Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
I am all in, kiss you, I am all in
with Scott Patterson and I heart radio podcast. Hey everybody,
Scott Patterson, we are really excited to talk with this
very special guest. Uh. He's a massive guest and I
think you're all going to be very pleased. Um. We
are going to be talking with Chad Michael Murray who
portrayed Tristan so beautifully. Uh. And as my under staying,
this is the last time we're gonna see him in
this episode, so uh that we're gonna drop after we
dropped this episode. It's gonna be a runaway little boy.
I think was his last episode unfortunately. Um. And we're
gonna get to know Chad a little better and talk
about a little behind the scenes stuff and his characterization,
his impressions. To go more girls. Let's just bring him in.
Can't wait. Buddy the man? How are you doing? Pal?
And I'm living a dream man. You look good, you
look better. I miss your face more. Have you have
you been doing? An old Spice said that you just
came back from You look very manly. You look very
old spicy. Well, you know, I appreciate it. We did
we we did have November. Um, no, no, No, it's
a it's a combination of things. Actually had surgery about
a month ago. Yeah, I did kind of turn it down,
turn everything off, and I had my I tore the
labor off my and my hip off the bone. Now,
how did you do that interval sprints? Oh? God, oh man,
you know I almost did that same thing lifting weights. Yeah,
I know how. I mean, I didn't quite have to
have surgery, but I know what that feels like. God
darn it. So I made it. I made a promise
to myself. I'm not said I'm not shaving until I
can run again. It works, man, it works, It's working huge.
You're looking very you know, spicy. Well, it's the season.
So tomorrow, believe it or not, this entire thing, all
of this will be white story. What. Yeah, I'm taking
the kids out and uh, we're gonna, you know, show
them about giving back. And so I'm I'm Santa Jr.
I'm not old enough to be Santa just yet, Santa Jr.
And you know, I had the great privilege of working
with Sarah, your wife. She played my daughter. I adore hers.
She played my daughter in the event two thousand and
ten at NBC, that big Events series that The UH
went a year and then I didn't get renewed, but
I got to work for Sarah and I'm so glad
you guys are together and you have two children, and
isn't that wonderful? That's just wonderful. I'm so blessed beyond man.
She is, She's my rock. We do everything together, so
wherever wherever work is, we go as a pack. The
whole family goat right. And another thing, I wasn't aware
of this, but my producers informed me that you had
some very complimentary things to say about me. So I
want to thank you for that that that is very nice.
I compliment a lot of people all the time. I
don't hear it so much about me, so it was
really it's really nice to you here. You know, everybody
I talked, everybody I talked things to say about you.
You come in. You are luke man. You give love
in a way and you're also able to receive it.
But you're so humble and so kind. Like you felt
like that really really cool uncle when Jared and I
were there season one. For me, I was there season one,
you felt like that really cool uncle. And then we
did another project later on down the road and again
you were just awesome. And every time I've ever crossed
paths with you, man, You're just nothing but hug smiles
and love and it just it goes a long way.
But thank you, man. I really appreciate that. I had
a wonderful time and you were you were you were
great guys, and I was just happy to be there. Um,
And you know, Jared was very uh, Jared had a
lot of questions. I remember, young eighteen year old Jared
had a lot of questions. And I did I remember
taking I don't know that I took you under my
wings so much, but I kind of did. Um. But
Jared had a lot of questions and he was just
so wide eyed. And I were you a little older
than him when you came understan You were a couple
of years older, right, a couple of years older. He
came in Gilmore at seventeen. Remember he was right star
in school, straight out of high school Choice Awards, straight
into a show with boom, first audition, boom. It was
like Alexis, remember Alexis up, well, she came out in
y U. She was like what a freshman year? Yeah,
oh my goodness. Alright, for me. I'd already, you know,
kind of I've done a couple of gigs here and there,
and I had screen tested for a couple of things,
so I kind of knew a little bit, but I learned.
I you know, I really sharpened my teeth a lot
on that show. And that show is so very different
than any other show that have been on even still
to this day, because of how quick everything is and
how there's no time for beats. There's no pauses, so
you really have to rehearse at home to make sure
that you're able to fill in those moments with the
emotion that should have actually existed, even though you don't
have time to play it out right. Yeah, made everybody
felt like playing in the NFL. It's like the young
quarterbacks out of college ago. This is too fast. It
takes a couple of years, right, the thing that you
can plead a pass without getting intercepted. But anyway, let's
get into uh, your history with the show. Um, and
I'm gonna need my spell X here we go, boom there. Jeez,
you look even better now that I can see you.
Oh my god. Uh, this is called red standard. How
old your boy boys? Six? Oh? Man? I have a
seven year old. I have a seven year old boy,
and it's just such a one I do. He's it's
such a wonderful age. Oh my god, such a He's
not a sports kid, No, No, he's more of a
robotics math kid. He uh, he likes building stuff. He's
obsessed with robotics. I have him in robotics camp and
he's just kind of I don't know, it's like, I mean,
he can do sports and I've taught him baseball and
basketball all the stuff, and he's got a great arm,
he's got all all the stuff, but he just doesn't
want to do it so much, you know, And I'm
not going to force him. I just you know, he's
a great artist. He just one student of the month
at is elementary school. And you know, I'm just kind
of letting him follow his sort of talents and his
passions and supporting that. So that's what you do. That's
what you do, Scott. I love you just nursed her,
you n I love it. Well, my point the same thing, hybrid.
He loved building and he loves He's so good at
school it's blows my mind. He's got a photographic memory
and so forget forget anything that you try to cover
up because he remembers what sports is, the where he's
going now. Um, And he's just big. He's big, man.
He's like, well, you're big. And Sarah's tall. She's five ten,
isn't she five nine? Five tens? She's tall. Her dad's
a giant. I'm the runt of the litter in my family.
My brothers my like, my dad's six to. My brothers
are six five, six four or six three dad six
to mothers five eleven. But you're six to you're sick
good six. I'm six one. I'm six one. I'm six one.
My wife's tall. But Sarah's father, he's got that like
his myke cabs are the size of his wrists and
that's what our son has. And I can't even pick
him up anymore. He's only six. Come on, he's a beast.
Oh my goodness, it's so great. I love being a dad.
Oh my god, congratulate your boy. I got your boy
went when when we're out there in the world, we
gotta make sure we link up, get the kids together. Absolutely, man, Um,
what do you remember about the role of Tristan on
Gilmore Girls? Do you remember about that we we just
we you know, we we did an episode and we
were so uh. I mean, I just love your character.
I love that guy. I love Tristan, I really feel him.
And that's such a tragic last line when you're going
off to military school, when you say so long Mary.
I mean, it was so filled with meaning and it's
almost like you saying that you love her, and I
just I can't say that to you now, but I
want you to know that. But anyway, what do you
what do you remember about that role? I always remember
when I originally made notes, because I like to make
notes on every script that I read, no matter what.
And I just remember that I wanted him to be
the guy that you didn't know if you should be
close to him, but boil boy, did you want to be?
And so I always wanted to keep everybody at arms distance,
and so everything was a deflection, right, and everything that
he did, which is a very you know, it's a
typical stereotype that we see in in the world, right.
We see this type of personality that is so damaged
due to childhood trauma, you know, interestance cases, parenting, that
you belittle others to make yourself feel good. Even though
it's not doing any good and it's this vicious cycle
of a downward spiral. Even though he's honest and true.
Emotions were that he found her intriguing, he thought she
was smart, intelligent, beautiful, and that he did love her. Um,
he just didn't know how to voice his feelings because
he wasn't raised in the family that it's such h
that's what I remember about me. He's the guy that
you want to be near, but I'm not sure I
shouldn't right right, Well, Uh, mission accomplished there because that
I feel that tension when I'm watching the character to
push the poll. I'm attracted to him but repelled at
the same time. And it's it's it's a very interesting
and very difficult to pull off. It's a testament to
your skills because that's really it's skills in front of
a camera. Uh. When it comes down to it's fun
Amy Amy, Amy crushed it. What can we say right right?
When they serve up that kind of dialogue and those
kinds of situations. You know, I'm not saying that it's
easy to pull off, but it is just easier. You
know that it's easy when it's when it's served up
for you on a silver platter. It's easier to make
a meal out of it, and you have a piece
meal and you're going, Okay, Now, I got some work
to do to assemble a B C D. And as
I've gotten older, I mean it's been twenty two years
now since I've been working in the industry, and uh,
it gets easier as you get older. That's why I
chose the career, because I knew the longer I was
in it, the better I would get, the easier it
would become, and therefore more fascinating to be involved in.
Um what do you remember about that your first day
on set? I'm sure it was nerves and tension. I
don't wait, Scott when it comes to memories, oh did.
I always felt when I was younger that like, we
only have were like a computer, right, and you get
the one terabyte system, you gotta upgrade two terabyte system.
I feel like I was like somewhere around like the
you know, thirty two gig iPhone. New information comes in
and I blame I blame concussions to be completely too many.
I played football for eleven years a boarding and I had,
you know, a bunch of brothers and we beat the
living snot out of each other. Growing up, My long
term memory is kind of shot. How many brothers did
you do you have? Uh? Uh, let's see, don't you remember?
I'm working on it. So I have three natural and
then I have a half another half brother. Then I
have a step brother. Oh my god, I had three
step brothers. Yeah, wow, yeah, I know what that's like. Yeah,
a lot of fights. Yeah, alright, So let's I have
a list of fan questions here, I'll go down. Let's
see which one. Let's I'll try to cherry pick a
couple of try to make a little easier. Do you
think Tristan had true feelings for Rory? Yeah? Not even questions,
not even question too. Um, what was it like working
with her? Alexis someone Alexis she's uh man, she's like
the ndon. You got to pull the layers back on.
She can close off to everybody, and she's so well
at walling everybody off right, and you peel the layers
to get to the heart with her, and so, you know,
it just depends on the type of personality you are
and who you are and how trusting you are, and
you better darn well be a trusting, good human being
in order to appeal those layers back. And that's kind
of that's what I noticed, And that was you know, gosh,
it was twenty years still, so it was a long
time ago, but that back then, that's what I that's
what I recall. That is perceptive. That's very perceptive. I felt.
I feel exactly the same way. Not that I would
have verbalized it with such eloquence as you just did,
but man, I agree, I agree with you. I don't know.
I probably had a book I was reading off it
was a cheat chee uh um. What would you have
liked to see them explore more on the relationship or
would you have liked to explore that relationship with them more?
Because I think that's one of the things that I mean,
it left me wanting so much more. When you exited
that series, you were no longer there, so that relationship,
to me, had the moment it was so fraught with potential. Yeah,
and well they built that, they built it, and um,
you know, I will take responsibilities on me um that
you know, I don't think the true depth of that
relationship evercame at fruition. It's on me, um. I don't know.
There was an episode in season two where Tristan goes
off to military school in North Carolina, i e. Being
Dawson's Creek, i e. Being One Tree Hill where we
shot in North Carolina. That was military school, my friend.
So for me, it was, um, it was about just
wanting as an actor, you know this, trying on different clothes,
different costumes, different walks, different talks, different fields, getting up
in the morning and having a fresh shirt. It's different, right,
And sitting in the same character for too long can
get stagnant, and we always forget how blessed we are
when we're in those moments, right, because creatively you can
get stifled. Not that the character was stifling, They did
a great job. But I was so young that I
needed to find out who Chat is? Who is Chat
as an actor? Where can I go? What can I do?
And you know it led to me discovering so much
about myself that I genuinely wouldn't be the man I
was today. Without making that decision, you know, I could
have stayed there and spent six seasons on. So they
offered you a full deal. Yeah, but yeah, we we
had we had the discussion and for me, it was
I had at the time, I had a deal with
Warner Brooks. So I had gone let's say I moved
out to in September and by January it felt like
old Hollywood. I had a development deal with Warren Brothers.
I screen tested for a pilot called Day One, and uh,
I didn't get it. It went to Paul. Paul was
a Luski, which is I forgot his real name or
his new name. His name Paul Vampire Diaries, Paul Paul
right right, right, right, right right, and he we we
tested opposite. He got the pilot, and they gave me
a development deal and said, all right, you're in house now,
so you know when things would come through. They'd SENTI
scripts I audition and Gilmore Gross was the first thing
that came on this late. And so when the opportunity
came through to stay on Gilmore and really see I
just wanted to know more about me, and I said,
you know, I'd love the opportunity to continue to look
and find out what that thing is that is me.
And one free Hill came around and there was the
choice between Lucas and Nathan, and I remember that decision
I had to make, and Nathan had a lot of
trysting qualities in them on the Onetrey Hill. On Onetree Hill,
Lucas was a moral compass and I hadn't played that
yet at that point in my career. I was always
playing the backway, whether it was Dawson's Creek, Gilmore Girls,
whatever it was. And so I chose a more compass
and I wanted to go a different round discover more
about myself. And that's that's that's the truth, Scott. I
laid it out for you and you're like sitting in
the barber's chair. I just unveiled my step. Um. For
those of you listening who do not know what a
holding deal or a development deal, was it a holding
deal A classic holding deal, right class golden deal? Yeah.
So what that is is the studio will and they're
very rare um. They think very highly of people if
they give them a holding deal or a development deal
is uh. And they're all different types of development deals
with like major movie stars and they're far more complex.
But a holding deal, UH with one of brothers for
TV is they will pay you X amount of money
over a certain period of time to stay in their stable.
Um and they have the right of first refusal. You know.
I think you can do other things, you just have
to get permission, but not in that time frame. Uh yeah.
And I think I was allowed to do like three
guest episodes. Um, and if another pilot came up, they
had to be aware of it and they could say
you can't do it, you know, like BBS offered me
a show. Then I'm owned by one of brothers. I
was one of brothers. Basically awesome. I mean, what a
We're a great compliment like to me, Warner Brothers is
always the the epitome of like, that's where I want
to be. I remember growing up and seeing the Warner
Brothers logo, you know, and watching Looney Tunes and all
those different shows and just seeing that. I remember the
first time I walked on they can Walk Close a lot,
I had felt like not so much that I made it,
but it was a little bit of disbelief coming on.
Like I'm on the Warner Brothers lot where so many
iconic films, much was shot, So many stories could be
told if these walls could talk, and remember we shot
we filmed next to Friends are Set, so like so
many things happened there, and I was so just blown
away by one of those and still grateful to this
day for the opportunity to come in and to make
television and those plaques on the side of the sound
stages where we shot. You know, we had a couple
of different sound stages we use, but the one of them,
the main one, was like, that's where they shot street
car named Desire for God's Sake, and it's like, you're
in there where Brando used to act, and it's like,
you're kidding me, So yeah, it's it's it's quite something. Um,
it's quite something. Uh it uh, all right, So the friction.
Let's talk about the friction. There was friction with your
character with almost every other character. What were your experiences
like with Paris lizoh Wheel What were those like? Because
we talked about Paris on the show a lot, So
what was your experience like her? Gosh, she was such
a she had she was such an actress. I remember
always feeling slightly intimidated by her. I don't know that's true.
I don't know why, but at the time, I definitely
remember just feeling intimidated by her. I don't know if
it was because I don't necessarily know, but she kind
of seemed like she came from a theater and trained background.
It was a total character that she was putting on.
It wasn't her playing any like random version of herself, right,
So she was really delving in to get there, and
it was intimidating and her words always landed. And as
an actor, especially when you're just starting off and something
hits you, you feel it. And so I remember just
always feeling it when she sent the message. That's what
I remember most. And she was great. Everyone was great
on the girls were all everyone was so kind, And
you know, I always felt like a fish out of
water because I come in, I do one episode and
then be gone for three. And then I come in
and I do two episodes and I'll be gone for
one and everyone else was kind of there the majority
of the time season one, So it always felt like
I just had to walk on. Then I used to
make sure that I didn't step on any toad, you
know what I mean. Um, here's a question from a
fantas from Sarah and Tulsa, Oklahoma. Um, and this is
a question I get a lot, you know how similar?
What are the similarities between Luke and myself? What what
are the similarities between you and Tristan any I mean
when we delve delve earlier, we delved into the the
psychosis of Tristan and how he likes to keep people
at arms distance. And I would say that that's very
true with me, especially more today. A um that is
really built. Um, I built a layer of kind of
scar to shortop scar to shortop of scar tissue where
letting people in is much harder today. UM, I don't
behave in the irrational sense that Tristan did, and that
that's his youth, right and and some people never grow
out of that. Some people do the work to get
away from that, and UM, you know, I think that
was part of my growing up, right. There was always
a part of me that I think I would want
to lash out at things that I was either envious
u or jealous of, or whatever it may have been.
I would think that there was definitely parts of me
interesting as Tristan in me. But if I was to
sit back and say, today, just keeping people at arms
distance and not necessarily letting people in until you can
really uncover like Alexis, and you peel that onion back
and you go, now I know who you are. You
know because Sarah always says this, and I love I
love this about Sarah. You know, we took our time
doing the whole courting thing because she's like, look, a
leopard always shows spots. Eventually, you know you can. You can.
You can fake it for only so long before you're
going to start to show who you really are. And
I love that patient approach instead of jumping into things.
So that's where i'd say, underneath the surface, that's where
Tristan and I agree. Not to mention we both have
the same hair. You both do have great hair, that's
for sure, the same. I didn't say great. I will
look at me. I think I have good hair, but
compared to you, I mean, look at those locks, like
it was beautiful. Yeah, a little curler any more. And
I don't even have a columb anymore. Who am I folding?
You know? I use a cut just I don't. I've
never used to colmb on my hair, calmb on my beard.
I don't know. Yeah, he's a call on my shoulder hair.
Uh can we talk anyway? Yeah? Do you think that?
And here's this is from Margaret from Orlando, Florida. In
your opinion, was Tristan rude or was he just misunderstood? Well,
it was it was rude. There's there's no question about
whether he was rude or not. Whether you misunderstood or not,
you still have there's an action to a reaction, right,
or there's a reaction to someone else's action. Just because
he may or may not have act in a certain
way doesn't mean it wasn't rude, even if he was misunderstood.
So I think it's a combination of both. Was Tristan
misunderstood and if you were to sit down with Tristan
in like a scenario where he felt comfortable, I think
you'd find now all sorts of things that nobody knew
about him. You know, I guarantee his father and his
mother were not in his life. I guarantee he was
a rogue soldier that was moving down and every day
he was told, how how lucky are you? I worked
for everything I had? Look at you, You get it
all gifted to you. You better show up, you better shine,
you're you're you're you're a nasan the whole. No one
gets all this stuff handed to him. I guarantee he
lived that existence growing up. And if you knew someone
in that position, then you can sympathize with them and say, Okay,
he doesn't just have a silver spoon or the golden
spoon up his you know what. He he's human and
he was dealt these cards. But he also doesn't have
real true love in his life. Now, if you ask
me money, I love. It is a no brainer. Every time,
it's love. Every time I tell people time and time again,
you know, whether it's birthday's Christmas is whatever it may be.
Um or if I see like a big family and
they like make an effort to come to convention and
they drag someone over and you know they're crying, and
I go, you know, this is fantastic, this opportunity that
we're having. But you know, the greatest gift that you
just received, there's no one that you would have loved.
You was so loved. There's the greatest gift you can
ever receive. Take it and run and carry that with
you day and day and know that you would love.
And I don't think Tristan had as much of that
as we would have hoped for him. And that's why
he lashed out, you know, out of insecurity, out of
hope and hoping that he wasn't going to get shut
down again. So much is expected of Hi when he
fails being the son of a man who resents you
because he had to work so hard to give you everything,
and then he resents you for it. That's the tragedy.
It's an American tragedy. And uh, it's off three. It's
it's often repeated throughout the generations, and it's really unfortunate,
um um, and very very well put. And you know,
I felt that that's what draws me to that character.
He does need love, and that's all of his actions
are reflective of that. And it's very compelling to watch.
Even in the scene with Dean, when you're being such
a jerk and so antagonistic with Dean, you're doing it
in such a way where you know, it's just very
It's not that it's noncommittal. It's not that you're not
that Tristan isn't committing to those actions. It's that, I
don't know, he's almost for me. It's almost like he
would rather be there's some space there with he would
rather be friends with Dean, or maybe there's a little
feels like a show, right, he's putting on a show.
He's totally putting on a show. None, None of this
is all real. He's putting on a show and he's
peacocking right as they would say. He's peacocking and hoping
that that win's out. Why, it's probably what he was
trained by his father time and time again. You know,
someone walks in an office and his dad goes to fired,
get out of here, you're done? Oh really? Okay? Well,
you know, and he's seen that type of behavior, and
when you see that type of behavior, you will acted out.
And that again, it gets carried down from genitor generation
to generation, and you have to get to a point
where Tristan needed to get to a point where the
buck stops here. I'm not going to allow this to continue.
And I believe that if we would have gone further
with Tristan, if that path would have been the chosen path,
I believe that we would have found that he had
a heart of gold and that he was just damaged.
And I think that we would have we would have
found that he loves and he loves big, and he's hurt,
you know, and he would have he would have had
to clean on to someone, and I wonder who got
someone would have been. I feel like someone would have
probably become a mother figure in his life who knows who,
and would have nurtured him. You know what I saw
you doing as an actor, I saw you doing it,
and I appreciate it so much because it really let
me know about out how Tristan really needs that love.
As you would take little pauses every once in a
while and you'd look at her and I thought, Wow,
it's that. I mean, this guy is that good an
actor where that's all it takes. And then we know,
we know, we see that moment into his whole past
and his whole present about how he's treated at home
and how conflicted he is, and how much he needs
her because in his what he thinks is somewhat of
a commitment to being this jerk, he's out a little
bit out of control of it. There are those moments
where you take that pause and you look at her
and you're so wanting her and you're so near her,
and it's just beautiful. It's beautiful to many moments of vulnerability. Man,
there's pure vulnerability there. And I do remember reading with
Amy back in the audition and she said what she
liked was that I do a but also the vulnerability
she needed to see that vulnerability, and I think that's
ultimately what what I wanted for me, and that's what
where the marriage came from between Chad and Tristan, was
the vulnerability to bring it to his purpose. He's he's
you know, it's uh, he's right now, one of my
favorite characters. Um, And I don't think I'm going to
see him again, am I? You're gone? Yeah? No, you
know how many episodes did you? You just you did
more than this? Is it? You? That's it. I'm not
gonna see anymore. I'm gonna watch these episodes that you're
not going to show up. I don't know. You know,
it's funny, you guys when you guys, it sounds like
a personal problem. Maybe you can go back and watch
the reruns. I don't think so the uh you know
they sell him on DVD. You can go back and
watch them and be right there. Sounds like a problem,
you know, the the reunion. They did the union and
I think the day that they had the day that
they picked the shoot the Tristan scene, my wife and
I were having a baby, yeah, and we had it
scheduled and we couldn't reschedule because it was induced labor.
They also came together also last second and boom we're
having it was like, sorry, so I heard that life
got it's a little more for me. Yeah, Hey, let's
talk about your projects. I know you got a couple.
You got a toying with the Holidays, Angel Falls Christmas,
and you got a Bruce Willis film and you're right
on the poster with Bruce Willis called Fortress. Tell us
a little bit about about these projects coming up. Man,
that's exciting. Uh, you know, just blessed to continue to
work and continue to um to delve into play with
the instrument. Man. You know, you get up in the
morning and you try and like I said, you're trying
a new outfit and a new character and it just
feels so good. Uh. Fortress was a riot. You know,
he's a South Jersey boy. He grew up down the
street from me without tell me what it was like.
Working with was fantastic. Bruce is great. Bruce and I, um,
we get along really well. Uh. And you know there'd
be times where he'd take me aside and we'd have
like just a little personal chance, and he wouldn't He
just didn't do that a lot. You know. He kind
of would do his thing and then that's it. But
I felt it was incredibly gratifying knowing that I got
to have those private moments with him, right and and
have those conversations. You know, we talked about you know,
he's good old you know, Armageddon and die Hard and
you know, just stories from behind the scenes and you know,
the whole at living sequence with um, you know, gippy
kaa mother, and we talked about just so many different
things down to you know, just human living with the
certain ricks are and UM and I borrow from everyone
that I work with, director, producer's crew. I try to
just take the best of everybody. He gave me some
things that really meant a lot to me, and and
so yeah, it was great. The characters that I play
in this film is absolutely insane, and I think you're
gonna love it. So that's gonna be in theaters December
and correct correct and Angel Falls is Christmas. Angel Falls
Christmas is now on IMDbTV, im BBTV streaming. Wa'ts it now?
I love that film, very very very different, complete polar
opposite playing an angel and and his job in in
this life is to be basically a relationship counselor okay,
but it's a fallen Angels scenario, you know, falling for
the girl who's not supposed to what do you do?
So it's City of Angels meets It's Wonderful Life and
all those great movies all kind of piled at one
another character piece. And then Toying What the Holidays comes
up this Saturday on Lifetime December eighteenth on Lifetime, Toying
with the Holidays, check it out. And then Thursday after
your board, Um, I'm playing I played Ted Bundy and
uh oh yeah, I saw that very different film and
that comes out of Hulu on Thursday. So what's going on? Man?
You're just like, are you ever home? No, You're just
you're just filming all the time we have been. Look,
I made a decision that I was like, you know what,
Look and instead of saying no to everything I'm not,
start saying yes and open my mind and learn and
create relationships and just trying different avenue. And what I
found is I've made so many new friends, i found
so many new relationships, and I've been able to try
out so many different things as an actor. Right, some
have been awesome, some failed miserably and that's fine. It's
completely fine with me. But I'm learning more about myself,
which is awesome. And my kids and I we live
on the road. Son's been on overs, that's sick. And um,
you know this year we were gone all year until
I have my surgery a month ago. Now we're we
put a pain in it. I want time out and
we we We picked back up January eighth, heading to
shoot a Western So like, at you go, man, Good
for you, Good for you. Alright, he'll up, gotta go.
I know you're busy. You gotta get you, gotta get
out of here. We've taken up far too much of
your Time's all good at you. Gotta love you, buddy. Yeah,
I love you too. Man. It's so great catching up.
And uh yeah, I'll get your I'll get your info
from from Amy and Gang and we'll connect man and
get our kids together. By the way, are you west side?
East side? Where are you? We? We are actually closer
to the beach now. I sold my place. I got
out of l a proper. Well. Yeah, I've been there
a long time, you know, I've been there eighteen years,
nineteen years in that house. So it was time. It
was time so we're You know, my wife likes the
the ocean, she likes the beach, and uh, I think
my wife, we're probably in the same neighborhood that money.
We could be. We'll talk down the road, yes we will.
All right. Such a pleasure, man, great catching up and
good luck with everything. Best is Sarah? Okay, tell her
I said, hold on all right, will I will see
my left everybody? God left you all right? You too? Man? Cheers,
m m hey everybody, and don't forget follow us on
Instagram at I Am all In podcast and email us
at Gilmore at I Heart radio dot com. Oh you
Gilmore fans. If you're looking for the best cup of
coffee in the world, go to my website for my
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