Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Welcome to Fitness Disrupted, a production of I Heart Radio.
I am Tom Holland and this is Fitness Disrupted. All right,
let's just do a straightforward show, not that my shows
aren't straightforward, but like boom boom boom, gonna rattle off
almost two dozen tips to eating better and losing weight.
And the two are not mutually exclusive. Being healthy and
losing weight. It's a big part of this show and
research shows what you all love, list shows and odd numbers.
Oddly enough, we search chose like three is better than
two or twenty four. But I'm to give you almost
two dozen tips to eating better, losing weight, and just
being healthier. And these tips are ones you've heard before
if you've listened to other podcasts of mind. They are
scientifically based. But you gotta find what works for you, right.
But I want you to be honest with yourself and
if you want it's a great idea. If you're struggling,
and most people are, grab a pen a pencil, piece
of paper. If you're my age, if you're younger, you
could do it on your phone. I still don't understand.
I'm a I'm a at the heart of it, a
pencil and paper type of guy. But write these down
and be honest. How many are you doing? And of
the twenty three, if you do a handful, you're going
to be successful. If you do more than a handful,
you're going to be more successful more quickly. It is
that simple. And what you will see when I rattle
off all twenty three of these is it's not one
thing right, it's not one diet, it's not changing one thing.
It's changing this is this is the I hate the
word the secret. It's changing a handful of things, many
things slowly over time. That's what works, based in science,
based in experience. Do you have to do them all?
Absolutely not? Are some more important than others? I would
argue yes, But at the end of the day comes
down to results. It comes down to results. But that's
what's always mystified me in this industry when I would
have pushed back from people, when I would say, you know,
here's what the science says about you know, a habit
or something that will help achieve your goals. And I'll say, well,
I'm not gonna do that. You go, okay, um, what
are you gonna do? Right? But when you have twenty
three different tips and and things you can start to
implement right away you find what works for you. And
when you find what works for you now and over time,
are you gonna do all twenty three of these things
at the same time. Could because they're not huge. There's
not one of them that is some deprivation diet. There's
not one that is complicated. But that's what human nature wants.
You want it to be hard. You want it to
be deprivation. I don't know why. I do know why.
One of the reasons is you want that quick fix.
I get it. We all want things quicker. I'm really
bad at waiting for things myself, but this is something
you can't rush. Okay, but I'll say it one final time.
The great news is these small changes don't affect your
life in the way that a restrictive diet does, or
some something crazy, something expensive and restrictive, whether that's you know,
expensive supplements that are tied into a plan where you're
restricted from eating certain foods. But none of that. All right,
let's get right into it quick break. When we come back,
twenty three tips to eating better and losing weight, we'll
be right back, and we are back just giving you
a laundry. List of tips based in science, based in
experience that you can employ right away to help you
achieve your goals. And again, the goals are not mutually exclusive.
The goals of eating better, losing weight, and being healthier,
they're all tied in. I will not help you lose
weight in an unhealthy way, not going to do it.
I'm not going to do it. But that's not what
this is about. All right, let's get right into it.
Number one, Eat breakfast, Eat breakfast. I've done so many
shows on this topic. I will continue to do shows
on this topic. The research is so strong, The research
is so strong into eating breakfast. And if you're not
eating breakfast now and you say you're not hungry, but
you're struggling to lose weight, think about that for a second.
Think about that first second. It's not working. So try it.
Try all of these things at some point and give
it a little bit of time, and I will flesh
out each one. Not too much, because I don't want
this show to be ridiculously long, So a minute or
two for each tip. But eat breakfast. I talk about
the studies that are so strong in showing that people
who lose significant amount of weight and keep it off.
Tend to eat breakfast. And I'm gonna qualify this one
step further, which for those of you who don't eat
breakfast will probably cringe. I not only want you to
eat breakfast. I want you to to eat big, huge breakfast.
Start your day by fueling up. Start your day by
fueling up. The reasons so many people gain weight is
because they're eating so many calories late at night. It's
not that you're he goes into hibernation mode when you
take in those calories. It's that it is simple math
that people take in a crazy amount of calories at night,
taking those calories at the start of the day. A big, healthy, huge,
huge breakfast. And I know it's so hard for people
to do. I gotta move this along. But eat breakfast.
Try eating breakfast, give it time. Find foods that are
healthy that fuel you up in the right way, not
an unhealthy breakfast. Whole foods and a big, big fueling
up for the day meal. All right, enough, I gotta
move and I gotta gotta gonna keep myself on track here.
Eat frequently. If you're eating three meals a day and
it's working for you, good for you, and guess what
every one of these tips. What I love is you'll
read the articles that say, no, you don't have the breakfast,
No you don't have to eat frequently. If you're on track,
as I will say over and over, good for you,
then you're good right. Most people don't eat three meals
and not snack. Most people don't eat three healthy meals
throughout the day. I don't. I'm eating less as I
get older, but I'm still eating frequently. And when I don't,
I notice it when I go for an extended period
of time. I know my party really well now after
decades and decades of being in this industry. And if
I go like an hour too long, I struggle later
in the day to not eat foods that aren't as
good for me, and I just I'm off track. And
so yes, eating five to six medium sized meals a
day or you know you can eat a little bit, well,
I'm getting ahead of myself. Five to six meals a
day medium sized? You can um, you know, well, I'll
get to it. I don't want to give it away. Uh,
five or six meals a day every three hours or
so two to three hours, so you wake up whatever
time you wake up, so up at five am working
out this morning. Didn't want to eat before that, but
eight after. So for me, it's like seven o'clock, ten o'clock,
one o'clock, four o'clock, seven o'clock, and then maybe a
snack right before bed. Fuel your body. Don't let that
blood sugar drop, don't let the wheels fall off at
three o'clock, and then you're grabbing for the candy and
all that stuff. And then that's why at dinner time
you're now off the rails. All right, I'm gonna you know,
get into that further as well. Number three, and you
hear this all the time. Drink water. One of the
hardest things for me to do. I just I have
the bladder of an eight year old, I'll say it.
And I struggle and that that's a problem because I
do exercise frequently. I do sweat a crazy amount and
I need to get those fluids in. And so what
I do and what you can do too, And for
a lot of these tips, I'm gonna qualify them, you know,
one or two ways give you tips within the tips.
But I have a bottle, empty bottle water bottle in
my office in my studio that I will refill. I
have a handful of water bottles in my home gym
filled and I have two bottles that I tried to
drink and refill throughout the day. But my goal is
to drink those two every day. Do I hit it?
Not even close? Still working on it, all right. But
drink water. You know all those statistics how much of
our bodies are made of water and blah blah blah.
Just drink more water. But know that food has water
in it too, you know, different drink coffee, different liquids.
Fluids you're drinking, you know those are those are fluids
and they help with hydration. But we need to drink
more water. If you're already there, awesome, okay, but it's
another not only health tip, but it will help with hunger,
right all right. Number four Stock your home. Oh my gosh,
is this so simple yet so vitally important. Stock your
home with healthy foods that you like, lots and lots
of choices. Go out for the treats. Does that mean
you don't have treats in the house. No. I have
an entire drawer I called the cookie drawer, you know,
but that's got so much stuff in there for the
kids and for everyone, and then we have ice cream
in the house and things like that. But we also
have so many healthy options right out in the open,
huge tray of fruit, you know, three tiers, apples, oranges, bananas,
food everywhere, healthy options to grab four. It's so simple,
but it's so important that the vast majority of the
foods in your house that you have access to are healthy.
All right. Number five, prepare ahead of time. Food prep.
And I am as lazy as they come, people, I'm
as lazy as they come. I will pay extra and
I'm getting ahead of myself again for convenience. But cook
ahead of time. Just a couple of things that work
for you, all right. For me, it's Sunday's and I
have an egg cooker that hard boils the I can't
even boil the water and do it that way. I
have this little egg cooker thing that does seven eggs
at a time, hard boils in my poor water in it.
I put the thing, the seven eggs in, I put
the top on, hug it in, I turn it on,
boom at beeps. I'm done. So I do like a dozen.
I eat them, my kids eat them. So eggs. If
you're you know grilling. We're coming up to summer outside
grill extra if you're if you're a meat person, you know, chicken,
things like that. Don't cook one or two or just
a meal's worth, cook a bunch, put that in the fridge.
I also, again, this is how lazy I am. I
have at the steamed mixed vegetables and different vegetables that
I can just steam in the microwave. I am that lazy.
I do that, and then I put it in tupper wear.
So I'll steam an entire huge bag. Sometimes I'll eat
the whole bag, but if it's big enough, I'll eat
half and I'll put half away. And it's there. And
then I do like my omelet and throw the you know,
four eggs, throw the already cooked vegetables on top of
the eggs. I've got this awesome omelet with so much volume,
four eggs and veggies on top. That's a big healthy breakfast.
And there's other options as well. All right, I got
ahead of myself, but I gave away number six. Pay
for convenience. Every now and again, what are you going
to invest in? What is more important to spend your
money on? Exercise and nutrition? Right? So I have a juicer.
I'm not going to use it. It was a gift.
I'm way too lazy to shop for all that stuff
and to clean it up. And so that is where
I will pay for convenience. I will get a red
drink or a green drink. You know, different kinds of
foods that I'm not going to prepare myself that are
super healthy, that I'm definitely not gonna shop for. It's
just honest, people, I'm being honest with you. I'm gonna
spend my money on that stuff that fuels my body.
It's going to help prevent disease. What is more important
than what we put into our bodies? Right, So, if
I'm gonna spend a couple more bucks on something because
I'm too lazy to do it, I'm definitely gonna do it.
So pay for CONVENI and figure out what those things are. Right?
Where are you going to spend a couple extra dollars? Right?
Number seven Eat protein at every meal. I will talk
about protein until the day I die. It's so important
to so many different things, including building muscle, including not
losing muscle as we age, sarcopenia, and feeling full, like
to really really important things, right, satiety and muscle. The
less muscle we have, the lower metabolisms are. The more
muscle we have, the higher metabolisms are. Muscle is more
metabolically active than fat tissue. That's why men one of
the reasons have uh, you know, burn calories at a
greater rate than women. Women, Thank goodness, are getting more
and more into the strength training and you know strong
as the new skinny. Love that. But eat protein it
every meal again, about half your body weight in grams
per day, and then break it up over those meals.
It's hard to get it all in there, almost impossible
in one meal or two. And when you spread it
out throughout the day, it helps you feel full. And
then we could get into but I'm not going to.
You know the way it affects blood, sugar and highly
semic foods. You pair protein with carbohydrates, all right, So
every meal that you can take your again body weight
in half grams per day and then spread that out
over the meals you eat per day. Number eight, eat
big portions of healthy food. I don't people go that's
crazy and guess what, I don't care what oh these
articles say. You know you're not putting on access weight
by eating too many vegetables. Look at how many calories
are in one huge bag of mixed vegetables. It's like
two and try to eat that whole bag. I'm one
of the few people I think they can and does.
But we don't eat enough of the good stuff, and
we eat too much of the bad stuff. And when
you eat healthy foods like eggs and whole grains and
things like that in the right volume again and the
right order right front. Well, I'm gonna get ahead of myself.
I'm not gonna do it. I want to expand on
all these things, all right, I'm gonna really focus on
keeping it simple. Eat big portions of healthy food. You know,
when I was training clients and we're figuring out snacks
and things for people, and I'd say, you know, we're
trying to figure out what they liked, and maybe it
was an apple, and I'd say, you know, why don't
you do you know, two apples and then some cheese
or something, And they say, well, that's too much food.
It's not eat more good food. When you find the
foods you like, eat lots of it. Okay, I leave
it at that. Uh number nine, b Oh, this is great.
I love this one. Become aware of all your b
l t s. One of the greatest tips, right, what's
a b LT bites licks and tastes? People? If there's
one thing most people have no concept of, and even
some you know many in the industry, how many colories
they take in with bites, licks and taste. Oh, you're
gonna have that last chicken nugget from your kids, You're
gonna have a sip of that. You're gonna have a
bite of that, you're gonna finish, you know, your husband's
are your wives? You know, dessert, that's fine. But when
I was a trainer and ask people what they had
that day to eat, no one ever talks about the
b lt s because of course you don't so be
aware of them. And all of these are connected. When
you eat a big breakfast, you're gonna feel full and
and set yourself up for success. When you eat, you know,
every couple hours or so, you're not gonna get ravenous
and you're not going to do as many of the
b l t s. You know, so many people who say, oh,
I don't eat breakfast, I'm not hungry, and then I
don't want to eat that much. Healthy food that's too much.
If you have wait to lose, you're consuming the cowries
at some point. And so I know this is not
what you normally here. But we're not where we need
to be, are we. In other words, we have all
the resources, all the fitness technology, all the yeahbuts are gone,
as I say frequently, but people are still struggling. You're
still struggling because you got bad information. People. This is
the good stuff, all right, keep moving, but become aware
of your b l T s. And I'm gonna come
back to that in a second. Number ten eat the
same thing. This makes no sense when you say it
out loud, for you know for the first time in
this way. What do I mean by that? People who
lose gnificant amount of way to keep it off, or
people who are just healthy at their healthy weight, And
I'm one of these people. We tend to eat the
same foods and just rotate them. Why because we know
it works for us. We know how many calories are
in it, by and large, we know that it satisfies us,
We know that it makes us feel good. We know
that it helps us maintain our weight. This is the
one area where I will not talk about variation. Although
once you get to that point where you're at your
healthy weight, kind of figured it out. You've got your seven, eight, nine,
ten different meals. You kind of rotate, it doesn't matter.
You know, breakfast for dinner, dinner for breakfast, you got
your healthy proteins, your you know, your salads. You figured
it out. Then slowly, carefully you try to add variation
in because variation isn't crucial to everything, including foods. But
this is where because it's so challenging, especially when you're
out and about. Um, find a breakfast that works for
you better than that find three and I've done those
shows as well. But find the foods that you like
that start to help you towards your weight loss. Uh,
you know goal, if that's your goal, one of your goals,
and then stick with that. It makes common sense, all right,
So find the foods that work and rotate those. Stick
with that. Not too much variation, at least for a while.
Number eleven read labels, Keep it simple. People did a
whole show on net carbs and things like that, or
I think it was a fit tip. But when it
comes to weight loss, not health first thing, you look
at the calories, Okay, Is it two hundred or is
it nine d right? It makes a big difference. And
then protein I want again, since I'm looking at protein
in every meal. If I'm looking at a bar, if
I'm looking at you know, whatever it is, package label,
how many calories? How much protein? And then I'll start
to get into the other stuff. But that's where I start.
And if weight loss is your goal, that's where you start.
Can you have something that's two hundred calories but makes
you ravenous and getting ahead of myself, yes you can.
But you can have low fat and be a thousand calories, right,
So look at the calories, look at the proteins. Start
to know your numbers. All right, let's take another quick
break and then I'm going to zoom through. Already halfway
that's not bad. Okay, I'm gonna pick up the pace. Uh,
but I'll leave it at that. We'll be right back
after this break, and we are back. Do you see
my struggle to keep this short and sweet? I want
to give you so much more information, but we gotta
keep it, keep it on track here all right? Talking
about tips to eating better and losing weight. I'm about
halfway through, and I just talked about reading labels. Keep
it simple. Obviously, the more ingredients you know and the
tougher the words are. To understand the ingredients right where
you don't know, that's problematic. You want fewer ingredients and
you want more ingredients that you know what they are. Okay,
And that's why fruits and vegetables a pretty darn easy
because there's no real label right on a banana, on
a on an apple, um twelve. Figure out your trigger
foods Okay, this goes to what I talked about just
a second ago, your B L T s um eating
the same thing even reading labels right, diet soda give
you this one example. You'll read a diet soda. People
drink diet soda tend to gain weight a couple of studies, right,
totally confusing because diets so it has zero calories. So
you go, Tom, you're totally wrong. Well, there's two things there,
real quickly. And I love this because this is this
is where the rest, you know, is problematic when it's
self reports and things like that. So a lot of
the people who drink diet soda a bunch of things.
I actually did a podcast on this as well. Two
things quickly. A lot of people drink the diet soda,
but they're still eating the fast food, right. We all
know that joke. You go to fast food place, you're like,
give me five hamburgers and a diet soda, all right,
So that's part of the issue. Another part is it
makes people hungry. And so this goes to your trigger foods.
This is where you have to figure out what works
for you. You have to learn what carbohydrates are. Getting
ahead of myself again, you know, carbohydrates, proteins, healthy fats,
and then within that you gotta go, Okay, I tried
this meal and I was ravenous, you know in an hour.
Well maybe that's not the best breakfast for you then,
And so just be aware the same way you're aware
of your b lt s, be aware of how different
foods and different combinations of foods affect your hunger, your satiety.
And this is something that takes time. That's why the
whole process takes time. People losing weight getting healthier. You're
gonna figure out your plan, all right. Number thirteen. Try
my six week plan approach. You know, I have not
and will not write a diet book per se, but
I have a six week approach and I did a
podcast on that. It's where you give yourself six weeks
and if you're doing five to six meals a day,
it's five to six weeks. Right, So week one, meal one,
figure out your breakfast. So spend a week trying different
breakfasts and getting in the habit of eating breakfast. Week two,
meal number two, Week three, meal number three. You see
where I'm going with this, super simple, super basic, super
powerful the exploration of the foods right and getting into
the habit. The behavior modification such a huge part of this.
Instead of asking you to deprive yourself of food for weeks,
I'm saying, figure out the foods over time that you like.
And that's how I'm going to end up this whole thing.
Bring this whole thing home. But six weeks. First week
is breakfast, second week is meal number two, and buy
week number six. And you might not get it right away,
but you're on track to figuring out the foods that
work for you and getting into that habit eating every
couple of hours or so okay, number fourteen, buy in
bulk so easy today. Oh my gosh. You know, finding
something you like food, you know, whether that's whatever it is,
whatever it is as part of your eating plan. It
could be you know, protein powders, like a lot of
the supplement type things, predne drinks, but food, whole foods,
everything you get it delivered today. When you find something
you like, by a lot of it. When I find
or when I shop for my mixed vegetable steamed bags,
I don't buy one or two. I buy five or
six so they're there and I will eat them frequently.
So I mean again, couldn't be easier today. You don't
even have to go to the store for Pete's sake,
but goes for waters all of that stuff. When you
find things you like that are healthy and that make
you feel full and make you feel happy, buy a
lot of it and keep it in the house. Goes
back to what I was talking about at the beginning.
Keeping your house stocked correlates to buying in bulk. Okay,
Number fifteen goes to breakfast, but want a flesh it
out even more. Eat a big breakfast was one of
the first tips. But I have to also say front
load your day. So in other words, instead of eating
nothing at the beginning of the day and slowly eating
more and ending up by eating the most at the
end of the day. Will you flip that please? You're
eating backwards for energy, for health, front load your day.
Start with the biggest meal and then cut back slowly. Okay,
this is where like the intermittent fasting and things like that.
You know, people go, you know, I stopped eating at
seven o'clock and I don't eat again until seven am. Perfect,
that's not fasting, that's just eating healthy people. And if
you and it shouldn't be a struggle. If you eat
a huge breakfast and then meal number two, you know,
maybe a little bit less or comparable, and then slowly
wean yourself down, it's not a challenge. You don't think
of it as fasting. Don't fast per se. I feel
myself so I'm not ravenous. And yes, when I'm dieting
down trying to lose a couple of pounds for an event,
I will be a little stricter later in the day,
eat more at the beginning of the day, and then
maybe stop eating an hour or two earlier than I
normally would. All right, but front load your day. It's
better for everything, your body, your mind, and your health.
All right. Number sixteen asked these two questions at every meal,
what's my healthy carb what's my healthy protein? Every meal?
What's my healthy carb what's my healthy protein. As you
get more experience, then you can get into what's my
healthy fats and things like that. But I don't I
want to complicate it. Start with what's my healthy carbohydrate,
what's my complex carbohydrate? And what is my protein? Every meal?
All right, Number seventeen, don't throw away the day? Did
a podcast on this. One of the most you know,
insidious mistakes people make is they have one bad they
fall off the wagon. You're on a diet. First of all,
it's usually a deprivation diet. And what happens it's really
hard and you're really hungry, and so you fall off
for one meal and you throw away the whole day,
or a couple of days, or the whole diet. And
that's a problem with not falling these tips. But there
is no perfect And if you completely go off the
reservation and you do have the five or six hamburgers,
oh it's not lost people. It's a calorie thing. So
don't say now, I'm just gonna you know, eat myself
silly for the rest of the day. No eat better
for the rest of the day. And I'm gonna specify
go into this actually in a little greater details shortly,
all right, So one slip up is not the end
of the world. And this is what people who maintain
their weight, including myself, when I was stricter, I go,
you know, I'm gonna be a little had. You know,
three bacon, egg and cheeses this morning. It's not a
normal breakfast for me. I have these things too occasionally.
But back in the day, when you're being a little
harder on yourself, you go, you know, now I'm gonna
just throw the day away. Part of the reason you
do that, people, is because those simple carbohydrates just make
you hungrier, like you're you're craving the other stuff, and
it's harder to not throw the day away, which is
why when you eat whole foods it's easier. All right,
But don't throw the day away, and definitely don't throw
a couple of days or the entire program, all right.
Number eighteen super important. Learn what a carbohydrate is. Just
did a podcast on this. Right, people say they're off carbs,
what do they really mean? Means I'm not even bread
and I'm not even dessert and candy. Well, you're not
off carbs if you're eating so many other foods, and
you shouldn't be off carbs if you're in a healthy
eating plant, because that's what our bodies work on, That's
what our bodies preferred energy sources. Okay, healthy carbohydrates. Not
going to talk about keto here and right now, but
they're myriad adaptations. Are bodies, you know, um adapted to
evolved you know, keto, keyto genic, the ability to burn
fats as fuel, the ability you know, intermittent fasting. People
will talk about, you know, the health benefits. Sure, but
again these were adaptations that evolution imparted upon our bodies
so that we didn't die. I want to get into that.
See you got you got me off on a tangent
here um. When what a carbohydrate is? And find healthy
ones that work for you? All right? Trust me, you'll
be so much happier. But educate yourself, all right. They're
simple and complex. The more processed, the more man makes
it and touches it, generally speaking, the less healthy it is.
Number nineteen, Keep a seven day journal. You know, back
when I was a trainer, and I know many nutritionists
still do this, and I get it. But as I
say frequently, a three day diet journal. If I asked
you to do one greatest works of fiction ever written,
what I mean by that to one of two things
are both you eat better for three days uh and
or you don't tell the truth about everything. It doesn't work.
So keep a seven day journal. And I say seven
because the weekends matter. If I tell you to keep
a journal Monday through Wednesday, most people eat differently on
the weekends. Keep a seven day journal of everything. Every
b l T you know, now with phones so much easier,
everything that crosses your lips for seven days. This is Yeah,
it's challenging. Do it, but it's for yourself. It's to
become aware, really aware of those b l T s.
Just aware of what you eat, how much you eat,
how frequently, what are your trigger foods. This goes to
everything I just outlined, or much of what I just outlined.
We need information, we need to be aware, and we're
not always listen. A lot of this is subconscious, the
b LT thing. It's pretty shocking when you do it,
but this is for your own purposes. You're not gonna
show it to anyone, and that, in my opinion, is
the only way these journals really work. All right, that's
for you. Seven day journal start learn what you eat
number twenty follow the eight plan. What is that? Well,
if you've listened to my prior podcast, I use it
almost in everybody has to some degree, whether it's exercise
and nutrition or whatever. It is eight percent at the time,
eat healthy, do the right thing when you canent of
the time. We need to have desserts, we need to
enjoy ourselves. Unfortunately, the vast majority of people are the opposite.
They're kind of good twenty percent at the time. They
think the scale should you know, move like crazy. It's
not the math. If you are as many are twenty
percent good right now and you know, uh, the unhealthy stuff.
Give yourself time. You're not gonna go you're gonna flip it,
but you can go thirty seventy six. But when you
get to that point, you get to the point where
I am and many others are as well. Don't deprive
myself of anything. I still eat the bacon, egg and
cheese is occasional. I don't do it as frequently. I
don't enjoy it as much, and oftentimes as I've said before,
it reminds me of why I eat healthy, because then
your ravenous. Your body doesn't like it as much, all right,
and this is kind of well, let me give you
the math. Actually, this is this is this is really
important too. So when you go twenty four plan, seven
day plan and in a yearly plan. So in other words,
in your day, if you're eating five to six meals
a date, one can beat less than perfect. Generally speaking,
that's dinner for people. And if you've front loaded your day,
if you had breakfast, you're not ravenous. You're not going
to have as many calories in that less than perfect meal.
It's totally counterintuitive. You can have that appetizer if you're
out to dinner on a Wednesday with friends or business,
because you've eaten a healthy breakfast. You ate healthy throughout
the day. So that's your one meal to be less strict.
As my point, with a week week, one to two
days less than perfect, not totally off the reservation, but
generally speaking, weekends for many people going out when you
have less control of your foods, so you're not perfect.
Seven days you're not perfect, you know, uh, six days
you're you're you're not perfect, period, right, because you're having
that one meal throughout the day and then one to
two days a week. All right, leave it at that,
and generally speaking again the weekends, and then do it
for a year. People. This is what's so great. I
love this. When you do the math three sixty five,
it's seventy three days. So seventy three days out of
the year. You don't have to be again perfect. So
that's gonna fall into your weekends or whatever. Those one
to two days are per week. Again, these are approximations,
but I want you to start to realize these are holidays,
these are birthdays, the days you should be less strict.
You know, be more strict on January twelve, you know,
days that are less meaningful. And when I say strict,
eat healthy. Right the other days when you're with family
and it's a celebratory, you know, occasion, then enjoy yourself,
all right, all right, to wrap this up here, Number
twenty one super important. Focus on what you can eat,
not what you cannot. I don't want to hear from
friends and family. Don't tell me what you're depriving yourself off.
Tell me what you figured out you can eat that's success.
I don't really talk about what I don't eat because
I eat just about everything. It's moderation. Moderation is more
challenging at the start than deprivation. Deprivation is easy for
a week or two and as brutal after, and it
deprives you of muscle and self efficacy and the belief
that you can be successful. So focus on what you
can eat. This goes to so many of the tips
I already talked about finding your foods, eating breakfast, focus
on eating people. Now what you can't eat. Health comes
from the nutrients we take in, and so you gotta
find those foods, all right. Number twenty two is so important,
and I saved it for the end. Know that it
gets easier. This is so hard to get across to people.
But when you employ all of these tips over time,
you're not missing out on anything. And yes you can
achieve your healthy weight, and yes you can be happy,
and yes you can finally be successful because you're doing
a handful of things that are tailored to you, not restrictive,
not foods you don't like, but you're eating a lot
of the healthy foods you do like. You're not getting ravenous.
You're not doing all those things I just talked about,
all right, but no that it gets easier and easier
and easier. That goes for exercise, that goes for nutrition,
goes for everything, I promise, all right. And finally, don't diet.
Please don't diet. Stop it. If you're diet has an
end date on flawed. Figure out the foods you like.
Everything I just talked about, all of the tips have
absolutely nothing to do with deprivation. Has to do with
fueling your body as it was meant to be fueled,
feeling good. Food is more accessible than ever before, and yes,
that's a problem, but it's how you look at it. People,
You're gonna have the healthiest food delivered right to your
door prepared. So take these tips, figure out how many
you're doing, figure out the ones you want to start doing,
start doing them, and I promise you it's not a
matter of if. But when you start to see the
results you've been trying to get all right, there you go.
Not too bad. I kept it to where I wanted to,
started off a little slow, got worried that I was
going to go along, but kept it right in the
sweet spot for you. Hopefully all right again. If you
want to reach out Tom h Fit is Instagram and Twitter,
questions comments, Tom h Fit, go to Fitness disrupted dot com.
Email me through the site as well. Micro Workout Plan
is my most recent book. Lots of workouts in there
that you can do at home, along with my philosophy
and things like that. And uh, thank you for listening.
I see, I'm I need food. I went a little
too long this morning. I violated my own advice. And
that's what you will find. People. You will know your
body better than you've ever known it when you start
to employ these tips and they're just again based in science,
based in experience. It shouldn't be a struggle, all right,
because we can roll three things. How much we move
what we put into our mouths and our attitudes, and
that is awesome. I am Tom Holland this is Fitness Disrupted.
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