All Episodes

June 14, 2021 59 mins

" You're pleased that the ice man looked at you like a Porterhouse steak." Well, WOW!

As Scott Patterson/Luke is feeling less threatened by "Max Medina" we are analyzing the first real acknowledgement that there is more to Luke and Lorelai than "just friends".

We debate a few important topics...

Would you rather attend the party at Richard and Emily's or the party at Lorelai's?

Did Rory overreact or was Emily way out of line inviting all the kids from Chilton?

Who needs a friend like Mitzi? (Eek)

Plus, we didn't see the Clown Pillow but it is the first appearance of "The Bracelet from Dean"...and this is significant!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
I am all in. I want to kiss you. I
am all in with Scott Patterson and I heart radio podcast.

Hey everybody, welcome back on Scott Patterson. This is I
Am all In Podcast. We are going to recap episode six,
season one of the Rory's birthday parties. Not party parties.
She had more than one. Um and listen, if I
could just take a moment, uh to discuss this, Maxi Medina,

ranting that I've been doing. I you know, we we
did a special episode with Scott, who was a lovely,
lovely human being on top of being one of the
better jazz piano players. Um of anybody, much less actors.
But he can play a mean jazz piano. This guy, Uh,
just a lovely, lovely guy, terrific actor. UM. So it
was never it was never personal against Scott. It's just

the character. That's That's what I'm responding to. So, UM,
you know, we had a we had a nice discussion
on we made a special podcast out of it, and uh,
and I feel a lot better about it. I do.
I he said that he was willing to walk away
from his job at Chiltern. He for Laurel. I I
respect that. I respect his perspective on that. I respect

the choices that he made. I still want to throttle
him because his arrival don't that's not gonna go away.
That's always gonna be here. I'm serious about that. Man.
There's something that right, you know, it's the Scotch Irish
in me on you know, on my dad's side. It
just rises up and um and you know he he

invokes that and so um. But I gotta say, man,
I mean, if you're in love with somebody, I I
can kind of dig where he's coming from. You know,
it was for him, it was all about romance. He
was willing to throw it all away. But I still
have a bone to pick with him. I gotta tell you,
I'm gonna be watching these episodes and he better be
real careful. MAXI Medina. I'm warning you. You got a

little break from Max and this episode I did. I
got a little break. So let's let's talk about Roy's
birthday parties because it's uh my god, We're gonna impact.
We're gonna impact one heck of a show. This this
so far has been my favorite episode. I mean, it
is so filled, so filled with conflict, and so filled
with so many great lines. I don't know how we're

gonna pick a great line, but there are a million
great lines in this in this episode. Um. You know
the thing that really struck me about this episode, and
I think you guys will agree with me, is is
the level of vitriol between mother and daughter. I mean,
between Emily and law I mean it's like and it's
almost like, I don't know how Emily tolerated Laura even

from the get go, from the very first scene. Uh,
you know, my daughter, Hannay youngman, everything's a joke, everything's
I mean, all she's trying to do, is you know.
I think Richard and Emily got together a long long
time ago, uh, and have for years, have have sort
of shrugged the shoulders that acknowledge that lauraize the lost
cause that she's never going to be pleasant company. She's

never going to be a loving daughter to them. But Rory.
They can work on Rory. They can they can get
it right with her. So everything they did wrong maybe
or apply the same kind of discipline, of the same
kind of cultural opportunities. Uh. From their perspective for Rory,
I think they feel like they're going to save her life.
I understand though, why Emily makes Laura lie crazy. So

I get what you're saying. But at the on the
same token, it's like Emily is tough. She's yes, she's
tough as now. She does a lot of things for
herself and it drives. But but here's the thing that
watching this episode, watching just the first couple of scenes,
I started asking questions, where is Emily from? What was

her mother, like, what was her grandmother? Like? What what
is that bloodline like for her to for them to
produce an Emily Gilmore Where it was just it's a perfectionist.
It's about manners, it's about appearance. It's about education, it's
about wealth, it's about being elite. It's about maintaining culture.
It's about protecting culture. It's about protecting education, it's about

donating to Harvard, donating to this private schools, this that
it's about culture, keeping culture, and that's the responsibility. So
I started wondering where Emily came from and I and
I must have been And I thought one scenario. Here,
here's a possible scenario. Emily's bloodline came from nothing and somebody,

somebody right, and somebody made it to Asian couple hundred
years ago a woman who said enough is enough and
education is the key, and I'm going to crack the
whip on all my children there might hate me, but
by golly, they're getting into Harvard. And she works hard, Yes,
she works hard to make it perfect and the perfect

room and social experience for Richard, you know, and the
she works hard at that. It's her full time job. Absolutely,
appearances are everything. And and you know, they're a powerful couple.
They are a power couple and they have extraordinary wealth
and that just didn't happen. That happened over generations and

Laura Lie hates it. Laura Lie hates it so much. Well, yeah,
so the only explanation for Emily is there must be
something wrong with her. So she's a lost cause. But right, Rory,
isn't I mean, who gets pregnant at sixteen and has
the baby when they come from that? Not a Gilmore,
you know what I mean? Like, not a Gilmore and

it happens them. And it also led me to wonder
about the origin of the name Gilmore. Where comes from?
And it's Scottish and it's also Irish and it's and
it's remolster as well. But if you're it's a Scottish Highlander.
And you wonder. You know, Scots are the smallest people
in the UK, the average about five ft eight five

ft nine. But why is Richards so told he's a
gil More? Why why he's six four? I mean he's
a giant. So then I went back and read a
little history on the region, and Norwegian vikings invaded Scotland
in seven thirty nine and that was four I mean,

it wasn't until twelve sixty six or something that they
got beaten back and the Scots held from and it's
there's there are a lot of details to go to
go into this that I'm skipping over, but it wasn't
really until fourteen seven, fourteen o eight when they got
their lands back, when the Scott's really got their lands back,
because somebody forgot to make a payment. Rich Yes, so

there's that d n A. So I'm thinking, okay, so
that DNA is in is in Laurela. She's she's fighting mad.
So there's this sort of push pull thing within her
to fight against it. She is one, you know, there's
an identity crisis there. But I think Emily comes from
really tough stock and she doesn't and She's seen how

people destroy themselves, and when she sees that, Laurel i
um antagonizes every single line of her every time she's
trying to help Rory. At the dinner table, you know,
Laurel has got a comment. It's this negative comment. I mean,
in the real world, a grandmother would stand up and
say leave right now, shut up or leave stop you know,

stop tittering away over there, because I'm trying to help
your daughter. I mean, that would lead to a big fight,
it wouldn't. I mean. The amount of patients that Emily
is displaying at the dinner table and throughout the episode
is kind of so interesting. You see it that way
because I felt Emily did a lot of things wrong
in this episode with good intentions, but she really crosses

the line inviting all the kids to the party, throwing
this party that Rory doesn't want or light. She's trying
to save Rory. That's her intention. She doesn't want Laurela
to destroy Rory in her right. In her perspective, she

sees a glimmer of hope in Rory that she responds
to me. She thinks, I'm funny. Sometimes I can win
her over. I can maybe gain a little bit of
control by giving you know, the post it notes on
the things, the lawyers coming for the will and you
can have anything you want the desk, this that right
and there seene. But it's like they're being very risk

that's very generous to say something like totally, they are generous.
Richard just keeps giving the checks for Fez. Here's another
check for Fez. They're super generous. Emily wants to buy
her some extravagant mob block pen when really she just
wants the five dollar bracelet. But Emily wants to do
things Emily's way. She doesn't bend to what someone else

wants until she shows up at the other party. That
was cool, yeah, yeah, yes, But the pudding she's trying,
she's trying. She's just not good at I think the
party was. Yeah, I think the party had a lot

a big impact that I'm like, of course, but it
was more for me. It was more about I'm a
strange for my daughter. I don't know my daughter. Maybe
I need to give my daughter a little bit of
a break here. Maybe she isn't a complete screw up,
you know, maybe she's missing because you know, because people
that live at that level where Emily and Richard live.

They they don't have a great deal of freedom to
let their hair down and really speak their minds. They
don't get to be themselves. I think a lot of
them are that way because they and I think that
they both come from a tradition of keeping culture. And
that's a great responsibility. It's a ton of work. It's

just what people expect at that level. And it's like, well,
you have to make a little bit of speech to
our guests, and you have to say thank you, because
that's what a hostess does, and um, that's the proper
way to do it. That's how you have to manners.
That's what a good high society girl would do. Right,

manners in general. I mean, it's what it's what separates
the elite from everybody else. It's it's the level of
manners and it's and it's but they can afford to
have those kind of there's nobody else but you know.
And then she saw right when she came to Rory's
birthday party, what what regular people do, How they easily,
how how easily they love each other? Which party would

you rather go to? I want to go to the
snooty party, I've been to so many of those other
parties and they're fun, but I want to go to
the snooty party. Those are hard to get into, you know.
But there's something to that, right There is an appeal
to what Richard and Emily have in that life and
Rory and we don't want to give too much away,

but we know that she's intrigued by that life and
she's drawn to that life, which will see over the
next few years she likes that. And then yes, and
it and it and it begs the question was Laurel
strong or weak? Breaking away from that, she displayed strength
and weakness at the same time as it possible to
do that. I mean, what did she do? And she's

and and and and and Rory is cleaved so close
to Laura la she won't let her go. She what
s her up At four or three am, she gets
in bed, she recites all this stuff about the night
she was which is a very moving, touching scene. But
you see that no one, but no one is getting
near her. Kid, She's nobody. And how about the end

of the episode, Scott, Laura Lae is devastated when she
sees Rory with Dean devastated might not be the right word.
It's new territory for you. She's a little terrified. Yeah,
that gave me chills even when you just said that.
It's like, is she worried she's losing Rory or is

she worried that Rory could become Laura? And what happened
to Laura? The acting is brilliant because even now as
I'm thinking about it, I have like chills because I
can see her face perfectly and it expressed so much.
You're like, oh, it's right, it's the babette line. What

are you going to do when she leaves, when she
goes to college? What are you going to have? What's
she going to have? And that's what Emily fills in
the blanks for for all of those types of questions.
What you have is friends, You have um activities, you
have fundraisers, you have you know, you want to raise

money for the ballet, you want to raise money for
the for the for the orchestra, you want to raise
money for this or that. Right, you are keeping culture.
That's what they do. They raise money to keep culture,
to keep it alive, to keep it high quality, to
get the great conductor to come visit to or to
be in house, or to get the top violence, the

top dancers, you know this kind of thing. That's that's
what they do. They spend a great deal of their
time doing that, now that I think about it. They
need to win over Rory to keep the line, the
tradition going because Laura Lia went sideways, so she's not
going to be the heir that they Great Point want
to carry. The great point. The bloodline is the blood

thinned out. It's breaking the Laura I considers it breaking
the neurotic chain. The Gilmore's think it's like, you know,
that's the end of us, that's the end of our bloodline,
and we have a Yeah, they're fighting for the soul
of Rory so that she comes back to them or
their way of life. It's fascinating. You know, look, any

great trauma, UH needs a good bad guy. And you
know there's a couple of men Gilmore, I mean, Emily
could be considered a bad guy. What a great antagonist, right,
Sometimes Laurala I could be considered a bad guy. It's not,
it's not, it's not. Richard is so kind and he
just loves all of them. He loves all of them

and is trying to sort of keep the peace, you know,
those scenes with and especially when when they arrive at
the party they're still tent. I mean they just spend
a day shopping and kind of connecting a little bit
of Emily and and Laurela. And she was surprised by it,

and um, she comes in. It's like that dress, you know,
did you make your daughter a hat out of it?
I mean, like, what's going on? And I mean it's
like then now we're back to normal. We're back to
mother daughter hating each other. And I just don't approve
of you, and you're inappropriate and get out of my face.
And the party, despite your desire to go, is so

anti Laurela. But we don't, I think Rory, there are
things she likes about it. You know, she has her
blow up, but like, like you're saying, it is a
fancy affair, I mean, what do you think she spent
on that thing? Graham? Really? But that's a lot of
servants you gotta pay. That's great, the food, the the

all the detail. I'm sure the embossed invitations and that
it's they she I don't know if it's a hundred grand,
but she plunked down some that's expense. It is to
put on an affair like that, that's no joke. And
all their friends are there. That's the thing too. She

uses uses this as her way to not just have
the kids from school, but all their friends and look
at us and look at Rory. And she goes to
children with all these kids. And Richard knows Tristan's grandfather,
of course he does. But I think, but but also,

you know, another thought popped in my mind when I'm
watching it, is they are making these people so abhorrent,
uh that you know, you say to yourself, no wonder, Laura.
I didn't want any of the thing to do with
it because there's just a woman off That woman that
comes up to Laura. That was the best scene of
the whole season. So Mitzi, that was genius. That was

Janius who was that actress? But how great was it.
I'm trying to grow steps the finger, like where's the servant?
You know, I've been working on myself a lot, Laurel,
you know, and since my divorce, and I'm trying to
grow just bringing up Christopher and good for us because

we get to learn more. Who does that? Let me
put a dagger in your heart and bring up your act,
baby Daddy. That was absolutely my favorite scene of the
whole the whole six episodes so far. I love snapping.
I watched the Snapping twenty time. I kept replaying and
I said, this is just this girl's brilliant. This is
just the best moment of the whole thing. But the

two of them together, I mean, that was a masterclass
in comedy acting because it was just so subtle and
Nuance Day was so great. I mean, I know we're
going backwards, but the sticky noting the furniture they want
when Richard and Emily pass on, Oh my god. But
you would only hope that it would be so organized,

right and determined, because you know what these things due
to families. If people aren't detailed about it, you know,
it breaks families apart. And they want to make sure
that she's going to get what they want to give
her answer question Bridget White played was fantastic. Could anything

be better than Mitsy? I mean, did she did she
have a recurring role? I think we only see her
that time. Oh wow, that girl needed to get her
own series, or she at least needed to have a
recurring role on the show because it was the it
was the funniest scene, and you have to assume that
she was written in for a reason to show why

Laura ran away this crap. So that's why, that's what
the character's purpose served, exactly, Tristan's character serving that purpose
as well. So it's Liza Wheels those Paris. That's like,
let's talk about here is after this, because there's some

juicy Pearis stuff in this. Yeah, there's juicy stuff, but um,
but it's you know, it's a world unto itself. It's
a world few people really know. Uh, and it is
it's I mean, I don't know how accurate uh it
is portraying it that way, but I'm sure it's it's
not inaccurate at times. Let's just put it that way,

I think. Yeah, I think it's there's a lot of accuracy. Yeah. Anyway,
So we're gonna take a little break. We'll be back
after these messages. Yeah, all right, everybody, we're back. I'm
Scott Patterson. I am all in podcast. We're getting into
Rory's birthday parties. This is episode six Rory's Birthday Parties

air date November nine. Rory clashes with Emily when Emily
plans a formal birthday party for her. Meanwhile, Laura La
organized a casual get together to celebrate. Some people have
called this one of the best episodes of The Gilmore Girls.
It's fantastic. I mean it's shockingly good and again and
I you know, I don't mean to be the dead horse,

but how on earth did this show not get nominated
for major awards? I mean, it's unbelievably great. Every single
second of this episode, and this series pretty much so
far has been perfection, absolute comedic and dramatic perfection. I mean,
what a what a balancing act, what a show? Um,

just this one really knocked me out. So I'm gonna anyway,
So let's get into Rory's reaction. She got a little
snippy with Emily the party. Wow, she left. I mean
that was both barrels. I mean that was like, that
was like an uppercut. That was like a left hook
and then a right hand over hand right to the nose,

knocked her out and then just left. Emily was flattened.
It was just terrible. It was it was shocking, shocking moment.
I felt she was being a little ungrateful. I she
took it was it was like it was like the
Laurelie rising up in her and speaking through her. How

would you feel you're the sixteen year old you just
want to like have your birthday. Every kid from your
schools invited that hates you, that you hate, and now
your grandma wants you to make a freaking toast at
at this fancy affair that you're like, oh my god. No.

So there's you know, there's there's the gap in Emily's process.
Emily should have had the talk with Rory at the
dinner saying listen, I'm going to and would it be okay?
Or I'm going to invite all of your friends? That
should have been a conversation. I agree with that, um,

but I think she just does things. I don't think
she did it in any I mean she did it
with with a good heart, right with goodtentions. She wants
were to fit in. And I don't know if if
Emily is even aware of the tension that Rory's having
or the conflict that Rory's having at school. She invited
everybody because that's what you do. That's what you do.

It's more it's like, hey, we're playing, She's arrived. She's
to be taken seriously, this is what kind of wealth
she comes from. Don't even think about not coming. And
you make that speech toast whatever you want to call it,
because that's what you do. Because yes, because it's because

it's really a cannon shot over the bow of the
other wealthy families that are sending their kids to children's like, hey,
we're players. She's just not a girl. She see. Rory
didn't understand Laurel I didn't understand that the Gilmour's had
their back by throwing that party because they're they're saying
to the other families, don't mess with this girl anymore.
She's somebody and this is this is who her grandparents are.

Don't mess with us. My parents made me come, same thing.
There's no difference between Harris's parents and the Gilmore grandparents.
You make this speech because that's what you do. Harris.
You go to this party we're making and Emily and
Richards providing Rory the protection, the pedigree that that Laura

I can't give her because Laura, you know, as they
you know, Emily probably already assumed that you know, Laurel
I was being mocked at school and Uh, and Rory
was getting bullied. I mean, it's it's a no brainer
for her. So it's like throw that party, send the invitation,
send a message to everybody. This is who this girl

is and you can't mess with her anymore. She's somebody.
So in that world, that's like Emily declaring war and
the other families and say careful, we have nuclear weapons too,
you know what I mean. So you give us your
respect because you're not going to give Laurela that respect,
and therefore her daughter, our granddaughter, is going to suffer

because of what our daughter did when she was sixteen
and had a baby. Now, let's fix this. We can.
We can't fix it with our daughter, but we can
fix it with our granddaughter to make sure that nobody
beats her up. I've looked at it. I see what
you're saying, and I think you have a great perspective.
I looked at it. Is the Gilmore's are showing off
that Rory is not a scholarship kid. We are just

the same as you all are. And uh, it's kind
of like flexing Ror like she comes from the right. Yes,
it is a power move and it's meant to protect
the Gilmore name. It's meant to protect Rory. It's it's

it's it's enveloping her in. They're loving very powerful arms.
They're flexing your muscle, right, I guess it's don't mess
with Rory because then ultimately you're messing with your father's
insurance that Richard sells it and that's global because he
just got off the phone with China. We're having a
little trouble with her. Don't mess with the Gilmore's. We

defeated the Vikings. We absorbed their DNA, which is why
I'm so tall. We will mess you up. Now. What
I have a few questions where you Stott. One is
I'm going backwards again. But what was your opinion on
the pudding? Um? Yeah, I mean it's it's a great line.

That's one of the great It's an inspired one the
great ones. It's like tannam out to hospital food. It's
her major search. Such a snub. I mean, I'm really
kind of digging Emily. I really like her. I really
like her. Um, what was the pudding? Was the pudding?

Because because because Laurel I likes it, she can't understand why,
but she likes like was Emily doing it to say,
I'm serving putting in fancy bulls because you all like
pudding and I am trying. It's a concession. Yeah, absolutely, absolutely,
it's a concession. Why wouldn't you want him to keep

coming back without giving you so much crap on the time,
Maybe laurel I will shut up for five minutes and
start getting grateful a little bit. But it's like everything
this woman comes out of her mouth. You know, there's
laurel Ize saying, really, mom is a really the smart
you know, she's like a nut. It's so interesting to
me because you hate Max Medinas oh much, but you

are always siding with Emily when Emily is tough on
your girl. Do you know why? I'll tell you why.
Let me make a little confession right here on the air.
I did not like the way she talked to me
when she came into the diner. She said, dance from me,
burger boy. And then he came up to the table.
And this is after he made balloons in the table

and and ferrari and all that kind of stuff, and
all he got was Lukey Will and Softie. You know,
they don't respect Luke. I felt that they did not
really respect him. Uh, when they were sort of playing
around with him. Oh the eighth grade birthday party and
the cops came. Oh, it was really something. Look, I
mean they didn't respect him enough to talk to him

in playing English the way he wants to talk to him,
you know, the way because he doesn't do all that banter.
He doesn't do the banter back and forth. He doesn't
do that stuff. He's not a sophisticated guy, but he's not.
It's not that he doesn't read. He reads, he knows thinks,
but he's not you know, Mr chit chatty. Life is Uh,
it's funny and let's just create funny lines and and

and go to country club and this it's this country
club attitude where nobody takes anything seriously. We see the
same attitude and the way we were It's like, is
everything a joke to you people? It's like, you know,
yeah what Emily experiences, Yeah, a little bit. And he
walked away. He even said, you know, I'm not I'm
not listening to this anymore. And he walked away because

he knew that they weren't. They were talking at him.
You know, they want to push pole with Luke and
moral where it's such a fine line because she does
that ribbing to him, and do that to her. But
then you're getting a little but hurt by it. Yeah,
I'm not good at it. I go too hard with it,
you know what I mean, because I I do. I'm

because I'm like, I know, I'm out of my league
with this girl. I'm out of my depth. Although not
when you showed up at the party, because in that
scene at the party at Oralizes number one, you had
the ice, which was epic. You're like, you know you
should always bring ice. Number two, you threw her off
her game with the will you marry me? Whoa? So

it's almost like after the diner scene you came back
and you owned that scene. Yeah they marry me line?
Huh will you marry me? And then Emily sees you
two like each other. I mean Emily immediately says, what
is going on with you and the ice? Man? It's
like she saw it before either of you were really

ready to even acknowledge it. Well, there's something about Christopher.
I mean, let's let's compare Christopher to Luke. Okay, so
there's something about Christopher, his rebellious nature, you know, knocking
Laurela up when they were both sixteen and juniors in
high school, and you know he went off. I mean
his life was altered as well. Um, now educate me here.

I apologize. But Christophers of that ilk, isn't he? Yes? Yes?
And and I was always surprised And we're getting ahead
of ourselves by how much the Gilmore's like him, like
they forgave him. Yeah, they wanted Laura to marry him.

You would have given him a job. It was the
next it was the only it was the only thing
to do to cover the mistake. I mean, it was
still gonna be uh you know, it was still going
to be a black mark against the family name, right
and for sure for Laura la But I mean they
could cover up that mistake in a matter of years.

You know, Chris goes to college. You know, he'll go
to Yale, He'll go to Harvard. Richard will pull some strings,
He'll end up being a VP at the insurance company,
and you know everybody will forget about it. And if
anybody talks about it, Richard will and Emily will crush them.
So they lost control. Christopher should have married Laura Lai
because it's what you do. And that the reason I'm

team Lorelai is because I love that she does what
she wants. She doesn't conform to any of it other
than what she wants. And she didn't want Christopher to
marry her because that would have been ruining Christopher's life. No,
give me a break, he wasn't rebellious enough. She wanted

to She wanted Marlon Brando. She wanted to go off,
way off. I mean, she just wanted to go find
a guy who was going to rock her world. You
know what I mean. You know what I'm saying. And
it wasn't Christopher. I think she's saying, I'm not This happened.
She needed Laura. I needed a blue collar guy. That's

what she needed. That's what she wanted. That's what she
wanted when she to get away from that world. I've
seen it million times. I've seen it a million times.
There are there's there's a whole u population of kids
that comes from these great families and they end up
in New York City or in l A, living in
hovels and denying where they're from and not wanting to associate.

And they have they have a different experience. We know
how this thing ends. So ultimately, I can't argue with
you because I know you're right. But surely along the
way you'll we're gonna see it. And we're starting with
Max Medina, but you know, she definitely is attracted to Jason,

and I don't want to, you know, get ahead, but
everyone listening has probably already seen it too. And Christopher
like she there is something she likes about her old
life or her a great upbringing, but she rebels against it. Yeah,
that's she can't go back. She will never go back.
She cannot go back. There's just too much water under

the bridge with her mother. It's just she can't. And
who knows, uh, And maybe we'll find out this is
a watch episode, but who knows when she made that
decision in her life. And she probably made it the
night she was with Christopher, well before, maybe she was
trying to get pregnant, so she had an excuse to
get the hell out of there. And Christopher, I mean,

Christopher is doing the same thing. He's always rebelling against
traditional Can you imagine what Emily was like fifteen, sixteen,
seventeen years ago, eighteen twenty years ago, I mean before
Laura Lae had the baby. Can you imagine imagine Emily

with the Cotillion or the Debutante ball or the oh yeah,
I mean talk about overbearing. I mean, she's intense now
and she's a grandmother. Imagine what she was like as
a young mother. I feel like you're not giving me
enough about that scene in the entryway to Lorealize with

the Ice, with the will you marry me? With the
can you remember anything about that? I mean that scene
is so at the will you marry Me? See yes,
because I think it's just basic foreshadowing. I think it's
just really basic foreshadowing. Um. I think it's it's a

line that was written to prepare an audience, to open
up possibilities. Not that it necessarily was going to go there,
but I think it was something. It was like an
injection into the audiences bloodstream, okay, like Luke's and play
maybe Yes. And I think as a fan or a viewer,

I liked Luke so much. I liked him from the
very start, and so this is always giving me that
hope or that moving it forward, like I'm not wrong.
I'm not wrong when I'm sitting at home going Luke's
the guy, and then for Emily to see it too,
it's so vindicating for the fan. You're like, it's very clever.

It helps the audience to participate in the drama as
opposed to just watching it. It's it's it's a whole
different style of writing, especially coming off of the Big
Max episode. It's like we put a pause on that completely,
and all of a sudden, we're like, I knew it.
I knew she likes Luke. I knew it. But the
thing is if you give, if you give the audience

what they want right away, they don't want that. They
want to be tortured. Will you marry me? It's like
you just mailed it. And then Emily just being priceless,
like who's the guy with the ice and why is
he looking at you? And you're about to give him

a lap dance and it's just like, but he gave
when she when she invited him to the party, he
was pleased. He doesn't smile a lot, and he smirked
a little, like, wow, I got invited. That was a
big deal for him because I remember how I played.
It's like, okay, be really happy, but cover cover, cover,
let a little smile out. That's exciting for him. He
gets he gets to be invited because not a lot

of people are inviting him anywhere. He's going to town
hall meetings because everybody goes. But it's like, is he
being invited to a lot of places. He's you know,
he's grumpy, luke um. And just the ice, I mean,
the fact that she was getting in the car to
go get the ice and here comes loose the ice.
It's like that was so major. It's like he knows

what she needs, whereas in the world she comes from,
they shove it down your throat and they tell you
what you need. Here in this world, their actual feeling
beings who maybe really care about who I am, and
they will give me what I need, the little things

important we haven't even talked about yet. The party at
Lower Lies, it really sums up stars hollow, and that
these people have all known each other and they know
Rory since she was born, and this is a family.
And that's why Emily is sitting in that wing chair
to the side going just blown away. I missed all

of this and these people are her people. She felt powerless,
and she put down her sword a little bit. She
just kind of like a zombie, walked upstairs to just
look at her room. She just she was that was
she was on a Columbo. She was Columbo and the
whole time. So she went upstairs. It's all the broken

leg photo. I didn't know you had a broken leg. Well,
if you know, look, if I had something really serious,
you would have known. But it was just a broken leg.
And I was just like, wow, there's there's so much.
And Rory gets Richard. Rory gets Richard so well. She's like,
here's the Cosmo magazine. Do the quiz? Are you a winner?
It's like she gets him and he likes her so much.

They are and he says, and I loved his his reaction, Well, Rory,
I discovered that I am an autumn. I mean, they're
so they're so cool together. It's a great dynamic with
those two. There's nothing for her not to love about

her grandparents except that, you know, and I think she
kind of stays out of the Ted for Ted bickering
between the two of them at the dinner table or ever.
But it's just I think she's, you know, she really
loves her grandma. She wants to love her grandparents, and
she loves Richard. She loves Emily, but she really wants
her I think she's starting to learn that they have

loyalty to Rory, they have her back, which, as we
all know, as we go on, we will see that
more and more. And I think we're seeing the important
beginnings of that. Yeah, and I want to go and
I want to go back to there was a scene
in the diner where Rory comes up with Lane and

I and the balloons could die like this is adorable.
So I'm in a foul mood right again. I'm in
a foul mood, and I'm thinking, Jesus, this guy is
in a foul mood any kind of snippy at Rory
and well, these stupid balloons I had to blow up
and then go to sit over you get out of here.

You know what he was pissed about. It was again
this this the wealth gap. It's like you and your
mom are from this world. I'm trying to overcome that.
I'm trying to give you the benefit of the doubt.
I love you, guys. I love you Laurela, I love
you Rory. I want to be a part of that.
I want to help raise you. I want to help

and I have helped raise you, but I want to
be you know, I want to make a family with
you guys, and do you play with me? And you
mock me at the table, and you don't talk to
me with respect, And yet here I am delivering ice
and doing this and and and um blowing up balloons

and making your cake, and yet you won't even talk
to me like I'm a real person when I'm serving
your food. That really got your goat. That was the
next morning, and and he was just like, you know, yeah,
you know, I'm I felt like they just have that
sort of snanarchy pitter pattern back and forth. But because

you are Luke, ultimately like you feel what Luke feels,
you look at it in such a different way where
I really am watching always from moralized perspective. Why is
Luke always grumpy? Answer the question why is he grumpy?
He's not. He's grumpy because he's in love with a
woman that he can't get, who doesn't really respect him.

Who And I've been in this situation where somebody said
to me, I can't take you seriously at one point
in my life when I before I became successful. Um, yeah,
I can't take you seriously. You don't even make fifty
dollars a year. Yeah, I've heard that. I've heard that,
and and and that's kind of how he feels. It's like,

she'll never take me seriously. The daughter doesn't take me seriously.
And I'm grumpy because I'm never going to get this
woman because she's gonna date a million guys and now
she's with this Max guy. And every time he resolves
it in his own mind just to sort of all right,
screw it, except it. You know, that's an important had
this like oprah aha moment because here I am looking

at it six episodes. He's only liked her for six episode,
But I'm so wrong that I was looking at it
like that. He's liked her for a decade, sixteen years. Okay,
so four seasons in he finally kisses her there, finally,
you know, it finally happens. That's twenty years he's been
sitting there twenty years in love with that woman, yeah,

and not feeling worthy and being you know, knowing that
the uh, the gap in class and wealth and is
keeping them apart because he's terrified over. He's terrified over.
I literally just realized because when you first said it
in this conversation, you're like, why do you think he's rumpy.

It's because he's in love with her. I was like, oh,
Scott's being so like dramatic, and now I'm like, oh
my god, you've loved her since she moved to stars Hala.
Why yell? Why yell at Suki with so much ferocity
for being behind the counter and then getting a laulized
face and say, next time you bring her in here
and put her on a chain. It's it's like, it's like,

f you to where you come from. F Max Medina,
F your conversations that I can over here. You don't
even have enough respect for me not to talk about
this stuff when I'm serving you and I'm been in
love with you for you know, six years. Didn't it's
it's it's it's it's it's amazing the guy didn't explode

before season two spontaneously completely issues. Oh my god, I
need to ask you about this, because I do think
Paris and Rory had a bit of a breakthrough. When
Paris said, nice party, you don't like Tristan? Do you
like that? Or do you like Tristan? That was pretty major.

And the ice is like speaking of ice, ice man,
The ice between them is thawing a little bit. Uh yeah, well,
I mean I think it's really you know, Paris is
beginning to realize that this rival could win, and she
is winning. She's hey, she's better looking, she's a very

attractive young girl. She's as smart, if not smarter. She
appears to harbor no resentment against anyone. She's a very pleasant, pleasing,
open personality. She's a vulnerable person. She's not like me,
so she's better than me. Paris knows that Rory is

a better version of a human way, and she's seeing
that Tristan's paying attention to Rory, and Paris likes Tristan,
So why better to keep your friends close and your
enemies closer. She's like, I better get close to this
girl so I can stop her from liking the dude.
I like another manipulator over there at Chilton. It's like Jesus, course, Paris,

who you'd expect to be smarter, falls for Tristan. It's like,
oh god, how does anybody fall from? I mean, what
an episode? You know you like me, Mary, stop fighting it.
You know you know we're going to go out. You
know you're gonna love it. It's like wow, that's like really,

Oh my god, and we forgot another major thing, the
freaking bracelet. It's the first appearance of the bracelet. That's
one of the best lines in the whole thing. Isn't
this something that you would buy a car wash? You
want me to get her something that you would find
it a car wash, not that bracelet. That bracelet there.

I forgot. There's two bracelets. She bought the bracelet. What
talking means bracelet? Oh no, no, I thought you were
talking about Rory's bracelet. I know I messed up. You're right,
it is right. There's that looks like something about a quarter?
Was it? What did he drill a hole in a quarter?
What did he say? He said he found the it

was a coin. It was a coin. It was it
was It was not a quarter. Could have been like
a what was it, susan b m any dollar? It's
like it wasn't it was a quarter. Did anyone see
the clown pillow? I didn't see it. I did look
for it. I did. I'm now I'm trained to look
for it. I didn't say it. Um, But anyway, Yeah,

I don't know. I don't know how you make a
better episode than that. I really don't. All right, we're
gonna take a break. We'll be right back. All right, everybody,
we're back. Scott Patterson here, I am all in podcast.
I hurt radio Riley. Where are we going? Let's go
to pop culture. Let's do it, Emily says, my daughter,
Henny Youngman. Is that because take my wife? This is

you know. My wife came to me and said, I
want to go someplace I've never been, so I gave
her directions to the kitchen. You're a great audience, everybody,
You're lovely. And the king of the one liners. He
would stand up there for hours. Well I think he
would stand up there for an hour and just do
one liners and people would just fall over. They'd fall
over their tables. They'd lave and so hard. You guys.

The Rory says, you couldn't get her to cave Lorrea
l I says no, but she agreed to make a
string quartet of like a Virgin Madonna, I mean Madonna Madonna.
Lorea I says not really. The government will close that day,
flags will five hat mass Barbera streisand will give her
final concert again, right which I think Barbera Streisen is

still giving her final performance. She's still prepping twenty years later. Like,
I love Babs. What a singer, right, Oh, what a singer.
And I really thought that she really made it work
with James Roland. I never thought that would last. And
look at it. Had dinner with him one night. He's
kind of cool, right, He's kind of cool. He's a
cool guy. But I mean it wasn't it was at
a party. But it was a dinner party and he

was there. Was it a snooty affair or was it
more like a party of I think they were trying
to have a snooty affair. It was in Beverly Hills,
but it was. It was. But he was a cool guy.
He was. He was really cool guy. He was very up.
He scored, He scored with Babs. I mean, way to go.
She continues. However, Elvis and Jim Morrison are coming in
the brain chips. Well, everybody knows Elvin, Elvis and uh

and you know Jim Morrison. For those of you who
don't know who Jim Morrison is, he's the lead singer
of The Doors. You know, l a Woman and many
other monster hits of the sixties and set late sixties
and early seventies, And yes, dreamed the Val Kilmer movie.
He yeah, he he exposed himself to a crowd in

Miami who was arrested and then charged, and then he
fled the country and moved to Paris with his girlfriends.
Jim Morrison knowledge he was a film student at u c.
L A. And that's how he meant he met Raymond
z Eric. Then they formed their little band Come on Baby,

let My Fire. Yeah. Suki says, it's too bad you
couldn't get your Mondrool English Friday, and Laura Lie says no,
she has her Vulcan grip on that one started Vulcan Spook. Yeah,
that's Vulcan Death Grip Leonard Nimoy And then we've had
all the reincarnations with the movie the Bulcan Grit. You

just come up and touch the shoulder. You could just
go like that. Persons like the Vulcan Death Grip. Riley,
do yourself a favorite, and watch Star Trek for the
Voyage Home. I know the hand signal first. Star Trek
just apparently not. They have some special they're special people

if they're half people, half people. Laura I says, Lucy,
I'm home. Oh that was great. Lucky Ricardo Ye I
love Lucy famous TV show Laura, I says, and Justin
is just so dreamy he can't marry Brittany. I'll just cry,
cry and cry. That was a good Timberlake Spears and

still going today. It's like no one has forgotten Timberlake
and Spears. They're matching. Denim will last forever. You know,
I got a message in two thousand and three. I
got a message on my answering machine from Britney Spears.
Are you serious? Yes? What did she say? She just
I thought it was her. I never called back. I

thought it was a joke. So I don't know if
there's any way to confirm you save the message tape.
I just thought it was you know, because I I
you know, my buddies back home, they play a lot
of jokes on me, man like phone jokes and stuff
like that. They get me wound up. Like she was
a fan of Gilmore. I don't know, she just wasn't

calling you. I don't know it was her. It probably
wasn't her. I mean, the chances that it was her,
I mean, why would somebody that young be calling somebody
in their early forties. Because maybe she just loved Gilmore.
Maybe yeah. She said, it was a pleasure encountering you, Scott.
I never encountered her and her mat her because online

from Oh my god, that was a great, great one. Riley,
nice one. Laura I says, you're shopping for your imaginary granddaughter.
Barbara Hutton. She's a popular socialite. She's hundreds. There were
certain you know, Life magazine and Look magazine used to

do profiles of New York socialites, and she was one
of the more popular ones there were. There were several.
Rory says, I wonder if the Waltons ever did this
while they were laying in bed can night John Boy,
good night Mom, and night Dad. The Waltons was the
show of the seventies, by the way, Emily says, well,

what do you think? And Laura I says, I think
Edith Wharton would have been proud and busy taking notes.
Eden Thornton is American novelists. She was best known for
the Age of Innocence. You have to be smart a
f to know everything in this show Cattle a f. Yes,
like you got to know a lot of stuff. Rory says,

what are you drinking? Laura I says a Shirley Temple
Black I got your good good Ship lollipop right here.
That was a good line, very good. Yeah, Surely Temple Black.
That's when she was she married, Yeah, that was her married.
So a Shirley Temple with alcohol is a Shirley Surely
Temple for those of you who do not know, was

a child sensation, child star, singing, dancing, cutest thing in
the world. She's sang The good Ship Lollipop was the
number one hit song in the country for years and
years and years. And she did you know who she was?
Riley I did the animal Crackers. It seems like everyone
must know Shirley Temple drink. Laura I says, next year

it's McDonald's with a slide, which is a great party.
Laura I says, that was a pretty Freaky Friday moment.
I don't, I don't know that film. I know, I know,
I don't Freaky Friday, I don't, I don't is this switch?
So what was she referring to some sort of mother
daughter switch after you know the blow up that Rory had,
Oh right, right right, because she became so oh my god, Scott,

what are you talking about? You don't know Freaky Friday
with Jodie Foster took from the seventies. Why are you
yelling at me? I'm very sensitive you're yelling. This is
a classic. All right, I'll watch it good. It's from
ninete Okay, So all right, I was in high school,
but I just you know, I the title alone kept
me away from it, Freaky Friday. It's like, what what

is that title? Oh my god. That's why they made
the reference to it in Gilmore Girls, because it's so
well known that if Freaky Friday is a is a
mom daughter body switch. No, No, we weren't watching those
movies back then. We're watching Jaws and Star Wars and
you know, all that kind of stuff. Yeah, for the
next episode, I need to know if Riley enjoyed Star

Trek for the Voyage, and I need to know if
you enjoyed the original Jodie Foster Freaky Friday. We'll compare
notes Scott. All right, guys, now we're at the point
of the podcast where everybody's been waiting for this. The
only reason we're doing the show is we want to
talk about what our favorite lines are. So this this
is what we're going to call this uh what do

we call it? Which is called best Lines? From the show.
Go ahead, let's start. I mean, mine, is you smiled?
You're pleased that the iceman looked at you like a
Porterhouse steak? I mean, are you kidding me? Emily nails it,
and this is I mean, we're just seeing Luke and
Laurel I admitting like starting to have their love. I'll

follow up with a second Emily line, doesn't it look
like something you can get it at a car wash?
It's only twelve dollars. Twelve dollars is not a present.
And I have a laure Lie line. It's not official
until you're huddling a corner eating your hair. Great line.
Great line. Okay, So I have a couple when I

laughed out loud and just bellowed. Uh. Was when Michelle
came in and said, please to to Jackson. Please no,
I want to stay ignorant. You know, I don't want
to know why your arms are up above your head.
It's like, I love that guy. Man, he just you know,
he just settles their wagon. A couple of lines, I

just laugh out loud. And then the other line where
I just just freaked out was was Mitzi with the
snapping of the fingers, growing growth. I want to grow. No,
she snapped first, I've been wanting to grow and I
mean it was just perfect. That was perfect. So laughed

out loud. And the little breaking news before we go,
how about your nephew is going to be on masal
Mi Low. We've got pictures, so some pictures have been
released from I think it's season four that they're shooting
right now of the marvelous Mrs Nasal And there's our guy,

and it looks to me like my Lows character is
having a thing with Rachel Brosenhan this is but he's
I don't know that he's going to be too involved
with that show because he's got his own show. I mean,
he doesn't have true but I think he's doing multiple episodes.
Oh really, I mean yeah, because he's not shooting This

is Us right now summer hiatus, so he's doing Mazel.
There's only one more season of This is Us. Yeah,
but he but he's I know him. He's not gonna
I don't think. I mean, I could be wrong, but
I don't know that he's gonna want a production schedule
all summer. He's well, he needs to go away sting
Mazel and his hair is off taking no no I

saw I know, I saw it. I saw it, and
it looks so good. But but it's you know, he's
going to need a break. You know, you can't. You
can't just do that for a solid year without a break.
You are now, Uncle Luke, like you just cannot surrender
who you are because now you're worried about Milos. But

it's like the kid needs a break, break the kid.
These schedules are tough. You know, he can't just go.
He's not like a machine. He's not a robot. You
can't just like, oh, well, his show ended. He's he
doesn't get to have a hiatus. So let's send him
to New York and wind him up and let him
go on Masil and then then after he's done there,

you know he can have a day off an now
it doesn't matter. Look, Uncle Luke, he's forty three. Yeah
he wants to do two shows, he can do it.
I don't think he's gonna want to do it. I
think he'll do an episode here and there. All right, everybody,
that's uh, that's pretty much it. Next week we're gonna

we're gonna break down Episode seven, Season one, Kiss and Tell,
Oh boy, what's that going to be about. We'll find out.
Fasten your seatbelts. It could be a Maxi Medina situation. Again,
I have a feeling this, this gentleman, this friend of mine,

this lovely man, it's got calling. It's going to be
driving me a little betty. And they're not too distant future.
It's not funny, Amy, It's not funny. Hey, everybody, and

don't forget Follow us on Instagram at I Am all
In podcast and Emailie at Gilmore at I heart radio
dot com. Oh you give more, fans. If you're looking
for the best cup of coffee in the world, go
to my website for my company scott EP dot com
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