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July 24, 2024 10 mins

In this thought-provoking episode of The Heartbeat of Faith Podcast, hosted by Dr. Andrew Farley, we delve into the depths of wisdom and divine guidance. Life often presents us with a complex web of responsibilities, commitments, and relationships, leaving us feeling overwhelmed. The natural instinct may be to seek an escape, but this episode challenges that impulse. We learn that the wisdom God offers transcends mere facts, uncovering the profound truth that underlies everything. Join us as we explore the remarkable story of Solomon, known as the wisest man to ever live, who faced a daunting role as king and an overwhelming sense of inadequacy. In a dreamlike encounter with the Almighty, Solomon's prayer for wisdom sets the stage for a profound lesson about seeking divine guidance when life's challenges seem insurmountable.

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God's response to Solomon's request is a reminder that when we approach Him with a heart inclined toward wisdom and understanding, He is ready to bless us immensely. In the grand tapestry of life, we often find ourselves at crossroads where our own understanding falls short. Instead of praying for life's challenges to disappear, we should, like Solomon, seek wisdom to navigate them. This divine wisdom surpasses mere knowledge and facts, enabling us to discern the truth behind every situation. Whether you face peaks, valleys, prosperity, or pestilence, remember that God is ready to grant you the wisdom you seek through His Spirit, His Word, and your life experiences. So, will you ask for it? Will you seek His wisdom and expertise to run this race well? 

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Let us pray. The fear of the Lord is the
beginning of wisdom, a good understanding. Have all they that
do his commandments. His praise endureth forever, Psalm chapter one, eleven,
verse ten. Dear Lord, you alone are the source of

wisdom and truth. You see everything and have peered into
the depths of my soul. You hold the secrets to
abundant living, flourishing relationships, and a peaceful world. By your spirit,
you guide me and make the path before me clear.
You give me the wisdom to know what is true.

You are my strength to do what is right. Thank
you for putting me in union with you so that
I may live a life of purpose and fruitfulness. In
Jesus name, I pray Amen. Thank you for praying with
me today. Now discover the profound intricacies of Scripture through

prey dot COM's podcast The Heartbeat of Faith with doctor
Andrew Farley.

Speaker 2 (01:16):
Life is complex. There are responsibilities, commitments, and relationships that
we have to navigate. These things can overwhelm us, and
the temptation is to retreat.

Speaker 3 (01:33):
Solomon paused again, this time kneeling before God with his
hands spread open wide. Please give me an understanding heart
in wisdom to govern your people well.

Speaker 2 (01:45):
At some point we may reach the end of our
understanding and need something better, something divine. The wisdom God
offers comes from his Spirit, who in dwells us. He
lives in us to be our wisdom, our counsel, our
comfort are everything.

Speaker 3 (02:06):

Speaker 2 (02:06):
I'm doctor Andrew Farley, and welcome to today's episode of
the Heartbeat of Faith podcast. Our journey has included an
exploration of the great themes of the Bible. We're actively
studying the nature and benefits of prayer, and today's prayer
was expressed by a person who was touted as the

wisest man to ever live, Solomon, But Solomon didn't always
feel wise. The throne was daunting to Solomon when he
first became king after his father David. The thought of
ruling a nation seemed overwhelming and beyond his capabilities. But

in a dream, Solomon was told by God he could
request anything and it would be given to him.

Speaker 3 (03:00):
Was calm, and there was no breeze or sound in
all of Israel. The stars shone brightly, and Solomon was
deep asleep in his bed. He shifted slightly in his bed,
experiencing a dream. More vivid and real than any other.
Solomon stood before the Lord. He could not see him,
but no, he was there. What do you want most,

Solomon heard the Lord. Ask, ask, and it will be
given to you.

Speaker 2 (03:28):
Solomon had a chance to ask for riches, power, or success. Instead,
he asked for the one thing he knew he would
need most as king, wisdom.

Speaker 3 (03:44):
Solomon paused for a moment. He looked up and said,
you showed my father faithful love since the beginning. He
was honest and truly faithful to you, and you have
continued your love for him by allowing me to sit
on this throne. Solomon began to choke up, trying to
capture the right words. Now, my God, you have made

me king, and I am like a little child stumbling about.
But you have placed me in the midst of your
chosen people. They are a nation so great and so
vast that they cannot be fully counted. Solomon paused again,
this time kneeling before God with his hands spread open wide.
Please give me an understanding heart in wisdom to govern

your people well. Allow me to know the true difference
between right and wrong, good and evil, curses and blessings.
There is no man that can govern these people without
you by their side. Solomon finished his request and sat
at the feet of God for a long time.

Speaker 2 (04:48):
James wrote that if anyone lacks wisdom, they only need
to ask. It's tempting to only pray that circumstances would
fall into place for us. We might pray that we
wouldn't struggle at work, have relational strife, or have car trouble.
We might pray for good grades in school, a promotion

at work, or behaved children if we're parents, and God
may sometimes answer these prayers with the gift of better circumstances. However,
God doesn't always work by handing us easy living and
cushy circumstances on a silver platter. Often God grants us

wisdom to navigate difficult circumstances rather than removing the situations altogether.
At some point, we'll reach the end of our own
understanding and need something better, something divine. The wisdom God
offers comes from his spirit, who in dwells us. He

lives in us to be our wisdom, our counsel, our
comfort are everything. When faced with a fierce army, King
Jehosaphat gathered his people to pray for wisdom, and God responded.

Speaker 3 (06:12):
The Moabites and Ammonites aligned together to overtake the people
of Judah. They amassed a great and mighty army to
come against Jehosephat and the men of God. Their military
mind was so vast that Jehosaphad could not dream of
defeating them on his own. So Jehosephad assembled the entire
nation of Judah to pray and fast to the Lord

for help. Together, they sought wisdom and protection from the
threatening Horde approaching, and Judah assembled to seek help from
the Lord. From all the cities of Judah, they came
to seek the Lord. Men, women, and children joined Jehosephat
in prayer, seeking him and leaning on his wisdom.

Speaker 2 (06:56):
Wow Jehosaphat and Judah faced vast invading armies. They prayed
for wisdom. God responded through Prophet Jehesel, assuring victory. Judah
praised God and the enemy armies self destructed. Jehosaphat's request

for wisdom led to peace and God given rest in
his realm. Similarly, God honored Solomon's prayer and because he
didn't take the easy way out and asked for understanding instead.
God blessed him a hundredfold.

Speaker 3 (07:37):
The Lord was very pleased with Solomon's request. He could
have asked for riches, success, power, or victory over enemies. However,
Solomon simply asked for discerning and loving heart. God replied
to Solomon saying, because you have asked for wisdom instead
of a long life for wealth, I will give you

all you have asked for and more. The joy of
God was palpable, and Solomon could feel it welling up
in his chest. I will give you a wise heart,
and no other ruler in history will match your mind.
I will also give you more than you have asked for,
with riches, fame, and prosperity. All that I ask is

that you follow me with your whole heart, as your
father did.

Speaker 2 (08:23):
God is with you through peaks and valleys, prosperity and pestilence.
As believers today, we often approach God asking for wisdom
as if it's an independent quality or attribute. But we
need to remember what First Corinthians one thirty says. It
is because of Him that you are in Christ, Jesus,

who has become for us wisdom from God. Christ Jesus
has become our wisdom. Wisdom is a person. This isn't
merely an assurance of God's ability to grant us insight
or understanding. Rather, it underscores the profound truth that for

every believer, wisdom is not merely an attribute. Wisdom is
embodied in a person, Jesus Christ himself. Through God's boundless grace,
we don't merely receive answers. We're joined with the answer.
With the presence of God's spirit in us and our

new identity anchored in Christ, we don't have to plead
for drops of wisdom when the very ocean of understanding
lives within us. Let this realization inspire and equip you. Jesus,
the embodiment of divine wisdom resides in you, guiding, illuminating,

and sustaining every step of your journey. Thank you for
listening to today's episode of the Heartbeat of Faith podcast.
If you enjoyed today's episode or learn something new about
the Bible, share it with a friend and leave us
a review. Download thepray dot com app, and for more

encouragement in God's grace, visit Andrewfarley dot org. That's Andrewfarley
dot org.
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