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April 27, 2021 23 mins

Bella Thorne is a boss and she's here to slay. But she's also incredibly sweet and we love her. Also, Jarod disappeared again to go play mario kart somewhere so Producer Kyle is filling in as co-host and it's not going very well....

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
From my arm Radio Common Enemy contendum with TV's They
Pal podcast Pal, Hey Pal with Jared and Davon, Hey Pal,
Hey Pal. Wow look at this. This is a little different,
super weird. This is a little different. Um, you know

my normal co host Jared Einstein, Jared Einsen, Jason Jared Einsen,
Is eins Iceman, Ice Iceman, Jared Iceman. Yes, he unfortunately
can't be here today. Um is some of you know,
our good friend Captain Quinn, very talented photographer, and Jared.
They have a a little bit of a fetish um
but not in a in a negative sexual way. But

they're big Mario Kart players. Oh that's true. Yeah, they
love the Ramball run obsess, they love the Mario Kart
and um, they actually flew out to a Mario Kart
tournament uh in the West this weekend. I love that.
That's a thing. And honestly, now that you're saying that,
I'm jealous that I'm not there with them, so you'd

rather be there with them than here with me. Hold,
they be there, not with them, just there to play
Mario Kart, fair enough. So if they're there, yeah, then
all right, no, no no, I understand, I understand that. So
now this is interesting today because, um, you know we've
joked a lot on the show, and and and Kyle's
our our amazing producer. Um, Jared and I are huge

sports fans, I mean massive, massive sports fans. Uh. And
obviously film and entertainment fans. And uh, Kyle really has
no interest in sports whatsoever? Zero? How does how does
that happen to one? Well, it's not like I'm not
athletic or I don't like sports, right. I grew up
playing hockey and baseball and skateboarding and all the stuff.

What were your some of the positions that you played, Kyle,
what were some of the Uh? Well, I was right
wing in hockey, actually played goalie in US soccer wows
they say football, footbootball, see um, and a striker as well.
I love to at a great time, was the best.
I was a total athlete growing up. But then you
get older and you just I have a life, so

you do things. So you're saying sports fans life, I
would say that most sports fans are a little too
obsessed with their fandom. Okay, do you have any teams
that you enjoy? Like? Who did you root for the
Super Bowl? You know who I have no idea who
was in the Super Bowler? Oh no, Brady Brady one.
And you only know that guy. He's got great hair.

Like yeah, you know the guys with good hair. We
just follow each other. We like, he's a friend of mine.
We talked going trips together. And you guys talk about
hair and conditioner only the only product, just just hair product.
How technique you know when to get it cut, how
to cut it? Well, what's your stance on leaving conditions?
Is that? Is that a thing? No? Not a thing
for us guys with real hair, we don't do. Wow,

was the guy taking Jared? The Jared's of the world
used used leaving leaving? Well, there's a lot of leaving
going out with Jared leaving conditioner. He leaves us to
go play Mario Kart does or go to a poker tournament? Yes,
who knows what's gonna happen next? He wears many hats.
Well he has to bad hair. Well that that that
is true? That well very well, so it makes sense

all right, So we are off and running. Um, we
have an incredible guest today happens to be a very
very dear friend of mine. We just came back from
a trip to Miami recently and UM, incredibly talented actress.
She's been in the business from a very very early age.
Was on a couple of very popular Disney shows including
Shake It Up, Shake It Up, My Buddy Brandon Johnson

was on that show. Brandon was on there, Yes good
Man and uh pow, Power of Yours and um, she's
just done so much. And what's really cool for me
as her friend is to see her growing to the
woman that she's become. She's twenty three years old now,
and she really does things her way and she doesn't
back down from challenges, she doesn't back down from criticism.

And uh, she she's a boss. And that's gonna be
a little bit of a theme. She's bad. Um. So
with that being said, super excited today to have Bella Thorne,
Bella Thorne, let's go on the Hey Pal podcast. Hey Pal?
So exciting alright, b So we're just gonna jump right

into it because you're involved in so many different things. Um.
In sports, there's athletes that they like playing offense, some
athletes like playing defense. UM, As someone who is multitalented,
what do you think would make you happier? Because you're
so you do so many different things you do offense,
you defense, Having a hit movie would make you happier

or having a hit song? What excites you more? Uh?
I think a hit song because then it's on the
radio and you know that everyone's listening to it whether
they like it or not. It's kind of forced in
their years, which is kind of fun, right, Um, yeah,

maybe on the radio on the radio. Yeah. Well, it's
it's interesting you say that because you know in sports,
a lot of times a picture who's that's a defensive player.
They like to bat sometimes, and and they get more
excited about hitting a home run, which is not typically
what they do, than getting a strike out. Well, but
typically they're not batting, so it's like a new thing, right.

So is that the reason why or is it because
batting is way more exciting than you No. I think
that's the reason why, because it's not their typical things.
So I think also for Bella, and correct me if
I'm wrong, you've been doing the acting thing for years
and you have been seeing but you've been known more
for being an actress than for being a singer. So
I think for you that's probably why the singing side
of it is a little bit more exciting, the success

and that. Yeah, And I think it has to do
with like, you know, how many times do you re
watch your favorite movie? Where as opposed to how many
times do you really listen to your favorite songs? You know,
it's it's much higher there. So I know it is
fun when you get it is fun and not fun
when you get a song stuck in your head that
you can't get out of your head. So I was

just in Montana skiing and my friend's daughter kept playing
that song by Testo Let's get down, Let's get down
to business, and I could not get it out of
my head. It drive me crazy. I've never heard it
and now I definitely don't want to hear it. Hear you,
you don't want to hear it. B. What's the last
song that you got stuck in your head? Can you

think of one? It's probably oh. Actually, Ben, he just
recorded a new song um and it's oh my god,
the chorus like, I can't get the chorus out of
my head. And he was like, well, that's how I
felt about s f B, So fuck you. That's awesome. Now.

Ben Bell is referring to her fiance congratulations, which is awesome. Ring.
There's the bling, there's the bling, that's the found phantom
rolls Royce on the finger. Is that a pair cut?
By the way, Oh, do we lose her? Oh? Your
ring was so big it broke the sky. You actually

it broke the show. This is the hay pal first. Uh,
you're asking if it was a pair cut? A pausing, Yes,
it's beautiful, it's my favorite. Yes, you wouldn't know anything
about this because you're forever going to be single. Well,
unfortunately it looks that way. But I do live in
l A, So that might not be a bad thing.
It might be a good thing. We'll see. I adoptive.

I've seen your I've seen your lifestyle. I think you
need to find somebody Asa buddy. Yeah, I don't understand
why you still need to catch the great qualities of
dating a person, like what what's tepening it? Well, for me,
the problem is it's it's this city. I think if
I lived in another city. I think if I lived
in Iowa, I would be married for no doubt. So

all right, So we're talking about sports entertainment and some
athletes they have to overcome obstacles to reach their dreams
and goals. Uh. Sometimes they're told they're not big enough.
Sometimes they're told they're not fast enough, they're not tall enough,
they're not strong enough. Now, you've had to overcome some
things in your life, and you've been very very vocal
about talking about that, which I really admire and is

really brave of you. Um. You've openly talked about having
to deal with dyslexia and having to overcome having acne
growing up. Um, how did you overcome those things to
become the success that you've become. Um, I mean, I
don't know that it's really like overcoming. It's more so

like you learn to work with yourself. I think part
of the thing is, you know, really getting mad at
yourself for whatever that thing is that you don't you
know have And mine in the beginning of acting was
reading and writing and uh and numbers. I just like

couldn't do any of them, and I just read everything
I could the streets, stop signs, the billboards on the streets,
the menu at dinner, and anything that I could read,
I read. And even with acting, it took like a

good amount of telling for me to be able to
just read through on my own without having to sit
with my mom and my mom be like, oh, this
is what this word is, but not how you're saying it,
um so. And with dancing, yeah, I didn't dance before
I Shake it up. I had two left feet, I
had no rhythm, and I completely learned how to dance
on that show. Was singing. I couldn't sing for a

long time, and Hollywood Records would and give me time
to work on my voice. So then I said I
hated singing because I didn't like my voice and I
didn't want to use auto tune, which I don't on
any of my album now, and getting back into singing,
it was all just about learning how to breathe. I
didn't realize that I had this, all these breathing problems

that I that I that I wasn't using when I
was singing, and they're like, that's how you can't hold
a note bell or you're not breathing, And so it
really just took finding the right teacher and the right
work ethic to get me there, I think with anything
in life, even with our label. So I just asked
me to interview the other day, like what you know,
what kind of talent do you look for? In your label.

I'm like, I look for talent, now I look for
hard work. You know, you could be a shitty ass artist,
but if you're a hard worker, we'll take you on
the label and we will put you with the right
people to get the right sound that you want to make.
Like you know, for me, a hard working person is
much more interesting than a talented person because anybody can

be talented. You just have to learn how to do
whatever you're gonna do. And if you're a hard worker,
you're gonna learn it no matter what and become great
at it. And I just I love that about people.
And that's incredibly well said. And you know, with a
lot of your greatest athletes, you know the guys that
have really become great, Yes they had the talent, but
it was really the work ethic that set them apart.

When people talk about Kobe Bryant's work ethic, Michael Jordan's
work ethic, Tom Brady's work ethic, these were guys that,
you know, Tom Brady's case, he wasn't even a top
draft pick and he just worked his butt off to
become as great as he did. So don't go anywhere, hey,
Pam will be right back after a work for our sponsors.

You're an author, you're a singer, you're a director, you're
a movie star, you're a TV star, you're doing it
all building a studio and um, you know, in the
sports world, just like a team owner, you know, every
every boss has a team, a great team around them,
you know, to be the boss up. And so just
like a sports team owner, you know, wants to provide

a great locker room or great plane or you know,
to treat their players as well so they perform, you
have a team as well. And so what do you
do as a boss too, you know, to get your
team motivated and to make your team as as good
as possible. That's a that's a good question. I think that, Uh,
one of the best things I do as a boss

is I don't harp, you know, and I just say, like,
this wasn't done right, and you say, okay, I'll do
it better next time, and I say, okay, what's next
on the list? Like and you know, I think that
when you're a boss, anytime someone does something that you like,
you have to really reward them and let them know,

oh my god, this is amazing. You did this perfectly.
Thank you. So much. Wow, I love this, thank you,
and I think that it makes people want to work
more with you. And everybody wants to be good at
their job, so if you're not rewarding someone, people reward
people with incentives or whatever. You know, this is also good.
But I think that really it's the mental reward that

people want. They want to feel like they're good at
their fucking jobs. So like everyone wants to feel like that.
So when someone tells you, hey, good job, and you
respect their opinion, you're much more likely to do better
next time as well and and want to do, you know,
as good as you have been. Um. But yeah, I
think as far as getting people hyped up, I don't know.

I'm never that hyped. So it's it's kind of hard
to hype my team up when someone's like, oh, Bella,
you just spooke this huge thing that you wanted for
a really long time, and I'm like really Sick's like
that's so cool, and everyone's like, yeah, Well, I think

one thing you know about you, and I've been around
you enough to know that, I think with you, you're
all about people taking responsibility, whether that's a good thing
or bad things. So I've seen you if if someone
screws up and they take responsibility and they say, you
know what, I screwed up, you're like cool, like you
don't freak out on them. You just don't want to
hear as a boss like, oh no, no I didn't.

It was actually someone so small and and here's the
five reasons why I'm like, bitch, I don't care love you,
but literally just do the job. We don't need to
talk about the eighty million reasons why it got fucked up.
I just wanted to be done better next time. Yeah, exactly, No,
that's all. And that's why you're a boss. That's right,
being a strong woman and doing things your way. In

sports right now, there's a big debate over women athletes
and male athletes not making the same amount of money.
It's like a big, big topic of discussion right now
in sports. It's it's been around for years. Uh and golf,
you know, the main golfers they win a bigger prize
in the female golfers. What's it's it's in every form
of life, like you know, the pay gap, so in

any jobs, you know, it's just now it's becoming bigger
in each lane because people now is the time to listen.
Now is the time that people are talking and people
are actually taking it into consideration and hopefully moving the
needle forward in the in the right area. But I mean,
you know my thoughts on it obviously, which is very clear,

you guys, we're not asking for more, We're asking for
the same. And I think that's also why feminism, Like
there's you know, such a bad connotation around the word
feminism because people think that feminists want to kill all
men on earth or to like make sure they have
nothing and we have everything. And it's like, no, that's

not the case. We just want to be treated equal.
It's not that much to ask for. And actually I
have a I have a question, and you feel free
not to answer this either. You know, we can always
edit this stuff, but um, you know, I do wonder like,
as far as the pay gap goes in film, you know,
when you're dealing with a big studio, do you feel

like the pay gap is bigger or more prevalent in
a big studio film than in indie films? Because I'm
an indie predier. I've done a million indie films and
I've never at least in my films it's always very
like whoever is leading this movie, that's who's getting the paycheck, right,
And so it's not about like always in a manner
as it a woman or anything like that. So I
just wonder in your experience, because you've done so many films,

if you know, if you see a difference in the
bigger movies. Mm hmm, yeah, I would say there is
probably on the Indian movies that I've worked on, I
haven't seen. Obviously you don't know everyone else's numbers. Of
course that's like a legal thing. But as friends, it's

like the Crown. You know, you've got these two actors
and she's saying someone needs to pay any more and
they're saying no, But you guys are both the lead,
like you both take the show home, you take the cake,
you know, you split it, and like that just really
wasn't right, like that, that wasn't right. And I really
respect her for, you know, um, for like leaving the show,

you know, for you know, Hollywood is everyone wants to
do their job, everyone wants to make it. Everyone signs
a contract and feels like you know that that that
they're now connected to this project. And if you have
to step off a project to show yourself some self worth,

to show others that you know, Like, she's definitely one
of the first to really step off and say okay,
if you're not if you're not going to treat me equally,
then buy. Such a hard move to make, and in
the industry is so frowned upon, so I just really
respect her for for doing it. You know, it's one

thing to say something, but then when they say we're
not giving it to you, you gotta walk away. That's
a hard thing to do. And she's, uh, class, mom,
what is up? I agree? I agree? What's the name
of your dog by the way, mommy? And there's Wolfie
and there's Grumps. Yeah, that's a great Now. Um, you

do all these different things, And how his doing all
these different things made you a better How has it
made you a better singer? Having, you know, being involved
in so many different things. How has it made you
a better actor? Um m hmm, good question. I think

that one thing that's made me a better singer for
sure and rapper is being able to because I've been
raised so much in film. When I look at a story,
I'm looking at story points, so I'm looking at a
character arc. I'm looking at entertainment value, you know, and

I think it's so fun when I bring that into
my writing. I stopped the song to do a whole
big thing that you're like, why are we even stopping
the song to do this? But it's total entertainment value stuff.
And as well as when I'm writing, it's so much
about the story that I'm telling and each part of
the story, not just oh, let's make a fun song today,

you know, which I think is really has helped me
a lot with my album because they're all stories. They're
all like little movies. Yeah, and Phantom the video you know,
Kyle watch Curlier. It's got millions and millions of downloads
in a week already. Um, that's a perfect example, you know,
the story that you're telling. What that yeo that goes
with the song is awesome, so very cool. Um. Alright,

So with all these things and all these things that
you do. If I put a gun to your head
and I told you you were a professional athlete, what
sport would you play in? What position? Um? I would
definitely play soccer or basketball, And I am not sure

which position. When I played soccer, uh, when I sorry,
when I played basketball. I did a her movie with
Adam Sandler, and Adam is a great basketball player and
every one of his producers and everyone on his team
has to like play, which is really funny that he
does this on every single movie. It's like really playing.

And he taught me how to play. And within a
week I was so good and everyone I was just
shooting three pointers. I was doing up for here. Everyone
was just like, Nora, that's awesome, let's go like there.
We was so hyped, and I was like, oh, I
actually I didn't know I would ever like basketball. I

love baseball growing up. That's the sport that I watched.
So I was just so like kind of shocked. And
when it comes to soccer, my best friend has played
soccer like uh, kind of her whole life. And whenever
I played with you know, her and her friends growing up,
every moment and just be like, you would be on

the team, girl, you would be on the team. And
I have really strong legs and I'm a pretty fast runner,
so like my legs definitely like I have no arm strength, Okay,
there's nothing here, but I can push like, uhred pounds

on my legs. Do that? You know, when you do
like the leg spot things. Yeah, awesome legs. Okay, okay,
let's say back to business. Yeah, well, Dave actually know
as the producer, I have to stop the show. We
this is a two part episode. All of our shows
are two parts, So now we have to stop this episode.
We're gonna be back on Thursday for part two of

this for part two, and we'll have a lot of
our favorite segments. Oh yeah, we got the playoffs. We
have the playoffs seating spelling, B spelling be and I
we're gonna see how you do with that. Yeah, and
hopefully Jared doesn't come back, because I would actually want
to finish this episode. Yeah, I think that's fair. I'd
love to be here for this. Yeah, I think that
works to I think I'm okay with that. Pal, And

hopefully Jared and Captain Quinn or Mario karting away and
doing well. Yeah, good luck man, What if they win
like that would be amazing. It'll never happen. Good like
a trophy probably. You know. The thing, no one would care.
That's the main thing to take away from the whole experience.
This is this is incredibly true. Yeah, nobody care, right,
No one cares. No one cares alright, Part two Thursday,

Hey Pal Audios. Hey Pal is a production of I
Heart Radio from an Enemy and tender Foot TV, hosted
by Jared Einsen and Dave Osco producer is Kyle Tankla.
Executive producer for I Heart Radio is Shawn t Toone.
Executive producers for pender Foot TV are Donald Albright Sane Lin.
Catch new episodes of Hey Pal every two day on

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