All Episodes

April 20, 2022 32 mins

Part two with conflict journalist Jake Hanrahan where we talk about all the wars besides the one in Ukraine.

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
All right, y'all, welcome back, uh part two of this
episode that was supposed to be part one. The first
time that's ever happened to where it's like we just
talked so long, it was like, yo, we should just
make this two episodes, you know. So you while you're
waiting in the car for Mama to finish talking to
her friends, then they finally finished, so this is the

Then they finally finished episode all right, dropping on the mat.

So look, so let's so let's move over to Africa.
Let me let me up how you all about Ethiopia?
Um and again, like this this relation of like just
understanding what happens when like power don't like each other
and who ends up suffering. I think it's like one
of the greatest stories about this uh so again going

on right now? Like an it like every other place,
you gotta go back a hundred years to really understand
where we're at. Right So essentially this Ethiopia one of
the only countries that was never actually colonized during the
age of expansion, like and they will remind you often
that they yeah they yeah, so yeah. So it's one

of is one of the few countries on Earth that
weren't right during that the age of imperialism and UM. Anyway,
how they did it was like uniting the Ethiopian Empire
kind of united a bunch of different you know, tribal
ethnic lands to make one good front against the encroachment. UM.
And basically this is like sort of like the origin

story of somebody like a Holly Selassie, you know, you
know who eventually became you know, patron saint Savior for
Rostafarian is my family, yeah so you know, my blood
but yeah, yeah, so anyway, so that was like I
grew up around that. Yeah so yeah, so this, yeah,

you know what I mean. So he became the first
official emperor once all these things united, and like why
he became such a like um special character was like
when so they were invaded by Italy. So Ethiopia was
invaded by Italy. They captured Idis Ababa, but they were
never able to colonize because he came back basically with
British help because a Turia was a British colony. So

he came back with them, drove out the Italians established
the empire an official empire as a country. Now, so
he's like this like so he disappeared and came back
returned like the Messiah, you know what I'm saying. Occupiers Right,
So anyway, um built this thing. Uh, and just like
every other place, it's like the country is cobbled over

by different sort of tribes and ethnicities. He was umhada right,
And that trial ended up basically doing what everybody else do,
like just hitting all the imperial empire notes, you know
what I'm saying, where it's like everything is great for us.
Everybody else serves its empire, You pay tribute, YadA, YadA,
just normal empire building. Right. Um. Eventually, like anything else,

people get tired of that. Right now, move take us
into the Cold War era, and again we hit all
the Cold War notes right where everybody trying to like Stak,
they claims clues on their side, who's on the side.
Up comes this dictator in the seventies and eighties, name
Men gets to Men gets to that's his name, right,

name Men gets too. So again hits all the notes
Soviet backed crushing, you know, killing opposition, crushing things, big
old military. No, not yet, we're not gonna get to right,
that's coming up next, right, So but he's this yes,
so he was this just horrible, even the stuff when

we was we was kids, and like the sort of like, oh,
the famine in Africa, you know, in in Ethiopia was
because of him. He was blocking a you know what
I'm saying, and like making sure like using using famine
as a weapon. Right, Obviously everybody gonna get tired of this.
This is where the TPLF comes in. So the t
gray Ins and the t PLF and the Atriens the

e PLF click up, gather up all the other tribes
and like we're gonna drive this man out. So they
drive him out in his empire. This is in the nineties, right,
And after they clicked up, they were like, yo, we
gotta establish a government. So they choose a guy named Melissawawi. Right.
So he's the t Grayan, right, So he's the he

was ruling for a long time. He was ruling for
a long time. Right. So he has the idea of
rather than doing empire like everybody else do empire, he
was like, we'll do a semi democracy, will divide up
the place in the like ten different provinces that are
broken up by tribe and ethnicity, right, and those tribe
and ethnicities eventual become like the political parties, but he

is t Griyan, right, So now that t Griyan, you know,
the TPL left. They only represent like six percent of
like the actual ethnic population, but they click up and
they maintain most power right for a long time, you
know what I'm saying. And at this time when he's like, yo,
let's set us up like this, Aria been thinking for
a while, like yo, we're trying to split off. Because

they were a part of Ethiopia at this time, they're like, yo,
we want our independence and Zawim was like, okay, cool,
I mean you can have it now. Remember you you
bordering like a Tria borders the t Gryan region, right.
So they was like they was like, look, we're trying
to bounce and he was like yea, I can't go
like this is what we did. It is like well
we leave it. So it's like okay, well y'all leave,
but you gotta leave the city a bad made to us, right,

and they like the fun You can't just get this
city no, right, you know I'm saying. So now they're
trying to like beef over who gonna be like you
know what I'm saying now, we got two countries. Somebody
got to be the big dog in this region. So
so they so from like all the way to I
want to say, like two thousand twelve, homie, Like these

people were, uh, warring, warring, warring, warring over where the
border is, who gets this city again? Humanitarian crisis, all
this stuff is happening. And remember right now since t
Gray they so up in the government because the president
is t Gran right, essentially they got all the weight

of the entire Ethiopian regime, you know what I'm saying,
helping them fight this war. Now. Meanwhile, while they focused
on all this, everybody else messed up because they're like, yo,
we're not getting stuff. You've got a roma uh or
the Aroma the Amadas, who are like number wise the
biggest population, and they're like yo, like we what the what?

They were really like really subjugated all bad, yes, and
and it's like but then again, like the ship is
so messy and opplicated because remember four decades they were,
they were on top during the imperialistic times, you understand
what I'm saying. So once so once they were brought down,

it was like, well ship, then now that ship's happening
to us, you know what I'm saying, and uh so
uh eventually, you know, Moles becomes more and more authoritarian, right, uh,
like they always do, you know what I'm saying, like
consolidating power all this stuff. And then eventually Melee's dot
Moless dies in two thousand twelve, right, uh, never gets

taken out, he dies, um power vacuum. People try to
like the vice president of every everybody trying to keep
the energy going. Everybody trying to keep it cool. But
nobody's happy. Right. Finally two thousand I mean they running,
they running up elections. Nobody believes the elections. It's just
again hits all the notes. Finally two thousand eighteen, the
guy that's up there now, uh Abbi AFMD Right, So

Abbie becomes the president. Everybody loves him, like because he's
the first of all, he's the first a Romo president
since there since there was ever a constitution, So he's
the first one. Everybody has always been to Graham, right,
so he's the first, he's the first one. Right he
um Broker's this peace treaty wins the Nobel Peace Prize

because he finally ends the war between a Tria in
Ethiopia by just giving them badman right now? Okay, so
he just yeah, fuck it, you can have it, right.
T Grys like did you just give them up? You
just gave them our city? Like what the you know
what I'm saying? Like you, They're like, look, we stepped

down once, we let somebody else in once. This is
what the fun happens, right They and so Abby and
m is like, look, man, I'm here for peace. Man,
like we've been like we just look, we need to
be unified. This ship is old, like can we finally
be a nation? So at this point he started like
removing powerful t Grayans from FIST because he was like,

y'all run like y'all't even be a part of this. Eventually,
he decides to consolidate his party, so he takes three
out of the four big ruling parties, puts them all together,
and he makes a new party called the Prosperity Party.
Hits the t Grains like, yo, y'all down. They was like, no, no,
I'm not joining your party. We because we know what

the funk you're doing, right, Yeah, exactly, you know what
I'm saying. So they're like, yo, we know what you're doing.
He like, all right, whatever, okay, So y'all y'all don't
y'all don't want y're not down with the party. Y'are
not down with the party. It is what it is, right,
We're gonna keep it pushing now. So now he's starting
to like basically what he's doing, what he's saying he's
doing is like what I'm moving around. I'm moving around

like decentralizing power. Man, Like y'all y'all have had the power.
So I'm like put different people in there, Grinds, Like,
it's sound to me like this this just seemed vengeil
it just like it just seemed like you making everybody
else feel like you know, you this big peacemaker guy.
But I'm like you just you're just taking us out
one by one, Like I don't get yeah exactly, I'm like,

you see you you consolidating power. I know what you're doing. Right,
Eventually all the way up to when it was time
for a new election, Uh, I'll be cancels the election
because of COVID, right at least that's what he says.
That Grinds are like, Nah, that's a cover, homie, That's
not why you're doing that because if we was able

to run some elections, we can now build a new
power base to possibly challenge you. I know what you're doing.
And he was like or whatever, right right, yeah, so
they was like this. They all went home, So everybody
all the grind. Everybody went home, and they was like, yeah,
we're gonna run our own election. And Abby's like, you

just could. You can't just run your own election. They're like,
watch us, watch us win our own election. And he's like, okay, cool,
you're gonna run your own election. Then I guess you
don't need none of these federal refunds. So he kept
his money, you understand what I'm saying. And they're like
and they're like, oh, you're just gonna keep the money.
But then you need to come get your military about
our hood. Then, so then they take over. So then
they take over the military basis, right, And then I'll

be like, you can't just take over these military basis,
you know what you're trying to you know what I'm saying.
So it's like, all right, we need to send somebody
up there, right, So they like, if you're gonna send
somebody up here, you just said I'm saying that I'm like, okay,
that's what it is. I'm with the chefs. Let's go
yes on now. And they like, and I've been watching you.
I know what you did with this area. You don't

give a funk about that. You're just trying to get
us surrounded. Because when you go up now, you didn't
made you didn't made an ally out of Atria and
now just t Griyan's. You don't made them our enemy
because they all are borders since you gave them. Now
I'm surrounded. So when a triaria comes in to t Gry,
to t Grid, and now you got Ethiopian armies or

the government armies coming in from there. Now you got
uh the horror and all the other and all the
other ethnic minorities that are like, yo, this is our shot.
So they start shooting there too. So now gray t
Grays getting chipped off by all these different pieces. And
and then it was like you said, now it's just
all out war. It's just all's fair in love and

war right now. So when you talk to the UN,
they like, listen, it's war crimes. All y'all commit war crimes.
Everybody guilty. You know what I'm saying, there's a huge
My my friend was there like um shooting Williams a
great reporter, and he was like, he was like, it's
just everywhere. Every side is the worst part of it

is the rape as a as a weapon of war.
He said, it's so so bad, you know, like it's
just disgusting money, Yeah, from everywhere, so not just t
gray like literally Ethiopians slouring to grains, two grains, raping
this and this one raping. Like it sounds so bad, mom, disgusting.
War is so grizzly, but yeah, it's it's exactly at

it's all bad, and it's all bad on every side
and then side, like I know, there was a few
seas fires, nothing happened, Like Yo, what they're saying is
like look that that which is so interesting. They're like
Ethiopia like is just as polarized as like western countries are.

They're just as polarized as America is right now. So
there's like they're like, we don't know what they're like,
I don't know. Like most experts that I've been I
was that I was as I was going through preparing
for this, they were all like, look, I don't know,
Like like everybody kept saying that. They was like, I
don't know, we just need some help, man, like they
just send us like goddamn, we just need some help.

I remember I remember watching one thing where someone was
saying that, like, you know, it can't really exist as
a country now, like it just can't. Like it's gonna
have to fracture, you know, because of the the Canton
situation just obviously didn't work out. Yeah, it's a big one.
It's a big one. And it's just like, yeah, I
think we did like I think we've done about three

podcasts episodes on it. Yeah, and it's like, yeah, it's
just going on and on and yeah, that's stop. It's
just fades out the news it's going to meanwhile, you know,
just horrible war crimes going one. It's a really it's side,
it's side, like what can you do? You know, it's
so side doc and that Yeah, that that like existential
dread obviously is not what we're doing is for. But

just like like you said, just that fellowship of just
the humanity of it all to be like this is
this is happening right now, you know what I'm saying,
And it's still happening. Yeah, like you said like there's
and like we said before, like the nuance of the
fact that like I get again the what happens when
you try to cobble together an empire people that ain't

asked to be a part of our empire? You know
what I'm saying, Like this this ship that happens. Then
just like you said, you weren't allowed to speak in
your accent, like how to punk high? Like how like
I don't know how to not in your own land less? Yeah?
Like what the hell amo, what the hell are supposed
to do? Yeah? Yea. So lastly, let's talk about Yemen.

You are you up on Yemen? Yeah? So, so the
war and Yemen, it's been going on since it's essentially
a civil war. So the Hoothy tribe tribes in which
tribe is a kind of It's a tricky way of
explained it because when you think of tribe at least
as like Western as we think of a tribe as
like kind of a close knit kind of group. Maybe

maybe not close knit, but at least like you know,
neighbors whatever. But it's a bigger situation that you know,
it's more like an ethnic divide. I guess, like we
were just talking about So the situation is with the
hardy lad like Yemeni government and the Houthie is basically
just being like right, you know, we don't agree with
that anymore. We don't you know, what's happening with you.
We don't like the same old thing of like okay,

then we want we want our kind of defenses now. Um.
But the other you know, the government has Saudi Arabia
on its side, and you know, and as well, in
a way, America's kind of help, I guess in that
sense absolute croxy, you know, via proxy via Saudi Arabians,
and Britain's as well. Um, my country sells a devastating
amount of weapons to Saudi Arabia. Um. And it's very

ironic that you know, Western countries known about jahadism and
extremism and then selling selling weapons to Saudi Arabia, which
is one of the most brutally authoritarian countries on the planet.
But again oil, oil and power shifting. Um. So anyway,
you've got like you know, essentially you've got like these
these militants of the Hooties. And I don't want to

make out like the Hooties are some like lovely moral
rebel force. They've done a hell of a lot of
bad stuff as well, and they're kind of they're quite
tricky to film with because they're quite keen on like
kidnapping reporters mostly for money, you know, mostly for money.
It's not like an Isis style thing, but still it's
not it's not the best UM. And then you've got like,

you know, Saudi jets dropping bombs, and like we were
talking about earlier, the I mean the warrior, I could
go into the war and the conflict, but essentially the
real reason, the real issue here is literally millions of
people under starvation, you know, under under famine because of sieges,
because of power supply lines bombed because this group controls

that bit of land and this one controls that bit
of land. And it gets to the point where you're
talking about just everyday normal men, women, children, civilians just
stuck under these areas and there's no food UM, and
often the aids, the AID convoys can't even get in.
Saudi Arabia obviously doesn't want them getting in UM. And
then even sometimes you know, the hoo thieves themselves will

end up attacking the wrong person, you know, for whatever reason,
and it's a very very hard, hard situation. And then
it's even get in there. You have to go from
like djabooty and then to like take a boat, you know,
to this tiny little bit where the who these are
and it's just a very very tricky place. The terrain

it's like mountainous rocky, like perfect for gorillas. Um. Yeah,
it's a really bad situation. Um. And literally I remember
just reading like a million um like Yemeni children are
like on the brink of death from starvation. There's one
reporter I know, I won't say his name because he
kind of is in and out the country and he

has to be careful, but he documents a lot of
um the children. You know, he's always with the children,
and you know some of the videos he puts out,
you're just talking children with it with ankles like like pens,
you know, like thin, tiny little it's just absolutely awful.
Babies dying, you know, you know, it's just so so
bad man. And for a while there was some kind

of you know, I know in Britain, I remember seeing
some stuff about like you know, the aid appeal for Yemen.
But it's just it's just really faded off and they
didn't get food, you know, I haven't like oh it's
okay now, and it's like vanished, yeah from whatever. Real
there was like like both sides is guilty of Like yeah, yea,

without a doubt. I know that as well. The Hoothies,
you know, while saying that the Saudi Arabia not to
excuse them at all, but whilst the Saudi Araia said,
oh they're blocking the aid, it's like, well or anything
about the Hoothie is like stealing and selling the a
as well. Yes, yeah, totally just awful man. Yeah you
got like so you got like just a little backup

for for the listeners. You had Ali Abdalla sal right
um president for twenty years, horrible dude, drain the country
right during the Arab Spring two thousand eleven. They was like, yo,
we gotta get this dude out of here. And the
dude that led in the people that lad that where
you're saying, we're the hoothies right, um yea a lot
of them. Yeah yeah, kind of devolved into hoot verses

whatever now the case. Yeah, so then you got so
then Saudi Arabia, who's like big dog in the city.
You know what I'm saying with the g c C,
which is a Golf Cooperation Council, So it's like a
bunch of different things. They come in and they're like, okay, cool, Well,
if y'all don't want him, here's your guy, who was
eventually the vice president. They're like, all right, we'll put

him there, and um he's a shia. Uh. Nothing changes,
it's all bad um. And then it gets super weird
because Sally Sally switched sides, right, so at least switches sides, uh,
every so that the g c C shuts everybody down.
They're like, look, we want our guy. That's who we are.

And the g c C is where the side of
your radio money come in, right, Um, Hohothis are like, man,
funk y'all. You know I'm saying, uh, we're gonna do
our own thing. And apparently they so they're getting they're
getting who's getting whose side? Who's who side is the
rock on? Um that's where I get kind of mixed up.

So it's like, yeah, so I think no, certain So
it's around the hoothie by Irun. The Houthis are backed
by Irun. Yeah yeah, well yeah they are, but like
it's not there's not that much. Yeah, that's exactly exactly.
So it's like they get to be like, well we
I mean, we're not gonna jump in, but we ride
with them, you know what I'm saying. It's like a
little bit. We'll give them a few things, have a

few things here and there, but on the low, low low,
like you said, like America, Britain, France, we keep sliding
sliding money into Saudi. What I'm saying, to help them
take care of this situation because again for us, like
you said, we need that oil. I need I need
over here, we need a homey over here. We need
to be good in this hood over here. So like

I'm gonna make sure you're happy. If y'all don't like them, Okay, cool,
we don't like that, you know what I'm saying. I
think Yemen is a great example of how these nations
operate and don't have an actual moral compass because you know,
you're talking about literally billions Britain. I don't know about America,
obviously it's billions as well, but Britain, Little old Britain,

billion billion pounds weapons, arms, shipments, and side deals. Yea
psycho with with with um with with Saudi Arabia, who
is facilitating the starvation of over one million children. I just,
I just, I mean, don't you know. I'm not like
I don't hate my country or anything like that. It's

but a state is a state, you know what I
mean exactly, it's all the interests of the interests. You know,
Listen what I'm all. I'm all with my my saying
is always like this, like I don't hate America, I
just demand she keeps her promises. I'm like, yeah, that's
just like be what you said you was gonna be
like this. I believe the brochure, you know what I'm saying.

The brochure said, you know, man, this this and this.
When I got here, yourself saying it wasn't that. So
I'm like, yo, just be like you said you was
gonna be. You feel me. If you're trying to be
a force for good, you you're trying to like you said,
you're trying to rally everybody for Ukraine. I'm like, what then,
fan will stop paying for a civil war? Like what
did you talking about? It's even closer to home than that,

you know, Like, so for example, the EU, you know,
the European Union, which was never a moral labor, it
was just an economic of thing. The EU puts billions
into something called Fortress Europe, which is basically UM to
stop refugees getting into Europe. So Europe is the EU
is talking about our refugee refugee and Europe is also

the reason and its partners if you want to look
at the extended reason refugees are coming to Europe. But
the EU is the reason that these refugees are drowning
in the sea. And it's like, hang on, you literally
putting billions into that. And then there's also front Text,
a company, an EU company that recently, it was found
out by a very good German reporter they knew the

EU knew about the Greek pushbacks. And the pushbacks is
when the Greek ships were basically toppling over refugee dinghies
and stuff like that, you know, and the EU knew
about the in advance and covered it up. And you
know that's what the EU did. And literal babies dying
in the channel. Um. And I'm not saying I have
an answer. I'm not saying that we need to do this,

we need to do that. I just think at a
very bare minimum. Just understand that everyone is complicit. You know,
everyone is complicit, and I know it's a very doomish,
gloomish way to be, and I understand why people don't
want to be, but I think it's a more honest
way to be personally. If you're talking about, oh, we
live in here and it's great, Let refugees of Ukraine,

let them in great. I've been to Ukraine i think
eight times. Some of the nicest people I've ever met,
hard workers, great people, exactly the same as Syrians. Yeah,
Like it's like, I'm sorry, but like the idea that
this one is different to this one, it's like, well,
what is the difference? And I think it becomes clear
what the difference, you know what I mean? And it's

actually yeah, and it's very sad actually because Europe is multicultural,
you know, in Europe is strong off the back of multiculturalism.
So then why then is it suddenly reversing backwards? You know,
it's very sad. I don't know, it's try not to
look into it too much because it's just depressing. But again,
it shouldn't be oh fuck Ukrainians, absolutely not, but it

should be like, yes, Ukrainians and like, let's let's help
everyone else. Not to say that, not to say that
Europe hasn't helped, you know, I mean Europe has done
so much, you know, to be honest, for a lot
of like people in the Middle East, Um and a
lot of Middle Eastern countries have not done enough for
the people in the Middle East, you know what I mean.
But again, there is the issue that, well, a lot
of people in Middle East don't want to just go

to another country that is has a war in it
because of the US invasion or you know, so it's
a kind of catch twenty two, right, It's like, well,
why did they come here? Well, because because you know,
there's a war right next to them. There's a war
in Syria, there's a war in Iraq. You know. It's like, well,
you know, they can't go to Saudi Arabia because you know,
if they step out of line, you can literally get

executed for nothing. So it's like, yeah, it's all. It
all kind of circles back on itself, and it's like, well,
there is there is a reason that that you know
that this is that Europe is the flashpoint. And I
find it very odd that I don't know, so so
many people are just um. Again, I don't want to
be the contrarium. But it's like there is a reason

people don't just suddenly go, yeah, I'll leave my whole
life and then I'll get on a dinghy with my
child to maybe drowned to death. Like people people in
the Middle East love their kids the same way people
in Europe do, you know, And it's it's just a tragedy,
you know. And one thing I will say as well, yeah,
like a lot of this is pushed by not pushed,

but some of this weird sentiment I only really here
in the media. Like you know, you talk to Ukrainians,
of which I'm talking to loads a lot of friends
trying to get into Poland and stuff like that, and
they're like, yeah, I was hanging out with you know,
because obviously it's quite a homogeneous country, you know. And
I was talking to a friend of mine the day
and she was like, oh, like I stay with this

Afghan family, like you know, the asper are like quite
a few generations refuge Like wow, I've never met anyone
from Afghanistan. Oh what they went through was so similar
to you know what I mean, but just in it
because obviously Russia invaded and totally and it's like, yeah,
like the people themselves and not I've not seen them
beyond TV like let us in why they're kind of like, yeah,
we're just doing our thing. A lot of this ship

is coming from very very backward thinking people in the media,
and like you said earlier, the saddest thing is a
lot of them don't even realize what they're saying. At
least when someone is nasty, the racism comes from a
place of evil at least you know where they are
exactly right, Okay, you're the one to not try or whatever. Yeah,
you're trashed, Like I don't even you know, they don't

even talk to me, Like, but you know when it's like, oh,
they think that they're just saying something that the kind
of the repressed in a racism is just when it
comes out, it's like I see, I see where this
has been going for all this time. You know. So
we're so dub Thank you so much, Jake. We're coming

in on an hour and thanks very much. And I really,
I really, I think it's really important, man, Like I'm
glad we spoke about all this because, like you said,
it's you know, it's it's nothing new, you know, And
to give you just just the one light thing I
would say, is like to give a real idea of
how this this is nothing new. A really great reporter,
Quent in Somerville. He was he did a dispatch in

Harkiv in in in Ukraine where Russia is, you know,
just flattening everything, hitting residential blocks, apartments, schools, everything. And
in this piece to camera in the start he says, um,
you know this, He literally says, this is nothing new.
We've seen this before. It's exactly what they did in Aleppo.
It's exactly what they did, um you know, in it

live and other places. So yeah, this is this is
nothing new. And again not just Russia again, because I'm
sure people will say that, yes, I mean, just look
at what the Americans did very recently on the way
out of Afghanistan, bombed the whole family, killed everybody and
said that it was an accident and no one is
to blame, like you know, and it's just yeah, and
the world keeps turning money. It's sorry to be so bleak,

but you know, I think people need to be aware, right, Yeah, man,
it's nothing new, bro, Yeah exactly. Man, you're so true
when you said at the start, it's just you know,
new day different. Oh man, Jake, thanks so much for
jumping on the show. Bro appreciate and uh man, y'all
please go follow to Homi Jake Hanraham um h h

and there it is. You wanted me to do that?
Please Yes, popular front, amazing show. Support him on Patreon. Uh,
this mug is dope anyway. Hey, thanks so much. Oh boy,
thanks mate. We really appreciate to have a good dog
you too. Let me stop and yeah, this is here

thing was recorded by me Propaganda in East Lows, boil Heights,
Los Angeles, California. This mug was mixed, edited, mastered, and
scored by Matt Ososki. I can totally say his name, guys,
it was it was a stick he's won by Matt
now again because he got to some legal situations with
the name Headlights. Y'all know, common used to be called

common sense. Y'all know tip t I was tipped Sometimes
it happens. Executive produced by the one and only Sophie
Lectman for Cool Zone Media and the theme music by
the one and only gold Tips Gold Tips d J
Shawn p So y'all just remember listen every time you
check in. If you understand city living, you understand politics,

We'll see you'll next week, taking control, taking
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