All Episodes

May 7, 2024 65 mins

Alert the authorities! Mr. Bear has gone missing!!

We hear the backstory of this beloved sitcom stuffed animal and how it became one of the most recognizable props in the house. We also feel the ghost of Pam for the first time and get a glimpse of how this family has processed grief. Get a tissue - it’s sure to be a tear-jerker.

And, don't miss a special podcast appearance from the original Mr. Bear himself! Our biggest star yet. It’s a historic new episode of How Rude, Tanneritos…

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:17):
Hey, hey, hey, Joey Sweetened Andrew Barber. I know that
was impressive because I know with your cold voice and everything, my.

Speaker 2 (00:26):
Cold, that's that's my Jodie Sweetened rendition on day quill.

Speaker 3 (00:29):
Ooh ooh, yeah, that's that's interesting.

Speaker 2 (00:33):
I don't know if it helps or hurts my voice,
because it's you know, it can kind of hit those
high notes a little bit.

Speaker 1 (00:38):
Well, I don't even know if it's yeah, you can
hit them, but also you don't care if you can,
you know what I mean. Like you're on DAL You're like,
everything's great and it's fine, yeah, and then somewhere around
like six pm, you're like, oh no.

Speaker 3 (00:50):
It's all worse. So yeah, we'll just get through this.
I'm sorry you're sick though.

Speaker 2 (00:54):
Oh it's fine. It's more it's just annoying. It's not bad.
It's just like, why do I have a cold. It's
it's probably because our weather is so wacky. Yeah, it rains,
it's hot, it rains, it's hot, very true. You know
this weather southern California is confused.

Speaker 3 (01:08):
It is. It is very convinsient weather. It is very confused. Well,
I spent my morning, uh chasing down a school bus.
So that was how I started. Were you not on.

Speaker 2 (01:18):
Training to catch a kid or put a kid on?

Speaker 3 (01:20):
Put a kid on it?

Speaker 1 (01:21):
Because you know, the bus comes to like the stop
that is at the end of our street, right and
Zoe rides us.

Speaker 3 (01:30):
She goes to school a little bit further.

Speaker 1 (01:31):
And then getting beat to her school and every way,
so anyway, it couldn't be easier though it's at the
end of our street. So of course what happens is
is that, you know, originally first day of school, she
was out the door of six fifty now it's six
fifty five. Was morning, it was like six fifty eight,
and I'm like, let's go. By the time we get
in the car and are pulling down the street, I

literally see the bus just pulling away and I was
like oh and she's like, oh no, we missed it.
And I was like, well, we were about to catch
it at the next stop. So and I was like,
where does it go? She was like burbank. I was like,
oh god, so no. So I'm like, okay, So it's
you know, it's a little bit of a track, not terrible,
not all the way to school, but you know, it

was it's so and the best word is is I'm
like basically chasing down this school bus. I'm sure the
school bus star was like why is this car following
me everywhere?

Speaker 3 (02:23):
Like what's happening?

Speaker 2 (02:25):
So you weren't on foot?

Speaker 3 (02:26):
Okay, no, no, no, no, no no. Fifteen minutes to the next
bus stop.

Speaker 1 (02:32):
Over by Warner Brothers actually, and then of course the
next bus stop is like near somebody's house, but that
kid wasn't getting on the bus today, so they by
passed that bus stop to get to the next one,
and She's like looking up the bus stops and I'm like,
oh my god, oh god, because part of it was
also like I'm just no, you're getting on the bus

if I have to chase it the next stop. So
I finally got on it, and then it was like,
you know, tuck and roll out of the car and
get on the bus.

Speaker 2 (03:02):
So that's like a full fledged stunt at seven am. Wow.

Speaker 3 (03:06):
Yeah, yeah, it was.

Speaker 1 (03:07):
I was stunt driving, you know what I mean, chasing
like it was like speed, I was chasing a bus,
but luckily I wasn't gonna blow up. It was just
I was if she didn't make it to the bus.

Speaker 2 (03:18):
So look, I know how much you want to meet
Keanu Reeves, but this is not the way to do it.

Speaker 1 (03:24):
Yeah, I don't think the bus driver looks like Keanu Reeves.

Speaker 2 (03:27):
Though, Oh bummer, yeah, yeah, no, it's always gonna get
her a license. But come on, we're on the countdown now,
time to get.

Speaker 3 (03:33):
Well, that's what she said.

Speaker 1 (03:34):
She was like, well, if I had my license, I
was like, first of all, let's settle down. You still
that would require freeway drive a whole week and need
to Let's just let's just get on the bus on time.

Speaker 3 (03:44):
And well, that's right. And of course I'm sure she'd
be like, I can't believe you tell that story, but
I'm sorry.

Speaker 2 (03:48):
So she's not gonna she gonna she's not gonna listen.
My kids don't listen to this.

Speaker 3 (03:51):
Well, she won't listen. But someone might.

Speaker 2 (03:53):
Tell her I don't like a friend. Yeah right right right,
Well we're not safe. We're never safe.

Speaker 1 (03:58):
Now. I posted pictures that I thought had been were fine,
and she had seen there and apparently there were pictures
she didn't like that I posted it.

Speaker 3 (04:05):
I was like, well, here, we are too bad.

Speaker 2 (04:07):
Well, this is that's just teenage, that's teenage hood. They
don't like anything that you do. It doesn't matter what
you do.

Speaker 3 (04:13):
They hate it. Oh, no, existing is they don't breathe.

Speaker 2 (04:16):
You're breathing too hard.

Speaker 1 (04:19):
So anyway, that was how I started my morning. Uh,
and I don't think I've had nearly enough coffee. Oh
and speaking of coffee, I realized I'm drinking out of
a fan gift.

Speaker 3 (04:29):
Oh that's I can't read our minisode.

Speaker 1 (04:32):
It's two sided, and it says I do all my
own stunts. Oh that's great, the falling down person. And
then the other side says it's going to be okay
from when I broke my tibia several seasons ago.

Speaker 2 (04:47):
So that's so appropriate that never has there been a
more appropriate mug for you, Jodie Sweeten That something about
breaking bones.

Speaker 3 (04:57):
Yeah, it's getting I see all my own stunts unplanned.

Speaker 2 (05:01):
Well, I'm glad that your bones are all in one
piece and that the kids are off at school.

Speaker 3 (05:06):
Everyone's right, everything's fine, everything.

Speaker 2 (05:08):
Is fine, Everything is awesome.

Speaker 3 (05:10):
Oh, such a great movie, such a good love Lego movies.

Speaker 2 (05:14):
I mean, well, obviously, yeah, well, should we get into it.
I don't know, I got nothing to say, nothing going on.

Speaker 1 (05:20):
I'm just you're like, I'm just trying to get through
doing this podcast with a cold, and I still have allergies,
so I sound like Also, yeah, it's again where everyone's
getting to experience what we're like in the springtime, which
is sniffly sorry.

Speaker 2 (05:37):
Fan Ritos, but this is this is what you get,
this is what you're tuned in for.

Speaker 1 (05:41):
We're gonna be getting all sorts of home remedies for
how to treat nasal congestion.

Speaker 2 (05:46):
Okay, I'll take it. I mean I got my I
got my throat coat tea. Oh yeahs my funny and
lemon in there. Okay, Well, welcome back to how Rude Tannerrito's.
I am Andrea Barber.

Speaker 3 (05:56):
And I am Jodie Sweeten, and.

Speaker 2 (05:58):
Today we are discussed. I've seen season two, episode eighteen,
Goodbye Mister Bear. Like just the.

Speaker 3 (06:06):
Title alone, I know, the title alone has so sad.

Speaker 1 (06:10):

Speaker 2 (06:10):
It originally aired on March twenty fourth, nineteen eighty nine,
and it goes little something like this, The loss of
a beloved teddy bear prompts fond recollections of the girl's mother.

Speaker 3 (06:22):
And I forgot that that was.

Speaker 1 (06:26):
Like that.

Speaker 3 (06:26):
We see yeah, we see Pam. Yet we see Pam
in this episode I.

Speaker 2 (06:31):
Had never seen this time. This was my first time
watching this episode because I wasn't in it, so I
watched it with fresh eyes and I was like, wow,
this is a heavy, heavy episode.

Speaker 1 (06:41):

Speaker 3 (06:41):
Yeah, it was.

Speaker 2 (06:42):
Really good one, really good one. Though. It was directed
by Jack Shay. I don't remember him. This is only
one of two episodes he directed.

Speaker 3 (06:51):
You remember him? Oh? I don't know.

Speaker 2 (06:53):
He only directed two episodes of Full House, but get this.
He directed ninety two episodes of Silver Spoons. Oh, and
twenty two episodes of The Ropers, which is the spinoff
of Three's Company.

Speaker 3 (07:04):
I love this guy, I mean I love The Ropers.

Speaker 2 (07:08):
And one hundred and ten episodes of The Jeffersons. Like
this guy's got street cred?

Speaker 3 (07:12):
Yeah right, Like, how did Full House moving on?

Speaker 2 (07:15):
Up? Okay, right, thank you, Jack Shay. This episode was
written by Kim Weisakoff, and we've got some great guest
stars again. Once again we have Yvonne Wilder as Grandma Kitzopolis,
Nick Apria as Grandpa Kitzopolis, and Christy Mossman as Pam Kitzopolis.

Tanner Ah, we finally get to see Yeah so Christy
is known for Spencer for Hire T J. Hooker, La
Law and night Writer. Again, we are getting an influx
of actors from night Writer.

Speaker 3 (07:48):
Yeah. Well, and also some also some great eighties shows.

Speaker 2 (07:52):
Listen excellent, Yeah, excellent. This is her only appearance on
Full House, the only time we see Pam. Wow. So
this is a very impressive episode.

Speaker 1 (08:01):
And I feel like maybe I'm wrong, but I think
it's a different Pam than is in the pictures.

Speaker 2 (08:09):
I think so too. It looks like a different like they're.

Speaker 1 (08:11):
Both it's a different blonde, but it's definitely a different
woman that's than is in the pictures that are on
the mantle.

Speaker 3 (08:19):
Yeah behind us, Yeah, oh for sure.

Speaker 2 (08:21):
This is the continuity you know there.

Speaker 3 (08:23):
We were radio. You just see the you know, a
faraway blonde.

Speaker 2 (08:27):
Head really in those true. And lastly, but not least,
we have Wendell J. Grayson as Policeman. He's known for
guest appearances on Murder. She wrote Highway to Heaven, and
he did eighteen episodes of a soap opera called Santa Barbara.

Speaker 3 (08:42):

Speaker 2 (08:43):
So all right, okay, let's get into it. Uh. We
start in the teaser, we start, good goodness, this is
here we go?

Speaker 3 (08:50):
Well, here we go. We do start in a teaser.

Speaker 2 (08:53):
We can start in a teaser or we're starting with
a teaser. In Michelle's room, Yes, miss Shelle is playing
with a ballerina music box, singing baby baby, baby Baby.

Speaker 3 (09:06):
I'm not kidding.

Speaker 1 (09:07):
When she first was singing baby baby Baby, I was like,
is she singing Justin Bieber?

Speaker 2 (09:11):
That's what it says like I wrote that.

Speaker 1 (09:14):
I literally wrote, did Michelle write baby by Justin Bieber?

Speaker 2 (09:17):
The or did Justin Bieber?

Speaker 3 (09:19):
Car did Justin Bieber?

Speaker 2 (09:20):

Speaker 3 (09:22):

Speaker 2 (09:23):
Right, we need to have words with Justin Bieber. Do
you remember I'm already going off track. We are not
even through the teaser yet. Do you remember when we
did the Ellen Show and Justin Bieber was on that
episode too, so he was backstage, Yes, And I went
up to him and asked for a selfie with the
she wolf pack in him and he was very gracious,

but he did decline. He's like, oh, I'm sorry, I
don't do something.

Speaker 3 (09:46):
Yeah, he doesn't. He doesn't do pictures, And I, yeah,
I can only imagine.

Speaker 2 (09:49):
Because once you do one, then it's just like a
domino effect in everything.

Speaker 1 (09:53):
And like yeah, and I yeah, I can imagine why
but I but I now have a question to be like,
excuse me, sir, did you were you influenced by this
very brief and weirdly random teaser in Full House?

Speaker 3 (10:11):
Because he sounds just like it?

Speaker 2 (10:12):
Okay, okay, So next time we see him at the
backstage at a talk show, we're asking.

Speaker 1 (10:16):
Now we're adding the list of things that Full House
created work from home?

Speaker 2 (10:22):
What was the other one? Work from home?

Speaker 1 (10:24):
But writing a Justin Bieber song decades before he was
even born, well least did decade or so before he
was born.

Speaker 2 (10:32):
I'm taking credit for this. I wasn't even in this episode,
and I like full House credit gets credited for baby
Baby Baby. Okay, it sounds like it sounds exactly the same.
So Jesse walks in and Michelle commands you sing. He
points out that it's her song, so she should keep singing.
Michelle beggs peace, and Jesse obliges, singing Baby Baby Baby.

Michelle immediately holds up her hand and says, stop my turn.
She's really into this bossy phase, you know, Like I've
noticed the last few episodes. She's very bossy, but it's cute.
She can get away with it. She begins to sing
her song and Jesse shrugs. You wrote it, you know
how to sing it, and we're out there.

Speaker 1 (11:18):
And then he leaves the room and then leaves the
toddler alone again.

Speaker 2 (11:22):
She's frequently alone in.

Speaker 3 (11:24):
Her She's fruually alone, usually in the crib with.

Speaker 1 (11:26):
The lights on, to play right with a potentially breakable object,
right with a glass ceramic with Yeah, ceramic objects, Yeah,
that's always safe creating songs. And but Jesse at least
did walk in to briefly check on her for no
real apparent reason and then leave, So.

Speaker 2 (11:46):
Like, why didn't Jesse sing with her? Like, of all
the people in the house who are musically inclined, Jesse
is the one.

Speaker 1 (11:51):
That's Yeah, I was like, why wouldn't Jesse sing? Although
he looked like he was leaving somewhere, he had a
jacket on sort of, I mean.

Speaker 2 (11:57):
Oh, he did look nice. He looked a little dressed up.

Speaker 3 (12:00):
But that's an unanswered question.

Speaker 1 (12:01):
In this teaser, it just felt it felt very strange
and sort of like, I don't know, makers saying baby,
And then.

Speaker 2 (12:07):
These teasers are getting more random and yeah, I think it's. Uh.
Whatever the Olsons were doing that week, they're like, great,
let's take that they're saying they learned the word baby.
Let's put that in the teaser. That's right, the Genesis
of all teasers.

Speaker 3 (12:20):

Speaker 2 (12:22):
So next we're in the living room. The whole family
is gathered on the carpet, surrounded by cleaning supplies. Danny
greets them as his troops, saying it is now oh
seven hundred and it's time to attack the enemy. He
names their targets as grease, grime, slime, and sludge, he jokes,
and that's just Joey's room. But Joey's not impressed. He

doesn't even give him a chuckle.

Speaker 3 (12:46):
At seven am on a weekend, this.

Speaker 2 (12:48):
Is like, Dan, oh, they've really gone. They've really leaned
into the clean impression.

Speaker 1 (12:54):
By how well groomed the children are at seven am
on a weekend morning.

Speaker 3 (12:58):
Yeah, they're trying hairs, they're dressed.

Speaker 2 (13:01):
Yeah, who got them ready? Because you know, you know
it wasn't the guys.

Speaker 1 (13:05):
Kids are I'm telling you, these kids, they're moving furniture,
they're running a hair salon. If they're they're accomplishing things
early true. Apparently they are mourning people.

Speaker 2 (13:14):
This is gen X. You know, gen X is very
self reliant. We have the Horatio algers of our general
we are like no, like our parents, we were latch
key kids, weren't home like come home in the lights
when the street light comes on, like we cared for ourselves.
So yeah, yeah, this is this is a touchstone of
our generation. So Danny yells out to his squad what

is dirt and Michelle shouts back, dirt bad. Steph whispers
to DJ, Dad's really into spring cleaning, isn't he? And
DJ compares spring cleaning to Christmas in Danny's eyes. Joey
asks for permission to whine, and Danny denies his request.
Joey refers to him as your spotlessness. Meanwhile, Jesse's asleep.

Danny yells at him to look alive and that way
him right up. Jesse mentions he was having a wonderful dream.
They hired a cleaning service. Danny dismisses them to go
to their assignments. Joey leads the march, chanting, if we
find her, we will attack and we get Danny. We'll
get Danny off our back. Sound off one two, sound off,

and Michelle chimes in, yeah, this is a cute scene.

Speaker 3 (14:26):
I mean very cute.

Speaker 2 (14:26):
It's funny like it's it's lame, a little cringey, but
I love it, you know.

Speaker 3 (14:31):
I mean it was a full house, so it was
full house.

Speaker 1 (14:33):
Like I'll take silly over silly, lame over people making
out randomly in the living room anytime.

Speaker 2 (14:41):
True, So true, I agree with that. I will take
this any day.

Speaker 3 (14:45):

Speaker 1 (14:45):
So, I mean, with all the making out that they do,
all of us, you should you should wipe down some surfaces, saying,
I mean, you.

Speaker 2 (14:54):
Know, yeah, yeah, it's yeah, nothing wrong with being clean.
Nothing wrong. So next we're in stephan DJ's room. Steph
is talking to mister Bear, telling him part of spring
cleaning is giving the toys they don't play with anymore

to charity. DJ walks into the room with Michelle, who
excitedly shouts toys when she sees the pile on their floor.
DJ tells her, before we give any of these toys away,
is there something you want here? Michelle points to mister Bear,
I want that. She hauls mister Beer over her shoulder
and starts to walk out of the room until Steph

yells freeze Bear Napper. Michelle cutely gasps, who me. Steph
takes back mister Bhaer and explains he's not a toy.
He's one of the family.

Speaker 3 (15:47):
He really is. He is. I mean he deserves a
title credit.

Speaker 2 (15:51):
Yeah, he deserves his own credit and recording. Yeah, hi,
mister Bear. Yeah, he deserves to be like the third
co host of this of this episode, because it's all
about him, you know. DJ snarks if mister Bear is
related to anyone in this room, it's the mattress. Steph
holds up mister Bear and says, mister Bear says, how rude.

She drops mister Bear on the floor next to her
giveaway pile of toys. Then Joey walks in with trash bag,
asking what stuff is going to charity. DJ points him
to the pile near Stuff's bed. Joey picks up Michelle
and asks the girls, are you sure you want to
give away this baby doll? He calls her baby giggle
tummy because when he presses on Michelle's tummy, she giggles.

Danny Waltz is in, telling Joey they need to get
going because the truck is waiting downstairs. Joey salutes him
and gets to work. Danny grabs Stuff, telling her to
come with him. She's the only one small enough to
clean behind the refrigerator.

Speaker 3 (16:51):

Speaker 2 (16:52):
Right, this feels like some DRD late Danny, Danny's very
serious about spring clean.

Speaker 1 (16:57):
Well, they probably suspended stuff from some sort of wiring
and just like dropped her back there.

Speaker 2 (17:03):
And yeah, you know what, that's not a bad idea.

Speaker 1 (17:05):
Jimney sweeps were often children because you you know, you
have to be small to fit the chimney.

Speaker 3 (17:09):
So that's basically that's the equivalent.

Speaker 2 (17:13):
Yeah, Danny's got you know, built in, built in helpers
just to help with all of his cleaning obsessions.

Speaker 3 (17:18):
Oh for sure.

Speaker 2 (17:19):
So next in the kitchen, Danny is admiring how spotless
the kitchen is as Michelle plays with her toy kitchen.
He tells her my kitchen is immaculate and asks how
she's doing with her kitchen. Michelle responds, dirt gone, and
she scrubs the surface with a sponge.

Speaker 1 (17:35):
Which, by the way, I guess this is maybe we'll
come back to this for my everywhere you look.

Speaker 2 (17:41):
Well I didn't. I did not. I didn't see any
everywhere he looks in this scene, so this.

Speaker 3 (17:47):
Will be okay.

Speaker 1 (17:48):
Well, it was in reference to the line if you
look at the kitchen that Michelle is cleaning. You can
see there's like a big dirty handprint on it somewhere,
so it like doesn't dirt.

Speaker 2 (18:00):
Is not gone?

Speaker 3 (18:01):
Yeah clean?

Speaker 2 (18:02):
Ye's I just noticed she's she's eighteen months or two,
she's you know, she she hasn't quite learned all of
the tricks of the trade, but the cleaning trade. So
it's true interesting okay, But.

Speaker 3 (18:13):
Yeah, she was like dirt gone, and I was like, I.

Speaker 2 (18:15):
Look again, look again, Michelle.

Speaker 1 (18:19):

Speaker 2 (18:19):
So Danny reminds her dirt gone, but never forget dirt
come back. He bends down to clean dirt off the floor,
and Jesse slides across the countertop very quickly. He comments
on the newly waxed countertop and Danny thinks him for
buffing it. Jesse tells Danny he's all finished cleaning, and
then Jesse accidentally rips off the handle to one of

the drawers in the kitchen. Danny tells him he ruined
the entire place.

Speaker 1 (18:45):
Do you think has Danny never replaced a handle on
a right?

Speaker 3 (18:51):
She ruined the entire place?

Speaker 2 (18:53):
Overreacting big time? Here is this the origin of the
phrase flew off the hand like he flew off the handle. Well,
this is it you've created.

Speaker 3 (19:04):
Yeah, this is this, we created that as well.

Speaker 1 (19:07):
Right, this is where it started, was held off. It
was he flew off at the handle, but we dropped
the at, so it was just he flew.

Speaker 3 (19:14):
Off the handle.

Speaker 2 (19:15):
And that's where full house is.

Speaker 3 (19:17):
Just revolutionary things we've done, truly.

Speaker 2 (19:20):
Jesse assures him he'll take care of it. He tells
Danny that the next time he sees this kitchen it'll
be back to perfect. Now you go, what's the setup?

Speaker 3 (19:31):

Speaker 2 (19:33):
Jesse asks Michelle if she wants to go for a
ride in the car, and Michelle Frown's car dirty. Jesse
glares of Danny, I hope you're proud of yourself, before
scooping up Michelle and taking her with him to the
hardware store. Steph runs down the stairs in a panic,
asking if Danny has seen mister Bear. She can't find
him anywhere. Danny tells her mister Bear has got to

be around here, somewhere. Maybe Joey has an idea. Steph
gets serious, if you see mister Bhaer before I do
tell him he's in very big trouble. She runs off
to do.

Speaker 3 (20:06):
So like a true parent.

Speaker 1 (20:07):
Yeah right, she who's your kid, You're like, tell them
when you find them that I'm glad they're not lost,
but I'm also very up.

Speaker 2 (20:17):
Yeah. Yeah, he's causing a lot of worry, you know.
So DJ walks in with her karate uniform on, saying
that she and Danny need to leave so they can
make it to her karate match on time. This might
be the most consistent the show has ever been like
this karate, you know, through line like, she's been doing
karate for two seasons now. I'm impressed that they right,
I mean, I don't.

Speaker 1 (20:37):
I still don't think they ever showed her how to
properly hold her hand while doing karate, but she has
been doing it for a very long time.

Speaker 3 (20:44):
Other than like Steph.

Speaker 1 (20:45):
And her dancing, true, yeah, no, this is this is
but we haven't seen a lot of the Steph dancing yet.

Speaker 2 (20:52):
Oh oh no, that's coming. That's coming in the lake.

Speaker 1 (20:55):
I feel like those were two things that definitely Yeah,
the karate, karate for for details, Yeah, held on for
a while.

Speaker 2 (21:01):
I'm impressed. It's uncommon for a sitcom to be that consistent.

Speaker 3 (21:05):

Speaker 2 (21:06):
So DJ leads Danny out of the kitchen into the
living room, and Danny stops her. Joey is there and
Danny asks him if the living room is ready for inspection.
Joey replies, yes, your neurotic compulsiveness. Danny admits this might
look beautiful to the naked eye, but it must pass
the Tanner test for tidiness. Oh I say that five

times right. You know, Bob probably hated this episode, like.

Speaker 3 (21:31):
It's so overboard with the cleaning thing.

Speaker 2 (21:33):
I'm just creaming. I'm like poor probably was like I
hate this for sure hated this. Danny runs a finger
across the logs in the fireplace and Joey tells him
he cleaned every single one. Danny grabs Joey and squeezes him.
Life doesn't get any better than this, My goodness, dj
throws them a look, grabs her dad and forces him

out of the house, saying Christmas is over. Joey tells
him he'll stand guard while Danny is gone, make sure
no dust settles. Once the door closes and they're gone,
Joey gets up on the couch with his shoes on
and jumps out, No, it's payback.

Speaker 3 (22:11):
Shoes on the couch.

Speaker 2 (22:12):
It's a passive aggressive payback.

Speaker 3 (22:14):
You know, I know it is a passive aggressive payback.
It is, and I yeah, I guess.

Speaker 1 (22:19):
You know, Honestly, if I were living in the house
with Danny as an adult and he was like, this
is you have to do clean the logs on the fireplace,
I also would probably jump up on the couch.

Speaker 2 (22:29):
It's just a it's a small act of rebellion. And
Danny doesn't he doesn't know any any any He's none
none the wiser, you know, why not go for Joey,
I appreve Danny.

Speaker 1 (22:40):
Poor Danny must just work himself into a tizzy though.
Over all this dirt and I feel like it's yeah,
like it's almost bordering on germophobe like you know what's uh.

Speaker 2 (22:50):
I don't understand that the genet, Like I know in
season one he was all He's like, oh the moms
are coming back. Yeah, this is a compulsiveness that goes
even beyond that. So well, ideologically it get very interested.

Speaker 3 (23:01):

Speaker 1 (23:03):
Some people go to like the sort of towards the
hoarding extreme at loss, and maybe Danny went a little
bit more towards the like super controlled uh cleaning.

Speaker 3 (23:14):
Yeah, that's that's the what we're going with.

Speaker 1 (23:16):
Well, he lost and did definitely evolved over time, we
did not this Danny did not exist true when first
although grief, you know.

Speaker 2 (23:28):
He can't think he lost his wife. These two Bozo's
moved in like he's he's not in control of a
lot of things in his life, so he can control
how clean the house is.

Speaker 3 (23:37):
Got it?

Speaker 2 (23:37):
And that's okay. I kind of get that, you know,
I get like rage cleaning.

Speaker 3 (23:41):
Oh yeah, I definitely like my things organized.

Speaker 2 (23:45):
I kind of get it, like not to this degree,
but I understand. Next to her in stephan DJ's room,
Joey walks into a very disheveled room while Steph is
yelling where is mister bear? Where she's digging through her
pile of stuffed animal and says, there is not a
bear in the bunch. She urges call the FBI, call

the police, call me a cab. I've got a bear
to find. Joey stops her before she can run out
and tells her to calm down and take a deep breath.
She does this, she's told, but instead of exhaling, she
keeps holding her breath.

Speaker 3 (24:20):
He said to take it, but he didn't say to
let it out.

Speaker 2 (24:22):
He wasn't very specific. Joey instructs her to breathe out,
and so she does. Joey asks when was the last
time she saw mister Bear, and Steph remembers he was
sitting on her bed helping her sort her toys. Joey nods,
remembering the same thing. Steph asks, you didn't give away
mister bear, did you? Joey avoids this question. He tells

Steph to keep looking while he tries to track down
mister Bear. Steph puts her hands together in a prayer
and looks up at the sky.

Speaker 3 (24:54):

Speaker 2 (24:55):
I hate to bother you. I know you got a
lot of stuff to do, but mister Bear is missing.
So just squeeze in one little miracle. I'll be a
happy camper. Joey watches the whole thing and gives a sad,
guilty smile. He knows, like he knows where this is
going that he might be.

Speaker 1 (25:13):
I mean, I'm surprised that Joey picked up the bear
and put him in the bag in the first.

Speaker 3 (25:17):
Place, right, Who doesn't know that this is.

Speaker 2 (25:19):
A beloved bear?

Speaker 1 (25:20):
Like come on, yeah, you know, I mean, sometimes people
don't pay attention, so maybe or maybe Michelle put it
in the back. Well, oh, well, hold on, what I'm
not gonna I'm not gonna spoil it again.

Speaker 3 (25:30):
Spoiler alert, don't scamle it or I'm not gonna spoil it,
so we'll get there.

Speaker 2 (25:35):
Next we're in the living room and Danny is congratulating
DJ on her win, adding that her opponent was twice
her size. She thanks him, but adds, the next time
I win, don't try and start a wave. DJ exits
to the kitchen and we see the kitchen is a mess.
There are no doors on any of the cabinets or drawers,

and Jesse is sanding wood. DJ admits, I'm glad I'm
not a part of this. Jesse didn't expect them to
be back so early. He asks DJ for a favor,
keep your pop out of this kitchen for three or
four days. DJ tells him to work fast, maybe she
can get him three or four minutes. She runs back

into the living room to stall and Danny tells her
he's going to start dinner. DJ walks him to the
front door instead, saying they should get Chinese food. Danny
offers Chinatown, but DJ offers, let's go to China.

Speaker 3 (26:27):
Yeah, we're all authentic, and we'll keep us out of the.

Speaker 2 (26:30):
House for three to four days at least.

Speaker 4 (26:32):

Speaker 3 (26:32):

Speaker 2 (26:34):
Danny walks towards the kitchen so they can look at
the menu for takeout. Before DJ can stop him, he
walks through the kitchen doors and immediately walks right back out.
He is stunned. Face Bos's face is so good. He
is so good with like the silent acting, you know.

Speaker 3 (26:49):
Just it's a facial expression.

Speaker 2 (26:50):
That's a great. Yeah, he asks DJ, why did you
let me go in there? She shrugs, We could have
gone to China. Danny storms back into the kitchen, where
Jesse is still doing his woodwork. Danny utters no words,
He just stares into Jesse's soul, forcing him to give
an explanation of what's going on. Jesse explains that the

handles they had in the kitchen were discontinued, so he
needed to get a whole new set. When Danny doesn't
say anything, Jesse goes on to tell him that he
got too big of screws that ended up breaking the
drawer fronts. Danny wordlessly points to the entire kitchen, needing
an explanation, so Jesse gives him an explanation. In a panic,
He promises he'll clean it up. Danny finally explodes, reminding

him everything was cleaned up. How he asks how Jesse
could do this to him on his Christmasikes, this was
really you know what I.

Speaker 1 (27:45):
Have to say though, All of John's not all, but
most of John's best comedy bits take place in this kitchen, Yes,
you're right, and they involve him running around all.

Speaker 2 (27:57):
Over it a maniac.

Speaker 3 (27:59):
Yeah right, but it's always a very funny.

Speaker 2 (28:02):
Why I wonder why the kitchen. I wonder if it's
because like he could run around the.

Speaker 1 (28:07):
Yeah, you run around the island. It lends itself to
a lot of movement.

Speaker 2 (28:10):
And lots of props in the kitchen, right, yeah, yeah,
that must be it, because yeah, you're right, his best.

Speaker 1 (28:16):
But he always has these great sort of physical comedic
bits in the.

Speaker 2 (28:21):
Kitchen, and that continues in fuller too, Like he sets
the fire alarm off and he's they're smoking the kitchen. Yeahah,
this is a common thing. I love it. Well.

Speaker 1 (28:29):
I guess the kitchen is the place where you're apt
to have things go wrong, so running around like a
chicken with your head cut off sort of hat tracks.

Speaker 3 (28:37):
More often than that.

Speaker 1 (28:38):
But anyway, but yeah, John, I just love this moment
and Bob's face, just his eyes like popping out of
his head.

Speaker 2 (28:46):
The two of them together are just comedy gold, comedy gold. Yes.
So next in the living room, Steph bursts through the
front door in a panic, holding the hand of a
police officer, and she leads him inside like this is
totally normal.

Speaker 1 (29:00):
I just went out to the street and was like
you come here, and no one, no one noticed Steph was.

Speaker 2 (29:06):
Gone, and the police officer obliges her too. Yeah, sure, young,
I'm like, all right, sure, come.

Speaker 1 (29:11):
On, kid, right, like it's again, Well, if a horse
can walk up the stairs, a police officer can also
get dragged in by a child who apparently no one
knew was missing.

Speaker 3 (29:22):
While looking for her missing.

Speaker 2 (29:24):
No nobody pays attention to the kids.

Speaker 3 (29:26):
Why did you have to go to find a police officer?

Speaker 2 (29:30):
I need to I need to know that.

Speaker 1 (29:31):
She just had to happen to be outside ticketing someone,
and she was like, all right, I've spotted one or well.

Speaker 2 (29:37):
Yeah, street parking is very confusing in San Francisco, so
maybe uh yeah, maybe he was writing tickets in front
of the full house and she's like.

Speaker 1 (29:45):
Hey, I need makes sense, yeah, never parking. Yeah, And
she was like you, sir.

Speaker 2 (29:49):
You have more important things to do than writing tickets.
You have to find my bear. Yeah.

Speaker 1 (29:52):
He seems very calm for being dragged into a house
by a child saying someone's missing.

Speaker 2 (29:58):
He's very calm. Yeah, oh yeah, I.

Speaker 1 (30:00):
You know, I guess it's you know, right, He's like, okay, who's.

Speaker 2 (30:03):
Missing, like he's expecting a realm.

Speaker 3 (30:06):
It's not yeah, his name not Mayberry. You know, something
could have seriously happened. But he seems to be pretty chill.

Speaker 2 (30:12):
He's very chill, very chill, and very kind to Stephanie.
I think.

Speaker 3 (30:16):

Speaker 2 (30:17):
So Stephanie tells him her best friend in the whole
world has been kidnapped, and then she gives the police
officer a description of mister Beer, and the police officer
realizes she's referring to a stuffed animal, not a human.

Speaker 1 (30:30):
Oh dear well, although if he were a human that
were that size, dressed in an adorable small trench coat
and a hat, it's very cute.

Speaker 2 (30:38):
Yes, that would be kind of that would be super cute.
Danny and Jesse walk in surprised to see a police
officer in their living room.

Speaker 1 (30:45):
Yeah, because no one gave him permissions. You can't just
can't walk into your house.

Speaker 3 (30:51):
That's a whole that's that's.

Speaker 1 (30:52):
There's there's like it's literally in the constitution that they
just can't do that.

Speaker 3 (30:56):
He can't just just come on in.

Speaker 2 (30:57):
Yeah, they weren't, or a Stephanie, he's no warning him in, right.

Speaker 1 (31:02):
The kid doesn't have the permission to be like, hey,
come on it. You know, I know I'd be rather
jarred if I walk into my living room and there
was a police officer standing there.

Speaker 3 (31:11):
WHOA what is that happening?

Speaker 2 (31:12):
Very alarmed? Very alarmed.

Speaker 3 (31:15):

Speaker 1 (31:15):
Again, everyone's like, hey, hey, how's gone? Yeah, hey, stranger
in my house? Would you like say where?

Speaker 2 (31:21):
You know? Right? So Jesse turns to Danny in shock.
You called the police because I messed up your kitchen?
The police officer says, no, Stephanie flagged him down to
report a missing bear.

Speaker 1 (31:33):
So I was standing out on the street just slagging
waiting for just flagging people down.

Speaker 2 (31:39):
Steph's panicked. Is mister bear go to any great lengths
to get this bear back?

Speaker 3 (31:45):

Speaker 2 (31:46):
Joey walks in to hear this, and he decides to
clear some things up. He admits that he accidentally donated
mister bear to charity, and when he tried tracking him down,
he found out mister Bear had already been given away.
In response, Stephanie tells the officer to arrest Joey. Steph
asks Joey how he could do this to her, and

then she runs upstairs. The police officer gives Joey a look,
shaking his head into disappointment. I love this police officer,
like he understands, he stands. Stephan is brief seriously, and
your performance was excellent in this scene, Like you so
much emotion in your eyes, Like I was you really
like got to me. I was like, oh my gosh,
she's she's really upset at joe.

Speaker 3 (32:29):
Yeah it did. I was like, oh no.

Speaker 1 (32:31):
And then also like being a parent and having lived
through the missing of a you know, of a beloved bear,
you you know how awful it is. It's you have
to go back and retrace all of your steps. It's
they're at Disneyland or something.

Speaker 2 (32:47):
Yeah yeah, yeah, that was true, so true. So now
then we have a sad commercial break. When we come back,
we're in stephan DJ's room. Steph has construction paper scattered
all across the table. She's making posters to find mister Bear,

telling DJ she's gonna put one on every telephone poll
in America. DJ asks if they can talk about something
other than mister Bear. Steph agrees and says they can
talk about Joey instead. She asks why did he give
away mister Bear, and DJ tries to explain that accidents happen.
DJ gives the example of when Steph lost her pillow person.

She was mad at her for losing him, but then
she got over it. Steph remembers, I found your pillow
person under my mattress. She pulls him out, and DJ
squeals my pillow Person. She's elated and she never thought
she'd see him again. Stephanie rolls her eyes and DJ
composes herself, trying to keep it cool.

Speaker 3 (33:53):
Salt in the wound, right like, oh I got oh sorry.

Speaker 2 (33:58):
Joey walks in, telling Stuff he feels terrible about losing
mister Bear. He asks if there's anything he can do
to make up for it, and Stephanie asks if he
remembers what mister Bear looked like. Joey says yes, and
Stuff responds, then grab a cran. She's gonna make him
make posters, a.

Speaker 3 (34:14):
Lot of posts.

Speaker 1 (34:15):
There's a lot of telephone poles in America. We're gonna
need a lot of posters.

Speaker 2 (34:18):
They're gonna be busy for a while.

Speaker 3 (34:19):
We're gonna need a bigger crown.

Speaker 2 (34:20):

Speaker 4 (34:22):

Speaker 2 (34:23):
Next scene, we're in the kitchen and the new drawers
and shelves have finally been installed. Danny is nervous to
see it, but Jesse assures him he'll love it. Danny
looks around, taking it all in and admits he does
love it. He gives Jesse a hug, which is not reciprocated.
It does look good.

Speaker 3 (34:40):
It's like a little it does well.

Speaker 1 (34:43):
This was it was like a little remodel of the kitchen,
bringing it from like the early eighties to like a
little bit more updated version. So I wonder if this
was sort of how they were like, well, we got
to update it, but like you can't just all of
a sudden it's a new you know what I mean?

Speaker 3 (34:59):
That would be weird.

Speaker 2 (35:00):
So this is this happened?

Speaker 3 (35:02):
I don't know.

Speaker 1 (35:02):
Yeah, I think you're right because it looked lovely and
it definitely broke up the sort of beige all over
the background. And I wonder if that was something that
they were like, we just gotta we got to redesign
and that was how I think.

Speaker 2 (35:15):
But it looks, it looks really good. It still fits
in with the blue, you know, the blue theme running
through the house. But it looks, it looks really good.
It was definitely time for refresh and even though Jesse
was panicked, it turned out great.

Speaker 1 (35:29):
I mean apparently Jesse, uh could also be a like
a cabinet maker, yeah, a woodworker along with being a
jingle rider and an extravator. He is a He's a
He's a Jesse of many.

Speaker 2 (35:40):
Trees instead of a Jack of all trees, Jesse of
al trees.

Speaker 3 (35:44):
Jesse. Yeah.

Speaker 2 (35:46):
So next in the living room, Grandma Irene is there
setting up a plethora of stuffed bears on the couch,
yelling to Stephanie to come meet some new friends. Michelle
comes down and she couldn't care less about Irene when
there's a pile of toys sitting right behind her. Michelle
claims one of the teddy bears as her own. When
Jesse and Danny and Nick all walk in, Irene takes

the bear from Michelle, telling her that Stephanie gets to
pick first. Good. That was good parenting Irene. Somebody setting
some boundaries and explaining why this is, you know, it's
not a.

Speaker 1 (36:19):
Hard is not yeah, and yeah, it's you know, hard
for her to understand, but this is not her bear.

Speaker 2 (36:24):
More likely, Danny hopes this plan works. Steph has been
taking this really hard. Jesse doesn't understand. It's just a
stuffed animal. Irene interjects, just a stuffed animal. Huh do
you remember? Doggie Cutsopolis. Jesse's embarrassed. He tries to go
back into the kitchen to do some manly tasks, but

Nick remembers Jesse throwing that mutt around for hours, and
Jesse defends, I did not throw him. He flew. Danny
asks if he had wings, and Jesse tells him, don't
be stupid. He flew by flapping his little ears like Dumbo. No. Yeah.
Steph runs downstairs, greeting Grandma and Grandpa. They show her

the couch full of bears, encouraging her to get to
know them. Stephanie sighs, saying that she'll give it a try.
She addresses the group of bears and asks them a question.
If dj was picking on me, what would you do.
The group is silent, and Stephanie gives up unaccept these
guys are duds.

Speaker 4 (37:26):
You know.

Speaker 2 (37:27):
That's a great way to test him out, though, you know,
do they give advice? No?

Speaker 3 (37:31):
Where does your loyalty lie? And she was like, Ni,
these guys they don't pass.

Speaker 2 (37:36):
They tailed the test. Yep, yep, they won't do. Just
then Joey walks in and he's holding mister Bear. Steph
eagerly takes him, saying she was worried she would have to.
And then she stops and asks Joey, who is this?
The real mister Bear had a little scar where he
closed the toy chest on his nose. She gives the

imposter bear back to Joey and walks away. Joey urges
her to stop, admitting he couldn't find mister Bear, but
he was able to find mister Bear's successful twin brother,
doctor Bear. Stephanie sadly tells him to take this bear
back to the store because looking at that face is
just too painful. The camera pans to a disappointed Danny

and Jesse, who are eating fried chicken again.

Speaker 3 (38:24):
Where did this? Where did the chicken come?

Speaker 2 (38:25):
I wrote that down to where like it just appeared.
Nobody exited, nobody entered.

Speaker 3 (38:29):
Like I am.

Speaker 1 (38:30):
I'm now convinced that this cold fried chicken is some
sort of message.

Speaker 2 (38:37):
Oh, like a secret don't you know what I mean?

Speaker 1 (38:39):
Like who like it's like like like somebody was like,
if you see me eating fried chicken in an episode,
it means it's like Brunette in the ear.

Speaker 3 (38:50):
Oh yeah, you know what I mean when she would
do that?

Speaker 2 (38:51):
The secret message?

Speaker 3 (38:53):
What is the secret message in the cold fried chick?

Speaker 2 (38:56):
Didn't we do? I think we asked John about the
fried chicken in his interview. I don't know. I just
like chicken, so but I don't I don't accept that answer.
I'm with you.

Speaker 3 (39:04):
I don't accept the answer. Is it art department or
props prop?

Speaker 2 (39:08):
Well, well the props that does the food?

Speaker 3 (39:12):
Yeah, proaps does the food. So yeah.

Speaker 2 (39:13):
So Roger Montesano, who was our prop property Bob?

Speaker 3 (39:17):
What was his? What was I don't think Property Bob
was here yet, but it was Roger?

Speaker 2 (39:21):
Okay, why with theory is? What's the listeners? Please send us,
send us emails, tell us.

Speaker 3 (39:28):
What your fan.

Speaker 1 (39:30):

Speaker 3 (39:31):
Why of what called frick? Because this was it was
literally like.

Speaker 1 (39:34):
Someone dropped it in intentionally, because all of a sudden
they cut to hands with fried chicken and.

Speaker 2 (39:40):
You're like, wait, nobody left the room.

Speaker 3 (39:42):
This scene isn't about fried chicken.

Speaker 2 (39:43):
Where did it come from?

Speaker 3 (39:44):
Nobody was in the kitchen?

Speaker 2 (39:46):
Why? And then and then Bob and John kind of
have like little smirks on their faces.

Speaker 3 (39:51):
So why, I was like, what is the message?

Speaker 1 (39:53):
It felt so specifically placed, and like, uh, in a moment.

Speaker 2 (40:00):
I thought the same thing. I thought the same thing.
It means something, and we're on a mission to find
out what warna.

Speaker 3 (40:06):
I am on a mission to figure out what cold
fried chicken means.

Speaker 2 (40:09):
I'm here, I'm here, right here with you. We're gonna
solve this mystery together.

Speaker 3 (40:12):

Speaker 2 (40:14):
So the guys realize they need to snap Stephanie out
of this. Nick sighs they have to return the bears
they bought two, but DJ tells her grandparents it's too late.
The camera shows Michelle in the middle of a stuffed
bear pile. She looks blankly off into the distance until
she yells, my bear, she's just no buried in bears.

She doesn't.

Speaker 3 (40:36):
She doesn't. It's embarrass though she does. I feel like
that's one of those moments where as a pair you go,
I'm sorry, these bears are not for you. I love you,
but this is not.

Speaker 2 (40:44):
Your It's not a free for all, Michelle, you know
it's not a free for all. Right, Yeah, she loves
those bears though. Well again, not to blow things up
at the end. We get to the When we get
to the end, keep forgetting, I keep forgetting how it is.

Speaker 3 (40:59):
Yeah, yeah, no one's ever seen this before.

Speaker 2 (41:01):
That's a surprise. Don't give it away.

Speaker 3 (41:03):
I mean you hadn't.

Speaker 1 (41:04):
I hadn't seen it, But no, no, what I'm pretty
sure everyone else listening to this is like, yeah.

Speaker 2 (41:08):
We know what it but in case they in case
they don't, we're going to keep it a secret till
the end. We were keeping. Yeah, So the whole family
walks into the girl's room to check on Steph. Danny
reminds her she's not alone in this world. She still
has the family. Jesse tells her he's tired of this
moping around. He stands her up and urges her to
show him one of her killer smiles. I was, I was.

Speaker 3 (41:31):
Like, no, right, this child is entitled to her feelings.

Speaker 2 (41:35):
Let people feel their feelings.

Speaker 3 (41:37):
You let people feel their feelings.

Speaker 1 (41:38):
This is a common like Danny's telling Yeah, telling JJ
like you need to just accept my abaut no, not
how this works.

Speaker 3 (41:45):
But you know, it was the eighties. We were still
figuring out how to be a little more emotionally literate.

Speaker 2 (41:48):
But that's true.

Speaker 3 (41:49):
I felt bad.

Speaker 1 (41:50):
I was like, no, it's I mean, I get it, though.
Sometimes you're like, come on, pull together. But Jesse doesn't
remember that. He doesn't you know, he doesn't know the
significance of.

Speaker 2 (41:58):
The bear right right when that comes, it's like whoa.
So Steph gives him a little half smirk before she
goes back to frowning, which was the funniest little I
could see you trying to work out it and work
it out, like how am I gonna How am I
going to get my mouth to do that?

Speaker 3 (42:14):
It was great, right, it's so cute, just half yeah,
half moved.

Speaker 2 (42:19):
So they tried telling stuff that mister Bear would want
her to be happy, and wherever he is right now,
he's probably making another kid happy too. She agrees he
was always good at that. He's been making me happy
since I met him. Oh. DJ remembers that exact day.
It was the day their mom came home from the

hospital with Michelle. Danny recalls Pam giving DJ a charm
bracelet and Stephanie mister Bear.

Speaker 1 (42:49):
I feel like Danny would have remembered that, like that
would have been a big yeah thing.

Speaker 2 (42:54):
I agree.

Speaker 3 (42:55):
I agree.

Speaker 2 (42:55):
Maybe it's the grief again, the grief has clouded his memory.

Speaker 1 (42:58):
Yeah, grief, he's clouded, remember, But I still feel like, oh,
your mom, you know what I mean, Like you'd be like, yeah,
I get white.

Speaker 2 (43:04):
That's the significance. Yeah, yeah, right. Stephanie forgot that her
mom gave her mister beer, but she realizes that must
be why she loves him so much.

Speaker 1 (43:15):
I feel like, why would Steph forget that that was
that her mom gave her that.

Speaker 3 (43:19):
I feel like that's obviously the point is that Steph
remembers it. Yeah, because it wasn't that long ago that
Michelle was born.

Speaker 2 (43:26):
Yeah that's true.

Speaker 3 (43:27):
Started the show Michelle's nine months old.

Speaker 2 (43:30):
Yeah that's true.

Speaker 3 (43:31):
So it hasn't been that long.

Speaker 2 (43:34):
Yeah, this seems out of character. Steph remembers everything too.

Speaker 1 (43:37):
So Steph remembers everything, and I feel like I feel
like Danny, like, yeah, this this one threw me a
little bit because I was like, no, I feel like
if that were the connection, like everyone involved would have
remembered it. I agree, because it also didn't happen that
long ago. It wasn't like Steph was a baby.

Speaker 2 (43:55):
No, you were full you know what I mean, you
were five that you definitely have memories.

Speaker 3 (43:58):
Yeah, I would have stuff would have been five.

Speaker 2 (44:01):
So yeah, no, I agree, it's this is this was
a missed, missed opportunity and yeah, out of care.

Speaker 1 (44:07):
But it but it leads to a great scene. The
rest of the scene is lovely and wonderful and sweet
and incredible. But it just felt a little bit like
the bear. Had it been from Pam, everyone would have
really remember. Yeah, I agree, this is just then again
the story doesn't work, and that's they have.

Speaker 2 (44:24):
To got to make the storyline work aka the story
yep yep. Uh. So we hear some sad instrumental music begin,
and DJ says, after mom died, I could remember everything
about her. Now it's getting harder and harder to remember.
The scene just took a really serious turn. Yes, Stephanie

looks to her dad. Am I going to forget everything
about Mama?

Speaker 3 (44:51):
Danny tells her, I've started crying watching I was like, oh.

Speaker 2 (44:55):
Yeah, this was just like they just turned on the
emotions to one right. Danny tells her no reminding his
girls after the car accident, we talked about your mom
all the time, but lately, when Danny doesn't finish, Joey
chimes in, maybe the reason we haven't talked about your
mom in a while is because we're afraid it would

bring all that pain back again. Jesse admits, you know
what I do miss You know what I do when
I start to miss Pam. I just think about all
the good times. He smiles and recalls his first junior
high dance. He had to wear a white suit and
learn how to do the hustle. Thanks to John Travolta.
Pam worked with him the whole week, forty eight hours

of dancing to disco Inferno. Joey tells another memory. Your
mom had that great laugh. Every time I'd work on
new material, I'd bring her down to the club and
sit her right in the front row. She'd start laughing,
and then she'd have the whole place cracking up. Steph
remembers her laugh. They'd sing a silly song with her
on top of spaghetti all covered with geese. I lost

my poor meatball when somebody's knees at you. This is
such a sweet like This is so sweet. I'm so
glad they gave Joey a memory too, you know, because
he's not biologically to the family, but they give him
a memory of Petty.

Speaker 1 (46:16):
Really shows Yeah, and it shows how important Joey was
to the family.

Speaker 3 (46:21):
You know.

Speaker 2 (46:21):
I like this. This part was very well written in
my opinion.

Speaker 3 (46:26):

Speaker 2 (46:27):
Danny points out that they never have to worry about
forgetting their mom because they can think about those happy
times whenever they want. Jesse agrees, they just have to
keep those memories of Pam in their hearts. That way,
she'll always be with them. Danny sees so much of
Pam and his three girls. Danny, Joey, and Jesse name

a trait of each girl that reminds them of Pam,
and then Jesse gets an idea they should watch some
of Danny's home movies. Again. Danny loves this idea. If
spring cleaning is his Christmas home movies are his New
Year's Eve? Is this a nod to America's Funniest home videos?
It started an I don't.

Speaker 3 (47:06):
Think he was.

Speaker 2 (47:06):
It started in nineteen eighty nine. I don't know if
it started at this point, but I looked it up.

Speaker 3 (47:11):
Oh, I don't know if it started at this point yet.
It's still pretty early in.

Speaker 2 (47:14):
The year, very early. Yeah, it's still very early, so
maybe not. But I did think it was ironic.

Speaker 1 (47:18):
Maybe not, but well it's you know again why I
think he was the perfect person to do it, because
you know, we see Danny with his.

Speaker 3 (47:26):
Video recorder alone. Yeah, he was the perfect fit or
his cam quarder, right, yeah, the.

Speaker 2 (47:31):
Big the eighteen pounder, right, yeah, exactly. So this is
the first time we learned that Pam died in a
car accident.

Speaker 3 (47:40):
I thought we learned that.

Speaker 2 (47:42):
We already learned that before.

Speaker 3 (47:44):
I think we learned that in the beginning.

Speaker 1 (47:45):
Okay, I think that's one of the first Yeah, I
think we've known that Pam she did.

Speaker 2 (47:49):
It, and it's later, much later, we find out she
was killed by a drunk driver when I when I
am when I get drunk at the frat party, so right, right, right, right, yeah, No,
it's very very sad. Do you remember Bob telling the
story about how he was giving an interview with Bob.
Bob Saggett and Bob Boyette were giving an interview to
somebody during the full House days.

Speaker 3 (48:11):
And right they were asked, can only imagine how this went.

Speaker 2 (48:14):
They were asked how did Pam die? And one of
them said she died in a car accident, and the
other one said she died of cancer at the same
time they they said that, and so Bob was like, uh,
she died of cancer while she was in the car.

Speaker 3 (48:29):
Right she had?

Speaker 2 (48:30):
She was, Yeah, get your stories straight, guys, like you
have to agree.

Speaker 3 (48:36):
Right, that's just huh interesting, Bob, I didn't, I uh yeah.

Speaker 2 (48:40):
Such a bob thing. So funny.

Speaker 3 (48:42):
Maybe then we didn't.

Speaker 1 (48:43):
Maybe I always thought that we I always thought that
we had that we had known it was an accident.
But maybe that's just me sort of filling in everything
that happened before this.

Speaker 2 (48:51):
Yeah, oh, I you know, I thought we learned early
on that she was in a car accident.

Speaker 1 (48:55):
But yeah, I thought we did too. I thought, like
in the jit the episode where the race goes down,
that I think it's mentioned.

Speaker 3 (49:02):
Yeah, yeah, like after the accident or something.

Speaker 1 (49:05):
Somebody sort of says something after, you know, after your
mom's accident or after.

Speaker 2 (49:09):
Maybe Jesse Jesse crashes bullet. Is there any reference to
a car accident there?

Speaker 1 (49:15):
I don't know, No, no, no, because remember that was
nobody cares nothing really happened to the car was destroyed Jesse. Uh, well,
Jesse was fine in that one. That's not the one
where he had no arms.

Speaker 2 (49:26):
Yeah, another motorcycle.

Speaker 1 (49:28):
Access is also a stunt man. He's also an evil
and evil.

Speaker 2 (49:32):
Yeah, John needs that mug that you have about I
do my own stunts.

Speaker 3 (49:36):
I do my own stunts. Yeah, exactly.

Speaker 2 (49:38):
So we fade to the living room where everyone is
gathered around the TV. Danny tells them he shot this
the day Pam came home with Michelle. First, we see
Jesse rock in a very heinous mullet wig and the leather. Wow,
this wig was worse than the wig in the episode
where you accidentally cut his.

Speaker 3 (49:58):
Hair, Like just right, But was it as bad as
the actual mullet itself? I don't know.

Speaker 2 (50:04):
You the eye of the.

Speaker 1 (50:05):
Bible, it was right right, there's levels And I don't
know if the original or the wigged.

Speaker 2 (50:11):
Mullet yeah, is worse. That's yeah. I don't know. But
all I know is that when I saw the mullet again,
I was like, Eh, thank god he cut his hair well.

Speaker 1 (50:19):
And the joke that's that Stephan DJ also say what
He's like, maybe I should grow my hair out, and
they're like.

Speaker 2 (50:25):
No, no, yeah, that's such a great line. So Jesse
tells Pam she can come in now, and instead, Joey
walks in carrying Michelle, pretending he's a pizza delivery guy.
Pam walks in right behind him, telling Joey to give
her the baby. She takes Michelle in her arms and

assures her You're not a pizza You're a big, beautiful
meat ball. In the video, I I.

Speaker 1 (50:55):
Just felt bad for Pam. I was like, this woman
just gave birth. No one's helping her in that.

Speaker 2 (50:59):
Yeah, Like it's just why is Joey bringing in the kid?
Like why is Joey's helping her? Like yeah, yeah, this
is just Pam is now an afterthought.

Speaker 3 (51:08):
She felt like there wasn't a car seat involved. Yeah,
I don't know. It was the eighties.

Speaker 2 (51:13):
Did they even use car seats? I don't know, you know,
it was like whatever's throw the kid.

Speaker 1 (51:16):
I think we were starting to I think we were
starting to, you know, like not the ones that looked
like a little sassy seat that you just attached to
a table, you know, but like actually things that were
belted into a car.

Speaker 3 (51:27):

Speaker 2 (51:28):
Yeah, So in the video, Joey tells Stephan DJ not
to go anywhere because there's presence for them in the car.
Then we see a close up of Michelle and Pam,
and Steph notices that their mom and DJ look just
like each other, and DJ says she looks just like
Steph too. On the home video, Jesse jokes it's a

good thing Michelle looks nothing like Danny, adding in a
few years you'll be able to laugh at that. Danny
gives a sour face and says wrong. Pam tells Danny
to get a close up of this gorgeous face, so
Danny zooms in on Pam. She gives a classic Jesse line,
not me the baby huh, So we see that's a casopolist.

That's a cassopolist. Trend yep traps. Danny zooms in on
the baby and Michelle shouts baby as she watches DJ
and Steph try to explain that the baby is her.
Michelle says, cute.

Speaker 3 (52:26):
Baby, tying back into the baby. Baby.

Speaker 2 (52:30):
Oh, maybe that's why they did that.

Speaker 1 (52:33):
Justin Bieber, Well, what it makes me think is you
were right in that she had learned how to say baby,
and now they were like just make her say.

Speaker 2 (52:39):
That, Yeah, that was her new skill of the week. Right.
Then in the video we see mister Bear. Oh, Michelle
exclaims mister Bear, and then she runs off to the
piano bench, lifting up the top to reveal a compartment inside.
Steph is watching the video and admires, look how young
mister Bhar looks. Michelle pulls out mister Bear from the

piano bench. She brings it to Steph and the whole
family is ecstatic to see the two reunited. Michelle admits
that she's the one who hid mister Bear. Steph apologizes
for blaming Joey, but he doesn't mind. All that matters
is that mister Bear is back. That was a solid misdirect.
Like even I was fooled. I was convinced it was

Joey and the charity box.

Speaker 3 (53:27):
You know, well that's what I'm saying. So but but
he even says stuff like I gave it. So he's like,
I'm I gave it away.

Speaker 1 (53:35):
I went they'd already given it, But it was never
it was never even, it.

Speaker 2 (53:40):
Was never gone. Michelle wenton and hit it. That was
solid shell. I thought it was going a much different directions. Yeah,
so well done. To Kim Weissakoff for writing this excellent misdirect.

Speaker 1 (53:50):
Yes, yes, I'm very glad that the Bear has made
it back.

Speaker 2 (53:54):
Danny directs everyone back to the home video. Pam and
Danny are in the shot now and Pam tells him,
now we have the three most wonderful daughters in the world.
We hear some heavy violins as everyone watches the rest
of the video, and that's our show. Like that is
the ending. It ends with the violins. It doesn't even

end with the everywhere you look. Yeah, I mean it's
kind of depressing, Like it's really somber at the end.
There is that just me?

Speaker 1 (54:22):
It is.

Speaker 3 (54:22):
Yeah, it's a rather somber one. It was.

Speaker 1 (54:25):
It felt like one where this we sort of dove
into the kids missing Pam again. But what I like
is that we've done it a couple times. It was
never like a I mean, you know, still sort of
lived in sitcom land as far as like, it wasn't
like we went into it hugely in depth, but that
we did touch on it a few times throughout the

first couple of seasons. You know that this keeps coming
up in Danny dating or in you know, the mister
Bear thing or you know, all of these sorts of
things the girls are missing Pam.

Speaker 3 (55:01):
But I also love that this was the first time
we actually get to see her, oh I know, and
hear a little bit about her, like her laugh or
her that you know.

Speaker 2 (55:07):
That was very important, And see her and Jesse together. Yeah,
that's right. Cool.

Speaker 3 (55:11):
Still didn't look like they were related, but you never know,
you know, genetics.

Speaker 2 (55:15):
Are She doesn't look Greek at all, but that is okay,
we know where the blonde hair.

Speaker 3 (55:18):
Canes from genetics are weird. It's a you know, you
just never know.

Speaker 1 (55:21):
But but she obviously said huh, so therefore that must
mean they're biologically.

Speaker 2 (55:26):
Really right if you say huh, then yes, sir.

Speaker 3 (55:28):
Or not biologically related, but just at least you know
they're related.

Speaker 2 (55:31):
Yeah, they grew up together, definitely.

Speaker 1 (55:32):
They grew up together. And uh yeah, it was. It
was a very somber episode. I actually found myself, uh,
kind of.

Speaker 2 (55:41):
Moved by it. Me too, me too. I know that
in Fuller we were criticized a little bit for not
touching on the death of the spouse of DJ's spouse.
You know, it was kind of like they kind of
glossed over that in the first few seasons. Yeah, so this,
I really appreciated this episode that it's like, yeah, greet,
it's hard. Grief is difficult, and it efects kids, it
affects adults. And I love the message that you don't

stop talking about the deceased just because you think it's painful,
Like you know, it's that's what people. I felt that
when my mom passed too. I'm like, you know what
people are like, Oh, I don't want to make you sad.
I'm like, well, I'm already sad. You're not going to
make me sad.

Speaker 3 (56:18):
Yeah, that ship has sailed. My right, I'm in Sadville.

Speaker 2 (56:22):
Right, And what makes it, what makes it better is
the memories and reliving those memories and talking about the
deceased person. So this was a really important episode and
a great message.

Speaker 3 (56:33):
Yeah. I really appreciated this. I really did too. I
really did too.

Speaker 1 (56:37):
And uh and I loved, you know, getting the origin
story of mister Beer, which hold on, I would be
remiss if I didn't at least bring him over.

Speaker 2 (56:45):
You got it, Yes, you have to bring mister Bhaer over.
We can't complete this episode. Like I'm having a feeling,
I'm having a feeling.

Speaker 1 (56:54):
This is the original little wrinkly hat that's still attached
to a head. But his his tie is a little
you know, it's not quite the bow tie the nice
little ascot.

Speaker 2 (57:06):
That it was. But trenk yeah, here's yeah, here's mister bear.
That is so special.

Speaker 3 (57:14):
Like his pants are a little big. Now he's lost
some weight.

Speaker 2 (57:17):
That happens to you age getting.

Speaker 3 (57:19):
It happened, But no, he is. He's covered in dog
here is.

Speaker 1 (57:25):
But he is well loved and still sits in here
with me. So goodbye mister bear, and hello.

Speaker 2 (57:31):
Yeah this is I'm so glad you have him and
that he's meaningful to like that just but it makes
me feel so happy to know that you love it.

Speaker 3 (57:40):
I have my real life baby bear, and then I
have mister Bear, and they're both very very important.

Speaker 2 (57:47):
I love that.

Speaker 3 (57:47):
Did you have Do you have a bear or like
a little lovey or a blankey or something?

Speaker 2 (57:52):
No, I don't. I think I had a blanket, like
when I was little little, I had a blanket that
I would rub on my nose, which is really weird.
I think I would suck my.

Speaker 3 (58:01):
Fam I still have my blank ye.

Speaker 2 (58:03):
So I had a blanky or a lovey, But I don't.
I don't think I ever had like a bear. I
had a cabbage patch kid, but I didn't have a
bear that was like that meaningful.

Speaker 3 (58:11):
Well did you have but was? Did you have a
thing that you carried with you all the time? Was
there like something?

Speaker 2 (58:15):
There was a snotty blanket? Yeah, it was just the
snotty the snotty blanket, that's all.

Speaker 3 (58:19):
That's I mean a lot of kids have those. Yeah,
I still have my blanket.

Speaker 1 (58:23):
You do. My kids had well, Zoe in particular had
be the Bear, which got.

Speaker 3 (58:31):
Confusing after B wasn This was before B was born.
Before B was.

Speaker 1 (58:35):
Born, she had a bear and she just called it
B for bear. But then be a Tricks came along
and so we had Now he is his official.

Speaker 3 (58:45):
Title is be the Bank like that.

Speaker 2 (58:46):
It's that that's you have to distinguish who was who because.

Speaker 1 (58:49):
We had it right, We're like, where's Bee, and you know,
we're like, not the kid, we know that one is,
but the bear which was lost one time. And after that,
my mom bought a replica bear because she It was
a gift from my mom to Zoe before she was born,
So we bought a replica bear, and very much like
steph does in this episode when we would throw the

other the the original bear in like the wash or
something like that, because it would just get it yea gross,
we'd give her the replacement bear, but she knew she'd
be like she'd smell him and be like, it smells funny,
doesn't smell wow.

Speaker 2 (59:27):
Very perceptive, like almost like a dog. They can tell,
like they can distinguish sense.

Speaker 1 (59:31):
But it's like she'd like it's because she would also
tickle her nose.

Speaker 3 (59:35):
So it had like it just like her little.

Speaker 2 (59:36):
Smell scent to look sweat and snot.

Speaker 1 (59:38):
So she was like, this is a this is a
stand in, which was fine, but she would then go
and watch the dryer for beef.

Speaker 2 (59:45):
Oh that is so sweet. Oh my god, she is
going to die.

Speaker 3 (59:50):
We left it somewhere once and yeah, I get it.

Speaker 1 (59:52):
There it is everything stops until the bear is found.
So I'm so glad that everyone really made an effort
to bring mister.

Speaker 2 (01:00:01):
Barrett I understand the importance of the bear and honoring
Stephanie's feelings about it. That's that was a very important resolution.

Speaker 3 (01:00:09):
So it was it was now did you have and
everywhere you look.

Speaker 2 (01:00:13):
Oh, yeah, what did I write down? Nothing great. I
did recognize some of the stuffed toys in the giveaway pile.
At the beginning of the was the okay, what did
you find? What did you find?

Speaker 1 (01:00:26):
So my everywhere you look moment was that all of
those other bears are bears from the American Bear Company.

Speaker 4 (01:00:33):
Yeah, North American Bear which the North American Bear Company,
which had I'm trying to I don't know which ones
were on the on the couch it.

Speaker 3 (01:00:43):
One of them was I think Bear Ruth.

Speaker 2 (01:00:46):
Oh, so it's like a little bit baseball.

Speaker 1 (01:00:49):
Yeah, named after people, and that one was like bear
Ruth or whatever, named after Babe Ruth.

Speaker 3 (01:00:54):
And then the other one was, oh gosh, that Catherine hepp.

Speaker 2 (01:01:00):
Burn movie Gone with the Wind.

Speaker 3 (01:01:04):
Were there in Africa? Out of Africa? No, I don't know, No,
that was later on anyway.

Speaker 1 (01:01:09):
Uh, it was from He's I think supposed to be
like Humphrey Bogart in that movie Beargart. Well, this is
how that Humphrey Beargart is from Cosa Blanco. But the
other one where he's in the is on the couch
also where he's like in like sort of a little
he's got like again an ascot and like a little

sea captain's hat.

Speaker 2 (01:01:33):
Very those bears were very popular. Those, you know, they had.

Speaker 1 (01:01:39):
The vander Bear family Muffy vander Bear, which was after
the Vanderbilts.

Speaker 3 (01:01:43):
I collected those for years. Did I had a lot
of those?

Speaker 1 (01:01:46):
I did so, and I gave my kids the little
Muffy bears from from my collection. I also had another one, though,
did you another? Everywhere you look, go for it.

Speaker 3 (01:01:57):
So if you look.

Speaker 1 (01:01:58):
Closely in the scene at nineteen minutes and fifty seven seconds.

Speaker 2 (01:02:05):
Look at you in your time stamps. I am so
proud of you.

Speaker 1 (01:02:08):
Right now, Candace spikes the camera, which is when you
look directly at the camera.

Speaker 2 (01:02:12):
She did.

Speaker 1 (01:02:13):
She's so Danny and Steph are right like Bob and
I are in front, and we're having a moment about
the bear and he's like hugging mirrors or I'm remembering
pay im giving it to me or something, but I'm
kind of like leaned up against him, and Candace is
standing right behind us, and we hug and she just
kind of looks up and like just looks directly at
the camera and yeah, and then is like whoop.

Speaker 3 (01:02:37):
So anyway, yeah, but I was like, wait, she looked
right at me.

Speaker 1 (01:02:40):
Yeah, so it was yeah, somewhere around nineteen minutes and
fifty seven seconds.

Speaker 2 (01:02:44):
That's great. I'm gonna go back and watch.

Speaker 1 (01:02:45):
That's so funny, Yeah, I cause you can see her
do it and then kind of go like, oh oops, right,
she checks herself. You would think as an actor you
would never do but you'd be surprised how sometimes you'll
just look up and be like oh.

Speaker 2 (01:03:00):
No, uh yeah, even though with an adult, as an
adult actor, sometimes you're just like, oh crap, why could
I just look right at the camera right realize. Yeah,
sometimes you're so in the moment you're like, oh, whoops,
shouldn't have done that. That's hysterical.

Speaker 3 (01:03:14):
So great, That was funny.

Speaker 1 (01:03:16):
But I loved this episode just because it was about
mister Bhaer, who is obviously an icon and a legend
in his own right. But it was just a really sweet,
moving episode about the girls and Pam and managing grief,
managing grief and redoing your kitchen.

Speaker 2 (01:03:39):
Yeah randomly yes, yeah, yeah yeah, and inviting police officers
into your home.

Speaker 1 (01:03:44):
Right yeah, which I hope Steph learned at some point
like that's not you don't just yeah, no, you need
to see why are you here.

Speaker 3 (01:03:51):
Why, like there's questions that need to be asked.

Speaker 1 (01:03:53):
You just start dragging the police into your home. But yeah,
you know it was. There was a lot happening in
this episod. So love spring cleaning. It reminds me now
I want to Now I want to go clean out something.

Speaker 2 (01:04:06):
I kind of have an itch too. I have an
itch to go to go clean out my closet now.

Speaker 3 (01:04:09):
Yeah, yeah, I think I might grade up.

Speaker 2 (01:04:12):
Yeah, all right, we'll do some rage cleaning, baby, yay,
range cleaning. We're going to be very zen for the
next episode because we'll be like, oh, yeah, we got
it all out.

Speaker 3 (01:04:21):
Yeah no, I don't think that's gonna happen.

Speaker 1 (01:04:22):
I say, I'm gonna go clean and then I'm probably
gonna go inside and do nothing.

Speaker 2 (01:04:27):
For another cup of coffee.

Speaker 1 (01:04:28):
Well that's exactly what's going to happen in my in
my I do my own stunts.

Speaker 3 (01:04:32):

Speaker 1 (01:04:34):
Well, everyone, thank you so much for joining us for
this episode of Howard tan Rito's. We just love doing
the show and uh I love getting to share watching.

Speaker 3 (01:04:42):
These old episodes with you guys. It's so much fun.

Speaker 1 (01:04:45):
And if you want to follow us on Instagram, you
can check us out at how Rude Podcast, or you
can send us an email at Howard podcast at gmail
dot com. Also make sure that you're liking and subscribing
to the podcast wherever you're listening to it so that
you can make sure and get all the new episodes
right when they come out and be one of the
first ones to listen. And thank you guys so much
for joining us.

Speaker 3 (01:05:06):
For this week's episode of how Rude. Tannerto's so remember
the world is small, the house is full.

Speaker 2 (01:05:14):
We're gonna need a new tagline because you're way too
good at this. Now it's you throw its anti climactic.
Now I know we need something else for you to
mess up. There's let's hold a contest. Let's hold a
contest for a new tagline.

Speaker 3 (01:05:27):
Like a tongue twister. Yeah, let's do it. A new
tongue twister for the end of ebrid

Speaker 2 (01:05:33):
Let's challenge Joe, why did we can strangle me later
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