Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:05):
From iHeartRadio and Doghouse Pictures. This is Fight Night. I'm
Jeff Keating.
Speaker 2 (00:11):
And I'm Kenny back KB in the house. Finally, after
twenty years, we are on the mic together.
Speaker 3 (00:17):
I'm believe incredible. Honestly, like twenty years of Fight Night.
In September fifth, we are going to be on Peacock's
sharing this amazing story with the world. How do you feel, Jeff,
Because this is a literal twenty year journey for you personally.
Speaker 2 (00:47):
I've been asked that question a lot recently and honestly
just trying to get a grip on even how to answer.
So this is the best way I can describe it.
I feel at this point now like I was dating the.
Speaker 1 (01:03):
Hot up and coming actress.
Speaker 2 (01:05):
Now I'm just say the hot you know that that
knew that she was going to break out at some
point and one day she would be a star. And
now she's left me behind and it's oh no, yes, way,
And it's all too big for me now, Like I
feel like it's so big, like it's just surpassed me.
Speaker 3 (01:21):
Like, you know what, it's ironic you say that because
the entire process, that's how you acted on set. But
we're gonna we're gonna go back, okay before we come forward,
and we're gonna talk about how you heard about this
story originally, and you know, we'll get right into how
we met because you know you heard the story from
your dad, right yep, and talk about a little bit
for the newcomers because we have way more fans, yes,
ready for fight night September fifth, and we had when
we had the podcast.
Speaker 2 (01:51):
And by the way, we always want you to go
back and listen to the podcast which is on iHeartRadio
another platform platform.
Speaker 1 (01:58):
Thank you, sir, Yes, sir.
Speaker 2 (01:59):
My dad and mom were in Atlanta back literally in
nineteen sixties and getting ready to leave on their second honeymoon.
So they had eloped to Italy, Wow, without telling any
of the fam. My Jewish grandmother, Elizabeth Hoffman, God Rest
her soul, said no, no, no, You're going to have a
wedding here in Nashville with all of our family. Ok
So they're basically coming off of that second wedding. They're
in Atlanta about to go back to Italy for another honeymoon,
and Ali's in town. Obviously will this come exactly So
the morning that they're leaving on the plane to go
to Italy. My dad remembers reading the article. Okay, so
that's how like in his mind this get captured. We'll
get to mom at some point, but she was working
obviously at the hotel, the High Regency, where all this,
you know, goes down.
Speaker 3 (02:52):
And it was amazing, by the way, because we were
actually there when you first told me about the story
with your dad. We were literally at the hotel shooting night.
You know. It was the first time I heard you
tell that story. Yes, no, since I've known you. When
we were shooting fight night, right, like you told me
the story. We're in there, I'm like, this is crazy.
Speaker 1 (03:09):
Oh so you didn't know that part of it.
Speaker 3 (03:11):
I didn't for some reason. And I'm like in there
and I'm feeling all the fields. I'm looking at you know,
Terrence and Sam and Kevin and you know Atkins, you know,
Ory Harvey coming through in the white and I'm like, wait,
your dad like literally told you the story. So we
fast forward a little bit, right, you heard the story
from your dad. What age were you when you were like,
you know what, I want to dig into this story?
Speaker 2 (03:39):
Well that would have been so I started writing, you know,
attempting to write screenplays let's say late twenties or early thirties,
which would have been around two.
Speaker 1 (03:49):
Thousand ishes, okay, And.
Speaker 2 (03:52):
After a couple of attempts just to you know, get
writing and just learn what that's when my dad brought
me the story. So it probably like he probably a
fish brought it to me, you know, let's say two
thousand and one, two thousand and two, somewhere around there. Yeah,
And as soon as I go to the library and
we're sitting there looking at microfilm and the headline comes up,
I turned to my dad and decater library and just say,
this is my next movie, Dad, Like, this is amazing.
And that's where it kind of started. So the research
for you know, a year, you're reading the articles all
that stuff, and ultimately it led to that interview with j. D.
Speaker 1 (04:26):
Hudson the cop Yes, and then finding out.
Speaker 2 (04:29):
That spoiler alert somebody was still around, and getting that
interview with Chicken Man or calling the church, and so
that's a good story right there. So this was the
chills moment one, and there's a few of them, but
this was the first. Well the first was sitting in
JD's house, you know, tough black cop shaft refusing to
turn off the Williams sisters on wimbleds me with my little.
Speaker 3 (04:55):
Microof you know, trying to get.
Speaker 2 (04:57):
A cassette radio and finding out that Chicken Man's still
alive and literally like pacing his living room like you know,
a giggler.
Speaker 1 (05:07):
I'm just giggling. I was like, oh my god, and
he's looking at me like I'm crazy.
Speaker 3 (05:11):
Speaker 2 (05:12):
So a few weeks later, we're calling churches around Atlanta.
Speaker 1 (05:15):
We get Salem bapt In Church.
Speaker 2 (05:16):
We find out that there's a Reverend Williams there, and
I get on the phone and I say, hey, is
you know Reverend Williams there today? I'd like to speak
to him. Comes to the phone, yes, and I basically say, hey,
Reverend Williams, this is Jeff Keating. You know, I'm a producer.
I've been researching this story. Are you the Chicken Man
right now? What year is this again? Two thousand and three?
Speaker 3 (05:36):
Okay, got it?
Speaker 1 (05:37):
Boone goes dead. I'm telling you, Kenny.
Speaker 2 (05:38):
It seemed like about a good ten seconds like there
was like do I even want to respond to this question?
And then ultimately you just hear, yes, son, I am
the Chicken Man.
Speaker 1 (05:50):
And then from.
Speaker 3 (05:50):
That that was you know, was it a thing though,
because you got to imagine there was. They were enamored
by the story. You you know, are I mean clipping
you took me back in the day, was saying you
were looking at microfilm. Yeah, you know you you have
these articles in research and you have personal testimony, right
because you'd already met jdep and now he confirms that
he's the Chicken Man.
Speaker 2 (06:16):
It's almost like this, It was really and just to
know that because again you got to remember there was
probably let's say seven to ten articles that said he
was killed, assassinated in a contract. Yeah, so many drug
deal going arrival but whatever, exactly. So shocking that, you know,
news always doesn't get it all, you know, Instagram and
social media just like but now we're talking fifty years ago.
But it's like people are printing this that anybody just
you know, research and call and find out this guy
still anyway.
Speaker 3 (06:44):
So how did you wait? So you have this, this
this confirmation that the legendary Chicken Man exists. It's still alive.
He's a preacher. Yep. It just doesn't go together on
some levels when you're about to see this amazing, this
is this coming September. But I mean, what what was
the next step? So you had Jack going to visit
him in person? Chicken Okay, so you go to the church.
At the church, was he talking that fly shit or
was he.
Speaker 1 (07:12):
So that's what I'm saying. I never this is what's weird.
Speaker 3 (07:15):
You did what I'm saying, though, like you did go
back into character after he started.
Speaker 2 (07:18):
Talking, not at all. I always knew Reverend with this
is what's crazy. I only met Reverend Williams. I saw
a glint or a shimmer of Chicken Man, but I
never met Chicken Man.
Speaker 3 (07:27):
I was wondering that show up.
Speaker 2 (07:30):
Only a glint, a smile, a glint in his eye,
but nothing like this stuff.
Speaker 1 (07:35):
You know what I mean.
Speaker 3 (07:36):
It met Rev.
Speaker 1 (07:37):
I met Rev and only met Rev.
Speaker 2 (07:38):
So it's weird to hear about Chicken Man and other
people talk about him, and JD talk about him, and
hear stories. Even the way he told it, it's Rev
talking about Chicken Man. It's not Chicken Man talking about
chicken It was like this mythic figure almost right, that
I really never met.
Speaker 3 (07:54):
Right, And then we are seeing, you know, fast forward
to kind of shooting Fight night and been on set
and seeing like Kevin become the Chicken Man and Cheetah
with j D.
Speaker 1 (08:07):
Hudson, Yes, and Cheetah.
Speaker 3 (08:08):
I mean seeing him on set, seeing them both on set,
I mean you see the genius set. What were some
of the things that when you initially had the conversation, right,
but you've now talked to them both, you're now in
process or so you get the life rights. We'll just
get to the life right. You get to the opportunity
where you can tell the story, you start to go pitch.
What was the first thing you did?
Speaker 2 (08:39):
Get them both on camera for the first time ever
talking about it. So they hadn't seen each other in
over a decade, So just imagine that. You know, first
of all, it's two guys that years ago used to
be on opposite sides of the street. You know, you
got JD and Chicken in mutual respect. But it's like,
you know, you're gonna do your thing you're doing, I'm
gonna run, I'm gonna chase you.
Speaker 3 (08:58):
You know.
Speaker 2 (08:58):
So it was always that, but again and for some
reason this mutual respect they had, and now Gordon is reverend.
So as soon as they walk in, I mean they
both light up and it's just this hug that they
come together, and I think he says, JD to Chicken Man,
my pastor, you know, my pastor.
Speaker 3 (09:18):
But how does so So when when when rev Aka
Chicken Man sees JD, do you think they went immediately back.
Speaker 2 (09:25):
To Oh you could tell. I mean, it was this friendship.
It was this like love for each other.
Speaker 3 (09:30):
It was real. Long had they not seen each other a.
Speaker 2 (09:33):
Decade at least since I got them on camera, and
they'd never been on camera together ever, So now you
got them like in front of you know, and telling
this story. And one of the things that on during
the interview they talked about is that JD never called
him Chicken Man, right, you know, so a lot of
people did, but JD never did that.
Speaker 1 (09:49):
So so then it was just.
Speaker 2 (09:50):
Kind of them reminiscing and all of us that were there.
You know, I had some camera people, photographers, my mom,
my sister and all these people just kind of watching
their care and stuff.
Speaker 1 (10:00):
Again go back and type. But even there, I'm telling you.
Speaker 3 (10:03):
Right, he still was real. It was real. So this
is ironic, right, You witnessed history, right, because during this
time you're eager to tell the story. You don't know
what's going to happen? You know you're a part of
this magic right because you know? And how dare you
ask me to host the podcast, Ladies and gentlemen, for
those who are listening right now and have been on
this journey with the entire podcast. Jeff Keating actually asked
me to be the host of the Fight Night podcast,
and I was like, Jeff, how the fuck could I
tell the story better than you? And you like having
these moments, Jeff, this is why it's here. You did
the research, You were really on your journalism thing, you
know what I mean, let me get to the bottom
of this story. And then you had the two pillars,
the foundation of the story to you know, be your music.
Some people have to go off of clips like up
Town Saturday Night. You know, this is Uptown Saturday Night.
I don't know if you've ever said this. I know
I've said it a million times, but was based off
of this actual story. But you have these you know,
superheroes in this particular storytelling and your de phenomenal job.
By the way, thank you. I'm proud of you. Yeah,
didn't want to get on the mic. Ladies and gentlemen.
You should have seen him on set. He was he
was like, it was almost as if he wasn't the
guy who brought this to Fruition. But you know, I
am proud of you. You know. But the next phase
of this is when we really met. I think, right,
we can fast forward, you know, to you trying to shop.
Speaker 2 (11:39):
Well, I think you got to start at least with Dallas.
The fact that absolute, Yeah, let's give our versions, because again,
right about that time is the first time after let's
say a couple of years of getting the life rights
and doing the researches, but now we're trying to sell it, okay, exactly,
and Dallas would have been the first stop. So you
tell because again you worked for Dallas's companies.
Speaker 1 (11:59):
Yeah, exactly.
Speaker 2 (11:59):
See, you tell your version, I'll tell mine, and then
we'll kind of show how our world's collide, which was
but by the way, years later, because two thousand and four,
I think, is when I get my first option from Dallas.
And then it's around two thousand and eight ish that
you and I like, you know, finally.
Speaker 3 (12:15):
Yes, yeah, So I was, you know, working with Dallas
and Dave Gates, and I heard the story and I
was just enamored by the fact that this heist happened, right,
and in theory, you're thinking about, how can a heist
happen for a million dollars at this little last house
new mind you, I live in Atlanta, you know, I
had started my career ninety two, so I'm you know,
like you said, it's twelve years later almost, and I'm
just hearing this story. And I had heard so many stories.
I mean, BMF had you know, just entered the scene.
All these things are happening, and I'm like, wait, this
is so interesting. But then it was like, I don't
know what to do with it. Like I'm not in
the film business. I was strictly music man at that time.
And I'll never forget I had launch Revolt Television with
Sean Colmes and Andre Herrel, and I was looking to
find content to put on the network. And I remember
I drove in Gumball three thousand. I had did like
these little shorts and all this stuff, and I was
just getting the bug, you know. And then I remember
reaching out to Dave Gates to see if Dallas Steele
had Fight Night and he was like, no, he doesn't
have it. And I was like, all right, cool, can
you find you know Jeff Keating because he was like, yes,
his name is Jeff Keating, he owes life wright. So
can you find Jeff? He was like, yes, I can
find him. And so I remember him calling he called me, yeah,
but I remember him calling me, say he got in
contact with you. And then what did you think when
he was calling? Like, where were you at even with
the project at that time when he called you? And
I was looking for.
Speaker 2 (13:47):
You, If I'm not mistaken, it had gone through a second
fruition with another company, which we don't want to mention
they weren't good at all, but as.
Speaker 3 (13:55):
I had my gun noise like a push.
Speaker 2 (13:58):
But anyway, I got the option back again, got it okay.
And so after that, Dave calls me, and I was
working with Lars at the time because they were trying
to get it off the ground.
Speaker 4 (14:09):
And and they and so they basically connected you with
Lars's reps, who was repping the project at the time,
and you ended up, I think, getting on the phone
with either Lars and or his reps.
Speaker 1 (14:24):
And at some point I want.
Speaker 2 (14:26):
To say remember that, but I want to say that
you'd already connected with the trip with Will, which I
want you to tell that story because it's great. But
I think let me let me ask you this. In
your mind, do you remember contacting me before you ran
into Will or afterwards?
Speaker 3 (14:40):
I think I did before, okay, because actually that was.
Speaker 1 (14:44):
Just a lucky break.
Speaker 3 (14:45):
I had booked something with Kevin, okay, and I had
mentioned it to Kevin, but Kevin was too busy.
Speaker 1 (14:52):
Okay, And I remember what you booked with Kevin, You remember.
Speaker 3 (14:57):
The film, and I had set it in like passing,
and you know he's on fire at this time, so
it wasn't like a real thing I could follow up
on souse. I know how these things go. And then
I remembered that I had pitched Will with the script
that I had wrote called Fantasy Reel, And I was like,
you know what, let me go back that you wrote.
I co wrote a script called Fantasy Real, loosely based
off of Purple Rain. You know, obsessed with Prince. He
is my father in my mind. So I was like,
you know, we go to Will, let me see what
he thinks about the story. Immediately he was like, oh
my god, this is all over. Backup, because there's a
longer and better story. You either long.
Speaker 1 (15:39):
You either ran you were on a plane with him
somewhere that's.
Speaker 3 (15:42):
Not you know, we were I mean, but this is
all a part of the courting state, right, So I
told him the idea. He was enamored by it. Ironically,
we were on a plane together and he his car
service wasn't there, so I got an opportunity to use
my car service to take him to his house. You know,
reiterated the story, talked about it more, and that's how
those things happened. But I mean, in all, well, he
loved the concept of that of the story. He's like,
what a million dollars heights in George. I mean, he's
Atlanta at that time, right, He's breaking records. He's almost
unbelievable nobody. But it was amazing to your po I'm
glad you reminded me about the plain thing because I
was like, oh shit, I.
Speaker 2 (16:15):
Get another It's just that's a lucky break where his
car service and now you get the long because you're like, Jeff,
at the end of that ride, I knew he was.
Speaker 3 (16:21):
In and that's absolutely and honestly, yeah, it definitely sold him.
But at the same time, I felt like he was
in from the door. I just think that he had
so much going on. It was you know how things are,
of course, and so you know, after that we had
a meeting, and the meeting was unbelievable. And I do
want to tell a funny story about that because and
I think the culprit is James Lopez. James Lopez, I
think invited Tip, right, So this is how the story goes.
So after I know Will is excited about it. We've
had several conversations about it. You know, I started being proactive.
I created a movie poster. You know, I put rayleiod
on the.
Speaker 1 (16:59):
Only Way You left me that movie.
Speaker 3 (17:01):
But you didn't talk much back then. Actually it was
and Brian and so you know, we were you know,
gearing up to like, you know, get ready for something.
I didn't know what it was going to be. And
so you know, I had Taraji on the post Ironics.
She ended up being in it, and so I just
was a dream sequence of like, you know whatever, and
I was like getting into like I want this to
be like Harlem Knights, you know, all these black superheroes.
You got it early, yeah, you got it, yeah, very early.
And so I was like yeah, so you know Will
was with me, and he you know, encouraged me, and
I'll never forget. I was like, okay, Atlanta has to
be in this project. So I'm calling you know, I
had already called Mike Epps. You know, he was excited.
He called t I, and t I calls me and
he's like, yo, you know I want to I want
to be in it. Okay, cool? He said, yeah, my
mom and Chicken Man or my daddy somebody named him
in his fanst all this stuff. And I was like, absolutely,
think it.
Speaker 2 (17:57):
I think it might have been Tips uncle and Chicken
Men that were pretty close.
Speaker 3 (18:01):
Yeah. So I'm like absolutely all the things. Now, mind you,
I'm not telling him I want him to be a producer,
none of that. I'm just just talk. I'm being proactive
because this project exactly. But again back to this story,
so it's a whole thing. So he goes into this
whole thing, and I think James Lopez had invited him
to my next meeting with with Will. So I'm in
the meeting and I you know, I know business and
I know how people try to get in where they
fit in, and so, uh, we had this conversation. At
the end. I'm like, Will, you need to make sure
you're in control of what's going on? Because I didn't
invite touch touch here. I don't know what's going on.
You know what I'm saying. I don't want to because
you know, it's just it gets weird and everybody's in
the streets all the time. We're at the same events,
and at that time I was deep party man. So
I'm seeing this motherfucker every two weeks. And so, long
story short, I remember when we finally, you know, got
to deal with Universal for our feature and Lars wrote
that whack ass script and it was it was kind
of here. Listen, let's at least clean. Don't clean up
what I said. You can say something if you like,
but that's script. Got a shelter.
Speaker 1 (19:10):
Possible. But listen, no, let me say.
Speaker 3 (19:13):
A coupled with Kevin and uptown.
Speaker 2 (19:14):
So let me say this, though you got executives and
I know the guy working on that that wasn't pushing
or promote the project at all, which is if our
script was amazing, would we have not chased the guy.
Speaker 1 (19:27):
We'll get to shamee a minute, but you got.
Speaker 3 (19:29):
Hello, it was meant to be. But I'm gonna talk
about it, and that's why you want me on it. Okay, great,
So then we get this, we get this deal our script,
and coupled with the fact that Kevin had announced uptown
Saturday night, it got super weird loosely based on the
same story, and so rival projects, all that rival projects,
all types of things will have amazing things happening and
going on. So he didn't want to fight, right, so
we got shoved. And you know, I remember in that
process though, I was at the c I Double A.
I don't know if I ever told your story. I'm
at CI Double A right now, mind you. In this process,
you and I did right by Dallas. We got him
a check, he got paid, he signed off on a
contract in that process, I know, I remember when the
announcement came out. I was at the c I Double
A and back to back phone calls. You will not
believe this. So I am literally about to go to
an event by client BMW's downstairs to pick me up
in the new seventh series. I'm on my waist. I
get a call from a Dominican area code phone number. No,
this is unbelievable. So I'm literally, you know, I'm in
love right now. We just had an announcement from Universal.
I'm I'm like, I'm I'm a fucking executive producer, you know,
and I'm transferring all my energy into film and television.
And all of a sudden, I answered the phone because
I never answer numbers I don't know with me. So
I answer the phone and it's Haitian Jack. Now, ladies
and gentlemen, this is a known gangster I'm talking about.
When you look at the two POC documentaries and see
what he got caught up in in the rape allegations
and when he got shot, this man's name comes up
and I'm like, and I know him by the way
I know him, And so he's like, kidd, hey, how
you doing.
Speaker 5 (21:33):
I'm like Jack, He's like, yeah, man, I'm into Dominican.
They won't let me back in the states Man. But
this motherfucker Dallas Austin called me and said, y'all.
Speaker 3 (21:44):
Got a problem. Now, mind you if you got a
call from Haitian Jack in the nineties, you got to
pay right. And I'm like, I know this motherfucker Dallas
that did not call Haitian Jack and say that I
didn't do right by him, or whatever the case. I
don't even know why he called him. So immediately in
anybody who's ever been in the street, you have to
kind of put your foot down immediately or they start
pressing harder. So I was like, look, man, you ain't
calling me about no motherfucker shit. I handle because I
paid the man. He got paid. Oh no, no, no,
no no. And I know Jack, So you know it
was it was either like he was gonna press me
if I was going to go for some money, or
he's gonna be like, you know, I need something, so
short enough. I was like, Jack, he got paid. Oh man, man,
fuck Dallas. You know I'm calling about my documentary. Can
you help me out with so flip the script same day,
get in the sties to go to I mean, I
think we did the event. I'm at Ruth Chris and
Tip cost me and so I'm like, this is a day,
Like what what the fuck is going on? He's like, yeah, man,
I just don't feel right, you know what I'm saying, Like,
you know, I was at that meeting with y'all, and
you know this movie's coming out and I'm not a
part of it. It's Atlanta. I mean, I said, listen, bro,
I need you to listen to me because I just
had a phone call. I'm turned okay, I'm with the shits.
I'm not really feeling all this energy because you know,
you had nothing to do with this project, so I don't.
I don't even know why you're calling me. I told
you I want you to be in the project. I
still want you to be in the project because at
this time we still had a feature coming. But I
don't know what else you want from me. And you know,
Tip is a very he has a lot of Puff
Daddy in him, as far as the way he could
Jedi mind trick you, you know what I mean, or
make you feel like we are one and we Atlanta
and we should be doing And I'm like, nigga, I
just told you that I don't. I don't. I'm not
giving you shit. You don't deserve shit. You ain't do shit.
And it was to the point where He's like, I
don't really like the way you're talking to me, and
I'm like, well, I don't know how to talk. I'm offended,
So let's just get off the phone. You know what
I'm talking about? Picked back up, won't you?
Speaker 2 (23:55):
Calls Jack and trying to enjoy a day where you
got a couple of yeah and history wise. I mean
I never talked to Tip. I mean I had heard
through one you know, phone call, but I mean it's
you know, seventeen years of me working.
Speaker 3 (24:11):
But he tried it again.
Speaker 1 (24:13):
I know of people that I talked to and work
with along the way.
Speaker 3 (24:17):
It was you know, for me, it was uncomfortable because,
like I took a liking to you right at this time.
It's the first thing and I'm like, no, I know
who I've been talking to the whole time. I know
who I've been working through the process with. And it
was just uncomfortable because I feel like, you know, although
it would have been great for Tip to be in
it and Dallas, if you'd have had your your rights,
you'd have been involved. But everybody who did something got paid. Yeah,
and those who did not we moved on. So needs
to say we didn't end up doing the feature.
Speaker 1 (24:49):
And we'll get back.
Speaker 2 (24:50):
But just one more thing about okay, so at the end,
first of all, we didn't get it. I got to
say this because this is public, okay, But in the
middle and for so somebody that is trying to get
such a huge project off the ground and going through
the business side of this for the first time before
you and I even meet. When Dallas has the option,
he gets busted over in Dubai for cocaine possession.
Speaker 1 (25:16):
No, it's cocaine possess. That's that's what I'm saying.
Speaker 2 (25:18):
You listen if I'm saying that wrong, but if I'm
not mistaken, go back drug whatever, thank you, And it's public.
But I'm just saying on my side, like that's my
guy at the time. So I'm like, oh my god,
my project. Like he's trapped over there, You've got cinners.
So I'm like, what's gonna again. I want him to
get out, you know, it's like I don't want it,
but I'm just thinking, like what's going to happen? So
fight night for months like sits because it's like we
don't have and then he comes back, Thank goodness, he's out.
He's back in the States again, and they he's got
like his team. They're trying to figure out, hey, we
may just want to buy this off Jeff, And they
at some point come to me, they say, hey, listen,
how much to buy it out exactly? And whatever they
gave me was close. I almost sold, Like if they
would have made a legitimate offer, I mean back in
the day, you know, that kind of money.
Speaker 1 (26:06):
It's like you know, and I'm just like.
Speaker 2 (26:08):
Oh yeah, looking back finger, it's like, what's the whole Yeah,
I'm just saying, like it shows you how close like
buyouts can happen or things can turn. I mean, it's
just for people that are listening and how there's so
many ups and down.
Speaker 1 (26:20):
So there's a lot of luck in all this.
Speaker 3 (26:22):
There's a lot of a lot and it's a lot
of timing, timing, and it's also to standing, you know,
strong on what you believe. This project could.
Speaker 2 (26:30):
Become a fucking turtle man, Like I'll know you are
like that race goes on the biggest budget TV hairs
passed the hair twenty times and I'm just like, I
just go.
Speaker 3 (26:41):
Here a superhero. I have to cut him off, y'all
because he just doesn't know how to celebrate himself. But
we have more a fight night to come.
Speaker 1 (26:53):
From. iHeart Radio and Doghouse Pictures. This is fight Night.