All Episodes

November 13, 2023 74 mins

"Here's the story of a lovely lady" named Christine Taylor! 

It's a Zoolander reunion for Christine and Lance! But she reveals that it's another cult classic film that people always bring up, "The Brady Bunch!" She talks about still getting mistaken for Marcia Brady even though the movie came out over 25 years ago, becoming a meme, how she met hubby Ben Stiller, and how she feels about her kids wanting to follow in their footsteps! 

Plus, Christine shares the story of her very first TV gig, the three words her father said that kept her on her acting journey, and Lance opens up about the time he tried to buy the Brady Bunch house and how that all fell apart. 

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:04):
This is Frosted Tips with Lance Bass and iHeartRadio podcast. Hello,
my little Peanuts, it's me your host, Lance Bass. This
is Frosted Tips with me Lance Bass and my wonderful, beautiful,
handsome co host Turkey Turchin. I'm also married time, so

step back.

Speaker 2 (00:26):
Well, way to expose all of our personal business.

Speaker 1 (00:29):
Now I reveal too much on this show. All right, Well,
happy holidays everyone. Halloween is officially done and we are
now creeping up on Funksgiving. For me, it's about your friends.

Speaker 3 (00:44):
You know.

Speaker 1 (00:44):
Christmas is like the family to me, and Thanksgivings like
the friends is what has become because I call it
friends Giving now and it's the day, yeah, and it's
the day that you really, you know, really care about
your friends. Your straight friend you're straight friends. They can't
go home for holidays with their families. Friendsgiving. Uh, We're
gonna finally have one this year, which I we have

one last year, but I took a break before that.
Now I love having a little pot luck because I
love all my friends that you can't go home for
the holidays, they come over and everyone brings a dish
that reminds them of what they grew up for. Thanksgiving,
and I think it's important to through food to experience
like the different cultures that you grew up with, Because I,

as you know, very small minded person growing up in
the South, didn't even know that you could have lasagna
for Thanksgiving. I thought that was like, what, that's stupid.
I mean, like, oh, maybe Italians might like lasagna.

Speaker 4 (01:39):
We always had like a big platter of bagels and
cream cheese and stuff during Thanksgiving.

Speaker 1 (01:44):
Jewish people like Thanksgiving how dairy are Yes?

Speaker 2 (01:48):
We are also think, oh god, that's right.

Speaker 1 (01:51):
Well if it ain't turkey and dressing, don't come. No,
it's uh. I do I like I like seeing through
their culinary uh expe, especially their family recipes. If someone
brings a family recipe, it really tells me a lot.

Speaker 5 (02:03):
About that when you try it and you're like, this
is hard, this is horrible. Why do you put olives
in this? You have a horrible for it. Olives, You're
no longer my friend. You're not invited now, friend.

Speaker 1 (02:15):
But I hope everyone has a very fun and safe
Thanksgiving today on the show. I am excited to have
my friend Christine Taylor known this one for a very
long time. One of my favorites because I watched Hey
Dude as a kid Nickelodeon was like my jam Hey Dude,
and just one of my favorite people. She and you're
gonna love her. I mean, she is such the sweetest,

the best person. And I did her show Hey Dude,
her podcast, No, not the show, when I did Hey
Dude when I was seven, So I just did he
her podcast Hey Dude the nineties called she does that
with her co host too, from the show, David. And
it's so it was great catching up with her. And
you know those people that you can go two years

without seeing or talking to, but then you just catch
right back up and it just feels like you've just
never left. That's the type of person Christine is. To her,
she's a great one. And then before we get to
her interview, because I know this is gonna go long
because I like to talk and she likes to talk,
and you know, we have we have history. We have history.

So but before that, okay, so I have to tell
you about this Audible that I just did Audible Original.
You know they do these fun stories I've done when
I did the scripted series. So this one came across
my desk and I'm like, well, this looks fun. I
won't tell you exactly what the story is because you'll
be spride. They don't come out to Next Fall. But
I just recorded it yesterday and it was so fun

because guess who I got to act with. I got
to be the will to her grace well, but she
was the mom version though.

Speaker 6 (03:54):

Speaker 1 (03:55):
It was awesome.

Speaker 2 (03:58):
That's cool.

Speaker 1 (03:58):
Yeah, so I just wanted.

Speaker 2 (04:00):
To get I have a name dropping story. This morning is.

Speaker 1 (04:02):
Star Also Lucas Cage is in a Glenn Powell top gun. Yeah. Good,
good people.

Speaker 2 (04:07):
Well I was at Starbucks this morning. What and Lily
Tomlin next.

Speaker 1 (04:14):
I love Lily so much.

Speaker 4 (04:18):
You know, unassuming just in there the but where I
get my hair cut.

Speaker 2 (04:24):
Yeah, it's not there before you took the car.

Speaker 1 (04:26):
And she's the best she you know, we've run into
a few times her and Jane Fonda, which is like
the best, like getting them together like that's seeing a unicorn, right,
and we've seen that unicorn a few times because of
charity events and all that type.

Speaker 2 (04:40):
Of Yeah, you had a good moment with them.

Speaker 1 (04:42):
Yeah, oh, I had a great moment with them and
Snoop Snoop dogg. Ye create your own story.

Speaker 2 (04:47):
Uh yeah, you can see without.

Speaker 1 (04:50):
Moments with her, But I guarantee you Lily would have
no idea who I am. I've met her so many
times that if I went up to at Starbucks, You're like,
so uh yeah, uh, but she can do no wrong.
And it's still to this day. What's the movie where
she played drink?

Speaker 2 (05:08):
Yeah, every time I put my hand, I think it's
gonna turn on and murder.

Speaker 1 (05:12):
Me every time I go.

Speaker 2 (05:13):
And you're gonna say that the second you said, uh,
it's it's a core memory for me.

Speaker 1 (05:17):
It scared me so much as a kid, and it
still scares me every time I see a garbage because
I see Lily Tompley in there shrinking and getting in
the gards.

Speaker 3 (05:25):
I know.

Speaker 2 (05:26):
I'm like, she's gonna get mutilated.

Speaker 1 (05:27):
Yeah, it just it's stuck with it.

Speaker 2 (05:29):
It's fun.

Speaker 1 (05:29):
Obviously I'm forty four and it's still still with me.
Lily Tomlin, what do you do to me? All right,
let's take a little break when we come back over
lighting Christmas candles already in here. Oh thanks, queer candle spruce.
That is nice I have if you obviously there's a podcast,
but if you look behind me all of our Christmas

boxes have come yeah, and I have a feeling they're
going to stay in boxes for another two weeks because
I just don't know when I'm gonna be able to
open them and start decorating. But the trees are up,
the trees are up off, the lights are working. But
we'll see where this goes. But when we come back,
Christine Taylor is gonna be with us exiety because he's
the best person ever. Christine Joan Taylor Stiller is an

American actress, writer, producer, director from Allentown, Pennsylvania. We love
her as Marshall Brady and The Brady Bunch Movie and
Very Brady Sequel, as well as roles in films including
The Craft, The Wedding Singer, Zoolander, and of course, her
television roles in Hey Dude, Arrested Development, and Search Party,
Love Me Some Search Party Today. Christine is the host
of the iHeart podcast Hey Dude the Nineties called which

I might have done an episode on there. I might
want to go check that one out. Christine Taylor, Welcome
to Frost and Tims.

Speaker 6 (06:54):

Speaker 3 (06:56):
What a great intro, What a great intro, and a
little plug for for for you on our show. I
love it. You got it all in there. You even
got my middle name. You know.

Speaker 1 (07:06):
We cover everything, everything, everything, and I love that we
have done U We've done where we did Zoolander and
The Wedding Singer Together.

Speaker 3 (07:16):
Wait and Tropic Thunder and.

Speaker 6 (07:20):

Speaker 1 (07:21):
All right, So you're saying that the intro was correct
because sometimes these things, you know, there's a lot of
information that's just not right.

Speaker 3 (07:27):
The Wikipedia pages. Yes, yeah, Actually I didn't catch any
glaring mistakes there. I think you got it all. You got.
You hit the highlights, Okay, perfect the last decades of
all I mean you have.

Speaker 1 (07:39):
You've been so accomplished in your career. What do you
like to tell people. It's like if someone just made
me like, hi, I'm Christine. What what would you like
people to know, like, Oh, I did this. I'm most
proud of this.

Speaker 3 (07:51):
I mean, that's so hard.

Speaker 1 (07:53):
And don't say your kids, because that's the no.

Speaker 2 (07:56):
We're talking about career.

Speaker 3 (07:57):
Oh my god, and my kids are old now too,
so I really don't. Ye're like twenty one and eighteen
and they want nothing to do with any of it.
But I I will be very honest. What I'm most
proud of and there's so many movies that I've been
in with incredible people, but the one job and the

one thing that I felt like, Okay, if I don't
get this job, and I was twenty two years old
when I auditioned for it, if I don't get this,
then I might as well just pack it in and
not do this anymore. And that was Marcia Brady. Because
I grew up watching reruns of The Brady Bunch. I
knew every episode, I knew every line. I did an

impression of her since like elementary school, I worship Maureen McCormick.
I love so I was like, I want to do
this right. I want to people said I looked.

Speaker 2 (08:50):
Like I know physically.

Speaker 4 (08:51):
I remember when I first saw that movie because I
was obviously the reruns when I was little and I
met it was a birthday party. I was like, we're
all went to see the movie, and I was like,
at first I recognized from hey, dude, because from before
that I was I was of the age, and then.

Speaker 1 (09:05):
Uh so was I and I'm older than you. I
love you did yes, I was such a Nickelodeon kid.

Speaker 4 (09:12):
But I just remember being like, wow, like she looks
exactly like Marcia Brady. It was just like, how did
they find? Like it was the most uncanny thing I've
ever seen?

Speaker 3 (09:25):
Well and almost, I would say it was so like almost,
and thankfully I did get the job. Thankfully I did
my homework what I had heard after the fact, because
they I auditioned. I think I may may have auditioned
a second time and then I got I got it
fairly easily. Went whereas the rest of the cast, the
ones who played all of my siblings, that we had
them on our podcast and they told their audition stories

where they were like seven auditions, eight auditions, nine auditions,
and they were like, you basically strutted in and got
the job, but they I didn't feel like that because
it was so high stakes for me. But I almost,
I think, to a fault because I still to this
day get mistaken for being the original Marsha Brady. That

people will say, I grew up watching your show. They
think I'm Maureen McCormack. They really.

Speaker 1 (10:15):
You just gotta go with it, though I do.

Speaker 3 (10:18):
I tried making corrections at the beginning. No no, no,
she was in I was, and I realized why why
it's an honor to think like let them think that.
I mean, I still like, I just love Maureen, so
it's like, let's be interchangeable. I'm sure she gets it
every now and again.

Speaker 1 (10:34):
Yeah, and I've met Marine a few times because she's
one of my Dance with the Stars buddies and she's
just such a lovely, lovely, lovely person, she seems.

Speaker 3 (10:44):
I follow her on Instagram. I I sort of think
I'm her friend from Afar. We met at the sequel,
the premiere of a very Brady sequel. But I just
think she's delightful. I think everything about just love her.

Speaker 1 (11:00):
I love her such a bond between someone that gets
to play the same character, I mean, you have to
be like sisters at that point.

Speaker 3 (11:07):
And honestly, I think she was a good sport about
it too, because she I think she knew. When we
shot the first movie, all of the original cast members
did cameos except for Marine.

Speaker 2 (11:18):
Oh really Yeah, and e.

Speaker 3 (11:20):
Plump, Marcia and Jan they didn't do cameos. And I
understand because I'm sure for them at that point it
was like we've moved on. And also are they making
fun of us?

Speaker 1 (11:31):

Speaker 4 (11:31):
I remember seeing interviews with Eve Blond just being like
I'm over it like I don't care anymore, Like I'm
not Jan Brady, just like leave me.

Speaker 1 (11:39):
But this movie was so great because it was supposed
to be camped and it was supposed to be just
I fund it was amazing joke, you know, an elevated
version of the Brady.

Speaker 4 (11:47):
Specifically, you and Jennifer Cox were just so good.

Speaker 2 (11:50):
I mean, did you have two fansies?

Speaker 3 (11:52):
We were the two big Brady fans, so we.

Speaker 4 (11:54):
Were killed me and everything, but the two of you
were just like so spot on perfect killed it was.

Speaker 1 (12:01):

Speaker 3 (12:02):
And how strangely we've become like memes and things like.

Speaker 2 (12:07):
Oh, I mean over the years.

Speaker 4 (12:08):
The Marcia memes like with your hair, I use it all.
Surchan is like I used that every You are literally
sure ch ann like you are part of an iconic moment.

Speaker 2 (12:19):
Yeah, I think we use that like daily daily.

Speaker 1 (12:22):
Sure, it does bring up a little bad memories because
I don't know if you know this, but I had
the Brady Bunch House in my hands for about twenty
four hours before they ripped it away from me.

Speaker 3 (12:30):
Ye wait, stop it.

Speaker 6 (12:33):
This was the.

Speaker 1 (12:33):
Recent yell, the one before the one before.

Speaker 3 (12:37):
They did the renovation.

Speaker 2 (12:39):
Yeah, right before I.

Speaker 1 (12:40):
Had this great idea, Christine that I want. I was gonna,
you know, produce the show where every season you take
an iconic film or television house that we know, the
Home Alone Movie House, the Brady Bunch House, the Golden
Girls House, and you go in and you redo it,
just like you know the TV show, and I don't know,
you show the whole making of the rebuilding of it.

And so I wanted to start that with the Brady House.
And you know, it came up for something like I've
always said, if this goes up for sale, I need
this house, like it was such a part of my childhood. Uh.
And then it was a fun little bidding war, and
then we ended up winning it. And then all of
a sudden, the next day they called. They're like, oh,
so a g TV has come in and said that
they're just gonna buy it from anyone. So it's like, sorry,
we're taking the house from you.

Speaker 2 (13:21):
After they already said you got it. It was so mean,
it's insane.

Speaker 3 (13:26):
That's very upsetting. I understand that there.

Speaker 2 (13:29):
Are a blessing.

Speaker 1 (13:32):
It would have been fun. It would have been fun,
but but the girl just bought it recently was a
little upset. She's like, wait a minute, so you're saying
that the kitchen is not even a functional kitchen because
they built it as a TV set.

Speaker 2 (13:44):
It was crazy, though, how realistic it was.

Speaker 1 (13:46):
It was.

Speaker 2 (13:47):
It was.

Speaker 1 (13:47):
It was magical going in that house.

Speaker 2 (13:49):
It was.

Speaker 1 (13:50):
It was something. Yeah, but no, I have no hard
feelings for she TV anymore.

Speaker 3 (13:56):
I still have to watch that.

Speaker 6 (13:57):
I know.

Speaker 3 (13:57):
I haven't watched that. I've been saving that for Oah.

Speaker 1 (14:02):
It was okay, you had notes, I have notes. Well, Christine,
let's not talk about Brady anymore, which I could all
day long, but let's let's start at the beginning. I
love having my teen idols on this show, and especially
our female teen idols, because we always get these boy
banders on the show. It's great, but like to have,

like Legit, one of my first teen idols to be
on the show with me is so exciting. So take
us back to the beginning before we get into your career.
Where are you from?

Speaker 3 (14:37):
I am from Allentown, Pennsylvania, grew up there very, you know,
Middle America.

Speaker 6 (14:46):

Speaker 1 (14:47):
Is that where Joe Biden's from or somewhere there. I
don't know if.

Speaker 3 (14:52):
He's from not from Alan Town, although Billy yes, he's Delaware,
I think, but I think there's some Pennsylvanias. Okay, they're
neighboring states. But he uh, I he's from Scranton. He's
from Scranton. Oh see that I should I should really

know that. That's I think I must have too. But
I still think of Scranton as the office. There's always
things that just override. But I and also Billy Joel
was the one who sort of put us on the
map for better.

Speaker 2 (15:25):
That's right.

Speaker 3 (15:28):
From the song, and it was you know, so it
was very sort of Middle America suburba growing up. But
I loved plays. I love doing the theater. I love
musical theater. And I remember in second grade at our
at our church, seeing a production of Godspell and it

was like I'm eight years old, and I was like
I have to do that, Like I wanted to meet
these teenage kids who were like superstars to me. I
went to twelve years of Catholic school and I just
got into doing you know, school plays, and that's really
how it started. And then when I was in high

school and doing some and then I did some community
theater and a local manager, talent manager who had a
daughter who had done some work in La who had
been on a TV series, and she was trying to
sort of do some you know, kid child management out
of Allentown by way of New York City. And she

saw me at a show and said, would you ever
be interested in auditioning professionally, like for commercials or And
at that point I was sixteen, So and I went
in and auditioned for a Burger commercial and got the
commercial and it was like a big national two Burgers
for a buck campaign. I could still recite it.

Speaker 1 (16:51):
We don't.

Speaker 3 (16:54):
Sure they sure that dates me. That tells you how
old I am too, but that yeah, that was like
in the late eighties. And then yeah, it was like
I was sixteen years old and in high school and
it was a big deal in Allentown, like you know
Lance when you're like from a little town. It happened.

Speaker 1 (17:13):
I just remember when they started coming down to Mississippi
to cast some things, and uh, my friend Denman Anderson
was which I went to junior high with, got cast
as one of one of the people.

Speaker 2 (17:25):
It was.

Speaker 1 (17:25):
Oh what was that? It was?

Speaker 2 (17:27):
Uh the War movie?

Speaker 1 (17:30):
Well there it was. The War was the other one
that I auditioned for. It like It was so funny
because the first movie I auditioned for it was called
The War and they came to Mississippi because they needed authentic,
you know, Southern sounding people. It was what's the the
book about on the Mississippi River? Hook Finln Hugleberry Finn.

So whatever movie that was. He was cast in that,
and I was so jealous that he got to be
in a movie, like, Oh, he's gonna go off and
be a huge star and he's gonna leave us behind.
Did he He did a few more movies? Okay, he did?
He did? Yeah? Uh so your first thing was a
burgerhing commercial. Yes, what I used to do back in

the day. I have not done this in a while,
and I think we should. Is I like to bring
my entertainment friends over, like at a party or a
game night. But you have to bring your very first
thing you ever did, and we all have to watch it.
That is so good, it could be so embarrassing. Oh
my god, we did that with with my friend Emmanuell Shrieky.

We did. My very first movie I did was with her,
and so I had, you know, my significant other and
her significant other, like you know what for funies? We're
gonna watch this. You know, I've not seen it since
the premiere, but you know, let's let's do this mortifying more.
I thought it was just funny to watch.

Speaker 2 (18:51):
It was just it was hilarious, and the sexual between
you two, it.

Speaker 3 (18:55):
Was just just off the screen. I thought, it is
such a funny idea. Though. We had that idea of
way back when, not that specifically, but when all like
in the you know, I would say like a late nineties,
early two thousands, all of our friends who had done

tons of pilots that just never saw the light of day,
and we all had like VHS copies or a DVD
copy of it, and we kept trying to get failed
pilot night put together where like everyone would put in
because some of them were so like you said, like
you think it'll be funny, and some are just what
was I thinking? And you're deb of course, we're devastated

at the time that it didn't get picked up, But
you know, those a pilot is that thing you put
your blood, sweat and tears into you think it's going
to be this big series, and most of them never
that's it. It's for you, like they would never see
the lights.

Speaker 1 (19:50):
They've done six or seven pilots, none of them. None
of them when yeah, you're showker, I'm a pilot.

Speaker 3 (19:55):
No, I can rival you. I'm a pilot killer. I
am too. I really am hate dude. Was not because
we didn't really shoot a pilot. We just sort of
they sort of knew they were going to have a series,
so I didn't kill that one. But most after that,
I think I did one other pilot that got picked up.

Speaker 1 (20:11):
The rest dead and I hear these stories all the time,
but yeah, you do start taking a little personally like, well,
am I the bad luck of all this? Because you
go through the pilot after pilot and then there's shows
that I would join and then they would in the
next season. I'm like, am I a show killer now too?
I mean literally, the last pilot I did last year
was La Law, Like the La Law with Blair and.

Speaker 2 (20:31):
The Blair under would bring it all bad.

Speaker 3 (20:34):
It's a slam.

Speaker 1 (20:34):
I'm like, well, this is you know, and they already
had the merchandise made and like like this is gonna
be a reoccurring character, this is gonna be awesome. That
didn't even.

Speaker 2 (20:42):
Get picked up.

Speaker 1 (20:42):
No, I think I should maybe just like hang up
my hat hobby, Oh my gosh. But yeah, but you
can't take it. So personally, I think you really can't.
The older you get, the more you just say, okay,
I can take this. This happens everyone has.

Speaker 2 (20:57):
The same and then you literally ask every single one
of your friend and they're like.

Speaker 1 (21:00):
Oh yeah, so let's give a frosted tip right now.
What do you tell these new actors coming into this business?
How do you warn them that things like this will
probably happen?

Speaker 3 (21:12):
Well, I think, you know, here's the thing, because I
have a twenty one year old daughter and an eighteen
year old son who both want to go into the business.
Our daughter and both our seniors right now, our daughters
graduating college drama major Juilliard right, Juilliard drama major. She
is such senioritis. She's so ready to be done. But
and then my son graduating high school and he wants

to go into a theater program somewhere too, And so anyway,
they're both just like what are you know? You? You
and dad had its like you got you guys got
so lucky you guys got And so there is there
is an element of luck. There's no question of like
I look at where I was in Allendown, Pennsylvania. I
didn't come from a show business family. I did some plays.

It was the coincidence of right yep, right time, right place.
You know, it's it's having those little mini moments. But
now I feel like this generation, because of social media,
because of YouTube, because of all there's so many platforms.
All I say to young talent and actors and my kids'

friends is create your own content, like make something, record it,
because now there's ways to get it seen. There's way
Like I was not, we didn't have that. I mean
I played like pretend in my like I remember the
TV series this predates you guys. There was a TV
series based on the movie Fame, and it was like

it was on in the eighties and they had soundtracks,
and my friends and I would after school, like fifth
sixth grade, we'd all get together go in the base
and play the songs and like just like we didn't
have video cameras to shoot it. We were just doing
it for fun and singing along. But the technology now,
I mean, anyone can be you know, their own director

or own writer, their own creators. So I always just
say write, create, don't sit around waiting. Don't sit around waiting.

Speaker 4 (23:13):
You got to always just keep creating and keep moving.
Otherwise there's a million others are you doing the exact
same thing. It's like a double edged sword now because
you have now so many people, there's so many more avenues,
but there are literally thousands.

Speaker 2 (23:26):
Of times more people now doing the same thing you're doing.

Speaker 3 (23:29):
And so many people just want to be.

Speaker 4 (23:31):
Famous, right, and that's the other You're focusing on just
the fame and not actually working on being good at something.

Speaker 2 (23:38):
And that's how you really make it. If you want
an actual career, you've got to be good at what
you do.

Speaker 1 (23:41):
And there is a difference between those and I think, uh,
you know, the real entertainers out there, especially on you know,
TikTok and all that, the ones that are really you know,
great at creating content and great actors, great musicians, they
kind of get a little poop pooed on because of
these ones that just are there to be famous. And
you know, it's like, okay, what can I do to

get attention just right?

Speaker 3 (24:04):
But have no some sort of viral moment and there's
instant success, instant overnight, and it's that you can't chase
that to me is what.

Speaker 1 (24:14):
Did you Your kids are obviously probably on social media,
were you scared about them, you know, getting like just
putting their lives on display like that. We didn't have
to do that as a kid.

Speaker 2 (24:25):
You know.

Speaker 1 (24:25):
If you wanted to learn about us, you read magazine,
you know, and half of that probably wasn't true, but
you know.

Speaker 2 (24:30):
Exactly my favorite red.

Speaker 3 (24:35):
And also it felt like it was a big moment too,
if you I remember for for you know, our little show,
and hey dude, because we were Nickelodeon, it wasn't sort
of this huge network platform. If we ended up in
one of those magazines, it was so cool for us.
We were like, oh my gosh, like we we somebody
found us, somebody saw us somewhere. We had a very

different sort of teen experience.

Speaker 1 (25:00):
And you guys Land, well you did. We talked about
this on your show, Hey dude, Yeah, you know, because
where did y'all film that? Y'all from then Arizona and Tucson, Arizona. Yes,
so you were out of Hollywood, you know, your you're
teenagers doing the show for Nickelodeon, and I was talking
to you about how you know, our experience was, you know,

when I was sixteen, I joined this band, and you know,
you had, you know, this management around you. You didn't
know if you were being taken advantage of at all.
We felt like we had, you know, guardians around us,
but we probably didn't. But you felt protected on your show.

Speaker 3 (25:37):
Strangely, and I think because it was Tucson, Arizona, and
because it was such a it was this small production company,
which strangely was from Knoxville, Tennessee. So it was like
this these southern love bugs. You were kind of taking
care of us, and and but yet very lax, like

we just happened to be fairly good kids who weren't
like pushing the envelope. We were so like David and
I like, we were all like sort of sixteen, so
we just sort of were in awe of having this
experience and kind of rule followers like we were.

Speaker 1 (26:12):
Definitely, But did y'all play spin the bottle? I'm pretty
sure I'll played spin ball at some point.

Speaker 3 (26:19):
Oh, I'm sure. I'm sure we played a few of those,
but we know we did. We did feel a little
I think protected just because of even just geographically like
where we were. We were not in the heart of
the pulse of show business, and we were not getting
you know, our picture taken by paparazzi or anything like that.

It really wasn't until like the show had been on
for a couple of years and we had moved to
la and then we saw that we had a little
bit of a fan base. Who you know now it's like,
you know, grown people who are like I watched you
growing up and like it's amazing because we just didn't
really know. Oh, at the time, were your.

Speaker 1 (27:02):
Parents super supportive? Are you wanting to become an actress?

Speaker 3 (27:06):
I mean so supportive in the most I think, like
blind faith way you could ever imagine, like new absolutely nothing.
Like this woman came along and was like, hey, do
you there's an appointment if you want to go, and
my mom, you know, my mom drove me into New
York City and like we parked the Parking Girl on
Manhattan Parking Plaza right out of the Lincoln Tunnel and

hailed cat like we had no idea what we were doing,
but it just seemed like a fun opportunity. And I
never remember having to push my parents and say like please, please, please.
It was always just like what a great opportunity I
don't think they ever expected it to snowball the way
it did. And I just feel like they, oh, and

you know, I will say, because my dad is sort
of like my mom is the more the extrovert in
the family. My dad was sort of like the quiet
teddy bear type. And I remember I had been living
in LA for a couple of years after Hey Dude,
and it was hard. It was like I would get

a job, like i'd get an episode of Saved by
the Bell, and then I would not work for months,
and then I would get a little like but not
nothing regular. I had some money in the bank from
Hey Dude, so I didn't have to wait tables at
that point yet. But it was getting sort of I
feel like I was just sort of starting to lose
steam and just like I don't know if I'm like,

I don't know if this is for me, Like I
don't this is hard, this is hard between jobs. I
have some good friends, but what am I doing? Should
I get a real job? Should I go back to college?
And I remember my dad came out to visit, and
a man of few words, and he just said, I
believe in you, and I like that's all I needed
to hear. It was like, if you want to stay,

you have our full support it give it a couple
more months, and you know, it's like those moments that
I remember. I really look back on that moment because
if my dad at that point had said, you know what,
because he's a businessman, I mean he was like a
ran his own small business in Pennsylvania, and he could
have been very easily said it's not practical. You know,
you're gonna run out of money soon, You're gonna need

to get a real job. But he didn't say any
of those things.

Speaker 1 (29:19):
Because in most cases that is what happens. You know,
it's like absolutely and you hear all these horror stories.
I mean, I see so many friends going through this,
and you know, people moving out for pilot season, which
there is not anymore. It's right, yeah, you know it's
and especially it's such at that age too, like having
to deal with such an adult problem at such a

young age. You were a kid still trying to figure
out this this profession, and then you have all the
people around you that you know, you don't know who
you can trust.

Speaker 3 (29:50):
Well, I mean I feel like you when you talked
about that on our you know, the episode you came out,
I mean the amount. I think the takeaway for us
was how hard you guys were working, Like when you
said you did not have a break, it was like
they kept going. They kept going, And you're on your
touring and you're recording music and you're doing choreography and

you're showing up here and your disappearance that like who
was looking out for you? And you guys were riding
the wave too, right, so you were you felt like
the answer would have to be yes.

Speaker 1 (30:22):
All right because you're always told out of side, out
of mind, out of.

Speaker 2 (30:26):
My right, being rob blind during the whole thing.

Speaker 1 (30:28):
Yeah, they keep you busy enough so that you don't
see them lay out pickpocketing.

Speaker 2 (30:31):
And how many times did you stay at your house
in Orlando?

Speaker 1 (30:34):
I mean I lived there. I don't know how many years,
but yeah, I mean less than twenty times. I think
I've slept in my bed you were there. Yeah, I mean,
we're just we're always on the road. But that also
was a different time. As a musician back then, you
had to you had to be on the road twenty
four to seven. You had to go to every single
radio station around the world, and it would take you

sometimes months to get through them, and then you just
the whole process over. Now kids are like, okay, I
uploaded my song. I'm going to take a two month
vacation right now, thanks guys. And now it's number one
on iTunes and two hours yay.

Speaker 2 (31:10):
And now we can dis zoom every interview.

Speaker 1 (31:11):
Yeah, and we just zoom every interview perfect.

Speaker 6 (31:14):

Speaker 1 (31:14):
I mean the kids will never understand.

Speaker 4 (31:16):
We'll never understand walking twenty miles in the snow every
day will up.

Speaker 2 (31:22):
My dad used to always say that.

Speaker 4 (31:23):
To me, and I believed it for so long, and
then finally, I'm from Miami beat.

Speaker 2 (31:26):
So I was not very light as a young kid,
and I'm finally.

Speaker 4 (31:29):
I was like, Dad, there are no hills or snow here.
You've been lying this whole time. I was maybe eight when.

Speaker 1 (31:33):
I figured out, Oh that's a little too old. Ye yeah, yeah,
that's okay. So you know those Miami Miami private schools
don't do.

Speaker 2 (31:41):
So wet now clearly not.

Speaker 1 (31:59):
Well as someone who may people laugh, who are your
comedian icons?

Speaker 2 (32:03):

Speaker 1 (32:03):
Who did you love?

Speaker 3 (32:05):
Oh my gosh, that is such a great question. I
mean I feel like I grew up loving like I
loved all John Hughes movies like I just felt like
that sense of humor and sensibility, and those all have
such heart as well too, you know. But I think
of those movies and I think of Steve Martin's and

the John Candies, and you know, Ben will correct me
and said that those were got like the Martin Schworts
and the John Camp they all came from SCTV, which
is what was Ben's comedy training, which I didn't even
know of st TV until Ben and I got together
and he started showing me, you know, the the all
these like that, those people, the Catherine O'Haras, the.

Speaker 2 (32:50):
It's so good.

Speaker 1 (32:51):
I mean, you crazy, how many It's like what came
out of Mickey Mouse Club. It's just like this.

Speaker 3 (32:55):
These unreal, unreal I look at the movies like to me,
when I saw uh, Waiting for Guffman and like Christopher
Guest and that, it's like there's that movie is comedy perfection.

Speaker 2 (33:13):
It is next level.

Speaker 4 (33:14):
It is next level and so brilliant that like this,
the tiniest things you laugh at like it's just I.

Speaker 1 (33:21):
Love things like I love when there's groups of actors
that do movies like Waiting for Gufman. That whole Guffman crew.
They've done so many movies together. I'm waiting for that
a new crew like that, yea to start me and
I yeah.

Speaker 3 (33:34):
I felt like even you know, when Ben and I met,
I was a fan of Bence, Like I had watched
the Ben Stiller Show and I knew like I knew
like like flirting with disaster. This was before Something about Mary.
He did this movie that was like a David A.
Russell movie with patricihark Head and Tayloni and Josh Brolin,

and it was like that to me was comedy genius,
like Alan Alda and Willie Tomlin were in that. So
when I met Ben and like got a glimpse into
his world and at the time, like his Ben Stiller
showcast was Ginny and Garoffalo and Bob Odenkirk and Andy Dick,
and they were like they were a version of that
for me too, where I was like, these people are

geniuses together and they're sort of like they were a
little older than me, but my generation like that. I
yet I couldn't. I was not like a sketch comedy.
I was not trained in sketch comedy. I mean, I
feel like I lucked into comedy because I had I
loved it growing up, and I had a funny family.

But then it was really just doing that Marsha Brady
impression that people suddenly felt like I was. You just
had trained in comedy.

Speaker 1 (34:44):
You have that comedic timing, which is really hard. It
is just you just have to naturally.

Speaker 2 (34:50):
You can't force it.

Speaker 3 (34:51):
Yeah, it's true.

Speaker 1 (34:53):
Well, tell my listeners how you and Ben met.

Speaker 3 (34:57):
Oh, my gosh, Ben and I met at an audition.
I went into audition for him, so, like what I
just spoke about, like being a fan of his, So
I get this call for this an audition for a
pilot Ben. That did not get me up. And let
me tell you the cast too. It was a pilot

that Ben Stiller was directing, that and that, and at
this point something about Mary had come out, like Ben
had sort of like hit stratospheric levels as an actor.
But he was directing this, and I knew he was
a director. I loved Reality Bites and Cable Guy, and
so he was directing this pilot and Jack Black was

the star of it. And Owen Wilson was going to
be the voice of Jack Black's talking motorcycle because It
was a pilot called heat Vision and Jack, and it
was about a man, Jack and his talking motorcycle. So
it's sort of like a send up of like night
Rider meets Star Trek meets It's very it was very
side fi, really ahead of its time. Like that's one

of those failed pilots that you can find because you should.

Speaker 1 (36:06):
Just bring that back out now because that I feel
like that would get picked on Netflix tomorrow. Now.

Speaker 3 (36:11):
This is this is I say, this is what this is.
This is my husband. I feel like he's he's always
ten years at his time. Yeah, with certain things, sometimes
they hit right, but literally, yes, right.

Speaker 1 (36:24):
So many shows that I've pitched like fifteen years ago
and they're now, oh there's there's my show.

Speaker 3 (36:30):
That there's that idea that I had to pick up.

Speaker 1 (36:32):
Yeah, that's hard.

Speaker 3 (36:34):
You have to just know that it all comes back,
it's all going to collide and it will all work.

Speaker 1 (36:41):
I'm just waiting for it. I'm just waiting for it now.

Speaker 3 (36:45):
So we Anyway, the point was we met. I auditioned
for him. I was really nervous and I also really
felt like this was one of my like comedically, I
was like, there's nobody funnier than Ben Stiller right now.
And he was so serious in the audition, like I
was like, oh my god, I've worked I had already
worked with Adam Sandler and the wedding singer, and you know,

like Adam's like a like he's singing, he's doing funny thing.
Ben was like total eye contact talk, looked you right
in the eye when you were talking. It was not
cracking jokes. He was like, Okay, try this and it's
really it was a comedic show. But he was so
into the directing and so and I was like, oh
my god, he's so serious and he's really like you know,

that was the real deal. And then it turned out
he didn't want to cast me because he felt like
he only saw Marsha Brady when she came out.

Speaker 1 (37:37):
When I felt like that type cast you a lot
going after that. Yes, really do I get it because
people can't look at me as the non eighteen year
old and sync guy. You know, it's like they can't get.

Speaker 3 (37:50):
Sweety Pie right exactly like that. They people still see that,
and I do. I mean I don't think now obviously,
but I do feel like right after the movie came out,
it was almost like she's just a really good Marsha
Brady impressionist. She looks too much like Marsha Brady. And
I didn't like dramatically change my luck either. I didn't
like cut my hair.

Speaker 1 (38:10):
But it was such a huge movie. When you do
something so huge and so iconic, people just get stuck
with you right there, you know, which is great to
be a part of something like that, but yeah, going forward,
you're like, Okay, now look at me like this.

Speaker 4 (38:23):
Especially when that's like your first big break or something
like so iconic, almost like like Napoleon Dynamite.

Speaker 2 (38:28):
You know, he exactly.

Speaker 4 (38:31):
It was such this iconic, nuanced, specific role that after
the fact, you couldn't really see him in anything else.

Speaker 3 (38:37):
I know, it's real and it's so true. I felt
like the initial when it first came out, it was
it was tough to kind of break through and have
people see me for something else, and you know, And
what was funny was at the time, like Ben didn't
want to cast me, and then the studio did want
to cast me, so they ended up kind of forcing

me on him, and so then he was yes, and
then we did a lot like it was funny. We
laughed a lot and said, and he told me the
whole story. I don't think I even knew the story
that I didn't get hired at first, and then he
told me. I was like, oh my god, that's even worse.

Speaker 1 (39:19):
Oh my gosh. Also, the first movie I was talking
about with Manuel Shrieky, one of my co stars was
Jerry Stiller. I was going to say that, yes, I mean,
he was such a lovely, lovely man. We had so
much fun on set together. His wife was so incredibly
because she was she was a yeah, I mean she
scared me, she really did. I remember the first day

that we were filming, she comes up, she's like, lance
this stuff for my husband.

Speaker 3 (39:46):
Yes, I didn't know if you meant like the who
played No. Oh, yes, that sounds like an as soon
as you said it.

Speaker 1 (39:56):
She's always like joking like that, but so like, oh
my god, this moment is really going to kill me.

Speaker 2 (40:01):
She was so great too, and everything she was she
was amazing.

Speaker 3 (40:05):
Well that was the thing. That was her sort of
way of disarming. That was her lead in. And then
she became mush because she's like this, you know, she
was like, but that is that. I could hear her
voice say l.

Speaker 2 (40:24):
I will kill you. It was great. It was great.

Speaker 1 (40:28):
I'm like, I love you, you are the best. But yeah,
one of my favorite scenes in the movie was with Jerry.
It was, you know, finally the moment that you know,
the heartfelt moment it was. It was with him, and
I don't know, I just I just loved it. We
had a great time together. And it must be I mean, look,
I mean, and you're in a family full of these legends.
I mean you and Ben and Jerry and Ann, I mean,

are your were your holidays just always laughing. I feel
like it would just be like the funniest thing ever.

Speaker 3 (40:55):
Yes, And because I think Ben's parents were so different
than my parents. I mean, they're Upper West Side liberal,
like I grew up in very conservative Bens.

Speaker 1 (41:07):
I feel like our parents are the same parents. Like
everything you said about your family.

Speaker 2 (41:11):
And the same with mine.

Speaker 4 (41:12):
Yeah, and then his family, I'm from Miami beats very
liberal Jewish family and the Mississippi Southern Baptists not that right.

Speaker 3 (41:21):
And yet something magical about that was I think the
magic of Anne and Jerry also was that they didn't
see any of that. Like when when Ben and I
met and we did the whole family gathering, and we
did it in Pennsylvania, and I remember Anne and Jerry
show up at my parents' house in Allentown. You know,
my parents hosted this thing in Allentown for family and

we had just gotten engaged and the door bell rings
and Anne and Jerry showed, you know, the driver had
brought them in from the city. And Jerry immediately was like,
is trexler Town near here? Because I bought stock in
a mall in Trexlertown. I was like, Jerry, that's literally
like walking distance from so he was immediately like, I
want to go see the trexlertem in and we went

in a little dry. I was like, I don't know
if it was the greatest investment. It's not doing it's
not really. But they were just such love they they
just embraced my family in such a way like and
Yes Holidays, Thanksgiving tables. Some of the stories.

Speaker 1 (42:25):
That when they first dropped the F bomb in front
of your family, well.

Speaker 3 (42:30):
It was so funny because you know, my Catholic mother
and she fell in love with thatn though that's what
I love is it sort of brought out like they
just bonded immediately. But the funniest was when they became
like Grandma Annie and Grandpa Jerry for the kids. And
that was where we finally had say, like, Ann, you
gotta dial it back, dial it back. They were like

two and five, and we don't want that to be
the their lead word when they walk into preschool and kindergarten,
but they you know, it was great. We moved from
LA to New York when the kids were eight and five,
and Anne and Jerry like so they got to still
have some really great quality time. Like if we had

stayed in LA, they would have missed a lot of
the best times with their grandparents, and so they have
great memories. They have so many. We're really lucky.

Speaker 1 (43:25):
You're happier more on the East Coast, don't you.

Speaker 3 (43:28):
I love it. I love the changing of the seasons. However,
LA is still my home away from home. Like I
haven't been there in a year. This is like the
longest I have gone without a trip back, and it's just,
you know, it was just obviously like the life stuff
and kids and my full time job right now is

getting these kids out of their respective schools in one piece.
Because as I said, so, we haven't traveled there in
a while, but when I go, it's like all the
old haunts that are still around. I just have memories
of you know.

Speaker 1 (44:05):
Like core son well at our age, you know, growing
up here, you know as teenagers. It is the core
memories that you create here, and it will always feel
like home. I've been in and out of here for
twenty years, and I you know, I call La home.

Speaker 3 (44:19):
Yes, you know, it will always be that to me,
and my my dearest friends are still there, and I
so it's it's we live here, but I still I
still kid.

Speaker 1 (44:31):
Yes, Okay, So now that the kids are going to
be out of school, what are you wanting to do
now that you don't have the responsibility of a high
schooler anymore? Right?

Speaker 3 (44:42):
Right? Oh my god. I first of all, I hear
people talk about like I hear people say the word
boredom or lonely, Like I don't even know what those
yeah are. I was like, give me boredom and loneliness
for like a day, all just being a solitude. Like
when I got COVID last summer, not was it lot

not this past summer, the summer before we had taken
a trip. We got it. We tested like I wasn't
feeling great, and I got COVID and got you know,
isolated into like another section of the house. Greatest five
days of all great single, greatest five days of my life.
I didn't have to make a meal, I didn't have
to do laundry. I got to watch I just watched

Game of Thrones. I loved it. I loved it. That's
exactly I think I need to do this every year.

Speaker 1 (45:31):
That's when I've gotten COVID twenty times.

Speaker 3 (45:37):
I was going to say, especially where you guys are
so in it right now, you are so in it.

Speaker 1 (45:42):
Yes, two year olds are I couldn't imagine. I mean,
they were born, you know, during COVID, but it wasn't
the craziness of like the first couple of years, right,
I could not imagine having well what there was one
time you got COVID and I had to have the
kids for by myself for lace.

Speaker 2 (45:59):
There were still very young.

Speaker 1 (46:00):
They weren't moving, yeah, at least they weren't going to
roll off the couch.

Speaker 3 (46:04):
At that point, right, But yeah, it's when they start
to move, that's when things get crazy.

Speaker 1 (46:11):
And I still don't think you really had COVID, But
you know what, that's that's good.

Speaker 2 (46:14):
That's right, I think growing up.

Speaker 3 (46:20):
God. Yes, in an answer to your question, I would
like to the just the thought of being able to
sort of on a whim, do something fun with a
girlfriend or Ben and I getting to go away and
do something without having to worry about the kids' schedules.
That sounds amazing. But you know, a lot of the jobs,

like a lot of the things I haven't even put
in the mix of a possibility for me now that
especially now that I'm living in New York. Like I
would love to do a play. I would like an
off Broadway play, like because that's a different that's a
night schedule that you can't do when you've got kids
at home, And I would love to do something like that.
So I feel like it there's like a next like

a next chapter that I am.

Speaker 1 (47:03):
Would you ever join a musical because I know you
did musical theater as.

Speaker 3 (47:08):
I just the voice, the voice Land.

Speaker 1 (47:11):
Look, there's there's plenty of people that don't like back
then radial voice. It's just you know, it's about how
you use the voice.

Speaker 3 (47:19):
True, it would it would be very daunting. It would
be the thing that I would immediately want to say
no to because I just pure fear. But but know
how much I would love it so and you can
work with like it's there, I can carry a tune.
It's not not been.

Speaker 4 (47:37):
I mean, look at multiple real housewives that have been
on Broadway at the Troy exactly, and let me tell you, yeah,
and look at people like I love like Josh gad
to Me is one of my favorites because he does.

Speaker 1 (47:48):
Such great plays but also musicals. Doesn't have the best
voice world, but he he uses it in a way
that just works perfectly for broad and even Olf and
all that.

Speaker 3 (47:58):
No, no, you won't. Yeah, you need you definitely need
to act. You need to be able to act it too,
before you can just have the voice. So I I
never say never, never say never. But and I'm really
trying to just say yes to more things, like I'm
at that stage in my life too.

Speaker 1 (48:11):
Well, let's not say yes to the same pilot.

Speaker 3 (48:14):
Let's you and I will not ever say maybe a
double negative might turn positive, so you actually have to
do it. Two pilot killers cross each other out and
make a pilot.

Speaker 2 (48:29):
I think it's just birth a pilot.

Speaker 1 (48:31):
It's basic math.

Speaker 2 (48:32):
Really, it is gay and women math.

Speaker 1 (48:35):
It's gay math.

Speaker 2 (48:36):
Yeah. Success.

Speaker 1 (48:40):
Speaking of music, what did you what did you grow
up with? Who did you love musically? And do you
remember your first concert?

Speaker 3 (48:48):
Okay, this is this is where I really get nerdy
and it goes right back into musical theater. It was
all show tunes, all show tuns. Then it was Michael Jackson.
That was my first concert, The Jackson five, that was
my first concert one. It was although going way back,
I think my real first concert was Donnie and Marie

when I was like eight at the Allentown Fairgrounds.

Speaker 1 (49:14):
Did you ever get to tell the Jackson five?

Speaker 3 (49:17):
I did not get to. I don't know them.

Speaker 1 (49:21):
I feel like run into each other because they had
that Donnie Marie show for a while.

Speaker 3 (49:25):
Yes, yes, no Donny Marie. I was like, as a
little I love Donnie Marie, but no, my music taste
was so like it was so bad. I think because
Billy Joel put Alan Town on the like I love
Billy Joel. You can't not love Elton john like some

Barb streisand Barry Manilo Like this is this is the
world I was living in. There was no rock. Really,
this was very just to the point where when I
and this is like, I don't think I've ever publicly
said this, But I was dating a a musician in
la in like the early nineties, and he was struggling musician,

great songwriter, like he would play different clubs and stuff,
and this is really bad. I cannot believe he didn't
break up with me. And this is like nineteen ninety one.
And in the conversation it was somebody said something about
Eddie Vedder, and I said, who's Eddie Vedder at the
peak of pearl Jam? At the heat not at the

like beginnings of the spark of it? Yeah, peak of
Pearl Jam. And I had no idea. So he gave
me a real serious education. He stayed with me and
then gave me a real serious music education. So my
horizons got broadened a bit.

Speaker 1 (50:44):
But how long did that rehip last after that that?
Because I think he gave me a window He's like, Okay,
I can't do it.

Speaker 3 (50:50):
I was going to say it did kind of end
fairly soon after, and we did get back together a
few years later. I think after he schooled me a
bit and then we did get back together for a
little But yes, I always credit him for.

Speaker 1 (51:03):
This was not.

Speaker 3 (51:09):
Oh God love.

Speaker 2 (51:11):
It was it. Neil Patrick Harris on your Wikipedia.

Speaker 1 (51:14):
Okay, can we talk about Neil Patrick Harris because that was.

Speaker 2 (51:17):
Your attention palpable to you?

Speaker 3 (51:22):
You know how, guys, you know how when you because
listen Neil, that never would have been public knowledge. I
never went around telling people that. But he he Howard
Stern got it out of him because he was, you know,
talking about coming out and he said he was dating

girls and and so I will tell you. With Neil
it was such friendship. It was literally like him asking
me out. We went to the Magic Castle, like we've
just loved hanging out, and it was clearly it became
very evident to me very early on because we also
had another friend, a guy friend of mine who he

Neil was obsessed with.

Speaker 1 (52:12):

Speaker 3 (52:13):
Three of us hung out like we went like I remember,
we took him thrifting because he was auditioning for rent.
It was like really early Neil moments and and it
was just this, It was a just this. Yes, it
was a beautiful friendship. We laughed a lot.

Speaker 1 (52:30):
Did you make out a lot? Because that's what I did,
like with Danielle, Yes, that's Danielle. It was just like
such a we made out so much to make up
for the nonst part of it, right, That's.

Speaker 3 (52:41):
What it is a lot of like just handholdings. She feely,
but that's like like I like, minus the making out.
I'm so touchy feely with my gay besties too, So
it all like was making sense to me in real time.
But you also, it wasn't on me too to bring
it up, so it was a very natural drift apart.

And he's just.

Speaker 1 (53:07):
A gay man or gay boy. You do, You're you're
confused on what love really feels like because I know, Look,
I knew I was gay since I was very, very
very young, but I never you know, I knew I'd
have to hide it my whole life. I knew I
wasn't supposed to act on it. So the love feeling,
you didn't know what that felt like if you weren't
in love yet. So with my ex, I thought that's

what love was, and I really but I didn't realize
that I loved her as my best friend. Like this
is like just I'm in love with you because you're
my best friend, but I had.

Speaker 3 (53:39):
You're my soulmate in that way. But there's not there's
that the other part of it is not there at all.
But you don't know that when when it's so new
in that way.

Speaker 2 (53:47):
So yeah, it's like your meme, hey girl, let's just
be friend.

Speaker 1 (53:50):
Let's just be friend.

Speaker 2 (53:54):
Like, hey girl, let's just be friend.

Speaker 3 (53:57):
Oh it's genius.

Speaker 6 (53:58):
I love it.

Speaker 1 (54:13):
All right, So you said your kids are getting the
acting bug right now? Now with all this the phrase
nepotism in the acting world, do y'all get a lot
of that? And do you fear that they're going to
get a lot of flag for just being in a
in an entertainment family.

Speaker 3 (54:31):
Yeah, well, it's really interesting because that the whole nepo
baby that, like it was almost a year ago when
that article came out, that New Yorker article, and I
remember it was a hot topic because it came out
like right around the holidays, and we were we were
all getting together over the holidays, and because you know,
Ben's an original netpo baby. His parents are still are

and mirror like when you we had this real sort
of like honest conversation because we were all sort of
offended by the cover. It was just sort of the
snarkiness of that article with everyone and baby bonnets and
holding bottles.

Speaker 1 (55:08):
It's like, look, you know, Sanford and sons. Okay, so
we're going to be mad at him handing over the
business to a son or.

Speaker 3 (55:15):
Well, you know that's yes, that's what that was. What
this conversation sparked was us saying, like, my dad owns
a security company in Pennsylvania and my brother like it's
a family owned business. Like why is nobody everybody?

Speaker 2 (55:30):
Every business?

Speaker 3 (55:31):
It's everything, every school, everything, you go back into history,
I mean to the point where my son got so
he had a project last year as a junior in
high school. They call it this sort of like passion
project and you have to sort of just pick a
topic that you want to really do a deep dive
and research and answer questions and it's like a month

month's long, uh you know project. And he sparked it
from that article and from the conversation we had, and
he kind of like faced it head on of like listen,
just because of who my parents are, like, does that
mean I should not go after what I love doing
because people are gonna and and it was it was

such it was a great project that Ben you know,
helped him kind of craft into this fun like script
and one man show, and it was so cool that
as a family. We got to really talk about it
because the reality is like it like you said, it's
it's it's throughout history, family businesses. It's just because in
the entertainment industry, everybody's in front of the spot.

Speaker 1 (56:38):
That's what you grow up with. If your dad is
a doctor, you might go into the medical field because
that's what. Okay, so this is what I think you
and Ben should do. You know, Adam he had his
daughters in the last movie, which they were so incredible,
and it was also.

Speaker 2 (56:52):
They were so cool.

Speaker 3 (56:54):
I mean, well, that family we love. We love them.
Ben and Adam are very very close and we love them.
Like Adam put Ella in qub Halloween High School. Like
Adam is such a family guy and he's like, get
everybody in it. So tell me what you're thinking.

Speaker 1 (57:12):
Well, and if it won for Adam and Ben, I
wouldn't be in some of the most iconic movies ever.
I mean, they they have given me some great gifts.
For sure. You need to write Nepo Baby. You need
to just go right into it, just like Adam did
with his Bob Mitzvah. You do Neo baby, and we
just lean in. Yeah, you just right into it and
just make them fun of it all. Yeah, and we.

Speaker 3 (57:35):
Should talk about it more in ten years, because we're
ten years ahead of it right now exactly.

Speaker 2 (57:40):
I'm just started. Now.

Speaker 1 (57:41):
Yeah, let's just get that ip down because yeah, it's
going to be stolen and we'll.

Speaker 3 (57:45):
Have secret meetings about it behind closed doors and in
ten years.

Speaker 1 (57:49):
And then in ten years our kids can be in
it and they could be like super nepos.

Speaker 3 (57:54):
Exactly do you guys think about it? Like do you
think about like do you is do you want to
put them in music lessons and singing? I think I
think parents do that anyway, you're a musician everything.

Speaker 1 (58:06):
I want them to experience everything and everything, you know.
I want you to touch that piano, touch the guitar.
I want you to have a singing lesson. I want
you to kick that soccer ball. I just want you
to just experience everything and see which one they gravitate to. Yeah. Now,
if I had a wish, I would not want them
to be in front of the camera because I just
know how much pressure that comes with And it doesn't

matter how thick of a skin you have, still hurts,
you know. I mean, just like what we were saying
we joke about all the pilots that we don't ever
get picked up. But it stings, my gosh.

Speaker 3 (58:38):
And as it stings, especially in real time, those that
we laugh about it now because look at look at
us now. But at that time when you get that call,
you're like, oh my god, oh my god, and you
do search like you said, is like it's got to
be me, Like I just am not so I hear
that now.

Speaker 1 (58:59):
I would love want to tech them. I would love
to be like if they wanted to go into like
film television, I would love them to be a director. Right,
you'd be a famous director. But I still feel like
there's so much less pressure of people following you around
and like wanting to know every little thing about you,
you know, if you're in music, you know, I would
love to be the guitars, be the drummer, you know,
just you know, be a part of the band. But

don't be like the front guy.

Speaker 3 (59:23):
And just you wait, yeah, I'm looking at how like
how gorgeous and electric you guy? Like there just something
tells me, something tells me.

Speaker 1 (59:34):
Yeah, especially our son he is an entertainer. Oh my gosh.

Speaker 3 (59:38):
And you know them when they're that like I remember
our kids that that little they would walk into the
room and put on a show and have everybody stop.

Speaker 1 (59:46):
And he just knows he knows how to make you laugh.
At two years old, he knows exactly how to come
in a room and make you laugh.

Speaker 3 (59:54):
It is captivate.

Speaker 1 (59:58):
And knows he's cute, like he's it'll be trouble because
he's yes, yes, he knows exactly what he's doing, exactly
what he's doings if you can create a dream project, okay,
because a lot of you know, a lot of us
entertainers we have these dream projects we've been sitting on
for years and we're like, God, if I ever had
the opportunity or finance person came as like here's a

million dollars to make you know this film or this
TV show pilot that you've always wanted to do? Is
there a project that you've always wanted to do?

Speaker 6 (01:00:27):

Speaker 3 (01:00:29):
I mean the short answer to that is no, because
I you know, like the band like the bandwidth for
me in these last like you know, child rearing years,
that's like I just haven't even allowed myself to go there.
Like the closest I've gotten would be like I want

to do a like theater. I want to do the
like thinking that but not exactly what right, So now
that's my next that's the next step of like, because
I really also do believe that once you put it,
you start putting it out there. I'm a really firm
believer that that energy, not that it's like manifests into
what it is, but it's moving. It's moving. You're sort

of moving yourself in a direction of taking action, even
if it's just thought, even if it's just putting it
down of like, this would be amazing to do. Now,
on the flip side of that, I have a husband
who is has ideas for things and is writing scripts
all the time and is so you know, what I
would say to going back to the NEPO baby thing

is like I A in a in a perfect world,
I would love to some point somewhere down the line,
have all four of us being something that it doesn't
even have to be starring in. It could just be
like I'll walk through a scene.

Speaker 1 (01:01:51):
I'm telling you it's happening. It's happening.

Speaker 3 (01:01:53):
But Ben, you know, Ben always did that with his
parents and even with his sister's an actor and she
you know, like he it's like, if you go through
the archives of the Ben movies over the years, you'll
see lots of our friends, lots of our family, even
my brother who's not an actor. Ben loves to throw
Brian in a movie.

Speaker 1 (01:02:13):
That's great that I love that.

Speaker 3 (01:02:17):
So yeah, so, but I thank you for asking me
that question, because why not, why not start to actually
dream bigger? Because my dreams have been all about Okay, okay,
I'm dreaming about getting these kids out of.

Speaker 2 (01:02:30):
The exactly into that next chapter.

Speaker 1 (01:02:34):
Well, you know, you got to start focusing on yourself
after this, your kids would walk that.

Speaker 3 (01:02:38):
Yes, better, mom, to take care of yourself.

Speaker 1 (01:02:42):
That's what we always say, tell ourselves, like we have to.

Speaker 2 (01:02:47):
Go out tonight. We have to because of it. You're
still a human being.

Speaker 1 (01:02:55):
You don't like you've lost your life, your whole as much.

Speaker 3 (01:03:00):
It's true, It's really true. Especially when they're little, you
really need some space and you need to be around
adult humans. Yes, exactly, Yeah, you need to have some
adult human action because talking like the potty talk and
everything like you start you realize, like the language you're
speaking when you go out is like not.

Speaker 1 (01:03:18):
And every time we go out, because most of our
friends don't have kids, right, All we do is talk
about our kids and show pictures and everything. And I'm like,
are they just completely bored of our conversation, because like.

Speaker 4 (01:03:29):
I was probably bored with our friends and shld me
they're kid. After a while, I'm like, Okay, Like I
see it.

Speaker 2 (01:03:35):
That's amazing. They're cute.

Speaker 3 (01:03:36):
I don't need to hear every que I don't need
forty of them.

Speaker 1 (01:03:39):
Yesterday she read her first word. It said da da.
She said, all right, so since it's the holidays, what's
the holidays look for you guys? What does it look like?

Speaker 3 (01:03:54):
Oh my gosh, I love like I love the holidays.
I love we host thanks Giving. We do like a
big Thanksgiving dinner.

Speaker 1 (01:04:02):
And how many speople.

Speaker 3 (01:04:05):
It's not gigantic, but like sixteen people. Like during COVID
it didn't happen. It didn't like we dialed it back.
It was like immediate family and my mom and brother
and a few extras. But so yeah, it's gonna be
about sixteen seventeen people. But and like just the most
buttery rich recipe, like just cooking for days leading up

to it, even to the point where I don't even
on the day enjoy it. I just love the company
because I mean everything leading up to it, but I
love it. I love baking. I love because I really
only do that kind of like cooking once a year,
like I'm more of a short order cook otherwise. But
then it's Christmas and I love Chris like I love
the decorating. I love this. I'm such a candle person.

I love like the scent, the evergreen candles.

Speaker 1 (01:04:55):
In the we just got sent. There's a new company
called Queer Candle and it's transomed and there's a spruce
one and it's the best one I've ever smelled.

Speaker 3 (01:05:06):
Yes, like right now because we're in November, I'm in
a pumpkin spice candle happening in that. Like I'm a
candle person. I love the stre like getting the house
filled up. So you know we do we don't have
third what did you say, thirty six trees?

Speaker 1 (01:05:20):
Thirty five?

Speaker 3 (01:05:22):
Sorry, we do two trees, well two trees. And then
we have this big tree outside that we like light
up like like I try to call it like we
light it up like Rockefeller Center. But it's because it's
a big tree, a big sad tree that only looks
beautiful like for a couple months of the year because
we all string it with multicolored lights.

Speaker 1 (01:05:44):
I've been wanting to do that. In my front yard
there's I have three pine trees that grow together so
it looks like a huge Christmas tree. Yeah, okay, and
I'm like, oh, I want to I want to make
that just one huge Christmas tree. Put lights all over
the top so the whole neighborhood is joyous to be like, wow,
that's so cool. I got a quote on that like
two years ago. It was just to put lights and

these pine trees. It was like ten thousand dollars. Oh
my god, and you didn't even own the lights. They
come and take the lights back.

Speaker 3 (01:06:15):
What Yeah, And then it's yeah, that's that's that's nuts.

Speaker 1 (01:06:21):
That's yeah.

Speaker 2 (01:06:23):
They don't deserve it.

Speaker 3 (01:06:25):
They don't deserve that gift. We don't need to get
the neighborhood that.

Speaker 6 (01:06:28):

Speaker 1 (01:06:29):
It is really sad because I'm the only house that
really decorates during Halloween and Christmas, you know, but like
I'm like, I'm the only one. We don't even get
one trigger treater. I have candy out there waiting, but
no one ever comes. It's like really sad. But then
a quarter mile down the street is thousands and thousands
of kids trigger treating, So I don't.

Speaker 4 (01:06:49):

Speaker 1 (01:06:50):
I mean we are not on the hill, but you
know the kids exercise.

Speaker 2 (01:06:54):
That's a great place to go hiking.

Speaker 3 (01:06:58):
I know it depends on where you are, like what
nook you're in. I remember La could feel like that
in different neighborhoods. So like we happened to be in
a neighborhood where it was everybody met at one person's
house and the whole group like to this, to to
the you know, to this day, I still get texts
from friends who are still there.

Speaker 1 (01:07:17):
What neighborhood was that?

Speaker 3 (01:07:18):
Because we go it was outposts like yeah, it's super.

Speaker 1 (01:07:24):
To Luca Lake, which is of course that's so family.
They bust in kids, I mean thousands of kids. And
then this year we did and Sino, which was just
as crazy.

Speaker 3 (01:07:35):
I was going to say, that's super like the super.

Speaker 1 (01:07:38):
Family there, But to Luca Lake, I have to say
his best because they literally everyone gives full sized candy
bars and then does the fun size.

Speaker 3 (01:07:48):
But that's okay, yeah, I we love like that was
that was kind of like I want liked that being
our claim to fame. It's like doing full size because
he did it once a year. I was like, come on,
we gotta do it, we gotta but you know, and
everybody kind of went around at the same time, so
it wasn't like you had to open keep opening the door,
and everybody just kind of left stuff out, and and
all the parents dressed up, like everybody dressed up. It

was so fun. Like we got to New York and
I remember some of the my kid because they were
so little at the time, eight and five, and I
remember some of the parents, like we showed up to
the event, we were the only press, and then we
got them on board a couple of years later.

Speaker 1 (01:08:29):
Yeah. Yeah, people, these actors always character Oh god, yourself,
damn it. Well Christine, Okay, I'm gonna let you go now,
because again I could talk to you for hours and hours.
I I hope you have an incredible holiday season too.

Speaker 3 (01:08:48):
I can't wait to see photos of everything. I'll like,
you know, social media, I'm sure.

Speaker 1 (01:08:53):
To you post Hello, we're big posters.

Speaker 3 (01:08:58):
I am there. I'm a private but I'm a good follower,
like I'm a.

Speaker 1 (01:09:02):
Good social I okay, well, then after we well, yes, yeah,
you need to send me your definitely, because why am
I not following your private account? Christine?

Speaker 3 (01:09:12):
You can get a Lance Bass follow I can get
a Lance Michael.

Speaker 1 (01:09:16):
You know people have to pay big money for that
big money you money. I got you, I got you. Well,
I'm super excited for everything for your future. I can't
wait to see you on Broadway because we're manifesting right now.
Uh Neo Baby twenty six on Netflix, the musical for
the musical.

Speaker 3 (01:09:32):
Yeah, let's do it.

Speaker 1 (01:09:35):
It's first the Netflix film, then it turns into a musical.
So you're gonna have the next ten years of your
life are going to be all about nepotism.

Speaker 3 (01:09:41):
I'm booked.

Speaker 2 (01:09:42):
I'm booked.

Speaker 1 (01:09:43):
Yeah, and we're skipping the pilot. We're going straight to series.

Speaker 3 (01:09:48):
You and I will end up on some will cancel
each other. We've got it all. We're going to spark
this behind the scenes.

Speaker 2 (01:09:53):
I love this.

Speaker 1 (01:09:53):
Figure this out. Thank you, thank you. It's it's it's
about time.

Speaker 3 (01:09:56):
You are delightful. Thank you. I'm not kidding. I feel
like I feel like I just want to hang out
with you. This was so much fun.

Speaker 1 (01:10:05):
Well we are when we get to New York. We
should be there at some point in the next one month.

Speaker 3 (01:10:10):
Vice versa too when we're because Ben said sends his love.

Speaker 1 (01:10:13):
And we did give my love to him. And the
fam are the best. We really are so much. All right, Christine, well,
I will talk to you very soon and you have
the best holiday ever. All right, by my love? All right,
text me your private account. I will by miss Christine Taylor.

Everyone told her she was nice.

Speaker 2 (01:10:46):
She's so great.

Speaker 1 (01:10:47):
I can't wait for y'all to hang. When we get
to New.

Speaker 2 (01:10:49):
York, I know, I already feel like we're good friends.

Speaker 1 (01:10:51):
That's where we actually met, was in New York because
I was doing Zoolander and I met Ben you know,
before that, and he wanted me to be at zoo Lander.
He sent me this grip, but he wanted me to
come over to see them film something. And you know
the scene in Zulander where they're the gas pumps and
their spray and the guy dies whatever, that's yeah, so
that's in the meatpacking district. And I was there when
they filmed that, and so I read the script after

that scene because I'm like, what am I? What is this?

Speaker 2 (01:11:17):

Speaker 1 (01:11:17):
What the hell is this movie? And I remember thinking.

Speaker 5 (01:11:21):
This is horrible, Like what you didn't see the vision
well it was either I didn't know that it was
supposed to be super campy and just like over the top.

Speaker 1 (01:11:32):
So when first read I was like whoa, Like this
is how is it?

Speaker 4 (01:11:37):

Speaker 1 (01:11:38):
How did this get made? This is so silly? But
of course it became.

Speaker 2 (01:11:42):
I mean it's Ben Stiller. Hello, what do you expecting
to be good?

Speaker 1 (01:11:46):
But yeah, just reading it, I'm like, oh my, what
am I getting into?

Speaker 4 (01:11:49):
You think it was like a Meryl Street like draw well, no,
from the brilliant minds of the Cable guy and something
about Mary.

Speaker 1 (01:11:55):
But you admit, Letter is like the most over the
top movie he's ever done. I mean it just it
really went. There's such a good movie. Yeah, I mean
it's incredible. It is a classic. So yeah, that was
fun and that's how I got to meet them, and
then we had like a game night.

Speaker 2 (01:12:10):
Even I didn't even talk to Christine about the craft.

Speaker 1 (01:12:13):
Oh why didn't we talk about Why don't we talk
about the craft? All right? Get Christine back on the line.
We gotta talk about the craft? All right? All right,
Well that is all the show I have for you today.
Have a wonderful holiday season. I'll be safe out there.
Don't drink and drive because I know, a Thanksgiving sometimes
you gotta tip it back because the family kind of
gets on your nerves. If that's the case, you uber

uber or get a d D, make one of your
kids drive you home. Be safe out there. Remember take
care of those animals too, because they need.

Speaker 2 (01:12:43):
Us, specially getting cold, and we need them.

Speaker 1 (01:12:45):
Yes, sure there a little sweater on them, all right.
No fireworks into years, but you know when that happens
to plug their ears up, it's cool.

Speaker 2 (01:12:54):
That's just a little dislammer for July.

Speaker 1 (01:12:56):
Yeah, New Year's it's right around corner. Yeah, you know
they do fireworks there too. Yeah, we get two big
firework moments in the year. I know, it's my favorite.
I love fireworks, I do. They have these new fireworks
now that they blow up and then they just they
turn into shapes.

Speaker 2 (01:13:10):
And things like, what the hell we are you gonna
think of next?

Speaker 1 (01:13:13):
And I'm not seeing one of these in person, but
a drone.

Speaker 2 (01:13:16):
Show those are crazy, right, Yes.

Speaker 1 (01:13:18):
How the I mean, I guess I know how you
just program it, but but I've never seen one go
dead or fall out or they always go off perfectly
that I've seen. I'm sure there's been mishaps, but I
just it's it's I love it. It's like I'm intrigued.

Speaker 2 (01:13:34):
So you can go google one of those if you
don't know what.

Speaker 1 (01:13:37):
All right, guys, I am gonna let you go right now,
thank you so much for listening, and we'll see you
next time on frost and tists. But until then, stay frosted. Hey,
thanks for listening. Follow us on Instagram at Frosted Tips
with Lance and Michael Turchinar and at lance Beast for
all your pop culture needs

Speaker 4 (01:13:55):
And make sure to write a review and leave us
five stars six if you can see you next time.
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