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April 29, 2022 37 mins

This is The Zone of Disruption! This is the I AM RAPAPORT: STEREO PODCAST! His name is Michael Rapaport aka The Gringo Mandingo aka aptain Colitis aka The Disruptive Warrior aka Mr. NY aka The Inflamed Ashkenazi aka The Sultan of Sniff is here to discuss: Being in Washington D.C., hosting The Wendy Williams Show & walking through a day in the life, wanting to host The Late Late Show, not getting his invitations to Primetime events, crashing The Met Gala, Kyrie Irving wanting management decisions & his public perception, 3 teams eliminated from the playoffs & predictions for next round, Mr. Free Speech, NFL Draft First Round & Fantasy Football Implications & a whole lotta mo'! This episode is not to be missed! 

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:10):
Boom. Yes, brand new Bang and Iron Rapports Stereo podcast
is here. He have no fear. Iron Reports Stereo Podcasts
coming live from the Nation's Capital, Live from Washington, d C.
On today's brand new Bang and I Am Rapports Stereo podcast.
The Week at Large, I've been hosting the Wendy Williams Show,

plus I traveled down to d C for a weekend
of hard hitting live shows. I'm breaking what it's like
to really be a day time talk show host, filling
in at Wendy Williams and having so much fun. Plus
the NBA is and always will be fantastic. And despite
being swept in four easy games, Brooklyn Nets stars Kyrie

Irving and Kevin Durant are still on Twitter. They seem
to care more about the critics is um then the
fact that they got their asses kicked. Plus the NFL
Draft and so much more. On the brand new Banging
Iron Rapports Stereo podcast coming up right now. Miles Jordan
a k the bleach for the AK that does want
to start this pupping up with some real nice yess,

Start to puppy up with something real proper Okay, but
most only started probably with something real out and real fuck.
Iron Wrap Worts stereo podcast coming live and direct and
fully disruptive. Right now, let's go all right, have no

fear of the Iron Rapp Reports Stereo podcast is here.
My name is Michael Rappaport a K. The Gringo man
Dingo a k A The Disruptive Warrior a k A
the inflamed oscar Nazi a k. The Jewish Chachelamata a k.
The Disruptive Michael Rappaport ak MR. Go fund Yourself a

K MR New York. Hope everybody's feeling good. Hope everybody's
feeling safe. Hope everybody is feeling sane. I am Rapp
Reports stereo podcast, coming live and direct from the nation's capital.
I am here in Washington, d C. Just got down
here doing a weekend of shows at the d C Improv.

Feeling real good, feeling feeling busy, busy, feeling real good though,
happy to be down there. I like Washington, d C.
It's a it's a cool city, fun city. Definitely want
to walk by the Capitol Building because that has been
etched in my brain since the insurrection. UH had a

week of Wendy Williams shows, which was dope. I hope
everybody's watching. You know, if you don't watch the Wendy
Williams showed live and you want to see me, the
gringo man dingle on live television doing the damn thing,
you know, you can watch the episodes on YouTube, the
Wendy Williams YouTube page. You can watch all of them

and check them out. I think you'll bug out off
of it. I know I bug out off of it.
I'm gonna be doing it again all next week, a
full week again of Wendy Williams shows, which is just
it's bugged out. It never not bugs me out. I'll
be doing it the week of the second, the entire week,
uh May second through the sixth. We're already in the

month of May. Can you fucking believe that ship? The
first quarter of twenty twenty two is done wild and
I gotta be honest. In New York City and in Washington,
d C. It warm. It don't feel like spring down here.
I'm still wearing thick Kashmir sweaters now, as you know,

I am the King of Kashmir and I love wearing Kashmir.
But I thought, you know, it's gonna start getting you
know warm, and it ain't like brick cold, but it's chili,
like that chill where if you don't have the right
thing when you're like goddamn. But like I said, I
had a great week Wendy Williams Show, which is bugged out.

I got to interview some housewives. I had Real Housewives
of Atlanta, Real Housewives of New York. I got my man,
a little John, I got to interview him. And you know,
it's such a unique process. You know, you get to
the show every day. Every morning, they send a car.

They send a car to pick you up. That's one
of the perks. They send a car to pick me
up at seven fifteen, about seven fifteen. Seven the car
comes seven fifteen, A should come down between seven five teen.
They drive you over to the studio and then we
gotta get tested. They don't play around with the testing,

even though on an airplane they just they don't give
a fuck. There's testing on the show screen actors guild
bapplah blah blah blah uh. Even though at the airport
they don't give a fun. But in my building, my
apartment building, there's still a mask mandate. I don't get it.
I don't care how to care? Had this big mouth genta,

You're not wearing a mask in the building. I'm like,
who cares, crazy lady. I could go to the supermarket
get your fucking stud canned tomatoes. You freak leave me alone.
The old bag of bones. You're now wearing a mask
in the building. I also wearing my mask on my
fight the d C. A fucking old bag of ship. Huh.

But um, you know, you get to the show every morning,
and way it works is, you know, we walk in there,
I sit down with the producers. There's about four producers,
and we go over the hot topics of the day,
and they say, what do you think of this is?
What do you think of that? Do you have anything
on this? Do you have anything on that? And most

of the time I have something to say about everything. Uh,
there was all sorts of ship this week with you know,
there's always something with the Kardashian There's always something with mcdonna,
there's always something with j Low, there's always something with
the Real Housewives, which I always deep dive in. Obviously
I love talking housewives and reality TV. And then they

talked to me about what I did last night. Most
of the time, it's nothing boring. Um. I talked about
going to the game one day, which was so much fun.
I also said, coming up next on the Wendy Williams Show,
sweeping hot topics. I said the words sweep one time,
three times in like two minutes. After the Nets got

got fucking swept the funk away, which I'm gonna get
to because they couldn't just get swept away and shut
their fucking mounts and keep their fucking heads down in humiliation.
You got sucking Durant talking about Charles Barkley, got fucking
Kyrie Irving talking about ownership and management and how he

wants to be a part of decisions with the Nets,
and then he went on a whole other thing. Anyway,
I'll get to those losers. They're losers, not in real life,
but as a basketball team right now. L fucking losers
got swept ridiculous. No, no other team got swept out
of the first round, but the Nets did. Every other

team put up a fight three to two, four to two,
going seven games, six games, four to one. Not the Net.
They lost every single four in a row. You know,
hard that is to do, not easy, not easy to

get swept. But yeah, so that's how it works. You know.
You do that, go over all the hot topics, usually
finish that production meeting by eight. Then I go up
to my room, through some push ups, some jumping Jack's
stretch out, get my fucking brain together, and then uh,

chill out, drink some warm water, and uh, you know,
get my suit. Gotta gotta figure out what I'm gonna wear.
You know, I got what I got four, I got four,
I got four four suits. I interchanged them with different shirts. Uh,
and I wear my Jordans out there, and I come
out there looking sharp. That's another thing I can You

don't You don't see the gringold man Dingo in suits.
I never wear suits, but when you put a suit on,
you go. Yo. I can see why people get suited
and booted every day because you you you, you feel good,
you look good when you're suited and booted for real.
I get why some people like Yo, I like to

wear a fucking suit every single day, or as often
as possible, because I don't know that ship. You get
a nice suit, whether it's customer or not, it just
it don't matter. It don't matter, a nice suit fitting
on you nice colors, comfortable material, nice fabric. You feel
like you're a million dollars um. And then they put

a little makeup on me, do my hair, get my
hair did real quick, ten fifty minutes and then they
go boom, we got ten minutes ago. And then I
start jumping Jack's again. And then I go down there
and they go five four three two one in pole
they throw are you the funk out there? And You're
on live television? And like I said before, I never

ever thought that I would be doing this as like
this side gig. I never thought that I'd be on
daytime TV. But I love it. I love doing it.
And this fucking guy, James Cordon, he just announced that
he's leaving the Late Late Show. So CBS, you know

how to reach me. You know how to reach me.
That fat little fucking twinky funk James Corey. If he
could do it for eight years, the gring old man
Dingo could hold it down for eight years, trust me.
And when I do car karaoke, I ain't gonna just
be doing it with adele in them. Okay, may have

like the beat Nuts have m op have some real
motherfucking hip hop in the car karaoke. You put me
on late night TV or daytime television. But I love
doing it. I love doing the live shows. That did
one show in d C already. Fun. That's a dope crowd.
It's a dope crown And it's a dope club because

it's like a real comedy club. It's like three people
I think capacity, and everybody's on top of each other.
You know, it's a real comedy club. It's got a
real comedy club vibe. But I believe Dave Chappelle got
his start at the DC improv but you know, you
could just it's just a vibe in there. You know,
there's certain comedy club. It's like you're in a real club.
It's not like these weird rooms and but fuck you

know anywhere or like made up a fake comedy club
room and a mall or something like that. It's like
a real, you know, sort of intimate place. Low ceilings,
the laughs are big, the sound is boom and um.
You know, I know the people love all the political shit.
They got that Correspondence dinner. I think it's called the

Correspondence Dinner, which pig dick Donald Trump. Obviously he didn't
do it while he was president because he couldn't get
any talent, like who's gonna host it? An mc at
kid Rock. But they got the Correspondence dinner, and I think,
why don't they invite me to these fucking things? Well,
I don't know what. I don't understand. Well, I'm the guy,

I'm not the only one. But like you know, they
got Trevor No, of course he should be up there.
He's great at talking politics. That's how he, you know,
made his bones. Why are and I why don't you
give me ten minutes to go up there and talk
my shop? I don't understand it. Heard smoking Joe Biden
invited Kim Kardashian and Pete Davidson. I thought, what the

fuck you know, there's this guy. Let me get up
there and tune these FUNX up. I'll tune him up
real nice. I'll tune him up, real nice and real problem.
I don't know why I get pushed to the sign first.
Maybe they think I'm really crazy. Motherfucker's might think that
I'm actually really fucking cookie. That's fine, that's fine if

you do. But it's like another year, another met Gala,
that's next week. I didn't get my invite for that.
Yet I gotta go over there this year. I said
every year, if I have the energy in the time
on Monday May second, next week, I'm gonna have to
crash the fucking Met gal. I've been talking about it

for too many years. Talk is cheap. Every single year
they do this fucking met Gala, and every single year.
I'm fucking five. I walked by that museum every single day.
Every day I walked by the Met I'm born and
raised in New York City. I'm the King of Kashmir,

and I can't get an invite to the Met Gala.
You fuck you, you fuck you. I gotta do something
this year. Seriously, talk is cheap. It's it's been too long.
I gotta I gotta do something about I get another
year of being kick to the wayside of the Met

Gala everything. I'm sure this one will be there and
that one will be there dressed up like buffoons. Podcast.

NBA playoffs have been great, Like I said, net's done.
Kukie Kyrie, who hasn't played a full season his entire
NBA career, he had he played I think twenty nine
games this season and he's he's up there talking about
wanting to be a part of management, wanting to be

a part of the discussions with the owners in the summertime.
I'm like, you can't even manage yourself. You can't even
manage to get yourself on the court. You want the
only these people think just because you play on you
and you're a star part of the team, you deserve
ownership on the not you, Kyrie Irving. Maybe durant, but

it's just like the Bulls of Chicago Bulls. Everybody hated
that little Jerry Krause. Everybody hated that GM, but he
made all the right moves, He made all the right decisions.
Look at Lebron out there in l A. His moves,
his decisions, they're not as good as Jerry Krause's. Why

should they defer to you, Kyrie Irving for anything? For anything,
you get paid millions and millions of dollars. You barely
show up, and you want them to defer to you
and see what you see, what you wanna do, See
who you want to hire, see who you want to trade.

You might not even show up Nick season, Literally, that
motherfucker might just be He might retire, and you know what,
they still have to pay him, him and Durant. Motherfucker's
got swept. Don't say anything. Don't compare yourself for your
career to Charles Barkley Durant. Kyrie's up there talking all this,

this fucking cookie, fucking Alex Jones conspiracy ship, tweeting out
all kinds of I send shots at the puppet masters,
not the puppets, all puppets do. His runaround society trying
to gain popularity and state opinions. What a life? My
name is worth billions to these media corporations. My brothers

and sisters who deal with this know exactly what I mean.
You're a flat earther. You said the earth was flat,
and he said, when I see my name or my
brothers and sisters names getting spun through the media, I
refer to all my research about who they are. Their
job is to control public perception. You control your public perception,

Kyrie Irving, that's on you. You didn't play, but you
got paid because you didn't want to get the vaccine. Fine,
your team got swept. Move on, motherfucker's are gonna talk shit.
You got swept. You got fucking swept. This fucking guy, Durant, Yo,

you guys thought, you know, we could out talent. We're
just so nice, we could out talent these motherfucker's and
win a championship. It ain't happening like that. It never
works like that. You gotta go through the fucking grind.
You saw the last dance, You saw everything they put
into it. Every fucking season. Do you watch Rocky one,

Rocky two, Rocky three, You see what happens. You gotta train,
you gotta chase chickens, You gotta change your style, your
manager dies, you gotta keep fighting. Rocky did it. You're
not Rocky Kyrie Irving. You ain't Rocky Kevin Durant. You motherfucker's.

You ain't all that. You're nice, you're sick, you're ill,
but you ain't all that. You got swept out of
the first round. Shut the funk up, chase some fucking chickens,
and come the fuck back next year. You know what
one of those nuts, these guys, they hijack everything. Forget them,

I listen, forget them. You're out of the playoffs. We're
not talking about people that are out of the playoffs
anymore today, or maybe we will. Who am I fooling?
I mean the playoffs themselves have been they've been good.
They've been good. Finally, like last night, three teams were
eliminated in great Game six is the Sixers. They blew

out the Raptors, who fought without Freddy van Ski. The
Sons bounced the Pelicans who looked. You know, the Pelicans
are a nice crew. And another guy, Zion Williamson. Zion
continues to do pregame workouts and do three sixty fucking
wind meal dunks while his team is out there scrapping,

scratching and fighting against the Phoenix Suns. Shout out to
Willie Green, O G. Willie Green, the coach of the Pelicans,
brandon Ingram, that whole team, little Alvarado from Brooklyn, New York.
They fought to get in the playoffs and they really
played with a lot of heart and showed something. First

the Phoenix Suns. Obviously, Phoenix beat them. And Chris Paul
played incredible fourteen of fourteen in that game. And Chris Paul,
he's somehow getting better and better. You know, people, even
myself sometimes like fuck, Chris Paul. I can't stand Chris Paul.
But he's sick and he's really good for a really

really really long time fourteen for fourteen and a close
out game. That's real ship with that little fuck Jose
Alvarano harassing you. You know what kind of a fucking
irritant that guy is, Jose Alvarano. That that's the kind
of guy you don't want to play against. But again,

shout out to the Pelicans and for Zion Williams to
be on the bench and not be able to do anything.
He's gotta like you think, like, Yo, don't you want
to participate? Don't you want to compete? Don't you want
to be a part of That wouldn't have been a
great upset if Zion played and they beat Phoenix. You

can't play as I am, but you could do three
sixty fucking Mega Slam Dunk contest winning dunks before the game.
It doesn't make any sense to me. It's so weird
to me. Some of these guys don't seem like they
want to play. It's the last thing I would be doing, Like,
either get out there and play, or stop warming up

before the game doing fucking ridiculous dunks because you're confusing
me and confusing the fans. The Mavericks kicked the jazz
out of the playoffs. My dark horse. That's I said
it from the beginning. They got Luca back and they
are a problem. All three road teams got the win

and they are now advancing. Wednesday night, the Warriors sent
home the Denver Nuggets. They put up a fight, they
beat them in five games. Steph is looking good. Steph
Curry is looking good. The Bucks all bulldozed the Bulls
out of the playoffs. Caruso had a concussion. Zach Lavine

was in COVID protocol. I don't know what the funk
happened with that team. Weird who gets COVID at this point?
Zach Levine, how do you get COVID? But they got
the ship beating out of them, and the Bucks have
moved on and they're in trouble. The Bucks without Chris
Middleton's versus the Boston Celtics, they're in trouble. If Chris

Middleton can't play that entire series, I think that Boston
Celtics are gonna beat the champion Milwaukee Bucks. We also
know the heat whacked the Hawks out of the playoffs,
and like I said, the Celtics they fucked the nets one, two, three,

four times in a row. The only series that's left
is Memphis in Minnesota, and I expect Memphis to advance
in seven games. And that's been a very, very fun series.
That's been the the most fun series so far in
Memphis and Minnesota. But in the East, like I said,
the uh, the third seed Bucks are going against the

two seeded Celtics and it's gonna be a war. Both
teams are defensive minded teams. Both teams have superstars. Like
I said, if Chris Middleton ain't playing, it's gonna be tough.
It's gonna be tough. But we still have two of
the top five players in the league, Janie and Tatum.

Both of these teams are good. But listen, if Middleton
ain't there, I got Boston winning this in seven. And
like I said, ain't know, Boston fan, I want the
Bucks to win. I wanted Boston to beat Brookly. Listen,
I'm a guy without a team. My team is the
Golden State Warriors. As far as who I really will
not ever root against. The Golden State Warriors are the

only team left in these playoffs that I'm right or
die for. But I would like to see the Bucks win.
But without Middleton, I have Boston winning this That defense
as a motherfucker. They're tough, they're confident, and um, it's
gonna be a good series. And then you've got one

in four. You have the Heat, the number one seed, verse,
the Sixers weird, The Sixers are weird. Miami has health issues,
Kyle Lowry, Jimmy Butler, but I'm sure Jimmy Butler is
gonna play against his former team, and Larry's going to
play against his hometown team. Larry's from Philadelphi, hiladelph and
the seventies Sixers are just inconsistent, and that inconsistent. He

is not gonna fly against the Miami Heat. Joel e
and Beat as a thumb injury, which you know it's
gonna get worse before it gets better. James Harden is
definitely lost at least half a step, let alone maybe
possibly a full step. Tyrese Maxie is the X factor.
It's gonna be fun. I love Miami's defense and they're

shooting uh plus bam. He could hang with him Beat.
I'm taking the Heat to win this series because Philadelphia
is injured, James Harden is shot. I'm taking Miami to
win this series in six games. I'm taking Miami. I'm
saying it now to win this series in six games

in the West. Let's talk about the West, the West Coast. Okay,
that's too short. That Snoop Doggie Dog, that death Row records.
Now you got the number one seed. The Suns are
going to face the Mavericks. This is gonna be a
good series. Devin Booker somehow magically made it back. They

said Homeboy wasn't coming back for like a month, two months,
and wild Ship like that. This is gonna be musty.
T V styles make fights and superstars make champions These teams,
they match up very well, and they could also exploit
the ship out of each other. Luca Luka Donkic is

winning a championship in his career. Will it be this year?
I doubt it, but he is just a fucking handful,
especially in the playoffs went the game slows down. I
truly don't know how the fuck Devin Booker played thirty
minutes last night in the last game verse the Smoothie

King Pelicans. But he did. Like I said, they said
Homeboy was gonna not be back to like June. But
I like watching both of these teams. They don't back down.
They're tough, they go head to head. They're not scared.
Phoenix will win this series in seven, but I don't
know if Booker is not healthy. I won't be shocked

to see Dallas take this series. I just said it.
But I'm predicting, uh and I am a betting man.
I am predicting Phoenix wins this in seven and as
of the recording of this, I am rep reports stereo podcast.
We don't know who the third seed Warriors are gonna play.
We don't know if they're gonna play the Grizzlies or

the Timberwolves. I think the Warriors would rather face the Wolves.
But like I said, I think the Grizzlies are gonna
win and that will be a ridiculous series. The Warriors
are gonna have a tough time with um with both teams.
They're gonna have a tough time with both teams because
the Grizzlies are tough, they're small, they're fast. They're gonna

have a tough time. But I would definitely have the
Warriors beating either team in a series, but it ain't
gonna be easy. It will not be easy versus either team,
particularly the Grizzlies. And if you're looking to make some money,
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dot com. Trust Me podcast. What else is going on?

I talked about Elon Musk the other day. Mr free
Speech blocked me on social media, and some people go, well,
it could be about free speech. It doesn't mean here,
So listen to your tweets on social media. No shit,
And I'm not saying that Iron rapports stereo podcasts. There's
always a tongue in cheek, always a tongue in cheek

in nine point nine percent of the things I put
on social media. I'm not fucking dumb. You want to
block me, block me, your fucking fake spaceman freak. Now,
whether this guy buys Twitter or not, I ain't quit
and Twitter. And he was like, I'm gonna quit Twitter
while they're driving around in their Testa's fun Twitter while

they're driving around and elon Musca's cars, Musca's Musk's Musky.
Fuck is this guy is a genius, But he ain't,
no boy scout. It's the same fucking guy who will
post COVID lockdowns and thought cases We're gonna go to
zero in April twent He ain't al he's right. Same

guy whose companies Tesla and SpaceX have been accused of
racial discrimination. Same fucking guy who said he would solve
world hunger with six billion dollars if someone gave him
a budget. Then he was given a budget from the
u N and did nothing, ghosted them. Remember that this

guy's a fucking meme guy. This when you say you
know money doesn't buy you happiness, This guy's on social
media more than most people, tweeting away with memes. This
guy posted a picture of dollar Bill Gates being a
boner killer because he's short at Tesla stock. Dollar Bill
Gates will piss on your money. Maybe you want. I

don't know who cares. Elon Musk, the same guy who
keeps talking about being Mr. Free Speech, like it's not
the first Amendment of the United States Constitution. It's just
so funny to me that, like so many people got
their fucking head up Elon Musk's ass, like he gives
a fuck about you people. And I'm glad all this

goofy ship has made Tesla stock tank go down. It's
taking a fucking hit right up to key Star fucking
rocket man. You you know, rockets, cars and all that,
But social media is my territory. You fuck. You're you
just sucked on satting that live. You're not charismatic, you're
not funny, your fuck Dolly buck Wall, You're not dope.

You're not cool. So you could save your little bullshit
memes and drop the disruptive act. Because there's only one
great disruptor. Okay, there's only one disruptive warrior in his
name is the Gringo man Dingo. You fuck you speaking
in social media? You know, I joined truth Social at

Michael Rappaport. There's no action on truth Social. It's a
joke over there, dick stain. Donald Trump, if he gets
back on Twitter somehow somewhere, trust me, he won't mention
truth social ever again, nobody cares about truth Social. Bunch
of whack jobs on truth Social. Marjorie the muppet faced

Taylor Green. You know what she would do if she
had an opportunity to meet Elon Musk's You know what
kind of a fucking blowjob stance she would get into.
Can you imagine Marjorie Taylor Green giving you a blowy
or a hand job those little stubby fingers. What oh?

The NFL Draft. The first round of the NFL Draft
happened in Vegas last night. Let me tell you something.
If I'm an NFL executive, if I own a team,
if I'm a coach, I draft my first rounder and
then I take him and get him the funk out
of Vegas on a private jet. Get the yo. I

take my first rounder, and we leave Vegas right away,
the last place you want a first round NFL Draft
picks spending his first night as a professional football player.
But we were watching the draft. Defense was the story.

The first five picks were defensive players. They're all gonna
make a difference. It wasn't like a sexy draft. He
had lineman quarterbacks. You know, I just pay attention for
fantasy football implications because, like I said, May's around the corner. Okay,
Maya's around the corner, and fantasy football is sniffing right

up on us. And there were some fantasy football implications.
A j big Boy Brown got traded from the Titans
to the Eagles. Big upgrade for Philly, and they compare
him with that stud Davante Smith, that rookie. It's always
good to have a two guard. You always want like
a d Wade a DeMar De Rosen six ft four,

six ft five six six running routes for you on
your fantasy football team. Hollywood Brown got traded from the
Ravens of the Cardinals, which was it was shocking to me.
It was also shocking to the m v P Lamore Jackson,
who tweeted, what the fuck? Like he literally tweeted, what

the fuck? And you know that's the thing. It's like,
just because you're the I mean, I don't get it.
You would think that they would would have told the
franchise quarterback, Lamar Jackson, you were making a trade for
your boy, Hollywood Brown. But that's just not how this
works in pro sports. But like I said, it wasn't
a very sexy first round. No running backs were drafted

on Day one, and the only quarterback drafted in the
first round was that kid Kenny Pickett from Pittsburgh who
was drafted by the Steelers, who obviously they need to
replace Big Ben and mixed Drabinsky ain't a long term answer.
But I like that kid Kenny Pickett. He kind of
reminds me of Justin Herbert. But today's rookies are tomorrow's

superstar fantasy football players, and we are always in it
to win it. Fantasy football never stops, Fantasy football never sleeps.
You own a fantasy football team, you gotta keep your
head on a swivel. Four seven, three sixty five. Anyway,
I'm done. Came so disrupted, came sore, disruptive, beautiful, museum quality.

I am Rappaport Stereo Podcasts. Listen wherever you are around
the world, around the globe, Stay safe, stay sane, have
a fantastic weekend, enjoy it, enjoy your time off, enjoy
the time to yourself. And, as I always do, at
the end of the Iron Rapports Stereo Podcasts, I asked

the Dust Brothers, the Bleach Brothers, Miles joining the Bleach Brothers,
take me out of here with something real nice. Yes,
take me out of with something real, proper Okay, But
most importantly and this puppy and this I am Rappaport
Stereo Podcasts. With something real, loud and real funk. I
am Wraport Stereo Podcasts. I'm done.
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