All Episodes

December 12, 2023 29 mins

Christmas has come early!  Not one but four awesome guests join Lance on the pod from the Bachelor Mansion! 

From 98 Degrees, Jeff Timmons, NKOTB's Joey McIntyre, Sugar Ray's Mark McGrath, and American Idol sensation David Archuleta! 

The 90s are back! The guys talk about their music finding a whole new fan base with Gen Z and Gen A, the fashions (some questionable) popping up in stores again, and everyone shares their holiday plans! 

Plus, let the frosted activities begin! A very jolly holiday version of 'Would You Rather.' Their answers will sleigh you!

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Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:04):
This is Frosted Tips with Lance Bass, an iHeartRadio podcast. Hello,
my little Peanuts, it's me your host, Lance Vass. This
is Frosted Tips with me Lance Bass and my lovely
co host and beautiful husband, Turkey Turchin.

Speaker 2 (00:20):
Wow, what a nice in deduction.

Speaker 1 (00:22):
It's been a while since we've done the show. Were
taken a little break, but we are back. And what
a show we have today. Because it is a special show.
We are here at the Bachelor Mansion. I know whoa
huge fan of the show. I can't believe I'm sitting
in all these rooms. It's incredible. But even better than
that the guest today, I have put the ultimate crew together,

the ultimate This could be the ultimate boy band of
all time. I think a supergroup is forming right now
because with us, right now, we have Joey McIntyre, Mark McGrath,
Jeff Timmins, David, aren't you a letta? Welcome to the show.

Speaker 3 (00:57):

Speaker 4 (00:59):
See, everybody.

Speaker 5 (01:02):
Held out our age average.

Speaker 6 (01:03):
We were we were going around like about forty five
and then and then he introduced David and it went
down to like like we.

Speaker 5 (01:12):
Averaged thirty years ago, thirty years where's.

Speaker 1 (01:15):
The twenty somethings were there there next door the next
books later, they're not legends yet.

Speaker 4 (01:22):
Yeah, sure that's true. That's true. I am like, I
feel so honest sitting in a room full of legends here.

Speaker 3 (01:28):
Can we just say which?

Speaker 5 (01:31):
I mean?

Speaker 1 (01:31):
You are the youngest on the panel here, so what
what what do you think about these guys? Like were
you fans of their groups? And and and yeah, music,
this is so fun.

Speaker 4 (01:41):
It's so like I grew up on all of your
y'all's music, so this is great.

Speaker 1 (01:45):
I love American Idol, which is.

Speaker 4 (01:48):
Now like now, you know, people bringing their kids like
to come meet me, and they're like, you weren't born yet, but.

Speaker 1 (01:57):
That starts happening, you know for you now. Sorry, I
love the ones now they're like, God, my grandmother loves
you so much, Like, wait, when did I get to grandma.

Speaker 4 (02:06):
And I love you?

Speaker 7 (02:08):
You know what.

Speaker 4 (02:09):
I've had that since the very beginning, because you do
Appearandma's love American. I had so many grandma's trying to
hook up hook me up with Oh.

Speaker 8 (02:19):
That's another podcast, buddy, you think we're in the best.

Speaker 4 (02:23):
Gold Bler Grandma's high love you hook me up with
their granddaughter that's what I meant to say that worked
out for would be like I have the perfect granddaughter
for you, but you know, none of us I didn't
know yet they didn't know.

Speaker 1 (02:40):
Well, I do have to apologize to Jeff and Mark
here because I picked them up on the way here
and uh, in my nice Hyundai great car by the.

Speaker 9 (02:48):
Way, Mark, I mean, it is great, amazing, but it's great,
credible that my car with bucketsies because we have car
seats now, right, but we couldn't get the car seats out,
so I had to stick them in the third row
there's out.

Speaker 2 (03:00):
Surprisingly back there, you guys are surprisingly agile.

Speaker 1 (03:08):
It is the palisade.

Speaker 4 (03:10):
It's and like they were too hot, so like they
didn't have any left.

Speaker 1 (03:18):
At least they were, Yeah, we kind of got what
we got because we're like we got we have one left, okay,
but back.

Speaker 7 (03:25):
You both are making sure the car seats have more
priority over Jeff and I touch and.

Speaker 3 (03:31):
We put us where we on the Where were.

Speaker 5 (03:33):
You saying you trying to fit in the car seats?
That would have been we did.

Speaker 8 (03:38):
We did try.

Speaker 1 (03:39):
Jeff perfect, Joey Mac a lot of exciting stuff for
n K O t B since the last time we
spoke to back in May.

Speaker 3 (03:51):
How have you been.

Speaker 5 (03:52):
I've been very good. Yeah, busy and uh a lot
going on.

Speaker 6 (03:56):
And I kid Jordan and I constantly because Jordan did
Frosted Tips in like.

Speaker 5 (04:04):
February, and by the way, it was awesome.

Speaker 6 (04:06):
I mean, and you'll you'll know, in a group, I mean, Mark,
you're kind of the front man, but you know, there's
always well I didn't want to diminish the other guy,
but you know, Donnie. Donnie is a great order. He
speaks well. I like to you know, I got a

lot on my chest. I've never been known to you know,
that's not me. But it was really cool to hear
Jordan talk about like just his life and his upbringing
and where he came from. Because he's a guy that
can just be in the back and not have to
say much.

Speaker 1 (04:43):
And he reminds me of JC from our group, Like
they're very similar where they don't really talk much about
especially how they grew up, and they're just very.

Speaker 8 (04:51):
Private and a testament to what you're saying, Like Jordan
is sort of a front man. Believe it or not.

Speaker 4 (04:57):
You guys have three.

Speaker 8 (04:59):
They know he says it and he's one of them,
but he's not one of that that's really boisterous or
takes the lead on that stuff. And getting to know him,
you know, throughout the years, we did a couple songs together,
and I was always a very big fan of you
guys and Jordan, especially after getting to know him. He
has a story on his own joy to your point,
and he's not really very boisterous or upfront about talking

about his stuff. So it was great to see you
guys be able to pull that out in a form
like That's what's.

Speaker 1 (05:27):
So great about a show like this. The microphone so intimate. Yeah,
like you really just I mean, you can pour your
heart out and not even realizing you're even doing that.
It's something about this testamer to you both.

Speaker 7 (05:37):
Yeah, testament to you both to like really feel comfortable,
like you're in the nest of trust here, you know, Joey,
real quick, did you sorry, bro? Did you get you
nuggets from that interview that you had?

Speaker 4 (05:47):

Speaker 5 (05:47):
No, but you already did that.

Speaker 6 (05:48):
Some beauty of it is like we've been together for
thirty five years, was more than thirty five years, So
to hear those stories of.

Speaker 5 (05:55):
Like him break dancing and him being in the crew and.

Speaker 6 (05:58):
Like his his now wife was like one of the
girls from like the competing gang, and like Danny was
in a different group.

Speaker 5 (06:06):
Of the West Side. It was really really cool. And
they lived, you know, they they didn't have a lot.

Speaker 6 (06:13):
I mean there were lower income, like you know, tough
times and and it.

Speaker 5 (06:17):
Was it was nice to see.

Speaker 6 (06:20):
That, you know the story, and it was you did
you know, you did a great job. And so but
what I get about them because like you know, we
try to announce every tour, every album.

Speaker 5 (06:30):
Like it's magic. We didn't know, but here it happened,
and Jordan was like, yeah, we're doing a tour next summer.

Speaker 6 (06:39):
An album And it was so unceremonious to answer your question.
We just we just finished recording our album. You have
to deliver it so far in advance now because everybody
wants wax again and it and these plants, you know,
take six months.

Speaker 5 (06:54):
So everything's good. We get a summer tour next uh,
next summer, and and.

Speaker 1 (06:59):
Yeah that's and I'm here. You know, everyone for the
last few years like, oh, it's not an album's market anymore.
It's all the singing, no albums are killing it.

Speaker 4 (07:08):
It all comes back around.

Speaker 8 (07:11):
We've been all fortunate enough to be around that long
that we've been around for cycles of this kind of stuff.
But fans are consuming want they want the goods, They
want to put their hands on stuff. I mean, certainly
the digital stuff is the way that it's been for
a while, but you know that's collectible and stuff that
makes it more personal.

Speaker 1 (07:27):
Getting an album that first day and just running through
all the songs, like finding the ones that you love.
I mean, that's what I missed that for a while.
Speaking of music, you guys have some music coming out, Yeah,
we do.

Speaker 8 (07:39):
I mean, we have a Christmas song out that just
broke Top twenty. It's about break top fifteen. And we
have a new out thank You. Yeah, you know, so
you guys know how it goes. We you know, we
were just off a very successful tour, probably our most
successful since we did with you guys on the Package tour,
which was a great way for us to come back
after a big hiatus. So I never got a chance
to thank you personally for including with us with that

and with Boys and Men.

Speaker 6 (08:03):
Also, Drew's still on that check from Drew, but I
said he was going to cut me off something.

Speaker 5 (08:12):
Look, I believe that.

Speaker 1 (08:14):
But when we all did it the first time round,
I mean I never thought like, Okay, there's a finite
to this, right, I mean, you can't be popular forever.
But did YO ever think that? You know, twenty five
thirty years later, it's even bigger than ever for everyone.

Speaker 8 (08:27):
I think you hope for it and you're ignorant of
the business. One of the things about the business that
we're all in and now different versions of our own
groups and reinventing ourselves, and thankfully our fans have been
there from day one and invested in us, is you
don't expect it to last forever. But when you're young
and you don't know the business, ignorance is bliss right.
You think you're going to be around forever, and that

you learn a little bit about the business and you go,
my time's short, we better get it in. Well, well,
you can fit it in. And then for us to
be doing stuff like this and be talking about it
this many years later and with so many people that
have had so much success, like these guys here on
this panel and you guys with your podcast, I mean,
it's it's truly a blessing. And I think everybody up

here is grateful. We joke and we jest about all
this stuff, and it's kind of funny, but we're all really,
really lucky to be still doing this this many years later.

Speaker 3 (09:16):
I think Jeff and I talked about it earlier.

Speaker 7 (09:18):
You kind of got to wait if you have some
success in a decade, if you're lucky enough, and that's
a rarefied error. You got to wait for the stink
to go out that decade a little bit. And we
all rolled that other thing coming down, all of us
did a little bit. Wasn't as hot as we used
to be, and that that breaks most people, unless you're
a true artist, if you're a lifer. I like to
call this is what I do. I'm entertainer, whether you're
like it or not. I'll be singing these songs at

Denny's and Barstow next week.

Speaker 3 (09:43):
But he always like, really good, we'll drive out.

Speaker 7 (09:50):
I think now we're all having a resurgence, you know,
the ninet years coming back.

Speaker 3 (09:53):
Our audience is getting younger. Well that's what I was
getting young too. I know.

Speaker 1 (09:57):
It's it's crazy that this gen z and even jen
A is now the new one. By the way, Yeah,
a couple of really I mean nineties early two thousands
is just killing it for them. They just love it.
And I think it's because I can't really tell the
difference after two thousand and three. I can't tell you

the difference in decades or anything.

Speaker 4 (10:20):
Y'all y'allso the aesthetic for their style now, like what
all y'all dressed up in?

Speaker 3 (10:29):
Outfit like any one of our videos in the nineties.

Speaker 1 (10:33):
I know it's uh evercoming fitch Man. They brought back
everything from the nineties and those kids are wearing it
like no other.

Speaker 3 (10:41):
It's my son's rating our storage space looking for anything.
I didn't find anything but space.

Speaker 1 (10:47):
I burned my clothes. It's sorry, kids, you burned them. O.

Speaker 6 (10:52):
That big thing is that all these kids just like
with the click of a you know, all our stuff
is on YouTube. You know, so like you either if
you love it, you love it. If you don't, you don't,
but it's like available. Like think about think about how
it was like when we were growing up. If you
wanted to learn about a band, you had to go

to the record store, you know, your boy had to
tell your boy and this we are no I think
they got it, and you'd have to go.

Speaker 5 (11:19):
Down and check it to see if they had it.
They didn't have it, you didn't hear.

Speaker 1 (11:22):
It, and if you wanted to see the video you
had to watch MTV for two hours.

Speaker 6 (11:28):
Yes, so now it's like it's all available, and I
really I love that. And you know, having kids myself,
I have a sixteen year old, almost fourteen and twelve,
and so I see it kind of happening.

Speaker 1 (11:40):
Which is I going back to like camping out for
tickets and all that I love. I think I've told
you this story before, but I camped out for tickets
for new kids and like nineteen ninety two, ninety three
with my sister, and it was such a great bonding
experience to be there all night long at the Beepop
record shop waiting, you know, to get those tickets. I
still got nosebleed, by the way, but it was just yeah,

but it was it was the experience that was so
much fun. And I just think kids these days will
never get it.

Speaker 8 (12:08):
Well, look, here here's what's interesting there. I think you know,
we say that, but it's a little bit more cerebral
to Joey's point. I mean all the things that your
disposal with the socials and the viral ability to gather
this information and indulge in music and learn those things
weren't available. You literally had to leave your house to
go research something like that. And and now with algorithms

you get kind of led down a path. And for us,
I think it's amazing that it's just incredible that these
kids that are super super younger showing up at our shows.
I mean they're teenagers, some of them on our last
tour showing up to the shows. And they're not the
kids of our fans. They're just fans of the genre
of music.

Speaker 5 (12:49):
It's incredible.

Speaker 1 (13:06):
It is the holidays, and I mean it's my favorite
time of the year. We've all done holiday music throughout
the years. Angel he's a grandfather now, because so I
would like to know what is the best holiday song? Like,
is it? Is it the Mariah Carrey is your favorite?

Speaker 2 (13:27):

Speaker 4 (13:28):

Speaker 1 (13:28):
What is the song?

Speaker 3 (13:31):
I'm Andy Williams guy. So it's the most wonderful time
of year.

Speaker 7 (13:33):
I mean great in the mood, you know it just
it always makes me nostalgic.

Speaker 3 (13:38):
It makes me feel very christmas y, if you will.

Speaker 7 (13:42):
And it kind of like when you hear that after
Thanksgiving and go Okay, we're in the Christmas season now.

Speaker 3 (13:46):
It's just it's untouchable.

Speaker 7 (13:47):
To me.

Speaker 8 (13:48):
There has to be something said about Mariah thought.

Speaker 1 (13:56):
Just on the success of that in the.

Speaker 6 (13:58):
Same way the cycle, like she's even having a reve
affair like a read of course, is that one song
She's made over one hundred million dollars.

Speaker 1 (14:08):
I mean one sing and the people do call her
the Queen of Christmas. But I I'm going to push
back on the Queen of Christmas because I think she's
the Princess of Christmas because Darling Love queen of Christmas,
and everyone forgets how many incredible.

Speaker 2 (14:25):
And the songs Rian sang on her Christmas album were
originals by Darlene So.

Speaker 8 (14:29):
For those of us that don't know, yeah, she was.

Speaker 2 (14:33):
The main singer for Phil Spector and her voice was
used for like the Crystals, White.

Speaker 4 (14:39):
Groups because she was singing.

Speaker 7 (14:41):
There's a great documentary called thirty Feet Away from Start
and it has Darling Love all and she's wonderful, She's charismatic.

Speaker 3 (14:48):
De youself affair for watching.

Speaker 1 (14:51):
A condition. I go to iTunes, go to Christmas songs
and be like, oh crap, I didn't know she sang
all those songs that.

Speaker 3 (14:57):
I love, but like even Michael Not it's a Christmas song.

Speaker 7 (15:00):
It's like like like Rolling Stone songs like everything.

Speaker 6 (15:06):
What's your go to if if you had to sing
like a Christmas song?

Speaker 4 (15:11):
I mean, like I sing, I have my own Christmas song.
It's called Christmas every Day, do you love. I'm known
for being a vocalist, so I feel like people like
to hear me sing Holy Night.

Speaker 6 (15:27):
Oh yeah, you sing that is no, there's something about
that saying it feels timeless.

Speaker 10 (15:37):
Dude, you gosh the way Oh you're right, but it's
but there's a reason because it definitely I think there's
something about that.

Speaker 6 (15:47):
Obviously it's incredibly well written, but there's something about where
it sits, you know what I mean. It's comfortable, but
like when you take it off wherever you start, it's
like I feel the same way.

Speaker 5 (16:01):
That's actually my go to it.

Speaker 3 (16:03):
It's my number one.

Speaker 1 (16:04):
That's your number one, my number one because I love
I love hearing artists cover O Holy Night because it
really shows the talent because everyone's waiting for that note.

Speaker 2 (16:15):
Take it.

Speaker 5 (16:15):
But it's not that hard. At the same time, it's
not that hard. There's no you don't have to do
a bunch of reps.

Speaker 6 (16:21):
You do a couple of turns here and there, but
there's a if you can connect with it.

Speaker 5 (16:25):
I'm telling you.

Speaker 4 (16:27):
There's so much expression to that song because like it
goes low and soft and subtle, but then it goes
up and you just like soar with the note. But
it's just it's everywhere.

Speaker 8 (16:39):
Of course, like the.

Speaker 9 (16:41):
Something like that, no, no, like you belt it, you
belt it, or like.

Speaker 1 (16:48):
I love doing it. That was my favorite song to
record because we did it a cappella and so it
was nice to it brought us back to how we
started because.

Speaker 4 (16:54):
You know, I would sing Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays.

Speaker 1 (16:58):
I love the song now, but when we recorded that,
I'm like, this is horrible, Like I did not like
this song, and I'm like, wait, y'all want to release
this as the single. This is gonna be the biggest
flop ever.

Speaker 4 (17:08):
And now now a timeless class we grew.

Speaker 3 (17:12):
Up like, okay, well we're about doing holiday songs back
in the day. So you did them in like July.

Speaker 4 (17:16):
You know that you just stild that outside.

Speaker 1 (17:20):
You're like it was our second album. We did it
in nineteen ninety like a METI like first album Christmas album? Like, wait,
ten years.

Speaker 3 (17:27):
Diamond, what does that do it? Did you do? Well?

Speaker 4 (17:30):
Have y'all heard the the Pentatonic version of meric Christmas?
Happy Holidays? Because that's a fire man version of that one.

Speaker 1 (17:36):
Oh yeah, it's it's fun.

Speaker 4 (17:38):
It's doing it.

Speaker 1 (17:38):
So what are we doing for the holidays? Like, Mark,
what do you do?

Speaker 5 (17:41):

Speaker 7 (17:42):
You know I have actually showing Year's Eve, So stay
local to the kids. You know, we went to la
for Thanksgiving?

Speaker 8 (17:48):
Jeff, what do you do just hanging out? We just
got off that tour. Yeah, well, look, I'm doing the
same thing. Just staying in home. Yeah, just staying at home,
hanging out with the family. It's gonna be nice. You know,
we're all on the road all the time, so it's
nice to be home and actually like be in one place.

Speaker 3 (18:03):
Yeah. Cool, microphone dark Joey, what do you do?

Speaker 5 (18:08):
It's a microphone class the same. I am staying home.

Speaker 6 (18:13):
But I'm actually I kind of like I didn't know
how big it was, but I'm doing I'm narrating the
candlelight procession at Disney World.

Speaker 5 (18:27):
I mean it's like the biggest.

Speaker 1 (18:29):
Thing for your years.

Speaker 5 (18:30):
You should see the lineup.

Speaker 6 (18:32):
I mean everyone think I'm pretty cool, but I'm like,
I like, you know.

Speaker 5 (18:37):
There's like because you know they fly in. Have you
done it?

Speaker 3 (18:42):

Speaker 4 (18:42):
But I just had a random flashing Christmas were you?
Were you the one that was doing like the song
like shirtless with the wind blowing like.

Speaker 5 (18:50):
That, That's when you knew. That's when you know.

Speaker 4 (18:59):
I just.

Speaker 5 (19:01):
You know.

Speaker 4 (19:03):
Everyone was. I remember everyone's screaming around me.

Speaker 6 (19:07):
Yeah, I have taken my shirt off, and I've had
at that moment.

Speaker 5 (19:11):
But Jordan created quite an iconic moment in.

Speaker 4 (19:14):
Pops back fifteen years ago because.

Speaker 5 (19:16):
He did it fifteen and he did it at thirty something.

Speaker 7 (19:19):
He repeated it all still take their shirts off the
stage all day.

Speaker 3 (19:26):
People used to pay to see me.

Speaker 7 (19:27):
Take my shirt off. Now they pay to keep my
shirt off. It's a whole different wits.

Speaker 5 (19:33):
But I'm doing that.

Speaker 6 (19:34):
But they you know, Disney, the get is you. They
fly your whole family and they put you up. But
you get that guy.

Speaker 1 (19:43):
It's all about they. What are you gonna do for
the holidays? Are you going back home?

Speaker 4 (19:48):
You know, I haven't thought about what I'm doing. You gotta,
I mean guess it. I'm going back home to Utah
with my family.

Speaker 3 (19:53):

Speaker 1 (19:53):
Yeah, they'll love that short.

Speaker 4 (19:55):
Yeah during the yeah, you know, snowy cars through.

Speaker 1 (19:59):
The white Christmas I don't like in my life. I
don't think I've ever seen.

Speaker 4 (20:02):
Really comes up to Utah, comes to Utah, bring the twins.
But I've never seen snow Christmas.

Speaker 1 (20:12):
Wait, there is a song right there.

Speaker 5 (20:15):
Take work on that. Okay, you guys, get on it.
We'll have David singing the song. That's done.

Speaker 4 (20:23):
That sounds like a spring sing song.

Speaker 1 (20:24):
Okay, yeah, it does.

Speaker 4 (20:29):
Give it to Louis.

Speaker 3 (20:32):
Yeah, stealing melodies my whole life.

Speaker 1 (20:35):
All right, I want to do a little would you
rather Holiday edition? So, okay, would you rather to hear
what y'all are going to do for christ We can't
get all our plans today to We're just not going
to deal with the flying with them right now.

Speaker 4 (20:50):
We're just I'm always going to be traumatized for me, Yeah,
I'm always gonna be a little traumatized.

Speaker 1 (20:57):
Oh my god, can we please tell the story? Okay,
you tell this story because I was so good your
poor mom.

Speaker 2 (21:04):
Yeah, so came to visit one day, you know, Okay,
him and Carrie were in town, so they came to
visit it. Just happened to be right at the moment
where we're having a little brisk at our house for
our son eight days after I was born. You know,
he's getting the chop chop, and so we're like, he's like, whoa,
what's going on? And I that was my impression of you,
David and uh and we're like, oh, we were having

He's like, oh, what's that. And we're like, oh, it's Judaism.
It's where you it's like a ceremony when it was
literally just me lance my parents were in town and
that was it.

Speaker 1 (21:36):
I've never seen one.

Speaker 4 (21:36):
So I was like yeah, I mean yeah.

Speaker 2 (21:38):
And he's like oh, He's like, oh, I love seeing
like religious experiences like other things love see.

Speaker 4 (21:43):
And I'll buy you my children's book, my Little Prayer,
a little book, his soldier's book, My Little Prayers was
so sweet.

Speaker 2 (21:49):
So like he was sitting down just you know, looking
at the whole thing, and then all of a sudden,
I was just like, first of all, I was looking
away because I couldn't.

Speaker 5 (21:56):
And then I just see David's eyes is.

Speaker 4 (21:58):
Getting bigger, like what about your mom?

Speaker 2 (22:01):
While you know the Moyles, who was the guy that
you know cuts the little bean.

Speaker 4 (22:08):
Yeah, and it was.

Speaker 3 (22:09):
You know, it's hardened away.

Speaker 2 (22:10):
But David just walked into all of this happening and
he's sitting there on a chair watching our son's pecker.
And I was like, I'm so sorry you came at
this time.

Speaker 3 (22:26):

Speaker 1 (22:26):
Yeah, but he took it like a chance.

Speaker 4 (22:28):
Yeah right he did.

Speaker 7 (22:29):
Yeah, did you watch the son because I did that.

Speaker 3 (22:33):

Speaker 5 (22:34):
I didn't even look at my son. I literally was
looking elsewhere.

Speaker 3 (22:38):
It was like sort of interesting to the love in
his eye. And then that happened, and then.

Speaker 7 (22:43):
His eyes turned and I welcome to the world, son,
No more, mom, it's hard.

Speaker 1 (22:50):
Yeah, but he didn't cry. It was weird that game.
And then over good he was. He was funny, funny,
you want to be funny. It's great.

Speaker 3 (23:01):
It was.

Speaker 1 (23:01):
It was a long ceremony.

Speaker 5 (23:03):
It was like, sweet it up.

Speaker 3 (23:04):
We don't need the whole thing. All right, here we go.

Speaker 1 (23:07):
If you would you rather? Would you rather eat only
holiday food for a week or listen to only holiday
music for a week?

Speaker 3 (23:14):
Two good options.

Speaker 5 (23:16):
There's no losing there.

Speaker 1 (23:17):
I can listen to holiday music all one of the
did not eat and you have to listen to a song. Yeah,
what are you gonna do.

Speaker 4 (23:27):
You're gonna eat no music.

Speaker 5 (23:29):
Music. You can't eat for a week.

Speaker 4 (23:30):
Bro Oh, you can't eat.

Speaker 2 (23:31):
For a week.

Speaker 1 (23:32):
Well, you said one of these holiday food.

Speaker 4 (23:34):
For I'm okay with that because for me, it's about
the music.

Speaker 1 (23:37):
I just did that from things. I had so many leftovers.
It lasts a whole week. So I hate Thanksgiving every
day for a week.

Speaker 3 (23:43):
You did not?

Speaker 5 (23:44):
You did not Sunday, Sunday, Sunday everything. I would pick music.
We all answered that everyone were organization after after.

Speaker 4 (23:57):
Do this podcast with with a bunch of chefs next
time you see that.

Speaker 1 (24:00):
That's about the ones out there right now.

Speaker 4 (24:03):
Let's ask them.

Speaker 5 (24:04):
Let's ask them.

Speaker 1 (24:05):
Would you rather buy gifts or make homemade gifts.

Speaker 4 (24:11):
Any I can barely make?

Speaker 5 (24:12):
I mean, I'd like the idea of making gifts.

Speaker 3 (24:17):
If anyone's going to get me a gift, don't make
it to.

Speaker 5 (24:19):
Buy me one.

Speaker 4 (24:22):
I don't want to.

Speaker 5 (24:24):
The thought that counts I made.

Speaker 6 (24:26):
I made a really sweet Valentine, so that's a little
bit more crafty than Christmas.

Speaker 5 (24:31):
But I'll show you the picture later.

Speaker 1 (24:33):
Are y'all more matching Christmas pj's or ugly Christmas sweaters?

Speaker 5 (24:40):
We just got to have your kids get the cute little.

Speaker 6 (24:45):
If you haven't got get them because what happened to
you too close to Christmas?

Speaker 5 (24:48):
And they also they sell out fast.

Speaker 1 (24:51):
The children's place. They have all the best match get
them now because trust me, my mom every year gift
to us like December first is matching. PJ car Do y'all?

Speaker 4 (25:05):
I feel like do y'all do like Christmas cards? I
feel like you would do this week sometimes.

Speaker 7 (25:11):

Speaker 4 (25:12):
Can I get one? Sometimes? I would love to see
what y'all do.

Speaker 1 (25:15):
We have a photo shoot with the kids next week,
so the real is of having a Christmas card. But
I have a feeling we're gonna miss the mark like
we did.

Speaker 2 (25:22):
Alexander playing Baby Jesus and Violet's gonna be merry.

Speaker 5 (25:26):
I'm going to be a sheep and be Ai.

Speaker 4 (25:32):
The moon.

Speaker 2 (25:33):
I don't know he's going to be the manger.

Speaker 3 (25:37):
It's a beautiful touch this holiday season. A caligraphy Christmas card.
So Lost Art just discussed.

Speaker 4 (25:43):
Michael being an artist. You should you should do like
some art on that. Okay, Christmas again, we.

Speaker 3 (25:48):
Progress give me your address. You're gonna get one from me.
You do calligraphy, I do it myself.

Speaker 5 (25:54):
What I love that.

Speaker 1 (25:55):
I learned that like in ninth grade and I still
can actually do it right?

Speaker 3 (25:58):
Okay, yeah, do you have other left if you wait?

Speaker 1 (26:07):
David Archiletta, did you learn cursive in school or you?
Are you still.

Speaker 6 (26:12):

Speaker 4 (26:12):

Speaker 5 (26:12):
It did, but my daughter learned it from a friend
and I was like cursive. I was like, yeah, that's
like what we did in the second grade.

Speaker 4 (26:19):
Yeah, coming back to why did we learn curs?

Speaker 2 (26:22):

Speaker 3 (26:23):
Really, it's pretty. You don't have to lift your pet up.

Speaker 1 (26:25):
Just scribble, and I'm terrible.

Speaker 5 (26:29):
You right, cursive. You can't read curse. Everybody can't.

Speaker 4 (26:33):
You can interpreter.

Speaker 3 (26:36):
I was into architecture, so I'm very potential.

Speaker 5 (26:40):
Terrible, horrible. You like your handwriting?

Speaker 4 (26:43):
No, I don't know.

Speaker 2 (26:45):
I'd rather it can be amazing, work could be horrible.
I have to make that decision.

Speaker 1 (26:50):
Yeah, I'm just I rushed him.

Speaker 5 (26:52):
I'm like.

Speaker 4 (26:56):
Everything like doctor's prescription. It's like I have to this
like upside down essentially.

Speaker 3 (27:03):
All right.

Speaker 1 (27:03):
The last one is would you rather go caroling with
friends or attend to holiday concert?

Speaker 3 (27:08):
Caro, Caroly, Carol. I wish you do that right now.

Speaker 4 (27:11):
It's like we do that for work concerts that we
do for work. I've done that.

Speaker 6 (27:16):
I've done that with my family a few times. And
the concert caroling. It's pretty magical because it's it's sort
of like it's nerve wracking in a way. It's very
vulnerable because it doesn't happen a lot, and here you
are like, yeah, and we did during the pandemic. We
would just be walking around like the neighborhood and we
knew there was like lights on and we stood there, we.

Speaker 5 (27:39):
Just singing, No, it's amazing. They came out on that.

Speaker 6 (27:43):
It was just a couple and we knew it was
just like it was a small thing.

Speaker 5 (27:46):
But like it is, it's a magical thing. I wish
there was.

Speaker 1 (27:49):
I haven't done it since, I mean in church when
I was a kid. But this is the first year
we're actually gonna I don't even think I've told you this.
I was gonna say so, like the Property Brothers and
uh and then and Zoe Dashanel they do a caroling
party every year. It's never been but I'm like, I
gotta check this out. I don't know what this is,

but apparently they just carol for hours.

Speaker 3 (28:13):
Guitars there.

Speaker 7 (28:15):
I go up the Peninsula. Most fun we ever had,
and everybody joins in. All of a sudden, you got
a whole like group of folks going down to the
next thousand, and it gets into the spirit.

Speaker 1 (28:23):
Super fun. All right, I'll choose caroling, although Mariah Carey's
Christmas concert probably would be amazing if we would have
gotten to it. Listen to this. Okay. So a couple
of weeks ago, she was here at the Bowl, right, yeah,
and uh so I asked her to I'm like, oh god,
I'd love to go see her. Right, So I asked
Johnny Wright, you know, my my manager. I'm like, do

you know can you give me tickets? Oh? Yeah, sure?
Didn't get a you know, return Like, okay, fine. He
calls me at seven pm when the concert is starting
and be like, I forgot to forge you your ticket.
That's who you have front row center at the ball.

Speaker 2 (28:56):
And he told us when it was actually starting, you
didn't go lead a babysitter.

Speaker 5 (29:02):
I would have baby for you.

Speaker 1 (29:03):
Bro follow up too far from you, I figured, like
everyone tried getting those tickets, but like, are you kidding me?

Speaker 3 (29:14):
Remind him he was.

Speaker 1 (29:16):
Too busy with f one in Vegas where Riah was.

Speaker 3 (29:19):
She saw those two efty seats right.

Speaker 1 (29:21):
There, rights I show you guys. Hey, thanks for listening.
Follow us on Instagram at Frosted Tips with Lance and
Michael Turchinard, and at Lance bast for all your pop
culture needs

Speaker 2 (29:39):
And make sure to write his review and leave us
five stars six if you can see you next time.
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