Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:05):
Hey, you new kid, come over here. Whoa the girl
from Audio Lab is calling me out at lunch. This
is the first It's only my second weekend book of
Team now, and although I've been keeping my distance since
I'm the new kid on the block, I'll admit that
it's been a lot better here than I thought. Still
feeling out the other students. They seem cool. A lot
of them are a bit nerdy and tech kids, but
this is a STEM school, so that's expected. Meanwhile, the
podcast is still going viral and more interview requests are
coming in from artists. Hey, Janelle right from Audio Lab.
What's good? I have a seat. Okay, don't worry, I
don't bite. That's more like it. You know, I'm trying
to saying you eat by yourself. It's pathetic. You're sitting
by yourself, by joy So I can finish reading Bell
Hooks All about Love? So it's Ruben. Yeah, what's my
friends call me? Ben? That's your deal? I shrug? What
can I say? I'm still playing the podcast close to
the vest. It's like a reflex carried over from home,
like Uncle Ben's what's so funny? I mean, you know,
like Uncle Ben the rice rest in power, Uncle Ben,
I'm just trying to break the ice a bit. Nice
to meet you, Nice to meet you. Nice to finally
see someone here reaching out. Yeah, the vibe here is
pretty cool, but you have to be driven to keep up.
It can be isolating for newbies. Consider me the welcome committee.
So you're this friendly with every new kid, wouldn't you
like to know? So, Ben, what do you win too? Oh? Well,
I love music and I've got this. Uh I've only
known it from the five minutes, but I get the feeling.
I can trust you know. We've been exchanging glances in
audio lab for a week. She smells like rose water,
her StepN piercing, and long locks maker look like a guy.
Is I shouldn't be keeping the pot to myself here
at school. That's ridiculous. It isn't like my parents are
going to find out about it from some other kid
at book or t Marco and I even talked about
using our school to spread the word, but I haven't
been acting on that since the Pots doing so well
on the song. But I gotta put myself out there.
I host this little podcast interview breaking artists. Are you serious?
That's so dope? I mean you're leaving social currency on
the table. How humble of you. So do you want
to be my new friend? Miss? You know? I accept
your invitation. I am intrigued to learn more about your
little podcast. Who have your interviewed so far? Nevea, Jolie,
Maisio guns? Have you heard of any of them? WHOA?
That's legit. You aren't messing around. I heard of Novega
Jolie sidebar. You have to be aware of giving your
insecurities power. Watch the way you talk about yourself. You
just described your podcasts as a little but having your
post on fresh talent and creating a platform for new artists.
It's a little my dude, that's huge. Taking it back
and how the wreck she is? It's intimidating, but in
a good way. Damn I didn't even realize I did that. Thanks?
Where would it? Girl? Go? To listen to a podcast
as illustrious as yours? You can find it in all
the usual places, Apple podcast, I heart, Spotify, state your
Google podcast If you're on that Android tip It sounds
like you're on that Miles Morales tip. What you mean
you know? Ultimates into the spider verse. Miles Morale's transfers
to your new school right as he becomes Spider Man.
Come on, Okay, if you're gonna be a cultural icon,
you've got to know these references. Yeah, I guess I
am one that Miles Morales tip. I even got a
secret identity. Secret identity. Yeah. On the podcast, we disguise
my voice and I go by a stage name mask
on damn right, you've got a secret identity. Why aren't
you starting the stuff from the rooftops? You're the most
interesting new kid we've had any years. I don't know.
That's not me. I guess I like to keep things
low key, but you gotta own your greatness. What do
you call your new hit pod? By the way, I
hold my breath for a second. This is the first
time I get to experience and outside its reaction to
my work. I've been so private about the podcast for
my own reasons, and despite our solid numbers, I haven't
come face to face with a new fan in real life. Somehow,
telling Janelle makes everything feel more real. It's like I'm
relaunching the show to the world all over again. It's
called Here comes the Break. It's been a few more days,
and our third interview is set to drop today. It's
amazing how fast the podcast is blowing up. We're hitting
bigger numbers daily. Honestly, it's turning out to be a
lot to handle. I mean, between the demands of booking
guests and editing the show, not to mention school work,
it's a little much for just two guys. Marco has
been managing our social media pages, creating content calendars, and
corresponding with our listeners, but that dude lives on his
phone anyways. But we could use some help with production
and booking at school. I've had lunch with Janelle all week.
I even mess some of her friends. She's a senior,
knows the lay of the land. She's been a real lifeline.
I've noticed that my social feeds are starting to fill
up with kids to book a t mostly from requests
with Janelle as our one mutual follows. Thankfully, with all
the rest of this stuff going on, Mom and Dad
had mostly kept their distance since they're still under the
impression that the school transition is tough for me. It
isn't actually that bad, thanks to Janelle especially, But I'm
more than happy to let my parents feel that way
if it gives me the space. I need to work
more on the podcast. My mind keeps going back to
what Mazio Gun said in our interview about keeping your
close circle of trust when you blow up the strain
on Marco's bandwidth, handling all this producer's side stuff himself,
Janelle's strong personality and interest in the pod, it all
makes sense together. I'm still just getting to nowhere, but
I know she's got the calm and positive energy to
pick up the slack with Marco or I feel overwhelmed.
I want to recruit Jennell to work with us. I
have a call coming up with Marco any minute, and
I'm going to run the idea by him. My homework
should probably be further up in my mind, but I'm
running through critiques of how to make the pot better
bit by bit, episode by episode. It takes up all
my attention. Later, Hey, Marcoyo Ben, great news, he got
another interview lined up in a couple more requests coming in,
artists from all over st Body from l A, Stephen
Moses from Pennsylvania. We could start banking episodes if we
record these quickly. So key that we scored that interview
with oh No for episode three. I stopped short in
my tracks. Okay, booking, it's going pretty well, but I'm
excited and nervous at the same time. I feel that
familiar stab of panic, and I know I still need
to suggest bringing Janelle on board. I need more support,
and the thought of having someone at school I can
talk to about the pod stuff will be a huge relief.
That's great, Let's schedule the other requests as soon as
we can. Took the words right out of my mouth.
How's everything? I booked a team? Good? Good? Finally making
some new friends. There's this one girl. You got a
girl already named Jenelle? I see you not. She's not
my girlfriend. She's my friend who happens to be a girl.
We we lunched together. What is that even supposed to mean?
Don't play innocent with me? Did you tell her about
the podcast? Yeah? She knows about the pot. She's spreading
the word about it about me around school. Every little
bit helps. Try this weekend for interview with bo. Yeah.
I can swing that. We're dropping episode three tonight, right.
I did a fresh edit last night, mixed it this
morning before school. If you want to review, I'm bringing
it up on my laptop now. Smooth. We'll go through
it for a final past together. So while it loads up,
get real with me. You're feeling this Janelle girl, This
question makes me uncomfortable. I've got enough on my plate
as it is, and Janelle has been a good friend
in me so far. I don't want to ruin it
by making a move. The bottom line is, yes, of
course I'm attracted to Janelle. What idiot wouldn't be, But
now it's not the right time to make a move. Nah, man,
at least not right now. I got too much on
my plate. I got eyes for this podcast. Strong answerment,
there's never a good time, all bad time. He just
gotta go for it. Oh yeah, right. This is from
the guy who asked out every girl in a break.
You don't get a batting average till you give yourself
about that. I did have an idea, though, we should
bring it with us to the next show we go
to make You're a part of the podcast and team,
all right, and like your woman, I'm telling you this
is strictly professional. You and I are both losing sleep
trying to keep up with everything. An extra pair of
hands with help, and she's super competent. Get you drinking
the Book of tea cool laid already super competent Marco
to see right through me. But I'm serious about keeping
the firewall up between Janelle and I. This podcast is
too important. I'm more afraid that he's gonna make a
move on or while I'm playing a professionally. So if
you're not interested, if you haven't even met her yet, alright,
invited to the next show you've got on this weekend.
I'm dying to me. Whatever, man, Okay, it's it's a
plan now, Episode three, final mix. Let's dive in sy
I'm gonna start off to Siri. It's but in learning
your back story, I learned that when you were young,
your mom was in prison and you and your siblings
were like to survive on your own until thankfully relative
steped in to support you. How old you know, I'm
twenty four. And then happened when you were a teenager? Yeah, yeah,
I was about I want to say, maybe about thirteen
or twelve or fourteen. Maybe I don't really make assumptions,
But now that you're an adult and you're pursuing your
own dreams as a music artist, what would you say
it contributed from that experience to what type of person
you are now because of it. I mean, honestly, I
feel like I feel like the main thing that made
me is just like it made me really strong, because
I feel like I tell my story to people and
they're like not amazed, but they're just like really like wow,
like you went through that. But to me, it's kind
of normal. I feel like it's like, yeah, like that's
is that bad? And I just feel like it made
me strong because if I look at that like, oh
that's yeah, it's it's nothing. Yeah. I just feel like
it made me like a really strong person, like the
way I look at things, the way I handle certain situations,
the way I react. I just feel like it definitely
toughened me up. And also it was an artist with
a Latino background, even a hip hop We had our
Big Clunes and our Fat Joe's. Who would you say
to young Latin American artists out there, someone from a
first generation family? I mean all I would really say.
I mean, it's gonna sound real cliche, but I would
just say to just keep going out whatever you're doing.
I mean, it was hard for me at one point
just being a Latino artist because there wasn't much out
like you said, Yeah, there was the legend ones, but
there wasn't ever something like that. There was a lot
of them. Now they're starting to be a little more.
So I feel like just working hard, Like it was hard,
like people kind of slept on me or just pushed
me to the side at the beginning, even with going
to a little like, um, just any little stuff that
I would do, I was kind of pushing aside because
I was a Latin artists. I feel like I wasn't
tooking serious. But I just really went hard, and I
knew there's people out there that would like me and
just my stuff. So the world is huge, there's so
many people, so I knew there's a fan base for
what I do and for the type of music I make.
So I really just like stay focused, stay dedicated, and
I made something happen and I'm happy with it. Yeah,
you also make music in Spanish. Would you say audiences,
I mean, I definitely have a very strong audience out
in like South America, but I feel like mainly it's
just people like my age. I feel like it's the
the younger people, um, the I mean, it's I also
have a lot of people like thirty and over, but
mainly it's eighteen to like twenty five and stuff like that.
So I feel like it's people mainly like my age,
but maybe just because of the things I talked about
is more current. I guess what you say are the
themes of the music. Okay, so there's a lot of
people who do stuff and you know, don't really I
haven't gone through it or don't really do that certain things.
I definitely feel like I don't do that, and I'm
really happy about that. So, I mean, everything I've really
talked about is just you know, things that I've gone through,
things I do on the daily basis, whether it's hanging
out friends or just working hard. I've actually noticed I
talked a lot about working hard and stuff like like
some hustle stuff like Nipsey hustle type motivation type stuff.
How do you deal with the pressure of building this
audience but still staying true to yourself? Yeah, honestly, I have.
I have huge anxiety. It's like really bad, But lately
I've been finding a lot of ways to cope with
it and just kind of like get through it because
I feel like a lot of it is fear of
certain things. So I just try to like go with
it and just try to like hope it's not going
to turn out bad. But I feel like, like I said,
although everything I've gone through has made me stronger, I
do feel like that maybe the cause of some of
my anxiety, just because people have told me that, But
I don't like to believe that because I just don't
feel like that's a reason to feel that way. Yeah,
I definitely feel like it's just fear. But it's been
something that I've been working on, and um, I feel
like I've been doing good. Right on. You sound like
it too. Tell our listeners what you got coming that phone? Yeah,
So I'm gonna be doing definitely a lot of singles.
I'm for sure you're gonna start being super consistent with everything,
even blogs. What else I'm gonna be doing, like some clothing. Yeah,
had some super super crazy videos. I've been coming up
with the craziest treatments. So I'm really excited to just
get them done and put them out there for everybody
nice to look forward to. Oh no, thanks for taking
the time. It's been a pleasure. Thank you, Thank you
so much. We'll be right back and now back to
the show. This is surreal to nice. Tonight, Marco, Janelle
and I are covering a show together, like where Angela yet,
dj Envy and Charlotte Magne the guy I can since
this is gonna work out so far, Marco, like Janelle
and Janelle hasn't read Marcot of filth yet for his flirting,
so we're off to a great start. We're tag team
in the l a the Ghot show in the city.
He's a Tampa rapper in town for one night only engagement.
Janelle is on her phone and Marco was posting to
our social media pages to let our followers know that
they here comes to break. Team will be in the
building tonight covering the show. This feels great. I didn't
even have to hide that I was going to the
city for my parents. They were just happy to hear
I have a friend in my new school, and then
she and Marco and now we're all gonna hang out together.
What I didn't tell them is we're going to an
a team plus show. In some ways, tonight reminds me
of that roller coaster ride on the first night with
Marco and I scored our first interview, only this time
we're not being shepherded to the green room like with
V I p S. Thanks to Marco's influence and invite.
This time we're general audience, so we gotta go hard
to get access. We have one shot to nail this,
and Janelle, a hot girl in our crew, is our
ace and the whole. We get to the door and
this is the first test of our plan. Pass or
fail to went out on the press list. We have
to stand in line, and because the show was a
team plus, we need fake I d s to get in. Well,
not Janelle, she's actually a team. But Marco came through
in the clutch and hooked us up with a pretty
good set of fakes. It's my first one. It feels
like Christmas. I can't lie. I am feeling super anxious
right now. What if we get caught, If the bouncer
doesn't give us a pass, the night's gonna be over quick.
But somehow, when I'm out with these two together, it
isn't the panic attack kind of anxious. It's part of
the thrill. Okay, Ruben, gotta focus and act like you belong.
I can't look too suspect. The doorman takes JR. Nail's
I d and only gives us a quick glance. But
when it's Marco's turn, he stops start squinning. He runs
his hand over. Oh shit, this isn't gonna work. After
all my talking myself up and building up this headed steam,
I can fill it, evaporating into an anxiety attacked by
the second Janelle is already through the door, and Marcus
trying to keep us cool. I'm starting to get fidgety,
and I fingered the velvet rope half consciously, and then
the doorman sees my nerves and gets Marco a furrowed brow. Ship. Ship, Ship.
This is falling apart fast. My feet are itching to
move underneath me. I see Marco shoot me a worried glance,
least trying to calm me down. That's it, thought. The
dorman sees the word together. There's no way we're getting through.
I have to bail, so I bill I stuck out
from under the rope, start fast walking back away from
the line, not even knowing where I'm going. I hear
the doorman shouting at me, but I don't look back.
I'm in panic mode. I go a block without pausing
for a breath, and then finally stop at the next
intersection and take out my phone. There's a piece of
place on the corner and I stepped inside as I
placed an order for a slice of cheese and slice
of rony. I text Marco and Janelle sorry about the
trouble at the door. I met the famous raise of
black heast. When I sit down with my slices, the
replies come in, what's trouble out the door? I d
S didn't get us through. Stay at the pizza, placed
the inside game, hand at our stickers, and see if
I can get some access to l A the goat.
This is embarrassing, but Marcos covering from my freak out,
and we still have Janelle inside. I feel the team
coming together. After a couple of minutes, Marco comes first
in through the door. But the hell was that, bro?
I was gonna get in? He waxed me upside the
back of the head and then takes a seat across
from me, his eyes glaring. Didn't look like it. Well,
you took our chances from non zero to zero real quick.
Not cool, Bro, I'm sorry I had to bail. I
can't have my parents finding out about all this by
my being caught trying to sneak into a show. I've
got to tell them about it, like it's an accomplishment. Bro,
it's already an accomplishment, but we gotta keep up the
pace if we wanted to stay that way. No chicken
and out at the door. It's gonna be okay. Janelle
is still inside. This is we needed to grow the team.
She is pretty much a badass. I see, why are
you like that? I'm really not trying to get with it.
And promise me you aren't going to make the vibe
weird by hitting on her. No, No, you're right. We're
a team now, especially now that we're relying on her tonight.
Marco orders himself a slice and we eat the rest
on our feet. As we walked back over to the venue.
I finished first, so I'm the first to notice the
text from Janelle. It's almost over. We redirect from the
front of the venue to the side alley. It has
a big mural on the wall opposite the door. Janelle
is waiting for us there. Okay, here's the deal. His
repsit he doesn't have time for an interview, but we
can take a couple of photos with him, maybe up
against this mural. We'll exchange info and set up an
interview for later on Yo, Janelle, You're wild, but I
love it. Let's do it. I got enough juice in
my phone. Power up your cannon and let's do this.
These two are insane. After everything that happened at the door,
I didn't really expect Janelle to be able to get
in front of l A the Goats people. She was
on with a handbag full of Here Comes to Break
stickers with our social media accounts on the design and
that was it. But here we are about to get
in the photo shoot somehow, even though I ran from
the show, l A the Goat and his team come
out the stage door in the alley and I watched
Janelle walked straight up to him and extend her arm
for her handshake, and then l A the Goat leans
in to give Janella hud. Marco leans back on the
mural wall and all of what is happening Janelle, l
A the Goat, and two other random guys walk up
to Marco and introduced themselves, Hey, this young lady in
front of us that you guys are the brains behind
the Here Comes to Break podcast that's on our radar.
Nice work, my name is rich I'm the booking agent.
I would love for my guy to be a guest
on your show. Here's my card, shoot me an email.
Let's make it happen. Thanks. My name is Ruben, I'm
the host of the show. I'm Marco, co creator and producer.
We could take a few photos in front of this mural. Yeah, yo,
this team wants to take a few shots here, l
A the Goat knives and crosses to the mural wall.
If there was any doubt about bringing Janelle on board,
her impromptu photo shoot with l A the Goat put
that to rest for good. We gotta lead on an
interview and fresh material to post to our feet. Tonight,
we make our way back to the train, celebrating Janelle's
boss move. That was a victory. I guess this is
how White Cleff felt about Lauren Hill during the early
days of the Fuji's Janelle is a chill on the
train back. I see Marco giving her impressed glances the
same old game, even though he said he would keep
it professional. I'm sure Janelle can more than handle herself.
Tonight was proof of that. But I'm gonna keep an
eye on that kid. He could be reckless. I can't
have him screwing up the vibe when here comes to
break is scaling up and better than ever. And now
an exclusive track from Oh No Down You know Lord
a lord locate a local conte cento actor Ablano that
we come on somberio, No you respont me for my
lass about me mexicali simple laia trees set get a.
Perry wants to see the Woman League store, which I'm getting.
No me casa Zala has to created store, does Sublanci
Miraci jospect Despetalmiro put me and deep me for to
whoso Huh McCom ova and mish michela the mccorm ova
and I misson by the missio. Let's get the McCom
ova and I mis gimme come over and I'll be
shot answer that's los podcast lost fladcasts going to that's
how we go. He's no cancer come, no cola champani
pasta castas. I just cannot let normal league And then
a pras lost the windows as a voor. He doesn't
see my damas who put it voo toilet, so says boyo,
No sail a m come over and mishop Michel mccon
Mova lea Let Here Comes to Break is produced by
Double Elvis and partnership with I Heart Radio. Executive produced
by Deaf Jam Recordings. Executive produced by and starring Asanti
Black Is Ruben, Produced by Danielle Perkins who plays Janelle,
Bobby cs Is Marco, Christopher V. Edwards as Dad, Raymie
Cornell is Mom, and Taylor Bettinson. Written by Taylor Bettinson
and The Kia Hill Artist Interviews conducted by Nikia Hill,
directed by Christopher V. Edwards, mixed and edited by Matt
Ta Hainey, Sound recording by Colin Fleming Music Elements and
production by Ryan's Breaker. Additional production support by Jamie Dimons.
Executive produced by Jake Brennan and Brady Sadler for Double
Elvis Special Thing The Rain Rosenbaum, Shelby Shankman, Sarah Kaine
and Jordian Gerrellic United Talent Agency, Beck Media and Marketing,
Barack Muffett and Universal Music Group, Rich Isaacson, Lind Gonzalez,
Charlene Thomas, Merrissa Pizarro, Gabriel To Serrieriro, Jessic Commanderino and
Narya Fleming at Deaf Jam Recordings and Conald Burn, Carrie Lieberman,
Bill Pearson, Noel Brown, and the entire I Heeart Media
team to hear bonus content, meet the cast, and go
behind the scenes of Here It Comes to Break. Follow
with double Elvis on Instagram or visit double elvis dot com.