All Episodes

December 14, 2023 37 mins

The Frosted Festivities continue! 


From the Bachelor Mansion, Lance is back with Jeff Timmons, Joey McIntyre, Mark McGrath, and David Archuleta for an unforgettable good time! 


The guys share the most memorable moments from their careers, from singing at the White House to opening for the Rolling Stones to playing the Halftime Show at the Super Bowl! They also reveal who they would love to go on tour with, and some of the collaborations they come up with would be a dream come true for boy band fans. 


Yule be sorry if you miss this one! 

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Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:04):
This is Frosted Tips with Lance bats an iHeartRadio podcast.
All right, so People magazine just came out with a
sexist man, of course, and somehow we were all left
out of it. But uh, Mark, you were named sexiest.

Speaker 2 (00:24):
It was an obvious choice.

Speaker 3 (00:25):
And I think he and Stephen Jenkins are third eye
blonde or no.

Speaker 4 (00:30):
But that was well deserved. Listen, you were supreme.

Speaker 2 (00:33):
I mean you still are, but father Time is undefeated,
as they say.

Speaker 4 (00:39):
But it was fun.

Speaker 5 (00:40):
It was fun accolade. It was fun.

Speaker 2 (00:41):
Like you know, but if you can't hang your career
on songs, it goes away. As you know that, as
you know that no one's coming.

Speaker 3 (00:48):
Here, it goes Oh you were a sexy guy in
ninety eight. They're coming to hear these songs again. And
I think all of us in this room can appreciate
that us have that moment you were sexual.

Speaker 6 (00:57):
How about the duet you did with Twain that one time,
like one of the.

Speaker 3 (01:01):
I said, okay, party for greatest thing about that recorded this?

Speaker 2 (01:06):
Uh her new song on her Greatest Hits record.

Speaker 3 (01:08):
By the way, just got a diamond thing from her
Sugarte and everything smelt diamond.

Speaker 2 (01:12):
I've got a Diamond uh black of my Math.

Speaker 6 (01:15):
Yeah, that was awesome.

Speaker 3 (01:16):
Recorded that song with Mutt Lang before the divorce in
her Swish cast.

Speaker 2 (01:26):
Everybody Wearing White.

Speaker 5 (01:27):
Is he is tough as everybody says he is as
far as he was.

Speaker 3 (01:31):
By the way, Joe, you can say obviously say I'm
in there, you got pro tools broke because you're gonna
need a lot you like copping lyrics because guy.

Speaker 6 (01:41):
How did that happen? By the way, like how did
this exactly?

Speaker 2 (01:46):
Because rock Star in the nineties where we're kind of
cracking a little bit, you were.

Speaker 6 (01:50):
Totally killing it. But I like, what, like what was
the connection? Like, I'm just curious about the details. David
the management, I was just confused and flatters you were
you were an American Idol judge too was.

Speaker 7 (02:03):
Here's the thing. I don't want it to get lost
that Mark isn't a good vocalist, because.

Speaker 2 (02:07):
He is incredible.

Speaker 7 (02:08):
Listen to the vocals on the Guys songs.

Speaker 5 (02:11):
I know you gotta listen.

Speaker 6 (02:15):
Try to sample one of your songs.

Speaker 7 (02:17):
Stuck here with boy banders, so he has to like
but Mark's vocals are up there with everybody else here.
He's an amazing singer. He's gonna be humble, and I
know it's probably a difficult situation to be here with
guys that pride themselves on you could.

Speaker 1 (02:35):
You couldn't make it before pro tools, if you couldn't
say fans of yours.

Speaker 7 (02:40):
I've heard you use that pro tools quit before you're
an incredible singer. Man, It's just you know, Irish, what
am I going to? We're huge fans of yours as well, and.

Speaker 4 (02:50):
None of.

Speaker 3 (02:55):
Switzerland to the castle and everybody's wearing white linen and
certain like be juice and all in my juice for
three days. That was in the Shania Twain orbit. She's
lovely and he was lovely. But the the dude was
there that ended up taking Shanaya, and the nanny was
there too, and I was with my manager.

Speaker 2 (03:16):
I go, it's just kind of like a little bit
of but it was a bit of a vibe day.

Speaker 3 (03:19):
And then we get home three weeks later, Shani has
divorced literally so we saw it happening in real time. Crazy, crazy, crazy,
one of the best experiences of my life because Shani
was just so.

Speaker 7 (03:28):
Love skiing Ski Castle.

Speaker 3 (03:31):
Uh it could be, but it was out late and
it was straight out of Central Casting.

Speaker 2 (03:36):
It was what your dream castle would be.

Speaker 1 (03:40):
My dream is to live in a castle.

Speaker 4 (03:41):
Isn't like I should?

Speaker 8 (03:44):
Should you can't get some good you know you can.

Speaker 6 (03:51):
Castles are cheaper than real estate.

Speaker 5 (03:53):
And relative it depends.

Speaker 8 (03:58):
I mean, if your Ireland is beautiful, but you gonna
be in Ireland, you know what I mean, you're gonna
miss your home.

Speaker 5 (04:03):
It depends on you know.

Speaker 4 (04:05):
But for like, you know, a regular home in l A.
You could buy like a nice castle up in your
very true.

Speaker 3 (04:09):
But castles are like private planes. You get in for
three or four million, but it's five million a year.

Speaker 4 (04:14):
And you know what I mean, you could.

Speaker 7 (04:16):
Have been read for that.

Speaker 5 (04:16):
You get the moat, you know, you got to take
the mod you know, you just gotta be you know,
the alligators. You gotta have a toilet. It's that's not working.

Speaker 4 (04:27):
I mean, yeah, you have to poop through a whole.

Speaker 9 (04:30):
Someone's gonna like those. You got to feed the gargoyles,
you know, I mean, it goes on electricity.

Speaker 4 (04:44):
I have a question.

Speaker 10 (04:44):
I have a question so you, I mean, all of
you have known each other for a long time throughout
this business.

Speaker 4 (04:50):
Is there anything a couple of years you.

Speaker 6 (04:52):
For my life actually looking at because Man you know,
and Jared because the Joey's managed. Jared Paul was my
first manager I ever had. Oh really yeah, and so
like right after American Idol like and and it was
because of e Man So who worked on Writer Man
wrote and produced crush My. Really we worked on your

album that you released And was it two thousand and
eight that you released her two thousand and seven?

Speaker 8 (05:19):
It was we met in like two thousand actually, so
we go way back.

Speaker 6 (05:24):
Yeah, and so like Iman is who got me my
first manager, which was Jared Paul with your manager. And
then I went to your concert where I got you
confused with I guess Jordan with the thing.

Speaker 1 (05:35):
Yeah, because confused.

Speaker 6 (05:36):
I'm not gonna lie. Here's the thing. Natasha Bedingfield was
opening for y'all. I was obsessed with phenomenal Thank you.
I was so starstruck by Natasha Beddingfield when y'all come to,
like Jared had y'all come to say hi, And I
was like, yeah, I was looking at Natasha and I
didn't and I was I wanted to meet y'all too.
It's just that I was starstruck by Natasha because any

but like it was a great concert. Everyone was freaking out.
Can I just say how like Avid the New Kids?

Speaker 3 (06:05):
Yeah, Watts, you guys are really lucky.

Speaker 2 (06:13):
But you curated yourself to know what you give back
to the fans.

Speaker 4 (06:18):
And everything. Wait back to my husband forgets.

Speaker 10 (06:20):
Is there anything no, no, no, anything you've ever wanted to
ask each other? Anything anything you've ever wondered about each
other back in the day groups, did you like dislike
one of them?

Speaker 4 (06:28):
Secretly? And you have a reason.

Speaker 3 (06:30):
I've got a question for everybody here because I get
asked all the time and I've got different answers for
it all the time. But I want you guys to
take one that one moment in your career that was
the most unforgettable moment. I can't believe I'm doing this
like and not like, hey there was this and that
just that one moment you go, my god, this is
blowing my mind. Jeff, do you want to go for
you guys can think about it or lancet.

Speaker 1 (06:51):
I know mine. It was a super Bowl halftime show
with with Aerosmith, which in Aerosmith's my favorite and Brittany.

Speaker 5 (06:59):
Came that day. Ever ever looked fall.

Speaker 1 (07:03):
Any, Nelly and Mary Jay at the end, but it
was to go back and forth with Aerosmith at the
because I'm a huge NFL fan. I mean, it was
just the biggest moment for me ever and I mean
I think.

Speaker 10 (07:15):
About it and as a fan, that was the first
time I actually really paid attention to to US halftime
Super Bowl. So I was like twelve, I think at
the time, was in seventh grade, and I just remember
being like, Wow, this is epic, and before that I
never cared.

Speaker 7 (07:29):
Yeah, that was when that one just often listed as
one of the top ten always of all time.

Speaker 3 (07:35):
Yeah, that gaven Stick a gravitas like you're in sanc
and Aerosmith and Nelly.

Speaker 4 (07:40):
It was just amazing. And it was like.

Speaker 7 (07:42):
Because they were the anchor, they were they were the
main attraction at that time.

Speaker 2 (07:47):
People, you know, which is really cool.

Speaker 1 (07:48):
It was fine. That's when MTV would produce the halftime.
It was just epic. What about you, guys, what's your like,
what's your favorite moment so far in your career?

Speaker 6 (07:55):
Yeah, it was like a wow, I can think about
is watching you like, no, sorry, but it's a random thing.
Does nothing to do. I'm just thinking about the magazines.
When I was talking about you trying, like when you're
gonna going to go to space, I want you to
still go to Yeah, we please send. There's still a
whole generation of millennials that are waiting for Lance Pas

to go to space. Magazines did you go through train.

Speaker 4 (08:23):

Speaker 1 (08:25):
It was a week before my launching, like.

Speaker 5 (08:30):
A very important certif blah.

Speaker 4 (08:34):
He lived on a Russian base for six months. That's
a for the millennial.

Speaker 6 (08:44):
At least send this man to space.

Speaker 8 (08:45):
All right, listen, Mark asked a question, and he only
asked it so we would ask him.

Speaker 5 (08:53):
Tell me what would you want for? Was it?

Speaker 6 (08:54):
Was it on?

Speaker 5 (08:55):
It was final American Idol.

Speaker 6 (08:57):
It was like after the fact because I didn't realize
it was going to be as a special of a
moment for other people and for me, Like the reason
why I do what I do and why I sing
is to connect with people. Sure like that's my favorite thing,
even like from a person a person thing to to
a performance to an audience or on a TV show.
When I sang imagine on American Idol, I didn't think

it was going to be special. I thought I was
gonna get voted off because everyone else was doing these
rock and seventies songs like upbeat fun and I was like,
oh my gosh, I'm gonna I'm gonna put people to sleep.

Speaker 10 (09:29):
No, that doesn't work on American Idol. If you can
sing a song that you could kill vocally, that's.

Speaker 4 (09:33):
Going to win.

Speaker 6 (09:34):
I didn't know what that was, you know, I was
I just turned seventeen. I just thought, Okay, like this
song I like and whatever, and and like my they
were going to have me sing another song?

Speaker 4 (09:44):
What was it?

Speaker 6 (09:45):
You made me so very happy? By blood? But my dad,
my dad had heard me sing Imagine before. He's like, David,
you should sing Imagine. And I was like okay, And
so I was like, sorry, but can I change my song?
And I felt bad? And they were like, okay, let's
say if we can get it clear, and they did
and I sang it and I was just like, okay,

I'm gonna get voted off because I'm going to put
But for some reason, it connected with people, and that's
what people to this day, Like last week, people were
I have people coming up to me last just last
week saying when you sing Imagine, I'm like, I don't
know why. But the reason why I love that moment
is because it allowed me to connect with millions of people.

Speaker 10 (10:29):
And I heard you saying it was like my favorite
rendish I've ever heard of the song at the time,
so I can listen to it in my head and
I know exactly like your inflexes and everything, because I
just remember that as a family, Joey.

Speaker 5 (10:40):
That's why I asked the question. I just wanted to
get back to it.

Speaker 8 (10:46):
It's my way of getting back to it, Joey.

Speaker 7 (10:52):
It would be interesting to know having so many experience.

Speaker 8 (10:55):
I do want to say, though, I mean, you know
you you you have a voice that, like some people
say they could sing the phone Book, right, I mean
you just.

Speaker 5 (11:04):
You're blessed with that.

Speaker 8 (11:05):
But the way you serve and the way you unselfishly
and humbly, you know, just offer that gift is incredible.
But like there's not you know, so many people have
covered that song, but like the honesty and the and
the just the simpleness that you were able to and
and obviously just the sound that you know, God gave

you for that voice, you know, and and selfishly I go,
I have to remember that, don't we have to remember
that as artists, you know what I mean, because we
can get so cynical every time we go after it
and it sounds so corny, you know, but like we
have to remind ourselves of that, because that's what our
fans show up for.

Speaker 5 (11:46):
That's why people.

Speaker 7 (11:47):
Well, we've all been beaten up by by the business,
and I think we all got into it to do
exactly what you're talking about, to serve to do music
because it's in our hearts, because we're because we're gifted
with a little bit of it, maybe some more than other, right,
But you know, I think that that's the thing that
you end up getting sort of distracted from was the
whole reason you got into it. It's because you just

love music and you love the reaction of people that
hear you singing and portraying these messages. So yeah, I mean,
I think you're exactly right. I'm glad you kind of
brought that up and and and for you to just
sort of kind of recollect something that all these guys
are going was a pivotal moment on that not just
that season, but that series in its entirety is a

pretty amazing moment. And the fact that you shared that
and it's just now coming back to you do that
for so many people.

Speaker 10 (12:38):
There was only a few moments that like you really
remember from American there's so many seasons and it's like
you forget so much, but there's a few moments of
certain people singing certain songs and remember your yours is
definitely one.

Speaker 4 (12:50):
And it was like Adam Lambert when he did Mad World,
that was his moment.

Speaker 6 (12:55):
Yeah, it was amazing.

Speaker 10 (12:56):
Kelly Clarkson had the second you first saw her singing
respect even as he was until the last twenty four
and then she's saying that and natural woman woman killed.
It's like what you're saying, It was like the competition's over.

Speaker 7 (13:08):
Yeah, but don't get it lost because you were involved
in that moment that your moment isn't as important as
the one.

Speaker 1 (13:13):
Thank you exactly.

Speaker 6 (13:14):
What's weird about it is it didn't feel like a
moment at the time. It was just like, you know,
it's just like you're just doing what you love, like
like singing like I would in my backyard, and like
the dogs would bark because I'd be singing. They come
over and like in drove me, Like I realize, so
like it was just a moment, but you don't. Sometimes
you just don't realize when it's going to be something

that other people relate to. But that's also when I
realized the power of music.

Speaker 4 (13:41):

Speaker 5 (13:42):
Yeah, like, and that's another great reminder though. That's the thing.

Speaker 8 (13:45):
We don't get to decide what it means to other people,
you know, we just to show up. Of course it
means something to us. Of course that's so meant something
to you. But like, yeah, everyone interprets it the reminder.

Speaker 2 (13:55):
Yeah, Dave, you have to play that in your show.
Its right, there's no way you're not.

Speaker 6 (13:58):
I haven't show probably should.

Speaker 5 (14:04):
I think I was.

Speaker 6 (14:06):
There's like the American idol trauma that you deal with that,
Like I'm like, I don't want to put myself back
in that place because it was amazing but also super
there's a lot mixed in with that. You try to
like cancel it out, but maybe I should. I feel like, yes,
it's enough time, what about you?

Speaker 5 (14:26):
That's the beauty of it.

Speaker 8 (14:27):
Man. It's like, but I'm glad, I'm I'm I'm glad.

Speaker 5 (14:41):
He's aware of that, you know what I mean? And like, again,
just feeding.

Speaker 8 (14:45):
Off the awareness of that that like that was a
tough time, you know, it's like and that that's that success, right,
I mean, like we we can all identify with that.

Speaker 5 (14:54):
Is that like.

Speaker 8 (14:56):
It's the biggest show in the world and you're you're
like you're right up there with everything, and like it's
it's such a gift, but like it was hard and
there's trauma and you have to sort through that and
balance that, and like it's it's it's lovely that like
you're at a moment now in your life that you
can only get through living. You can't snap your fingers.
It can't take five years or fifteen years or whatever.

It takes what it takes, and like now it's really
sweet that you're like, you know what, Okay, I walked
through that. I felt that, I felt the feelings.

Speaker 5 (15:28):
I lived a life.

Speaker 8 (15:29):
I went through that, and now maybe I can look
at it and I identify with that.

Speaker 5 (15:34):
I think we all do.

Speaker 3 (15:35):
It's got to put distance between what you're known for
and then let it all kind of cycle through and go.

Speaker 4 (15:40):
That was pretty cool.

Speaker 3 (15:41):
I'm so proud of it, and I'm so honored anybody
ever showed up and still show up.

Speaker 4 (15:46):
Yes, Jeff, you talked about earlier.

Speaker 1 (15:47):
We all yeah, beautiful.

Speaker 7 (15:50):
So your watching, Well, it's only forty minute segment.

Speaker 5 (15:56):
A couple of things. I blessed beyond belief. I know,
we know you believe, and you know me and the
new kids.

Speaker 8 (16:04):
We were like a family and somehow we haven't screwed
it up and it's been wonderful. And I've also, you know,
been able to do a lot of things on my own.
A couple of things come to mind. I'll pick one
and it sounds like a flex, but I just played
Carnegie Hall this year, well so so and I just
turned fifty, so I did something special. But yeah, no,

it was great. It was great.

Speaker 2 (16:29):
We played.

Speaker 5 (16:31):
Yeah I'm not the guy with the shirt and the fan, but.

Speaker 8 (16:38):
You probably yeah, but it was one of all. And
I had the guys there, and I had all these
meaningful people and I got to play.

Speaker 4 (16:45):
It's amazing.

Speaker 5 (16:45):
And the thing is what the gift there is that
I belonged. I belong You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 8 (16:53):
We get to a place where, because you know what
I mean, eighteen thousand people could say, what do you
mean you belong?

Speaker 4 (17:01):

Speaker 8 (17:01):
They say all of us, and that's what we're talking
about here. But like for me, in a very simple,
quiet way, like I belonged here.

Speaker 5 (17:09):
You know what I mean? It was beautiful and I
couldn't ask it never sold anything, It sold out, sold out.
What did you say quickly?

Speaker 8 (17:16):
About twenty five songs we sang for three hours. They
had to kick us off because the curfew. Literally we
cut the last song in half, called the audible. We said, well,
the one verse, I mean it was it was union.

Speaker 5 (17:26):
It is not play there. Yeah, but a lot of
different stuff.

Speaker 6 (17:32):
I'll sing that's really cold, your whole Holy Night saved
on my cue, Yes, Spotify, Yeah, yeah, I'm going.

Speaker 7 (17:41):
To go to market.

Speaker 1 (17:43):
I'm still thinking.

Speaker 7 (17:44):
It's it's really hard to pick. I mean, we were saying,
you're going, okay, what was I mean the first time
we heard I asked the song on the radio was amazing,
Like we never expected this to happen. And then to
do songs with Mariah Carey and Joe and Tevie Wonder
and for Disney, and then do Michael Jackson's special for

Luther Vander, performing with Luther Vandals and Usher, and to
be associated with you guys and you guys and you
guys later on. I mean, it's hard to pick a moment.
So it sounds why, but it's like the entire journeyism moment,
you know. And to be able to do it, I
think really for me as a fifty year old guy too,

And to be able to do this, you guys, I mean,
just just to be doing this and to be associated
with legendary once in a lifetime brands and bands that
that are pinnacles of music history. Being a fan of
the music. Although we get associated with canned up pop

stuff that's packaged, we all got in it for the
lod reuse, right, And and and to be able to
be doing this that it's been the journey. I can't
pick a moment, because singing at the White House with
Christina and Bill Clinton in the you know, that's that's
crazy to me being from a small town in Ohio
that was taping songs off of off the radio, going

all right, parting it out.

Speaker 4 (19:11):
How did you get out of Ohio.

Speaker 7 (19:13):
To you know, I just started a group at a
party trying to sing for girls.

Speaker 2 (19:20):

Speaker 4 (19:20):
They were all friends, Yeah, so.

Speaker 7 (19:23):
So we I mean, it was really, if you think
about it now, it was really kind of impulsive and
dumb and you would never do it. And my parents
just were like, well, he's really got his head set
on this. He's gonna go do it, and I got
fortunate enough to be paired up with a bunch of
other guys that were really, really talented, and we worked
hard and had success and got lucky and it all

ended up being amazing. So one moment, I don't have one,
you know, I can't pick.

Speaker 6 (19:52):
Well, you just said it, and wow, talk about like
summarizing to a key like that was a great summary,
but like just be able to being able to start
something that took you on a journey.

Speaker 7 (20:01):
I mean, you know, we're talking about doing stuff that
I was dreaming about that my friends, we were from
a really small town that's a football town. They thought
it was absolutely insane and stupid, and I was laughing
stock of my town and then.

Speaker 6 (20:16):
Talking about but later on, you know, they everybody's gracious
that you go back and support and give back to
the town, which is perfect.

Speaker 7 (20:26):
But certainly this goes above and beyond what I had
envisioned for my life and and and the impact and
things that we got to do later on, which is
an absolute blessing, you know, uh, to be doing it
this many years later and to be still relevant and
selling tickets and not chasing you know how.

Speaker 6 (20:48):
Much because sometimes I wonder that, like, how much longer
can I do this? As long as you stop you
I want to, I just don't know if like to
be able to get You've got a world class voice.

Speaker 5 (21:02):
Now if you show up, people are.

Speaker 7 (21:03):
Going to show up as long as you love it
and as long as people know that you love it
and love what you do, unless.

Speaker 5 (21:09):
You want to buy a castle. And then we got
to talk to this better be good like the torches
for you.

Speaker 4 (21:22):
I mean it's pretty good.

Speaker 3 (21:23):
I mean, but the thing he said is is what
all of our best moment The journey has been amazing
all but you kind of I hinted towards it, and David,
you've said it to the journey and Lance, you know,
the journey has been amazing and it's still happening and
we still have magical moments.

Speaker 2 (21:36):
But that one tangible moment for me was in nineteen
ninety nine we were.

Speaker 5 (21:40):
Opening for the Rolling Stones.

Speaker 2 (21:42):
Watch your feet, names are falling and we're.

Speaker 3 (21:46):
Opening for the Stones and I'm sitting there going because
we were a little older, my success happened.

Speaker 2 (21:50):
I was twenty seven.

Speaker 3 (21:51):
I was a little bit older at sixty eight years old.
Now I feel comfortable saying that what.

Speaker 4 (21:59):
Look good and.

Speaker 5 (22:00):
We'll be back now. You're impressed them, so.

Speaker 8 (22:04):
Over the Stones and I'm sitting there going but you'll
be twenty five forever.

Speaker 6 (22:08):
I think you will mark.

Speaker 5 (22:12):
Twenty five wherever. Yeah, you know.

Speaker 3 (22:14):
So we're sitting there playing and Stones audiences are typically tough.

Speaker 2 (22:19):
They're like Metallica audience. They don't want to see anybody else.

Speaker 4 (22:21):
But the Stones.

Speaker 3 (22:22):
So we're going out there. We're battling, we're throwing some punches.
We had flying the arsenal. It's med a couple of haymakers.
We're battling, and I think the audience looked at you guys, like, oh,
there's a bunch of puppies on stage.

Speaker 2 (22:32):
They're happy to be here because we were. It was
amazing open.

Speaker 6 (22:34):
The Stones, that's amazing.

Speaker 3 (22:35):
So the last song we're doing, I went, hey, guys,
thanks for sugar at, thanks for putting up with this
one more song here tonight.

Speaker 2 (22:42):
It's called every Morning.

Speaker 3 (22:43):
It just went to number one today, So I want
to say thank you all so much for having us.
I don't think this night could ever get better for
me in my career, and I want to thank you all.
I looked at my right and there was Mick Jagger
and Keith Richards at the monitor station watching this.

Speaker 5 (22:58):
I go hold on.

Speaker 3 (22:59):
It just got a little bit better, and so I
was thinking of my mind, I don't think it's ever
and I was very cognizant of the moment. I don't
ever think it's going to be better than this.

Speaker 5 (23:07):
So that was the moment. We play every morning and.

Speaker 1 (23:09):
It was all look out there and see Keith Richard
wind the wind where bottle Jack Daniels I had.

Speaker 8 (23:20):
That's the coldest that they came out and they cared
enough and they're sitting that.

Speaker 5 (23:24):
That's the thing.

Speaker 6 (23:27):
And the fact just to see like legends do that,
like that, the fact that they wanted you there first
of all, like that they're not just gonna like like yeah,
bringing Joshua like you had stuff that impressed them and
made an impact and that they enjoyed and connected with.

Speaker 5 (23:42):
I appreciate it.

Speaker 3 (23:43):
And it felt like that. The way they made us
feel completely felt like that. We did about ten days
with the Rolling Stones. I'd be calling it people on
my second grade soccer team, what are you doing bro?

Speaker 2 (23:52):

Speaker 6 (23:53):
The Stones?

Speaker 5 (23:59):
Yeah, that was amazing. Always glad to have that moment, you.

Speaker 1 (24:02):
Know, I mean, that's that's beautiful tours. What is your
dream tour to be on? If you could put a
tour together with you guys and like two opening acts,
like who would it be?

Speaker 5 (24:14):
I mean, I mean, y'all, I mean with the new
kids have been so lucky. I mean we' we have.
We've been able to we do these you know, mixtape
tours the last last few years.

Speaker 1 (24:26):
And I like how it's mixed it is.

Speaker 8 (24:28):
I mean, I've sort of started with having an amazing
you know night of like ninety eight degrees and backs
and ninety eight degrees.

Speaker 5 (24:35):
And boys to men and us. That was like, come
on and I wanted to see that.

Speaker 8 (24:39):
Yeah, it was amazing night. And then and then after
that we were able to do Paul.

Speaker 6 (24:45):
Abdul in American Yeah yeah.

Speaker 8 (24:48):
And then we did you know, but this last couple
of ones, we really we started the show and ended
the show so our acts, and that's a great way.

Speaker 5 (24:55):
That was a cool.

Speaker 8 (24:56):
Look, well, you get better acts because they're not like,
well who open.

Speaker 9 (25:01):

Speaker 5 (25:02):
You know what I mean, we get great acts.

Speaker 8 (25:03):
But now it's like no, no, no, in Vogue, you're gonna
come out here, come out here, Pepper, You're gonna come
out here and come out here, yeah man, and.

Speaker 3 (25:15):
With the bands too, which made yeah, which is wonderful.

Speaker 5 (25:20):
So we've been able to have that.

Speaker 3 (25:23):
And Joey let us open if you guys and Hurshy
Pennsylvania remember that. But that's never but we uh that
was that was sort of.

Speaker 5 (25:34):
Like we were playing with the mixtape thing. That was
like our first sort of like.

Speaker 2 (25:38):
Uh, super fun.

Speaker 5 (25:39):
Really appreciate it.

Speaker 8 (25:40):
But you're, you know, we're always like, you know, we
always kept but I mean, are we Are we cool
enough for Sugart?

Speaker 5 (25:48):
Are we cooling up for Sugarrat?

Speaker 8 (25:49):
But you're like, I still I shouldn't say this out loud,
but you don't want but you guys got to.

Speaker 5 (25:59):
Get back together, but say it. Say it, boy band aid.

Speaker 1 (26:03):
That would be I mean, I could you imagine.

Speaker 11 (26:06):
London Wembley, It's Philadelphia one day one day, one day
the line, well you got all the from UK, we
got get ninety eight degree one.

Speaker 8 (26:20):
Day it's it's yeah, would be ninety eighth degree. Backstreet Boys,
Boys to Men, New Edition. You bring the Jackson's back.

Speaker 5 (26:32):
You know you have some stretch.

Speaker 7 (26:35):
What's the biggest don't forget about West Life.

Speaker 8 (26:36):
You well for for for for Live aid.

Speaker 5 (26:41):
They did Philadelphia.

Speaker 8 (26:43):
Some people say, I I thought it was New York,
but it's the Philipphilly in London.

Speaker 5 (26:47):
So you get London. But you did both both, remember
phil Collins did both, went back forth. But then you
know in London you have.

Speaker 3 (26:54):
You know, so many boys West Life.

Speaker 5 (26:59):
One direction take that wh where where where where? Buddies
would take that? So and when they like that would
be incredible.

Speaker 4 (27:09):
That was that was a song they said that was one.

Speaker 7 (27:15):
Yeah, but you know what we got but they got
by instead and make good choice directed.

Speaker 1 (27:21):

Speaker 8 (27:21):
Anyways, but as far as like collaboration or you feel
like a like a tour, yeah.

Speaker 1 (27:26):
Well, I mean I was saying tour, but I mean
I love that idea because it actually gives back to
tell right now.

Speaker 3 (27:32):
I'd really like this because to be a stadium tour
and crush the summer in sync your kids.

Speaker 2 (27:39):
Under story thinking about knights and.

Speaker 1 (27:44):
Actual boys would cry if they were not invited. Okay,
they got.

Speaker 5 (27:49):
That money for you.

Speaker 6 (27:52):
That would you would like ignite something in people that
has been like dormant for our years.

Speaker 8 (27:57):
That would something and see what it's back? They can
they Taylor Swift Taylor Swift. They will be wiping their ass.
They'll bring us in to wipe their ass, and they're
gonna have that moment getting you together because we're all
tired of waiting.

Speaker 5 (28:29):
As far as like, you know, it's a little bit
I know, you're you're a boy band or whatever.

Speaker 8 (28:33):
I mean, us guys have sort of toured with each other,
but it's it like who would your you know, three.

Speaker 5 (28:40):
Acts you would love to go because they're doing that
all time.

Speaker 8 (28:42):
All these bands are coming back together, like you know,
but who would those two other bands be.

Speaker 3 (28:49):
That It was a hugely influential l A band came
like really from a punk rock, really super college pre
alternative background. Chili are gods, right, I said, I feel
as the pots go, I'm not comparing because they're they're
the next level, but there's.

Speaker 5 (29:04):
There's a synergy.

Speaker 3 (29:05):
Oh yeah, yeah, because I mean they were such an
influence in our band.

Speaker 2 (29:11):
Yeah, you know what I mean, just to get on stage,
the energy and all that youse.

Speaker 7 (29:14):
Guys had put out. I know a little bit about
your background. Yeah, and you guys were influenced by more
of that rock rock sort of scene. I know a
lot of the songs you ended up putting out seemed
to be a little bit more in the pop lane.
But you guys were influenced by the Chili Peppers and
some of the other punk rock scene.

Speaker 3 (29:29):
Yeah, yeah, I mean we got signed as a rock
and roll then, you know what I mean, That's what
we did. We had two songs we got signed. We
lied to Atlantic Records. You could do that back then. Yeah,
you know, we had two songs. One was called Kaboos,
the other was called Lick Me Yeah, and we made it.

Speaker 5 (29:44):
We made a video.

Speaker 3 (29:45):
McGee or Buddy McGee made a video to caboose I'm
thirty five millimeter tape, so it looked ready to go,
and Doug Morris founded Atlantic Records and goes, I don't
know about the song kind of sucks, but this band
looks fun and this is the grunge area.

Speaker 2 (29:59):
Mind you early sign these fans. They're having fun. That's
how we got signed.

Speaker 3 (30:03):
Not on music, not in capabilities, not in talent. So
we had to play catch up, you know. So the
first record was that Kids in a Candy Store. We'd
be like doing sex whistle song, red pepper songs with
a little bit of hip hop in there.

Speaker 2 (30:15):
And as you play more in toward the world.

Speaker 3 (30:17):
You get better as musicians and songwriters, and that led
to Fly and the rest of the hips.

Speaker 5 (30:21):
Yeah, that's how it worked.

Speaker 6 (30:22):
All that.

Speaker 5 (30:23):
We did everything backwards, still doing this day. That word
don't sing it better than me about it.

Speaker 6 (30:30):
Here's the thing you got, swag like, that's the thing
that like made.

Speaker 4 (30:34):
You got the ridge.

Speaker 1 (30:35):
You got the ridge you got.

Speaker 5 (30:36):
The frost tips still wrong.

Speaker 1 (30:40):
Crost tips are like Dumbo's feather for us. You're like,
you know, as long as we have to power good. Well, guys,
it has been so much fun catching up with you guys.
Happy holidays, what like what would you like to tell
your fans right now for the holidays? And like and
how can we keep up with you guys?

Speaker 7 (31:01):

Speaker 1 (31:01):
Wow, Mark, But.

Speaker 3 (31:02):
I think we kind of alluded to it a little bit,
like I'm just so grateful to be here with all
you guys. I don't know what to expect tonight. It
feels like old friends, you know, like we kind of
said it. I see guys in a couple of years,
you know, and it's always been course and fun. But
I think we really like grinding it out today and
talk about things that I feel like a connection you
guys that will always have and to build these friendships
as we get older. And you said something very you know,
uh particular tonight when you said, like we we are

the nineties, dude, that's our decade. You know that we
will always be the eighties and nineties.

Speaker 5 (31:35):
In nineties when we need to be. Yeah, we're in
the nineties world.

Speaker 3 (31:38):
So I couldn't I couldn't be more grateful to take
this ride with you guys and everybody watching it at home.

Speaker 2 (31:43):
And this is like the coolest guys ever.

Speaker 10 (31:45):

Speaker 3 (31:45):
It's like those talented guys ever all deserved to be
where they are.

Speaker 8 (31:48):
I got one more story about you, young man, because
we all this is the You're a shining light and
in this town. I showed me first when we first
got back together, when the new kids first got back together,
it was an exciting time. Same same thing you're witnessing
now that like, oh my god, could instincts be getting
back together? And it was in like two thousand and

two thousand, late two thousand and seven, two thousand and eight.
It's like wow, and we announced it. We were sneaking
it out and whatever, and we're at Stable Center for
a Lakers game.

Speaker 5 (32:23):
Yep, And we're in a we're both in the bathroom.
We just happened to be in the bathroom.

Speaker 12 (32:30):
We're at side by side journals and Mark turns to
me and goes, is it happening. I'm trying, But you're
such are You're such a big heart, and like, I
need that kind of stuff.

Speaker 8 (32:47):
It's so easy to be a cynic in this business
for sure, and like look down, but like thank you
for like, you know, keeping the fires burning and like
and having you know, comrades and fellows be excited about
and things is so important because that's that's a rarity
and it's and it's infectious too.

Speaker 5 (33:06):
So thank you, thank you.

Speaker 2 (33:08):
I think about you when the time. That's the best
new kid song.

Speaker 5 (33:12):
I love that one. Vocals Could you comp down for me?
Up separate more time?

Speaker 1 (33:24):
All right, Jeff?

Speaker 7 (33:25):
Would everyone just thanks for having me. This has been
a blast. It's been a joy. Of course, I love
and feel honored to be with these guys, and of
course I always love hanging out with you two and
being a part of this and David Man such a
big fan, and David watching your career keep escalating and
having so much success. It's an honor to be with
you as well, and exciting about everybody's endeavors.

Speaker 3 (33:45):
Actually that's a long time as you're a sweetheart of
a guy, You're kind, and you're curious about others.

Speaker 5 (33:50):
So David wonderful.

Speaker 7 (33:54):
I was probably best.

Speaker 6 (33:55):
I feel like the odd ball because it's like everyone's
in boy bands and stuff and I'm like, oh.

Speaker 7 (34:01):
You look, if you were in one of our boy bands,
we would have been jealous.

Speaker 6 (34:04):
Of anyone whose fans Can we just say, like, I've
loved what let me tell your next I'm.

Speaker 5 (34:13):
Talking Christmas, happy to be here always.

Speaker 6 (34:18):
You No, no, no, you don't want to hear what.

Speaker 5 (34:20):
No, I'm good. I've said enough.

Speaker 8 (34:21):
Seriously, if only saying something because David wants me to,
this is what I'm saying.

Speaker 5 (34:31):
Now, let's take it to David.

Speaker 6 (34:33):
No, I just every everyone here. It's like such caliber
of people. It's so fun to be with good people
who are in the business. And everyone here is so enjoyable,
so delightful, good energy. So for those who are watching,
who've watched these people's careers like throughout the years, like
these are great caliber people, so like like great great

choice of people to follow and great boy bands like
we've we've all loved listening to all of your music
growing up, and I'm so glad that the next generation
is now picking up and enjoying and like igniting the
next like for more stuff for you, because I just
really sincerely want y'all to keep going, keep thriving, because
y'all are great people and great music and I'm so

glad that I got to like grow up on your
music and now be able to hang with you all this.

Speaker 4 (35:22):
And now it is so fun.

Speaker 1 (35:25):
I know, well, now you're part of a great support system,
so welcome to the.

Speaker 6 (35:30):
I can like join the boy band like Bible.

Speaker 1 (35:37):
Okay, all right, guys, that is all the show happened. Well,
people hear me too much on this same but no,
I mean I've had such a great time, especially with
this show, because this last year has been so fun
with Frosted Tips, because I love interviewing. I mean, that's
what I've been doing for so many years, and I
just love talking to people, but specifically getting to know
you guys, because yes, we crossed pass throughout the last

twenty years and great, but like to really get to
know you guys and see where your heads are and
see all the similarities that we all have, but to
see that we all came out on top and that
we're all still you know, like good people, and it's
just nice to feel that, like I said, a support
system whenever you need it. Like I know that I
could like call you guys anytime, be like, hey, I

need you know, can you help me with this? And
y'all would just jump at the chance. So, like, I
just love that. It's it's a fun family. And I
don't think a lot of people could ever get that
understand unless you kind of walked through that. But it's
a fun club to be a part of it. I'm
glad that we're part of it together. Now, we just
got to get David into some Frosted Tips and then
we'll be good. Thank you guys for be hey, thanks

for listening. Follow us on Instagram at Frosted Tips with
Lance and Michael Turchin and at lance Beast for all
your pop culture needs

Speaker 10 (36:57):
And make sure to write his review and leave us
by start six if you can see you next time.
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