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September 21, 2023 31 mins
We're planning on taking a short break from our beloved Christmas movies and are gearing up for October 20...when Hallmark Countdown to Christmas starts!! In the mean time, this week we are giving some more information on our background. Learn about when and how we became friends, how the Hallmark Junkies podcast came to be, and a little more about the different segments.  Among other things, we discuss Kerri pounding Strawberitas the day we met and Jenny's ill-fated head shots.    Need to talk about even more baking montages and snowball fights? Connect with us today! Instagram: @hallmarkjunkies Facebook: @hallmarkjunkies Kerri: @authorkerri Jenny: @mrs.chanandler_binggSee for privacy information.
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Hi. I'm Jenny.

Speaker 2 (00:01):
Hi, I'm Carrie. We're best friends and new moms. We're
also the OG's Hallmark Christmas Movies.

Speaker 1 (00:08):
That's right.

Speaker 2 (00:08):
We've been watching these movies since long before they became
a Christmas juggernaut. And now we're here to talk all
things Hallmark with you because we know you're watching too.
Sit back, relax, and get your Hallmark on.

Speaker 3 (00:21):
We are the Hallmark Junkies.

Speaker 2 (00:40):
Hi. Everyone, Carrie and Jenny are back. We high. Hi. Hello,
we have a bonus podcast for you today. We've been
getting a lot of questions about our background and how
Jenny and I met, and also how and why and
when we started this podcast, so we thought we would
just get into it. You know who we are.

Speaker 1 (01:02):
A little background info never hurts, Yeah, I think so.

Speaker 4 (01:06):

Speaker 2 (01:06):
Jenny and I met in twenty thirteen, and we actually
know the first day we hung out because it was
my favorite holiday, Fourth of July.

Speaker 1 (01:17):
It was and it was so hot. Yeah.

Speaker 2 (01:19):
We live in the DC area and we were living
in these condos. I had just moved in a couple
months before that, and I had met this wonderful person
named Liz in the parking lot, and Liz invited me
to hang out with some of her friends for Fourth
of July, and Jenny was there.

Speaker 1 (01:39):
That's right, that's right. I remember vividly meeting you because
you had on like all this Fourth of July gear,
huge star earrings that dangled and like you'll have a
I think a headband that might have had like fireworks
coming out of it or something.

Speaker 2 (01:55):
I think you had glittering stars on it, Okay.

Speaker 1 (01:59):
And I thought this was like a Fourth of July
thing because you had said it was your favorite holiday.
But later I found out that's just a cary thing.
So she would wear that every day if she could practice.
But I do remember being like, wow, she loves Fourth
of July because of the memorabilia you were wearing.

Speaker 2 (02:15):
I like it because of fireworks. Is glitter in the sky?

Speaker 1 (02:18):
I do the fireworks too.

Speaker 2 (02:19):
Yeah. And also it's a holiday where you don't have
to like be stressed out. Yeah you know what I mean,
Like you don't have to get presents and like, you know,
it's just like let's just get some burgers and like
watch some glitter in the sky. Like I'm into that.

Speaker 1 (02:34):
I do like it too.

Speaker 2 (02:36):
Yeah, Well, that day we met, and I do remember
overdosing on strawberitas.

Speaker 1 (02:45):
Yeah, I remember you pounding them too.

Speaker 2 (02:47):
I think it was the first time I'd ever had one,
and I was like, this is the best thing I've
ever had in my life.

Speaker 1 (02:52):
Also, when you meet a bunch of new people, like
what do you do? You pound whatever is available.

Speaker 2 (02:57):
It just happens. Now, I know those probably have like
six hundred grams of sugar. They're so good.

Speaker 1 (03:05):
I could drink one right now.

Speaker 2 (03:06):
Yeah, me too. I wish we had a We should have.
That would have been a good Yeah. We also were
listening to the very popular Robin Thick twenty thirteen song
Blurred Lines, which must have just come out because we
literally repeat.

Speaker 1 (03:23):
So we just kept playing it over and over and
just listed that since it was at her house.

Speaker 2 (03:27):
We're blaming you, Liz. And we had a couple of
guys with us, so I think we're going to kill us.
We're like, again, do.

Speaker 1 (03:35):
You remember our friend Matt was coming over and I
told him the wrong address by accident, like just I
just like transposed the numbers and walked over in this
like horrible humid and he's met out door and I
was like, you're not and he was so far away
and he was carrying like a case of beer. Yeah,
And he showed up and he was drenched.

Speaker 2 (03:55):
It was so hot. I don't know if you have
never been to DC, especially DC in the summer, it
is It's not just hot, like it is like you're
in a hot shower. It is so humid. People say
that DC is built on a swamp. I don't know
if that's true, but it is like the hottest place
on the planets, like being in the middle of the jungle.
It's so disgusting.

Speaker 1 (04:16):
It's like all these tour exaggerations.

Speaker 2 (04:19):
All these tourists always come to DC with kids in
the summer and I'm like, what are you doing?

Speaker 1 (04:23):
Yeah, come now, like come in the fall, come in
the spring.

Speaker 2 (04:27):
Yeah, it's gross. Yeah, I forgot a part about math.
That's so funny.

Speaker 1 (04:33):
I used to do that all the time, where I
would just mix up the numbers of that condo. Well,
they were similar, they were I think I did like
it was like something something ten, and I would always
tell people something something oh one.

Speaker 2 (04:44):
Also, there were a lot of like around that area
of roads that were like the same, so it was like,
oh yeah, you could live on like twenty fifth Road
or twenty fifth Street or twenty fifth Avenue.

Speaker 1 (04:54):
And specifically in Arlington, everything is north or south, so
there's twenty fifth third north and twenty fifth third south
and twenty fifth Street more than twenty fifth Street South,
and I hate.

Speaker 2 (05:03):
It and it doesn't make sense because none of them
are really in order either. No, yeah, it's not really
a grid system, but they claim DC is a grid system.

Speaker 1 (05:11):
It's not. So yeah. That was how we met over
pounding straw I did not pound as many Strawberry does.

Speaker 2 (05:18):
I went nuts. I'm probably twenty. I don't know. That's crazy.

Speaker 1 (05:23):
But we did see the fireworks and it was a
good day, and I remember I had to go back
to work the next day, and that's why I didn't
pound them like you right, Well.

Speaker 2 (05:33):
I also had to go to work, apparently I had
to take care. But I hate Fourth of July is
in the middle of the week. It's weird. Give me
on a Monday or Friday so I can have a
long weekend a Friday. Really that's the best.

Speaker 1 (05:48):
So from there we were trying to remember when we
at some point realized that we both had a very
deep love for Hallmark Christmas movies. But we don't remember
when it came up. It must have been like you
came over and I had him on, or I came
over and you had him on or something.

Speaker 2 (06:04):
I mean, you had to have known pretty early that
I wrote Romance and all you told me.

Speaker 1 (06:08):
The first day. I remember that because I remember you
were like I think. I was like, what do you do?
And you were like, well, I work, like I have
a day job, but really I'm an author.

Speaker 2 (06:17):
Yeah I wasn't. No, I wasn't yet. No, Yeah, no
it wasn't. That's right. Yeah, I don't know. I don't
remember what it was, but I know at some point
we did discover that we both loved all Mark Channel
Christmas movies, and then we decided to start having a
day every year at Christmas. We would all take off

and buy all I mean, myself and Jenny and then
Jenny's sister Katinka. That's not her real name, but we'd
like to call her Katinka.

Speaker 1 (06:47):
Because she's the Iron Woman. And I did list did
List like a couple of years. Anyway, we all took
off and just spent the entire day watching Christmas movies.

Speaker 2 (06:58):
We'd wear all our Christmas stuff, we'd make lots of food,
we have those fabulous cookies you make that are my favorite. Yeah,
and I make a sausage cheese casserole yep.

Speaker 1 (07:09):
Because we started early, I mean this was a full day.

Speaker 2 (07:11):
Yeah, This was like nine am to five pm. And
we would just watch all these Christmas movies, some of
them homework channels, some Lifetime, yeah, and then in some
of the classics, yeah, some of the big budget ones. Also.
Usually that day we always wanted because Jenny was living
in an apartment that had a fireplace, and we always
wanted to have a fire except the day we did
the Christmas movie marathon was always like a rand do

seventy degree day in December.

Speaker 1 (07:36):
Couldn't have a fire, right, Yeah.

Speaker 2 (07:38):
We were like removing clothing because it was so hot. Yeah,
and we never had dogs. We did not allow our
dogs to come.

Speaker 1 (07:46):
Oh yeah yeah yeah, it was a dog free day. Yeah.
It wasn't food anywhere.

Speaker 2 (07:50):
Right. It was my one day a year away from Harry.
And you may know Harry. We talk about him sometimes.
Harry P. Carpenter is our producer. Also, he is my
dog that I rescued in twenty thirteen right after I
met Jenny, and he is in the corner of our
studio right now, sleeping as usual. He sleeps a lot,

That's how he works best as a producer. But yeah,
so we used to do that all the time, and
then I guess we started watching Countdown to Christmas together.

Speaker 1 (08:22):
Was after that, Yeah, and we would then we kind
of blossomed from the taking the one day off to
also having a huge making the premiere every year, huge affair.
And often it was just you and me because at
the time we knew no one else who actually liked
Hallmark movies or would admit it to us. Yeah. Yeah,
and we'd have converted people over the years, but at
that time, it was like, you know, just us texting

and being like, hey, do you want to like make
a big deal out of this premiere and watch it?
It starts, you know, late October, which we're very excited about.

Speaker 2 (08:52):
So its me you and Harry.

Speaker 1 (08:53):
Yeah, yeah, every year, just watching. Sometimes we would make
my sister watch with us, but at that point the
iron one and had not converted and begrudgingly watch these
movies with us. She really just didn't like them.

Speaker 2 (09:06):
Yeah, well, katinks. So Katinka and I live next door
to each other, and I would go to her house
like pretty much every day because our dogs are also
best friends. Shout out Dakota and Katinka would always have like,
you know, something on about serial killers, or she would
have on Law and Order or ushall yeah, and so

I would immediately change it to Hallmark and wait and
see how long it would take her to notice.

Speaker 1 (09:36):
And she was nice enough that she didn't. She's because
she yeah, because she didn't. She like decidedly hated these
movies for very long. And she's big sister and we're
little sisters. Yeah, so then we I think from there
we moved on to Hallmark channel.

Speaker 2 (09:52):
Bingo m hmm.

Speaker 1 (09:54):
Yeah, we started that like before, in its infancy, like
when a few people started to play, but now oh
it's huge, and we started people are like, you should
really like try to sell these, and now it's all
over at sea and we feel like we should have
kind of capitalized on that, but alas, we never really
took it seriously, just just our own Bingo cards.

Speaker 2 (10:13):
We took series and I'm sure at some point on
the pod you'll meet my mother. We like to call
her cheater pants or cheater McGee. My mom is really
the person who got me into Hallmark movies, Like a
million years ago and she plays Hallmark Channel Bingo with
us remotely because she lives in a different state.

Speaker 1 (10:35):
And yeah, she cheated big time at Hallmark.

Speaker 2 (10:38):
And she claims that we're poor losers, but we're not,
and we have a specific example. But I'm not going
to talk about it today. We're going to wait until
she's on the pod and see if she'll like own
up to it.

Speaker 1 (10:48):
She'll defend herself if she'd like.

Speaker 2 (10:50):
I mean, there's really no defense, but it is no defense,
like we're clearly in the right, but she is going
to twist it and she's going to make it look
like we're both wrong.

Speaker 1 (10:58):

Speaker 2 (10:58):
Yeah, so that's all that's going to go. Hey, mom,
shout out. So we moved a Hallmark Channel Channel Bingo,
I got published as a romance author. That happened, and
then we got this podcast.

Speaker 1 (11:16):
Yeah, and you want to talk about how sure So
Carrie in this period of her life has no recollection
of it. But we both did have like seven months
old at babies at the time, so maybe that's why.

Speaker 2 (11:28):
Yeah, we should mention too that Jenny and I both
got married during COVID and then we both had daughters
eleven days apart during COVID.

Speaker 1 (11:38):
And then we also had sons four and a half
months apart.

Speaker 2 (11:42):
Yeah, yeah, so we were busy.

Speaker 1 (11:45):
So yeah, I think for some reason, I always want
to remember this detail of where I was driving to,
but I can never remember it, and I know it
means nothing, but it just bothers me that I can't
remember it. But I was driving somewhere with my husband
and we heard it ad on the radio and it
was like about women in podcasting, in this contest where

you just submit your pitch for a podcast and ten
people or ten pitches would be chosen and you would
get your own podcast. And I honestly I didn't think
much about it. On iHeartRadio, yeah, on a channel for iHeartRadio.
I don't remember what channel either, Maybe wash FM. I
think that's an iHeart channel.

Speaker 2 (12:26):
Wash FM, if you're not from the DC area, is
the channel that plays the Christmas music. Yeah, so we
also love it, and they have Delilah Liilah.

Speaker 1 (12:35):
We love Delilah. I love the Delilah game. That's where
you listen to the callers and you guess what song
Delilah's gonna play. It's easier during Christmas time. Yeah, so
I and I got home and I think I had
to work that day, and it just kept popping in
my head, this podcast contest, And for some reason, I

actually had an idea, which I don't often have ideas
for much like the creativit like, you know, there's no
like you hear about all these opportunities and you're like, yeah,
but well what I do. I have all these dreams
but no ideas. But I was like, you know, we
could carry and I could review Homewark movies. We love
these movies. We love podcasts that are rewatches or reviews

of television shows and movies that we like in general.
We like that genre of podcasts. And you know, we
truly love these movies, like we actually are passionate about them,
and we tell everyone we know about it.

Speaker 2 (13:31):
So we like converting people too, we do.

Speaker 1 (13:34):
We love converting people, and we love we love talking
about everything about these movies, like we get that they're ridiculous,
but we still love them. We love the plot lines,
we like, you know everything about them. So I text
Carrie again, no recollection, but I have receipts because I
save my text messages. So and I said, hey, I'm

going to submit us. I want to submit us for
this contest where to review Hallmark movies at a podcast?
But what would be our angle? Because I know that
I think you have to be passionate about something to
probably be successful, but I think for podcasting you also
have to be unique or have something What is your

thing to say? Because I think in almost any topic
of a podcast, you could probably do a quick search
and find ten twelve podcasts. So it's like, what would
make us unique? And Carrie's response was like cool, okay,
and she's like, let me just think about it. And
in the meantime, I look up the contest online and
I realized we're like pretty much at the deadline and
we have to come up with this really quick. And

I was like, oh man, we have no shot, like
and like fifteen minutes later, Carrie's like, well, I am
a romance author and you are a viewer, So maybe
that's our angle. And also we both love these movies,
like it's not one person loves one person hates, you know,
it's not, it's two people that truly love it. One
has like a unique kind of connection to it. Because

these movies are all based on or mostly based on romance. Novels.
Often she knows the authors things like that. Often she
she's actually like talk to Hallmark, been in calls with Hallmark,
you know, worked with Hallmark. So that was seen. I'm like, yes, yes,
that is that's that's it. That's going to be your thing.
So I spent all this time like writing out the podcast.

Here's what it would be like. I had these like
I actually still have it, like these paper where I
wrote out everything and then I go back in to
submitte and I realize, one, it's way too long. There
was like a character limit, and I was befar beyond
this character limit. And too there's like all these other
things that you're supposed to sbmit, and some of them
I had never heard of, and I wish I could
remember the names of these things. But it was like,

please link to your other work, and I'm like none, Na,
Like please link to like even your social media profiles.
And you know, at that point, I had deleted all
my social media during COVID, so I spending too much
time on it, and I thought I was like negatively
impacting my life and it was like na, na. And

there was one where it was like I actually like
got because you had to submit it, and it was
like actual something you had to upload. So I put
this word document together. It was like we are just
two regular people that have day jobs. I do not
have this. And I uploaded a document or something that
said that, and it was like upload like a trailer,
which I don't. I guess probably most people didn't have
a trailer. Of the ten winners that we know of,

maybe a couple of them had podcasted before, so it
was just like, don't have.

Speaker 2 (16:32):
And so but I know, I remember to us talking
about like what would the segments be?

Speaker 1 (16:38):
Yeah, yeah, I think I had texted you about it
and you were.

Speaker 2 (16:41):
Like, okay, I like that they'll like zero to five
CCBs and yes. And I remember thinking that day like,
oh my god, I would love to listen to this podcast. Yeah.
We will never win this contest though, so I'll never
get to hear it.

Speaker 1 (16:55):
Yeah. Yeah. So I submitted it and I just assumed
we would know for a year back because from the deadline,
because I was yeah, and I was embarrassed by the submission.
I had no other work. I don't even have headshots.
It was like, do you submit headshots. I'm like, I
still don't have headshots to this day. Well, I did
get headshots once as a part of my job, but

it was required. They did it for everyone. But what
I didn't think about was I had scheduled a massage
rate beforehand, and then I was going to go straight
to get the head shots and they massaged my head
with like oil. Oh you were all greasy, and I was.
It was the pictures worse. They made me do the
power post to like the one where you kind of
cross your arms and try to look mean, and I

was so embarrassed when I got them, but we were
required to put them up, and the minute I transitioned
out of that job, that headshot was deleted.

Speaker 2 (17:51):
Bye bye.

Speaker 1 (17:52):
Yeah. So anyway, I assumed we would never win.

Speaker 2 (17:56):
This is Hallmark Junkies, and we'll be back after this break.

Speaker 1 (18:10):
Not long later, was it like a couple months later?

Speaker 2 (18:14):
It was really, I guess because we went up to
the deadline. Yeah.

Speaker 1 (18:17):
I woke up one morning and I checked my email
and it was like, we have news like or something
like I have really wonderful news for you, like you
must keep it confidential, and I'm like, we want we
were selected, And I remember I screenshot at the email
and I texted to you, but I get up egregiously early,

so I knew I would have a while to wait,
And so I was sitting there and like later I
think I got a text back book and you're like,
wait what, And we both really just didn't We were
just dumbfounded.

Speaker 2 (18:50):
We really I didn't even know what it was. I mean,
I really I just knew it as a contest. I
didn't know iHeartRadio was involved. I didn't know that Seneca
Women was involved.

Speaker 1 (19:01):
I know, it's like all these amazing organizations and you're like, whoa.

Speaker 2 (19:08):
Yeah that I had never even looked it up. But
then I did that day, and I was like, holy crap.

Speaker 1 (19:14):
Because I remember I was just like I'm gona submit us,
and you're like.

Speaker 2 (19:16):
Cool, all right, yeah yeah, And I didn't know what
it was, like neither of us did. Like that. We
were like did we win? Or is this now?

Speaker 1 (19:28):
Like are we finalists?

Speaker 2 (19:29):
Yeah, we're finalists and now we compete to the desk.

Speaker 1 (19:33):
And we kept being like no, no, we're reading this
like I mean, we were reading it and we it
said we won, but we're like no, there is no way.
We just didn't think we could have and and like
you see all the other women that.

Speaker 2 (19:46):
Won, and they're so amazing.

Speaker 1 (19:48):
Yeah, and we were like, we don't fit in. We're
just like so amazing, yeah, but we you know what,
why not us?

Speaker 2 (19:55):

Speaker 1 (19:56):
You know?

Speaker 2 (19:56):
Well, you know what I really like it about this
contest once I actually learned about it, was that And
I don't know who figured this out, but in podcasting,
you the majority of why I shouldn't say the majority,
but there are more female view listeners yeah than male listeners. However,
there is a significantly higher percentage of male posts that

are actually doing podcasts and females And so I don't
know if it was iHeart or Senecar which one came first,
but someone decided they wanted to have this contest so
that they could help female podcasters, yeah, to get more.
And you really see that with our class of podcasters
because we're talking about all the like varied subjects, and

what this contest was was we won the contest. We
were winners, not finalists as we thought. For a couple
of weeks and they were having the Podcast Academy.

Speaker 1 (20:49):
Yeah, we got to go to the inaugural.

Speaker 2 (20:51):
Yeah, we're the inaugural class and we got to take
I think it was six weeks of classes kind i'll
call them classes, but they were really interesting. And really
before that, I didn't even think about podcasts. I didn't
know that. I didn't know anything. I knew nothing. I
didn't I didn't really think. I just thought someone grabbed
a microphone or just their computer or their phone and

like sat in a closet and.

Speaker 1 (21:14):
Talked yeah, and then it just sounded great, yeah, no
matter what, which we have learned is not the case.

Speaker 2 (21:20):
And there's editing and could write stuff.

Speaker 1 (21:24):
Yeah, and there's just different I guess when you learn it,
you realize, oh yeah, like kind of knew that. But
some are narrated, some are scripted, some are like just
right off the coffs, some have a ton of editing.
Like there's just this huge gamut within podcasting of types
of podcasts and how they're produced and all the background

that goes into them, which we knew nothing about, of course.

Speaker 2 (21:49):
Yeah nothing. And we you know, after the Podcast Academy,
we all all ten finalists, which Jenny and I are
two people, and there's another podcast called My Vagina Said
What and that is also hosted by two people. And
then other than that, everyone is flying solo, but we
stay in touch. So we all have we email each other,

we are connected, we chat and then we have a
wonderful producer named Ryan Martz, and he has office hours
for us and he teaches us tons and tons of things,
and I think we'd all be lost without him, but
we get to connect there as well. It's been a wonderful,
wonderful experience.

Speaker 1 (22:31):
And you basically we just take baby steps until we
have a podcast. Yeah. Here we are.

Speaker 2 (22:37):
Yeah, Yeah, it's crazy. And now we have podcast equipment.
And for my anniversary, slash Jenny's Now, my husband got
us this foam we have all over our walls in
my basement.

Speaker 1 (22:51):
Thank you, John, great anniversary gift for me.

Speaker 2 (22:55):
You would like it.

Speaker 1 (22:58):
Now he has to one up that next year.

Speaker 2 (23:00):
Yeah, and we're doing it.

Speaker 1 (23:02):
Yeah. And so let's just end by talking about the
segments of our podcast, because I know I can't explain
them in every single podcast, and if somebody just wants
to get a little background off the different segments, let's
just tell them a little about those. Yeah. First we
have picture It and Carrie, do you want to talk
about the background to picture it?

Speaker 2 (23:24):
Yes? So we besides Loving Homework Channel and many other things.
We love Golden Girls and Sophia always starts her stories
with picture it sicily nineteen whenever, and we think that's funny,
so we thought we would do the same thing. So
a normal podcast for us is when we are watching

a show, watching one of the movies and talking about it,
and so we have to give a summary that starts
with picture it, picture it, and then whatever city that
movie takes place in, and the year that the movie
came out.

Speaker 1 (23:58):
Yeah. Yeah, that's our knapsis section. And then after that
we go to Free for All. That's really where we
just wanted to be able to talk a little bit more.
I mean, we talk a lot about the movie and
picture It, but we wanted any other thoughts we had
on the movie. We just wanted to be able to
get them out there.

Speaker 4 (24:17):
Yeah, decorations, the couple, the couple, a few clothing, things
that maybe didn't make sense in the movie, or that
made you annoyed, or maybe things you loved about the movie.

Speaker 2 (24:29):
Yeah, we might talk about a baking montage.

Speaker 1 (24:34):
One phrase that I learned from Carrie is glitter toss.
She loves that phrase. She uses it a lot in
her author life. So we have glitter toss moments, and
that's like the best moment.

Speaker 2 (24:47):
Glitter toss back, and you have to envision me throwing
glitter into the air with reckless abandon.

Speaker 1 (24:57):
Such that they look like fireworks.

Speaker 2 (24:59):
Rereck Yeah, while I'm wearing glitter and long dangly earrings.
Oh yeah, my mails are done.

Speaker 1 (25:05):
And then we also we call it, ohso Hallmark moments,
but again those are just the moments that really don't
make sense in movies, or like things you see in
every Hallmark movie, like really bad product placements maybe, or.

Speaker 2 (25:19):
Like there's a baking montage that yet again people have
flower on their face and I'm not sure why these
people cannot bake without getting flower on their Yeah, yeah,
but yeah, like those type of things. Yeah, and then
we have our last segment, which is I always forget

what it's called.

Speaker 1 (25:40):
It's called dud dud dull Romance.

Speaker 2 (25:44):
One I one, Oh yeah, that's right.

Speaker 1 (25:46):
Yeah, Because Carrie, as we've stated, is actually a romance author,
and as we've also stated, these movies are most often
based on actual published romance novels. So Carrie has actually
kind of been in this industry that Hallmark is works
with it because the Hallmark also publishes books, right.

Speaker 2 (26:08):
They used to, Oh, they used to have Hallmark Publishing,
but it recently has closed. Okay, but they still I
would say probably their main source for at least the
Christmas movies is they go out and look at books.

Speaker 1 (26:20):
Okay. And so this is Carrie's thoughts on the movie,
based on the fact that she's a romance author and
we text each other and these types of things sometimes
do come up when we text each other. So I
want to give you example of one of my faves
and little takebits that you've told me before. So I remember,
I don't know when, but I was texting Carrie, and

you know, it was like Hallmark has made a lot
of strides and they're showing just not the standard couple
all the time anymore. There's a lot of different couples
in all ways. I think they've done a great job
of just not always having people that look exactly the
same as couples, but just tongue and she because like
one thing they have not had is tall woman shorter man.

And this is near and dear to my heart because
I'm quite tall, even though my husband's not shorter. I
always just want to see every movie, it's always just
a taller male with the shorter moment. And I was like,
they've never flipped the script there, and Carrie's like, no, no,
that's actually not allowed, Like that would get edited out
if you wrote that into a romance novel there. It's

part of the formula. They have to be tall. And
I guess, like I knew this, but I didn't know
that it's so far as it would actually get edited
out if you tried to write that in, like and
don't they usually need to be like over six feet
or something like that.

Speaker 2 (27:40):
Not what depends on the heroine's side. Okay, but I tried.
For one of my books, I based the hero his
physical appearance, not really his character, but just how he looked.
I based him on someone I knew in college, and
this guy was super hot, but he wasn't super tall,
but he was really muscular, and so in my head,

that's that's what he looked like. And the heroine was
taller than him. I mean not like towering over him
or anything, but she was a little bit taller than him,
and I wasn't allowed to use It's crazy. Yeah, so
there is your call to action. Harmark Let's flip that script.
Let's get a short guy and a tall woman. Let's

get Kevin Hart and he's a very tall actress. Cameron Diaz.
She tall, she's tall, she's super tall.

Speaker 1 (28:32):
Yeah, yeah, let's get those two together.

Speaker 2 (28:35):
I was gonna say Giselle.

Speaker 1 (28:37):
Or maybe Giselle. Yeah, she might have.

Speaker 2 (28:40):
Some free time, who knows. Yeah, so that Yeah, it's
funny too because I don't even realize when I do
one of these tipbits in the romance world that I'm
doing that, because that's just what I see every day.

Speaker 1 (28:54):
Yeah, so that was my favorite tippit. But that was
that was kind of the premise of the start of
Romance one on one. And then we would end this
segment with our final question is do you think this
couple would make it? Because that's what everyone ends the
movie with, is like, is this Do we think this
couple is going to make it? For all of time?

Speaker 2 (29:13):
Right? And the implication should be that they're going to Yeah.

Speaker 1 (29:17):
And I think for most often I'm like, yeah, I
mean I think for most movies, I think that they're
going to make it. Certainly, there are some where I
don't see it, where just don't see the chemistry, right
or I think I didn't like one of the characters,
maybe so I don't see it, or I'm.

Speaker 2 (29:33):
Wondering what their circumstance, how they're going to do.

Speaker 1 (29:36):
Right yet it doesn't really make sense, or they move
so fast. But yeah, that's what we're just going to answer.
And I'm sure everyone thinks the same things, like is
this couple going to make it or not? And you know,
we just have to find out each movie exactly.

Speaker 2 (29:53):
So yeah, that's a little bit about us, about our
background as friends and our background with the podcast. We
hope you that you're enjoying it so.

Speaker 1 (30:02):
Far, and we hope to keep doing as many Hallmark
movies as we can, both ree watches and new movies
when they go out obviously our favorite being the new
Christmas movies when they go out exactly.

Speaker 2 (30:15):
And if you have anything you want to share with us,
please find us on social media on Facebook and Instagram
at Hallmark Junkies. And if you like our podcast, please
like and subscribe, And it would be really great if
you wanted to leave a.

Speaker 1 (30:28):
Review, Yes, positive reviews, only negative ones aren't allowed.

Speaker 2 (30:33):
Yeah, I don't even think they register.

Speaker 1 (30:35):
Go. This is Jenny saying cheers.

Speaker 2 (30:42):
And this is Carrie saying we'll see Yin's next time.
Marry Christmas.

Speaker 1 (30:48):
Hallmark Junkies is a part of the Seneca Women Podcast
Network and iHeartRadio. For more podcasts from iHeart Radio, check
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