Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:02):
Hey, it's Delilah. Thank you for stopping by. I have
put together some of my favorite radio moments here to
share with you on our daily podcast. I got to
share this story with you. I have to. It's so important.
I heard a message the other day. I was watching
a little sermon, if you will, young African American man,
a young black man, was talking about a crown of thorns,
and if you know, you know about the crown of
thorns and how it was meant to be an insult,
meant to mock somebody. And as I was listening to
this message, I looked out my kitchen window, and I
have a thousand roses still in my garden, and there's
one right outside my kitchen window, and then beyond it
there's probably ten more that are seven feet tall and
still covered in roses. And as I was listening to
this message about a crown of thorns that was meant
to mock someone as they were dying, I thought about
my roses and how much I love them, how beautiful
they are. But every time I go to cut some
and make a buquet, guess what I get really wounded
by the thorns. And I was looking out the window
at my roses, and it was a still day. It
was yesterday morning. There was no wind, and I was
thinking about that story about the crown of thorns and
how beautiful roses are though they have wicked thorns. And
as I was thinking on that, the rose right outside
my window began to bob. It was like it was
waving at me. And then these white butterflies came from
I don't know where and started swirling around this one rose.
And then the hummingbird that always eats from the feeder
right outside my window showed up and was by the rose.
And I'm looking at the other roses and they're not moving.
Just this one perfect rose is waving. It's like it
was waving at me. It's like what was saying, Yeah,
I'm here, I hear you, I feel you.
Speaker 2 (02:32):
Speaker 1 (02:33):
Love comes with thorns, children come with thorns and heartbreak.
And as I was thinking on that, it's like Heaven
opened up and embraced me in that moment.
Speaker 2 (02:49):
Hi Sherry, Hi Delilah, thank you for calling. Tell me
what's on your heart tonight?
Speaker 3 (02:55):
A little bit of everything. A lot of trials and
tribulations have been taking place, and a couple of days ago,
I felt like I had really hit rock bottom with
my personal life, work, the whole nine yards. I was
at the end of my rope and I had never
felt so low in all my life. And all I
could do was find myself driving around.
Speaker 2 (03:19):
Finking crazy thoughts.
Speaker 3 (03:21):
Extremely beyond anything that I thought that I would ever
be capable of thinking of. And I was driving around
and I was crying, and I'm sure that people next
to me thought I was just losing my mind, because
you were, I absolutely and I was letting it show.
And I wasn't ashamed because I had nothing. I felt
I had nothing left. I was done. And I was
sitting at a stoplight and mind you, on a busy
street in where I live, and I was crying out
to God. I said, God, I can't do this anymore.
And if you are real, and if you hear me,
please give me a sign. And Delilah, I was. I
made the turn onto this busy street. Mind you, there's
cars in front of me, cars behind me, and a
white dove out of nowhere just flies in front of me.
Speaker 4 (04:03):
Tears tears That sign enough for you, sharing I could
not guy, Just when I thought I couldn't cry any harder,
it got a little bit more.
Speaker 2 (04:15):
But hopefully tears of joy at that point.
Speaker 3 (04:18):
You know, I knew then that I was going to be.
Speaker 1 (04:20):
Okay, Tiffany, Hi, what can I do for you?
Speaker 5 (04:33):
I just wanted to call and tell you about my
favorite police.
Speaker 2 (04:38):
Your favorite place is where?
Speaker 5 (04:40):
Yes, it's called the Garden of Angels.
Speaker 1 (04:45):
Tell me about the Garden of Angels. It sounds beautiful.
Speaker 5 (04:49):
Uh, it's gorgeous. A lady who's a very good friend
of mine now she runs it and her mission is
all about love, which I thought you could relate to
very luck and I know you have a very similar mission.
She has this beautiful garden. She opens up to the public,
but they do like a lot of deliveries to nursing
homes or you know, hospitals or just random people to
come and just pick flowers. It's free, it's for a donation.
It's a really great place. She does a lot of
suicide awareness, mental health stuff. Just a great place. And
then last year, before we were even engaged, she offered
for us to get married there. So my husband and
I are coming up on our one year anniversary next week,
so I just wanted to do a little shout out
for the Garden and for my husband.
Speaker 1 (05:45):
Well, happy anniversary, and thank you for sharing that about
the Angel Garden. I love, love, love to see different
gardens when I'm traveling, so I'm going to put that
on my list of places I have to see.
Speaker 5 (06:00):
She also opens it up in the winter and then
she lights it up and does like a candlelight walk
at night.
Speaker 1 (06:07):
It's super sweet, very very sweet. And let me play
a song for you and your hobby. What's his name?
His name is John, John, and Tiffany. Next time you
go to the Angel Garden, hold hands and take a
walk and think of me.
Speaker 5 (06:24):
I will thank you so much.
Speaker 1 (06:26):
All right, good night.
Speaker 6 (06:34):
Hi Delilah, this is Pepper.
Speaker 2 (06:36):
Pepper, welcome. What can I do for you?
Speaker 6 (06:38):
About two and a half years ago, so I'm a
nature freak. So I was out on a nature walk
by the river, and before I knew it, actually, I
found myself down a cliff about fifteen to twenty feet
and I didn't know what had happened, and basically put
it in a nutshell hair I'd fallen down this clip.
I don't quite remember it all, but my head got
cracked open. My right collar bone was broken, but the
left side of my back was broken in two spots
of a compression fracture. Literally, I said, God, please help me,
and I found the strength to climb up that cliff
that I had fallen down.
Speaker 2 (07:17):
With a broken back, a broken collarbone.
Speaker 6 (07:20):
And a head injury.
Speaker 2 (07:21):
And a head injury.
Speaker 6 (07:22):
Yeah, next thing I knew, I was in an ambulance.
And the next thing I knew was in the hospital
for about two or three weeks and had no memory
of what had happened. And it was really a horrible
experience at the time, but it's a miracle because I
was there. I couldn't remember my name, my phone number,
my mom's number, I couldn't remember any friends numbers or anything.
Speaker 2 (07:42):
And so how long did it take to get your
memory back?
Speaker 6 (07:45):
Well, that kind of happened about it over about a times,
kind of like probably a year or two. I mean,
not my memory of like who I was and all
that kind of stuff, but of what actually happened, you
know what I mean. Wow, Yeah, I don't know how
to explain that, but but the memory of actually what
happened started coming back about a year or two, but
probably within the three weeks of being in the hospital,
I finally started remembering that i'd lived in this certain
state or wherever, you know, all that kind of stuff.
Oh my words, Yeah, and I just have to.
Speaker 1 (08:14):
So now when you walk along the river, are you
a little more cautious?
Speaker 6 (08:18):
You bet? You bet.
Speaker 1 (08:20):
But this hasn't deterred you from loving the beauty of
nature and all that God has created outdoors. I hope.
Speaker 6 (08:26):
I cannot tell you what it does to me. It's
the most peaceful thing I think I've ever experienced in
my life. And I just attribute it all to well,
just to to God.
Speaker 1 (08:39):
And I thank God that you're okay, and I hope
that you continue to go for beautiful walks.
Speaker 6 (08:44):
Thanks, Delilah.
Speaker 1 (08:47):
I so hope you have enjoyed these radio moments as
much as I enjoy bringing them to you. I'll share
more with you each weekday on Hey it's Delilah.
Speaker 3 (09:00):
We do have a lot hoping