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February 22, 2023 11 mins

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
This is Paris. Hey everyone, it's Paris. So I'm really
excited to share some exclusive news with you. As you
all know, Carter and I have been blessed with the
arrival our baby boy. He is such a precious angel

and we are just over the moon and so in
love with him. We're just so excited to start our
family and can't wait for you to see him. But
for now, we've just been keeping everything really private. Not
even my mom, my sister, my best friends. No one
knew literally till he was like over a week old.

So it was really nice just to have that with Carter,
our our own journey together because I just feel that
my life has been so public and I never really
had anything just be mine. I feel like just my
life in so many ways has been invaded, and yeah,

it's just been It's been a lot, and Carter's always
been a very private person as well, So I don't
know when we were talking about it, I just really
felt that I wanted to have this journey BS only.
Of course, it was hard to keep that in because
we were so excited and wanted to tell our families,

but we're just nervous because if you tell one person
then you know, they tell someone and then all of
a sudden, it's like in TMZ or page six, and
I've had enough of my life, Like that's so Carter
and I literally made a pack together that we would
not tell anyone, And yeah, no one knew until just
recently when I introduced my mom to our baby boy.

It was amazing to see the look on her face.
She was so surprised, Just to look on her face,
it was just priceless. But yeah, we are just so
happy and just feel so blessed and he is just
so perfect, and it's amazing being a mom. It's so
weird saying that I'm a mom, but yeah, I love it.

So we've been keeping everything very private before I had him.
All of my friends would always say, you've never experienced
love like you have before when you see your baby
for the first time, and you know, I think you
don't really fully understand that until that happens to you.
And just from the moment I laid eyes on him,

I just my heart just felt so full. I feel
like my life is so complete now. I've always wanted
to be a mom, and I'm just so happy that
I found the perfect partner with Carter. He is just
such an angel and such an incredible father, and it's

so cute seeing them together. And I just love this
baby so much. Just when he's laying on my chest
and looking up into my eyes, my heart just melts.
I am so in love and he is so precious,
and I feel just so protective of him. And I'm

just so excited for this next phase in my life
because I've lived such fun and full and crazy and
exciting life. I talk about it all in my new memoir.
So excited for you to all hear those stories as well.

Also nervous because there's just so much in there, things
that I've never spoken about to anyone. I'm so proud
that I did, and I know that this book is
going to make a lot of impact and really help
so many other people and make people not feel alone.
And it's also a lot of fun too in certain

parts because my life, you know, I've had a roller
coaster of life, but this is the happiest of my life.
Just being a mom and a wife and starting this
this whole new phase of life. It's just very exciting.

I love kids babies so much, but it definitely wasn't
ready before and just after writing my book and my memoir,
it's just been so healing and been such a journey
of self discovery and figuring out who I am and

just writing it all out there and releasing so much
trauma and experiences that I've been through that I've held
in for so many years, and to do that has
been just so incredibly healing and has made me just

even more ready for this next step in life and
becoming a mother. And yeah, it's just this whole ever
since my documentary This is Paris, and all of the
advocacy work that I've been doing in the trouble teen industry,
and now we've changed laws in eight states and now

going to be going back to DC in a few
months because I'm going to continue pushing for federal legislation
so all the abuse that happened to myself and so
many others would not would be illegal in all fifty states.
So that has just been this whole journey has just

really been changed my life in so many ways, and
that's everything just got me ready for love, like finally
having those walls around my heart come down and meeting
Carter and just our love story this past three years

has been like a fairy tale. And now with our
little angel baby, it's just my life feels so complete
and I just so so grateful and feels so blessed.
This is Paris. Nobody knows his name yet, but everybody

keeps asking me, and it's been really hard to keep
that in. This is a name that is so special
to me. I've been planning my children's names for years
and years. I knew when I was a little girl
that I always wanted to have a daughter one day
named London because London is one of my favorite cities
in the world. I think it's such a beautiful name

I could work for a boy or girl, and I
just I love that name. I think it's so beautiful,
and I just think it sounds cute Paris and London.
And then I was thinking of a boy name, which
I've been thinking of for so long, because it's hard
to think of a boy name that is like on
that theme. I really wanted to stay with the themes

of like either a city or a state or a
country or just something about, you know, the world, because
I love to travel and I just love exotic names,
and I don't know, I just think it's it's cute
to all have different city names. So when I was

thinking about the name for my future your daughter, that
was just so easy and simple and came to me
in one second. But then trying to figure out a
boy's name was really difficult, because when we think about it,
it's really hard to think of a name that could
be I don't know. Singing out all my favorite places,
I'm like Abiza, but that would just be a weird name.

Like Vegas. I love Vegas, but still like I don't know,
like Aspen, just no. So I was just thinking of
all these different names of places, and then, like over
a decade ago, I thought of this amazing name. It's

such a beautiful name. It's so unique. I love that
it's not only a city, but it also has other
meanings that are just beautiful. I really believe that names
have power, and we wanted a name for our baby
boy that was uniquely remarkable. But before I reveal the name,
let's see if you can guess. It stands for hope, rebirth,

and transformation, a cluse in the title of the fifth
Harry Potter book. It's also the name of a city
in the US. In that city is where the Super
Bowl was just held this year. All right, I'm going
to reveal the name. So I'm going to read you,
guys an excerpt for my new book, Paris the Memoir.
It's going to be out on March fourteenth, and it's

available for preorder now on Amazon. So here I go.
If all goes well, by the time you read this,
Carter and I will have a baby boy. We plan
to name him Phoenix, a name that I decided on
years ago when I was searching cities, countries, and states
on a map looking for something to go with Paris

and London. Phoenix has a few good pop culture reference points,
but more important, it's the bird that flames out and
then rises from the ashes to fly again. I want
my son to grow up knowing that disaster and triumph
go around and come around throughout our lives, and that
this should give us great hope for the future, even

when the past is painful and the present seems to
have fallen to shit. It's weird. Had two ideas that
are so different, so completely opposite, can coexist like that
what they do freedom and suffering, joy and sorrow, love
and loss. So his name is Phoenix. Baron Hilton Reem,

and his middle name is Baron, after my grandfather, Baron Hilton.
He was always my mentor and I looked up to
my grandfather so much, and we were so close and
I miss him every day. So I really wanted to
honor him by having his name and my first son's name.

So there you go. My beautiful baby boy's name is
Phoenix Baron Hilton Reem, and Carter and I are so
proud welcome him into the world. Thank you guys for listening.
I love you all. Thanks for listening to This is Paris.
We love hearing from you, so leave us a review,
send an email to Paris at iHeartRadio dot com, leave

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