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September 15, 2022 42 mins

On this week’s episode, JD struggles with his life decisions when it comes to Kim. In the real world, Zach, Donald, and the gang head to a drive-in to watch the first episode of season 7! You can watch the episode in real time with us. It’s like an actor’s commentary! 

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Guys, I've never been to a drive in in my life.
Never have you guys been to drivings before? I love
driving movie. I've only been to a drive in when
I was making it was I was making a movie, right,
and there was no nothing on the screen at the
driven but we were in the drive in theater, so
we were in the spots. But we were pretending to

watch a movie. I see when there was almost the
same thing. That's that's the only real that's Hollywood. Yeah,
it was a It was a Hollywood Yes, it was
movie magic and and everything worked out in at the
drive in. What happened? It was a makeout scene. It
was aout makeout successfully. I made out successful. Well that's

what's synonymous with driving. This is making out. But we
won't be doing any making out today, are you sure?
Well we'll see what happened. Okay, Okay, but listen, I'm
very happy to be I want to thank the good
folks a Hunday for making this all happen. My driving
dreams come truey in the brand new Hounday Ionic five,
which is Donald's new car. What do you think I
love it? Listen, day ahead, I want to make a deal. Yeah,

you're a kind of deal they gave. Yeah, I would
like to make another deal. I would like to be
able this car, drive this car for pretty much the
rest of my life. No, Joe, so many great features.
It's beautiful. I have to tell you. I love the
double screens. What do you like the mood that I've
set in the car to Also, you can choose the
mood color and we have purple. Is purple your color?
Royalty baby. And there's a plug in the back, Dane,

which I appreciate. What didn't are you using it? Big
fan of the plug in the back? Using it to
power our zoom h six to record this whole session
right now. Like a legit plug. It's oh, it's real.
It's very legit. And there's two of them. Let me
tell you something I really like about the Hyndayonic five.
I had a competitive brand and it would not go
three hundred miles. This on full charge would go three
hundred and three miles. Donald, Yet it I pushed it

to the limit. Yes, I've charged you went three hundred
and four miles. I got all the way to three
hundred miles and then we charged this bad boy. Yeah,
and you know, and it gives you all the warnings
you need. It has, you know, very much like all
of the other Hounday cars that we've like when we
drove the Tucson and now it has the features on

the side. We could see from up above. You see
when you hit the signal, you can see what's in
your left lane. You could see what's you said. It
give you a little haptic sort of warning if you
drifted it from your lane and if you drift into
if you drift two. If you're a driver like Donald,
then you no, no, no, no no, it's because I got kids.
Well I do Tokyo drift h Calm down, everybody, but

I got kids and stuff, So sometimes my attention gets
taken away from the road. Well, thy five has a
little jiggle. Goodness, it ain't even a little jiggle that
you're fighting you You are off the road, Bro, get
back in the road. What does it say why you're
driving the Honday is like bro thens over here, Bro,

you'd have a little sound that goes bro, Bro. Well,
the cars right pretty. And here's the real thing that
I want to say is that Unde has made our
dreams come true and we are going to do something
we've never done on the podcast before for the start
of season seven, and that is we're going to watch
an episode live at this driving ye season seven. Yeah,

this is amazing. First of all, thank you freaking setting
up a driving and let us talk a lot in
beautiful downtown Glendale, Glendale. Love it. Here's the thing, guys,
what I want you to do, if you're if you're
willing and able, is I want you the listener to
start the episode when I hit play on the remote
control for this drive and A. That's how fancy we are.
I have a remote control to start the drive in movie.

That is that is very fancy. And if you's too bad,
no one else knows we're doing this because you could
literally be watching an episode live in Glendale with with
all of us. Charlie, Okay, let's just talk about how
this show opens up before we get there. Just sorry
about show we made about a bunch of nurses. Yeah,

m so fans, if you want to play along, this
will never happen again. Okay throughout the throughout the rest
of the run of Scrubs podcast, we can't promise that
this will happen again. I'm not gonna happen again because
if even if Honda sponsors another activity like we did
driving first, we're doing driving now we'll do something else.
So if you really want to make the most of this,
what you want to do is you're gonna hit play

and pause along with us. Okay, so I'm gonna hit
play to start it. We're gonna talk about it, We're
gonna laugh, We're gonna pause to talk about a moment. Donald,
anyone can call pause. Okay, that's a rule, no problem.
Sounds good. But you gotta play along at home, because
then you'll literally be watching it with us. We can't, obviously,
for legal reasons, play the episode out loud. We have
it playing in our ears. Yes, you can watch it

at home, and I'll say, on your marks, get set go,
We're gonna start it. Sound like a plan. I love it. Now,
what were you gonna say? We're looking at the frozen
image on the top, which is j D and Elliott
lying and a bed together. These two will not stop,
will they are? Won't they? They will they are? Won't they?
Until the end of the show. Yes, Yeah, they're Rows

and Rachel. They are totally Ross and Rachel. But Ross
and even Ross and Rachel. It got to the point
where it was like, I don't care if they do
it or don't. I'm invested in this and because it's me,
I know, I am very invested in this relation. But
I'm also simultaneously very frustrated by them. Why how could well?
It's just oh my god, they're so they're both. I
love them as human beings and actors and characters, yes,

but I'm annoyed by them, like shit or get off
the pot. Well, you know, I'm gonna be honest with you.
I'm gonna be honest with you. It's mostly Elliott that
needs to too. Elliott needs to know jad is j Jerry.
He had he had the chance, and he's not gonna
make that. Listen, he's not gonna make that move because
he knows. If he makes that move, and if Elliott says,

you know what, I'm not feeling this, then he has
a turntail and walk back to Kim and explain to Kim, look,
all right, so look I know we're having a baby,
but made a mistake and hooked up with Elliott. I
thought it was something real, she said, no, I think
it well in this moment right now, Well, yeah, they're
line in a single bed together. J D is about

to go for it. Okay, where's her name tag at?
She doesn't wear a name tag anymore. She took it
off because she thought her movies were gonna get touched.
Can't have your tag on if you're getting have booby
grabbing moment. It's clear that JD went for the boobies too,
because when he stands up, he stands. Jad's first moves already,

it's always boobs. He goes kiss boobs. All right, so
we're gonna start on them when I see going. Sorry,
so that's what's what's gonna happen. We're gonna pause, play pause,
play all right, here's the first play. My first driving
experience begins. Play all right, we're going. We're off. Okay,
it's rolling. He's about to make out Donald. She looks beautiful.

I don't look that good that close, Sara. They all have.
The ladies have a lot of makeup on. She looks
you don't want to see. Oh yeah. Season seven, everyone
has a new look, hands out, ready to go fantasize.
She's got a lot of makeup on. So does Judy.
At some point. Okay, I have a very short haircut

this season, so far every season that starts, you want
to see everyone's new look. This is my look was
always the same. This year we great. This is Skiptok's
biggest line. That's broussy. By the way, Manly got good

at acting. Yeah, well you know, you give him enough
lines event, but what I mean he really got good?
Yeah Manly? Oh god, here comes Keith Keith Keith wait.
I was already surprised out loud. Okay, now there's a
weird voiceover technique in this episode where it feels like

everyone has a voiceover, but we're really what's called in
the business. Pre lapping the audio to the next scene
where she's confessing to Turk and Judy t carl you're
very thin. Look look, yeah, you know what else I
was noticing is that Turk and Carla is in her nightie.
What would they gonna get? They were gonna get? I
think it was supposed to get a mislead. Yes, he's

supposed to be a mislead. He supposed to think they're
gonna have sex. But the time about candy? All right, pause,
all right, So I want to talk about candy for
a second. And now you set up because you're a diabetic.
You're only allowed one candy bar every eight months or
something like that, or once a month or something like that.
Well I forgot what it is. I don't know, but anyway,
I want to know. Go around the car real quickly.
What is your You could only have one candy every

like like one thing. But that sounds really good me too.
I love that. Yeah, thats we love you us the
mother load. All right, let's go duel. What's your keen cup?
Would be perfect, but I'm probably gonna go Dove chocolate. Wow,
Dove chocolate straight up? Okay, room temperature milk dots. They

gotta be room temperatureough because if they're too cold, you
can't chill them. But when the room temperature you just
so that's your Is that your movie theater? Good? Hell? Yeah,
hell yeah? Because that thing gets us. That thing that
milk do get. You know what I really don't like.
That's people like that's polarizing one red vines. Oh not

not not about those liquoration generals are not for me. Terrible, Okay,
So Turk picks. Oh so, Turk goes on to say
that he wants to pick something that doesn't sound racist,
like dark chocolate or Juju bees. Now, who is racist?
Where is ju? Aw? You're saying juju right, and so
I get that. But somewhere in there he thinks black

people Juju like, that's bad Juju. No, he just means.
He just means um racist to any people. The dark
chocolate is racist to black people. Juju bees is anti Semitic.
It's what he's saying, chocolates black. I don't know that's
his serie. Actually, no dark chocolate. All right, play Please
think of the face Judy's making. He makes a little
he's crazy face. Here you go, I pass. You don't

like jingu mins, get out of here. I watch Much Money.
I remember when watch mccull its came out. So wait,
you want to pause? No? Oh no, here's why the pause,
pause pause. I thought you were going to ask for
a threesome. Wow, why didn't you Donald? No? I thought

I was asking her. I thought there was gonna be
I thought there was some sexual and something sexual. You
whisper in your ear. Judy's in a nighty, right. I
think it's supposed to be a mislead that you're like, hey,
do you want to get in on what you're trying
to get into? The issue is very great, especially after
having a conversation with his best friend. So he knows

that j D and Herd just almost looked up. So
he's trying to do a threesome. That turk is a dirty,
dirty game. But don't you think it's supposed to be
a time? Or maybe not? I don't know. Maybe don't
you look there, that's a great shot man. Maybe I've
been looking at your look like a little bit there.
This was over twenty years ago. I know, No it wasn't.

This isn't This is more like fifteen right news over
twenty years ago? No, Dani'll do the math. We started.
This is two thousand and six, thousand and six was
I'm sixteen years ago? Yeah? Are all right? Play please?
Like six? Yeah time, Daniel, because he's like a human calculator.
All I look, Judy's like, what do you ask you?
That's not true? See she's suspicious. Mars bar? Do they

not make Mars bars anymore? I never heard. I've never
even had a Mars barn. I never had a Mars bars.
You never had those little time coming up? Don't like
Mars bars, marlso don't like the candy you choose later
so as so she's gonna tell Elliot. Elliot's gonna tell
Keith that she's gonna damn Elliott. Yeah, last minute. Oh,

this is back to Stacy. Who's the water balloon girl? Oh,
driving in pleasure? We need the big brown but you look,
I hold up the buns, look bouncing. Wait a second.

First of all, this girl, Stacey is she haunts me.
Your whole life, your whole life, you trader and right,
and so you just asked me if he was gonna
do that again with Elliott, Right, there's no way. There's
no way. Well, but she must have some nice There's
no way. They wrote, there's no way, he wrote, bow,
it's you bouncing? You do that. I just want to say,

I don't know that I improm that, but I doubt
they wrote he holds up to hand. But there's cut
in half though you get fuddy. Okay, So here we're
about to um, I'm gonna play again. It's about to

go tell Keith that they're not gonna be together. She
wants to call the engagement and everyone in the hospitals watching,
okay play please? Oh god, can you imagine trying to
have this conversation in the parking the parking lot. Everybody. Oh,

and she's still getting digs about taking the last name.
Wow oh no, oh boy Keith. And so whenever somebody
says we need to talk, that's obviously a bad thing. Literally,
never a good sign. Yeah, um, he didn't notice that

everybody's watching because he's very he's his his fiance just
said we need to talk, which is not a good sign.
I feel like coming. But okay, well he didn't look
up if this shot is very funny, but all this
is everyone in the car with some with a few
background folks watching out through the window. It's really messed up. Okay,

play everyone, even the dudes on the roof. Everybody, Elliott,
come on, everyone's bummed out that no because Snoop Dogg

is finally tending telling that was the first jump ever,
by the ways, a writer on the show, very gentle, John, Oh,
I can't do this all great cold open. Bill Lawrence
directed this episode. I'm no superman, you know that Bill Lawrence. Guy. Okay,

there's Kim, she's very funny, the wonderful Elizabeth Banks a
smart yeah gosh really oh yeah, like a lot of

oh Daniel, it's just something Okay, so this is a
week Okay, now we're kind of a week earlier. By
the way, Oh flashback, so you look at the different
look at the difference between last year's No, No, I
think she gets the one week earlier within the show
he shot. I know, but look at the hair and
the lamb on the cause for a second. No, I'm saying, no,

I get that, But I'm saying this year on the
show right look at the glamba right now, everybody everyone
came back feeling themselves. Ye, like I'm trying to get
that next job is One's like, I don't know how
long this shit's gonna go. It's seven, and I mean
most shows don't go bout seven. That's crazy. I'm gonna
be honest with you. This episode, I had Benny Boom

and any Clements come down for this episode, and in
one of the shots this is how I got Next
Day Air. They came down to actually from this episode.
They came down to talk to me about it, and
they came to set and it's the scene where I'm
sweating and I smell like eggs and kelso goes am

I having a stroke of somebody cooking an almond that
that actual scene was the scene that Benny Boom and
any Clements, the producers of Next Day Air. They came,
we had our meeting, and then I went and shot
that scene and by the end of the scene, I
knew I had the job. That Wow, that's amazing. And
where does smelling do you do? You smell like eggs
when you sweat? Okay, someone in the writer's room must,

because I've never heard of anyone smelling like someone was
trying to tell somebody in the writer's room. By the way,
I would appreciate it if when you worked out and
you showered before you came to the riders, also being like,
what does he say? Am I having a stroke? Or
somebody and somebody cooking an ome the gym? All right,

we're back at it and play. Okay, oh baby. This
is where Turk reveals that the panda babies that Ming
Ming die Ming Ming. Didn't the panda just recently die

at the zoo? Didn't the panda just recently die at
the zoo? Like way? Sorry? JD closes with the flip phone.
How great was it to be able to close tactile sensation? Yeah?
It really was? Like over well, I was just saying that,
when's the last time you actually saw somebody on the
phone walking around with it like this? Yeah, but I

did love ending a call with a flip cloth. Oh yeah,
word a word, here's beard for sad and we say,
really had a chance to act. Now, this patient is
supposed to be so charming, he's like a he's like
a young um Robert Redford. Yeah, damn you he called

her pigure. Trip to HR? For sure? Jesus, Well is
it a trip to HR? Okay, that's for sure. Okay,
here's where it gets. Here's where lines get crossed. Though
you went to They had to go to HR to
establish the fact that they're dating at work, right, So
you go to HR and you say we're dating. Now.
I think it's some more of a modern concept than

when we shot this in two thousand and six. But
there has to be some type of thing, like, okay,
they just broke up. There needs to be a healing process,
because if you break up and it's not amicable and
it's one sided, somebody's gonna come into work talking like
that called no one's coming, no one's coming in, calling
anyone peg whore at work? I don't know, man, if

we just well, sure, hr is gonna be like, well
now we have to separate. Yes, he gets worse later
because he's her in turn too. It's very not good
entire She can't mind. This is a flashback, right, So
so this is gonna earlier because at the end of
season six, she she broke it off. She started to

break it off, but she didn't tell him it was
over over until this episode. So we're now seeing what
Keith is behaving like before the parking lot. Yeah, okay,
let's play please. Wow, Carlo's rationalizing this is funny. Kelsea's

trying to steal a cappuccino maker from her. He totally
lies that he gave it the cheermaker. Well, I mean
everybody else gave it everything. Well, you know there's a
cappuccino maker. Yeah, there's that. There's gonna be dishes. But
it's kind of messed up that he tries to steal it.

Bill Lawrence out Bill look at that. Oh see, I say,
that's why that's not even true. Do you talk to
Carlino episode man, I wonder how it was always great

when Bill directed You know why, because it's all you're
gonna get more jokes because he's there all the time,
and he's just picture. He doesn't really like directing as
much as he likes coming up with jokes, so you know,
you get so many extra jokes. Oh that's sad. But okay, pause, pause, Please,
let's talk about that really quick. Okay, So, if you're
in a situation, the right thing to do is never

is the right thing to do. Sometimes isn't the right
thing to do, It's the wrong thing to do. I
feel like Jad's about to learn this lesson. That's what
he learns in the episode. Yeah, you know, the right
thing to do is to stick it out with Kim
and raise this kid, but that's also the wrong thing
to do because that's not where his heart is. Well,
i'll meet you half way. I think the right thing
to do is to give it a try, because he
really did like her. Okay, they had an oops, and

she got pregnant, but don't and and well there's the
big thing that she lied, which is so but let's
just just describe that for just just to make it
more accessible to the average listener. Let's say that it
was just you know, they they got pregnant when they
were just started dating. Okay, he really liked her, so
why not give it a chance, which is what he's

trying to do now. But if it's if they don't
have a connection, he can't matter. That connection's gone. That
connection went out the window. And and he's having a
hard time understanding this connection. Yeah, when it went out
the window. In a minute, he saw Elliott say I
don't want to I don't want to do this with
Keith any right, And he's not feelings right, yeah, Well

he's always had the feelings. He's just been burying that. Gosh. Yeah,
and uh, and you know he's really he's so torn
because he's trying to do what he thinks is the
right thing. But then in the midst of it, Elliot's
getting single, and he's like, oh, actually too. Timing is
always off. Timing is always off. All right, play please,

but rumple fugy Okay, who's mobutt? She's mobut? Right, Yeah,
she's mobut. Yeah, she's mobut. Yeah. None of those girls
were good for you except for Mobut. Okay, Okay, So
let's not forget the story that Cox is trying to
solve this handsome Robert Redford type guy's problem. He initially
thinks it's lime disease. He's very proud of himself. This

guy has some magical look. They give him a very
special eyelight. It looks like an old school movie star. Yeah.
I remember when we when we shot this. When we
were shooting this, I remember Elizabeth being I really like
this actor. He's really funny. He's really he has a
great presence, and everyone, everyone, all the men are oh hey,

this is when you turk his sweating and he smells
like eggs. This is how I got the part. Would
you come to the ice like this? I don't know.
It smells like eggs. This is the scene I was
talking about next day air Here I come after this.
I don't understand. I don't know much about I have

to tell you that again. I'm a fake doctor, but
I don't think you're supposed to go in the ice.
You looking like that? All right? Now? Okay, so please,

this has happened to me. You gotta look, you gotta
look the person. Look, this has happened to me before
where I thought person was gone and I showed up
to the house and they were still packing, right, and
he had to have an awkward conversation. We had to
have an awkward conversation, but he at least says to her,
can you please leave? I don't want to do this
with you're standing here, and she says no. She tries

to start making him laugh, which is the funniest, most
awkward thing ever that's coming up. Yeah, um, look, I'm
all for I'm all for certain things when you break
up with somebody, when it's like fresh off the breakup
and nobody's really you know what i mean. Like, so
the things that they're about to get into, like the
sex and all of that stuff, I'm all good with that.

What I'm not good with is torturing, which what she's
really doing this torture. I'm not into the torture. She's like,
she's literally yeah, completely this whole episode, this whole episode.
That's she's so mean, Elliott, Oh no, no, this whole

sequence here she she tries to make him laugh. It's
so cringey, and he starts crying. Do you see his eyes?
Good job, yeah, traps is a great job. What a bitch,
And she's trying to fake laugh that he's not breaking.
It's so cruel. That's a horrible, horrible person, right, turns

evil so like so in this episode. I don't know
if you've noticed, but there's a lot of our favorite
background artists in the background. Comes the scene with her voice.
Oh that voice, that's not her real voice. It's not

a members a writer on the show. And he's very
funny a scene but snoops in love with her. So
let's story wise the um Oh, here's the chanitor's girlfriend,
whose name is Lady who he winds up marrying. Is
spoilers Donald the season finale of our wonderful show, the

series finale. No, yeah, I love you more than I
love you more than turt Oh, that's the Bahamas episode
though you should watch the show. It's really good. All right,
So this is very hey lady, she looks, she waves like,
I don't know you. Stag's wife. Yeah, sorry, that's Stag's wife,

kit Po Jettie. Okay, now here's Turkey. So he's trying
to figure out what canny to get and we do
another pre lauded voice over here. They're gonna go with God,
that's a big mistake. There's so much in there you

don't want. That is no way you would ever do that. Oh, No,
one wants a bit of honey. Did the men still
make bit of honey. Bit of honey is trained. Can
you even tried a bit of honey on a spoon?

What do you think going to spoon? All right? So,
so the surgical consomate Joe Turk is charmed by him.
Oh I do like Joe? Yeah? What is everyone's all
these men are in love with Joe. He's got charmed

gumbo if you all right? So here's the lead up
to the end of the act. So get the hell
out he here, Xander says, So why is Keith trying
to put the lamp in the box. I don't feel
bad for I don't feel bad for supposed to voice.

That just is horrible. So the kelcil says, get him
the hell out of here. He's got no symptoms. That's
getting the hell out of here. M not Joe. I
want to save Joe, all right. That Joe waves, that's
save Joe. All right. I'm a commercial back and we're back.

By the way. He still made. So they like Joe
so much, they're so charmed by him, they're gonna they're
gonna turf him to dermatology and they draw Turk draws
a mole on his face. Buy them Sometimes so they
can figure out what's wrong with them. Why you leave
him alone because you dropped down. You just broke his heart.

Oh yes, Oh Damn calls her pig horror so neat
and that turns her on. Elliot's a freak. Elliot look
at her hair. Oh my god, he's got an airplane.

Oh this is funny. Sport is fair. I like last
Night and I like sports. Season seven is starting off
with the very funny season that improv Yeah, I think so,

I know you're want to start the rumor about like
look at t shirt. Oh, this is funny. So do
a whole spoof of award shows and how we're up
for Cox is a war we little. I think Jenny
goes into fantasy. First comes Barbie Read Barbie read Turk

cod Is wearing a shirt that says strong sleeping with
an Alep. He's funny. We do the awkward thing where
somebody else wins and you have to act like you
you're happy for them. Donald used to look pis I
was trying to do the Denzel lost someone who didn't
Deel lose to He lost to somebody. Den Deel lost

to somebody. It was a year La La Land one
and he lost to somebody. And joke was at the
end when La La Land lost and it was really
going to Moonlighting that the audience didn't that was going
about his award counted again, counted again. That was the

year that actually ended up going to Moonlight. Yeah yeah, yeah, yeah,
moon counted again. Who did he lose to? Though? That
was best It was for best act. Now, by the way,
we did a little joke count it again and he

should have Beaty. I wanted to say that whenever I
was up for award for Scrubs, whenever I was up
for an award for Scrubs, I would always lose to
Tony Shalouph was on monk So within the show here
when I lose, when I win the award, I go
suck on that Tony shaloup. I can't see the TV

passed on my awards? Could give something? Can awards go
on in a cabinet? Just see the TV? Anyway? It's
n The Managinin is blocking everything. Now I have we
have too many awards. Okay, play please, okay. Kelso has

yet to be charmed by by Joe. He's gonna go
in and try. Okay, here he goes okay, mister Hudi
light they put in his eyes, yeah, and Kelsa comes

to help. There are a lot of episodes that you remember, right.
I remember this episode very well. Actually, this is one
of those episodes that I remembered very very well. I
remember and I don't remember. I don't remember watching it.
I remember shooting it. I remember the days when we

made this, and I remember, I remember the storyline and everything.
When we put it on, I was like, I know
exactly what episode this is. I got a job from
this episode, and so this is I may remember because
it's um the beginning of a season. It's like it's
you remember this was a big I mean this was
a big deal. Season seven. I think we were off
for like two years in between or something like that.

We were off for a really long time in between
six and seven. I remember that was it the writers?
It couldn't have been the writer's trike. No, But aren't
we on our way to Disney at some point too?
Like at one point we didn't know if we were
coming back, Like didn't we do two seasons on Disney? Oh?
So maybe this was the move from ABC here? I
think so. If it's season seven I believe when you

look that up, she was actually, yeah, maybe maybe this
was the move to ABC here we wouldn't We're not
gonna see Rob's dong anymore. No, well we never. We're
not going to see his pack and what and what
a loss that was. I'm gonna tell you something, ABC,
You've made You've never made something wrong decision more wrong
than excluding Rob's dong from the show. We like everything

that you're doing right now, Disney. Plus, the one thing
that we don't like is the lack of lack of
seven is actually the final season that aired on NBC. Guys,
So the jd JD is about to really he's like
he's made it a whole day without stepping in it,
and he's feeling cocky and now he's gonna decide a

genius idea with the janitor. Okay, play oh boy, Oh
he's doing the yellow on his hand. It's the truth
calling wants to know what, Ladies, I love the janitor

found love? Whoa? She smacks her ass and say he's
gonna get something. Yeah, she's got a brother named him.

Is this Ladies first episode? Yes? Okay, so we have
a we have a we have a musical coming up soon,
A musical number coming up, because I know, lady, we've
already done the musical episode, but we have a musical
number coming up because I have appeared in another episode.
Not his lady. Okay, I think she's saying in that

come crushing down, down down, Look how beautiful? Saying in
the same thing either WHOA caees her licking her lips

and then says, I have a feeling she's gonna say
that again in two weeks the rest of the season,
rest of the series. Look at you looking off hands,

You know, all right, the guys, we're up all night
trying to find out what could possibly be wrong with
Joe Kelse's asleep on Cox's lap. Cut there it comes
beer for say again, say Seymour Seemore, you know the matter?

You got a sneeze, pause and play ohms razor this
I didn't know what okams, Yeah, we did this episode.
Matter of fact, I think about Okam's raiser all the
time from this episode. It's always what you thought it
was the first time. Simplest answer is often the right
one or the most obvious answers. Oh, here she goes

again in the parking lot. No you don't cheating. Actually,
never really care for Keith. She's so adorable, she's so cute.
Lists right of slow motion. Oh, how they do that?

That's a great what's called a speed ramp. It's a
speed ramp into a light thing that does that's that's
probably a post effect. So they had his first things
was right? It is line disease. He has a tick
under his hair. Yeah, yeah, we saved Joe. Oh they

all they're also enamored. Means a handsome guy, a lot
of charisma. Okay, skanky straw Wow. I think he gets
fired for that. I think I think he gets his
ass kicked for that. And Judy the only thing says
you don't have straw hair. But she is skanky, I
guess I mean and a bit of a pickhorn. All right,

now we're caught up. Now, we're all caught up. Now
where we are and time for an epiphany? And look
at my face? Rock row it doomed. Oh, paying into

a corner where you can't here's the thing. Now, you
can't be Elliott and get out of it. You can't
be Elliott. JD. Can't be Elliott and break it off
the way she broke it off. Her reasoning for breaking
it off was because she doesn't love him anymore. Right,

it can't be you got into the relationship without being
in love, JD. Got into the relationship without being in love.
So how do you break off the relationship? You say,
all of a sudden, you know what, I thought I
could go through with this knowing that we didn't have
feelings for each other anymore. But I can't and do it. Yeah, well,
I think they're trying. You are in a lot of

trouble when you if you do that, that's they're trying
to do it. Um, they're not like back together as
a couple yet, right, they're trying to do it like
as friends that are gonna do this. Right, they seem
pretty together. I mean he didn't they didn't kiss when
he kiss her, right, he kiss her belly and everything. Yeah,
that's that's a dangerous dame. Excuse me for excuse me

for someone who you know has uh children and stuff
like that. That is not the way to get into
a relationship. Well, it's a very good start to season
seven straight and thank you for letting us watch it
at a driving for Glendale and beautiful downtown Glendale, And

thank you all for for watching. This was really fun
and uh, we love Maybe we should do this again.
I mean, I know Hande isn't gonna pay for this
to happen again, but there's something special about watching the
show live with cameras in our face and then sending
it out to all of you out there. So if
we get this opportunity again, please please get on board

because it's rare, right and I know if you weren't,
if you didn't watch it while listening, there might have
been some boring parts because we were watching the show.
But so if you're not, we'll be back to our
normal way of doing it. I wanted to try a
bunch of people out there right now. They were like,
I'm not talking right, but I'm telling you I think
it's a fun exercise. If you want to take the

time to watch it with we'll watch it with us. Ye,
So thank you, We love you, Donald, count us out
in the Boxeven eight stories about show we made about
a bunch of dots and nurses and stories yet around

here are yeah, around here for you
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