All Episodes

June 17, 2021 26 mins

Ruben and Marco are beefing over the Viral Villa trip and Janelle is trying to negotiate a truce, but the biggest surprise in Ruben’s social life comes when his mother finally confronts him about his erratic behavior and lays down some truths of her own.

Featuring Def Jam artist Bino Rideaux & his new song "Got To Know It."  [Stream|Download]

Executive Producer: Asante Blackk

Producer: Daniella Perkins

Starring: Asante Blackk and Daniella Perkins

Co-Starring: Bobby Cius, Rayme Cornell, Christopher V. Edwards and Taylor Bettinson

Written by: Taylor Bettinson and Nakia Hill

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
M I snapped away in the morning with my phone
alarm going off ship I fell asleep with it in
my hand and I was almost side of battery. It's
gonna die at school today. That is, if I lived
long enough to see school today. I have to go
downstairs and face my parents. Have to running away for

the weekend. My survival is questionable. Sleep on my meds
was like a thick blanket of forgetting about all this.
But it's all coming flooding back. When I went to bed,
Marco had just started beating with me on social media
over my biling on the crew to take the trip.
How do I respond? I opened my social apps and

noticed something I didn't think about. Another wave of new followers.
The weekended viral villa is over, and I've absorbed a
lot of the followers I'm gonna get from the kids
I met there, but I'm still getting growth from where
from Marco the b for bringing me fresh followers too.
That's what's weird about the whole viral sensation life. I'm

realizing drama turns people into Internet celebrities. The fight breaking
out between me and Marco after I'm all over the
viral villas feeds all weekend. It's infectious. For a second,
I even think that playing this feud out over social
media might please Mark Off, help us gain more cloud.
We would gain new followers, and we can smooth things

over in public. It's great for our brand. So why
do I feel so shitty? How quick look at my
comments reminds me why Marco's fans had started a petition
to cancel me. Some of these clouds are calling me
a trader, like they aren't following influencers and wishing they
could live that influence of life themselves. It pisces me

off because they just don't know the whole story. There
were so many questions in the common tasking me how
I could do my boy like that. The question this valid.
I did come Marka out of the weekend at the
villa for my own game. Damn, I am reckless. I
shut my phone away just as it dies. I'll deal

with this stuff later, still in a half awake blur,
I get ready for school and eventually face the moment
of truth. I head downstairs to meet my parents in
the kitchen. What I walk into isn't what I'm expecting.
I come in with a solemn face, which plays right,
but I'm still not getting read the Riot Act the
way I thought i'd get last night. Instead, Mom and

Dad are very quiet. Dad's holding Mom's hand. She's holding
the letter I left in my bedroom, explaining to them
what I've done. I sit silently and Mom readsed the letter.
Dear Mom and Dad, I know you don't understand how
crucial this moment is for me, and I don't want

to break your trust. But I can't let this window
of opportunity unity slipped by me again, gone to viral villa.
I'll be back Monday. Sorry in advance, holding the paper
she finished, Sorry, and fucking advance. Finally, here it comes

to Riot Act. The mood in the room turns on

a dot. Is My parents start rightfully while not do
you understand what a fundamental breach of trust this is?
This is some bullshit. Ruben is so unlike you, Ruben.
It is concerned what kind of place is this that
would even have you there for the weekend without clearing
it with your mother and father or your legal guardians
for that not even a consent for him insight. I

looked at your posts. Were you drinking and doing drugs?
The funk are you trying to tell us, Ruben all right?
Isn't your new school? You miss your old friends. You
have never behaved like this before. We didn't crazy to
be like this enough enough. I'm sorry that I scared
you like that and lied to you when I left
that morning. But you have to look at it from

my side. I had just come clean to you about
the podcast project and how great it's going, and still
you're punishing me like I'm a little kid. You know,
all all of this anxiety ship Maybe some of that
comes from your helicopter parenting. I had to take a
stand for what I want to do with my life,
not just follow your orders on a damn time. And

how was your anxiety on that plane when you were
sneaking off to Kelly Reuben? How has your anxiety been
My mom is furious that was a low blow, but
my dad asking how I've been feeling to flate some
of the tension in the room. I have to be
truthful now. I've been good, great, even when I'm working

on the podcast, and that includes while I was away.
It's come back strong now that I'm back, and Marcus
mad at me. My anxiety is all over the place.
Marcus mad at you. Yeah, he wanted to go in
my place since you wouldn't let me. Um hm, since
I went anyway. He feels screwed over. I know I'm

gonna be grounded, but I like to have him over
to squash our beef. If you're okay with it, we'll
talk about it. But your damn right. You're grounded indefinitely,
and I no complaining. Take the punishment like a soldier
this time. And don't you even for a minute. I
think we are done talking about this. Just because you're

being punished, You're getting off easy. This was completely beyond
the pale. I understand, and we'll discuss this during dinner tonight.
You'll be at this damn table talking to your parents,
who love you deeply. We love you despite your dumb decisions.
Now go to school and not the airport. Saved by

the bell. That was tough, but I feel like I've
stood my ground. I may be on lockdown again, but
the punishment was inevitable. I know my parents are hurt,
but my message came through loud and clear. I can't
just be quiet, obedient Reuben anymore. I'm make an adult

moves for myself, so I'm feeling myself as I rushed
down blocks and through train stations that wondered if my
acting out had to do with my new schools, what
the irony is? I'm really feeling the pobbit book of
t and especially now that things were Marco and at
home or in shambles, getting back to school be the

biggest slice of normalcy in my life, except surprise when
I get there. The story of my runaway Weekends l
A is already circling everywhere. I can hear people buzzing
about me in the halls. Guys come up to my
locker and give me that A bunch of my new
follows from the weekend are probably my classmates. Hear a
book of tea. And before all this went down, Janelle

had been spreading my rapid school, speaking of Hey, Janelle,
how are you am? I? You know, maintaining our things
at home? She looks at me with noing eyes, but
doesn't bring up the breach with Marco right away. Round
did indefinitely no surprises there. How many artists do we

need to record still to complete the season. We need
three more to hit our ten episode goal. We still
have been a Rodeaux in the camp. Sounds like it's
back to recording on my phone in my closet again. Actually,
I had an idea about that. I realized she's let
me pass the audio Lab classroom to the Audio Lab
studio space. It's a pretty polished set up. I haven't

really got to explore it yet. We should record the
rest of the interviews and here here comes the break.
Is there semester project now? So we can get access
to the studio and your parents have to be okay
with it. Even if we schedule the studio time after
school hours, you know it's homework. Plus, obviously we up
our production value this way, more recording interviews in your bedroom. Damn,

I'm lucky to have you on my side. Speaking of which,
I saw that Marco called you out and sending his
followers up to you. Yeah, you know, I'll find somebody
to smooth it over with him. We've known each other forever.
It lost settle down. I don't know, man, he seems
really hurt. You don't think maybe he's playing it up
for the extra attention online. I mean my followers are exploded.

What No, No, definitely not. I could show you as
texting me from this weekend. He's serious. It's just been
such a strange few days. I feel like I can't
see straight. I'm blowing up on social media. Everyone in
school thinks I'm dope, but Marco thinks I'm a dick,
and my parents are freaking up. I can't figure out
whether to feel bad about what I did proud should

not clap back in Marco on social for the hits
or that make things worse? Are you really concerned about
your followers and not your friendship routing? Come on, be
real here, you're letting this viral fan go to your head.
Do you really want my opinion? Yes, you should feel bad. Okay,
what you did was selfish and it makes my job

tentimes harder. You're getting high on your own stepply with
all this new attention, and it's making you forget where
you came from. Okay. I don't agree with Marco airing
out her dirty laundry on the internet, but you need
to get him under control and back on board. He's
part of the team. He's the reason the podcast even
existed in the first place. Meet with him face to
face and talk own your ship. Ruby. Her words are

like a splash of vice water to the face. She's right,
I have been letting all this in and the success
go to my head? Was that seriously contemplating and clapping
back and Marco online, I need to make peace with
him like an adult. I've got to get my parents
okay for him to come over so we could talk
things over. All, Right, we should get the class. I'm
going to play Bo's interview as a progress ship board

for the project. We leave the audio lab and head
back down the hallway, but my mind can't stop drifting
the mark on my parents even as we take our
turn at the front of the room. Is and now
placed episode seven. If here comes to break for the class,
tell our listeners who is being no reducant, being no redose,

just your average South stantial kid. Really, I'm really tapped
in more into the street side of things. I'm I
still move around like ship is normal, and I feel
like I can't really shake that. I feel like I
gotta kind of watch that. But my testimony is anybody
can do this ship if you want it bad enough,
it could get done. And the proof is, you know
what I'm saying, I'm just like you, So it really

ain't much to me. I'm just doing what I love.
I'm just a vibe. You know, why is it important
for you to be are rooted in your community. It's
important to me because that's how my big bro Nipsey was,
and so I feel like he's a major part of
my foundation. So it would be wrong with me to
not try to carry you on the legacy in a
way that he would respect you. Can you talk a

little on Nipsey hustle and what his legacy means to you.
It's everything Nipsey. Nipsey is is like the whole basis.
He was the whole voice in my city. He was
the voice of reason and he stopt to me. And
you know, I would always say, if I had to
collaborate artists, it would be Nipsey and make the most sense.
But him reaching out and feeling him daily just kind
of in the studio, and it was always a really

never felt normal, but it always felt again it I
don't understand it to this day what he saw me,
but I'm happy play role I played for sure. What
did you learn from Nipsey about how to navigate the
music industry? That's exactly what I learned, how to navigate
around them Off GP if you leave from Nipsey you
learn something, like you're gonna learn something without him trying
to teach you nothing. It's just so much game within him,

just the way he carried itself, the way you speaks,
the should he say. It's just I don't know, it's
hard not to come out of there with with some
new knowledge. It's just so natural, come out so easy.
So it was lesson to be able to sit there
and soak that up. And I call him a cheek
code for sure. And it was really about I've lift
in the community. What is your thing that you're passionate about?

Now that you're gaining your own success, you know, I
started to do my little shared charity here there, and
it's really a good feeling to know that people can
depend on you to come through when they need you
in the clutch. And you know, I'm really enjoying that.
So really the community is kind of what's keeping me going.
I'll do this for you know, not only to crunch

your district, but the whole city. It's major for the
whole city. So however I could come through, Okay, okay,
how is your city influence you musically? You know, I
used to tell me, I ain't soundingly comes from l A.
You know, I get that a lot. So I don't
really put a limit or capital monk music as far
as reaching. I think I'm just more off the vote.
But I get oh, this new name dog or this

new you get that a lot, and it's amazing to
me to even get that comparison. For that to even
resonate in somebody's mind listening to my music. I happy
to carry that. Can you give young artists advice on
what to keep in mind with pursuing the major label,
I would say, don't focus so much. I don't pursuing
the major label. We're all chasing something so above average,
so out of the norm. One of the men. We

are chasing this one thing. So you gotta understand that
you're gonna go through terrible ass ship. You've got me,
but you usually to keep steady, keep her level head
like she get bad and she it's hell trying to
get that. But you gotta keep that in mind and
be willing. I feel like willpower is the name of
the game. Would come to this ship, so sure, but
don't focus so much on major focus on himself. And

was there ever a period of life where you just
felt like giving up or you were frustrated. Hell yeah.
The day before I dropped six tape with Blacks, I
told my home and I'm like, man, who was in here?
And I'm like this, don't like go if I ain't
feeling away after I've dropped this, I don't know, bro,
I'm gotta go figure something out. Back to the street

and uh yeah, it kind of did what it did.
For sure, you're gonna dot this where you quit and
all that. But that's when the willpower coming up play
for real power is how you deal with those anxieties.
And I got terrible to anxiety as something that I
for sure battle with. I feel like a lot of
artists better with that. What advice would you give to
other young people facing anxiety. I'll tell them you're thinking

too much. If you want to do it, you have
to do it now. Once you understand that, you have
to get the job done. Regardless of how you're feeling.
People are not a fig they're dealing with anxiety, they
still gotta get their job done. What do you want
your legacy to be? How do you want people to
remember you? For sure, I want to be a legend.
I'm trying to be known for all the positive ship,
respect respect on the definitely to make whatever the change

may be, a big changing something. I want to go
down for drastically changing something. And we'll be right back
and now back to the show. I come home from

school and realized that I am mentally exhausted. The conversation
with Janelle and the Audio Lab studio really made me
check myself. I see why DMX never returned. That Ian
must fixed my life. When I come in the door,
my mom's already home, not normal. She's holding a shoe
box in her hands gently, like it's something precious proven.

I want to show you something. Without another word, she
opens the lid and starts taking out polaroid photos. This
is super vintage. I've never seen any of them before.
They're of her, of course, but before she knew dad,
before she had settled down and started family. She's dancing.

She passed the couch next to her, and I come
over and sit down. I don't think we've ever talked
about how badly I wanted to be a dancer when
I was younger. I wanted to attend the Alvin Ailey
American Dance Theater. Debbie Allen, who was my muse. You

couldn't tell me that I wasn't going to choreograph videos
for Paula Abduel, Janet Jackson or Mr Elliott. It was
all I thought about, and I trained hard for years.
My parents loved that I had such a passion for
the art. It wasn't something they expected to turn into
a career for me, but they were very supportive that

I was so focused on it. I suddenly know how
shocked my parents felt to find my letter. My mom
was a dancer. Why wasn't this something we talked about
growing up when I wanted to go to college for dance.
I don't know something changed. Your grandfather was very wary
of me going into such a hard profession. He wanted

me to have a backup plan or better yet, focus
on something more practical. As you know, your grandpa is
big on academics, and I don't know how it was different.
I was the first kid on my side of the
family to be able to get into a prestigious school.
Now I understood where my parents were coming from, but
it was difficult to not pursue my dreams of becoming

a dancer. Your grandfather and I couldn't see eye to
eye about art and dance for a long long time.
I mean it was the same reason we pulled you
from the limelight when your video went viral. I didn't
want you to lose sight of what's important, which is
your education. If you've been through all this, why the

same thing with me? Then? I have always put my
education first. You and Dad raised me to strive for
excellence in school and in life. I took that same
attitude and lost our podcast. I need you and Dad
to have my back. We're not afraid of you having
a career in the arts or digital media or anything
like that, but but it is the same media we

grew up with. It's a jungle out there, especially for
people of color. When you went viral at such a
young age, Oh, we panicked and went with what we
thought was the safest. Our job is to protect you.
I didn't want any trolls or cyber bullies coming after
my child. It's surreal to hear my mother be real
with me about my early shot of fame. I feel

like we're finally talking to each other as adults, not
parent two keep I suddenly remember the sympathetic look I
caught from her when she and Dad first find out
about the pot, And it makes so much more sense now.
She did believe in me, but she wanted to protect me,
just like the van days, and my baggage about the

van days led to me sneaking around and running away.
So not even if they want to support me, I've
made it that much harder. Then. I want you to
really hear me out. When you brought up your vine account,
your father and I were really surprised. We haven't thought

about that in years. We do want to support your podcast,
but you have to open up to us about how
you're feeling and what you're doing. If any of our
choices and how to raise you led you to believe
we are proud of you for what you've accomplished. You
know that was never our intent. We love you and
we believe in you. I sit with the weight of
what you shared for a long moment. It feels like

there's nothing for me to say other than light in
the mood. Damn, Mom, why don't you tell me you
wanted to be a flag girl? Oh? To be honest, honey,
it's very painful to talk about. I did try to
study dance in college for about a year, but I

eventually cave and pursued my parents dreams for me. So
you really do understand where I'm coming from. I can
relate to a point. This doesn't excuse what you've done.
We want to support you in your goals, but you
have to let us in. Don't let frustrations like the
ones you have around Vine get in the way. At

that moment, my father comes home. He comes and joins
us in the living room. Did you have the talk
in progress? Reuben? Do you understand why we have to
hold our ground on this. We get it, We really
get it. But you can't pull stunts like you did

this past weekend. It's a spit in the face. We're
still your parents. I don't even have to say it
out loud. They can see it in my eyes, my
body language. Finally, I do understand m I don't hold
it against them that they're punishing me, and I'm prepared
to work around the grounding for podcasts recording. It feels fair.

The low down, dirty truth is that even with the
extended grounding and Jannael's reality check at school today, the
weekended viral Villas still feels like a win. It's brought
a bigger audience to my social accounts, to the podcast,
and now I finally feel like my parents and I
have broken through the emotional wall that was making things
so hard. Deep down, I still think I made the

right calling going. I can hold my head up high,
take my hits like a man. So every day you
come home right after school. No going out on weekends.
We'll see if you keep your grades up. At the
end of the semester, will revisit it. Then you got
that yes, sir. Into the semester. It's pretty harsh, look

hot to keep this stoic acceptance vibe going, and I
need to get permission to have Marco over or I
have no hope of burying the hatchet. I've got to
ask you for one exception. Marco's pretty pissed at me,
and I'd really like to invite them over here to
smooth things out. Is that okay with you? We'll consider
it based on good behavior. Now is not the time
for you to be asking for favors. Maybe we can

trade you. What do you mean there's another condition to
getting out of your grounding, Reuben. This was very unlike you.
You really scared us. I'm wondering if it might have
been well, a manic episode. Oh what now, Now, I'm
not worried about putting some label on it. Okay, but

your father and I agree we want you to go
back to seeing a therapist like when you were younger.
I'm going to book you an appointment for next week.
You start going to therapy, We'll let Marco come over
so you two can make up. At the mention of
seeing a therapist, a wave of conflicted feelings rides is
back up to the surface, and I have to fight
hard to suppressing This was going so well. More authorities,

new medications, straight jackets and pee bottle stands through my head.
It feels like any therapist I see is gonna interrogate
me about running away. I don't want to go. I
haven't been in years, but I know at this point
I don't really have a choice. Okay, Yeah, it's a
trade book me an appointment and now an exclusive track

from being Overdue Ship got you know he got Tody

giving you throw shot the ring, Google back which getting
through which get fat out and eat breaking bad happy
debt FI trying to me to get you. Man, that
man hidn't beat if you don't hit me flying now
meet my game as dying ain't good drink. I'm trying
that gets trying to see what I'm doing, fucking it
because she gonn turning bit y'all she broom. I want

that pressure to him what you doom? Ain't she names
your bom then got hated a crony white tell scroll
eat new vv they scroll bench on the check when
he'd be making the way he's your tough on the
knee as you were talking my money and drying shouting
to talk about sick. Ain't got no little just on
that bitch from real. I'm over still all this ship

still fear the same. How could they think there? I
got name it is that games my mama fail got
us then shut up and not playing, got the non
throading ding a ball hold ship. He got the no,
ain't got the toady giving me jo shot then ring

cools kick which getting through. I eat it ain't bad,
I can eat breaking pide. I have bet that bitch
on try don't mean that kids to man that hidn't
even when he laying gaming time and good drink. I'm trying.
Marath Here Comes to Break is produced by Double Elvis

and partnership with I Heart Radio. Executive produced by Deaf
Jam Recordings. Executive produced by and starring Asanti Black Is Ruben,
produced by Daniella Perkins who plays Janelle, Bobby Cuss Marco,
Christopher V. Edwards as Dad, Raymie Cornell is Mom, and
Taylor Bettinson. Written by Taylor Bettenson and the Kia Hill
Artist Interviews conducted by Nikia Hill, directed by Christopher V. Edwards,

mixed and edited by Matt ta Hainey, Sound recording by
Colin Fleming, Music Elements and production by Ryan's Breaker. Additional
production support by Jamie Demons. Executive produced by Jake Brennan
and Brady Sadler for double Elvis Special Thanks to Rain Rosenbaum,
Shelby Shankman, Sarah Kane and Jodan Garrella, the United Talent
Agency That Comedian Marketing, Barack Muffett and Universal Music Group,

Rich Isaacson, Lind Gonzalez, Charlene Thomas, Merissa Pizarro, Gabriel To Serrierio,
Jessica Mandarino and Nya Fleming at Deaf GYM Recordings and
Conald Burn, Carrie Lieberman, Will Pearson, Noel Brown and the
entire I Heeart Media team to hear bonus content, meet
the cast, and go behind the scenes of Here It
Comes to Break. Follow with double Elvis on Instagram or

visit double elvis dot com.
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