this scenario, Cox in the playground, Jordan's mad at him
because he's being he's letting, he's doing crazy things. But
with your kids, for example, when they're like on a

jungle gym playground situation, do you I mean, I guess
Rock was a little bit old for that now or
maybe not, I don't know, But are you like cringing
the whole time? Like are you watching them or able
to sit back and be like, Okay, they're not gonna
get hurt. What do you do? It's tough. You know,
you definitely helicopter over your kids and try to protect them.
I know I do. Casey's you want to talk about helicopters,

My wife is a matter of fact. Let me just
go get a real quick you want to real answer.
Here's a good one. Oh, Casey parenting segment excited Casey
parenting segment, just in time. So the first conversation is
kids at the jungle gym and how we helicopter how

like kids getting hurt and stuff like that, and how
do you prepare yourself? And Casey Cobb, ladies and gentlemen,
that's your standing ovation Hey, in this episode, Casey as
you know because you saw there's like an argument between
the parents about like, you know, how protective to be
over their son and he ends up getting stitches. And

I was just asking Donald, how do you how do
you do that? Like Donald said, you guys are super
helicoptery like, but what's it like when you're like you
want them to have fun, but you're like afraid that
they're gonna hurt themselves. Oh? I mean, I'm I've gotten
better over the years. I have to say. There was stomp.
You know, I had an I had a babysitter one

time tell me I needed to find God WHOA because
I was. She was like, you need Jesus, you need
God because you're so worried and paranoid. You need to
just go pray. And so I've I've gotten a lot better. Um.
You know, Donald likes to rag on me all the time,
but when we're at the park together or if we're

anywhere together, he's the super helicopter And I'm not did
you tell and do you see other parents that are
just kind of letting their kids do whatever and like, yeah, no,
you don't let them do whatever. Listen to them running
up parents, Oh, because when you watch the kids and that,
when we're in the house and the kids are jumping around,
you're like, no, no, you're gonna hurt you. Oh please

nod you know what it's you know. I do see
other parents letting their kids do that, But I also
see those same kids falling and busting their ass and
hitting their heads on the concrete and their parents were like,
you're okay, and I'm like, yeah, that's the kid thing now,
the kids cross eyed and ship. Yeah. I tell these
kids all the time when they want to go do

stupid crap, like without a helmet or anything, I tell them.
I remind them. I'm like, listen, I had my insights
pulled out and put on a table so you could
come out of my stomach to protect this head of yours. Yeah,
I'm gonna let you go out and fuck it up
on a Playim kidding me. My dad wouldn't let us wrestle.
Whenever we tried to wrestle. My dad had the story

of somebody who knew and the kids were wrestling and
then one of them became a paraplegic, and and and
obviously he was worried and understandable that that that that
that tragedy had happened to somebody knew. But like we
we were he would shut down like horse playing. Yeah,
I'm like that too, you know. It's just I don't know.
They're they're going to get hurt on their own so

many times if I'd rather not be when I'm standing
there and I could have prevented it. That's just my
whole thing, you know. So who's more helicopter you were? Donald?
I mean, we both are. But I will say, as
far as panic goes, fight or flight, I'm the fighter.
He's the flight. Wait, I don't run from the stuff,
get out of here. Well you don't run, but you panic.

Don't panic, babe? Did you tell them? I mean, yeah,
you do. He panics to the doctor. He's called and
hung up on our pediatrician at three in the morning
because I've yelled at him. I'm like, it's three in
the morning. You can't call this guy. You call the
pediatrician at three in the morning. Yeah, and you're my
kids hurt? We call him call? Is that simple? Pick up?

Only panic one time. One time, I'll tell you the story.
This is actually fink. Can I tell the story? So
I didn't know this. You know, you think pink guy
is just you know, you get it from you know what,
asked munch asked munching Sally. At least that's what Donal
Donald's always sent me that I don't. All right, slow down.

I didn't know that pink eye came from eating ass
or analingus as they said. I didn't know that either
until Donald told me one time when we saw someone
an adult with pink eye. He was like, Oh, that
guy eats a lot of ass. So for years is
asking in your eye? Well, come on, man, all you
need is a freaking little dud. Why wouldn't you get

Why wouldn't you get? I can understand if you got,
why is the dude? You never looked into the eye
of the cyclops caught a breeze. Oh my god, Oh
my god. For years, for ten years, that's how I
thought pink eye happened. Well, then our kid, Rocco, he's sick.
He had a lot of respiratory like sinus infections and

allergies and stuff when he was little, and it was
three in the morning. I went to go check on
him because he had been coughing all night and I'm
looking at him and I see how this white, crusty
crap all on his eyes and I was like, oh
my god, what is this? And it looked like he
had just been crying it well, Donald, that's night that
Donald calls and hangs up on the pediatrician because I

tell him as three am, and he's like, I'm just
freaking out. I'm freaking out. I saw this on Ray
and Ray that's how Ray Charles went blind. Man, he
had the crust on his eyes. So Donald thought the
kid was going blind. The pediatrician calls back and it's like,
who's this? Who hung up on me? Oh my god.
Donald's on the phone like freaking out, saying, I think
he's going blind. He has all this white stuff oozing

out of his eyes like, and the doctor's like, has
he eaten any ass? Yes, he say, keep him off
the ass. He's got pink eye wash your toys. Ever
since then we were a helicopter parents. So that sums
us up, all right. We gotta get back to the show.

We love you, Thank you for them. Come on, mother,
while you got to get up out of here. Oh
we here in the counting, one get to three. These
parents never get to three. They're like two point eight
five nine seventy three, two point nine. Come on baby,

say bye uncle Zach. Hey, what's Zach? Is he? Or
what's Zach to you? Is he? Or what? Oh? Man?
I was hoping she'd say fairy godfather, fairy godfather? Yeah
you are? I love that little girl. Oh. She asked

me today. She was like, is Zach an actress? I
was like, yes, he is, Yes, he is my love,
a little girl. I love you. Yeah. Um so what
about Ted hanging upside down purple because he's trapped? Writers
didn't have much of a joke here, was like someone
was like, what if Ted's in one of those anti

gravity things where you hang upside down? All right, let's
go with that. But he's stuck okay, right, he's been
stuck in there for a while like that Delver a day. Right?
He missed the Gilmore Girls? Yeah, oh no, I missed
the Gilmore Girls. Did you ever watch the Gilmore Girls?

I have never seen an episode joke on Scrubs, and
I've never seen an episode. I know that they all
they know is that they talk really fast. That's all
I know. I didn't aren't they redoing it or bringing
it back in some way? They did another season on
Netflix which was pretty great. H and a fun factor
I learned about Gilmore Girls the other day is their
scripts were like four times longer than the average script

because of how much talking they're doing in this show. Really, So,
like you guys talk about memorization problems, I would love
to have either of those women on here to come
talk about, like, how did you memorize those super thick
scripts every single week? That's crazy? Got a giant water jug.
I've always had this giant I've had this for like
that's the one you had when you were in Atlanta. Yeah, man,
I'm going nuts with this thing. Good. Good for you.

We're talking about putting our own one out, guys, because
our fans like merch and we've been slacking on the merch.
So Joel is working on our own two leader drink
it all in one day. Yeah, we're getting close, guys.
You know, I got it. We're gonna have words on it,
like you are deservant. I gotta I gotta tell you, man,

it's it ain't easy but it makes it easy with
the words of encouragement, and we got some really cool
words of encouragement for you. Yeah, the problem is the peeing,
but you get used to that, I guess. Yeah, but
you do feel better, um, I feel you feel it
helps you drop weight when you just drink that much water.
Not only that, it also helps your yeah pooh. Also, Yeah,

my nutritionist woman that I was speaking to told me
that there's different grades of pooh, like like if there's
like a scale of like the ideal and there's like
letters for it. I forgot what they are, but like
you can look it up if you're curious. Like the
ideal bowel movement is like a jay, let's say, or
something like that. Right, Well, I don't know about that.
I'm just happy when I go. You know, it's great

to get any toxins out of my body, and especially
on his plant based thing. Man. Listen, here's another thing
before we get back into the show. Hold on all
y'all out there that think I'm trying to preach to
you about what you should do. I've never said anything
about what y'all need to do that. I've only been
talking about myself. You know what. I mean, this is

my motherfucking journey. You can get off of it. I know.
When we did the c spiracy thing, we're like, hey,
this is something stuff we're interested in. We're not prostizing.
Do whatever you want, and you still have people being like,
how dare you right? I mean, come on here, just
we're just telling you something we're trying that we're doing.

It has nothing to do with you. If you feel
it does have something to do with you, maybe you
need to look in the mirror and make that change,
you know what I mean? Yeah, as the man the mirror. Um, yeah,
we um, we hear at the show. Want to tell
you things that are intriguing us and documentaries we're watching
and things we like. Um, but you don't. We're not

telling you to do whatever, do whatever the fuck you want.
We're not. It's your life, man, it's your life. Man,
live your life. Do you do? You let me do me?
All right? Listen, Um what I eat don't make you shit.
That's real talk. Um. We learned that Jack um, the
homeless man I think his name is Jack or whatever

his name was whatever, there's a homeless man who who
Jordan gives the baby too to hold while she's getting
her bikini waxed. Yes, that's crazy to me. Yeah, I
feel it might be a bit heightened, a bit of
a heightened reality. She gives the kid to a bunch
of people, let's strangers kiss and hold the baby. Yeah

that I would never do that, even before COVID. Even
before COVID, I wouldn't do that. This is not a
Hollywood name drop, but it is. I was at a
party and Gwen Stefani was there and I met her
and she handed me her child and I was like, Okay,
this is a unique experience. Not only is a random
person I don't know handing me their child, but it's

Gwen Stefani, and um, you know. I did a little
bounce and then I handed him back, as you should,
and she said, oh no, we're doing this a lot
because we want that. We want him to be acclimated
and he or she or he ever forgot what what
sex of the baby was, but we want them to

be acclimated with lots of people and not cry and
um and be cool around strangers. I don't know if
you did that with your kids or not, but I
guess that's the thing. Look, man, the last thing I
want to do is give my baby to somebody and
they do what Gabby's character did in that episode, I
finally got me a baby and runs out of the hospital.
That's not that's I'm not I'm not no, that's a

no go. Look, we teach our kids stranger danger, like
my kids, my kids right now to this point, like
he won't get in the car with the dads of
his friends. He's like, get out of here. I'm I
think I'm in no way for my mom to get here,
she said, She said for me to wait. So I
think I Do you have anything that happened to he
was a child? That is so bizarre that you really

can't really fully know if it was a dream or
something you imagine, or it happened. What happened to you, budd,
I have a very specific memory, and I'm fully open
to the fact that this was a dream. But I
was so young, and I remember being at a friend's
house and a woman pulled up in a station wagon
I'd never seen, and she had a few kids in
the car, and she said, we're here to pick up

Zach and I my stranger danger alarm went off, and
I said to the baby's sitter, who is the babysitter
of my friend whose house we were at. I was like,
I don't want to I don't want to go. I
don't want to go. I don't know them, I don't
know them. And she was like, but your mom's gonna
be upset. We're here to pick you up and um,
and I was like no, no, no, and the babysitter
was like, uh no, no, no, no, what we'll call

the parents. He's gonna stay. And the woman left, And
to this day, I feel like it really happened, but
I don't know for sure. I have any way of
proving that it had happened enough anyway, so I may
or may not have almost been tragically kidnapped. That would
have been horrible. Dude, I'm glad. I can't imagine. I
can't imagine your mom and dad. That's the screams that
would have come out of them. I know, I know,

And it's so weird. It's one of those things. I mean,
I obviously have no way of confirming another way, but
it's just it's something that's always been lodged in my brain. Um.
By the way, are you guys watching Mayor of Eastown?
It's really good on HBO. Don't watch anything unless its
robots in it. If there's a lightsaber, you got me.
There's another. Um, there's another one that's really good. A

show on HBO Max called um Hustle of Generation Hustle
and it's all about different stories of of of con
artists and U you know, like docu style. Really cool.
Recommend that too. UM, we're almost done here. The moist kiss,
I laughed out loud. That was a moist kiss. I
wish I was wearing an apron. That's when you and

Judy are rekindling your love. I don't know why I'm
between you other than the you know, point of the episode,
but I'm somehow sitting between you as you guys make out.
Why do you think? She told her at the end
she couldn't handle the guilt. She her conscious was exploding
and she she couldn't hand You do that though, if if,
if you guys had come to the realization that it

meant nothing, and you knew it meant nothing, obviously, admit
something to her. You know what I mean? You know,
I I it's so hard to say because I don't know, um,
but I feel like if it was a closed mouse kiss. Yeah,
let that go. That's only gonna fucking cause problems that
don't need to be had. I mean, it's a horrible thing,

but it doesn't necessarily need to be told if there
was anything, if it was anything more than that, then
I can understand why I was just going to eat
away at her until she cleared it up. But but
she even says, you know, now I understand why Turk
was doing what he did. You know, you sometimes get
caught up in situations and one thing leads to another

and you do something where it's like, but it didn't
really necessarily mean anything. But you know, I don't know, man,
I don't know why she I'm glad she told him
that being you know, but this is just going to
open up even more of a problem for their relationship.
I foresee. I don't even remember this is the funny

thing is, I don't even remember what happens next. But
I know, I think I think you and I have
a kiss in the next episode. I'm not sure we do. Yeah,
I remember you and I having to kiss each other.
This is a weird boner. I just god, I don't
know what cho ELL's face now. Yeah, and then you know,
a weird lens spike at the end, right. I mean,

I don't we don't normally do that on Scrubs, but
I just sort of look directly to the audience. Yeah,
did you find that's what it was? Or am I
looking just slightly above the camera? I couldn't quite tell.
I can't. All I know is that it was one
of those things where you were letting the audience in
on your moment of insecurity. What would it be at

that panic? I guess, but I but I you know,
it's a very subtle difference to looking a few inches
above the lens or on the rare moment, as we
discussed on Scrubs, we look right down the barrel, and
I think I think for me, it was looked like
I was looking right down the barrel. Um, Joel is
our guest here? Okay, great, why don't we go to break?
We're gonna go to break. We have an exciting guest

for you all, and we'll be right back after these
fine words and we're bad back. But has our queen Joel? Oh,
we have a new song. But wait, so so Travis
is our guest today. He's composed the Joe when he

gets down to get Down song, and we asked him
on the show to please compose a song for uh,
you know, fan calls, and so I thought it would
only be appropriate that he be the first fan call.
Wait wait before you play it, Danel, before you play it?
Shouldn't I think Travvy Ravvy should be on while we
appreciate his new song. You want to give him the reactions? Okay?
I thought I thought it would better to hear the

first thing that we could comment. But I hear you,
I see No. I think he should see our genuine
reactions to it. I love it. Let's do it. This
is our official this will be going forward, our official
guest welcome theme. But I think the composer should see
our first reactions to it. All right, they come here
comes Travis Javis. How you do whatever? Right? How are

you guys doing? Travis? You are you know how to
write a hook I don't know why you're not out
there writing stuff for Rihanna and Bieber because you write
a hooky song. Thanks man, thank you. I walk around
singing Joel Monique's down to get Down, Get Down, That's awesome.
It like it was driving my wife crazy, because that's
why all she heard coming from an office and all

of a sudden she's just like, what idiot? So this
is pretty cool. Do you write les like what's your story?
You tell us about yourself? I'm actually I'm a middle
school band teacher and wow, and my wife actually is
the high school band teacher. We are in this in
this small little district. I teach middle school and she
teaches high school. Where where is it in a Saint
Helen's organ It's just just north of Portland, Okay, noise.

But then I'd also work on the side. I work
for a few composers in New York in LA and
occasionally do stuf for the Tonight Show and just I
have other clients around the world that I'll do. It's
called arranging an orchestration, where I think other people's music
and then we'll make it a level of down for
a different format, like um, well, sometimes I'll beat pop tunes.
I once I actually took some pop tunes and arranged

them for the Roots, you know, the Tonight Show band,
you know the Roots with members of the New York
Philharmonic with them, And so it's just odd different combinations
like that, and uh so, yeah, the funny thing is
Joel Monique is down to get down is actually the
first song I've ever written. Wow, Dan Manase, No, wait

a second, Travis, I feel like you need a jingle
agent because John Teshi is rolling in money and he
has written many in jingle and I he wrote, that's
it right? It was that the NBA Yeah yeah, all
rock Yeah. Dan was the name of the track. The

one who wrote all the real jingles was uh was
uh Alan Thick. He wrote, like a bunch of TV shows,
Now the world don't move to the bad Yeah. Well,
well that's a theme song. I guess, I guess, I
guess the jingle meets a theme song. It's the same area,

but the idea to be able to get something in
your head super quick with something that's so short. That company,
that carpet company five eight eight two three hundred Empire.
Now I know their fucking phone number because their jingle
is so genius. Well you know which one I know?
You know which one I know? Which we'll call it
accidents or injuries Called Jacob and Ronnie Called Jacob. I

thought it was Jacob and Ronnie. It's actually Jacob and Ronnie.
Ye Oh, I don't know that one that's okay, so
right on the sky on the opposite side of things
is the one that gives me nightmares. One eight seven,
seven Cars for Kids. Alan Thick wrote these jingles, just

putting it out there. There's eleven unforgettable ones, but here's
a few of them. He wrote Different Strokes, The Wizard
of Odds, Celebrity Sweepstakes. Alan Thick wrote, No, No, that's
Wheel of Fortune. Which wheel of Fortune? You're in jeopardy right?

He did Reel of Fortune, the Diamond Head Game, Animal
crack Ups, blank check, and whew. I don't know any
of those except I knew, I knew different differ, different
strokes is oh my bad. He also wrote The Facts
of Life. Oh that's a big one. He wrote The
Joker's Wild. All right, let's get back to Travis. Okay,

I'm just saying, Travis, you must be a fun teacher.
I'm sensing you have a good sense of humor. I
bet your kids really like you. Yeah, we have a
good time. It's a yeah, we have a good time.
And do you have any kids that you know? I
imagine there's a lot of kids where you're like, oh Jesus,
please put the flute down or but you must have
some kids where you go, Wow, I can already see talent.
I must be exciting. Oh yeah, it's really exciting. There's

some kids I always see how I am. I never
I'm not gonna blow smoke up their ass, but I
will find something because it drives me crazy. Like I
don't have a teacher voice. I don't have a Hey,
boys and girls, all right today, we're gonna do this.
Like I would kick my own ass if I ever
heard myself talk like that. But like, I'll find something
positive to say if they are, you know, I'll find
something positive that is also true. But um, but yeah,

the kids, like they're great kids. They just work hard.
They just need a good teacher. And so most of
the times they you know, if you expect you know,
if you have high expectations of them, and you give
them the materials they need, give them the instructions they need,
they can do great things. Wait are you saying you
like the teacher from Whiplash? Oh no, oh no, I
imagine it's so exciting for you and your wife when

you have a kid who you know, it's like all
of a sudden, you see a kid who's starting to
shine like, Wow, this isn't just a kid who's got
a little bit of talent, this is a kid who
could be really good. Oh yeah, yeah, it's really cool.
It's um, it's excited when you have kidsho actually work
hard and actually they get they get hungry, like hungry
to earn and uh so that's pretty exciting. But yeah,
all right, we're gonna debut your song. You you um,

you've written another song which we we asked you for,
which is uh something to intro our guests. Joel almost
played it before you got on, but I thought you
might want to see our live reactions to it for
the first time. Wait, so you guys haven't heard it yet.
We haven't heard it? All right, all right, but I'm
but I'm a fan of your work. You know, it's
like if you know, okay, Zach Zack, let's get into

the intro. You're telling me to shut the fuck up.
Is that what you're telling you to get into the introduction? Man,
we know that you have to stop talking about your willies.
That wasn't the one. That wasn't the one that Man,
I still never got around to labeling them. All right, guy,
I've been busy I never got the brother Pete touchow
to label it. Ladies and gentlemen, give it up for
Trav travs alright, we got all you can talk, you know,

like a get spoke some jazz hand maybe talking about
the episode. So come on, Joanne, let's get the show on.
Whoa oh shan. Ladies and gentleman give it up for Trauma.

I love it. That's amazing. More time, one more time,
time time, more time, jaime, more time, No problem. We
gotta call fire games. Yeah they did. We can talk
star wah scene show dudes, you know, like a ball
of Yeah, spoke some jazz hands maybe talking about the episode.

So come on, Joanne, let's get the show on. Yeah
that happened. Wow, love it. I love it. I love it.
Oh my god, that's great. I love it. Travis, you're

our in house composer. Um, we have to give you
some presents, Joel. Can we send the man a case
of gtscau Do you like kombucha? Travis? Oh yeah, you
guys got me into it. I had never had it before.
All right, well, Joel, let's send him a case. You're
gonna get our You're gonna get our GTS allotment this
this this month. But what's cool is that someone has
actually already contacted me about writing a jingle for them

because of the show. So I'm doing you guys should listen. Listen.
I'm gonna give you a shout out now because you're
very talented and um and um what is what is
your Instagram? So everybody knows it's a travy wavy? How
do you spell that? It's t r a v v
y w a vv why? So reach out to Travis
if you need something a jingle, and don't fucking try

and give him just a case of kombucha like us. Okay,
you better pay his ass, um. But no, you're really
talented man, You're really uh you're you're really good. Thank you, Travis.
You're selling the Joe Monique is down to get down
thing as a ring tone too, right, Yeah, I just
put it up as a ring tone. How did I

find that there's a link to it in my Instagram bio?
Well there you go, so get it in his bio.
You can get the Joel Monique. I hope it's the
R rated one, not the g one. Oh, it's the
real one. The g one never never really stuck with me.
Although I'm sure I appreciated it, your mother appreciated it. Okay,
but then like Joe Welmonique, get down and get down.

Get I love it no matter what's between your legs.
Tomorrow morning you could be making ther gs Joe Welmonique,
get down and get down. Um, well, Travil, we got
you here. Do you do you have a question in
your life fixed in any way? How can we help
you today? No, I'm excuse man, No, I'm cool, man,
I just I'm just really excaited. This is a like

I said, scrap. I've been a huge Shrubs fan, you know,
forever of course, and you know what's funny, uh, you
know like often we know you guys asking about favorite episodes?
Do you have like kind of a sleeper for me?
There's the one it's I think it's like season eight
where it's just you. It's just Zack and Donald, Zach, Turkey,
JD in the hotel room with the old man who's dying,
oh and the freaking Oh yeah, that's a great episode.

Yeah it's not. We're not in a hotel, we're at
the hospital. N Turman. Oh wait, are you talking about
the moment with Glenn Turman when he when he died.
Oh that's eight. I can't believe that's so late in
the run of the show. That was a great one.
That's one of my favorite episodes. That hit me, hit
me so hard, just like he was helping I was,
you know, my father already had recently passed away at
the time, and uh, just you're processing going through that.

And also it was so fucking funny your outtakes, Jesus Christ,
the outtakes was so fucking funny. But Glenn Turman was
in Um. He's a wonderful actor and he's one of
the best actors ever in history of America. Man. Yeah,
put some respect on that name, baby yeah. And he
was in the the the the George C. Wolf movie

with Violet Davis and all the stars that were in
what's it called Rainie's Black Bottom. He's in that. He's
a wonderful, wonderful, amazing actor. Did you know that he
was married to Aretha Franklin. Now he was married to
Aretha Franklin from nineteen seventy eight to nineteen eighty four.

Why do you use Google that or did you know that? No?
I knew that I had I knew that already. I
didn't know the exact dates, but I did google the
exact dates. But he was actually married to Aretha Franklin.
I used I used him. I think Bill may have
thought of him because I cast him in a pilot
that I directed, my brother had written for Fox, and
he was so good in it, and I think I

showed it to Bill and he got the idea to
use him for that episode. But yeah, he's he's he's
some of the greatest movies, Coolly High. He was on
a different world, Like, yeah, he was on a different world.
He's always and he's always good, you know what I mean.
He's always good, and so yeah, shout out out, shout out,
Glenn Thurman. Um, I'll give you a little triviuus since

Travvy Wabby doesn't want anything from us. Um of this episode, Um,
This episode is the only time Doctor Cox wears a
jersey for a team other than the Detroit Red Wings.
What is he? Where? Arrangers? I don't remember which sports
ensemble it was. Um. The monkey in the episode is
Crystal the monkey who appeared in many other TV shows

and movies, including The Hangover Part two. That's the one
that was licking. Uh, the penis licking the penis? You
don't remember that? Remember the monkeys licking something and they're like,
what is that? What is that? And then Zach Galfanaki's
gold over and licks it two. It turns out to
it turns out to be uh, what's his name's penis? Uh?

The Asian dude penis with Ken Joe. Yeah, remember that
little tiny penis hilarious dude. All right, here's the math
on the clock thing. JD and Turkum changed the clock
in their apartment ahead one hour, then back three hours,
ahead five hours, and back forty three minutes, so that

altogether the clock is ahead two hours and seventeen minutes.
The clock says eight forty nine, which would make the
actual time six thirty two. However, JD and turk state
that the time is nine fifty two. For this to
be true, the clock would have had to have said
twelve o nine. Now, I don't think any of you
give a funk about that, but it is on scrubs wiki.

And the last thing I'll say is that on streaming services,
the captions say that Hook by Blues Traveler is playing
on the jukebox right before Carla asks, Hey, do you
know who sings this song? And the song playing is
not hook by Blues Traveler. Maybe we tried to have
it do that and we couldn't pay for it. There
you go, I think we did it right. Guys, be

a better friend than these three are. Please and check
out my episode of Solos. I'm very proud of it.
It's only thirty minutes of your time. If you like
Black Mirror, it's very Black Mirror esque and Anne Hathaway
gives a pretty astonishing performance. I can't say anymore it'll
be spoilers, but she blew me away when with her performance. Oh, Zach,

I also wanted to tell you before I forget alex
inc was a great show, and I thank you. You're
one of the one people who You're one of the
only people who thought about I think it was I
think it's My wife and I were two of the
seven people who watched it. But I love you. I
blame the network for marketing well. I had promise. You know,
sometimes in your first season you don't quite figure it out,
but you're on the bubble ratings wise and the networkers,

we're gonna give you another chance, and then you kind
of kind of figure it out. That was kind of us.
We were not quite figuring out there were changes that
could have made it better, and then that network didn't
give us that chance. But you win some, you lose some.
And I appreciate that you watched at Travis. I really
it was a good show. Did you write all of
the episodes or did you just know? I directed a
bunch of Matt. Matt Tarsus, who was one of our

main writers on Scrubs, was the showrunner of that show,
and we had a whole writing staff. I didn't I
didn't write it. Um all right, guys, we love you.
Be safe out there, and donal, why don't you count
us out? Six seven stories about show we made about
a bunch of docs and nurses and janitor who loved me. Here,

I said, here's the stories. Never should so gato around you,
Here are gadoo around you. Here are sweat free way
shows at mm hmmm.
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