All Episodes

September 7, 2020 32 mins

Wells talks to Olivia Holt about her journey from Disney Channel star to Marvel superhero to pop music phenomenon. 

Olivia shares the story of how she got started early in the entertainment business and we hear about how things have changed since quarantine shut everything down.

And we get her honest answer about what she likes better: singing or acting!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
What have we got here? What have we got here?
What have we got here? What do we got here?
What do we got here? Let's go. This is the
Wells Cast with well Adams and I Heart Radio podcast.
How's that freyone to win? Pandemic check? Hurricanes? Multiple check?

Forest fires? Why not? Murder? Hornets? Okay, I gotta be
honest with you. The end of the world is a
lot more up than I thought it was going to
be slow, sad death. But here we are. Hey, listen, man,
if we're gonna go out, we might as well go
out and style talking to some cool freaking people and
finding out their origin story. M alright, palmped about today's episode,
by the way, because this woman has literally done everything,

and I'm pretty sure she's just getting started. And she
was born in n which means I can't do math.
But she's young, so I mean, it's not indictment on
like what I've done in my career. But the sad
thing is that, like I remember really well old. But
it's fine. She got new single outs as of August

called Love You Again Dude Back In, and she released
her first EP at debuted at number nineteen on Billboards
New Artist Chart. What hit top forty on Billboards Pop chart.
So hard to do, by the way, but singing isn't
all she's up to. You guys haven't heard of Marvel? Yeah,
she's in Marvel's Cloak and Dagger and got a new

series on free Form coming out called Cruel Summer, which,
by the way, has been well this summer been quite cruel,
been kind of just tragic, just been tragic actually. And
I don't know if you remember, but yeah, she starred
in Disney's series Kicking It back in the Day. Her
IMDb page is longer than the list of people I've
given bad advice to in Paradise. All right, it's quite impressive.

Can that wait to sit down and chat for a
bit with the one, the only, Olivia Holt? This, my friends,
is a show you don't want two miss. Back in

the Wales cast, we have Olivia Holt on this show.
Olivia can you hear me? Oh there she is? All right, yeah,
can you hear me? Yeah? All right, now we're cooking
with gas. Olivia Holt on the Wells cast. Looks like
you're on stage right now? Where are you? It totally does.
I was just looking at my little icon in the
corner and was like, I look like I'm about to

perform just for you. Yeah, it looks like you're about
to audition for some sort of high school musical and
I'm gonna give you some notes and be like, let's
bring it down a bit perfect. Can you hit this note?
You're a little sharp earlier? That's hilarious. No, I've been
have actually been performing all day. I've been doing like
an acoustic set via zoom just for some people, And

so that's why I am in a performance space. But
normally I would just be at home, sitting on my
couch doing this. Yeah. Well, I'm excited to have you
on the show. I'm excited to talk to you about
this new single, love You Again, which is out on August.
Tell us about it? Thank you. Yeah, I'm really stoked. Um,
this is my first song, uh this year that I'm

putting out, so really excited about that. But I mean, overall,
just really excited about this this last couple of years
because I've really just been trying to prioritize music and
makeing a mission of mine to really create this vision
in this world where I can just have music so
separate from everything else that I do and um to

just have this sort of consistency, and I feel like
I've really gotten that and and gotten some really incredible
opportunities with working with some really amazing produce users and
songwriters over the last year and a half two years,
and all of it just gearing up to to Love
You Again with Rehab and then a song coming after that,
and then I'll have a new one coming in the

new year, and then following that will be my debut album,
which is crazy, so really exciting stuff. Why are you
trying so hard right now? I'm just anxious. I'm just like,
I haven't been doing anything for like the last five months,
and now I'm like, let's crank it out. Yeah, I mean,

good on you. I mean it's a lot of Netflix
and Salsa is what's happening in my world. So I'm
glad someone is, you know, put the pedal to the
metal and some rubber the payments, So congratulate. Okay, Well,
I've been doing Netflix and and not also unfortunately, I
wish I could. I wish I could. Uh, I agree

with you on that, but no. But more recently have
I actually been doing the hustle and bustle situation. Well,
it's awesome. I got to hear a little bit of
love You again earlier in the day, and I'm loving
on this tune. On this tune tell us like kind
of the messaging behind it and like what you were
trying to kind of invoke. Yeah, So, UM, I got

sent over this track with Rehab, who I'm a really
big fan of. Um. I've worked with him in the past,
and he is just a really amazing producer, and I'm
a fan of all of his work, not just the
work that we've done in past. But UM, I heard
this track and I mean immediately fell in love with it.
It's really unique, you know. I I'm a sucker for

dance and fun songs, so that already I was definitely
drawn too. But I mean lyrically, I felt like I
related to it so much. And um, even sonically I
felt like we kind of snuck up on everybody on
this one, because the lyrics definitely come from a more
vulnerable place and have a little bit um of a
darkness to it, whereas sonically the song is a little

bit more fun. So they m they definitely meet each
other in the middle. But I really love this track
and I think it's a good summer song too, and
you know, we're we've had quite an interesting summer. So
I think, you know, it's important for all of us
to just like sort of let that, let that go,
and to just let anything else move us and make

us feel feel alive again, you know. Yeah, So this
is the first step on the journey that is the
full length LP. Have you finished like the rest of
the record, do you know? And all that's gonna be
coming out. I have not finished the rest of the record.
I've done a lot of it um and I'm really
proud of it, you know, I I I don't have

It's interesting because I feel like I've never actually had
like a full layout of like what my year is
going to look like in the music realm. But I
kind of like that. I like just sort of being like, Okay,
I really am feeling this one. I want to put
this one out like in the next month and and
it's great, like and then that can happen. And that's
what's I think so cool about this industry is like

people are down to move so fast and to um
and and and to really just push things out there.
And I think with this record, I that's what I
really wanted. I haven't put out music in almost a year,
and so for me, I want something that feels very uh,
feels like a body of work. And I've never had
that before. I've just I've just like dropped a couple

of singles here and there, which is fun, and all
my singles I love. But to have like a full
body of work i've already has just been a really
special experience. And then when it's out, it's just going
to make the journey feel that much more worth it,
you know. Yeah, the releasing of singles is now becoming
the new normal and this ever changing landscape that is

the music industry, and it's a really smart way of
kind of like continuing to stay relevant or um front
of mine for your fans and for just music lovers
out there. But then I totally get it, which is
everyone wants the this is the whole story. This is
the LP with you know, the artwork on it and

printing the wax and everything, having the finished project. So
it seems like it's you get the best of both
worlds with you're hustling and you're putting out music, but
it's something the only thing you do. I mean, I
would say, a lot of people really know you from
being on television and in movies. What do you got
going on right now? Well, the acting world is kind

of not existent at the moment um, which is a
little unfortunate. Um, But at the same time, you know,
I I feel like I've I've been pretty consistently working
since the age of twelve, So this has been a
really nice break. It's been a good pause not being
able to or are being able to just like actually

chill and not have to worry about a six am
call time that's all the way across town or in
a completely different state or country. So it's a it's
been a really actually nice break. Um. I do miss it, though,
I think I've been saying that. I think if Quarantine
is taught me anything, it's that I love what I

do so much because I miss it all the time.
I miss being on set. I miss being around other
people and having that creative um space almost every single
day of my life. But um, I I I am
gonna go work on a show. We just don't know
in that's the that's that's the cash. Twenty two Is

I am on a show. Um, it's called Cruel Summer
it's gonna be on free form. Um, but we just
have we're still figuring out when we're gonna shoot it.
It's it's looking like maybe it's gonna be one, which
I'm totally cool with because you know, I'd rather go
into it with the solidified uh COVID precautions and and
that way we could all just really focus on the

creative part versus having to worry about everything else. Um,
but I am I'm stoked regardless whenever we shoot it.
I'm I'm it's gonna be really fun. It's based in
the nineties and the psychological thriller uh so, and I've
never done that before, so it's gonna be I think
it's gonna be really cool whenever we do shoot it.
And I was looking at your IMDb page and it
said it was filming right now, but it has production

even started. No, no, no, no. We were supposed to
wrap our first season, um, I think July seventh or eighth,
and we haven't even started shooting. Like July seventh or
eighth happened. Then I was like, oh my god, I
was supposed to be like done shooting the first season
by now, so everything's just pushed back a little bit,

which is fine, Um, gives me more time to prepare
and get ready for it. But I am anxious, like
I'm ready to start shooting. Yeah, you're gonna know all
those sides back to front, Like I know. I was like,
can you guys just give us all of the scripts.
That way we can just be like we're fully prepared
with all of our lines. Yeah, you're gonna you're gonna
film it like a Clint Eastwood movie, where like you

only get one take because you had the scripts or
so percisely. Okay, so I know that you are a
busy lady. Someone got you for a little bit of time.
We're gonna take a quick break and then we're kind
of we're gonna kind of dive into like what this
show really is about and then tie it all together. Okay, alright, perfect,
all right, stick around more from Olivia Holt. Right here

on the Wells cast. All right back in the Wales cast.
Got Olivia Holt. She is on some sort of stage.
I assume it's that at the Performing Arts Center. Yeah,

I'm definitely, I'm definitely on a stage. I know. It's
such a such a bummer for me that these podcasts.
I mean, I guess they could live in video form,
but like I would love for people to be to
see what I'm looking at because it's just so and
I come from the radio world and I've been on
that stage been like we have like lists, there's in
for like a meet and greet and like a quick
acoustic song, and I I feel like, that's exactly where

you are now. No, it is. It's exactly where I am,
except there's only like three other people in the room
with me. I want it's like giant space. Yeah, I
want to be like, hey, everyone, welcome to h one
of my one night the Rock. Thanks so much for
coming getting to me. All right, here we go. Well
we were talking about it before, but the new singles

called Love You Again featuring Rehab It is out officially August,
so you can go download and stream it and all
that kind of stuff wherever the hell you buy music
right now. I don't know if anyone told you kind
of the idea of this show, but I am kind
of fascinated with how people become successful, how they got
to where they are today, and what the blueprints look

like for you. It's funny because I you know, we
do this show every week, and we're always talking to
really famous people, and it's interesting to me that a
lot of there there is always a common denominator between everyone,
and I can't wait to hear where yours lies. So
if you could, I know that you're running out of time,

so we'll do as quickly as possible. But if you could,
where did you come from? Well? When a mother and
a father kidding, I um grew up. I was born
in Germantown, Tennessee, raised right outside of Memphis, and I
lived there up until I was about twelve years old.
I was um obsessed with theater at a very young age.

Did theater in my UH local theater in my hometown,
and I took voice lessons because of it, and my
voice coach for UH for A theater and introduced my
family and I to this world in l a that
my parents were very foreign to, as was I was

also I lived in a really small town UM as
a gymnast for like seven years and was fully convinced
that I was going to go to the Olympics. I
definitely was not, I'm not even close, but that's what
I wanted to do. And then um, yeah, I I
just fell in love with I fell in love with singing,
I fell in love with acting. And when my voice

coach introduced this convention out in Los Angeles to my
family and I, my family was like, Nah, that's sketchy,
We're not doing that. He was like, no, no, no no, no,
it's pretty legit. Um, you guys should just try it
for like a week. It's where agencies come to find
new talent. And so I went. I did the singing
and acting portion. I ended up signing with an agent
at the age of ten, and I did like a

back and fourth thing from my hometown outside of Memphis
to l A for like two years, and then um,
I would spend my summer's out in l A. And
then I when I was twelve, I ended up booking
a television series and it ended up moving the whole
family out here. And was that kick? Was that kicking it?
That was kicking it? Yeah? A Disney Channel. Okay, so

let's rewind real quick. So you're doing theater, you're singing,
you're a gymnast, or you're a cheerleader. Yeah. I was
a cheerleader. So you're doing like all the things that
everyone does in the South. I feel like I went
by the way I went. I went to Old miss
I used to go to Memphis all the time, by
the way O my brother goes the whole. Yeah, so

next time we'll all go to Rendezvous and get some
ribs together. Perfect. But no, like I think that that
is that's not like the craziest story. I think that
that happens a lot where there's just a lot of
singing and a lot of times I guess it happens
like kind of like church choir thing and the theater
and all that kind of stuff. But yeah, so you
have this vocal coach that I assume for your parents

was a little bit of a snake oil salesman, like, Yes,
come to l A and I will I will grant
you wishes beyond your wildest dreams. Like I imagine your
parents being like super apprehensive about this whole thing. Yeah,
they definitely were. I mean they were super skeptical of it.
I mean like, I mean, you know, if you grew
up in the South, like it definitely do you just
don't that's not reality, Like that doesn't feel like it's

a dream, but like doesn't feel like that that kind
of stuff can come true. So, and also I have
an older sister and a younger brother, and I mean,
it just didn't like we had we had a full
on life, you know, so the idea of us going
to Hollywood just didn't feel realistic. And um, and then
we we we we did it, but we sort of

made it like a family vacation because I don't think
that they wanted to go just for this, because if
it ended up blowing up on our faces, I don't
think that they wanted a trip wasted out to Los Angeles.
So we ended up coming to l A and doing
like a full touristy thing. We did, like the the
bus drives, and I'm totally ashamed to say, but also
I will fully admit that I will take that one

to my grave. You're in one of those busses, like
cut the top off and they drive around Laurel Canyon,
being like, that's Leonardo DiCaprio's borda John right there. Okay,
So you go out there, so you're you're splitting time,
which has gotta be tough. And then and then you
book this Disney show and then your parents are like,
let's move to Los Angeles. Like that. It's that seems

like that's a lot of pressure on anybody, let alone
a twelve year old. Lots of pressure, I think. I mean,
it was definitely something that we we we we knew about,
but we weren't technically prepared for. Like my agents had
said like, hey, like if you book something like you
gotta go and do it. And so this show shot

nine months out of the year, so it only made
sense that we moved there. And my family wasn't going
to send me by myself. They were like, we were
gonna go. So we did do a back and forth
thing for a little bit. I mean I more so
my my parents, but not really me. I mean I
stayed and I've been here since I was twelve, so
this is this is home now. But yeah, totally strange, Like,

definitely a lot of pressure, and the transition from the
South to Los Angeles was a complete just like foreign
ex arians for all of us. Was it an easy
thing for your parents to do in terms of work, Yeah,
my dad's my dad's in advertising, so for him, it
was a little easier for him to move around. And
my mom was just you know, she's super mom, so
she just takes care of the kids. But yeah, it

was definitely easy. But when I say that, I mean
I was a child. I had to have a legal
guardian on set with me all the time up until
I was eighteen years old. So I mean my mom
sat in my dressing room for thousands of hours, and
my dad actually ended up getting the lot that we
shot on. My dad actually ended up getting a little
space on the lot. That way my mom could go.

I mean my mom could go and and and help
my brother with school work and pick him up from school.
So I mean we kind of made it work, but
it definitely was hard. Like it wasn't an easy thing.
I think, you know, it was a day by day,
step by step kind of situation. And what are your
siblings saying? Are they like, fuck this chick, I was
totally cool in Germantown and like now what or are

they like, hell, yeah this is cool. No? I mean,
I've got honestly the most supportive family. I feel really lucky.
I don't know how they did what. I don't know
how they've done everything that they've done for me, because
it's just been so much and I feel like just
extremely grateful my sister. I really owe all of my
my love for what I do to her, because she

introduced me to acting, she introduced me to music. I mean,
she is she was the creative one in the family,
and I mean and she's crushing it on her own.
She majored in cinematography and writing and is just creating
really cool right now. But my brother, on the other hand,
wants nothing to do with it. He thinks that it's
really cool that like we have our thing, but he's like, nah,
I don't wanna. I'm cool, I I will support, but

I don't want to participate. He had to do a
commercial with me like three years ago, and he said no,
and I was like, you'll get paid and he said, okay,
the only only reason that he did it, But um no,
they they've I feel really lucky because my my, my
whole family just really are all rock stars and so supportive.

So I oh, in my life, really, that's cool. It
seems like it's like a team effort with you guys.
So yeah, so you finished kicking it, what happens next?
I finished kicking it. The show lasted for four seasons, um,
which is an incredible run. By the way, if you
get past one season, you're you're doing great. You know. Yeah, Um,

so we did that. I think I was maybe sixteen
when that show ended, and then I ended up doing
another show for Disney Channel for about two seasons, UM
called I Didn't Do It. And in between those shows,
I did a Disney Channel original movie for them called
Girl Versus Monster UM, which actually kind of launched my
music career because my character sang in the movie, and

so I kind of started getting back into music because
of that movie. After I Didn't Do It was over.
After that show ended after two seasons, I uh was
totally free for a minute, and then I ended up
booking a show on free Form with Marvel called Cloak
and Dagger. Uh, And I did that show for about
two years, lasted two seasons. So yeah, I just I

feel like television has just been kind of my world. Yeah,
Disney has been good to you. It sounds like Disney
has been good to meet, very grateful. Don't worry. Mickey
pays my bills too, so and Nicky is the boss.
We're all on team Mickey right now. Um, Marvel's Cloak
and Dagger. You know those Marvel fans are bonkers, like yeah,

like like did you go to pom cons? Like did
you meet these people like it was. It a completely
different vibe than doing like just like a regular Disney
Channel show, just in terms of that fan base. Yeah,
like light years different because when I would when I
was on Disney Channel and I would do Mean Greeds,
I had people maybe my age, but always definitely younger

who were fans of the show. Then I go to
Comic Con and it's like people are dressed up as
the superhero that I've played, and they are also much
older than I am and have been fans of this
comics since it came out, which was like in the
late eighties early nineties, and so they know a lot
more about it than I ever would. And it was

just really impressive, honestly, I mean I I I was
blown away, And people talked about Comic Con to me
for a really long time before I went, and I
definitely was not expecting what I Like, I didn't I
did not fully prepare. I thought that I was fully prepared,
and I definitely was not. Because then I got there
and I was like, oh, this is like a whole

new world for me. So like you'll do meet and greets,
I'm like, yeah, have the meet and greets before and
they're like no, no no, no, no, You'll do a different
kind of mean greet. And so I met some really cool,
interesting people. But I when I say that, when I
was up on the stage and the questions that they
would ask if, it's like they are so like their

legend fans, like they are they know they know absolutely everything?
Is that like I did that? I don't even remember
that they knew and it was incredible. I applaud them
every single day for their knowledge in the Marvel universe. Yeah,
I've been to some comic cons and it's like it's
super rad. But then also borderlines on like what the
funk are you guys doing with your time? Like what

is Hallen like? You dressed up like me? What it's like?
Or like showing the tattoos of you on their on
their bodies. You're like, whoa, who maybe a step too
fine asking for like a lock of your hair. It's
totally fine, guys, it's fine. It's fine. So Cloak and
Dagger and that finishes, and then you sign on for

Cruel Summer. Is that the timeline and you're supposed to
be rapid season one, and then the world started to
end precisely you nailed it. What do you like better?
What brings you more joy? Singing or performing and acting?
I I love both equally. I don't think they're just different,

you know. And I it's interesting because I feel I
feel like I I hear a lot of people answer,
Like a lot of my my friends who are in
the industry and who do both. I feel like I
hear them answer that question a lot, and they can
really decide and choose. But I can't choose because they're
just different, you know. With music, it's more personal. It's
a space where I can actually like let down all

of these preconceived barriers of who I am and and
be vulnerable. And it's a space like where I can
actually be my most creative self because I have more
creative control because I can write it, I can make
tweaks to the production, I can I can have more say,
whereas in the acting world, I'm really just performing. I'm
stepping into the shoes of a character that somebody else

wrote and breathing life into a character that other people
are having an opinion on of how I. I can
make as many choices as I want as an actor,
but at the end of the day, there's other cooks
in the kitchen who are helping you create those choices,
whether that's a director or writer, producer coming in. So
both are very collaborative processes. It just you know, they're

just different. Um, but I do love both. Both both
bring me lots of joy that they're just different creative outlets. Okay,
let me ask it to you this way. Would you
rather win an Oscar or a Grammy? That's not fair,
It's not fair both of course both. You gave me

your politician answer, and I want to know would I
like to have both and Oscar and a Grammy up
in my house? Yes? Yes, I would. All right, John Legend,
let's just pump the brakes here, all right. That's all
I'm trying to be in life. Just want to get
that egot, Listen, I get it. My last question is is, uh,
do you do you foresee something down the road that

combines it to like doing some sort of Broadway show.
I think I have thought about that, and I love
Broadway like I love musicals. I'm here for every single
one of them. Um, I just think it would have
to be the right one, and it would have to
be the right project, something that like I would be
like really stoked and passionate about and um, yeah, I
don't know. We'll see, But right now, I'm happy with

what I'm doing. I'm happy, you know, creating my own
my own pieces of work. But I think in the
Broadway realm right now, I'm cool with just like sitting
in the audience and watching them do their thing. All right,
But if you want to get the guy, you gotta
get a Tony. So I'm just okay, that's true, that's true.
I take it back. I take back what I said,
all right before I let you go. Do you have

time to do some rapid fire questions? Yeah, let's go. Okay,
rapid fire questions with Livia on right now. Number one hair,
pizza topic, jeez, favorite book, The Secret Life of Bees.
Who's your first kiss? I don't remember. That's such a
burn on that dude. What was your first concert you ever?
Went to? Ryl Crow? What's your biggest pet peeve? Oh?
When when people wear their collars up, are their hoods

inside out? What's the most famous person that you have
in your phone context? Oh? I don't know. Um, I
don't know. Renais Owagger. That's a pretty good one. If
you want an Oscar or an Emmy or a Tony
or a Grammy. Who would be the first person that
you would think in your speech? I meant to combine them.
But my parents. That's good. They are one. They are one.

Did you have a poster hanging on your bedroom wall
as a kid, and if so, who was on it? Yeah,
Jesse McCartney. We had him on the show a couple
of weeks ago. If he comes back to him, I
had him on my wall. Not they didn't know who
I am. But what was the first record you ever bought?
Hilary Duff Metamorphosis? Do you have a favorite flower? No?
Do you have a favorite Halloween candy? Anything? Chocolate? Do

you have a weird superstition? And your favorite superhero? Dagger?
I had to do that, but it's iron Man. It's
actually iron Man. I love him. Don't worry. Tony sark
is life. Don't worry. I'll cut it out. It's fine,
Olivia holl thank you so much for being on the
Wells Cast. Everyone out there, go download stream however the
hell you get mused these days. It's called Love You

Again featuring Rehab. Is there anything that you wanted to
promote that I didn't ask you about that. We can
do right now? No, I don't think so. I think
we're good. Where if you will find you on social
media's you can find me on Instagram and Twitter at
Olivia Underscore Holt and I think that that is it.
I have a Facebook too, but it's just Olivia. Hold
you don't have a TikTok. I know I do, but

I haven't. I haven't posted anything yet, So I suck.
I'm not. I'm the worst in zeer of life. You are, Olivia.
Thank you so much for being on the show. You've
been amazing. Thank you, appreciate you. Alright, Well, she is
just the sweetest right. I recorded that interview with Olivia
before the song came out, which meant I couldn't play it.

But now as time has gone by, it's now available.
So I thought that we should probably end the show
with her new song, love You Again with rehab, or
at least thirty seconds of it as to not get
sued by music industry. I don't know the rules anymore.
All Right, here's Love You Again. The Three have Olivia
Holt on the Wells Guy again. Super talented Olivia Holt,

Love You Again? The Three hab I was going through
because she mentioned Jesse McCartney and I was like, oh, yeah, yeah,
I'm on the show, you know. And then I was like, man,
We've had a lot of amazing guests. So I started
kind of going through it all, like, if you're new
to this show, you really need to go back into
our back catalog because there's something for everyone. Like I

realized that maybe some older listeners might not really be
into the Olivia whole episode just because they're just like
not gen z Ears. But yeah, if you are an
older listener, the Brian Bumgardner episode Kevin from the Office,
that's great, The Dave Koyer episode you know, Joey Gladstone
from Full House, or Brett Michael's from Poison, Matt Eisman

from Ninja Warrior, Tyler Florence from the Food Network. There's
interviews for everybody. Jen z Ears, The David Henry episode
from Which Is a Waverley Place is to this day
one of my favorite episodes that was so much fun.
Cord Over Street from Glee. The affort mentioned Jesse McCartney,
Hunter Hayes, Lauren, Lena Lance Bess. If you're a reality

TV dork, dude, Lauren and Cameron from Love is Blind,
Johnny Bananas from Winning All the Challenges Me, I interviewed myself.
I'm on a bunch of reality TV shows Giannina and
Damian Love is Blind, Chris Harrison. I mean literally, I mean,
I don't need to pump up my own tires. But
there's a lot of really cool interviews that are all

over the board. Is what I'm trying to say, is
school listen to the show. Guys also rate and review
at the Apple and play store. That helps with the algorithm.
I'm told by nerds that make more money than me
that that's what needs to be done for us to
clamp the ranks of the greatest podcast in the world.
So yeah, all right, I'm gonna go. I actually take

my dog at the vet, which is gonna be a
nightmare for everyone involved, for me having to go over
there and apologize for my dog being an ass, for
the people, have to take my dog and like check
him up, and he's gonna freaking lose his mind at
Bloodhound that's so emotional. And then of course my dog's
gonna hate it too. No one wins in this situation,
but for the past thirty minutes or so, You've won

because you got to listen to a cool story of
Livia Holle. Thank you again to UH to her for
coming on the show. I Am out of here. That
was a weird ending. I'm so I don't know. I'm
not gonna edit though, because I'm gonna get out of here. Okay. Bye.
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