All Episodes

August 7, 2023 48 mins

Color us impressed! 

90's hitmakers Color Me Badd hit the top of the charts with songs like "I Adore Mi Amor" and "I Wanna Sex You Up."

You'll 'Wanna' hear singer Mark Calderon reveal how the R&B group came up with their colorful name, how they got their first big break (it involves Bon Jovi), and whether he keeps in touch with any of his former bandmates.  

Plus, Color Me Badd's appearance on "90210" gave the teen drama their most-viewed episode of all time. . . but you won't believe what the appearance did for the band's record sales!  Lance gets all the scoop! 

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Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:04):
This is Frosted Tips with Lance Bass and iHeart radio podcast. Hello,
my little Peanuts, it's me your host, Lance Bass. This
is Frosted Tips with Me and my beautiful Hubby Turkey Turchen.

Speaker 2 (00:18):

Speaker 1 (00:19):
And it is hot as hell. Damn is lower the
rest of yards of boiling too. But it was it
kind of I thought the summer was gonna be milder.
They said it was gonna be milder. It's not.

Speaker 2 (00:31):
Well, it was.

Speaker 3 (00:32):
It was mild up until that passed like a week
or so, and then it just it's like.

Speaker 2 (00:36):
In the hundreds. Now, yeah, it's it's humid bad.

Speaker 1 (00:39):
And then it was so great. And even most of
June was great because it was actually cold. Ye it
was cold every fifties sometimes dipped to the forties in June.
And now it is not.

Speaker 3 (00:50):
It is not, Lord, guys, is brutal the whole country.

Speaker 1 (00:54):
I just yeah, the climate crisis is real people.

Speaker 3 (00:57):
I mean I read like a couple of weeks ago
that thought the water around Florida, which means are going
to get in it says around the Keys and Miami beats,
the water was one hundred and one.

Speaker 2 (01:06):
Degrees in the os.

Speaker 1 (01:08):
I mean, I know, I like that.

Speaker 2 (01:10):
It's a hot tub on the Beats in Miami Beach.

Speaker 1 (01:12):
I mean that's perfect for me.

Speaker 2 (01:13):

Speaker 1 (01:14):
Oh, there's nothing better than Miami Beach water, even in January.

Speaker 3 (01:18):
Oh, in January can be nice, but it's nothing worse
when you go to that Beats in the summer, which
you should never do, and you're like, I'm dying it's
so hot. Let me jump into this nice, beautiful ocean
and you get in and.

Speaker 2 (01:28):
It's like hot and you're like gotta get escaped.

Speaker 1 (01:33):
Man. Oh man, Well stay hydrated out there, people, because
it's not going away anytime soon. It's only gonna get worse.
So yay, wow, Wait to start off on a positive note.

Speaker 3 (01:44):
Anything else positive we can talk about before we get
to some good music. Well, we took our babies for
their first hike.

Speaker 1 (01:48):
Oh yeah, they're hikers now they are, they're expert hikers.
But we did not The attire was not right because
we didn't know that we would be really hiking. We
were just kind of walking up the street and we
live next to a park. Let's go on this hiking
trail that's not really cut. Yeah, very well, but they
did it. You have. But they're in shorts and like
little shoes, and I'm thinking snakes are out now, yeah,

so we have to get them really good hiking boots.
I don't know, what do you what do you put
on kids to go hiking? Just jeans and hiking boots. Yeah,
we need good recommendations parents out there. Our kids they
outgrow shoes every week, so we never have anything any
that really fit. All right, So can you give us
some recommendations on shoes that maybe you're a little I

don't know, bigger that I don't know, can stretch or
like they last at longer.

Speaker 3 (02:38):
Those are called socks, just something the ale longer.

Speaker 1 (02:43):
Hiking boots what hiking do they make? Hiking?

Speaker 3 (02:46):
You can just get them like sneakers. Let's say we're
not going We're not, I'm telling.

Speaker 1 (02:49):
You, but I'm scared of snakes. We have lots of
snakes here.

Speaker 3 (02:53):
Well, that's why you have to help. You have to
you have to be right near them the whole time.
That's why I got them their leashes so they can't
wander off.

Speaker 1 (02:59):
Oh yeah, another thing you can dam us this parents,
What are your thoughts on leashes? Because I'm all form
like when I'm when I'm at a theme park and
I see kids with those little backpack leashes. First, I
think it's cute as hell.

Speaker 3 (03:11):
Yeah, and also it's also a responsible parenting you want
your kids to fly off in the middle of nowhere.

Speaker 1 (03:16):
I mean the arm ones that to me, I would
not do the arm ones because it feels like you're
just I don't know, you're like when you grab someone's hand,
like the kids.

Speaker 3 (03:22):
Arm it's also a good way the arm ones because
you just have tethered to your hand, so you don't
even have to pull them. It's just like they can
only go as far as your hands, so then like
they're attached to you at all times and you could
still do stuff.

Speaker 1 (03:31):
Well, that's a backpack too, right, I'm.

Speaker 2 (03:33):
Saying, if you have two at the same time, you
have both hand and you still have.

Speaker 1 (03:36):
Your to we're never doing too at the time, are
you kidding? That's why I have you.

Speaker 2 (03:41):
I mean, it's true, that's why we had children together.

Speaker 1 (03:43):
I could do without you. All right, guys, let's take
a little break. When we come back, we're gonna have
mark a calder On from coloring bat Our first culory bad.
I know it'd be interesting because you know the these guys.
They're they're disbanded, right, I mean, he's still performing, but
you know they've had a lot of drama in their group.

Speaker 2 (04:00):
Yeah, I wonder if we'll talk about that.

Speaker 1 (04:01):
I don't know, we're gonna find out. I'm gonna ask
the question. I'll see if he answers it, all right,
we'll be right back, all right.

Speaker 4 (04:21):

Speaker 1 (04:22):
Mark calder On is one of the singers of the
famous nineteen eighties contemporary R and B group Coloring Bad.
He was a second tenor. All members of Coled Me
Bad were high school friends and brought up in Oklahoma City.
Mark worked with Stevie Brock for the song for All
for Love. The song was a huge hit on the
Disney charts especially, and he has also played songs for
TV series House and Night Writer, two of my favorite shows.

Mark calder On, Welcome to.

Speaker 4 (04:46):
The show, my man, Thank you Lance, thanks for having
me guys.

Speaker 1 (04:49):
Oh my gosh. I was going through a deep dive
of all my favorite songs of you guys yesterday, and man,
it brought me back. Brought me back. I adore me
a more. I mean, that spoke to me so much.
I mean I think I was in sixth or seventh grade,
and it was kind of the first time as a
little kid from Mississippi heard R and B. Like it

was the first kind of R and B that I
was like exposed to. Yeah, I mean, what about you,
you were like three. Yeah, So let's take us back.

Speaker 4 (05:25):
You make me sound old.

Speaker 1 (05:27):
You know, we're all older. You can no, We're aged
like a fine wine. We were a fine wine. So Mark,
take us back to the very beginning. How did music
and performing first come into your life?

Speaker 4 (05:40):
Well, it actually started out with my dad, you know,
back back then, whenever we would have like family gatherings
and such, he would always make us do a talent
show in front of the family or friends. And I
started out singing with my brother and my sister, and
my dad would make us sing in Spanish. So it's

kind of how it all starred with music in me.
And then I had an older sister who loved like
the classic rock music like Peter Frantam and you know,
the Beg's, And I just heard that style of music,
you know, all throughout the house every day, especially in
the summer, and I don't know, man, it just kind
of got into me. And in the eighty let's see

it was an eighty three or eighty four, I think
I went to go see the Victory Tour Michael Jackson
and that just blew me away completely. So from there,
you know, I just wanted to be a singer. And
you know, one time I was in line at Long
John Silver's and I was singing. I was a kid

and I was singing, and this old man behind me
he tapped my bag, he said, tap my shoulder. He said, hey,
you sound pretty good as a singer. And that right there,
that little comment made everything to me to be surprised.
The little things that you say to people that really,
you know, that'll keep them. You know, it's something that's

very memorable. Yeah, and that man, I don't know who
he was, but that inspired me to continue on and uh,
you know, just get better as singing, and one thing
led to the next, you know. I mean, you know
that's kind of really how how it all got started.

Speaker 1 (07:21):
That is true. I mean think about you know, you
get those little nuggets as a kid to give you
that confidence.

Speaker 4 (07:26):

Speaker 1 (07:27):
See, I was the opposite. No one ever told me
I sounded good, so it never gave me comfort. Well,
but I went for it anyway.

Speaker 3 (07:33):
It's true or like if you tried, like it could
have been gone the other way, like you were singing,
and like even as a joke, someone could have laughed like, yeah,
don't quit your day, j up this for fun, and
like that one comment could make you just never want
to sing again, even though you think you're good at.

Speaker 1 (07:47):
Yeah, it'll scar you. Yeah, to be careful what you
say to kids out there.

Speaker 2 (07:51):
It sticks, It really does stick.

Speaker 1 (07:53):
So you met your future coded me bad Bam mates
in high school. You were all Inquire together. But what
drew the four of you together and no one else
in the class.

Speaker 4 (08:04):
Well, what happened was it started basically out with Brian.
Brian and I mine introduced me to him. And you know,
back in the day, you know, there was a lot
of break dancing, you know, kind of battles that you
would have in breakdancing. Well, we kind of was going
to start a little vocal battle, I guess, you know,
right there in the hallways in high school and I

met him, and you know, I was like, hey, you know,
I want to hear you sing, you know, and he goes, well, yeah,
I can sing a little bit. And I started to
sing first, and then whenever he started singing. Man, it
just like, oh my gosh, it just like blew me
away completely. His voice was just amazing, and instead of
us singing against each other, I was like, hey, man,
we need to sing together. You know, the heck with this,

you know. So that's kind of where it all started.
And he introduced me to Kevin. I eventually introduced him
and Kevin to Sam, but Sam was my best friend
at the time. And there was this Levi's five h
one blues commercial. I don't know if you guys remember
back in the eighties where it was like four guys
singing in New York City on a street corner harmony.

And we kind of learned that that little that commercial
skit sing it for the High School Talent Show and
the girls with bananas, and we were like, Okay, this
is what we want to do in life.

Speaker 1 (09:23):
This is my future. Now where did y'all go to
high school?

Speaker 4 (09:28):
Northwest class in in Oklahoma City?

Speaker 1 (09:30):
Oklahoma City. Okay, I still got that accent too. Now,
my southern accent's going to come out.

Speaker 2 (09:35):
Just it. It just did, as you said, my southern accent.

Speaker 1 (09:39):
It's true. My good So okay, color me bad. I've
always want to know where does the name come from.

Speaker 4 (09:46):
It actually came from a race horse. We were looking
for a name and we come up with, you know,
dozens of different ideas and nothing was really sticking. And
we were like, we need something that's going to stick
it man, like aerosmith, Like what the heck is an aerosmith?
You know what I mean? I mean something really And

so Sam was actually looking through the newspaper, the sports
section where all the different racehorses were, and you know,
racehorses have these funky names, you know, sometimes they're really cool.
So he was kind of going through them and he
was like, hey, man, how about this name, color Me Bad.
I was like, oh, I was like that's interesting, all right,

say that, say that, you know, and let's see what
what what? What? You know? We'll just hold that. So
our manager, Miles Sanders in New York City, we were
trying to come up with different names. We didn't know
what we were going to go with, so we picked
three different names. Color Me Bad was one of them.
He went uptown to this DJ in New York and

he he told them the situation. He asked him what
was going to be the best name for the group,
and he's like telling me bad. So that's what we
went with.

Speaker 1 (11:05):
I always assumed you were like in high school and
you are a little too innocent, and you wanted, you know,
your fans to think that you're a little more bad,
like calling me bad.

Speaker 2 (11:14):
Paint the town.

Speaker 4 (11:16):

Speaker 1 (11:20):
Now, whose idea was it to form the band?

Speaker 4 (11:24):
Well, you know, it's kind of you know, like I
was in a group with my brother and sister, and
you know, when brothers and sisters get together, you know,
sometimes it can get a little you know, arguments go
left and right, and you know, we're little, we're young,
and one one one of us want to rehearse, the
other one doesn't. So I was like, okay, the heck

with this. But I was I always, you know, I
always kind of was in the group thing. And Brian
and I we kind of started it, you know, from there,
and that's kind of really how it happened. If we
love we loved new addition, we love those old groups,
you know like that, and they inspired us and yeah,
you know.

Speaker 1 (12:03):
Well you know with that inspiration, I mean, did you
did you know exactly what type of group you wanted
to be? Did you want to model yourself after a
new edition.

Speaker 4 (12:12):
Yeah, new addition, and you know, we saw what new
kids on the block were doing, and those guys were
really doing a lot of great things, and you know
that was kind of our thing, our vocals, and we
knew he sounded really well and people loved it. The
girls at the school loved it.

Speaker 1 (12:28):
You know.

Speaker 4 (12:28):
We used to go sing in the bathrooms at our
high school and the girls would just rush in whenever
they would hear us singing, and we'd get in trouble sometimes,
but I mean, we just knew that we had something
special and we wanted to take it to the next level.
So what we did was, you know, being in Oklahoma City,
where the music business is not, we used to wait

for the big acts that used to come through town
and we would try to get their attention and sing
for them and maybe maybe there's somebody that would just
give us a break, you know. And believe it or not,
it was really bon Jovi who we met at the
movie theater, you know, here in Oklahoma City. We caught
him in the band coming out of the movie theater.

We sang for them and they loved what they heard
and they were like, this is now, this is the
slippery when wet tour. So this was like a big
tour and he was like, man, you guys sound really good.
John was like, how about you guys open up for
us tomorrow night in front of twenty thousand people.

Speaker 2 (13:30):
Can you imagine?

Speaker 1 (13:32):

Speaker 3 (13:32):
I guess you could imagine because you did it, but
that is insane.

Speaker 1 (13:37):

Speaker 4 (13:37):
So we're like, we're like sophomores in high school, you know,
getting ready to open up for bon Jovie. Okay, so
that was amazing.

Speaker 1 (13:46):
And at that point you could get any girl you wanted.

Speaker 4 (13:50):
Yeah, well we didn't get dates the following week. Yeah, yeah,
that worked out for us.

Speaker 1 (13:59):
Do you think, uh, do you think that he knows
this story? Like later on, does he remember you guys
after you all became so huge and he's like, yeah,
I give your break kids.

Speaker 4 (14:08):
Yeah, well, you know, you know, he wanted to give
us that break, but I don't know, something just didn't happen.
So it was actually cool in the gang who really
got us the break.

Speaker 1 (14:18):
Oh yeah, so.

Speaker 4 (14:21):
Yeah, so they're the ones that kind of really helped
us out. And you know, of course they eventually had
us all go to New York City and we lived
there in a one bedroom apartment there was like six
of us living. That's crazy. But we eventually, you know,
after being turned down by every record label in New York,
Giant Records, Warner Brothers, they ended up giving us a break.

And man, that's kind of where it all started.

Speaker 1 (14:45):
Yeah, because you moved to New York to pursue that
record contract, bump into Tony Tony Tony who got you
into the ASCAP Music Awards where you see the producer
with Jimmy jam Terry Lewis. I love these random in
personal day, I know. So what would y'all sing in
these random auditions?

Speaker 4 (15:04):
Well, that particular time, you know, Tony Tony Tony, they
were one of the acts that came through Oklahoma City
that we had met and sang for, you know, and
they remembered us. So they were headed to the ass
CAP Awards and they were like guys just walking with us,
you know, and that's what we did. And sure enough,
that's whenever we saw Jimmy, Tamm and Terry Lewis, and

we didn't hesitate. We went right up to those guys
and started singing and they liked what they heard. We
were hoping that they were going to be you know,
the ones that you know, work with us, and they
were that night. They said, you guys sound really good,
but you guys need to go back and write a
song in English and in Spanish. That's right.

Speaker 1 (15:52):
I just love all the support you had from other artists,
Like I could never imagine the Battory Boys running into
us as we're singing on the sheep, like, hey, guys,
come into the us, We're going to help you out.
Just never would have happened.

Speaker 2 (16:04):
No, no, no, no, it's beautiful.

Speaker 1 (16:07):
So this, yeah, I adore you more. I mean, just
one of my favorite songs. It's the song that got
you signed. Now what do you remember from writing that song?
Did you think that that song was going to be
ultimately what was going to get your foot in the door.

Speaker 4 (16:22):
You know, we liked it a lot, and we had
no idea that it was going to do what it did.
We knew it had something, but being we wrote it
in Oklahoma City with hams Lee, who was the guy
who produced it for us, and we just kind of
went in there just doing our thing. Man, I don't know,
it's just you know, you can write a hundred songs

and just just all you need is just that one,
you know, that that makes sense. That catches everything. You know,
the stars line up, the chemistry is just there, the
vocals rite, the lyrics are right, the music's right. So
it was just one of them things you know that
just happened, and so you know, it was a blessing.
It's true blessing for us.

Speaker 1 (17:01):
Yeah, and from there you go with uh, well a
six you up. It comes to you. You write and
work on the song for the New Jack City soundtrack,
but it ultimately becomes your debut single, which is a
major bop with some very sensual lyrics. Was there any
talker surrounding the fact prior to its release.

Speaker 4 (17:25):
Yeah, because it was hard to tell my grandmother. Yeah,
our first thing is going to be Okay, how are
you gonna tell your grandma? Yeah, are new songs that
be called I'm Gonna Sex you up, Grandma.

Speaker 2 (17:36):
You're gonna love it.

Speaker 4 (17:37):
It doesn't work, guys, So we were like, it's called
TikTok grandma, were your mother or any of your family members,
you know, So that was the only tough part about it.
But you know, I was actually the first one to
hear the song, you know, through some headphones, and I
knew that it was it. I knew that that was

the song for us. Gary Harris, uh, he was an
A and R guy there. He was working on the
New Zech City soundtrack with Cassandra Mills, and he had
brought Doctor Freeze down to Oklahoma City and Freeze had
played the track for us, and you know, we only
had headphones at that time, you know, to listen to
the song. And I was like, okay, this is it, guys,

and everyone else heard the record and everyone knew it.
The thing was, it was I Want to Sex You
Up now coming from Oklahoma the Bible Bell. Okay, we
didn't know how that was gonna fly, but you know,
we went ahead and went for it. And sometimes you
just got to take chances.

Speaker 1 (18:34):
Yeah, and you know, and at this time, yeah, everything
was a lot more innocent, especially in music.

Speaker 4 (18:41):

Speaker 1 (18:42):
You know, you're always looking out for the fans and
wanted to make it as family friendly as possible. I mean,
if you know, I Want to Sex You Up came
out today, it would definitely be thought of as PG,
just like, oh yeah, that's nothing at all. Did you
feel the responsibility to keeping it more family friendly?

Speaker 4 (19:01):
Well, it's funny that you say that, because I remember
the record label trying to you know, they loved the
song to track, the lyrics, accept the sex part, so
they were trying to, like, what can we do to
give it like a cleaner version, and I remember that
someone came up with I want to love you up,
I want to flex you up. I don't know, I

don't know, Let's just keep it sex. But they were like,
but we won't get everyone to play the record because
no one's gonna at the radio station won't play the
word sex. And you know what, that wasn't the case, man.
I mean when that record came out, you know, people
saw it from the movie New Jack City. They saw

it and they went those were the days where you
could actually call the radio stations and request saw you
know what I mean, which those are the great days.
So that's what happened. You know, everyone just requested it.
That's that's how it took.

Speaker 1 (19:57):
Off, because it led to Mini Grammy nominations all these
years later. How do you feel about that song?

Speaker 4 (20:07):

Speaker 1 (20:08):
Yeah, I hope you done.

Speaker 4 (20:12):
You know, you know, I we had a lot of
fun with that song, you know, back in the day.
But you know, you know I still go out and
performance color me Bad even though the group isn't isn't
you know, the original guys, Sam, Bryan and Kevin there,
they're no longer with me. And so last night we

just did a show in Edmonton, Canada, and which you know,
you know when you sing that song, man, everybody loves it. Man,
everyone just dances, sings it out. Everyone's happening great time.
You know, it just takes people back to the to
what we call the good old days. You know, so
it's great, man.

Speaker 1 (20:52):
How did y'all decide to end the group?

Speaker 4 (20:56):
Well, uh, you know what we were We were getting
ready to go into a management deal, okay with someone
you know really well, and we were getting ready to
go sign a contract with him. And you know, it's

just weird how things just happened, because you know, Kevin
came over to my house. This was the time when
I was living in Dallas, and he basically said that,
you know, a preacher told him not to sign the contract.
You know, he was at church that night, and and
then okay, and you know, then we had to go

back and tell Johnny Wright. Hey, Johnny wasn't happy. But
the next day Sam called up and said, you know,
he was no longer in the group, you know, and
so that left Brian and I. And during that time,
you know, Brian was having a lot of problems, you know,

with with alcohol. So you know, no one, none of
the other guys, I really believe, you know, none of
the other guys wanted to go there with it. So
you know, one thing led to the next, and you know, uh,
it just kind of I never quit the group, honestly,
I I've always I never said, you know, I'm out,
you know, so, but you know, that's really kind of.

Speaker 1 (22:24):
How it happened. And do you speak to the other
guys you're still friendly?

Speaker 4 (22:28):
No, no, unfortunately.

Speaker 1 (22:31):
Yeah, So no future reunion with all the guys. It's
just that's never going to happen.

Speaker 2 (22:36):
You know.

Speaker 4 (22:37):
It's it's like this, man, you know, those were like
those guys were my heart and soul, you know, back
in the day, my heart and soul. And whenever guys start,
you're when you're when your heart and soul starts throwing,
you know, lawsuits out at you, talks a lot of
money and like, really, I don't know.

Speaker 1 (23:00):
Man, it's yeah, well yeah, I mean because obviously it
felt like family to you. And when you go through
something like family it.

Speaker 4 (23:06):
Was family, you know, it was and and whenever people
start doing that, how can you make how can you
make that work?

Speaker 1 (23:14):
Yeah? That's it. It's like your mom's suing you.

Speaker 3 (23:17):
I know, it's like, how do you get past that?

Speaker 1 (23:21):
Let's talk about something more positive we got to talk about.

Speaker 4 (23:23):
Yeah, yeah, but I do want to say I hope
the best.

Speaker 1 (23:25):
For all of that. But we have to talk about
the comedy Bad Suits. Okay, you were known for your style.
The coordinated colorful suits were so fly, especially to you know,
this guy over here in junior high. So how did
y'all come up with the group's look back then? Was
that a is that a big? Is that something you
wanted to stand out?

Speaker 4 (23:47):
Yeah? Well, you know, Lionel Martin was the director for
I Want to Sex You Up? And he had this
stylist named Robin. I forgot what her name was. Robin.
I forgot what her name was. I never her first
name was Robin. But she was the one that put
us in those colorful suits, and then we kind of

we had that look for the video that everyone loved.

Speaker 2 (24:12):
You know.

Speaker 4 (24:13):
Of course, the name Colored Me Bad and the colorful
suits and then nineties and all that kind of work
together and uh and then uh, my ex wife Lisa,
she she was our stylist and she kind of took
it from there and styled us on our videos, on
our tours and such like that. Spent think you know,

all the rest of the stuff that we did, and
we know, we kind of kept that same vibe and
we'd love the European look, we'd love the GQ look.
I remember we were at Santa I was at Santa
Monica Pier one time, walking around in T shirts and shorts,
and you know, we were in a crowd and I

remember some girls said, hey, she pointed out and she
goes to her boyfriend, Hey, that's the guy from colom
Me Bad. And the guy looked at me and he
was like, no, that's not him. No, Colomy Bad. Dress
is way better than that. So I'm like, okay, you
know I remember hearing that. You know, you got it,
nah colom Me Bad. So but uh but you know

that was we love that whole clean style, you know
European thing going, you know. So that was our thing.

Speaker 1 (25:28):
Yeah. Well, alongside Boys to Men all for one and
you know other groups. Comedy Bad led the resurgence of
the post do wop harmony groups, and you and you
guys invented the term hip hop do wop? Now did
that ever add extra pressure to you when making new music?

Speaker 4 (25:47):
Uh? No, No, I mean you know, there was no
pressure at all. You know, it was just our style
is just how we sang. Man, it was just what
we did. You know. We would get with the hip
hop producer like you know Doctor Freeze or or how
we hit Man's hit Man, how we'd see would get
with him and other guys like a DJ Pooh, and
they would just bring the hip hop beats and then
we would just write songs over them. You know, it's

you know, that's what we did. And we kept the
harmonies there and the soulful vocals, and the hardest part
was was just coming up with that that that that hook,
that that would stick with people. So you know, but
sometimes we would come. Sometimes you know, it wouldn't come.

Speaker 1 (26:28):
Yeah, all right, So one of our favorite peanuts on
the show is giggles here, who's going to be joining us?
She really really wanted to talk to you about her
favorite thing you've ever done in your career. All right,
So giggles hi, Hi.

Speaker 5 (26:45):
I'm giggle Tye. You guys were one of my very
favorite bands. The CMB album, well, the CD I totally
wore out. I loved it so much. And I want
to know, what was it like on being being on
nine O two one oh at like the height of
you guys and the height of the show.

Speaker 4 (27:07):
Yeah, yeah, yeah, no, that was you know, we were
big fans of the show already, and I remember we
we they wanted us to come fly in. We were
you did a show in Toronto, Canada, and we picked
up plane straight to La to go and do that episode.
And I remember meeting everybody for the first time, and gosh,

they were just all so nice, you know, the nicest.
I mean, they were all great people, and it was
it was so much funn It was something new for
us to do a little acting, you know, and I
think we did okay. You know. What's what's crazy about
that was when that episode aired, it had the most

views that they've ever had on nine O two one oh.
And the very next day we sold I kid you not,
we sold a million CDs. Oh my gosh, it was
that very next day. So that really just you know,
shot our career.

Speaker 1 (28:05):
Was the pro episode, right, No.

Speaker 5 (28:08):
No, it was so they had a concert in Donna Martin.
Tory Spelling's character was a huge fan, and so they
snuck into their hotel and she caught her mom having
an affair at the hotel. So it was a big thing.
And then Jenny Garth, who played Kelly Taylor, snuck up
to their hotel room and like hung out with them,

and then they they did I Adore Me a more
acapella at the peach Pit. Yes, they did, sitting down.

Speaker 1 (28:37):
They looked like sitting in.

Speaker 5 (28:38):
Chairs, like very cool.

Speaker 1 (28:40):

Speaker 4 (28:41):
Yeah, she's a.

Speaker 1 (28:43):
Fan, a huge fan. I loved it. Did you ever
run into like Tory Spelling anyone after that?

Speaker 2 (28:49):

Speaker 4 (28:50):
Uh, Brian, Austin Green, we would, we would run And
you know what, I I've talked in that done an
interview with Jenny Garth and Tori Spelling, you know, and
they're wonderful girls.

Speaker 1 (29:01):
They were lovely. We just saw Brian it was his
fiftieth birthday I think last week, and we just happened
to be staying the same hotel as him.

Speaker 4 (29:09):

Speaker 1 (29:09):
And then Toy I've seen a lot lately, you know,
because she's now getting divorced, so you know, she's now
coming out of you know, being in that and then
we met Jenny and yeah, she's just all lovely people,
lovely lovely people. Yeah maybe, yeah, anything else you would
like to No.

Speaker 5 (29:26):
I mean I just wanted to know what that was like.
And I you know what song was my favorite one
on that CNB album, the Color Me Bad One?

Speaker 1 (29:34):
It was the very.

Speaker 5 (29:35):
Last track with the rap.

Speaker 1 (29:37):
Yes, that was great.

Speaker 5 (29:38):
They were all great songs. Yeah, yeah, I'm gonna have
to listen to that on the way home. It was
so good. Big fan, congrats on all your success and yeah, great,
great meeting you virtually.

Speaker 1 (29:52):
Thanks giggling of course, by I know, she was thank you.
She was real excited you were coming up. Really she'd
be able to talk about Color Me Bad nine O
two one in one show is like that's her dream.
That is her wet dream right.

Speaker 2 (30:04):
There, making dreams happen and making.

Speaker 1 (30:05):
Dreams happen across the tips. So after you uh ended
with the group, what did life look like for you
after the band? Where did you Where did you want
to take your career? Did you want to take a break?
Did you want to start a family?

Speaker 4 (30:20):
I started a family, I got married, started a family,
two beautiful, beautiful children. Of course, they're grown up. My daughter,
Sheia graduated from Vanderbilt. She's a nurse practitioner. My son graduate,
My son that he's out there in LA now. He
graduated from NYU and he's doing great, and I'm so
proud of, so proud of both of them.

Speaker 1 (30:41):
Did either of them want to go into music and
follow your footsteps? Because we have two year olds right now,
and I'm just like, do I encourage them to be
in this business or do I like make them very
scared of this business?

Speaker 2 (30:53):

Speaker 4 (30:53):
You know, you know, you just kind of have to
let them see what they kind of fall into, you know,
and then and then support them whatever they do. You know,
what if whatever, if it's sports, or if it's music
or science or you know, you just support them whatever
God the plan that God has for them. You just
support them because they're going to fall into it.

Speaker 2 (31:16):
You know.

Speaker 1 (31:16):
That's the way I see it exactly.

Speaker 4 (31:18):
It's like you fell into it, just like me, and
just like you know, just like y'all.

Speaker 1 (31:21):
Fell in That's my whole life. Just think you do
you just things just fall in your lap and you
just go with it. You know, you can't really you
can't plan for anything. It just happens.

Speaker 4 (31:31):
It happened.

Speaker 1 (31:33):
So and uh, twenty ten, you and the guys reunited
on and offer some performances and other projects. Where did
the initial ideas start with working together again?

Speaker 4 (31:43):
Uh? You know what, we just saw a big search
in that you know, boy band thing happening, you know,
with new kids on the block and k again or yeah. Yeah,
everyone started to get back and started singing. It was like,
you know, this was back in twenty ten. Brian and
I we actually we got a He called me, he said, hey,

you want to you want to go do a show
in Whaii? And I was like, yeah, you know, I'll
go do a show and why which you know, and
we went there and you know, the crowd was amazing,
you know, it is a great turnout. And after that,
you know, we're like, okay, so what do we do now,
you know, and we didn't have any other shows lined up.

We called up an agent. He was like, why don't
you try to get some of the other guys, you know,
one of the other guys to come and sing with
you guys. So we got Kevin. Eventually he came back
into the group and it just we were kind of
moving smoothly there for a second and then everything, you know,
and I went, you know.

Speaker 1 (32:48):
Left, and when you're dealing with someone, like you said,
you know, Brian was doing the addiction. Brian did a
show with my bandmate Chris Kerpatrick. And you know, also
in the height of his addiction, there was an incident
in twenty eighteen yeld stage where Brian pushes you and
I know that that ye just I mean personally and professionally,
that must have just shocked you so much. So and

you know, and we don't mean we have friends that
are dealing with a dick right now. So it is
so it's hard, like it's really hard on everyone around
your friend's family. So where does your relationship stand with
Brian today?

Speaker 4 (33:21):
You know, I don't I don't talk to him.

Speaker 1 (33:25):
Is he is he gotten help or is he still
you know.

Speaker 4 (33:28):
I don't know, honestly, I don't know. I went on
the Doctor Phields show just to support the situation for him,
hoping that you know, that would help. I did that
and I don't know, I kind of So, So what
happened was during that time when it was just Brian
and I doing shows, you know, he would show up

to the shows just wasted, just gone, and then he
would try to get up and start singing, and it
just it wasn't right, you know. And then sometimes he
would walk off stage and I would Okay, I have
to ask myself this, Okay, do I walk off with him,
not get paid and probably get sued, or do I

just stay on stage, take the mic, sing the leads
and try to finish out the show the best I can.
And that was the choice I did. And that happened
multiple times. So you know, when does it end? Well,
I'll tell you when it ends. When I got assaulted
on stage, that's when it ended, and I said I

have enough of this, Enough is enough. So that's that's
kind of where where everything went after that, you know.

Speaker 1 (34:40):
And and they always say, you know, they're not going
to get help unless they're ready to get help. And
I mean, I don't know if y'all ever tried to
do an intervention with him or like trying to get
I mean, people that just don't want help will not
receive help.

Speaker 4 (34:54):
Well, this has been an issue to that has been
going for a long time. Yeah, you know, and you can't.
I mean, you know, they've got to help themselves, you know.
It starts with them first, you know, and you can't
and you can't waste your time, your life. Yes, you
can't do it, man, You got your own life to live.

So remember I have I had kids at the time,
I had a family that I was taken care of,
and I was relying you know, on on that to
to pay my bills, to take care of the family
and such. So it's really tricky. You got to make
some decisions and sometimes you got to make hard decisions.

Speaker 1 (35:35):
Yeah, well, h color me Bad. Will forever be an
iconic group legends. What are you most proud of looking
back at your career?

Speaker 4 (35:46):
You know that first album, you know, we we we
just kind of went on a limb and we were
just going with our hearts and we put everything into that, man,
and we were all on the same page. We got
in the studio just write songs, and you know, it
just seemed to all come together at that time, and
that's what did it.

Speaker 1 (36:06):

Speaker 4 (36:07):
Today, this year, I'm doing sixty shows from songs that
we wrote, you know, back when a nineteen twenty years old,
you know, great, and they're still they still stick and
they're still around. So I'm so thankful for that. You know,
you know, and we have so much fun, so much
fun up on stage doing.

Speaker 1 (36:28):
It so well during that first album. And I mean,
your kids, you're going to the Grammys and all these things,
and you're, you know, rubbing elbows with musicians. You're probably idolized.
Do you have any just amazing fun stories that you
just like, this is one of the best days of
my life.

Speaker 4 (36:43):
Yes, I do. Actually, growing up, I love playing basketball
and I used to pretend in my backyard that I
was Magic Johnson. And so we actually got to meet
Magic Johnson one time and it just made my day man,
you know, So that was that was amazing. And then

another time we James Brown invited us to his birthday
party and we got to sing for him at things
like that.

Speaker 1 (37:14):
Man, is there anyone you wish you would have collaborated with?

Speaker 4 (37:19):
Michael Jackson?

Speaker 3 (37:20):

Speaker 2 (37:20):
Yeah, ultimate one.

Speaker 4 (37:23):
You guys.

Speaker 1 (37:24):
We did a couple of clouds. Yeah, it was great.
I mean, that's that's also a little you know, peach
me moment of like, are we really like, first off,
just in the same room with Michael, but like we're
doing music with Michael. Oh he wants to perform with us?
What is going on?

Speaker 3 (37:38):

Speaker 4 (37:38):
Now that that's pretty I should be interviewing you.

Speaker 1 (37:45):
We both live some lives, that's for sure. Yeah. Do
you think Corie Bad was ever considered I mean, you know,
in the early nineties, there was no term boy band.
So do you think Colrie Bad is considered a boy band?
And what do you think of that term?

Speaker 4 (38:00):
We we never looked at ourselves as a boy band.
We were just always a vocal group, you know, just
that's you know, the boy bands came you know, I
guess that term came around when you guys.

Speaker 1 (38:14):
It was a German thing. We lived in Germany. Everyone
was boy bands, Like what is this band?

Speaker 4 (38:19):
That's right? Yeah, because of take that and and was that.
I tell you what, man, I want to say this
just because I'm talking to you now. You guys were awesome.
I mean you guys, you guys had us on our heels.

Speaker 2 (38:36):

Speaker 4 (38:36):
I remember this is a true story. We did a
show with them and they opened up for us, and
I swear to you two months later we were opened
up for them because they were just so good. I mean,
they just you guys just took off like a rocket.
And Johnny Wright, he just knew what he was doing.
He knew how to manage that whole thing.

Speaker 1 (38:55):
But it was at that time, you know, it was
this explosion and I think you know, the Spice girls,
Hansen like whoever helped open that door. And then we
were just there at the right time.

Speaker 4 (39:07):
But what I liked about you guys, y'all's dancing choreography
so great, you know, and I mean y'all are the best.
I have to say you guys.

Speaker 1 (39:18):
Oh, be careful saying that on this show. You're gonna
get a lot of fans.

Speaker 2 (39:25):
Truth to think that means I A.

Speaker 1 (39:28):
I mean, especially coming from a member of the most
iconic like what inspired us, you know, I mean, you
guys are what you and boys to men in New addition,
that's what made in zinc. Like there would be no
win Zinc without you guys at all, Like no one
would have even looked at us. So I have to
thank you for putting me in this chair right now.

All right, let's get some frosted tips here. All these
years later, you're still touring. What tips do you have
for people to never giving up in their dreams and
proving you can still do what you're passionate about at
any point in your life.

Speaker 4 (40:14):
Oh, man. You know, that's that's you know, that's a
that's a serious question because it all depends on how
serious you are about what you want to do. You know.
You know this, man, I mean, you know how hard
it was to make it. You put your heart into that,
you know, and you just every day you got to eat, sleep,
drink whatever you're wanting. You know, that's just the truth.

And you're in the United States of America. You you
can do anything here. You've got that opportunity, you know,
so take advantage, you know. I mean, you know, music
is tough, harder today to get into now. Oh yeah,
it's tough, man. You know, there's just I mean, how
do you get your stuff out there unless you've got

a big machine behind you, exactly.

Speaker 1 (41:00):
There's so much challenge, so many platforms, every frame group
is so segmented right now, so it's hard to stand out,
like it really is. It really is, yeah, it really is.
At least you can get to that little fan group
of yours. But if you want to be you know, mainstream,
it is almost impossible these days.

Speaker 4 (41:16):
It really is. Man. I I see how it could
help a lot of artists that would have never got
their shot, like the guy and I don't know North
Dakota or you know what I mean, or Panna. But
at the same time, man, you know, I kind of
missed the old way of how the business ran.

Speaker 1 (41:34):
You know, it worked harder. I mean, it was a
harder job.

Speaker 4 (41:38):
Yeah, and the record labels. The record labels was really
into building their artist.

Speaker 1 (41:43):
Artists development. They don't do that anymore at all. It's
like you have to come to the label with a
full complete album before they're like, okay, we'll take that
and be your pr behind it.

Speaker 4 (41:52):
Yeah. But they and a million followers, you gotta Yeah.

Speaker 2 (41:56):
It's all in the world.

Speaker 1 (41:57):
Yeah, exactly. All right, let's get to some fan questions.
Are the first one we talked about history and Legos
wants to know what was it like being on the
nine O two one?

Speaker 4 (42:04):

Speaker 1 (42:04):
We covered that with Giggles. All right, this is from
Emma edit sixteen. Have you ever seen the Glee cover
of I Want to Sex You Up? And what do
you think of it?

Speaker 4 (42:14):
The Gleek? Oh yeah, I loved it. I love their
version of it. You know, they did a great job, man,
I was. I was so happy they did that. I
was like, hey, guys, good job.

Speaker 1 (42:24):
I know, every artist, like you know, Glee was taken off.
It was huge, and every artist is like, are they
going to do my song? Are they gonna do my song?
And then they finally were going to do an ensinct
song we approved by bye. I'm like, yes, they're finally
going to do it. And then it was just like
a very kind of throwaway part in the soal.

Speaker 2 (42:38):
I'm like, no, well you made it.

Speaker 1 (42:40):
Yeah, we got a little one on there, you know.
All right, man, before we let you go, we always
have to ask what you're binging right now? What do
we need to watch on television? What songs do we
need to know about?

Speaker 4 (42:54):
What songs do I listen to? You?

Speaker 2 (42:56):
Is there anything you're listening to you now?

Speaker 4 (42:59):
Gosh, man, I'm really old school guys that kind. I
listened to Marvin Gay, you know, That's what I listened
to sometimes when I'm jogging. I love Steely Dan.

Speaker 1 (43:13):
Oh that's a bad word to use around us. Oh
my goodness, stole all of our Grammys one year. Okay, really,
I love but we do blame them for not forgetting
our Grammy. I know. They finally do a comeback twenty
years later, on the year that we were supposed to
get our Grammy, and yeah they took it from us,

but you know, thank you, but no continue seely Dan
go ahead?

Speaker 4 (43:40):
Oh my bad? You know you know our Grammy? It
was walking in Memphis, that's what.

Speaker 1 (43:48):
Oh no, yeah, it was either Steely Dan or soundtrack guy.
I mean, my gosh, why can I think Phil Collins?
It's always Phil Collins or Steely Dan. That just what
snatch that gold trophy out of our hand? But I
love them anyway, I love them anyway, mad or do
you watch TV? Do you have anything you're binging right now?

Speaker 4 (44:11):
Ted Lasso?

Speaker 1 (44:12):
Oh yeah, we still have to I know, we have
to love Yeah, I know we're big Wednesday fans over here.

Speaker 4 (44:22):
Oh yeah Wednesday. Yeah.

Speaker 1 (44:24):
Oh yeah that's coming back, yes soon.

Speaker 4 (44:27):
That's a lot of.

Speaker 2 (44:27):
Stuff coming back.

Speaker 1 (44:28):
Well, we don't know because now with the SAG strike
and the writer's strike, everything's on hold. So I don't
know when we're going to get to see these season
twos of shows that we do so much. Ver is sad?
What do you think of? Are you a SAG member?
Are you being affected by the strike? Yeah?

Speaker 4 (44:44):
Yeah, I'm not right now, I'm not being affected by it,
but yeah, yeah, I am a SAG member, and you know, gosh,
I hope that they can work that out for just
for people man to make a living.

Speaker 2 (44:53):
My gosh, Yeah, it's crazy, you know.

Speaker 4 (44:55):
That they've got they've got to share that a little
bit better man, And that's anybody. There's so much money, man, it.

Speaker 1 (45:02):
They got to spread it around exactly. Deserve Well's distribution
is so horrible, and that's it's in every category of business.
It's not just entertainment, it's everyone. The top one percent
get everything, and nothing trickles down to the other ninety
nine percent. And especially in our business, it is so
sad to know that eighty seven percent of our SAG
members can't even meet the twenty six thousand dollars a

year to get insurance. Imagine eighty seven percent of the
whole business it cannot even afford insurance. There's something wrong
with that. So that's what's trying to be Yeah, handled
I agree with that, all right, Well, on that fun
sad note. Yeah, it was so great to get to
know you and see you again. We are so proud

of everything that you've done. Again. You've been such an
inspiration to me personally and our group and uh, and
I can't thank you enough for giving us that inspiration
because it made us you know who we are today.

Speaker 4 (45:58):
I love you, guys, man, thank you so much have
me on this show. I was so excited to be
on this program. So thank you guys again, much love.
And I hope that we get to see you, you know,
whenever I come out to l A. We got it?

Speaker 1 (46:10):
Yeah, I would love that. I'll take it to Rocos. Hey,
what's your app name? So everyone can follow you?

Speaker 4 (46:16):
Uh? You can contact me at color me Bad Music
on Instagram, Yeah, and then on Facebook it's just color
me Bad, you know. And and you can always you
can always contact me on the website color Mebad dot com.

Speaker 1 (46:31):
Okay. And for the young people listening right now, bad
is with two d's, two d's.

Speaker 2 (46:35):
It's extra bad, just.

Speaker 1 (46:37):
Like the got it, just like the racehorse. All right, Mark,
thank you so much for being on Froust Tests. We'll
check in with you later.

Speaker 4 (46:47):
Thank you, guys, blessings. All right, thank.

Speaker 1 (46:48):
You, Mark calder On everyone night. We say this with
every guest.

Speaker 2 (46:54):
With every day.

Speaker 3 (46:56):
I know, like we're expecting every guest to be like monsters.

Speaker 1 (46:59):
Apparently I guess to be to be in a boy group.
You have to have a good person charming. I don't know,
but there's the bad boy.

Speaker 2 (47:08):
Everybody is so nice.

Speaker 1 (47:10):
Even the bad boys turn nice.

Speaker 3 (47:12):
Yeah, I guess I can interview next week.

Speaker 1 (47:17):
Maybe you need to create your own boy band character
like you do bluef and all these other words, and
you need to come in as like the asshole boy
band member. Yeah, I'll name myself Lance pass Oh Lance ass.

Speaker 3 (47:26):
Why don't I just interview you? Okay, Okay, it was mean.
He's a sweetheart.

Speaker 2 (47:30):
We all know that. Somehow I just got to knock down.

Speaker 1 (47:33):
To a real negative, real negative. Yeah, but go follow
Mark out there. What a good dude. And man, that music,
I'm telling you, it just brings me back junior high
and like when you first start, I mean, that's where're
you know, coming of age and you start thinking about sex.
I was sexing them up in the junior high dances
with a balloon in between us that you couldn't really

like touch.

Speaker 2 (47:57):
That was baby Jesus, Baby Jesus in the middle.

Speaker 1 (48:00):
But yes, I guarantee you that our school did not
play I want to sex you up.

Speaker 2 (48:04):
Oh, there's no way your school.

Speaker 1 (48:05):
We were more like more than words type ballads, but
I sure had friends that had the CD because I'm
sure my mom wouldn't let me have the CIT either
because it says sex in it, but my friends had.

Speaker 3 (48:17):
It really were all right, guys, that's all the show
I have for you today.

Speaker 1 (48:25):
Thank you so much for listening. Thank you so much, Turkey,
My pleasure for being here, My pleasure to be here. Yeah,
all right, be good to each other, don't drink and
drive out there, take care of those animals, and remember
stay frosted. Hey, thanks for listening. Follow us on Instagram
at Frosted Tips with Lance and Michael Turchin and at

Lance bast for all your pop culture needs

Speaker 3 (48:49):
And make sure to write a review and leave us
five stars six if you can see you next time,
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