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August 25, 2018 69 mins's John Paulsen comes on the show to help shed some light on 12 different players who carry plenty of risk. What should we think of Andrew Luck's unimpressive preseason performances (12:32), how often will the 49ers use Jerick McKinnon (23:02), and is it wrong to underestimate Juju Smith-Schuster this year (36:14)? The episode ends with a segment on running back battles and which back fantasy owners should target (55:11). Will Sony Michel end up being the lead back in New England at some point (1:00:45) and what happens in the Green Bay backfield once Aaron Jones returns (1:04:38)?


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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Hey, everyone, if you're tired of hassling friends and family
for fantasy league entry fees, try teamsteak dot com. Team
Steak provides fantasy sports leagues with a fully customizable payment
collection and pay out distribution system at no charge. They've
got safe and secure transactions, and again it's completely free
to use track teamsteak dot com. All right, let's talk
some football. Everyone. Welcome back to the Fantasy Pros Football Podcast.

I'm Bobby Sylvester, joined as always by Mike Taglier. You
can follow us on Twitter at Bobby Fantasy Pro and
at Mike Taglier NFL tags. How's it going today, man,
it's going good, dude. We got an email. It was
funny I posted on Twitter someone sent into the listener mailbag.
They just said, hey, guys, I had my auction draft
last night. I pulled a Bobby. I just stopped reading

right after that. It had made my morning and I
was in a pretty good mood. Obviously, there's been some
news since then that damp in my mood a little bit,
but still a good day. Man. I'm sure that means
that he just dominated the draft to beat whatever team
TX task would have got. Our guest today is always
among the most accurate experts, so we're gonna have him
help us sort out through these more difficult players to

figure out. It's John Paulson of four for four dot com.
That's for the number fo R and then for the
number dot com and he's on Twitter at four for
four underscore John, John, thanks for taking the time to
come on our show. Thanks for having me on. Guys.
We're getting real close to week one. Yeah, it's our pleasure. So,
like I said, we're going to be covering the ten
most difficult fantasy players to figure out this year. Then

at the end of the show, we'll be discussing the
remaining running back battles, including Detroit, the Jets Patriots. First, though,
there's a couple news items to talk about who who
Woo WHOA before we start news. Hold on, I actually
decided I don't know when I decided it, but I
just decided this morning at some point that I was
going to start off this show today with some small
segment for you guys. I wanted to do something non
football because it's just I want to I want to

have some fun with you guys. So you know how
Bobby does the does tags know Everything segment. We're gonna
do does Bobby and John know Everything segment? And I
kind of put this one towards John because I know
John's a big music guy, so it's gonna be some
pop culture for you guys. I'm not a big pop
culture guy, but I went back and brought up some
trivia for you guys. So are you guys ready for this?

I'm not, but I mean I guess if we're doing it,
I have to be. Yeah, let's go. Let's do it,
all right. So in nineteen ninety eight, TRL Total Request
Live was like the coolest thing on TV for teenagers right,
never heard of it? Though? Boy bands and Brittany Christina,
they dominated the charts. What rock band came in and
dethroned them for the number one spot for so long

that they had to retire the video. I would have
to guess, Nickelback, I'm gonna go with um, Well, I
don't know what you mean by rock band. I'm gonna
go with Matchbox twenty. It was Corns Freak on a Leash.
They had to retire the video because it was on
there for so long. And the boy bands. I'm proud
of that one, but I have one more trivia question

for you guys. So it's not corn related, all right,
So here it is. Eminem, jay Z and Tupac are
the top three selling rappers of all time? Who's number four?
Why don't you go first? Babby? Well, I don't know anything.
I don't want to go first. Oh Man all time,
all time? I know, I don't know any rappers man

like Little Wayne. Maybe he's up there now, I don't
know is he still a rapper. I don't have a
good answer, but I just want to plug Jurassic five
and other song quality control because it's just an awesome song. People.
I thought you guys would have got It's Beastie Boys.
Best Boys are the number four selling rappers of all time?
Who are Beastie Boys? Are you kidding? I'm gonna mess
it with you, Okay. I was like, come on, Bobby,

you're better than that. Okay. So the news items and
this one's a bummer because tags I know you're really
high on hayden Hurst. Obviously you weren't drafting in one
tight end leagues, but like deeper leagues, best ball leagues,
dynasty leagues. You liked him. This year he's going to
be out three to four weeks. Not happy about it. John,
I don't know where you were at on hayden Hurst.
I felt like he won. He was basically in a
walk and as the starter, and the fact that Joe

Flacco has targeted the tight end position so much over
the last couple of years with guys like Ben Watson
and Dennis Pitta. I was pretty excited for hayden Hurst.
I think he was easily the most talented of the bunch.
But him going down with a foot injury, they're saying
he's gonna be out three to four weeks. This basically
ends his season for me because I don't want a
pass catcher with foot issues that's coming off foot surgery
the same year. I'm done with hayden Hurst for this year,

and I think it hurts his dynasty stock. John, where
were you at on hayden Hurst? And you know, am
I going too far on this? Well? From a redraft standpoint,
I had him as a low end tight end two.
I thought that he had a great chance to play
a lot of snaps and there was that was an
offense that had vacated I think ten thousand targets from
last year. So you know, Michael Crabtree is going to

be the primary red zone target there. I thought maybe
Hurst would be the second guy, and that's kind of
that role. I'm not writing him his season com off,
but you know he's not. He's a do not draft.
And then maybe mid September, if things are starting to
trend back up, maybe you may pick him up if
you're having some tight end issues. Yeah, I didn't have
Hurst all that high. I mean, I've got him just
like John said, I've got him low end tight end too,

so not much relevant. With that said, I think this
news helps Michael Crabtree and John Brown. So I wasn't
getting any shares of Crabtree. I still probably won't, but
John Brown, Yeah, I'm probably gonna reach a little bit
higher than I have been, just to make sure that
nobody else gets the same idea. Yeah, I think this helps.
Like the running backs obviously total some more targets you
might see, you know, Alex Collin see a few more
targets because of it. Maybe Javorius buck Allen is introduced

back into the offense. But yeah, man, it sucks. I
actually thought that Hurst had an outside chance of being
like the the Evan Ingram of rookie tight ends this year.
He's my favorite rookie tight end and to see him
go with the foot injury again, foot injuries are a
real problem, and I think it's just going to take
time for him to come back. So I'll be on
Hayden Hurst next year, but this year, unfortunately, I'm done.
I don't think tight ends like Evan Ingram happened very often.

And the reason why is because, I mean, how many
target he had, one hundred and fifteen targets. The only
reason that happened is because everybody and their mom got
hurt on the Giants. Yeah, no, they definitely did. I
mean that's the thing. We haven't heard much about Crabtree.
John Brown. We obviously like, but he's not going to
be like one hundred and twenty target player or anything.
And if this offense has massive volume, I mean, the
potential for him was there, but obviously no, I'm out.

So here's the really big news in my mind. And
a lot of people probably saw this and they were like, oh, okay,
that's not really too much. But Matt and Aggie he
said that Jordan Howard is going to play on third downs.
This is huge in my opinion, Do you agree, John,
This is troubling. This really calls into question Matt and
Aggie's an offensive genius. In my opinion, I'm a little

worried now. I was really excited about him coming into
that team and turn things around after so many years
of John Fox and all his decisions, especially on the
offensive side. Why do you play a player who is
not a good pass catcher on third down when you
have a great pass catching third down back on the roster.
I don't understand it. And you know you're taking the

ball out of the hands of one of your best
playmakers treat calling. This is not okay. This is not okay.
And honestly, I'm actually putting this down as coach speak.
I don't think that. Jordan Howard, And by the way,
I want to say John and I obviously you know
John's a Packers guy. I'm a Bears guy. So we
watched these teams very closely. And Jordan Howard, I don't
think it could be understated how bad he's been as
a receiver to the last two years. He has been
legit bad. And it's pretty hard for a running back

to drop the ball as much as he has so
I think this is more coach speak than anything. I
think that if he goes on to say that Jordan
Howard is just a two down back, it's going to
make the offense somewhat predictable. I think they're gonna have
Jordan Howard and Terre Cohen on the field at the
same time a lot when it comes to third downs,
just to make it so it's not so predictable. I
don't see Jordan Howard getting any more than maybe thirty
targets this season, and so I continue to say this

about Jordan Howard. He's going to finish as a top
twelve running back, but he's not going to finish in
the top eight. I'll definitely betch on that. I mean,
he had over thirty last year, didn't He had thirty
two targets the year before he had fifty. Last year
he had thirty two targets, caught twenty three of them.
So it got better seventy one point nine percent catch right,
significantly better than a fifty eight percent he saws rookie year.

I moved Howard up a little bit in my rankings.
I mean, obviously I'm not going to take him over
like Dalvin Cook. Kareem Hunt or DeVante Freeman, but yeah,
I'll take him now over Christian McCaffrey, Joe Mix, and
Jerk McKinnon. Are you are you that high on Jordan
Howard John? Do you think that he should be ahead
of those guys? I don't. I don't personally have him
ahead of at those guys, but I want to know
what your take is. He's one of these standard PPR

guys for me, so in standards he's an RB one
low end RB one, and PPR he's more like a
low end RB two, just because the receptions are just
not there. Okay, all right, guys, Well we're gonna move
on over and talk about the ten most difficult players
to figure out here in a second. But first I
want to talk about the sponsor of today's show, NFL
Game Pass and Tags and I have been all over this.
I mean, we've both used it for a few years,

so we knew how good it was. But you know,
as we were thinking about, like we want to prepare
telling people listening to the show about it, we found
all these cool new features that we just absolutely love,
Like tags. Have you seen this all? Twenty two coach film?
It is just incredible. It's been the thing to watch.
I mean, that's the thing is like when people tell
me that a Marie Cooper sucks and their box score watching,
I don't think that they've ever watched a Marie Cooper

run routes. I mean, when you use the All twenty
two film, what you do is you kind of go
through and you're able to see what the coaches do.
You could you can watch any player on the field
at any time and you can judge for yourself at
that point. Now, as a Marie Cooper had issues with drops, sure,
but in terms of him as a pure route runner,
as a wide receiver, he's a specimen. He's fantastic. He
creates tons of separation and Derek Carr has a giant

target to throw. Tom even going to like one of
my favorite plays when I the All two twenty two
film is that, you know, looking at players like Davante Parker.
I had posted something on Twitter a few weeks back
that I went through and there was a play that
I had watched on him from last year with Jay
Cutler under center and he's lined up across from Casey Hayward.
Casey Hayward is one of the best cornerbacks in the NFL. Yeah,

he's a Pro Bowl cornerback, like he's one you avoid
typically in fantasy matchups. And I was able to what
you're able to see the coach's film on that. With
the search feature, you just type in DeVante Parker and
you see every play he was targeted on or he
caught a catch, and you kind of go through these
and you could see he created some separation on Casey
Hayward going basically on a go route and then the
ball was underthrown, he came back, jumped like he timed

the ball perfectly, went over Casey Hayward, snagged the ball,
and then when I got pushed out of bounds, he
looked like a wide receiver one because when Tad saw this,
he sent it to me and I was like, this
is so so appealing. Yeah, and there's plays like that
with DeVante Parker when you go through that search function,
you could actually go and see them. There were some
plays against the Steelers last year. DeVante Parker shows Number
one traits at times as he inconsistent, absolutely he's been

throughout his career. But looking and watching this stuff like
actually seeing it happened downfield, and what he had to
kind of deal with on on a normal basis from
his quarterbacks. I don't think that you can judge the
guy too much, which is why I'm still I'm not
giving up on DeVante Parkers yet. You know, I was
looking at I just found out about the search feature
this year, so I've been going crazy on it, and
I wanted to see drawn him whiles and because I
pulled him way up in my rankings, and I just

want to see is this warranted. So I went back
and I looked at Randall Cobb, who's a good wide
receiver in this league. And I was always thinking Jeronim
Willison's just a marginal talent. He's gonna be fine because
he's in Green Bay's offense. And I compared Geron and
Willison's tape to Randall Cobbs, and you know, they're not
the same players, but just watching Geron and Willison, he's
gonna stick in this league. And if Randall Cobb is

gonna miss some time with that foot injury, I think
Allison is going to step forward and just be a monster.
So I'm reaching for him big time. Thanks to NFL
game passing, going back and seeing this film. Absolutely, guys,
go and check it out. Seriously. You can get a
free seven day trial right now, watch the rest of
the preseason, watch the beginning of the NFL season, whatever
you want to do. We have a link for you, guys.
It's NFL dot com Forward slash Fantasy Pros. Go there,

get a free seven day trial. Go check out as
much coach Film as you want, and I promise you
by the end of it, if you were like a
serious fantasy player, you just want to know the game
in general, Like if you just want to be able
to watch players and have a good take or just
watch more football on them. Yes, yes, go and do that.
And you like the condensed film, like being able to
watch games in twenty minutes, like complete NFL games in
twenty minutes. It's like that's something you can't replace. Yeah,

that's something I wanted to mention. By the way, I
can watch all sixteen games in four or five hours
on Monday morning and I don't miss anything. Like do
you know how much that helps us as fantasy analysts.
Rather than just looking at the box scores, we see
every single play. All right, guys, let's move on over
and I've broken this down by position we've got I
said ten, it's actually twelve, so I lied again. This

is like the second show in a row that that's happened.
I've got twelve players lined up, two quarterbacks, four running backs,
four wideouts in two tight ends that we just can't
seem to figure out. Now, Andrew Luck, I like him
because of his upside, but I don't know what to
think of his performance so far this season, John, what
are you seeing? I think he's knucking out the rust.
You were expecting him to come out and just tear
it up after sitting out as long as he did.

I mean, he's an eleventh, tenth, eleventh quarterback off the board.
I think your adp there at Fancy Pro shows him
as the ninth. Now. I spose stock is rising a
little bit, but you know, if he still hangs in
that seven eight turn area, he could be a league
winner for you. If if he's the true Andrew Luck
that we've seen the past, I think so too. I mean,
I'm just buying that upside. Worst case scenario, we find

out he's not the same quarterback and maybe he never
will be. So what I cut him and I pick
up Dak Prescott for the following week and I pick
up Alex Smith the week after that. Most people should
be playing streamers anyway, So you take a chance on
a guy like Andrew Luck where you just go for
the best streamer in week one, maybe Dak Prescott or
Andy Dalton, and then you know, you figure it out
from there. But tags do you agree? I mean, he

doesn't look great, but he's still worth taking a shot
him with that ADP right, Well, I do think it's
funny how people change their tone on Andrew Luck. I
think John hit it on the head. He's knocking off
some rust. Like after his first preseason star people are like, oh,
he looks like the Andrew Luck of old. You know,
they didn't ask him to do too much, and they
still it's like the training wheels around. This is a
brand new offense that he's learning. He's coming back. Yeah, no,
t why Hilton in the offense. It's just it's very

I think it's a small preview. The fact that Andrew
Luck is out there getting hit. That's what I'm okay with.
I want to see him take some shots down the field.
But the best part is that his risk is built
into his price. Guys like he's being drafted aroun guys
like Jimmy Garoppolo. I mean, we can't sit here and
pretend that we know Jimmy Garoppolo is a top ten
fantasy quarterback. We've seen Andrew Luck do it before guys,
So I'm not I'm not opposed to drafting Andrew Luck

if he falls, you know, I wouldn't take him over
someone like Drew Brees. But if he falls to that,
you know, ninth quarterback off the board, I feel like
the risk is built in at that price, So I mean,
I'm not opposed to it. John, what is your strategy
with quarterbacks this year? I don't know if you're like
a late quarterback only guy or if you're fine would
take in you know, Breeze or Newton if one of
those guys falls. Is Luck your guy late or is

there somebody later that you prefer? Yeah, I mean there's
a there's a second tier after Rogers with Wilson through
Drew Brees. For me, so I've got Kirk Cousins and
Matthew Stafford a little bit ahead of Drew Brees, and
then I think there's a little bit of a drop
off there, and then you get into Luck and Garoppolo
and Roethlisberger, Rivers and those guys Mahomes. I'm willing to
take maybe a Stafford. Usually it's Stafford or Cousins that

falls to like the eighth or ninth round. And then lately,
if if Luck is still sitting there, I might, I
might nab him just to get a few shares of him,
because I think he can be a league winning pick.
So like you would go two quarterbacks, you're saying, like,
if you don't get Stafford, you'd be fine with Luck. No,
typically I'll just go one, but you know, best ball,
or if you know, if I take a Luck, I might,

I might nab an upside guy, like I guess you
can call him Blake Bortles an upside guy, but you
know he's got three straight top thirteen finishes, you know,
the offense, the deep receiving core that they have there.
I don't think he's going to really be any worse,
and he's going so so late in drafts. You could
you could, you could pair Luck with Bortles really cheaply
and have some upside there from both guys. Yeah, Bortles

runs the ball well too. Do you do you like
Bortles or Trubisky better for floor and for ceiling. Well,
I've got Trubisky at nineteen Bortles at twenty, so it's
really close for me. Earlier in the offseason, I was
taking more Trubisky, and lately I've been getting some Bortles
because Trubisky's you know, looked a little bit rough in
the preseason. I was hoping that he'd be coming out
of the gay a lot hotter um. I think Bortles

is a just more proven player right now. And it's
funny to say that because it's Blake Bortles, but you know,
you can't. You can't proven fantasy guy top thirteen and
three straight years. I mean, that's nothing to shake a
stick out. Absolutely. The other quarterback I wanted to talk
about is Jimmy Garoppolo because a lot of people are
really high in him. A lot of people are just
kind of like, well, we haven't really seen much. It's
just a five game sample size against a week schedule. Now,

obviously he tore up Jacksonville, But John, what are you
seeing in Jimmy g Is he somebody with a ceiling
or is he just going to kind of be like
a Matthew Stafford, Philip Rivers type of quarterback. Yeah, he looked.
He looked the part last year for sure. His last
you know, five games, sixty seven percent completion, eight point
seven six yards per attempt. So that's all great, and
that was not a real talented receiving corps. He was

throwing too. He's getting Pierre garsone back. You know, George
Kittle should be healthy. Jack McKinnon is a good receiving back.
Marcus Goodwin is surging even further ahead than he did
last year, So the receiving corps should be up, you know, upgraded,
and you know, his second year in the system, things
are looking pretty good for him. I I have him
at eleven, below that tier that I mentioned, but that's

mainly because we just you're not sure about him because
he's not as much as proven as some of those
other guys. Earlier in the preseason, I had Garoppolo at
number seventeen. Now we've moved him up to fourteen, ahead
of some guys that people would probably shake their heads about.
But you know, I'm looking at Jimmy g and if
you pro rate his stats from five games out to
sixteen last year, forty nine hundred yards over under forty

four hundred yards and Jimmy g this year, Oh that's
a good number, man. I'd probably say over because I
don't think they have a great one two down run game,
and I think they're gonna rely on a short pass
more than they are the run than they did last year.
But going back to Garppolo, what he did last year was,
you know, it was really impressive. And it's it's one
thing that I you know, I struggle with it because
I understand what people want to like in Garoppolo and

I understand why they want to draft him as a
top eight quarterback, but you're essentially predicting him to have
the season he had over a full sixteen games in
twenty eighteen, and you don't ever want to pay for
that ceiling, right. But one of the stats I did
find and going through the numbers this offseason, of the
quarterbacks with at least one hundred attempts over the last
five years, Jimmy Garoppolo's eight point eight yards per attempt

ranks third best. And again John mentioned it, he did
it with a depleted wide receiver corps. You know, Carlos
Hyde was not a good pass catching running back. I
know he saw a lot of volume, but he wasn't
great in that role, and he just stepped into the
offense like he didn't know the playbook. He was treated
their middle of the season. We've seen guys take time
to pick up offenses. So the reason that Garoppolo, the
reason I do believe he's got some upside and why

I would draft him in some best ball formats is because,
I mean, we saw what Kyle Shanahan did for Matt Ryan.
He actually won the MBVA that year, and then he
regressed once Kyle Shanahan left, So I mean it's possible.
I just don't want to pay for a breakout as all. Yeah,
Jayleen Rames, who would tell you that Jimmy G's gonna
have a great season because he loves Shanahan so much.
Let me ask you this though, Okay, John, Let's say
that we simulate one thousand seasons of the twenty eighteen

NFL season. You take the top ten percent of Garoppolo's finishes.
Where does he end up in that ten percent oil range?
Can he be a number one, two, three quarterback or
I don't know if he can get above that five range.
Like obviously his best possible season. Sure, but yeah, if
you're if you're not talking about his absolute ceiling. I

mean there's there's paths for I think anybody in the
top fifteen or twenty to finish keep you one. But yeah,
I would say he's could be in that five to
ten range. It wouldn't be surprising at all. I mean
if he gets to five four three, I think that
would be a pretty surprising season. Yeah. I mean because
he doesn't run the ball, so he would need even
if he gets forty eight hundred yards, he would need

an astronomical touchdown right to be that top guy. We're
talking like thirty five, maybe even forty touchdowns. I don't
see that happening with this receiver corps. And one other
knock on him is that if you're going to draft
him as as your only quarterback, he starts to season
at Minnesota. So that's a that's a rust up great call,
it's not great. Did not even think about that. Yeah,
speaking of Minnesota, let's move on over to the running

backs with Dalvin Cook, who has been slowly moving down
my board. I had him in the first round maybe
four weeks ago. Now I've got him like they're twenty
first overall, John, what do you make a Dalvin Cook, Well,
he's they've been holding him out of preseason, not too
worried about that. You have Latavius Murray there, and you
wonder how much he's gonna play. He sees himself hurt.

Murray does in a competition for the RB one spot,
But I don't really see it that way. Cook was
hugely involved early in the season. He was on pace
for three hundred nineteen touches, sixteen hundred and sixty five yards,
and seven and a half touchdowns, and that includes a
game where he only played half the snaps due to
the injury. So I think he's I think he's pretty safe.
As long as he's healthy, he's gonna be the lead

back there and give you RB one numbers. See, That's
why I had him in the in the first round,
is because I thought, man, this is this isn't just
a workhorse, this is a bell cout Like he's got
huge potential if he touches the ball that much. But then, Tags,
I think it was you that pointed out Latavius Murray
was hurt to start the season. So I don't know
if we can really rely on that, especially with him
coming off the injury. What do you think in now? Tags? Well,

and that's the thing is, like I was taking Dalvin
Cook at like that, that one two turn, and I'm
a little bit hesitant now. I think I'd rather take
some wide receivers like I'd probably I don't know if
I'd rather have Michael Thomas. It depends on what other
player I landed, because I usually want to have at
least one running back. But Dalvin Cook's been going before
Leonard Fournette in some drafts and I think that's nuts.
But Latavius Murray played himself into a bigger role this year.
Do I think that Dalvin Cook is going to be

the workhorse there? I do, but I think it's going
to be more of like a sixty five thirty five
split than it will be like an eighty twenty where
some people are expecting Dalvin Cook to just run away
with this job. And on top of that, I don't
know if it was the play calling in Washington, but
Kirk Cousins, I'm the goal line if they if they
allowed him the freedom to jump over, I mean, he's
got what five at least five rushing touchdowns in the
last couple of seasons. So I don't know if that's

just Kirk Cousins. I don't know if it was the
play calling in Washington. But if Latavius Murray starts eating up,
especially some of those goal line carries that he did
so well with last year, it's going to eat into
the upside. So I just think it adds a level
of wrist to Cook. I'm not necessarily staying away from
him because again, I still think it's like a sixty
five thirty five thing. But again, I wouldn't take him
even I wouldn't even consider taking him over Leonard Fournette,

Melvin Gordon. Yeah, I don't have him anywhere close to
Leonard Fournett or Melvin Gordon, and especially se Quon Barkley. Yeah,
I said twenty one. I've actually got him at eighteen.
I would take all those wide receivers, Thomas Greene, Adams,
Keenan Allen, I'd take them all over Dalvin Cook. Just
how high do you have him? John? Would you take
those wide receivers over Cooked too? By the way, we

have a lot of people ask like, what are we
talking about? When we Sarah rankings. It's almost always half
ppr unless we mentioned otherwise. Well, I have him at
tenant ppr. I'm pulling up half ppr right now. I
have him at nine, so it really doesn't matter a
whole lot. The one player that I have moved ahead
of him is a Christian McCaffrey. Dude, to all the
workload that he's seeing in the preseason, it looks like

he's going to be the bell cow there, so he's
I have him over Cook now Fournette when you're talking receptions,
I've got him projected for thirty seven, Cook for forty seven.
So I think that's the difference there. I have Cooked
slightly ahead of Fournette. They both have a little bit
of an injured concern and Cook with a knee and
Fournette with that trouble some foot. But I would say
it's pretty close between those two. Okay, well, let's talk

about the next running back here, Jeric McKinnon. This is
this is the number one guy in the entire list.
I just have no idea what to think because obviously
he's banged up right now. We thought he was going
to be the workhorse that paid him like he was
going to be the workhorse and then We're thinking like, oh, well,
I don't know. McNichols is getting involved, Breda's getting involved.
What are they going to do with McKinnon. Is he

gonna have the same roles he had with the Vikings
last year? Is he gonna be a workhorse? Maybe a
bell cow? Well, I didn't. I mean, I think Breda
is going to be involved. McKinnon is not a guy
who's going to go out there and carry the ball
three hundred times and have seventy catches and you know,
get close to four hundred touches or anything like that.
But he could be super productive and half PPR PPR formats.
He's an excellent receiver. They certainly paid him like they

were going to use him. I mean, this is this
is Shanahan's ha hand picked running back. You know, they're
the beat writers there talking about him playing the Devanta
Freeman role in the offense, and that was about nineteen
touches per game. I think don't think he quite reaches that.
But you know, now he's starting to go with this injury,
he's starting to go in the early third round and
if you can get him as you're you know, your

second running back after getting a pretty good wide receiver
in the late second and a stud running back in
the first round. You you're a pretty good shape tags.
I saw McKinnon dropped to the fourth round in a
draft yesterday and it just kind of blew my mind.
I was like, man, I wish I would have had
a late third pick so I could have grabbed him.
What do you think about McKinnon? I mean, he was
talking about the Freeman roll. Freeman was the RB one,

he was the number one fantasy asset. Could McKinnon be that? No,
I don't think so. I don't think McKinnon's nearly as
good as Devanta Freeman. I got from a talent standpoint,
and from the offensive line. The forty nine ers have
rebuilt that offensive line and it's moving in the right
direction for sure. But Atlanta's offensive line really stepped up
when they added alexmack There so McKinnon over the last
two years. So people look at the beginning of his

career and like, oh, he was a good runner in
Minnesota before the offensive line went bad. No, he was
a good runner on third down, like being a third
down running back like Toby Gerhardt when he did it.
It's different than being the arder in an offense, and
when McKinnon was asked to carry more first and second
down work. You saw it over the last two years,
three hundred and nine attempts. That's that's a big sample size,
three point six yards per carry. He's not that guy.

I mean, he lost the job to Matt Asiata into
a time share than last year. They wanted him to
step up. He lost that job to a time share
to Latevius Murray. So I think we know who Jerick
McKinnon is, and he's a good receiver. We've never seen
him with Shanahan though I know. I just think it
was a puzzling signing as all. I think that they
needed someone who can contribute more on first and second
down and I don't think he's that guy. And I'm

not saying that Kyle Shannon's not gonna get the best
out of him, But going back to last year when
Jimmy Garoppolo took over, he didn't target running backs very
much like and that's again with little wide receiver help.
Now they have Dante Pettis, they're getting Pierre Garson back.
These guys are not field stretching receivers. They're in that
area of the field. So I wonder just how high
McKinnon ceiling is. I think he's a fine pr RB

two and PPR leagues and standard. I'm a little bit
more concerned where I just I would take someone like
Lasawn McCoy over him. I was, I was just about
to ask John, who would you rather have Lashawn McCoy
or Jereck McKinnon. Oh, I don't want McCoy. With everything
going on off the field with him, that's a nightmare.
He probably ends up playing the whole season because legal
stuff drags out. But there's enough red flags with that,

the offense and quarterback situation and everything I mean, and
his downward trend. Yeah, I mean, yeah, he's age, he's
got a lot of carries. I mean, there's other things
that could happen to him other than the legal stuff.
I think once he gets in the fourth round, you
have to look at him as a value play because
of the volume, and you take that risk. But I
don't want him in the third. Yeah. I don't want
him in the third either. And you know when two

months ago, tags you and I were talking about Jack
McKinnon in the fourth and it's like, man, you gotta
go get him, He's like the number one must get guy,
and then you know he gets me. He's being in
the draft at like sixteen seventeenth overall, So now that
he's fallen too, I think it is ADP twenty eight
over the past couple of weeks. I think McKinnon's a
fine value, But I can't say I'm too excited if
I get him. I'd much rather have Joe Mixon. Yeah,

it's a fine risk reward area of the draft. I mean,
when you draft Jerk McKinnon, you know the risk and
you know the upside, right, But I just again, I
just worry about you know, the receiving options they have
underneath in Pettison and garsone that they operate in a
similar area of the field that Jerk McKinnon would succeed
if he was going to put up massive totals. So
I mean, again, RB two territories. Good now, John, The

next two players that we have TAGS and I have
opposite opinions on. Neither of us are especially excited about
either of them compared to where the ADP is. For
those of you listening, that's average draft position. But Jagi E,
both tags and I were were really low tags is
still really low and agi E I've kind of evened down.
I'm still not quite taking him at his ADP. But

where do you stand on a GI? Yeah, I would
say I'm a little lukewarm out of him. I ended
up with him in a couple of drafts, but I
got him in the early fifth round, and again it's
just kind of a value play there. I think he's
been he's been going in the mid bid fourth, I
would say maybe the late fourth. I do think the
the workload's going to increase significantly with Lagart Blunt go on.
You do have some concerns there with Corey Clement and

Darren Sproles maybe stealing some some catches and some touches.
But I think the GI is pretty good and as
long as he stays healthy, that that knee that had
a lot of question marks coming out of the draft
stays stays healthy. He had a good yards per carry
for the Eagles I think five point three. His his
workload continued to increase all the way up until the
Super Bowl when Garry Blunt and Clement ended up being

the heroes there. I think I think the intention there
is for for a GI to be that that lead back,
and I think he's a pretty good value in the
fourth rone. Yep, yep. I agree with that. He was
actually five point eight yards per carry with the Eagles,
and obviously that's not sustainable. They've got a very good
offensive line. I think he's going to get more touches
than he did on average last year, but I'm not
sure if he's going to be able to last the

whole season. I definitely don't think he's a workhorse either.
That's just not what the Eagles do with Peterson. Are
you guys not worried about like this whole report, Like
if you're like a lot of people are drafting this weekend,
Which is the reason I'm gonna bring this up. Doug Peterson.
JGI is not playing this week. He's been out of practice.
They're saying he has in quotes, a lower body injury.
We know that JGI has some really bad knee issues

and you could see it when he runs. Actually, there
was some doctors commenting on it, and they're saying there's
absolutely something wrong with his knees. With the way that
he was running on a breakaway run that it just
it looked like his gait is what they what they
called it is out of whackum. They're saying he has
a lower body injury. They're not commenting on it anymore.
That could be like crabs or something. We don't know
what that is what I'm saying, So where do you

draft him? Would you draft him over someone like Derrick
Henry this weekend? I wouldn't. I don't want neither of them.
If you need a running back, you need to look
at that territory. How about Kenyan Drake Well, I would
take Drake absltly. I have Drake. I'm a little more
Bullishawn Drake than I think my peers are. So I'm
just gonna get Marshawn Lynch. I mean, forget all those guys.
Just give me Lynch. I mean, if you're talking fifth round,
I'm looking at other running backs anyway. I mean, I'm

looking at Chris Thompson like that's the guy I want
in the fifth round. So I don't know. I'm not
getting up. I'm not ending up with a lot of
a jim. It's not because of the lower knee injury
or anything like that. It's just I think the overall
workload for him in Philly, we have not had any
expert come on the show and be excited about Chris Thompson.
So I'm going to ask you to expound on that

just a little bit to see why it is that
you like him so much. Well, I mean, Darius Guys
is injured. I think that's the he's out of the year.
That's like the major hurdle Ford Ford, Thompson and Touches.
I think his role was even safe as a receiver
even with geis there. But now like Guys has gone,
you're bringing in Adrian Peter, so you can't catch passes.
Rob Kelly, some ijp Ryan and none of these guys

do what Thompson can do. And he was the number
eleven running back in PPR format it's ten and standard
because he was scoring so many touchdowns. The touchdown rates
probably unsustainable, but he can still return good value. I
think he's what mid twenties, high twenties off the board
in terms of running back rankings. Going in the mid
sixth round. I'm targeting him and all my PPR drafts
in the fifth Yeah, and in PPR I definitely like him,

probably not definitely, not as much as you do. I mean,
he stayed in the preseason, he might not be back
one hundred percent until November apparently. I mean, remember he
broke his leg, what was it ten months ago? So
I just can't get that excited. I mean, his touchdown
rate was unsustainable. Tags. What did your boombust in everything
in between say about Chris Thompson. I just don't know

if he's reliable week to week. No, that he was
comparable with Duke Johnson, and I think that's the territory
that both of them should be going in. I mean,
Chris Thompson, I am worried about him the psychological portion
of his injury, because they are saying that physically he
won't be a hundred, like completely one hundred percent until November.
Now he's gonna play week one like he's back. He's
gonna be back for that, but they're just saying that.
Like hearing him in an interview, that was the biggest

thing for me, because like, getting over injuries is like
a big like mentally is a big thing for athletes.
And Chris Thompson was talking about how he's worried that
when he makes a cut, you know, is it going
to give out if someone lands on it the wrong way?
Is it gonna reinjure it. He's like, you know, I
feel like they did a good job. It's just you know,
I'm in this last step. Is it what he keeps
talking about? And that's like worrisome, like and not bringing

in Adrian Peterson. We got into this giant chat in
our slack chat for Fantasy pros yesterday about Adrian Peterson,
and I've kind of done a complete thing because I
was like, Rob Kelly looks good. You know, he's got
a chance to beat out Peterson, but not happening. I mean,
if you're Washington, you don't bring in a name like
Adrian Peterson when you have Rob Kelly and Somaj p
Ryan who are eerily similar running backs to his play

style on the roster already. I think Adrian Peterson starting
for this team week one. I just think that's I
think they almost promised him that when he came to
the team and Chris Thompson is going to go back
to his usual role. Now. Chris Thompson, He's always been
a fine player, it's just his touchdowns were severely overinflated
last year. So I don't know if that continues, especially
with Jordan Reid back on the field, especially with Jamison Crowder,

you know, being healthy to start the year. So there's
a lot of question marks there. But in PPR leagues,
Chris Thompson has always been like that RB three, like
the consistent one you could rely on. John. Would you
prefer Chris Thompson as someone like Tevin Coleman. I think so.
I Tevan's got the up side that you know, if
something happens to Vonta Freeman, now you have now you
have a top five or top ten fantasy running back.

But we've been drafting him, you know, thinking that was
going to happen for the last several years, and it
just isn't. It hasn't. So you're you're you're waiting for
that payoff, waiting for that payoff. And on the other hand,
you have Thompson who's posting low end RB one numbers. Uh,
you know, until his injury and I realized that the
touchdowns are not you know, maybe you instead of having
six and ten games, he has three. But that doesn't

knock him down the rubbing and back rankings all that much.
I mean, he's producing a lot of yardage um looks
like it was eighty total yards between the rushing and
the receiving and plus all the all the receptions obviously,
so the big big bonus and PPR and a half
PPR all right, last running back. Then we'll move on
over to some pass catchers. Derrick Henry, Tags and I
are both low on him. Tags is a little bit

higher than I am on Derrick Henry. Neither of us
are really getting any shares though. I just don't know
what the Titans are really going to do here. Does
he have the upside that we saw in the playoffs
or is it going to be more of a split
back field. Yeah, I wrote an article Derrick Henry and
Brandon Cooks are being overdrafted, so I probably feel the
same way about him as you guys do. There's definitely
a path though with Dion Lewis his injury history that

if he goes down, then all of a sudden, Henry's
back into that three down role that maybe we thought
that he was going to have prior to free agency
and prior to them signing Lewis. But you're right, and
Lewis hasn't really been durable either, right, So if there
I could see this tolly backfiring. But we're assuming, right,
now that Lewis is going to be healthy. And if
Lewis is healthy, you know, he got X number of dollars.

I don't know what it wasn't guarantee money, and it
was more than six million, because I looked up all
the running backs that got six million or more and
guaranteed money since the twenty fifteen season. Those those like
six or eight running backs and they average fourteen point
seven touches the following year with their new teams. So
Dermarco Murray handled fourteen point nine touches. So right there
at the same level. If Lewis sees that, then you're

going to see you Henry with maybe the les because
they're going to go a little more pass heavy at
this offense. You know, I could see Lewis coming in
with lower touch numbers. Maybe they hold him to ten
to twelve and they try to get Henry more involved
in the running game. But I don't I don't see
Henry living up to his ADP right now, given given
Lewis's presence in the backfield. Agree, I can't believe how
high people are taking Derrick Henry. And now thanks you've

come around just a little bit. Is it for the
same type of reasons. Yeah, I mean, I think we
know the upside, and I was going to draft Derrick
Henry like up in the territory of someone like Jordan
Howard coming into the season. Probably would have drafted him
over Jordan Howard as a matter of fact, So when
they signed Lewis, who was worrisome. But I've been on
record as saying that he's going to finish as an
RB two and I understand your end numbers. Derrick Henry's

probably going to be a top eighteen running back, but
I don't want to draft him as such just because
it's going to be a bumpy road. And the reason
I say that is because it's going to depend on
game script. If the if the Titans are winning the game,
which as of right now it seems like eight wins
is their projection according to Vegas, So it's going to
be half and half where if they're winning, he's going
to dominate the touches and he's going to live up

to his status. If they're losing the game, he's not,
and it's going to be like touchdown or bust. So
it's like you have to understand him and j Gay
are in the same tier for me, but I would
rather have Derrick Henry because I think he's the better
football player. That's basically what it comes down to. Okay, well,
let's move on over and talk about the wide receivers now,
and the first one that I want to mention is
Jujus miss Schuster. Now, we mentioned him a little bit

on the wide receiver tier show yesterday, but I also
want John's take on Juju because all three of us
are kind of low on him. We've got him. I
think all three of us had him wide receiver twenty five, John,
Are we wrong? Well, I'm looking at my half PPR rankings.
I have him at eighteen. I like him. You just
look at what he did last year as a rookie.
You know he's got another year of being in the

NFL and has that experience. Now, you know he started
starting a week two average four point four catches, six
point targets for sixty six yards, point five seven touchdowns
per game. It's fourteen point four PPR Fantasy points last
year that have been top ten numbers. I think this
year you're looking at you know, mid wide receiver two
type numbers. I think he's a fine value. Their fourth
round if you miss out on like a Golden Tate.

I think Juju is a nice pick there. Okay, So like,
who are some of the guys you have him above,
because I've got Golden Tate above him as well. But
I mean, like, are you putting him ahead of Alan Robinson,
the two Cleveland wide receivers, Marvin Jones, I've got him
at eighteen, I've got Alan Robinson at sixteen, thre Marius
at seventeen, Golden Tate at nineteen, and Marii Cooper, Jarvis Landry,
Marvin Jones, Brandon Cooks, Crabtree, Hogan, et cetera. Okay, tags

remind me again, you've got him at twenty five. What
is your argument against him? Oh? No, I actually had Juju.
I have him at twenty two. I think, Oh, okay,
I'm sorry. It was Harmon at him at twenty five
in my rinking. So I mean, yeah, I know you
and Matt had him at twenty five and we were all.
My issue with Juju is that when you look at
everything Antonio Brown, you're not taking targets away from him, right.
So he's gonna be on the field Levey on Bell.
Obviously he's gonna see hundred targets, because that's what they

do at Love on Bell. They're gonna use him and
abuse him this year because he's gone after this year.
He's not coming back to the Steelers next year. I'm
confident in that. Then you have Juju there. I love
Juju the player. I've been a fan. I was a
fan when he came into the NFL. But this year,
if he gets to one hundred targets, I think we
should consider him lucky to get there with all the
targets around him. And James Washington is a better version
of Martavis Bryant, who, by the way, like got targets.

Last year when he was like feuding with the coaching staff,
they benched him for a game. I think James Washington's
a phenomenal football player. So I like Juju. I just
love this team in general, and I think it's going
to limit the upside of Juju. In my argument yesterday
on the show, John was that what's the big difference
between Juju Smith Schuster and Sterling Shepherd. I mean, I
think Sterling Shepherd might be a slightly better football player.

I think it's really close between the two. Obviously, Roethlisberger
is a better quarterback than Eli Manning. But but Sterling
Shepherd has shown the ability to get it done with
Eli Manning, like when Odell Beckham was down last year
and when he played, Sterling Shepherd was like a wide
receiver one most week. So it's like I'm struggling to
find the difference here with Pat Shermer coming to New
York using the slot receiver heavily like he does. He

made Adam dealin a household name. I just don't know
what the difference is between Juju and Sterling Shepherd. I
mean outside of the ADP obviously, well certainly the ADP
I had I have Sterling as a as a target
in the tenth round, So I'm not going to talk
talk bad about him. I think the differences between the
two players. The offense that you have in Pittsburgh has

been historically great. They lost Todd Haley, though, so that's
a little bit of a concern. Roethlisberger is better than
Eli Manning. We know this, and then you know they
don't have a like a go to tight end of
an ingram the Steelers don't. I mean they have Fans
McDonald who's supposed to fill that role. But I don't
think he's going to see anything near what Ingram saw
last year what he'll see this year. So I think Juju's,

you know, the second option that passing game. I think
I do have him a little bit in terms of
targets ahead of Leivan Bell, but I just think that
the efficiency there he did get. He saw six He
basically saw six targets per game last year once he
started starting and played eighty percent of the snaps, like
every game after the week nine by He's just a
full time player there, and I think that's a great offense.

And he's gonna see all sorts of single coverage because
Antonio Brown is drawing all the attention on the other side. Hey, John,
let's go what Josh Gordon and Sammy Watkins next? Where
do you have these two guys? I don't like either
one of them really, to be honest. Gordon is, yes,
he has like top five up side. He showed that
in twenty thirteen. Since then, of a possible sixty four games,

he's played ten, so that's my issue. Like and then
in the ten games that he did play, sixty seven
catches twenty yard pace, so that's the pace he played
at in those ten games. I think it was one
hundred and forty two target pace, So you know, sixty
seven catches one hundred foury two targets not efficient there.
Now we're gonna get an upgrade at quarterback, we think,

But you also have Jarvis Landry coming in. He's going
to soak up targets. I mean, he had a one
hundred and sixty last year for Miami. I don't know
if he's gonna see one sixty this year. So I
have a tough time seeing I mean probably one forty
or one thirty. So I have a tough time seeing
Gordon get that sort of volume that he saw in
the last ten games he's played for the Browns one
hundred forty targets, urn for forty two targets. So you know,

I see him as sort of a fifty to sixty
catch nine hundred some yard Maybe he gets sixty eight touchdowns, Okay,
and that's if he's on the field, that's if he's
even playing. Now there's upside from there, Like I could
be wrong, he could come out and just tear it up.
But I have him at thirty and half PPR, and
you know, the guy's ahead of him right now, Emmanuel Sanders, Randall,

Robert Woods. He probably has more upside than those guys,
but he also has significantly more downside. Yeah, and then
Sammy Watkins, you're low on him as well. Yeah, I
think him coming in, I have him at thirty six,
him coming into the the I have him right ahead
of Stilling Shepherd actually in half PPR. I don't spend
a lot of time looking at my half PPR rankings.
I look at standard and I look at PR, and
so half PPR sort of just shakes out. But Watkins

coming in, I think he's the third option in his offense,
Travis Kelsey's going to soak up a ton of targets.
Tyry kill is not maybe a big of a target
hugs as Kelsey is, but he's still They're gonna still
design place for him, and given how great he was
last year, they're still try to get him the ball.
So I think Watkins is like the third option. You
also have kream Hand is a pretty good pass catching back,
so yeah, you know, maybe he's a little bit better

than he was last year with the Rams. I mean,
they more intent to get him the ball, and he's
having a good preseason and seems to have a good
rapport with Mahomes, so he could turn in fantasy started numbers.
But right now I've got him the sort of a
fringe wide receiver three tags. Do you want to make
counterpoints on either of these guys who just move on
over to the next guy, Michael Crabtree, Oh No. Josh Gordon, man,
it's a I think that he hit on a lot

of good points. I mean I would say that he's
going to play with the best quarterbacks of his career,
whether it be Tyrod Taylor, Baker Mayfield, like obviously the
quarterbacks he's played with to this point, like Brandon Wheedon,
and to know that what he accomplished, Like I think
Josh Gordon, the ceiling is top five, and that's what
what John's saying. But there is risk in that pick.
So but I think once you get down to that
area receivers, I don't think that juju comes without risk.
So that's why I would take Josh Gordon over because

I know his ceiling what it is, and it's like
in that area the draft. I'll live with it just
because I want a league winner, and I think that
Josh Gordon could be a league winner if he's on
the field, Jeffers, He's gonna see targets for sure, but
he's also not the same type of wide receiver. He's
not going to be a red zone threat. That's not
who he is. He was targeted three straight times in
the red zone last night and he didn't get it done. Josh, Gordon,

that's not going to happen him and David and Joke.
Who are the two guys in the end zone? So
I like Gordon Watkins. I think Watkins is going to
be fine. I don't think he's going to be a
consistent performer. It seems like, you know, I don't even
think he's had a recorded a catch in the preseason yet,
So hopefully a week through the preseasons a little bit
kinder to him. I'd like to see him at least
developed some chemistry with Patrick Mahomes. But there's been some

beat writers out there that say that Sammy Watkins might
be the number one receiver in this offense. It's hard
to say. Man. I like Sammy Watkins the player. I
feel like that people have hated him unfairly a little bit,
but it is again, it's his third offense. In his
many years. It's really tough to pick up an offense
that quickly, and to know that Tyreek Hill and Patrick
Mahomes have been there, you know, for a year together.
They have chemistry. So I have Watkins down in wide

receiver three territory. I think you're gonna live with some
ups and downs, but when he does hit, it's gonna
be a good He finished as the number thirty three
wide receiver last year in an offense that through four
hundred and seventy passes. He only played fifteen games. He
just learned the playbook like he got traded right before
the season. I think it's a better situation in all
of those areas. I mean, they're going to throw the

ball a lot more with Mahomes. I don't think that
the competition is as high in Kansas. I don't know.
I guess the competition is as high. But he's had
the whole preseason to figure it out with this offense,
so I think he takes a step forward from thirty three. Yeah,
I mean he's sort of eight touchdowns. Though. My only
concerned with looking at last year is that it was
historically bad or for the receiver position. I mean you're

looking at some of the points that were scored, so
like a wide receiver thirty three fantasies probably in the
forties any other year. So all right, and final guy, John,
will let you start with Michael Crabtree, who I just
I can't decide what to do with him. When I
saw him on your list of people I don't know
what to do with or we don't know what to
do with his fantasy prognosticators, I was kind of chuckling

to myself because I just can't quit Michael Crabtree. I
have been drafting him. I drafted him ahead of Amari
Cooper last year and the year before and the year
before that, and just a PPR force, and I think
he's joining a team that desperately needs somebody that can
get open and convert targets in his catches. John Brown's
emergence probably helps him a little bit in terms of
lostening things up. So I'm not too worried about Brown

eating into his targets. Brown's not going to be a
high target, but if he's playing well and it's being effective,
then the defenses are going to accompt for him. That
should open things up for Crabtree, and obviously the Hayden
Hurst injury opens up some things too over the middle
for him in terms of more volume potentially and in
the red zone. So I really like Crabtree at his
getting him a lot in the sixth round. I really
like that value. Are you concerned? So my concern a

crab Tree here is that Joe Flacco has never really
been a touchdown pass her. Like, he's never been a
big touchdown guys. I think he has like two years
over twenty three touchdowns or something like that. Crabtree, He's
got just one season where he totaled more than a
thousand three yards. So it's like he's never been like
a big yardage guy. He's always been like a red
zone threat. Each of the last four seasons he's been
under seven yards per target. So he's not like a

he's not gonna he's not gonna like break big plays.
He's not that guy. He's gonna average, you know, ten
to eleven yards per catch. He was always getting the touchdowns, though,
It's like, you know, there's three each of the last
three seasons at least eight touchdowns. Wells the last time
Joe Flacco I did that, you know. I That's where
I'm struggling with Crabtree. The reason that I've I've moved
him down just a little bit because I think I
was waiting to see if John Brown was healthy. And

the fact that he is healthy, and the fact that
Joe Flacco knows he has Lamar Jackson breathing down his neck.
I think that's gonna force Flacco to take shots down
the field that he may have played it safe on
in years past. I just again, I just worry about
the touchdown upside with Crabtree. I haven't projected for eighty
three catches, nine hundred and three or two yards and
five point five touchdowns, and that puts him at twenty
four in half a pa ppright now. He's like one

of these boring guys like Larry Fitzgerald who just posts
numbers and maybe doesn't have top five. I mean Fitzgerald,
I guess technically as top five, but I mean, you're
there was years in the past where we were getting
Larry fitz Gerald in the fourth or fifth round at
the turn and in PPR, and it was just ridiculous
value every year I took it. And Crabtree's kind of
been that guy. Last couple of years for me and I.

You know, he is a year older and all that,
but I think he can get there to those wide
receiver two numbers even without the touchdowns. I think five
point five touchdowns is actually, you know, pretty low projection.
I think, given what's going on there and who's gonna
be catching touchdowns for the for the Ravens this year. Yeah.
I looked back through the last three seasons, and nobody
has six or more receiving touchdowns. The last guy that
did it was Torry Smith back in twenty fourteen. He

actually had eleven receiving touchdowns. Yeah, Hayden Hurst definitely is
going to change the projections a little bit. I'm gonna
have to go back because I don't think Nick Boyle
is someone who's going to get the targets that Haydon
Hurst was going to. I currently, before this injury, I
had Crabtree at seven hundred ninety two yards and six touchdowns,
so I had lower yardage. I actually had a little
bit more in the touchdown even though it wasn't much.
But I think I'm in the same tier. I mean,

projections are one thing, but having someone on your roster
is something different. And it's like, if you have some
upside elsewhere in your team and you're looking for a
safe wide receiver three, I think Crabtree will be fine there.
It's just I don't think he's a league winner. So
it's just like, what are you looking for? And you
have to get some upside somewhere in your roster because
if you fill it with too many guys that are
just like, you know, volume guys. I'm sure you agree, John,

It's just that if you get that, it's good enough
to win you like third or fourth place, you know
what I mean. Yeah, yeah, that's reasonable, And I do
usually get upside, but I'm going later in the draft
for that upside. I like my first six or seven
picks to be solid guys. But that's why I would
be willing to take Gordon here at six because of
all the off field stuff. But I'm just I know
he's going four, fourth or fifth round and to the

fourth or fifth round, and I'm just never going to
get a chance at him. So okay, let's go two
tight ends here. First one is Greg Olson and I
found myself getting my first share yesterday and I felt
just sick to my stomach. I'm like this is going
to be a disaster, but it was such a good value.
I'm going to help myself. I don't know, like I'm
not super low on him. I just I don't want him.
He's so risky for where he's going. What do you think,

John Well? I like Greg Olson general. I was really
happy when when the Bears traded him away because he
kept killing my papers. The game away for a song,
I believe too. So yeah, that was a terrible decision,
but I digress Olson. I have him at four and
half PPR. The problem is where he's going in drafts.
I just really liked the next tier guys or Jack Doyle,
Trey Burton, David and Joeku that are going, you know,

ninth eighth, ninth, tenth round. I just didn't find myself.
If I'm not getting Earth's in the third, then I'm
just waiting on tight end position unless somebody drops to
the seventh eighth from this next year, Olson, Ingraham, Walker Graham,
or I'm just waiting until the ninth and drafting Jack Doyle.
All right, John, I have a crazy stat to tell you,
the one that I found recently, and it's really had
me souring on Greg Olson. So you believe McCaffrey is

going to be in line for his He had one
hundred and thirteen targets last year. Can we lock him
in for at least one hundred targets this year? Is
that fair? Probably? I would say ninety five to one hundred.
I think he's getting pinched a little bit as well
in the passing game because they're going to probably run
him more, and then you've got DJ Warren, Devin Funchius,
and great healthy Greg Olson back. Maybe he gets pinched
a little bit, but yeah, the targets are tough there, Yeah, right, right, Okay,
So the stat I found was that in twenty sixteen

and twenty seventeen, there was not one running back tight
end duo in the NFL to combine for more than
one hundred and eighty five targets. So so when you're
looking at that, and when you see that, doesn't that
concern you. It's like, Okay, if mccafrey's getting ninety five
or one hundred, that means Olsen's capped at eighty five
or ninety targets. And on top of that, DJ Moore
is like an underneath option they haven't had in the offense.

Curtis Samuel didn't play last year. I'm really concerned about
Greg Olson. I did actually release his player profile this
morning on the site his last twelve games before injuring
his foot, So before even all this took place, even
without Christian McCaffrey, without all these other question marks, DJ
Moore and all that stuff. His twelve games prior to
injuring his foot, he had four hundred ninety one yards

and one touchdown. He's not a touchdown scorer. He's I
think he's gotten up to I think his career high
as seven touchdowns, and if he's not getting any more
than eighty five or ninety targets, I would rather take
someone like Trey Burton Jordan Read over him. Yeah. He
came back from his injury though, and had thirty nine
targets in his final four games and at twelve markets
for eight catches one hundred and seventy yards in a
touchdown against against the State. So that was that one

game where it was like you gotta be kid, meet
greg Olson. That was the only time I didn't start him.
I picked him up and I was like, yes, I
got Grey Golson. He was so horrible and I didn't
start him that week and then or a north Turner's
end too, so we know how Nord Turner likes the
tight end position. That's multip more probably Antonio Gates then
than Grey Wilson. But yeah, for sure, I've been finding
myself suddenly just taking Jack Doyle everywhere, and I feel

great about it. I love Jack Doyle. I got super
low on him when they were talking about using Eric
Ebroun all over the place, but now this preseason it's
like it's very clear it's Jack Doyle and they've got
not really much behind t Y Hilton. I know Ryan
Grants there and I like getting him in his ADP,
but I think Doyle could be awesome this year. Yeah,
we should thank the Colts for signing Ebron because it's
kept Doyle his ADP very reasonable. And people are not

you know, people that are not in the know or
paying attention to Twitter and looking at the preseason snaps,
he's playing ninety percent with Andrew Luck. Ibron is playing
less than thirty percent in the snaps with Luck. Even
if Ron starts to get to be a fifty sixty
seventy percent player, and they're running a lot of twelve
Doyle's gonna be out there on the field, and they
don't have a whole lot after t Y Hilton. They
lost Ian Kane, who was kind of having a chance

to come in and get some targets as well, so
they're just looking for playmakers outside of a t Y Hilton.
I think Doyle will be this number two options there.
I just moved Doyle way up in my rankings, not
just but over the past two weeks. I've been moving
him up and now he's at tight end seven for me,
tags just how high do you have Jack Doyle? Would
you take him over like Jordan Reed or Jimmy Graham. No, No,

he's right after that tier. Like he's my number eleven
tight end right now, he's just after the top ten.
And it was funny because I actually had him and
the guys where it's like, okay, get a top eleven
tight end, and then Ebron coming in. I'm like, you know,
I always said it was Doyle, but then I was like,
I can't not pay attention to the fact that Ebron
fits more of that move tight end body sculpture, like
like in terms of like Doyle's a better blocker. So

it's like I stayed open to that idea. But the
fact that Jack Doyle's out there catching passes it doesn't
surprise me. So I'm okay with having him as a
starter in a twelve team league. I would still probably
prefer to have a top ten tight end. I mean
I actually moved Olson down to that last tier of
the tight end ones where it's like, I just don't
I know, I know there's some safety there, but I
just think that he's capped in terms of his upside.

You know it limited targets, a quarterback who can't seem
to complete very many passes, like just once in his
career he's completed more than sixty percent of his passes,
so you know, not a high touchdown score. Give me
the give me Jordan read, give me Trey Burton and
where they're going in drafts. I'll get him a lot
of the time. Okay, Yeah, I mean I got Trey
Burton higher than Jack Doyle two, which I can't imagine
there's any expert who has Trey Burton higher than I do.

I've got him tight end six. That's actually I'm a
tight end seven right now? Do you know? Oh wow? Okay,
where do you have him? John, I am a ten.
I have a Graham at seven, Doyle at eight, Rudolph nine,
and then Burton at ten. Okay, so are we crazy
or is it kind of close? Because I think the
six through ten ranges is really close. Yeah. I mean
my tier that you know, the Ulson and Graham, Walker

Graham tier, and then I just think Doyle is a
screaming value because you get Walker in the sixth round,
Graham in the six or seventh round, then you can
get Doyle the ninth. So I just think he's like,
he's the one I'm ending up with the most, and
I have him hit a little bit ahead of Burton
just because I think there's more upside in that offense.
It plays with a better quarterback. I think Burton's gonna
have a fine year. I think he's have a top

ten season. I just I just think the value is
better with Doyle. I've got him ranked higher and he's
going later, so I'll take it. Yeah. I like Walker
more as well than Doyle or Burton. I've actually got
him as my number five tight end if he was healthy.
But he's got the injury. It's undisclosed. They're not telling
us what's going on. He's not practicing, he's not playing.
I don't know when he's going to be back. Can
you still draft him in the top eight or nine

rounds not knowing what's going on. Yeah, because usually if
it's season threatening or season ending, you know, so it's
probably just a thing he needs to get over. He's
probably gonna be there. It's a toe, it looks like, right,
so he's been walking gingerly. I think it's he's been
dealing with this stuff in the last four years, and
he's out there catching seventy sixty five to ninety catches

over the last three seasons and playing. He's only missed
one game the last two seasons, so he'll be out there.
I think I'm going to move him on my list
right now. It's a good point. Okay, So let's move
on over and talk about some of these remaining running
back battles and man, this is annoying, but it's also
kind of cool because then you can get some values
late in your drafts, like who knows who's going to

start in Detroit. If it's Blunt, I thought he was
gonna get cut. If it's Blunt, you're getting him super late.
If it's actually a mirror Abdullah. He is free right now.
So what's going to happen in Detroit? Does it definitely
carry on Johnson or do one of these guys have
a chance. Well, he had such a good preseason debut
and then came back and didn't do a whole lot
in a second game. But I think they want Johnson

to be the starter there. The blunt signing kind of
reminds me of Adrian Peterson last year, signing with the
Saints even though they had and then they drafted Album
Kamara moved up to draft him. A similar situation here.
I think with Johnson he's the guy who would want
in the seventh round. I think he's still nice value there.
The offensive Lions should better as well. I can't find

myself taken him in the seventh round when when there's
someone like Carlos Hide there who I think it's pretty
clear that he's the starter and attacks you disagree with me, No,
I'd take Hide over him now. I think it's clear.
I think we've seen that over the last few preseason
games that Hide is the clear cut starter there. Nick
Chubb is firmly behind him and Duke Johnson. It's going
to be somewhat of He's kind of like taking on
that Crowell role. They wanted someone who can catch passes,

and I think that Hide, as much as he's limited
in the passing game, he might be better than Chubb.
I would take Hide over carry On. I do think
carry On ceiling is higher though, carry On if he
gets that three down job, if they trade him Arabdullah,
if they cut la Garrett Blunt. You know, there's a
lot of ifs here, right. I just don't want to
take someone who's attached to that Lion's backfield that it
seems like everybody has their own role in that offense,

and carry On's kind of like the do it all guy,
which is why I believe he leads the team and touches.
But as of right now, which is it's too muddy
to take him higher than Carlos Hide. I was just
gonna say that Hid he's going in the fifth round now. Yeah,
he's moved up a lot. Yes, So that's not I
don't think that's a decision I fancy I just got
to make. Unless they're in a friends and family league
at the local bar. Yeah, it's more like carry On

versus like guys like Sony Michelle Ronald Jones. That's basically
who you're choosing between right now. Definitely Sony Man. I
think Sony over Carlos Hide, give him to me. What
about like Chris Carson or Marlon Mack. I mean, we
need to talk about both of these two, the Seahawks
and the Colts. I think it's pretty clear Chris Carson
starting they're saying he's a bell cow though I moved

him way up in my ranks because you know, you
look at Rashad Penny and it looks like he ate
Rashad Penny. So I can't see Chris Carson losing this
job at this point. And he's what Penny's two hundred
and forty pounds? Now, well, Penny, I would just just
would say in the first drive that they came out
in the preseason, they were they were swapping him in
and out. Yeah, and Penny didn't look fat. Yeah. I

don't think Carson is going to be the bell cow there.
I mean, tags, I don't know what to tell you.
He is two hundred and forty pounds, I wasn't exaggerating,
but he didn't look fat though, he didn't look like
Eddie Lacy, Like that's the thing. We know, Eddie Lacy
was like a big dude, right Like, but like when
you watch for Shot Penny in that first preseason game,
I didn't walk away thinking like, oh my god, that
dude's big, like overweight, Like he moved pretty well. Um
like he looked like the guy I thought he would.

I think it's a time share. I think Carson leads
the timeshare for for a little while, and then I
think eventually, if he has a bad game or two,
they're gonna go with Penny because they kind of have to.
I guess. So, man, I don't know, I want nothing
to do with a two hundred and forty pound rookie
who weighed in at two hundred and twenty two pounds.
Leonard Fournette was what two thirty five last year? Yeah,
Leonard Fournette is an AB He's the fastest player in football. Yeah,

I know. I love Leonard Fournette. I mean I just
wanted to say that he was like two hundred and
thirty five pounds. Yeah, yeah he was. I don't know.
Maybe I'm overlooking Penny on this thing. I mean I
had Penny in my top twenty. Now I've got him
down at thirty six. I can't. I can't draft him.
And somebody else that I've moved down a lot is
Marlon Mack. Yeah, I mean he hasn't been playing, but
he's gonna end up the starter, right John or is it?

Is it maybe gonna be Christine Michael or Jordan Wilkins. Also,
all two things I watched you were talking about game Pass.
I was actually and chime in during her ad, But
I watched game Pass. Watched all of his second half
touches from last year, from the second half of the season,
and I was really impressed. Like I heard lots of
discussion about how he doesn't like to run between the tackles.
I didn't see any of that. I saw a really
versatile player who could play on all three downs. Now

that naim Hinz can't hold on to the football, I
think Jordan Wilkins is probably the biggest threat there to
his job. But Max s been, you know, sidelined with
the hamstring injury, may not be ready for week one.
You can get him now in the I mean seventh, eighth,
ninth round. Sometimes Mac is following so much. I think
that's great value there. And then Jeremy Rsey came out
and said, you know, he has his faults, Jim Rsey,

but he's the owner of the team. And you know,
he said he was the one that he sees or
Mac was the one that you could see getting fifteen
hundred totaly yards. So I think he would know at
least what they're planning to do, you know, being the
owner of the team. Yep, Mac is a value. Like
I legitimately, I'm in the middle of my listener league
now actually, and I ended up taking Mane ninth round,
the second pick in the ninth round, and I was

ecstatic about that, like it's my number four running back.
I was just like, he's a great number four running back.
If you have to rely on him, I can't do that.
But well, the thing is is, like, here's the thing, Bobby,
I think his hamstring injury might be the best thing
that ever happened to him. And the reason I say
that is because there's been nobody who stepped up like
Jordan Wilkins isn't getting the starter reps and Christine Michael.
He's been on like three running back needy teams, like
teams that were desperately in need of running back. Help

he got cut from all of them. That's what I'm
saying is like Christine Michael, I've moved on and this
is a great offensive line. Marlon Mack has boom potential
like legitimately, he has legit lightning, like he can break
long runs. You might see him run for an eighty
yard touchdown run in Week one, and then people are
gonna be like, oh my god, how do we let
this guy fall? Because the Indianapolis offensive line is all

of a sudden pretty Dan Good, You're right, yeah, definitely
is where do we go next? Let's go New England.
Sony Michelle's bound to take this over, right, John, Please
tell ma'am right? No, oh no, I have all these shares.
Please don't. Oh man. I mean maybe long term, but
I don't know that first round. I mean he's a

first round pick. So that's great for do England. They
really went against type and draft drafted a first round
running back. But you know, fumbling issues in college, you
kind of clean those up in college, so maybe he's okay.
But he's been injured their whole preseason. He's missing reps.
I'm a Rex Burkhead fan. I'm a James White fan.
There's going to be roles for both of those guys.
I think in Rex Burkhead to me in the fifth,

sixth round, you can actually get him in the seventh.
I think in some drafts, I really like him as
an RB three R before type James White PPR. Format's
going to have his big games. You can kind of
predict when they're going to be when they're playing to
tough rush defenses or potentially playing from behind, So you
can use him as an RB three R before and
you can get him in the ninth tenth round now.
And he looks really good in the preseason. Obviously that

kind of ruined it for the value. But Michelle has
a lot of work to do to get back into
this offense, and I don't know that he's gonna be
able to hold on to the job once he wins it.
If he wins it, yeah, we've seen We've seen New
England produce multiple useful running backs, and I just wonder
how high that means Sony Michelle can end up. I mean,
la Garrett Blunt back a couple of years ago. He

was a top eight running back if I'm remembering right,
and they had other pass catching backs as well. Tags.
Do you think that's his ceiling or is it just
not going to happen. I'm a still a believer. I
think talent wins. I think Rex Burkhead's fine. I've been
on record is saying that I think that both can
have viability. The fact that Michelle is likely to not
start at the beginning of the season, I don't know

this whole new thing. We're still not getting complete details
about it. And when he's going to return to practice,
if he's gonna miss the first couple weeks of the season, yeah,
you have to bump him down outside the top thirty
running backs just because that's a tough time, like to pass,
you know, on running backs like that. But if we
hear that he's gonna be back for week one, he
just might have to work his way into a bigger role.
I'll still take Sony in the top thirty running backs

because again, the offense that he's attached to James White.
I like James White as a player, but the Patriots
they've always been hesitant about using him in a bigger
role unless they needed to. Like, you know, when you
go to the Super Bowl, he played fantastic I like
James White, the player Rex Burke had. I feel like
as a utility guy, I think he's going to be
used more in the slot than anything this year, because
when you look at what New England's trying to do
bring in Jordan Matthews, Eric Decker's reportedly having issues in practice,

It's like they don't have very many receiving options on
this team behind Rob Gronkowski and Chris Hogan. So I
think they're gonna use burkehead in a certain role. So
going with Sony Michelle in the first round again, I
just think it was the Patriots telling you there is
a shift going on with their franchise, that they know
Tom Brady is nearing the end and they needed to
start to go in a different direction. Sony Michelle is

like the first three down running back that they've had
in a long time. The fumbling thing, I mean Rex
Burke had fumbled last year versus Oakland, Belichick did in Benham.
I think Belichick like there's certain players that Belichick doesn't
feel are good enough to deal with the fumbles, and
I think that gillisly fell into that situation. I think
Stephen Ridley fell into that conversation, but as a first
round pick, they need to get the most out of

that kid. So I do believe Michelle has legit RB
one upside if he gets back on the field. All right,
let's move on over to the Jets. Then we'll close
out with the Packers. Is it Blalpal? Is it Isaiah Crow? Well?
What do you think, John? I think Balpal is the value.
I think he's going you know he's going RB fifty
four right now. Oh wow, he's going that low. I've
got him top thirty five. I was just looking at

your adp. Yeah, so that's great value. Twelve thirteenth round.
You can get Powell. He's playing time with the starters
and I you know, you got Elijah McGuire's out, so
he's gonna be the third down back as well. And
he's a pretty good runner as well, So it's not
like Isaiah corals that much superior to him on first
the second down. So I think Powell is the value there,
and Jets says he leads the team and touches maybe,

but certainly from a value standpoint compared to Kroll, I
think he's the pickie, the guy you want there. Yeah, yep,
tags I know you definitely a Greece. We'll move on
to Green Bay. What do you see happening when Aaron
Jones comes back? John? This is Oh, yeah, you're a
Packers fan. Yeah, I'm a Packer fan. So I'm glad
they have all his talent and different skill sets there.
I think Time Gmery is the best all around back.

Jamal Williams is the best pass blocking back, and he
also made three catches in the passing game for twenty
five plus yards, a couple of one for touch. John's
even longer fifty seventy yards. I think, so if he
can increase his yards per carry and be a little
more efficient in the running game, it looks like he's
going to start. Rob Damowski from ESPN so that they're
getting ready to name him the starter. And if that's

the case that you need you need to move him up.
And I have him now, you know, as a sort
of a six seventh round pick, and you know, maybe
we should have been taking him all along. Jones I
think is the best pure runner, but he's got the
two game suspension, he's got the injury, he doesn't do
much in the passing game. He's not the best pass blocker,
and that's that's a big deal. When you got Aaron
Rodgers back there to protect tags. What do you think, man?
I mean, I know you've talked about Aaron Jones. It'd

be in a good situation for him because of their
first two games, But the more look at it, I
just don't know if they're going to use him, even
if he is the better runner. Well, I mean, it
all comes down to how the coaching staff feels. Right.
Mike McCarthy has been on record. I mean, as much
as we may disagree with it, he's been on record
is saying that pass blocking absolutely matters for his running back.
So to know that Jamal Williams was a better pass blocker,
it's kind of no shock that he would be announced

as a starter and Aaron Jones giving him an opportunity
over those first couple of weeks. You know, without him
on the field, that's the thing, right, But you know,
going against the Bears and the Vikings is no concert,
is no prize for Jamal Williams. But again, playing with
Aaron Rodgers has its benefits and he may be Look,
he may look better just because he has Aaron Rodgers
under center. I don't really want to judge Jamal Williams
or Aaron Jones based on what they did last year,

you know, in a different offense. When Aaron Rodgers on
the field, it's a completely different offense, and I expect
it to be higher scoring. You do want the running
back who's part of this backfield. So Jamal Williams is
obviously the one who gets the first shot. So we
saw Eddie Lacy, you know, finishes the top five running
back multiple times alongside Aaron Rodgers. So I'm not I'm
not shy about drafting Jamal Williams is a top thirty
running back anymore. Do any of these guys john have

a top five or even just top ten running back ceiling? Well,
I think Williams does. If he's if he's every down back,
he certainly could see a scenario where he's getting eight
to ten touchdowns, catching two or three more touchdowns, and
and gaining eight eight hundred, nine hundred yards rushing UM. Yeah, certainly,
But I don't. I think there's too much talent there

to to give anyone guy all the all the touches.
I think that's fair. I think that makes sense. Text,
Why don't you closees that with stat of the Day. Man,
I'm gonna do a repeat stand of the day just
because this one needs to be repeated. A lot of
people have asked me about Alvin Kamara recently, and you
know whether or not, like they just don't feel great
about attaching their number six or number seven pick to
a guy who might not see one hundred and seventy

five carries. But when you draft Alvin Kamara, think of
it this way. You're getting a running back and a
wide receiver. Alvin Kamara's eight hundred and twenty six receiving
yards and five touchdowns last year accounted for more Fantasy
points than Amari Cooper, Sammy Watkins, and Jordy Nelson. So
you're you're essentially getting a wide receiver three and you're
getting a potential you know, RB two, RB one combined

as one player. So when you're drafting Kamara, don't think
of it as you're drafting just a running back. You're
drafting him for his receiving promis interesting, man, So John,
where do you have Alvin Kamara? Do you have him
ahead of Melvin Gordon, Fornett Barkley, I do I have
actually moved him ahead of Zekie Elliott and PPR with
with the offensive line problems that Elliot's having actually moved

Elliott below. That's basically what happened. Kamaro didn't change much,
but I think he's gonna see a huge workload the
first four weeks. Not huge, but bigger with Ingram out
and you know PPR, you can't go round Kamar. All right, well, guys,
that's all for today's show. John, As always, thank you
for taking the time to come on, and hopefully you
get another great accuracy season. I'm certain that you will.
I'm gonna do my best. Thanks for having me on, guys,

it's our pleasure. And thanks to the sponsors of today's show,
Team steak dot com, where you can get a fully
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Fantasy Pros for Mike Taglier. I'm Bobby Sylvester. Thanks for listening.
Enjoy your football. I just wanted you to watch me
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