All Episodes

June 3, 2021 25 mins

Ruben is grounded at the worst possible time: the team has just received an invite to Viral Villa, the hottest arts collective in LA. Ruben’s parents will never agree to let him go. But against his better judgment, Ruben starts plotting to run away for the weekend anyway.

Featuring Def Jam artist LA the GOAT & his new song "You Wouldn't Believe it" produced by Jermaine Dupri [Stream|Download]

Executive Producer: Asante Blackk

Producer: Daniella Perkins

Starring: Asante Blackk and Daniella Perkins

Co-Starring: Bobby Cius, Rayme Cornell, Christopher V. Edwards and Taylor Bettinson

Written by: Taylor Bettinson and Nakia Hill

Directed By: Christopher V. Edwards

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Yeah, this is life being grounded. Wake up, take my meds,
go to school. Janelle and I put our heads together
over lunch, come straight home from school, do homework, catch

up with Marco over my laptop, take my meds, and
go to sleep. Complete routine. Oh yeah, and meditating for
a few minutes when I can manage to keep my
fury at my parents from clouding up my whole damn head.
One weekend and it's been awful for my mental health,
even when I do sit to clear my mind. The
number of wild thoughts, fears of the pod following apart

because I can't be there to give my full effort,
anxieties about Marco and Janelle hitting it off while I'm
under lockdown, embarrassment that I am on freaking punishment when
I'm practically an adult man. This is too much. It's
a constant distraction. All of this makes me appreciate my

new school even more. Janelle and I can make progress
on the pot from there, and I don't feel like
an outsider like I do at home with my parents.
Janelle is promoting the podcast around school, even as some
of the other students recognizing me as mask on coming
up to me at my locker and telling me how
the Jedi am. He's strange having local celebrity studies. I

could get used to. Did Marco tell you he's getting
swagged from potential advertisers? Now what do you get? He
got a new mattress, green tea centered That kid is
too much. I mean you said it, not me. But
I want to look into the company, you know, make
sure they're sustainable. You have to vet these brands. What's
their mission? Do they believe in black lives matters? You

always thinking two steps ahead? How much longer are in lockdown?
Not that zoom. Production meetings aren't fun. Another week, Wow,
your parents don't play well. You're almost the air MG listen,
you'll see it when you get home. But we got
a very interesting invite in the d MS for the
official podcast instead account. Oh really, what's the invite? Another
interview request? Not exactly No, you, me and Marco can

discuss it on our next production call. I just wanted
to give your heads out. My parents took my phone
for the week's sort of suspense is killing me? What
is this girl talking about? I rushed home with the
fresh burst of energy, just wanting to get to my
laptop and see what invice she means. I'm home before
mom and Dad. So I rushed up the stairs and

dropped my book bag on the floor of my room.
As I pulled into my office chair and turned on
my laptop, I signed it to our here comes to
break instant and scroll through today's new d MS. Sure enough,
there it is a message from viral Villa. H m M.

I hear my parents get home. Embrace myself to go
downstairs and greet them. My mind is lit up from
this d M. Viral Villa is next level. It's the
house south in l A that's rented by a bunch
of content creators. They work together and then artistic collective,
making YouTube clips and TikTok's and answer stories in their backyard.

And they parted. And I've got an invite. No wait,
we've got an invite me, Marco and Janelle. The invite
from the viral Villa founders is intended for one person,
mask on, and that's me. But really this podcast is
a three person operation, and I still grounded. This is

going to be an impossible cell to my parents. I
can't imagine turning this down. But how can I get
them on board, I opened the door and run back
down the stairs. Well, wow, look who suddenly eager to
show his face. Any other time this past week and

his attempt at dad humor would have piss me off,
throw me off balance, But the viral Villa invite got
me on cloud nine. It's actually amazing how much here
comes to break. Its help with my anxiety attacks. I'm
not nervous, I'm anxious in a good way. It builds
my confidence and helps me remain present. Hem if this

something I have to ask you what is it? It's
gonna be awkward and just spill it. I know that
I'm still grounding for a week, But I got an
invite to go away this weekend to me the whole
bunch of other artists and content creators. It would be
a huge opportunity from for the podcast. Okay, what is
this place? Well, there's a place out west called viral Villa.

It's in l A. All the hottest influences and constant
creators go out there for long weekends just to create.
And they've invited me because of the podcast. They want
me to come out this weekend. Some YouTuber couldn't make it,
and they have a bed open. I gotta go Los Angeles. Boy,

are you kidding me? L A Jesus be offense. Let
me get this correct. You want us to lift your
grounding so you can go fly across the country to
party with people we don't even know. Honey, you better
get your son. For one fleeting second, I thought they
might show mercy for my honesty, or at least ask

more questions about it. But nope, they just won't let up. Brubon.
Now you're still grounded. I can see a look of
sympathy flash across my mother's face. Well, she keeps up
the United Front with dead I don't understand. This is
a huge opportunity. This is my future on the line,

not just the hobby or a project. I can meet
other young people working in the same space as Marco,
Janelle and I. We can really blow up each more
on other social platforms. I'm gonna take this podcast to
the next level by any means necessary. I'll be focused.
I promise, I'm not just going out there the party.
You aren't going out there at all. You've been lying

to us all along, and we find this out a
week ago. You know this is a wild ask. You're
grounded and it's not gonna happen. Do you hear me?
Tell me? You hear me? I hear all. My usual
nerves are on fire with anger, but I'm not going
to blow up at on this time. I get it.

I admitted the truth. I was wrong. Damn, this is
my future. Parents just don't understand. This isn't over. I'm
good with dinner. I'll just start. Plus, I have a
lot to catch up. A sorry. I can see the
look at disappointment in their eyes, but I can't have

a seat at their dinner table pretending that I'm okay
just so that they could feel good. Nah, I'm fed
up playing their well behaved in perfect sun. Let me
go back to my space to figure out my next steps.
As soon as I'm back in my room, I can't
help but get Piste off even more. If I had
told them up in front about the podcast, or they

have supported me, they're playing like they would, but I
seriously doubt that the truth the soul technophobic. Maybe if
they thought it was just a little project, which is
how we started, I should have just told them. But
they must know they cannot punish me like this much longer.

Why not work with me? Instead of against me. All
the things I wanted to express them downstairs, I let
out through my bluetooth speakers. I'm bracing myself to do
the unthinkable to go out to Viral Villa without their permission.
This would be a huge breach of trust. I know
they'll be mad as hell, and it would be fair

for them to be pissed. But despite it all, I
just know that I have to take a stand for myself.
That it would be insane not to go out there.
If they aren't going to help me build this career track,
I'm gonna have to build it myself. Even if they
decided to withhold my college money send me to restrict
the school away from Janelle and my growing repid book

of t Yeah, that would suck. But whatever their reaction,
I gotta do what I gotta do for me in
my life. I get back to thinking about next steps.
Marco and Janelle know about the invite, and they're waiting
on me at our next production meeting to figure out
how to respond to it. That meeting is supposed to
be tonight. I've got to get them on board of

flying out West, but I don't think that should be
too hard. Once that's done. I can afford to turn
my thoughts back to my parents. I can't even ask
Janelle Marcus advice on how I should approach it once
Marco and janelleare on board, or apply to the villa's
message that I'm flying out and book my tickets and
I gotta schedule flights for midday so I can fake
going to school and then dunk out for the airport.

I'll only have a couple of nights out west before
I have to come back and face the music. But
they don't make a statement and may be about to
make the biggest mistake of my life. But here comes
to jailbreak for real? I want my first question is
in an industry that is constantly trying to define artists

in your own words, tell our listeners who is l
ab to go la to There is an artist from Tampa,
Florida and not just a rapper like an artist because
I make all types of music depend on how I'm feeling.
You know, I'm just a simple person. I like the
simple things. I'm just like a cool, chill person. You know,
when I think of Florida, I don't think of Tampa
as far as like artists is concerned. I love that

all artists out there, but my mind goes first to
say Mayanna. To talk about what the music scene is
like in Tampa. It's kind of like a love hate relationship,
you know how So it's kind of like a love
hate relationship. If you ask ten different rappers, you're gonna
get ten different answers here in Tampa because you know,
certain people on on different levels to other people, so

they feel like they vertising and stuff like that. When
you build your fan base to what they like from you,
that makes the fans. So, I mean, we don't really
have a specific sound right now, but we got a
few artists that signed, and we got a few artists
doing anything majorly too, so you know, yeah, like listening
to their music and and on shop back and like

Rick Ross has his own sound. Acehood who's from Florida too,
has his own sound trick Daddy. So that's interesting that
you said that bigger picture. Can you talk about being
signed to a major label and how is that transition?
What was that transition like for you? I mean it
was pretty easy because I always kind of like care
of myself, like I was important anyway before I was signed.

So it's like it's just like a label. Now I'm
actually signed, so you know, I have a reason not
to go to the club all the time and stuff.
Help me save more money. Run. How did you develop
your fan base Instagram? Instagram? Instagram is the most amazing
thing that guy ever? Crazy. Do you feel like you're

connected to your fans that way? Do you recomments? Do
you respond back to comments? Oh? Yeah, I clapped back
on the regular, Like if you say something to me,
I'm a screenshot, go on your page, get one of
your ugly pictures and post it so the world can
see that is the person I was talking about me.
So you're Penny you out here? Hum, I'm not that
out of touch yet. Courts Drake wouldn't comment back because

it's three comments, but I only have like forty, so
it's like, I'm gonna see you talking ship cool cool cool.
So what advice would you give young artists on staying
true to themselves and also being open to the process
of growth and evolving. It's just gonna take a little longer,
that's it. It's more organic when you be yourself when
you try to like follow everybody else and make it

kind of harder because you sound like everything else out there,
so nobody wants to just keep hearing the same thing.
And what do you want your legacy to be? Everybody
asked me that question, but it's like, I ain't really
living fun, no legacy. I'm just trying to get like,
really really rich, and I love doing music, so it's
like that's a plus. How are you going to keep
the wealth? We see artists like Jeezy Young jeezs in

the real estate. Are there any other business mensures outside
of music that you're interested in pursuing to maintain that well,
getting the owner like my own clothing line and stuff like,
and of course real estate. You know, it's Florida in
Florida's span every day. So we'll be right back and

now back to the show. Okay, so we've all listened
to the final mix on episode five. Everything good that
all the go. Interview turned out great. Thanks, but remember
that was all you were getting in at the show.
You now mixes all good by me. We're on our
production car now and I'm squirming to get to the

viral villa business. Let's talk viral villa. Holy sh it?
Am I right? Guys? How about sums it up? What
do we do. I think we should take them up
on it. I want to go. We all want to go,
Ruben or what about your parents? Aren't you grounded? Let
me worry about that. We can't just let this chance
pass us by. That's not what we're saying. Bro Bruin,

what do you think of Marco going out there in
your place? Damn? I thought Janette would be down with
the idea of me flying out to l A. Marco
and Janet was supposed to be on board for this,
but they are linking up, getting cozy and planning things
without me being grounded. His cost to me, my life,
and possibly my friends. It's a terrible feeling. This is

the opposite of the plan. At the same time, I
can't argue with the logic. I see it immediately. Marco
already has a huge following under his own name, his
parents would go along with it, and he co founded
the pie. But the message specifically said they wanted to
invite mask on and that's me. I know that I'm

fixated on this, but being grounded is driving me in safe.
I feel like God has given me another shot since
my parents pulled the plug on me. Going viral and
vibe and it is my calling to take this. I
know that I'm being selfish. I can't help you. I
really don't want Marco to go without me. I don't

want my parents or anyone else scrolling this up. I
don't know. They asked the mask on. Yeah, but mask
On hides behind a vocal distortion. It could be any
of us. It's not though, it's men. If you're not
cool with it, we can always tell them we can't
make it on such short notice, but we'd love to
get there another time. No, this may be my only chance,

our only chance, or you're only rebon. Why don't you
tell us why you're really made? I'm not cool with
its bit. I knew it. You were the one who
wanted to disguise your voice and hide your name. Now
you want all the credit. I can't lie. What do
you want me to do? This podcast means a lot
to me. I work for this opportunity too. You know

I struggle with anxiety. Man, I try my best to
live up to my parents. How you ask, standard's okay?
Maybe you're right, Marco, I was a punk ass hide
behind this person, but this changed. I want to be
the face of it. And what a better way to
reveal my identity than on our official account at the
viral Villa. This weekend, we could blow up to a

whole new level the unmasking of mask on that still
doesn't address your whole parental situation, Janelle, let me handle that.
I think it makes sense for no one to go
Like Marco said, we'll catch them next time around. Were
like them Goes or the Fujis. Remember our squad is
a package deal. This is going all wrong. These two

were supposed to support me on this. I'm scrambling to
keep some window of opportunity open and they want to
let it slip us by How can they not get
on board? Fake ideas are fine, but blowing off my
parents as a deal breaker. I can't believe they let
this shot go. Okay, fine, no further action. Then I'll
write them in response, letting them know cool onto the

business of your list. We talked to you the rest
of the podcast business. But I can't get viral Bill
out of my head. The chance has to celebrate here
comes to break with a bunch of piers. All of
this resistance has induled the fantasy a bit, but I
don't say anything on the call let's turned into the
same sort of disapproval as my talks with my parents downstairs.

I feel silent more than ever, and I keep asking
myself do I have the guts to go anyway? During
the call, I came up with the idea of the unmasking,
of taking my mask on persona off, turning the trip west.
I'm going on the trip without Marco and janew It
seems perfect. It will blow up my social fees and

expose us to a wider audience, a national audience, to
fit with the fact our interview requests are coming from
all over, and makes me all the more convinced. I've
got to say yes to the invite, but damn the consequences.
I'm overwhelmed at the idea of betraying my friends trust
and my parents trust once again. Normally this is where
I meditate to calm down, but I don't want to.

I'm feeding off my anger with my parents, my frustrations
with Marco and Janelle for being so level headed. It's
not my anxiety anymore, this rocket fuel. When the call
is over, the only thing left to do is act.
I leap up from my bed and settle into my
desk chair. Start typing away Immediately, I jump onto a

travel site and book of flight for tomorrow at noon,
just like I thought about earlier, sneak out of the
houses of going to school and then make my way
to JFK. Instead, my parents gave me a credit card
to use only in case of emergencies, and I use
it to buy the ticket. One more cry to be
just for later, but better to ask forgiveness than permission.

I start running around my room and throwing closes in
my book bag, cramming them down, so this room for
a couple of shirts and shorts along with my laptop.
If I'm gonna make this trip under cover, I'm gonna
have to leave the house with just the backpack tomorrow
when it's all done, I said at the computer and
stare at the message from the villa, and I have
to respond to it. But Janelle and Marco can check
this account too. That's why I've saved it for last.

They could see me the fire agreed upon plan. In fact,
they definitely will eventually. But if I leave a note
at home about where I went, then when my parents
freak out, Marco and Janelle can confirm what happened by
checking it here comes to break account history. I take
a deep breath and start typing a response. Yes, I

would love to come out to the bill of this weekend.
I'll hop a flight tomorrow. A giant wave of nervous
energy crashes over me. With each forward step, I confront
whether I'm really gonna do this or not. But I
am so empt up. I backed the second guess in
a way. I have to do this. The pod needs it,
I need it. I'm tired of overthinking things. I hit

sin and now an exclusive track from l A the Goat.
Life cold, but at least we get to wear a

Jackie one from you either die or either make it happy.
Not in the million years I thought that I'll make
it rapping hit my busines look like I gotta had
a beautiful passion. Jacob Apple got me doing a lot.
I was on the sideline trying to get a spot.
A couple of niggas went in love because they ain't
see the plot, paying pictures with these lyrics like I'm
about Skiyat used to tell my people I was trying

to be a rapper. They wanted me to get a
job and answer to a master with all new respect.
That's not the kind of life. I'm app I'm the
author of my book and I'm still writing chaplins. Yeah,
streets so dirty swords and nigga gotta stay cleaning? How
go the jar Rods? What the fund is a saying? Lean?
This told me? Never let these niggas played me. I
played dumb. But I'm alone away from Craig. How you

from Temple? But he come in like he Jake no captain.
Microphone the only thing that saved me. Without wrapped, I
probably end up going crazy. Should I be doing? Never
ceased to amaze? Trap, got slow? I got a job.
I ain't lazy. I signed the Dipper. Sometimes I still
feel like I ain't made waste to be on my
mind and I can't like that ship crazy. I'm coming

in the game strong like I'm vic babe, having on
my ground on we if I throw on what I'm
doing one man on nigga. One believe ivn't dropping tracked
and feeling pain. You don't bleeve, I got PTSD, I
see my partner. Nothing for sitting on this coup deem
y'all having find you don't gotta ask me if I
got it, cause I keep see my dog die and

left my heart broke in peace the ship that I'd
be doing. Man, the niggas wouldn't believe if you leave
a house broke and you came out wrong a couple
of hundreds and they're facing, they'll be coming, not throne
in a game like the shirt with a whole got
it sold Moncas stored it so much cane. Now he
can't feeling no, and it cane is on his brain.
So I got his feelings gonna. I was kin in

this craze. T Let me hold the chrome. It was
going off the egg, so he put the safety on.
Plus I was always touching ship. They made my mama
take me on sick for all that payon. We draw
down on your just like Crayon, because I can never
go out like I'm cray Von black on Black who
called it sold them blank in a can front door
servants like a nigga selling a Von hauled up at

you standing on the stage, holes looking from the line,
trying to get saved to be leaked page. We just
wanted their slaves. I can feed there and broking tell
you where everything okay? Feeling like make all the haters
go away, DoD guy so wn't ride with th aways
that since they killed on the pain on Lord Way.
That's why I've been popping perks and going up before

day um play the streets like my enemies. I keep
them close. I talked to Wayne the other night. I
feel like I'm seeing ghosts when I'm like this, I
feel like I need to be left alone. I don't
want to talk so around answer when they hit my phone?
How having on my ground on we if my cold
on what? I'm the woman on Nigga one believe haven't
dropped and chatting feeling? Can you know Blee? I got PTSD.

I see my partner note Holts have been on this
cochem y'all. I've been fighting. You don't gotta ask me
if I got it because I keep see my dog
die and love my heart broken piece the ship that
I'd be doing. Man, I'm niggas one wouldlieve. Here Comes

to Break is produced by Double Elvis and partnership with
I Heart Radio. Executive produced by Deaf Jam Recordings. Executive
produced by and starring Asanti Black Is Ruben, produced by
Danielle Perkins, who plays Janelle b b cs is Marco
Christopher v Edwards as Dad, Raymie Cornell Is Mom and
Taylor Bettinson. Written by Taylor Bettinson and the Kia Hill

Artist interviews conducted by Nikia Hill, directed by Christopher V. Edwards,
mixed and edited by Matt ta Hainey, Sound recording by
Colin Fleming, Music Elements and production by Ryan's Breaker. Additional
production support by Jamie Dimons. Executive produced by Jake Brennan
and Grady Sadler for Double Elvis Special thanks to Orin Rosenbaum,

Shelby Shankman, Sarah Cowani and Jordian Gerrellic United Talent Agency,
Beck Media Marketing, Barack Muffett and Universal Music Group, Rich Isaacson,
lind Gonzalez, Charlene Thomas, Merrissa Pizarro, Gabriel To Serrierio, Jessica
Manarino and Narya Fleming at Deaf Jam Recordings and Conald Burn,
Carrie Lieberman, Will Pearson, Noel Brown and the entire I

Heeart Media team to hear bonus content, meet the cast,
and go behind the scenes of Here It Comes to Break.
Follow with Double Elvis on Instagram or visit Double Elvis
dot Com. Lever
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