Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:04):
Welcome to this episode of Here's Something Good, a production
of the Seneca Women Podcast Network and I Heart Radio.
Each day we aspire to bring you the good news,
the silver lining, the glass half full, because there is
good happening in the world everywhere every day. We just
need to look for and share it. Here's something good
for today. For many of us, life is moving at
a hundred and fifty miles. We're working, we're taking care
of others, and we're doing all we can to get
through the pandemic in one piece. And sometimes it seems
like the faster we move, the less we get done
and the less we enjoy. The good news is that
we can actually take care of many tasks while still
taking care of ourselves. The key slowing down Today. We'll
find out how from wellness expert Elizabeth Sue. Elizabeth is
founder of Monday Vibes, a personal growth newsletter that covers
topics like mental health, career, and relationships. She's going to
tell us, as she puts it, how we can quote
slow down to do more. Here's what Elizabeth had to say. Elizabeth,
thanks so much for joining us. Thank you for having
me so One of your sayings is slow down to
do more. What do you mean by that and what
are the benefits of slowing down? Yeah, sometimes we can
get more done if we stop for a minute and
be intentional about what we're doing. So I just think
of you know, faster is not always the answer. By
slowing down, we are able to prioritize better, delegate better,
and decide what's the best use of our time and
energy and what isn't. And working women who are also
mothers are especially busy right now. How can they find
a moment to slow down? You have to get creative
and I know, I know, there's so much going on
and it can feel like, gosh, I don't even have
a single second to my self. But think about all
the moments that you can make into what I call
mindful moments. So maybe you can take a mindful moment
in the shower and and notice the the temperature of
the water or feel the texture of the water on
your skin. That is a form of active meditation. Maybe
it's going on a quick walk around the block, or
listening to calming music while you're doing dishes, blocking time
off on your calendar for a meeting with yourself. It
doesn't have to be anything crazy like a twenty minute
uninterrupted seated meditation, but just some a few moments to
hear your own thoughts, notice how your body feels, and
figure out if something needs to change. And do you
have any specific tips that will allow us to slow
down and see these benefits in our daily lives. Yeah,
As I mentioned, I'm a big fan of active meditation.
I like it because it's a little bit easier to
weave into our busy schedules. So you can think about
yoga or running or tai chi or a morning walk,
just some sort of movement that um and I'll put
the caveat you know, try and do it without your
earbuds in. Try to use it as time to um
here what's racing through your mind. To listen to the
sounds of the birds, to notice the the daffodils that
are in bloom right now. Those are all ways to
help us get into the present moment. And along with
that is silence, and that's really hard to come by
these days. UM. But giving yourself time um alone where
you're not checking your email, watching TV, listening to a
podcast or the radio, or talking to someone UH can
be super beneficial. Some get it while they're doing meditation
Insight time where is one of my favorite free meditation apps,
um that some find it in other ways. The point
is that we just get a few moments um of
of silence, of stillness alone to ourselves, and that can
be really beneficial in this over stimulated world. Well that's
advice we can all use starting right now. So here's
something good for today. We've all experienced that feeling that
there just aren't enough hours in the day, but as
Elizabeth says, we can and should find time for mindful
moments during activities we take regretted, like taking a shower
in the morning. We can slow ourselves down by focusing
on the water and how it feels. Just being in
your body for a few moments can have a surprisingly
restorative effect, and slowing down can help clear our heads
and put us in a better position to problem solve.
You don't need to take a twenty minute meditation break
to feel the benefits, as Elizabeth says, even a walk
around the block can be enough to clear your head
and pare you to tackle your day. Finally, remember to
give yourself time alone. Elizabeth says silence can be super beneficial,
so find some time when you can turn off your
screens and put your emails away for a few moments,
you'll find them. When you pick them back up, you're
more ready to be productive and you'll have more energy
to get things done. Thank you for listening, and please
share Today's Something Good with others in your life. This
is Kim Azzarelli, co author of Fast Forward and co
founder of Seneca Women. To learn more about Seneca Women,
go to Seneca Women dot com or download the Seneca
Women app free in the app store. Care Something Good
is a production of the Seneca Women podcast network and
I Heart Radio Have a Great Day. For more podcasts
from my heart Radio, check out the I Heart Radio app,
Apple podcast, or wherever you listen to your favorite shows.