All Episodes

March 15, 2021 53 mins

Actress and Hollywood It Girl Ashley Benson opens up to her friend Paris about her career, her love life, her breakup, and being hounded by the paparazzi. They are honest about coping with anxiety, trusting friends, and dealing with the ups and downs of everyday life. Plus, the two get deep when they discuss their worst dates ever and the lessons they’ve learned along the way. The two long-time friends also bond over their biggest beauty regrets and which past looks they wouldn’t bring back.

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
This is Paris. Hey, guys, So today I am so
excited we are interviewing when my good friends Ashley Benson.
She has so much fun, so gorgeous, sweet cute, and

I'm obsessed. So I can't wait to talk with her today.
Hi gorgeous, Hi queen. I miss you. I know I
miss you too. It's been so long or actually no,
I saw you on your birthday. It's been like a month, right, no,
because I feel like the last time I saw you
that my birthday. Oh that was December. Oh my god,
time is going away too fast? What the hell? How

was your birthday? Um? It was good. It was like obviously,
um it was me and my friend's cg's birthday and
it was just like six people at a house and
Paris came. Um it was just like a very chill hay.
But I actually heard it like I'm not a big
birthday person. Um, so this is like kind of perfect.
It was nice. That's a tight invite list to get

invited to Paris. How do you too know each other? Ashley?
How did you meet? We met? I think what like
six or seven years ago. I think it was at
Seth McFarlane's house. Yes, with you and your mom. Yeah,
so it was my mom's birthday and like Seth it's
his birthday to lick around the same time, and my

mom happened to be like out um with like her
friends and my sister and we went to dinner and
then Seth invited us to his house and yeah, then
I met you there and we were there like all night.
That was so much before in the morning, I know,
I bonded with your mom too. She was awesome. It was. Yeah,

so that's how we met. Yes, tell her, I say, hello,
what was the what was the event? Just after party thing? Ready? Yeah,
it's like around like Halloween, right, Yeah, he like throws
these crazy like birthday Halloween crondic parties or something, and um,
yeah it was that party. Yeah, It's like he does
it every year. It's like a tradition. I think I

was like dressed up as like a playboy bunny or something. Yeah. Probably,
I mean I was just dressed in normal clothes because
I was like, I didn't know it was the Halloween party.
How how many times if you dress as a playboy
bunny you think, Um, not that often. I've done it
to the Playboy mansion and then I did it to
his party. Actually, no one other time, but I was
actually dressing up as Wreathed Witherspoon from Illegally Blonde. I

love that seeing the iconic. So how is life? Um,
life is good, crazy, um, busy and then yeah, all
the things I feel like this the past few years
we have been so insane. Um, but it's good. Yeah.
I just finished um a movie that I wrote and produced. Uh,

and it's my first time like doing that, so that
was really nice. And like I just went through a
little crazy like breakup, so it was nice to have
work to distract me. Um. And then yeah, I have
like six days off and then I started another film.
So just really busy with work, which is nice because

I haven't worked and so like with the pandemic and
all that, it's been a year and a half. Um,
so it's nice that I can kind of focus on
work and that kind of thing. Yeah, I'm proud of
you that you like writing this movie doing all that.
It's just like really amazing. Working hard. It was, like,
I mean because obviously just having to stay at home

for the last year for everyone. Really, I just know
when I'd be able to like film anything or you know,
you just have no idea when you can go back
to work. And so I just started writing and like
I wrote two scripts and then surprisingly, um they're you know,
they're going and they went so quickly, so um, it

was really nice and it was kind of a new
thing for me to get into writing and producing all
that stuff and like now that's all I want to do,
Like I want to act obviously, but like it's it's
so much fun. Why do you like the writing so much?
It feels like, yeah, why are you into that? I
don't know. I mean I think I think it's more
so of like writing roles that I want to play

and like creating stories, um that I'm interested in that
I wanna you know, talk about. And you have more
of a handle on, you know, the projects that you do.
Like for instance, a lot of times you get scripts
sent to you and it's just not quite the character
that you want to play, or it's you know, it's interesting,

but like it's just I don't know, I kind of
have more of a handle on, um, you know, roles
that I want to play that I probably wouldn't get offered,
so that it's more about creating you know, material and
things I want to be part of that I can
have full control of and not have to wait and
you know, wait for months or years for that certain

project or that character to come about. Just create it yourself.
And then also being able to like cast like you know,
actors have always wanted to work with and who I
look up to, and if they like the project and
they do it, you know, it's it's so much more rewarding.
But yeah, I think it's just mostly about um creating
you know, different roles and characters I've always wanted to
play and um, yeah, that's it I've been doing so far.

So it's nice. I feel like you've been acting forever.
When did you start your career. I just got asked
that question on set. It's been twenty one years. I
feel so like it's like that's really it's a lot. Um. Yeah,
I started it like UM nine, and then I uh

was on a soap opera at a young age, and
from then on I was just on you know, different
TV shows and yeah, I'm just never really stopped. But
it's been a really long time. It's crazy. I read
one of your biggest beauty regrets was when you were
doing spring Breakers and they had do you bleach your
hair clean so bad? My hair has been bleached off

so many times it's actually a joke and now it's
finally like back to being healthy. But um, yeah, I
I got my hair. I just wrapped spring Breakers and
I bleached my hair because I wanted to be like
a little bit more blonde for PLL and they went
like white and all of my hair. I'm not joking.

It was like to hear fell off. I had to
go to set. I was bawling. I called. I called
production at like midnight. I'm like, I have to be
upset five in the morning, and my hair is all
like completely like ouh. Put a wig on me, and
it looked so bad because they didn't have time to
like mensh my head and I just specifically remember this

episode like I look like et. It was so embarrassing,
and I said, I was like, just put it on me,
and they put like a headband and it was like
coming out here. It literally I looked like it was
so bad. Oh my god, it was awful. And then

my hair was just like for like a couple of
months and then you know, the same thing again again again.
But yeah, that was that was quite a morning, another
reason to get into writing and directing. You never put
a bleached hair scene in one of your projects. Yeah,
they made me bleach my eyebrows once. We're doing this
Vogue shooting, like this is so high fashion, and we're like,

bleach your eyebrows white. I'm like, that's gonna look beyond
like no, no, no no, we have to do it as
this huge photographer. So I felt bad. I'm like, okay, fine.
I literally looked like an alien with like the biggest
forehead in the world because it was like no eyebrow
and like this giant like I looked terrible. And then
I had to figure out how to get my eyebrows

back to normal. So I'm like dying them. They're like
turning like orange and their red. Then they're like black,
and I'm like, okay, this is literally the biggest nightmare
in my life. And then eventually they like faded and
I can go out in public with normal eyebrows back again.
The other photo, No, I have actually the photoshoot photo,

but not like a photo of all of the process.
After I'll find it, I'll bring it nightmare. Um. We
We've also been talking a lot about just recently since
Britney Spears documentary came out framing Brittany, What did you
think of it? Um? Yeah, I watched it like on

my lunch break, and it was devastating, Like honestly, it
was like I cried, It was it was really sad,
um and whatever is going on with her and her situation. Like,
I really hope that, you know, people are that she's

gonna get the help that she needs, because I I
was shocked and like just kind of seeing how she's
been the last couple of years. Um, you know, it's
been a little concerning, I think for everyone and the
fact that you know, nobody really knows the truth and

like what's going on with her and like with her
mental state and just you know, years of you know,
trauma and dealing which is different you know, serious situations,
you know, really opened up my eyes. And I really
hope that she gets the help that she needs. And
like I don't want to overstep I saying like, yeah,
free Brittany, but like, honestly, um, I I believe that entirely.

And I feel like she's just put in a position
where she has no freedom and she's kind of, you know,
under the control of others. And it's really it's so upsetting.
I know, I was so emotional watching it, just like
because you know, you see someone about someone's life and
you don't really see what they're going through. And you know,
I was always traveling and working, so I wasn't reading

all the tabloids about all the things that were happening.
So a lot of that was very surprising just to
see some of the things. And I just I just
I don't know, I could relate to it a lot,
and I'm sure you could relate to it just being
in this industry for so long and having you know,
paparazzi chase to you, people make up stories like how
do you deal with it? I mean, that's the thing.

That's the one reason why I hate being in this industry,
because you bet unwanted attention. Um. And it's funny because
when people like see you in like photos or you know,
living a normal life being outside of you know, a
restaurant or whatever, oh, they call the paparazzi because they

want to, you know, be photographed. It's like, dude, I'm
actually one of the ones who does not will never
like I always look horrible in these photos. And you know,
some people do like that stuff. Like it's just I
love to keep my life private and I think it's
such an invasion of your privacy and especially you know,
like unfortunately, I don't know why they follow me every

day here, but I can't leave my house without getting photographed.
And it almost causes like car Wrex, like they like
go through you know, stop lives on and stuff, and
they scream like horrible stuff at you, and they just
bother you to get a reaction, and it gives me
so much anxiety. Like there's just times where I just
don't even want to leave my house or feel like
I can go on a hike or do whatever, because
for whatever reason, they you know, just follow me want

to take my photo. And it's just like, dude, there's
so many more like famous people who have like better
stories to tell than me. Like I'm so like not
someone that you need to be following because it's just boring.
Does it ever affect your decision making, like when you're like, oh,
should I date this person because I know that it's
going to cause a huge like interest and I have

to deal with this for the next six months. Or
do you just not let it affect you Um. When
it comes to that stuff, it's like, you know, whoever
I fall for, I fall for. But like, yeah, it's
annoying if the other person's you know, in the industry
as well, and if you go through a breakup or anything,
it's kind of put on full display and kind of

going through that right now again, UM, and it and
it hurts, and like you know, I've been filming um
elsewhere and just seeing you know, tabloids and and you
know whatever. It it's it's it's difficult, and like I
try to be as strong as I can, but yeah,
it affects me fully. But again, it just comes along

with being in the industry. So I guess you just
have to get over it quick. I know it's so toxic, UM,
but I'm happy that people are finally speaking out about it.
And I've just been reading all these articles and just
seeing how people are finally you know, being held accountable
after you know, the Me Too movement and Time's Up
and just all of these you know, social justice movements

that are happening. So I think, you know, we are
moving in the right direction, which is good just for
you know, other young girls who are coming up in
the industry. Because it's it's being hard, yeah, and that's
a thing like, um, it's so important like for me
to to just be aware of those situations. And also,
you know, so many young girls ask me all the

time for like advice, um, just you know, if they're
going to get into the industry or like become an
actor or whatever. And it's you know, if you're a singer,
if you're you know, anything anyone in the industry. It's
hard as a female, it really is. You're not you know,
I don't feel like you're treated the same at all. Um.

I feel like people don't take you as seriously. And
in my opinion, a lot of times women are way
smarter than men and decision making and like their life
choices and stuff like that. And you know, I love
that people are now paying attention to what's happened to
women in the industry for so long and it's becoming

you know, a serious topic that people are now more
open um to listen to. And I feel like we
have made a big um movement in that way and
people are taking us more seriously and I think it's
important and like having you know, like Olivia Wilde is
becoming like one of the newest, like female directors, and like,

I just feel like female empowerment and bringing women up
is so important right now because a lot of things
um like in the article you semi paris. Like even
in the Brittiest Spears documentary, she was like George, No, George,
she was like slut shamed and all this stuff for
just being you know, being a little sexy. But like

guys can do whatever they want. Like it's just completely
how do you feel, I mean, I don't know, Yeah,
I completely agree with you, just how women have always
been treated that way for so long and like what
you said, being slut shamed, like I have been so
many times just because of you know, something that happened
in my life that you know, I was in love

with someone and then to get completely just looked over basically,
and you know, have someone put out a private moment
that no one is supposed to see, and uh, then
I'm the villain for it. And that's just been something
that's hurt me for so long, because you know, when
it's like someone you trust and care about and you
do that and then all of a sudden they're you know,

using it to profit off of and show the whole world.
It's just like for the rest of my life, I
feel like I'll be judged based on that one night.
It's not fair at yeah, and like the men don't
get any repercussions, which is so like I just feel
like there's still to let's day get away with everything,

and it's just it's so unfair. But does that still
bother you when you think about it, like to a
point where it's like visceral or have you had have
you ever dealt with it in a way that like
put it away? I feel like that's something that I'll
always think about for the rest of my life. But
now I've actually spoken about it and worked through it,

and now I just try to think of it as
maybe it's, you know, a way for me to help
others not get in that situation. I don't know. I
obviously I wish it didn't happen, but maybe everything happens
for a reason, and I meant to be an example
for others to not let, you know, trust people or
let them in like that. I think we've seen like

with the school and everything. Maybe this is like after
you deal with that and you work on that could
always be another area of advocacy, you know, because I
do feel like it's an area that does not have
a ton of like outspoken people who have been in
that world and have brought like attention to It's horrible,
like and it's so subtle too. You can do it
in high school in a way that's not that and
not millions of people see it, but just a few

frenzy and it's horrible that people have to go through them,
men and women. Um. So maybe it's the next another area.
I think you're too busy, but um, down the line
one day, this is Paris, this is Paris. How has

paparazzi changed? Because when you were doing Pretty Little Liars
that was kind of like it was insane, you guys
were Was it at its max then like during the
last few seasons, Um, I guess yeah, more towards like yeah,
the last like two years. Um. But what's funny is

like I actually got uh photographed more after the show
ended for whatever reason. But yeah, I would say, like
the last two years it was pretty uh pretty crazy.
What was the craziest paparazzi experience you had? Um? I

had so many weird ones. I don't know. I just
think I think it's um, yeah, like when you're driving
and they're chasing you and you have to speed through
like you know, red lights because you just don't want
to be photographed, and then um getting out of the
car for them to like be screaming at you and
like just trying to get a reaction. Like that's also

why people go crazy. And then the tablets like they've
lost our mind, mental breakdown. But it's like no, it's
these people bully you and they say certain things and
they know they know your personal life and like they'll
say they'll stay to like make you react and sell
that photo, you know what you mean? And um, I

think also then being able to be outside my house
seven part and get me in my personal time like
coming in and out of my gate or you know,
whatever it may be, and then selling stories and making
up you know, lies or whatever when I'm just literally
getting a post made and yeah, I look tired, like

maybe to sleep or like maybe I'm going through something personally,
and they just make up lies and they sit outside
my house four seven, which should be so illegal, but
like they they don't care, and it's always I have
to feed my family. It's like, well, then find another
way to do it, because you're literally causing so much
anxiety and stress and on everyone. You know, how's to
deal with that? And like parents, I know that you

obviously know that it's the most stressful thing and you're
just trying to live, you know, a normal life outside
of your career and still follows you, and it's just
it's unfortunate. I know. It's like they they love doing
it because that's what sells, Like controversy and being negative
is what sells in the media, which is sad but true.

It's and not to like I'm probably got into saying
I don't really care. Um, it's funny to me that like, um,
all these like TikTok stars and like YouTubers, you know,
they're young, like they're the next generation. They're like in
their you know, early twenties, like late teens, and just
with the paparazzi. Now, I was just looking at stuff

earlier today and it's it's hilarious because they craved that
attention and they either be tall or whatever, like they're
posing like licking each other, and you know they love
and you know, to be honest, when I was younger,
when I was like sixteen, I was like, it would
be so cool to be photographed, you know what I mean,
like you just you think that, And now it's like

I don't want anything to do with these people because
so going. But it's funny now see the younger UM
generation completely being infatuated with it and like I get it,
like it's cool, but it's also just like for younger
girls and all this stuff, it's just I don't know,

I just think it's such a crazy look and I mean,
I don't know, I guess it's not for everyone. But yeah, yeah,
I see that the new hot spot is um Saddle
Ranch and boa that's really are every time literally everyone's
at Saddle Ranch, Like what is happening? Like when did that?
Because I don't know, I can't imagine, like that would

be like the place that I would go and hang
out back in the day. No. But also now, like
I guess just getting older, like I just prefer dinners
at home or like a nice you know, a nice
restaurant whatever. But just the things I'm seeing now, and
especially just with social media, you get to see, you
get to look at the people's lives, you know, a

lot more than you would normally. Um, but yeah, it's
just so funny. But then I'm like, I'm just getting
older them over it. Well. I also think like if
you look at our parents Instagram's, they think it's insane
that any of us would post even twice a week.
They're like, nobody needs to know that about you. And
now we look at the next generation, we go it's
insane that you guys don't like the idea of them

having dinner at home by themselves. As someone who was
on YouTube for a while, they look at that as
a missed opportunity for content because that's all that they
want to do, and they think that anything anytime they're
not doing that. And they also think they're infallible. They
think that they can't get in trouble, they can't make mistakes.
Right now, they're like rubber boned kids kind of falling
around making mistakes and they're not being held accountable because

their audience is like so die hard for them that
they're not you know. And I also think still think
the young guys have it a lot easier than the
young women do when it comes to making mistakes. Like
that has not changed yet. Fully, I agree that was
for see, you guys want to go to Saddle Ranch.
Do we go tonight? Yes, they're so cute. They all

love me. They'll call me the o G. Yeah. Who
are you closest with? What? TikToker? A lot of them?
Who's your favorite? Um? I don't really want to say
anyone specifically, but I've just been I don't know, just
a lot of these girls like look up to me
and I've just become friends with them over the years.
And um, not all of them. I think some of

them are beyond but there's someone somewhere okay, and some
are sweet? Are you on TikTok Ashley, I'm not no,
I mean, but that's the thing, Like I don't know
that world at all, And like for for Paris, like
you've always been, um, someone that girls look up to,
no matter how young or how old, because you've you've

been through so much. You've been you know, in this
world for a long time and like kind of like
a household name that people always just known about. And
you've I feel like you've um handled this whole uh thing,
which is such class and like you really are like

someone who girls can look up to. And you know,
I don't know anything about TikTok or YouTube, which it's
not my thing, but they need someone to look up to,
and they do look up to you, and I think
you're such a good example for them. And UM, it's
good that they can have someone who has such power
and class and grace and who's actually just an amazing inspiration. UM.

And the fact that you're willing to like open up
and talk to them and like lead by example, I
think it's really inspiring. And UM, it's good that they
have someone like you too go to for advice on
stuff like that or just kind of how to handle
this whole world, because you've done it so well. Thank you,
sir as, I love you. What is the key to

longevity for both of you? Because I feel like twenty
one years in acting it's a long time. How do
you guys manage that? I don't I don't know, I
don't know. I think, you know, just kind of um
handling my like. I never want to get to a

point where I would jeopardize, you know, my career because
acting is everything to me. So I guess it's more
about UM when I'm not working or you know, stuff
like that. It's who I say around myself with and
being UM, brought up constantly, and also being in a
peaceful environment and not being in a toxic situation because

obviously toxas who leads to nothing but trouble. So I
think he's just having a good head on your shoulders
and being surrounded by people who support you and love
you and are honest with you, and you don't have
like a bunch of friends who are fake friends and
just kiss your ass and tell you you know, they
say yes to everything. Like all my ends are very
real friends, and I have few um that are in

the industry, like like Paris is one of them, and
like my friend Christian, but like that's really it. And
other than that, they're all just kind of normal people,
normal lives, which really grounds me and kind of saves
me in that way. Yeah, I couldn't agree with that too.
And it is so hard to find those friends that
you can trust, especially in this town, because like you

just said, there's so many kiss asses, people who are
fake they just want to use you and just I
don't know. This year, you know, at home, has really
made me realize a lot about that. And you know,
who I do want to spend my time with, And
I've cut a lot of people out of my life. Um,
not just because everything's closed down and there's no where
to go, but even when the world does open up again,

Like there's certain people I used to hang out with
I no longer. I just want to be around that
energy anymore. So I think, you know, it's important to
realize that. Like if you went to Saddle Ranch tonight,
how many friends would you bring? Um, I don't know.
I would kind of want to go and get a
group together. The O G s all show up. It

would be really funny, it'd be funny to see. I
feel like your circle has Obviously your circle was so
massive for selling and it was always evolving too, is
always changing. We talked about the Britney stuff and even
Lindsay kind of coming in and then coming out of it. Um,
But now I feel like Carter has taken up a
large portion of that. Obviously, because of the pandemic, you

can't see a lot of people. But I I feel
like that's a nice circle to have just one person
who really really likes you, and then your family and
a couple of friends between Nicki and Carter, your set
and Ashley. Yeah, I feel very lucky and blessed and yeah,

excited for the world to come back soon hopefully. I
know it's been insane, but I think that's a lot
of the people that I've been talking to, um this
past year, everyone's kind of said the same thing, like
a lot of my close friends is just they've cut
out a lot of people in your life. And it's
not specifically for any reason, but like because you really

had nothing to do but sit with your feelings, reflect
on your life and like people around you, and um,
it was crazy. It was really eye opening. And you
know the same thing for me, Um, you just kind
of saw people for who they were and like you
may not have like noticed that before, but I made
a lot of changes. Um. And also I was kind

of brought into things that I was really blindsided by
and now that you know, I went back to work
and stuff like that, I then saw who these people
were too and have cut them out. So um, yeah,
it's been it's been a weird year, but um, kind
of a blessing think disguise as well for that stuff.
Now that it's almost over, hopefully the whole pandemic thing,

let's just cross our fingers. Do you have like what
do you what do you want your life to look
like for the next five ten years. Um, I mean
I want to continue to work. I'm work a holiday,
but if I don't work, I go kind of mental.
But also I would just kind of want to off
to Europe and move there and like not to not

be here for like a year and just like live
in Italy or something like that and have a completely
normal life over there. Um. But who knows when we
can even travel to Europe, but that that would be
like my dream Where in Europe what's ideal? Um? I
mean I love Italy, love like the Amalfi Coast would
be unreal, like Rome's great. But I also love Paris.

Out of London, I love anywhere in here. Amsterdam is amazing.
M Yeah, just I feel like things are way like,
way more chill over there. So yeah, I love London.
If I could live anywhere in the world besides l A,
would be London really my favorite city in the world. Why.
I just loved the people. I love the shopping, the food,

just the accents, the it's just it's like chic there.
It's different, I agree, like the nightlife, it's just like fun.
It's way different than l A. Yeah, it's just so
boring to me. I mean, my favorite thing to do
in the world just go to dinner. So I'll go
to dinner for like six hours and like that's great.

But other than that, like because I live in New
York too, and like you do too, I love being
bi coastal. Like I haven't been back in New York,
um for like a year. And the one time I went,
I went in November and I got Corona, like yeah,
and I was stuck. I was renting my house out
and I was I was stuck in a hotel room

for like twelve or I don't even know how long.
It was, like it felt like a year, but it
was awful. It was insane. I was like, of course,
when I try to, you know, just going up plane,
because I was so scared to do it, I got it.
Like when I landed there, how how is dealing with that? Um?
I mean it was really scary because you know, I've

been seeing people for dinners and stuff like that, like
not not a lot, but like, you know, you don't
realize how how much it affects people, how quickly it spreads,
and I didn't know that I had it. And then
finally I started feeling like I was either hungover, like
just my body was so exhausted. And I looked at

my boyfriend at the time, I was like, we need
to get tested, and sure enough, like we were positive.
And I started bawling my eyes out. And then all
of my friends who I had seen all tests of
positive as well. And I don't know who who gave
it to who, but like it's like wildfire, um, and
you're miserable, like you you feel horrible, you can't move

of pain, like and I mean, i'd be ex us
to taking two steps to even go to the bathroom
like it was. It was horrible. And that's the other
thing with l A and all these people, all these
things being closed and people not taking this seriously because
I see so many people at parties at a house,

like a hundred plus people, and I get that everyone's
frustrated about this lockdown and whatnot, and like, yeah, it's frustrating,
but at the same time, this is super serious. You
never know how someone's going to react to it. And like,
luckily for me it wasn't as bad, but it was previously,
and you know, there's still people who are just kind
of careless and going to all these parties and being

in small places and not really caring about other people's
health and like for us, you know, especially now that
you know we're back working and things are kind of
loving back to normal. I have to really watch who
I see and like who they're around, because if I
get COVID again, which I don't know how that it works, um,

your your production gets shut down and so um. Yeah,
it's just been it's been crazy, but it's definitely not
something that you want to get at all. It was
it was horrible. Yeah, I'm I feel so lucky that
I never got it. It just seems so terrifying. Yeah,
it's scary, but I am. On one hand, I am.

I'm I'm a little bit happy because Okay, I think
I've been bodies for like six months, but still have
to be careful. But yeah, it's it's brutal. What do
you like to do when you're not working besides go
to dinner? I was just gonna take, um, I don't know,
just chill like I love UM. I looking at home,

Like I bought a house last year and it's almost finished.
I've been like renovating it, so I think like, once
that's done, I'm just gonna be at home most of
the time. But like I you know, I love I
love to travel if I can do that. Like I'm
literally trying to do a vacation quickly before I start
my next film. Um, And I'm like, maybe I don't

know Bahamas or Coba or something like that, but I
love traveling, love to eat, cook, have friends over, um,
hang with my dogs. It's really Yea, I heard you
were fostering puppies during quarantine. I was it was so cute. Um,
I love I mean, I love animals so much, and

I get I get my dogs like in two weeks, um,
and I'm gonna bring them to set with me and
like just have them by my son. Um. But yeah,
just kind of be as relaxed as possible, because when
you know, when you're on a film set, it's like
brutal hours and like no one really gets that part

of it. And like the movie that I just finished
and Big Beer, it's like fifteen degrees out and it's
four in the morning, and I'm having to do these
crazy like stunt scenes, action scenes, or even just trying
to say dialogue with like my co stars. You're literally
frozen and like little to nothing and having to act
like you're completely comfortable and chill. It was. It was difficult,

but I mean it's worth it for you know, your job,
but uh, it is brutals sometimes. Do you get more
anxious when you're working and your hours are like that
and it's crazy, or when you have no work, like
you're just on hiatus for in between projects. Yeah, when

I'm not working, I have like meltouts, Like I will say, Um,
the most comfortable and confident I feel is literally when
I'm filming, and there's just something in me that like
kind of comes alive. And I think it's just because
I'm you know, I'm just so dedicated to my craft

and I just I think kind of growing up on
camera too, it's just been my second home, Like, and
I'm always used to traveling and you know, being in
these weird places and having to be in hotel rooms
for you know, months at a time, and leaving your
friends or you know, if in a relationship, like you're
you're alone essentially and hopefully you get a good cast,

a good crew, but like that becomes your family. And
so I've just always felt, you know, myself and less anxious. Um,
on a set, even though it's so stressful. Like don't
get me wrong, like there's been times I've had like
panic attacks, but it's more so like the stress. But yeah,
if I have time off or anything, I go a

little crazy because I just I have to work. It's
the only thing that kind of like stimulates me. How
do you deal with panic attacks? Like I've had them
before and it's just so scary and like what what
is like a good way to deal with that? Yeah,
I mean I literally had one, uh yesterday because um

it was my last day filming. We we filmed until
you know, seven in the morning. And yeah, it's and
especially when it's in public too, it's really hard and
it's so embarrassing. And unless you've experienced anxiety, which I
have really bad anxiety, Um, people don't understand like how
you feel and you feel sick, you feel you're gonna die,
Like then you're embarrassed. If it happens on set, it's

just embarrassing. But I think I have a lot of
meditation apps on my phone, and when I feel like
there's something that's going to come on or like I'm
triggered or whatever, I just have to step away. And
I put like my AirPods in and just kind of
meditate and do like guided meditation or put on music,
but and just breathe and try to just focus. But

I mean they're awful, Like they're so bad. Yeah, meditation
is super good for that. I think I was reading
something by Pima Cho John, who's really really great in
that space, and she was based saying that any emotions
you have make you feel claustrophobic, like it makes you
feel like you're stuck in that emotion. And I love
what she said about meditation basically just gives you a
little bit more space so that you can go outside

the emotion. You could it's still there, you still see
it happening, but you're not stuck in the center of
the storm a little bit. And I thought that that
was really good. It definitely made me meditate a little
bit more. Yeah. Yeah, And like r I p yoga studios.
But before the pandemic, I had got into yoga um

in New York, and I never thought that I would
be that type of person because I love like boxing
and like active stuff, and yoga just literally forced me
to hot. Yoga forced me to be calm and just
focus on like breathing and movement and peace. And when

I started, I was going every single day for a
year and like, that's the one thing I want to
open back up again, but obviously you can't really do that.
But that I did it every day before work, like
it was a priority for me to do that every
day and just find the time, and it helped me
so much. And uh yeah, mentally and physically, I've never

felt better, um than when I was doing how yoga
was just completely different thing to me, but it just
gave me so much peace and actually helped a lot
with anxiety. I have to try that out. I went
to a yoga class once and I just kept texting
on my phone the whole time, and like the teachers like,
you can't use your phone in here, and I just

like kept texting, and then she was like, you had
to leave my class. So I mean, they're really The
first time that I went to a yoga class was
like I think ten or eleven years ago, and I
didn't know what the yoga was and all the weird
sounds and stuff like that. So I was laughing because
I was so embarrassed. I didn't know, and I didn't

know what I was doing. And I was actually with
one of my co stars from PLL and I looked
at her and I was like, where, Like what are
we doing? It was so crazy to me and we
got kicked out. And then I felt like I was
saying and I was like, I have to leave the classes,
like you have to stay on your mat. You can't
leave the class. I'm like, but I'm literally about to die,
Like I feel like light headed and you just can't

do that. And hot yoga like they take it very seriously.
But yeah, the first time that I tried it, I
was dying laughing with these people are so weird. Has
I got older, I then became that when it was like, oh,
I need to go, just to go and release like
anything that's like pent up, and I was more mature

and like not being you know, dumb laughing. But it
is funny. I mean there are times where I'm like,
these people are crazy, but it's uh, it was good
at the end of the day. Yes, it's funny to
imagine you class together. Yes, let's do it. Oh my god,

is it really hot? Like you're like dying the whole time. Yeah,
you're you're dying. And if you're hungover, it's they were
I thought I was really gonna die, like I was
seeing spots. I felt nauseous. But then it also helps
if you're hungover because you just sweat everything out. But yeah,
does it greek in there? Everyone's sweating balls. It doesn't smell.

It depends on what you go. People like the one
in New York like that. Um, I would go to
their super clean, but like, yeah, it's gross, Like I
wear socks like I won't go barefoot. It's so gross
to me, and I put towels everywhere because I'm a
germ Like, I'm a German phobe and a hypochondriac, and
it's gross. Like people are like dripping sweat and it's

like plinging on you. You dripping, Like it is so gross.
But I just I fully wear, like, um, I wear
sweats and socks and so I'm like doubly like sweating.
But it's also because I don't want your germs or
sweat to touch my skin. So I feel you. Yeah,

this is parents. This is seven net slipping questions loves that. Okay,
what is your spirit animal? I don't know. I go

I have a few, but I think I think a monkey. Why.
I don't know. I just feel like if I were
an animal to be that or like a dog, but
mykeys are more interesting. I like it. What is your
best live music experience ever? It's a tough I think.
Actually seeing Britney Spears in Vegas it was so much fun.

I want a bunch of my girlfriends, and there's videos
of me that like fans were taking and I was
losing my mind going crazy, like dancing and singing, screaming.
I looked like I was literally on I don't even know,
like having a crazy time. But I love Brittany, like,
you know, growing up and being a fan of Verse.
It was so fun to see her in Vegas, like

as an older you know, because I never got to
go to any of her shows, so it was just reliving.
Um the Britney experience. Oh yeah, that show was amazing, iconic,
every song. It's just like, it's so much fun. She
looks so hot. I saw a picture of you, actually
of you when you're like nine years old on a

Vogue shoot with Brittany as a ballerina. So cute. One
of the best days of my life. And I think
justin like she was dating him at the time, and
like obviously it was a big and scence band, but
I think he came to set. But she was Honestly,
she was the nicest, nicest person that I've ever met

in that time. And like it was Britney Spears and
like she was at the height of her career then,
and I was so nervous to go there, and I was,
you know, I was nine, like super young, and um
she was she was the sweetest, sweetest person and just
made everyone feel comfortable. And yeah, it was one of
the best days in my life. I was so excited,

and like it was really nice to meet her and
to see, you know, her outside of being Britney Spears
and seeing who she really was, and she was just
like super down to earth and like so lovely. So
it was really really cool. You should post that as
a throwback Thursday pick. I have before, but I should
I should redo it. Yes, I love that al right.

Next question, what is the craziest rumor that you've ever
heard of yourself? I think I think just the craziest
rumors are just um about my relationships. I Mean it's insane.
Either I'm you know, dating every single person that I'm
seen with or I'm cheating or I'm this, or I'm that.

My that is completely false and no one knows the
real story, which is also frustrating. But yeah, I think
a lot of the rumors are just about like my
personal relationships. Ye been too many. Um So next is
first kiss. You have one minute to tell us everything.

My first kiss was on screen, um on a soap
up road and I was very young and I was terrified.
I didn't know what to do, and my coad star
was a little bit older than me and I had
to go up to him. I didn't let my mom
come to set that day, Like I broke out into hives.
And it was based at like this college party, and

like I was playing older when I was younger. So
everyone you know all my coasters for like six seven
years alod th me. Um. But yeah, it was on screen,
you know, in front of a camera and also a
hundred extras, and I was having a full blow meltdown.
But I did it, and I was like, whatever, was
it like a normal kiss or like French kiss? Well,

because of the age difference, it had to be kind
of choreographed differently, but also it looked it looked crazy
because like you know, you couldn't do your tongue and
stuff like that. And then also just be being so
young with kind of an older co star. It was
you know, interesting, a little awkward. What was the age difference?

Like six years? How old are you? How old are
you at the time. Um, it's a weird time to
have a six year age difference, but awesome, like when
you're you're just so used to working with older people
when you're kind of younger in the industry, so it's

it's normal. But yeah, definitely awkward. But that made you
feel comfortable becausey're like, oh my god, we get it, Like,
don't worry about it. It's probably weird, just as weird
for him. Oh I think more. Yeah, oh my god,
what is the worst date that you've ever been on?
And what? Um? I went I I was eating someone

and um, this person like always fell asleep on our dates,
and like there was one time and it was val
Hense and we went to dinner and like, I get it.
The guy like doesn't stop working and um, you know
it's just the hours are really crazy, but he tends

to fall asleep a lot, and so like, no, I
wasn't and he fell on my lap and was snoring.
I was like, what the hell is happening? It's an
insane so like are you okay? Like get up, like
this is crazy, and then like we go to movies

a lot and just be fully out cold, like that
was his time to sleep. He like narcoleptic or was
like that would have narcoleps, like really really creative and
like his hours are crazy and he's done. He never sleeps,
so when he does, you know, if he like fall
asleep for a minute, that out you know what I mean?

It was, Yeah, that was pretty crazy. It was just
always like I was kind of on my own date.
Have you ever fall fall asleep on a date? I
feel like you've got crazy hours. You're pretty present at
your dates. What about Carter? Is he fall asleep? No, well,
he falls asleep early at night when we're watching Netflix,
like because he wakes up every day like six in
the morning for work. So I'm always like a late

night owl, like wanting to be up and watching things
and doing whatever. And he will go to bed at
like ten o'clock. He put in ear plugs. No, he
just sleeps through the nose. He doesn't care. That's sweet.
I can't a bed at ten, like I just can't
like no matter how tired I am, it's just like

I just would rather be up. Yeah, I'm such a
night person. I wake up at night. I'm tired in
the day. In the morning and the night, I'm like alive. Yeah,
night al vibes. I think you've created some patterns with
Club Paris being in your house. Probably did you ever
come to this this room, this Club Paris? Was that

like part of your you have to come? I know, yes,
I'm gonna have a birthday dinner since I'm gonna let
you know. I'm waiting for Nikki to come in town.
I know it was like two weeks ago, but whatever,
I celebrate. I celebrate your birthday. Yeah, okay, perfect. What

is your sign and are you like your sign? I'm
a Sagittarius, and yes, I'm exactly like my sign, fully
to the mad um. And I have a lot of
my best friends or Sagittarius crudely and we're all the same.
But it's so funny because I don't really know everything
about you know, the star signs and whatnot. But on

memes like on Instagram that I find about my sign,
I'm like, yep, full blown like that, who I am?
What is it? What's the cues of a Sagittarius? I
mean I loves to travel whatever, a little bit stubborn, fiery,
gets over things quickly. Um, there's more to it, but

like I don't know. I think it's just like my
personality is. I think the main thing is that you
just get over things quick and how I am. But
it's like super fun, loves to travel, adventure, you know,
like with the best. But yeah, I am. I am
very much like a Sagittarius. All right. The last one

is what is your top beauty secret. I was really
bad at like not watching my face when I was younger,
and I think now that I'm getting older, Um yeah,
washing my face a ton of moisturizer and that's really
it's like, I like look like this most of the
time where I'm not working, so um yeah, I just

I guess I can wash my face and took care
of you know, my skin, drinking a ton of water,
which I never used to do. Um, that has helped
my skin completely. Um. And then ice rollers I didn't
love and I left mine in big where I'm so pissed,
so I have to get a new one, but so
today I just put ice cubes all over my face.
Was just like rubbing my face with ice. I think that.

I mean, it just makes you look so much better.
I just ordered a bunch of them on Amazon. They
have like the silver one, the silver roller, and then
they have those like pink balls that have like glitter
and water in them. They're insane. Yeah, yes, yeah, but
ice rollers are like game changing. Good to know. Yeah,

you're gonna see a whole new me next episode. Really young. Yeah, well, actually,
it's so nice meeting you you too. Love this is
so fun. Yeah, thank you so much for doing this,
and I can't wait to see you next week on set.
I know. I'm so excited you're acting in this project. Yes,
Ashley asked me to come in and do something on it.

Since surprise. Are you playing Paris? Yes, okay, I think
you'll nail it. I think you're gonna get you into
a great job. Now we're going to have the best time.
I'm so excited. I can't wait. Yeah. Perfect, Well, I
love you and I will see you in a couple
of days. All right, and thank you bye. Baby. That

was so much fun. She's great. I love her so much.
She's just always just like cool, down to earth, fun, real,
and I really enjoyed that conversation because I feel like
I love this show because we can just like talk
to my friends and it's just like, I don't know,
it's just fun. She's officially going onto the Saddle Ranch Reservation.

It's another one we gotta go with Ashley. Oh my god,
would be so funny. But yeah, she was. She was great.
I'm excited for your movie role next week. Thank you,
you're gonna I think it's gonna be a big break Paris.
Oh yeah, finally, Yeah, it'll be fun. It's a cute cast. Um,

I'm just I don't know. I love her, so I said, yes,
I'm glad you came on. It was nice meeting her,
and we got some other really cool people coming up,
so just get ready for that. Yes, stay tuned, it's
going to be hot. Thanks for listening to This Is Paris.
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