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July 31, 2024 11 mins

Sometimes we're so deep into our own stuff, what we need is an outsider to help us see things more clearly. ~ Delilah

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Speaker 1 (00:02):
Hey it's Delilah. Thank you for stopping by. I have
put together some of my favorite radio moments here to
share with you on our daily podcast. Hey it's Delilah.
Come on in and make yourself at home as we

share some of the most interesting dilemmas. Delilah's dilemmas when
people get themselves into a bind, into a mess, and
need a little wisdom to find their way out. Stay
tuned for that coming up next. Tonight's Delilah's Dilemma is

from somebody I'm not going to name because it's not
a very common name and I don't want to hurt anyone,
but a listener named Tea says, I found myself in
a position that I never dreamed i'd be in. Several
months ago, I met a man at work. What started
out as small talk and conversation has turned into something
much larger and much deeper, and I have fallen hard

for this beautiful man the first time in many years.
There is one small problem though, he's in the middle
of a divorce and still living in the home with
his wife and his children. It makes the relationship in
life we are trying to build that much harder. I
spend most of the time wondering what he's doing with them,

and the rest of the time feeling bad for putting
everyone through this. I guess we share the responsibility. I
am lost right now and I have no idea what
to do. Although it seems the best thing would be
to walk away, it would not be the easiest thing
because I am in too deep. I would love some advice,
if there's any to be given, some inspirations, something to

help me. Thanks so much from Tea Tea. I will
have my words for you coming up next. Tonight's Delilah's
Dilemmas from somebody who's fallen in love head over heels
in love, completely in love with a man who is

going through a divorce but still with his wife and children.
T I cannot stress to you how important it is
that you walk away from this, because if you do
not walk away, you will have your heart shattered to
a point that you may not be able to stand
up under it. I was in your shoes, and the

person that I loved loved me dearly, and if there
were any way we could have started a life together,
we would have. But his first commitment was to his children.
He needed to stay and be with his children, And

as painful as that choice was, desperately painful, doing the
right thing thing is always right, And when it's you
and him and your emotions, those emotions are not nearly
as important as his children. So if he needs to

stay with his children and cannot have a life with
you and co parent them, then you need to walk
away because you're going to go crazy. Every time he
leaves you, every time he drives home, every time he
shuts off his phone, every time you can't see him
on weekends, every time he's unavailable because he's going to

a football game, a basketball game, fill in the blank,
and he's unavailable to you because his wife is there.
You're going to die inside. And he's going to die
inside because he loves you and he's living a lie.
So if he cannot co parent with his wife, figure

out a way to protect his children from that. You
need to have the courage and the strength to walk away.
Tonight's Delilah's Dilemma is from a beautiful girl named Christa,
who says, I need some advice on what to do.

My heart is torn in two. My first love has
been popping in and out of my life. For the
past nine years. We talk for a few days, and
then he disappears again and again. It just keeps breaking
my heart all over again. I have loved him for
so long, my feelings have not changed. I still deeply

love him, and I dream of him incessantly. I'm not
sure how much more of this I can take. Everybody
I talk to gives a biased opinion. My mind says
to never speak to him again, but my heart says, fight,
fight for this, and don't let him go. Please. I
am torn into and I know you give solid, unbiased advice.

Please shed some light where everything I feel is darkness.
I will be forever grateful. Love your show and listen
every night. Your voice is soothing. Thanks from Christa. Christa,
I will bring a great, big, old spotlight into the
studio and shine it right into the darkness that is
confusing your soul. I'll have my words for you coming

up next. Tonight's Delilah's Dilemma is from Christa, who has
been in an on again, off again situation with a
guy for nine years. She says, we talk for a
few days and then he disappears again. She goes on

to say, I don't want to let him go, she says.
My heart says, fight for this, don't let him go.
So Christa, what in the world are you fighting for?
Something has to be real, It has to exist in
order for us to fight for it. In other words,
you can fight for a relationship if it's being torn

apart by say, cancer, illness, by financial struggles, by addictions,
by someone outside coming into the relationship and trying to
lie or destroy it. But a relationship must first exist
in order for you to fight for it. This thing
that you're in, this is not a relationship. If he

comes into your life he knows that you love him,
he knows that you care about him, then he is
not in a relationship with you. He is in a
usership with you. He comes into your life, you allow
him to use you up, and once he's satisfied, he
disappears again and your heart gets broken again. Christa, you

deserve to be loved by someone who is committed to
you completely, not somebody who pops in, talks to you,
hooks up with you, gets you all excited, and then disappears.
Do not settle for less than true love and commitment.
Stop trying to convince yourself that this guy loves you.

If he truly loved you, he would respect you. He
would never ever in a million years, want to hurt you.
He would be there to fight for you, to protect you,
and to provide for you one hundred percent of the time.
But this guy doesn't. So I will say this one time,
and I want you to listen carefully. Christa, do not

make someone a priority in your life when to them,
you are only an option. Tonight's Delilah's Dilemma is from Tina,
who is holding a ticket time bomb. She's tossing it
up and down in the air, thinking it's a plaything.

She says, I have a problem. I met my boyfriend
while I was still technically married, but I had been
separated for a long time. My boyfriend has had a
few bad past relationships where his girlfriend's cheated on him.
He is bound and determined that I will do the
same to him. This is hurting our relationship to the

point where we may have to discontinue dating. Every time
I leave the house, or if I do not text
or call him often enough, it starts a huge fight
and his accusations start all over. I love him, but
I don't know how to get through to him that
I will not cheat on him. Can you help me?

From Tina, Tina, please don't go anywhere. If you are
listening to me right now, I'll be back in a moment,
and please please, I am begging you to listen carefully
to what I'm going to share with you, Tina, and
anybody else who is involved with somebody who is jealous
and controlling. Okay, my answer coming up next Tonight's Delilah's

dilemma is from Tina. I mentioned earlier she is playing
with the ticking time bomb in Tina, you are listen
to me, young lady. Please. There are a lot of
things on the show I'm not qualified to speak on
because I don't have a doctorates, I don't have a
background in counseling. But this I can speak on because
I've been around the block three times, maybe four, and

I was raised in this kind of environment. You say, Tina,
your boyfriend is bound and determined that you're not going
to do the same and cheat on him like his
exes did, and that if you leave the house, if
you don't call her text enough that he is freaking out.
Get away from this loser before you your life. Tina,

and I'm not kidding. People that are that controlling, people
that are that manipulative, people that are that broken and
needy always use the excuse I was heard in the past,
and I just have to know that you're not going
to do it to me. That's a lie. The truth
is they're manipulative, controlling, control freaks, and they will hurt you.

Enough is never enough, no matter how much you reassure them,
no matter how much you talk to them, no matter
how much you try to prove yourself to them, they
are never going to feel secure, and they will control
you until there is no you left to be controlled.
Trust me on this, Tina, Get away from this person.

Do not continue trying to fix his brokenness. All you
have to do is a little research and find out
how many people are hurt, beaten, abused, and killed by jealous, possessive,
manipulative control freaks. Please listen to me, Tina, and anybody
else that's in that kind of situation. Get help, get out,

get safe. I so hope you have enjoyed these radio
moments as much as I enjoy bringing them to you.
I'll share more with you each weekday on Hey It's Delilah.
Do lo
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