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Speaker 1 (00:01):
This is Paris. Okay, Parris, I want to ask you
about this photo right here in a iconic one for
those listening. Uh, it is Paris driving with Lindsay Lohan
and Britney Spears. Tell us all about this moment. Oh
my god, the amount of times I've seen this photo.
The memes. Wow, brings back memories. Um. So that was
a night that Brittany and I went out and we
were at the Beverly Hills Hotel and we were at
our friend's party, and then we were deciding to leave
because we wanted to go home, and we were just
walking to the car and all of a sudden got
swarmed by just tons of paparazzi and um, just as
we are walking to the car. Um, that's when Lindsay
came up. So um, it was kind of awkward because
at this point we were just having some drama. So
as I was getting in the car, one of the
paparazzi screamed at me, is it true that you hit Lindsay?
And at that moment, all of a sudden, I saw
Lindsay walking towards us, and I said, why don't you
just ask her? And Lindsay said, no, of course not.
I don't remember exactly what she said, something like, no,
Paris would never hit me. I've known her since some
fifteen and um it was basically just you know, not
admitting what she did. Um it was quite awkward, you know,
to be asked that question. And then it was just
weird how the whole thing happened. And then they just
kept flashing taking photos. And then all of a sudden,
I looked over and she's in my car, and you know,
we weren't getting along, so I was polite, and then
just lots of flashes. It was really hard just to
even get out of there because I couldn't see just
with all the cameras and people were literally like falling
on top of the car just trying to get the shot. Um.
So it was very stressful to drive in that situation.
Um So the next morning, these photos and videos literally
went everywhere. I saw it on the cover of the
New York Post. It was just on the cover all
these different magazines. People were just in inventing stories because
you know, they had no idea. It was literally just
Brittany and Eye out at the Beverly Hills Hotel going home,
and um, then it just turned into this whole huge story,
and people, I think, when you know, they see a
photo and they don't know the real story. A lot
of people just like to invent their own, which is
something I've really gotten used to over the years. And
it's so crazy how those pictures literally went everywhere, and
then now today I see memes with it all the
time as well as they've made like those sunshades for
your car, so there's literally, like I've just walked in
West Hollywood before and literally there's some cars that just
have that like printed out as they're like window shade
with the car. It's it's pretty hilarious. What was your
relationship with Lindsay like back then? And how are you
too now? Back in the day, we were actually close friends,
and then she did a couple of things that really
hurt me and just betrayed my trust and caused a
lot of drama, so we weren't friends anymore, and it
was kind of like this on and off friendship. And
but when I think about it now, we're just so
young and immature, and it's just kind of like that
high school drama, especially in the l A scene, and
then also having to live it out in public with
the media just you know, constantly trying to like stir
things up and make things even worse than they are. So,
you know, it's it's hard with anything with any friendship.
And back then, the media just really enjoyed just having
girls feud with each other. Like I've lost count the
amount of times I've read stories about people that I'm
fighting with, We're eating were this, and a lot of
these people I've either never met in my life or
have it never had a problem with. But when I
think about it now, I'm not someone who holds grudges,
you know. I just feel like life is too short,
and I hope that she's doing great, and yeah, just
sending her well wishes and um, yeah that is the truth.
That's a good truth to know. Well, I think it
just goes to show you that. And something I'm learning
all the time you're so nice for for someone to
be on your list is they must have really messed up.
And it's nice to know that you're forgiving everybody. You
have forgiven everybody. It's that's takes a lot of courage
when you see this. Do you do you like things
to yourself? Oh? I had the greatest time as a
young adult or do you look back and go I
should stay at home and just made some tea and
had like a nice little night in with my dogs.
Like the getting back at this photo or just all
this photo and all of it everything. Yeah, well this one,
Brittany and I had so much fun. Like she was
just just so sweet and we would just have a
great time going out dancing. And I feel like she
really didn't get to experience that before because she's been
working her ass off since she's like two years old.
So it was nice to be able to like see
her having a real life and having fun and just
being normal. Um. So that was fun. Um And yeah,
my life, my whole life has been fun. I don't
like regret any of my fun nights out because I feel,
you know, most people when they're going out, they're not
like under a microscope with the whole world just kind
of like digging into like everything they're doing and then
making up stories. So yeah, that's a lot. You know,
Well people were, you know, going out back then if
you weren't a celebrity, nobody knew what she were doing there,
weren't I phone is taking photos and videos inside every
bar and every club. And it wasn't documentary thousand NICs,
but everything you did and the select group of people
in this industry had the potential and the probability of
like getting leaked and did that bother you or were
you like zen with it? I think I was pretty
zen with it. I just got used to it. And
also when I look back on it now, I'm so
happy that I grew up before social media and before
like iPhones because it was so much fun. Like the
early two thousand's in l A were literally the most
fun like ever, like everyone went out that was cool.
There was just like the sickest parties, Like no one
was like coming up and you know, asking for pictures
or like filming at a club. There was like we
had like disposable cameras and like maybe take a picture
or too. But it wasn't about that. I was just
like really about going out and having a good time.
And now when I see people go out, it's like
everyone's sitting at the table just like on their phone
taking selfies, like filming videos, Like no one is having fun,
no one's dancing, because all they care about is like
the content they're they're going to be able to post
you know, right then or the next morning. So I
just feel that kids don't have fun like they used
to because everyone's just too concerned about, you know, getting
that selfie or that picture. Um. And yeah, it was
annoying waking up, you know every morning and having just
crazy stories written about me. Um. But whatever, life could
be worse, so I'm not going to complain. Did any
guy approach you at one of these clubs that you
really really like, maybe it's another celeb or something that
you were like, oh my god, I can't believe that
so and so is coming up to me right now
and wants to have a drink, go out whatever. Everyone
they have all tried, but I've always been very hard
to get. That's something my mom always taught me. And
she's like, be the Chanel purse that no one can
get to, no one can touch. And then she's like,
don't be like that raggedy, like fake bag on Carnell
Street that everyone can touch. Guys want what they can't have.
And so my mom like literally like ingraining that. I mean,
my whole life just how guys really just want what
they can't get. So just to be like Chanel, that's yeah,
that's another that teach London that one day be the Berkin.
This is a good advice for anybody who's any young
woman out there who I want to know what what
Paris would do in a club, and that's it, be
the Berkin. I like it. This is Paris. Thanks for
listening to This is Paris. We love hearing from you,
so leave us a review to Paris at I heart
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