All Episodes

October 2, 2023 44 mins

9021 -0h what fun! 

Brian Austin Green joins Lance on the pod to talk about what it was like being a teen star in the '90s. . . before cell phones and social media! He also shares what he learned about parenting a gay child, working closely with Sharna on their "Oldish" podcast, and whether DWTS is more challenging than "Special Forces."


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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:04):
This is Frosted Tips with Lance Bass and iHeartRadio podcast. Hello,
my little Peanuts, it's me your host, Lance Bass. This
is Frosted Tips with Me Lance Bass and my lovely
co host and happened to be a husband, Michael Turkey Turchin.

Speaker 2 (00:21):
It's amazing good. Yeah. Yeah, let's introduce our guests.

Speaker 3 (00:27):
Bride Austin Green is with us today.

Speaker 1 (00:29):
Yes, legit teen Idol All right now, the show is
for the ultimate fans of teen Idols and Brian you
were the epitome of that in the nineties.

Speaker 2 (00:40):
So what's really funny is in Sync was massive at
the time. My my niece Caitlin, you were her favorite,
like she does. Yeah, So it's funny to be talking
to somebody because I to me, we had such different
expperiences of it because from music to television. Sean and

I were just talking about this last night and I
was saying, how it's amazing that you got You know,
you went through massive stadiums being packed packed with people,
so you had that instant knowledge and gratification of like,
look at what we're doing. We were doing a show
that a ton of people were watching, but we were
shooting it in van eyes and case people were around. Yeah,

we would see it every once in a while when
we go do personal appearances at malls and stuff like that.
But we had we both had these like crazy.

Speaker 1 (01:35):
Yeah, because look, the experiences I will compare them to
didn't sink fans. They're just so passionate, so passionate. I
mean I loved nine O two one. I mean I was,
I guess junior high when that show was on, and
my sister was a huge I mean she was obsessed
with New Kids in nine o two one. Oh, so
that made me a fan of nine o two and
New Kids on the Block.

Speaker 3 (01:55):
Uh, And it.

Speaker 2 (01:56):
Was just it was a fun time.

Speaker 1 (01:57):
And I think that's why right now you're in this
crazy revival.

Speaker 2 (02:03):
Yeah, everyone's like.

Speaker 1 (02:06):
Have that nineties early two thousands because everyone wist to
remember the good times, the innocent times of their youth.
And now this new generation, which I'm sure you're seeing too,
gen z, Like it's like if we loved the fifties
so much that that just was so so much a
part of our lives. These gen zs are really taking
in the music of the nineties, the TV of the nineties,

and it's it's all these new fans are being born.
Are you seeing that with your past shows too?

Speaker 2 (02:33):
It's with all like that. I just did nineties con Oh.

Speaker 3 (02:37):
God, that looks so fun.

Speaker 2 (02:39):
It was so it was super fun. We were all
together as a cast, which is amazing that happens very rarely.

Speaker 3 (02:47):
Especially Shannon too. Was so nice to see her.

Speaker 2 (02:49):
Yeah, I mean the fact that everybody was there, it
was amazing. And yeah, this whole like times coming back
around in the nineties being popular again is crazy. It's
insane to.

Speaker 1 (03:02):
Be funny because when I was living in the nineties,
I specifically remember thinking, this will never become popular again.
Like the fifties, sixties, seventies, eighties, they were so defined
and great.

Speaker 2 (03:15):
But it's because we had no idea that, I mean
my opinion, and I get it now. I remember like
when my parents used to talk about, oh, the music
of the seventies, and I was like, that's ridiculous, you know,
And now I do the same thing about the nineties, like,
oh the nineties, man, there was no music like there
was literally there was in the nineties. So true, but
I think living in the nineties, we had no idea

that moving forward generationally, that there there weren't going to
be things that made such an impact as music and
television and all of that did in the nineties, because
once the internet really came around in the late nineties,
everything changed everything. And you don't you know, I don't
know if you're going to see again what it was

that existed from the nineties and befowl because.

Speaker 1 (04:02):
Everyone is so spread out and just has their own
little you know, fan areas, and there's so many options
of television shows and there's so many visions.

Speaker 3 (04:11):
Now that you're going to find your little thing.

Speaker 2 (04:14):
And also everyone's connected now like before, like yeah, we
had there was sort of like you know, anonymous kind
of hang in the back, and so it made insynct
more mysterious, are ever more mysterious because you only get
to know people from reading team magazines or seeing us
at appearances, and.

Speaker 1 (04:30):
You could really control that narrative a lot more absolutely,
you know, if you wanted someone to think you're this way,
like it was just it was easier now.

Speaker 3 (04:37):
You can't get away with anything people like authentic.

Speaker 2 (04:39):
Oh, I you know.

Speaker 1 (04:41):
And what was great too is as a as a
kid for the pop culture, you were kind of you
were like fed what to like, you know, with television,
there was only a certain amount of channels, so you
had to go watch the show. And if everyone was
into nine O two one, oh, you were into.

Speaker 2 (04:57):
Everybody was into it because you were only cool if
you were talking with music trl you.

Speaker 1 (05:03):
Everyone had to go to one place after school to
see all their music, so corn to Backstreet Boys, everyone,
but you were kind of forced to be like, Okay,
these are the these are the ten artists that I
love because they told me I have to.

Speaker 2 (05:16):
Love is so popular. This is whatever you want to
go to be the odd man out.

Speaker 3 (05:23):
You wanted to be cool, You want to be in
the club.

Speaker 4 (05:26):
VH one Different, Don't Knock Some VH one and Pollicle
and Natalie Merchant on VHS one.

Speaker 1 (05:35):
This whole research has been great and I love things
like uh, I don't know if you've seen evercoming And
Fitch now has done the whole new rebrand.

Speaker 3 (05:43):
Oh yeah, it's so good.

Speaker 1 (05:45):
It's still got that nineties look to it, but way
better stuff.

Speaker 2 (05:51):
That is Abergrombie and Fitch so great.

Speaker 1 (05:55):
These companies are really taking advantage of like Okay, we're
going to get these people what they want.

Speaker 3 (05:59):
And I love it.

Speaker 1 (06:00):
It just it kind of reminds me of because you know,
the last couple of weeks have been a little insane
with the INSYNCT fandom. Had no idea that the fan
base would go that nuts for this, but everyone is
really wanting to feel that just the nostalgia, yeah, and.

Speaker 2 (06:18):
Then the Taylor Simpler time and all that.

Speaker 1 (06:21):
And it just reminds me because I went to the
Taylor Swift concert and did you Oh yeah.

Speaker 2 (06:25):
I'm super jealous.

Speaker 1 (06:26):
I've always loved her, even you know, when she was
a country singer, Like, I just always loved her and
I loved I appreciate everything she does for the world,
like she just brings out so much positivity. And so
at the concert, yes, I loved watching her, and the
songs are great, but it was the feeling of everyone
around you just having the best time, so happy, exchanging

friendship bracelets with you people at the concession stand and
security and just smiling, and it just made me feel
so good. I'm like, Wow, this is this is what
everyone's missing right now, just being all together, just forget
the worries of the world right now and just having
the best time ever. And that's what I'm feeling now.

Speaker 2 (07:04):
Is happening but I feel like there was a major
shift at the beginning of the year too, Like I
know this is the the age of Sagittarius. We sort
of moved into that and so it's much more no,
the age of Aquarius. So we moved into this place
where everybody is like really much more open to experience
with people and they're they're communicating better. Yeah, because we

went through a few years there where it was so contentious.

Speaker 3 (07:44):
We are here at the Green Valley Ranch. Have you
have you been out here before.

Speaker 2 (07:47):
I've never been to to this hotel before. It feels
it feels much more like adult and responsible. Yeah, it
really is. I feel like I'm in like palm desert
and like a nice Yeah. Oh, it was like ten
thirty last night, and I was like this is I'm
up way past my bed. I usually in bed by
like eight thirty, Like I'm on that schedule.

Speaker 3 (08:09):
That's two.

Speaker 1 (08:10):
I mean we have you know your kids are a
little older now, but you know ours are two and
so it is you know, six thirty, that's.

Speaker 2 (08:16):
One of you guys have two that are twins. So
you've bet that's a I don't know how you do it,
Like I have five kids, which people here and they go,
how do you do it? But I couldn't. I couldn't
for a sec. I don't know different. I don't know.

Speaker 3 (08:29):
We started with two, so like we don't know how
hard but right.

Speaker 4 (08:32):
But but at the same time I do because I
could just imagine having one and being like, it's like
having zero children.

Speaker 2 (08:40):
What's funny is looking back on it now. I remember
when when Noah was young and feeling like so overwhelmed.
I was like, I don't know how to do this
and this is so hard, And looking back on it now,
it's like, man, I could one one. That's because they were.

Speaker 1 (08:56):
I think it's very important, especially the older they get
that they do separate things, right, because twins, you know,
they start super important to Yeah, just be attached, right
and so and it is a boy and girl, so
I want them to have different.

Speaker 3 (09:06):
Experiences, their own likes.

Speaker 2 (09:08):

Speaker 1 (09:09):
But when we do separate them and like, you know,
he'll take one to lunch or like I'll take one
in the backyard, it's so easy.

Speaker 3 (09:16):
It is just like, oh my god, just one.

Speaker 4 (09:19):
You can pass one back and forth from two to three.

Speaker 2 (09:23):
That's that's the big difference. You have to change up
your defensive style. At that point, you're playing zone defense.
I'm going to cover this half of the room, you
cover that half, and then you're just like, okay, if
you know, some drunk kid wanders over into my side,
then you're like, okay, bubble wrap everything and you literally
So yeah, it's a whole different it's.

Speaker 3 (09:44):
A different third. But it's not working.

Speaker 2 (09:46):
It's not right now to mess with a good thing.
We figured this out.

Speaker 1 (09:53):
His main amazing is if we go to Disney, one
will have to ride by themselves.

Speaker 4 (09:58):
Everything set up for a flying in an airplane. Right.

Speaker 2 (10:02):
I'm a big fan of even numbers, and that just
is at that point, everything's off kilter. I like things
the way that I like two of everything.

Speaker 3 (10:12):
We're one of it.

Speaker 1 (10:13):
I get that because I agree with that. So we're
just gonna have to have two more. Huh okay, so
we're both right.

Speaker 2 (10:20):
This isn't going well. I'm feeling I'm feeling.

Speaker 3 (10:25):
I'm all for a third right now.

Speaker 1 (10:26):
Until our kids are out of diapers and just use
the bathroom by themselves. Then I'm gonna say, nope, don't
want to go back there.

Speaker 2 (10:33):
No, it is. That is the toughest thing like to
be for for me to have a fifteen month old
and be back into that stage. I mean, I've got
to do everything for men and a one year old.
My my older kids are much more self sufficient. They'll
get up in the morning, they'll make their own breakfast,
and you kind of come downstairs and they're already doing

their own thing and they're kind of dressed and ready
for school. Yeah, I'm still yelling and going. You got
to put socks and shoes on where you like, you
can't go out the door that way. It's raining outside.
You can't have shorts and a T shirt on like this.
You know, your outfit choices don't match what's happening outside.

Speaker 1 (11:09):
Because you have to be the coolest dad. Like I
couldn't imagine my dad being Brian houstin Green.

Speaker 3 (11:14):
You're so you.

Speaker 1 (11:15):
Couldn't imagine your dad, I mean, and you're so overdy
because you're you're twenty one year old is out and
gay and proud and you know, and it's you're there.
He was so lucky to be able to be in
your family, because so many kids out there don't get that,
and even if their parents accept them, there's a lot
of times where the kids still knows that they still
disagree with it, right, But with you, it's like I

just I think they're just so lucky to have have
you in their life.

Speaker 2 (11:43):
It was it's it's been fascinating, like it's been I've
I've really it's been a challenge just because honestly, it
was my son being gay. It was just it was
unknown for me, but I'm not. I think a lot
of people are afraid of the unknown, whereas I'm not.

To me, it's intriguing and I want to learn about it.
So it was like we would I would get into
these conversations with Cash where it was like I really
want wanted to understand the thing, the things that seem
so different to me at first, and then you realize like, oh,
this isn't different at all. It's just your choice of
partner and your it's it doesn't affect me at all. Yeah,

And that's the thing I'm always trying to beat into
people now, it's like, it doesn't it does not affect you. Yeah,
So why are you why do you again something, why
do you care so much? And why are you trying
to somehow bully your feelings and your opinion into something
that literally does not affect you at all.

Speaker 1 (12:45):
Well, usually it's the case that it really is affecting
them in a way they don't want to admit, right. Yeah,
I've seen that a lot. You have a new podcast. Yeah,
she's so great. Tell us about the podcast.

Speaker 2 (13:02):
So it's it's Sharna and myself and Randy Spelling. Cool. Yes,
and Randy whose sister Tori was on two with me.
He's been a.

Speaker 3 (13:11):
Did you do a few episodes too? I feel like
he did do a.

Speaker 2 (13:13):
Few episodes, and then he did Malibu Shores, which was
another which is another Spelling show, And I played his
older brother on Malibu Shores. Yeah. So he's been a
professional life coach for fifteen plus years. It's what he does.
He lives in Portland. He's married, he has two daughters.
He's an incredible human being. He's very He's so good

at just connecting with people and helping you talk through
things and listening you know which people are.

Speaker 3 (13:43):
Oh my god, I need him in my life.

Speaker 2 (13:45):
I think he's If you haven't gotten a chance to
really sit down and speak to him yet, you should.
He's a really, really.

Speaker 1 (13:52):
So crazy amazing. I saw him last night for the
first time. Maybe in fifteen years. I mean we back
in well, I guess twenty years ago.

Speaker 3 (13:59):
We definitely run into.

Speaker 2 (14:00):
The same How crazy is that? God years ago?

Speaker 1 (14:04):
Yeah, twenty five years. Oh my gosh, it just keeps
getting longer and longer. But I always remember he was
so sweet. Of course, you know Tori and we love
toy uh, but yeah, I mean, I I think that
is so amazing that you can find something like being
life coach, and that's such a gift to give someone.

Speaker 2 (14:20):
It's amazing. He and he, you know, we've been talking
about it as we've been doing the show, and there
was a lot about Randy's life that I didn't know.
I mean, I've known him for as long as I have.

Speaker 3 (14:32):
Did he have trouble with sobriety?

Speaker 2 (14:33):
That he had troubles with sobriety? He really, honestly, I think,
at the end of the day, had trouble with finding
what his thing was in life, what his purpose was,
and so it was like he would find these ways
of connecting with people, but he didn't understand like being
a life coach and how you could connect with people

that way. And so the podcast that we're doing now
is we do two episodes a week so we have
every Tuesday night, the first one drops and we have
a topic, whether it's co parenting, or it's it's addiction,
or it is disappointment, or like those are the things
we've been we've started tackling. And then on Thursday, we

have a live version of what our topic was, where
people are able to call in, send in questions and
be a part of the conversation. And so we do
we try and do a real deep dive of those
those things and take sort of the stigma out of
those conversations. And it's amazing. The last one we just
did was about addiction, and so we really got into

Randy's story. Shanna had a story also, She's come from
a place of addiction also and what brought her to
the place she's in now. And it's amazing when you
realize that people have to go through those things sometimes
to learn from them and grow and become they They
are the people that they are now because of those experiences.

And I think when people realize, like, oh, there's a putt,
there's a light at the end of the tunnel, you
just have to stick it out. You have to be
willing to look for silver linings and be open to
the people that are around you and truly listening and
learning and being kind and loving. It's amazing what can
grow out of that.

Speaker 1 (16:26):
Working with a loved one can be tricky sometimes, as
I know, But is there something with Sharida that you
that you were surprised about and doing the show that
you learned about her?

Speaker 2 (16:40):
Well? I mean getting obviously getting into like the addiction
episode is is deep because we're kind of asking questions
of each other. And I remember I had asked her
at one point because she had these glaring moments during
during her times that her low times, where where she
really felt like there was something calling to her and

pointing out like, hey, this is this is not where
I'm supposed to be ye. So I asked her, I said,
do you do you in looking back on it, do
you feel like there were other times where those things
were trying to call to you also, but you weren't
really paying attention to them. And it forced her back
into that time when she was living in that period,

and she it felt like a different world for her.
She was like, oh, this is that Like that person
then is not the person that is sitting on the
couch now. So I think that discovery for her was
a great then discovery for me. But we we came
into it and we've our relationship has grown and done

so well because we feel like we've been on the
same path from the point that we met to now.
And that's an important thing to feel like. I you know,
our moral code matches. We can have differences of opinion
in things, but we still have a moral code where
we know how to handle those situations and not judge

each other for the differences, but respect each other and
love each other.

Speaker 1 (18:14):
Yes, have you always been like this or is this
something that you just learned throughout the years.

Speaker 2 (18:20):
I'm fifty. It took me fifty years, and it took
a lot of like stumbling, and a lot of disappointments,
and a lot of things not happening the way I
thought I wanted them to happen. Thank God, Like, looking
back on things in life, it's like, Man, thank you

for things not turning out the way I wanted them to,
because the way I wanted them to would have put
me on a path that was absolutely the wrong way.

Speaker 3 (18:49):
Song Sometimes you thank God for unentered prayers?

Speaker 4 (18:52):
Yes, I mean I think you go through that a
lot there's so many times things work out, work things
that disappointing, and it's like and I'm like.

Speaker 2 (19:01):
It's disappointing in the moment, and you're going why, Like
what good is going to be? We're like, thank god
you didn't do that doing this right now? Thank god
that happens. Like you know, you're in those moments and
you think like why, like why is this? What good
is going to come out of this? And then six
months down the line, a year down the line, you

look back on it and you go, I thank god
that happens.

Speaker 4 (19:27):
You go through this all the time, even just with
this and Sync, just them doing these couple of things I.

Speaker 1 (19:31):
Just didn't think people would care with if we didn't
have anything, people.

Speaker 4 (19:35):
Are gonna freak out no matter what, like as a
like a fan and everything.

Speaker 2 (19:40):
You're giving them your life now. So you had one
perspective when in Sync was first starting a long time ago.
So now you are who you are now. So it's
it's interesting for people to see the the growth and
who you all become individually, and and the fact that

you are like as uh as open and honest and
and kind as you are, that is that's an amazing
thing for fans to see.

Speaker 3 (20:09):
Days well, because you.

Speaker 1 (20:14):
You know, in the group I was. I keep looking
at myself in interviews. I'm like, oh my gosh, that
was just not me. You know, there were parts of
me in there, but but it really was such a
different person.

Speaker 4 (20:24):
You're in the closet, You're hiding half of your personality
and everything.

Speaker 2 (20:28):
I mean, you had to you in the closet back then,
were you aware of.

Speaker 1 (20:32):
Oh no, I I at five years old on you,
I was gay. So like, you know, I've dealt with
like preschool for yeah, media, like and most of my
friends say the same thing, like, yeah, my first memory
is being gay, So you know, it's it's it's weird
that people still can't accept that you're just born that way.

Speaker 3 (20:51):
Because I'm like, what happened to me is all that?

Speaker 1 (20:54):
Like okay, I just like guys now, like yeah, so ridiculous.
All right, let's take it back, because these fans love

when we talk about our beginnings.

Speaker 3 (21:18):
Now, you were born in Van Nuys.

Speaker 2 (21:19):
I was born in Vana. I grew up I was
raised though in North Hollywood. My parents are still at
the same house. Oh Valley Village, Oh Value Village.

Speaker 3 (21:29):
Yeah, the village has gotten crazy now.

Speaker 2 (21:32):
Crazy, so many people live in value. My parents bought
their house for thirty five thousand dollars nineteen seventy two,
and it's just a praise for like one point four
that's crazy. Can you imagine buying a house for thirty
five thousand dollars? And my dad was like at that point,
I was like, oh, man, thirty five thousand, it was
a lot more money.

Speaker 1 (21:53):
Yeah now but Ford houses now, it's just like the
wealth distribution is so stupid in California.

Speaker 3 (22:00):
Yeah, what was the family dynamic?

Speaker 2 (22:01):
Like family dynamic was great my dad. My dad's a drummer,
so I grew up in music. He was touring with
Glenn Campbell and I was born and raised. He played
on like Ryanstone Cowboy and said the Southern Nights Tour
and all that stuff. And then he stopped touring as
I was getting older, because you're away so much when
you're touring, and I would see him and he would

it would take him a few days for that readjustment
of me realizing like, oh that's dad. Yeah, he hated that,
so he then crossed over into doing more studio stuff.
He played that like Sinatra and that's going to be tough.

Speaker 1 (22:37):
And we discussed this too because hypothetically, if we do
go on another tour, right, what is that going to
look like with my two year old kids?

Speaker 2 (22:45):
Your kids are old enough though, at this point where
they have that strong connection with you. I mean we're
talking about like I was an infant at the point
when so he would come home and he'd be excited
to see me, but I was totally turn around and
grab onto my one mom like ak and.

Speaker 3 (23:04):
So, so it was music your first love, because.

Speaker 2 (23:08):
Yeah, I went to school just for music. And then
I stumbled upon acting, because.

Speaker 3 (23:13):
How did you get into acting?

Speaker 2 (23:14):
I was going to a music academy on the thirty
second Street, uh that it was called thirty second Street
Cool School and it was on the USC campus. So
one of the kids that I rode the bus with, uh,
he was acting, and I thought it was so cool
because he always had like all these cool toys and
stuff on the bus. And I was like, you know,
are your parents rich? Like how did this happen? He

was like, oh, no, I do commercials. And I didn't understand.
To me, TV was like this magical box and people
that were in it were different from you, and I
you know, like, oh, you couldn't a normal person couldn't
be in that box. I ended up doing a few
student films with directors that that were going to USC studying,

and I kind of stumbled into it, and then it
just became so prominent in my life and it was
such a form of income, and it was like I
had to put music and all that stuff on hold
because I just didn't have time for it.

Speaker 1 (24:13):
Well, it was a good thing because you stumbled upon.
Take us back to the moment you got cast in
nine o two and zero.

Speaker 2 (24:24):
So the moment I got cast, it wasn't a big
moment I at that point in my life. In the
life of an actor, pilot season and doing a pilot
was part of what you did. You worked all year,
you tried to do commercials, and you tried to do
guest things, you know, guest appearances on different shows. And

then it was pilot season around like February, and everybody
would go and you book a pilot and you would
shoot a pilot and then it was like, okay, back
to the grind. And then all of a sudden you
get like, oh, okay, I've got nine more episodes to
do this thing. Oh that's cool. So nine two when
I was a pilot and it was one of I
had already done like thirteen At that point, I had

been acting. I started. I was in SAG when I
was nine years alf.

Speaker 3 (25:11):
What was your first gig? What was your first I did?

Speaker 2 (25:13):
It was a bank commercial that never aired, But I
remember I had been auditioning for things for like a
year and I hadn't booked anything, and I didn't get it.
I was like, I don't understand how this works. And
then I booked my first commercial and that light bulb
moment happened in my head where I was like, oh,
I get what casting directors are looking for and how

it works. And from that moment on, I was booking
everything that I went. I did probably close to seventy commercials. Wow.
I ended up doing knots Landing this nighttime soap. I
did that for four and a half years, and I
was young. I was like ten and a half at
that point when I when I started doing that.

Speaker 1 (25:57):
I couldn't imagine being that young in this business because
it's old business and you have to grow up quickly,
and I can imagine, especially you starting so young and
being on such a cultist show that you know, everyone
treats you like adults.

Speaker 2 (26:10):
It was really It was really cool though for me,
like I with Not with Nott's Landing, I was I
was the only kid on a show with adults. It
was a nighttime soap, so every once in a while,
like every other episode, they would just prance my character
through the back because I was the son of one
of the leads on the show with show Bill Devane

was on, Ted Shackleford, Michelle Williams, Nicole Sheridan was on
who then went on to do Desk's House or n
So it was so cool to be there because I
would kind of sneak on set and watch how I was.

I would watch how they did it, and I was
kind of expected to be act as an adult, like
be professional. When I was education, I was a kid,
so I was doing set school and all the stuff
was so interesting. But I learned so much as a
kid doing it, and then I thank god I always
had a really strong moral compass from my parents. They

always just beat into my head and ingrain this concept
of you know, being professional and being kind to people
that were around, and their their focus was much more
on being liked, which it was. It had its benefits,
but then it also gets in your head a little bit,

and I had to get that out of my system
a little bit, because you create this false sense of
like I will do whatever it takes, it'll be like
and then I put my emotions and my feelings aside
to make sure everybody else is good. So I had
to work past that a little bit. Yes, but they
did an amaze It's they didn't amazing.

Speaker 1 (28:05):
Like being a teenager in Hollywood and you know, having
fame in an era where there was no cell phones
or pictures being taken, only like twelve.

Speaker 2 (28:14):
Of us and what actors like Leo DiCaprio and like
how we all knew each other.

Speaker 1 (28:19):
I saw the solo solet Moon Fry documentary and it
kind of like really showed what it felt like.

Speaker 2 (28:25):
Yeah, it was this small little world and everybody knew.
You saw like Seth Green in there, and you saw
Leo in there, you saw like Stephen Dorf, and you
saw like the group of and it was this small
but it was amazing because there was no real competition
among us because we were all so different. It was like, oh, okay,

they cast Seth Green, Oh you're looking for a little
redhead kid. Okay, that's perfect. He's faan, you know, he's
fat and good for him. Like there was we would
all see each other at auditions and be like, hey,
how have you been?

Speaker 3 (28:58):
What's going on? Is that?

Speaker 2 (29:00):
It was amazing? It was amazing.

Speaker 3 (29:02):
Do you keep up with a bunch of those?

Speaker 2 (29:03):
I keep up with a lot of them. Nice, Yeah,
it's there's a there's a cool connection in having those.
We used to do these like teen magazine trips, Like
Team Beat used to do these weekend trips where it
was they would rent a bus and we would all
get on the bus and we'd fill out the forms
of like favorite color, favorite things, and they would print

that in the magazine and then it was like this
trip we would all go to marine Land and so
it was like you know, your favorite star is going
to Marineland. We would all it would just be this
like complete from page one to page whatever. It was
the original influencer. It was like, you know, it was
this like this sort of episode almost of like hey,

the trip and the fun thing and that's what the
issue was about. It was it was really cool. I
told you I talked about it.

Speaker 1 (29:52):
You know, it's good when I haven't even gotten to
the first, not even gotten past the first.

Speaker 3 (30:02):
Yeah, but I want to make sure that.

Speaker 1 (30:03):
We get what you want out in this episode, So
whatever you want to know.

Speaker 2 (30:08):
It's honestly, I'm here for for what you guys are doing.

Speaker 3 (30:11):
So oh ok yeah yeah yah, yeah, sure is this thing? Okay?
So you're gonna be on Special Forces? Yes?

Speaker 4 (30:16):

Speaker 3 (30:17):
Which one?

Speaker 1 (30:18):
You did dance on the Stars obviously, which to me
was probably the hardest thing I've ever done in my
entire life.

Speaker 2 (30:24):
It was yeah, because you were season seven, so I
had done a hard like I had literally done a
hard pass on that show. Yeah, fifteen seasons and counting.
They were coming to me every year and it was like, I,
why are you guys even coming to me? Like, it's
no the same you know, every single.

Speaker 3 (30:40):
Show we did it.

Speaker 1 (30:40):
I was like, oh wait, this kind of looks fun. Yeah,
but I was like, there's I shall do that.

Speaker 2 (30:44):
I sharn and I ended up meeting. We had started dating.
It was the pandemic, so there wasn't much going on,
and so then they approached again and they were like, hey,
we know you've been a hard pass, but here's it'd
be interesting you and Sharna would obviously be paired together.
And I had done these trips with her where she

had done professional sort of dancing things, like we were
in uh, we were in Universal Orlando and Disney Orlando
because she was doing this big dance convention and there
were all these little girls that just what we're like,
you know, giddy when she would walk in a room
because she is she's one of the best in the world.
What it is she does, you know.

Speaker 4 (31:25):
When people don't realize that, like with all of these
I'm Dancing with the stars, all the pros are like
in their world show.

Speaker 3 (31:33):
Absolutely yeah, the best.

Speaker 2 (31:35):
So so I was fascinated by it, and I didn't
understand the world. I didn't understand how much work really
went into it for her to be at the point
where she was. So then you do this show and
it's like you're you're learning technique and all these like
I grew up dancing. Yeah, just kind of like, oh,
if you feel it, dancing like that was my more

like life. You find a circle, you do whatever, whatever
dance moves you've learned, and you know, I was Roger
rabbiting and everything. Yeah, it took me a little while
to get down Roger Rabbit. So, yeah, you're jumping in
and it's a seven day you know, it's a seven

day a week.

Speaker 3 (32:18):
Oh yeah, you have my relationship ended like that. Yeah.

Speaker 1 (32:23):
Yeah, I mean it's just I lost twenty pounds very quickly.

Speaker 2 (32:27):
I remember when they first pitched it to me, they
were like, oh, you know, it's in the beginning, it'll
be like two hours a day. It's really simple. And
then it's like once you're in it, you're like, oh my,
I want to do this for like seven hours a day,
and I want to do this seven days a week
because it's live on Monday and I don't want to
look like an idiot dummy. Yeah, and then.

Speaker 1 (32:45):
Weird because you're getting around the floor times, you're learning
two to three dances in a week, and then it
never goes perfectly until you go live for some reason,
like rehearsals everything like it didn't go well.

Speaker 2 (32:55):
For you though you had the mentality of you've been
learning chuodolic because of what you did, and so it
was like it was a little more natural I would
assume for you to fall. Once you learn the technique
of it, then it's like, oh, I'm good with choreography.

Speaker 1 (33:10):
Because again, we were hip hop dancers, so everything's you know,
low and down, and then everything in ballroom was us.

Speaker 3 (33:17):
Like personally, the frame, it was just it hurt. But yeah,
thank god.

Speaker 1 (33:21):
I mean even I started in show choir and then
and sink and it was all choreography. So it just
really taught me how to just it.

Speaker 2 (33:27):
Almost hard for me too, was being because the man
is supposed to lead in those dances. So she had
to teach me choreography to the point where I was
good enough at it that I could lead her even
though she was the one dragging me around the floor.
She had to make it look like I was the

one that was dragging her around.

Speaker 4 (33:50):
I always thought that on the show it must be
it's kind of harder men because you have to lead
and take and most of the men who go on
the show are not dancers, monsters.

Speaker 2 (34:02):
They you know, they'll just spin you around and do
it and they're they're.

Speaker 1 (34:06):
How scary is it for the lady, because yeah, you're
with you know, a new dancer, and you have to
trust that they're not going to drop you on your head.

Speaker 3 (34:13):
Yeah, it's dangerous.

Speaker 2 (34:16):
Yeah. We were like we were working on dips and
things and she was like, oh, no, you do it
this way, and she but she's putting all of her
trust you doing stuff, and I was like, I wouldn't
trust me now if I were you. So what was harder?

Speaker 4 (34:28):
Dancing with the Stars or Special Forces?

Speaker 2 (34:31):
Totally different, totally different special forces looks. It's intense because
it is so much more immersive than you think. Like
going into it, I thought like, Okay, there's gonna be
challenges and things we do, so I can prepare for that,
and then mentally, I can prepare for just being yelled
at all the time, and so I'll be good. I

can get through that. But then once you're there. We
shot in New Zealand. It was dead of winter for them.
There's snow on the ground, it's freezing cold. We were
we had barracks that were just these like plain wooden walls.
We had like, uh, we had a we had a
stove basically in two rooms. We had a drying room

in that room. Drying room meaning we were in water
in the cold, like they had to cut squares out
of the ice in frozen lakes for us to do things.
So it was it was really intense. So you don't
you don't think about the concept of like, Okay, the
challenge sucks, but then afterwards you're jumping in ice water

fully clothed. You then have a dry pack in your backpack.
You have to go into a room and change into
dry clothes and keep yourself from So it's that it's grueling.

Speaker 1 (35:48):
You're so immersed in it, and it's it's real like
you were going through this training. That's something I don't
think I want to experience.

Speaker 2 (35:55):
Absolutely not.

Speaker 3 (35:55):
I mean maybe when I was younger.

Speaker 2 (35:57):
There's something cool about it, though I believe it. So
there is something that like in experience like that unless
you and you've been doing there's no other way in life.

Speaker 1 (36:09):
And I think everyone should feel that at some point
in their lives. Like I love that Israel forces you
to have to go through military training because I think
everyone needs to know what that is so that we
can all kind of see.

Speaker 3 (36:20):
I mean, because you know, the military is a big
part of this world.

Speaker 4 (36:23):
I think just keeping it could never lands won't go
it's below ninety degrees, exaggerating a war.

Speaker 2 (36:30):
I remember Sharna was like, oh, you should like do
cold showers and stuff leading up to because you're gonna
have to do water things there and I was like,
I can't. I can't turn the shower on cold and
there's no I was like, you know what, I would
rather just suck it up, jump in when I have
to do the like, and then be done with it.
Then like prep can't prep for it. You're going to

be cold every time, And she's like, oh, you should
do ice bads. I was like, nope, I'm good all
I'm just gonna like with it as it comes.

Speaker 3 (36:58):
Again. In my twenties, sure have loved us what that
experience was.

Speaker 1 (37:01):
But now I just know if I did this show
the first day, I would tear a sholder or something.
I mean, I would see you like my body would
not be able to handle that anymore.

Speaker 2 (37:10):
It's well, and it becomes it's so grueling that you
get so sore in living that way that that becomes
the thing of like can I do these next challenges?
Not can I do them? But can I do them
without hurting myself? Because I hurt so bad just in
moving and living. And then you start realizing like, oh,
this is a young person's thing because my body does

not recover, and to continue doing this.

Speaker 1 (37:39):
Tis a sad feeling to realize your bodies like your
season right, Yeah, oh god, I'll bet he's going to.

Speaker 3 (37:48):
Go through it.

Speaker 2 (37:49):
He uh, he's a he's a he's a young guy,
but he's a really good person. He just it's you know,
it's hard to navigate life when you're under the microscope
these conversations where it was like, dude, I like you

now have access to Instagram and lives and all of that, Like,
be willing to put yourself out there a little bit,
be human because people are. People are accepting of people
being human and making mistakes. If you human human, make
those mistakes and you acknowledge the mistakes that you made

instead of playing the like you know, well, what did
you expect?

Speaker 4 (38:33):
People don't They don't respond to that authentic So you're human.

Speaker 2 (38:37):
Like you met there and you you like, genuinely apologize
for things and mistakes that you've made and anybody that
you hurt within making those mistakes. People are open to
that because everybody does that. That's we're human. We're human beings.

Speaker 4 (38:53):
And like and we're also ad d Like the next
scandal that comes out, people are gonna forget.

Speaker 2 (38:57):
You might as well make good on that rather than
be on the it's only going to be news for
like two days if you just come out and apology,
and then all of a sudden they're reporting on the
next scandal to pass.

Speaker 3 (39:11):
As I always say, these too, shll pass.

Speaker 2 (39:13):

Speaker 1 (39:14):
What what's next? What can we expect besides Oldish?

Speaker 2 (39:17):
Honestly the broadcast right now? Yeah, especially the show. And
then I I sort of am in a place in
my life where I I don't really plan much ahead.
I'm just sort of in it day to day, and
it's and I'm at a point to where I'm trying
to say yes to as many things as I can

actually do, just for the experience of them, because you
never know. It's even in these things that you do
that are crazy that you say yes to, you come
out of them, you go, I'm so.

Speaker 1 (39:47):
Glad that I and do it while you're young, because
it's like special forces.

Speaker 2 (39:52):
For me, I've only got about five years.

Speaker 1 (39:57):
I feel like our generation definitely U maybe we took
better care of ourselves, but I do feel like we.

Speaker 3 (40:04):
Or just we move better.

Speaker 2 (40:05):
We got we got lucky because our generation forward has
been open to so many more things, and medicine has
progressed in such an incredible way. Mental health has progressed
in such an incredible way. I wish that on everyone.
It's like, you know, when you've got when we're talking

about the the medical system and health care for for all,
it's like, that includes mental health.

Speaker 3 (40:35):
Bran, It's so great to have you on the show.

Speaker 2 (40:37):
So good to finally met.

Speaker 3 (40:39):
It's weird because.

Speaker 1 (40:42):
Like for so to for your birthday, it was one
of those things like wait, I've met.

Speaker 2 (40:52):
I told sharn that, and Sharna, she's so amazing. She
was like, I honestly I saw a Lance there too,
and she pointed you out, and she was like, I
think Lances and the corner. I pointed you guys. I
was like, that's brand. So what's funny though, what's funny
is Sharna's first thought was like, they have no idea
who I am, so there's no reason to go over

and say hello. But it's that it's that weird thing,
like I people think that celebrities all know each other
is and they expect it. I see people all the
time where I'm like, just it was cool seeing them, Yeah,
seeing me, He's like, I'm like, I'm like, it's so

it's amazing. It's so crazy that we do that. But Yeah, Rosewood. God,
that was an amazing hotel to be and now we
know each other.

Speaker 3 (41:44):
And so now we went together double days.

Speaker 2 (41:47):
Probably. It was like, that's my favorite hotel.

Speaker 1 (41:50):
It's amazing thinking we were going to go hiking and
seeing Santa Barbara and all this type of stuff.

Speaker 3 (41:54):
We didn't leave the hotel.

Speaker 2 (41:55):
It's so amazing. It's so odd. We were talking about
the train that was yeah, like who was it that
walked on that property and they were like, yes, this
is the one. We're going to decorate the train tracks
and somebody that works it. It's gonna be like freight
trains running through carrying fuel and cattle.

Speaker 1 (42:16):
And only Caruso could build a place that is probably
the most expensive place in Santa Barbara with.

Speaker 3 (42:23):
A train going right through it.

Speaker 2 (42:25):
So expensive. Yeah, we were in a room and it
was like, I don't think I've ever spent this much
money on a room. Those rooms were. Yeah, it was insane.

Speaker 1 (42:35):
Yeah, all right, guys, thank you so much for being
here to have because I know I could talk another tool.

Speaker 2 (42:42):
Absolutely, I would love to. Next time we'll get to
the questions.

Speaker 3 (42:45):
Yeah, next I didn't even get to question number.

Speaker 2 (42:47):
Someone talking about we actually do.

Speaker 1 (42:49):
Want to through a few because we do have questions.
So one two did you enjoy nineties con?

Speaker 2 (42:55):
Absolutely? It was super fun. It was like summer camp
honestly for us.

Speaker 3 (42:59):
Uh, you still dance with Sharna?

Speaker 2 (43:01):
I don't. I my body here. I'm fifty. I can't.
I can't really dance the way I used to when
I was younger. But we we are. We're working on
something right now that we want to shoot, just to
put out on social media. It's just kind of a nice.

Speaker 1 (43:20):
Dance movement, keep moving. It might be nice crazy dance
movement to keep moving. Who is your favorite nineties artist
or band? From What Is It Media? Melanie TLC was
one of them.

Speaker 2 (43:32):
Yeah, I know Chileian and really well, and so it's it's.

Speaker 3 (43:38):
I love the Chili and Matthew relationship.

Speaker 4 (43:41):

Speaker 3 (43:42):
Yes, I think that's a good man. I don't know them.

Speaker 2 (43:44):
Yeah, it's cool. It's a cool like.

Speaker 1 (43:47):
It looks like it works so well. I love it.
Just a good couple. And then the last one here
from G for You eighty one. Did you keep anything
from David Silver's wardrobe?

Speaker 2 (43:58):
No? And I kept I ken't describe book of What
to Never Wear Again.

Speaker 3 (44:04):
Yeah, that was.

Speaker 1 (44:04):
Basically well, thanks again for being here. Guys, thank you
so much for listening. Be good to each other, don't
drink and drive, take care of those animals, and until
next time, say Frosted Hey, thanks for listening. Follow us
on Instagram at Frosted Tips with Lance and Michael Turchinard

and at Lance Bass for all your pop culture needs

Speaker 4 (44:30):
And make sure to write his review and leave us
five stars six if you can see you next time.
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