Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Welcome to Fitness Disrupted, a production of My Heart Radio.
I am Tom Holland, and this is Fitness Disrupted. So
I questioned whether I wanted to do this as a
fit tip because I am a super super positive person
and not that this topic isn't, but it just it
felt weird, and I talked about it with people which
kind of said to me, you should probably use it
as a fit tip two. And it's super powerful to me,
and it goes to my philosophy and my methodology and
just you know, human nature and human behavior and simplicity,
and you know, unfortunately a huge part of the human
condition is what we don't appreciate our health until we
lose it. You know that goes for exercise, right. How
often do I talk about prehab versus rehab? You know,
it's not a matter of if you're going to do
certain exercises, but when shoulder exercises, lower back exercises, lower
body exercises because knee and hip issues. And I get it,
many of these exercises are boring. You can make them fun,
but it's human condition. As you know, well, I'm not
going to do those exercises. I'm healthy. Why would I
do them. So we wait to do those exercises until
we get hurt, and we have to pay someone to
make us do the very things that would have potentially
obviously things happen, but greatly decreased our likelihood of having
that issue. And that's just that's human nature and that
and what's what's even more mind boggling, if you really
sit down and think about it for a while, is
then you get hurt or you get sick, and you
appreciate it. Then you start to appreciate, you know, your health.
Then you get better and you forget about it, you
go back to your old ways, right, And that's evolutionary,
I would argue, right, we can't dwell, we can't remember
how painful things were. That would be a problem, right,
especially thousands of years ago, and so there's obviously an
evolutionary component to it. But I'm going to take that
same concept and apply it to eating. And I think
this clarifies for a lot of people a lot of
the confusion at least, and I totally understand, you know,
if there's confusion with exercise, which there is and always
will be, and I would argue there's more so today
because of the ability of people to just put so
much information out there social media and everything bad information.
I mean, sure it's problematic with exercise, even worse with nutrition.
You know, most people don't know what a carbohydrate is.
Many people think carbs are bad for you. But when
you put it into this context, I think it clarifies
things really quickly. And I don't want to get into
I think this is definitely why I was hesitant about
doing this specific topic. But let's assume you're healthy, right,
and you're eating whatever way you're eating, and you're struggling,
and you know, you're trying to figure out what works
for you, and you're trying different diets and things like that,
and you've heard advice, but you know you're still trying
the the quick fixes and things like that. But then let's,
just for argument's sake, give you the hypothetical situation that
you did get sick, you went to the doctor, and
you had a diagnosis that when you don't want to
hear it'll leave it at that, even like, this is
just how much of you know a person who focuses
on a positive I am and I would like to
say this, but we have to write so you get
a diagnosis me doctor, like, you know, really important one
and many people are dealing with this right now is
which is another reason why you know it's it's an
uncomfortable topic to talk about. But just like prehab versus
rehab with exercise, we can apply that concept to nutritions.
So in other words, if you got sick, assuming you're
healthy now at a diagnosis you know, problematic, how would
you change how you eat? What would you start doing differently?
I mean think about that. I would argue many people
who struggle to figure out what's healthy? What's a carb? Uh?
And again for obvious reasons, so much conflicting information out there.
But if you said, you know now your life literally
depends on it, I think that clarifies things really quickly.
I know it clarifies things really quickly with people. And
so that's how I actually focus on my eating as well.
There's so many different mental kind of ways of looking
at what we do to enjoy it more. This This
is like, you know, we're now getting into motivation and
intrinsic motivation, but when I eat healthy foods, it's pretty
happy for me. In other words, I know that it's
helping prevent issues, is it? You know, guaranteed no, And
that's a huge part of the problem. But there's pretty
much nothing, not much, not nothing about how I approach
exercise and nutrition right now that I would change if
I got that diagnosis or when I get that diagnosis.
I know, it's like people don't say that I don't
believe in luck. I believe in controlling what we can
just letting the other stuff go. And that feels good
mentally to know that I'm doing everything I can based
on what I know that I wouldn't change much at all.
Maybe you know, no, it's moderation. You know, I have
red wine, I have you know, desserts occasionally twenty percent
of the time, right I indulge on occasion. But there's
nothing about what I'm doing now that I would probably
change when faced with a health issue. And so that's
my point. It's a tough, you know, way to look
at it, but I think it clarifies, you know, using
that same analogy with prehab versus rehab, you need to
do the things in your exercise program to prevent those
issues from happening, and the same thing is true with
our eating plants. So to take that approach, I think
a lot of people know a lot more about eating
healthy and what they would do when faced with that
potential issue, And so I just wanted to put that
out there because I think it could be really powerful.
And listen, so much of the information and messaging you're
getting just isn't right and isn't working. So we need
to constantly look at things in different ways, And so
I want you to think long and hard about that,
especially when we're healthy. Are you doing everything that you
would be doing when faced with that type of issue?
What would you do differently? And actually it's not just nutrition.
Would you be moving more? Would you be exercising more?
Would you control the things that I end every show
talking about. You know, stress will lead to disease, lack
of movement will lead to disease, lack of eating healthy
will lead to disease, Which is why we need to
control whatever we can whenever we can. And that's a
great thing. But just food for thought, No, leave it
at that. How are you eating now? And how would
you eat if you're told you needed to eat better?
I'm gonna leave it at that. If you're told you
had to improve your diet and it was crucial that
you did for health, reasons. My guess is you have
some pretty good ideas on how to do that. And
let me leave you with this. It can be enjoyable.
It can be enjoyable. You can find foods that are
healthy that you enjoy, and truthfully, when you struggle with
the processed foods and the excess weight and all that
stuff that doesn't feel as good as being healthy does
and not having the pains and not having the mental
issues that come with all of that, and so a
difficult topic, but one that I think needs to be discussed.
Take a long hard look, and this is where we
appreciate our health. Take a long hard look at what
you're doing now with your diet, and change it now
before and two decrease the likelihood that we get that
diagnosis of anything, because it matters. Eating healthy food is
protective in so many ways. And that is one of
the many reasons that I enjoy eating healthy so much,
is I've found foods that I like. They make me
feel good physically, and then the mental side of knowing
that I am doing really good things for my future health.
That's another level and you can get there too, all right,
That was difficult. That was difficult, which means it was worthwhile.
It's always the way it is, all right, So thank
you for listening. I am Tom Holland, Exercise physiologists, certified
sports nutritionists. If you want to reach out Tom H Fit,
Instagram and Twitter, message me, comments, questions, uh Fitness Disrupted
dot com email me through the site and know that
like we gotta have these hard conversations, we gotta reframe
things in different ways because I want you to live
your best life and not waste time or money because
it's too important, all right, So think what would you
do differently? Thank you for listening. I am Tom Holland.
This is Fitness Disrupted. Believe in yourself. M H. Fitness
Disrupted is a production of I Heart Radio. For more
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