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June 25, 2021 23 mins

Kaitlynn Carter is here to help recap this week’s episode of The Hills: New Beginnings, but we HAVE to talk about her big news! Her pregnancy!

Find out the intimate feelings she experienced as people found out about her pregnancy, and how it changed her relationship with her boyfriend.


We hear Kaitlynn’s honest reaction to Heidi and Spencer’s comments about the show, and we discover what’s really going on between Ashley and Heidi!


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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
This is a Wells cast with Wells Adams and I
Heart radio podcast. So are you hosting today? Yes? Okay,
I swear I was thinking about this on the drive here.
I have co hosted um one of Wells shows before,
and he's not been there. And then I feel like
each time we hear about an episode of this show,

he's not hosting it either, Like when does he host
his actual show. He's like, he's at an undisclosed location
at the moment, filming something. Okay, I think I think
I know someone else who's filming at that undisclosed un
Thank you so much for joining us today. I am
so excited to meet you. I I want to talk
about the episode last night, but first and foremost, congratulations

on the pregnancy. It's so exciting. Are you feeling good?
Are you any any type of side effects or symptoms
or anything just yet? Um, other than just really adjusting
to the idea of being pregnant. I mean, I it's
something that I wanted for so long that I feel
like when I found out I actually was pregnant, I

was really surprised. Um in a good way of course,
but also like, I don't know, it took me a
while to really absorb it. Um. And so yeah, I'm
just really excited out. But I've been really lucky. I
haven't had sickness or anything like that. Yeah, and so
when I know you're in a relationship right now, it's
been a little over a year with Christopher. Was this

something that you guys talked about. Did you want this
on your plan? Yeah? Yeah, well we so he already
he's got a six year old son already, so he's
been a father for several years. And for me, when
I began dating again, I knew, sorry, my dog is
not going to leave me alone. I've been I've been

out of the house all day, and he was so
happy when I came back. Um, you might only sit
up here the whole time. Um. So when I uh
started dating again, I knew that it was really important
to me to find somebody who had the same goals
and wanted the same things in life that I did.
So we kind of got to the conversation about having

kids and um where we stood with all of that
really quickly. Um, and we were definitely on the same page.
So we're like, hey, let's you know, let's go for
it and just see what happens, and we were really lucky.
And so, yeah, I don't know how it lines up
with filming and the months that you guys were filming
this season. Did you have to keep it a secret

for a bit? Were you fild me during that time? Um?
Initially I did plan. I had planned to keep it
a secret. I did tell the show runner because I was,
you know, pretty run down the first few weeks, UM,
and it was hard for me to keep up with
the pace of some of the filming initially, so I

had to tell her because they don't really let you
just set things out normally to go home early. UM.
And you know, we filmed really long days. We filmed
for I mean when we go on trips, we're filming
for probably eighteen hours a day, three days in a row.
So it's just a lot of you know, being on
your feet and being really active and talking and participating. UM.

And so I did let them know pretty early on.
But my plan wasn't actually to to film anything about
being pregnant. And then our production just kept getting delayed
for various reasons and it got to a point where
it was too obvious to not address it UM and filming,
so we ended up talking about it on there, but

I think it ultimately was good that we did, because,
you know, it's a really exciting, happy time in my life.
And um, and I don't know, I just feel like
it's kind of an interesting uh and to the ark
of this season for me and my character on the show.
And um, yeah, I mean I'm really excited to share
it with everyone. Were you planning on keeping the gender

of secret? Because I saw that your sister accidentally kind
of yeah, shared it. She did totally accidentally, and actually
I didn't even know that had happened. And she called
me the next day and she was like, I'm really sorry.
I had no idea that you hadn't said anything. And
I was like, what are you talking about. I don't
even know what you mean. Um, I didn't intentionally not

share it, So it wasn't a big deal that she did. Um,
but yeah, I don't know. I there's a part of
me that just doesn't really feel the need to share
like every single detail about it, even though I'm so excited,
I feel pretty private in a lot of ways about
it as well. So UM, I'm not. I mean, I'm
happy that people. No, it's totally fine. It's such a

positive response to everybody's just so thrilled for you, guys.
I think that's so nice and it really makes me
feel good that you know. Also, I've been so blown
away by how invested people are are in my whole
journey over the last couple of years, and how many
people realize how badly I wanted this to happen, and

like are celebrating with me and are genuinely really happy.
I mean, I've had so many nice messages from people
just saying, like, I know, we don't know each other,
but i feel like you're my friend and I'm just
so happy for you, and that's really sweet. It makes
me feel really good. I've never met you before, but
I'm a fan of the show. I'm a fan of
yours and when I saw the headline last week that
you were pregnant, I was so excited for you that

I felt like one of my friends was pregnant. It
was just it was so excited to read. I'm just
so excited for you. Is there anything that you are
nervous about when it comes to being a mom? I'm
sure there's many a million things. Yeah. I mean I
think that if I start to think about the things
that make me nervous. It would just be a runaway list.

I mean, you can screw your kids up so bad
with like the littlest things. I think, But you know,
my I think, as long as your intention is good
and you, um, you know, show your kids lots of
love and respect, um, they're going to be okay. So
that's just my plan. I'm trying not to overthink every
little detail because there's just too much to think about.

I mean, even with my pregnancy, I try not to
think about anything besides the week that I'm in, you know,
because each week it's so different, and you know, it
can be very overwhelming if if you think about it
too much. And I like the fact that you are
I mean somene of my business anyways, But keeping this relationship,
you know a lot of it to yourself, just between

the two of you, and not sharing everything that happens
and not being so public. After having a few very
public relationships, it's just something that I think you guys
can just hold close to yourselves and keep things private
between yourselves. And I like that as a fan for
you to be able to experience. I know you said
in the past that this is one of the first

adult you feel like it's an adult relationship that you've
been in m and I just I love I love that.
My past relationships, I think the only reason they've been
public is because the people that I ended up in
relationships with and were already public figures. You know. I
don't think that there was any reason besides that, because
it certainly wasn't ever my intention for to be really

anything public. But you know, just by the nature of
those relationships and this this one, you know, it's not
that way, which is really nice. It's really refreshing, and um,
I mean it certainly makes things a little bit less
complicated because you're not I don't know, having to think
about anyone else involved. It's like just the two of you,
and um, it's just been really nice to have that

experience this time around. Let's talk about last night's episode.
There's I've noticed a difference from the first season to
this season, and in taking COVID and the pandemic out
of it, there's been such a change with everybody really
and I think it played a role in this new season.

Do you see a big major difference between you in
this in this new season compared to last season, UM,
or anything you're doing differently this time around. I would
just say that I think everybody in general had a
little bit of a different attitude. Well, there are a
few people who seem to still have kind of a

bad attitude about the show, UM, which I don't understand
because I feel like, if you don't want to be
on a show, then don't be on a show. But um,
you know, I think for the most part, it was
a really eye opening in the sense that, you know,
we're so lucky to have work and be able to

spend time with this group of people and have a
good time like travel together and laugh together, and UM.
While I don't know, just being isolated was so hard,
it was nice that we had the opportunity to, you know,
get our COVID tests literally every other day, UM, but
in turn be able to spend time with a group

of people and make something entertaining for other people to watch.
I don't know, I was just personally grateful to be
able to participate in that UM and I definitely took
it a little more for granted before you know, I mean,
I I don't know, It's just there are a few
ways to look at making a reality show. And I
think that, Um, the fact that anyone would want to

watch our lives and that we're able to you know,
make money doing that and have a good time doing it,
It's just like it's kind of a freak, once in
a lifetime opportunity, and I feel really fortunate. So when
somebody is talking about this show and they say that
the episode was the worst episode of reality TV they've
ever watched, you know, Spencer and maybe these comments about that,

how how does that make you feel? As there as
your cast members saying this about the show that you
guys do together. I think everyone knows that, Spencer, And
how do you always have an agenda? So I'm not
sure what their agenda is at the moment, because they
weren't singing that tune you know, earlier on. I mean,
they're kind of the ones who got everyone together to
make this show in the first place. Um. And I

also don't know why you would it's not a project
that you just spent the last year and a half
working on, because you know, I mean, there's a lot
of work and a lot of time and a lot
of energy, and so I don't really know what the
whole reason, I'm sorry, trying to get on my lab
when I put him down, and um, he was just

licking the microphone. But yeah, I don't, I don't. I'm
not understanding that. And I I mean, I know that
there is definitely um an issue going on between the
Prats and the Wallers. Um as you can see, is
unfolding on the show right now. And I don't know

if they're more specific, more specific quickly aiming those comments
at them, I don't really know, but it seems like, UM,
not very productive to tell people that a show you're
on is boring. One of my favorite moments from last
night's episode was when you you're talking with Heidi and

you say what can we do to have fun? And
she just completely ignores you walks off, and you're just like, oh,
like you're trying to keep the energy good and positive
and just have fun and she just walks off, and you, oh,
was just yeah, I mean, I think what you what
we didn't see there was you know, the whole conflict
between Ashley and Heidi is still to this day confusing

to me, Like I don't understand where it stems from exactly.
And you know, Ashley and I had that conversation in
the park, which you only see a little portion of,
but it was essentially, you know, from my perspective, I
really they just thought there was a big misunderstanding between
the two of them. I didn't know that Ashley was

really having all of these pretty judgmental feelings about Heidi's drinking.
I I didn't know that because she didn't. I never
heard her say anything about it, and when we were
in the park she kind of explained it to me
more like Heidi thinks I'm saying this, but I'm really not.
And I was like, oh, well, if you're not, then
just tell her you're not. And so then I saw
Heidi at the party that night, and what they didn't

show was that I said to her, Hey, I really
think you and Ashley should talk because I think there's
just a huge misunderstanding here. I think that, you know,
she doesn't really have any feelings about your drinking, and
you guys should talk and make up and everything will
be fine. I'm like thinking I'm being the peacekeeper and
that everything's gonna be great, and I just wanted to
have a good time. I mean, that was kind of
me the whole season. I feel like every episode, I'm like, yeah,

everybody's fighting. I just don't have a good time, like
to have a good time. Um. So yeah, and but
I do. I actually remember saying not to Heidi and
then having her just like I think she was really
stre about the upcoming confrontation. But I remember her just
kind of like zoning out from our conversation and walking away,
And I was like, all right, let's talk about Caroline

for a little bit. When she told you about her feelings,
did that surprise you? Were you caught off guard with that? Um?
I wouldn't necessarily say that I was caught off guard
because I could. I mean, it's obvious when somebody is

flirting with you or you know, like things sort of
started to take a little bit of a turn in
that direction. Um. And but you know, we had so
much fun together. I was like kind of hoping to
eskate past it and like, you know, just continue to
be friends and have everything to be fun all the time. UM.
I guess I'm like a little bit avoidant, but uh, yeah,

I don't know. I mean, I just I just was
kind of hoping to avoid an awkward conversation. But at
the end of the day, I'm glad that we talked
about everything that we did openly, so that like she
knew where I stood on it and we could move
past it and not have to have any awkwardness going forward,
because I do think eventually it would have gotten to
a point if she hadn't said something that maybe I

just would have I don't know. I thinks it would
have become weird between us. So it has it So
your friendship has stayed the same even though yeah, no,
we're great friends, and I'm glad we were able to
have that conversation. Good now, I know you're, you know,
in such a good place right now, great relationship. But

do you go and do you watch the episodes when
they air or beforehand? Um? I mean like last night,
I was out at a dinner, so I wasn't able
to watch it as it aired, but I did try.
I I had a work thing this morning, so while
I was getting ready, I had the episode from last
night playing. I try to stay on top of it
because I like to be able to contribute to the

commentary and I have some idea what's going on. We
don't know what's going to be used in the episodes
and what won't be. So it's kind of helpful sometimes
even for me, because all you know, people will comment
things to me on social media and I'm like, what
are they talking about? Like I won't even know because
we've filmed this over such a long period of time, um,
and so much has changed in that time. So it's

kind of good for me to have a little refresher
and see what material was actually used for the episodes
and what wasn't. Is it hard then to see your
ex Brody, you know, in these different relationships and in
these private conversations with Audrina or somebody else. Is that
is that hard for you to watch? I mean, truthfully, no,
I move past that relationship a long time ago. UM,

So you know, I mean, he and I are really clear,
Like there's nothing he says he's saying on the show
that I haven't heard him say in realized life, and
I don't know, and we have a very transparent relationship,
so I don't It's it's definitely not hard. And also
obviously I've really moved on and I saw that, you know,
his mom congratulated you. And then I even noticed in

last night's episode Kristen talking about how much she loved
Brodie's mom, Like, do you do you still have a
relationship with his mom? Yeah? We do. Um yeah, Actually,
I mean I don't see her as much as I
would like to, but I've seen her a few times
in the last year, and it's just, you know, I mean,
she was like my second mom for many years. My

parents live on the East Coast, so she was my
parent figure here on the West Coast, and so I
mean that doesn't just go away. And um, especially because
Brodie and I had such an amicable split, it's just
been kind of easy to keep everybody, um in a
good place. But um, yeah, I mean I talked to
her as often as I can. She's great. Did the

cast and Brody included, did they know about the pregnancy
before you announced it? Oh? Yeah, yeah yeah. I mean
I wasn't like really trying to keep it a secret.
I was walking around everywhere like very blattly pregnant and

telling everyone that I saw, But I just wasn't saying
it on social media, just because I didn't really feel
the necessity too. But then it kind of got to
a point where so many people were talking about it
on my Instagram and asking questions and making comments, and
I was like, why am I not just acknowledging this
and moving forward? And it's actually been really nice because

I didn't think I really cared to share it publicly,
but then once I did, it was really heartwarming, Like
I said at the beginning, to hear how many people
were touched by hearing that I was pregnant or had
nice things to say so. And I think too, it
also shows, you know, when you're so transparent with your
life and showing so many details of past relationships and
things to and see, you find such a genuine happiness

and to fully move on. It honestly gives hope to
those of us who have been through those breakups still
looking for somebody and knowing that that is out there,
you can't get it. I mean, I genuinely didn't think
that I would find any of what I have found,
Like I really did not. I was very okay with

just remaining single, and I was in a really good
place and very happy with being that way. And it's
funny how when you relax and like, don't have all
these expectations and plans, how things come together better. Because
I mean, Chris was such a pleasant surprise and and

when I feel like I was trying the least. Is
when everything finally came together the way that I had
always hoped it would or wished it would, so keep
each other during a pandemic, right, yeah, like that is.
I know my friends who are in the surf Righter
Hotel in Malibu, I really kind of owe it all
to them because they, um, it was when let's see

last summer when all of the restrictions first kind of
relaxed and hotels were reopening and outdoor dining was reopening,
and they said, you know, we're going to reopen the
surf Rider and no one knows yet, so that we
have a bunch of rooms open, do you want to
just come stay for a couple of days and um
hang out like on the beach, Like, um, yeah, that
sounds great. And right around the same time, a mutual

friend of me and Chris has had introduced us um
over text, and I was like, you know, I really
like to meet this guy, and there's really nowhere to
do it. That's not weird except for the rooftop restaurant
at the Surf Rider. It's like the only thing that's open.
I'm going to be there all weekend by myself. I'll
just invite him up and see what happens. And so

we did like a little you know, outdoor dinner and
and yeah, you know it worked out. Were you open
to day, like, were you I know that, you know,
being on lockdown and being home did you know that Okay,
I'm ready or was one of those people like I'll
just I'll just see where this goes. Well, I hadn't
been UM. I didn't date during lockdown for obvious reasons. Yeah,

I mean that was not really possible. But leading up
to that, I mean I had been dating. I just
didn't really care. It was sort of like, if the
right person comes along, then I would consider it. But
I wasn't actively trying to um, and I think that
I don't know, I just it was more about It
wasn't really so much the timing as much as just
the right person coming along. You know. That's what people say.

It's the moment you stopped looking, that's when it happens.
It's so cliche. And that's why I hate to say that,
because I feel like that's what everyone says to you,
but it's it's true. So in the little teaser, the
preview for next week's episode, we saw you know, Adrina
in the car with Brodie when he's going to meet Kristen,

and then in the preview it says you you say
something about wanting if they are doing something together, if
they're a thing, one of them should have come and
said something to you first. I mean, I think it's weird.
I spend a lot of time with all of these people,
including Brodie and Audrina, and so I would have thought
it was a little strange if they were hooking up,

and neither of them ever thought that it would make
sense to like acknowledge that when we're all together all
the time. But the thing that I think what you
don't see in that scene is like everyone at the
table was making jokes about how Audrina and Brodie would
be such a good couple and like that they should
be dating and done that, which I mean, I don't

disagree with that. I mean, it's that's totally up to them.
But it was like I wasn't at the table, and
so it got really awkward because I was like, I
don't I think it's weird. If I'm chiming in being like, yeah,
you do us to date, you know, it's weird. So
I didn't know what to do because I'm like, and
I'm here at the table, but everyone's kind of acting
like I'm not here at the table and um, and

I would hope that maybe I would know what was
going on in this situation, but I don't really know
what's going on. So it's just an awkward moment. So
we'll all see you next week. We all see you
next week. Yeah, how that all played out? Will Chris
ever make good appearance on the show? I think you will.
I think that's the plan, just a little one gosh
dash um, yeah, I mean I'm I'm yeah, I think so.

He filmed with us, but again, you never know what
they actually use and don't use. Good Well, I'm such
a fan of the show. I'm such a fan of
yours and I'm so happy for everything going on with
you and personally and professionally, And thank you so much
for being a part of this. Say thanks for having me.
It's great to meet you, to meet you too. Have
a good night you too. So that's it for Hill's

cast this week. Thank you so much for listening. My
name is Gillianasco. You can find me on Instagram at
Jilliana Lane or on the I Heart Radio app and
part of Valentine in the Morning weekday mornings on one
O three my FM. And thank you again to Caitlin
and we will talk to you guys next week. Subscribe
to Wells cast on I Heart Radio, Apple Podcasts or

anywhere you get your podcasts. It's the Internet. P
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