All Episodes

December 7, 2024 25 mins

Our hosts grill TJ about the best ways to flirt and the best techniques to grab a man’s attention. With Kelly’s guidance, our guests are getting a crash course in flirting! Will they have a meet-cute moment?

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:17):
Hey, everybody, welcome to I Do Part two. If you
got love right the first time around, this is not
the podcast for you. We are here for the folks
who didn't get it right the first time. And maybe
you're on your second, go around, third, go around, fourth,
whatever it may be. But this is the place and
we are trying to help you find love again and
maybe again. And I'm here and I can't and ladies,

I have to say it, Jonna Kramer and Jenny Garth,
I have. This has been an absolute pleasure. When we
launched this, we were going to all do this together
as hosts. I didn't think I'd get a chance to
be actually in the room as much with you as
I have. So this has been fun. So it was
good to be here in La with you all in
this room as we were about to go party tonight.

Speaker 2 (00:56):
That's the plan.

Speaker 3 (00:58):
That is the plan. Y very excited. This is so funny.

Speaker 4 (01:02):
It was fun to be in the room though, because
a lot of times it's over zoom all these podcasts
that we do, so it's nice to actually give hugs
and the whole thing.

Speaker 1 (01:12):
We are here now, we haven't We're not the only
one of the four of us here are sitting at
Mike's and the fourth person is the only one who
showed up dressed with the occasion. H he's one of
our celebrity.

Speaker 3 (01:24):
She's a model. You know, she's always showing like ready
to go.

Speaker 2 (01:30):
I would do.

Speaker 3 (01:31):
Nothing less, truly, nothing less.

Speaker 1 (01:33):
But she's been one of our celebrity mentors. How has
this experience been for you? You we chatted with you
in New York not too long ago for an episode
and that was a blast. But since then, how have
things been going?

Speaker 5 (01:44):
It's been so incredible, Like this podcast couple with therapy
has been so unbelievably therapeutic, and I've changed so much
as a human. I just I think that my solo
was just so it was you know, I was I
deep into something that I probably wouldn't have thought about
or even had the courage to talk about, and manifesting

the man of my dreams, which was so great, and
writing a love letter to him.

Speaker 6 (02:11):
Which was like, oh my god, I'm getting emotional.

Speaker 5 (02:13):
It's been very very cathartic for me, and just it's
also just nice to be around a community where people
like understand like what I'm talking about and what I'm
going through that makes it even better for me.

Speaker 6 (02:25):
So I've just been like, it's like a big hug.

Speaker 4 (02:27):
Can I just ask a question because I just have
to Has anyone slid into your DMS?

Speaker 6 (02:32):
Yes, yes, I've met a lot of really nice.

Speaker 2 (02:34):
No, I mean like nice men.

Speaker 3 (02:37):
Okay, yeah, so like good people.

Speaker 6 (02:39):
It's like not like a sliding.

Speaker 2 (02:40):
In anybody of interest.

Speaker 3 (02:43):

Speaker 5 (02:44):
Yes, I've met like two really nice guys who were great.
One is younger, one is like around my age, and
they've just been really That's also been something else that's
been different is that the way that I'm approaching dating
is so different than before. Before I would just be
like just you know, oh okay, he likes me, Okay,
all datum. But also I have two young kids and

a single parent. Like so like dating for me was
always a little bit like how am I going to
do this? I don't want to get involved. I don't
want to get I don't want to be emotionally available
to them because I don't know what, you know, what's
going to happen tomorrow, what are we going to be doing?
And so it's just nice to really be like more
settled and just like calmer and more relaxed.

Speaker 6 (03:23):
Joy see more relaxed.

Speaker 4 (03:24):
You take how do you are you beginning? Are you
trying to decide between the two?

Speaker 6 (03:30):
Now, I'm not really trying to decide. I'm just open to.

Speaker 2 (03:35):
Okay, it's more intentional, much more intentional.

Speaker 6 (03:40):
It's great, and.

Speaker 1 (03:41):
Tonight is going to be very intentional. We are out
together because of the iHeart jingle Ball place and part
of this, we have two two folks we've been helped
helping guide along on this podcast that reached out to us,
and they're going to be out here. You're going to
actually coach, teach, help Then tonight as they.

Speaker 3 (03:59):
Go out, Wait, wait, what is she helping them with?

Speaker 1 (04:01):
She's going to help them flirt?

Speaker 2 (04:04):

Speaker 7 (04:05):

Speaker 1 (04:06):
Really now you seemed confident. Are you a good flirt? Whoa?

Speaker 2 (04:12):
No pause, no pause.

Speaker 6 (04:13):
Zero pause, Like just yes, what makes you?

Speaker 3 (04:16):
I was like, what makes you?

Speaker 4 (04:17):

Speaker 6 (04:18):
Just because I don't really flirt.

Speaker 5 (04:19):
I'm just kind of chatty, lots of smiles, very engaging.
I asked a lot of questions, how are you a
great compliments?

Speaker 2 (04:28):

Speaker 3 (04:28):
Yeah, yeah, okay, see I feel like I see I'm good.

Speaker 4 (04:31):
I'm I'm a bad I think I'm a bad flirter
when I'm actually wanting to flirt with someone, and I
think I'm better for other people. So that's why I'm
excited to I like to help other people flirt when
it comes to me. Actually, Like I remember seeing this
one guy at a bar a couple years ago, and
my girlfriend's like, go talk to him. I was like,
absolutely not, I will not, I will.

Speaker 3 (04:51):
And she's like no, let's go come on.

Speaker 4 (04:52):
I'm like, I'm like, Sarah, please stop, stop, stop, stop, stop,
Sarah please. I ran down the stairs. I was like,
it was so uncomfortable, Like if he wants to talk
to me, he can come talk me. I just I
was so uncomfortable, couldn't do it.

Speaker 1 (05:02):
Oh, how that story end?

Speaker 4 (05:05):
She ran downstairs and my friend Sarah, my friend Sarah
went to go talk to him, and she's like he
had a girlfriend, and now was it was a story.

Speaker 6 (05:11):
End of story.

Speaker 3 (05:12):
Sorry, But I just think I'm a better wing woman
than ever for myself.

Speaker 6 (05:15):
So this is that's why I'm going to be good
with that too, because I'm like that as well. I'm
good at like helping her friend.

Speaker 3 (05:21):
You were you a good back in the day.

Speaker 2 (05:23):
Oh I had some game, did you. Yes, I'm going
to tell you about him. But this episode is going
to be all about who has the game. We want
to hear about your game.

Speaker 1 (05:34):
Yes, what you said, you were both of you all
very confidently said you have game. And this is what
this is about this particular episode. What is it for
you that you just said, Yep, I knew how to blurt.
I had game.

Speaker 2 (05:48):
I just I'm confident in you know, I know how
to work it if I want off. I'm the kind
of person if I want something, I go get it.
And there's a lot out there that I don't want.
So when I do find something that I'm interested in, lookout.

Speaker 6 (06:06):

Speaker 1 (06:07):
What do you all say to women? Because there's so
much advice out there that's telling women you have to
do this or try this technique, and it almost seems
like you need to be something maybe even you're not,
or try to manipulate a situation in some way. That's
the way the advice often comes. Do some people need
that type of advice and structure and technique and all
these things. Do you need that?

Speaker 5 (06:26):
I think I think it's I think a little advice,
But I also think that it's kind of like when
some it's like some people tell you what to do
and then you do the opposite. So instead of like,
you know, like really like listening to people, like you know,
tonight we're going to talk to our new friends, and
I want to I want to know what they're interested
in so that when we go out there, I can
be like, Okay, go smile this person. Or I think

when you when you get advice, sometimes you're like, oh
my god.

Speaker 6 (06:51):
Am I doing it right? Am I doing it right?
You know that was an individual like it doesn't right
and wrong.

Speaker 4 (06:55):
I don't feel like, yeah, yeah, I'm more of like
the let it happen. If it's meant to manifest together,
then it'll you will meet the person and just let
it happen.

Speaker 1 (07:05):
It was not really gay in that respect. I'm with
you one hundred percent, but it seems like there's not
really game. I think a woman should just be confident.

Speaker 6 (07:12):
And smile and be open.

Speaker 4 (07:16):
I feel like that's so much easier said than done, though,
what the like, just be confident like I maybe that's
because I mean and now I feel like I'm more confident,
But back in like twenties and thirties, I was like
a mess because I was so not confident, and it's
it's so easy for somebody to be like, well, be confident. Well,
how can I be confident when I don't even know

who I am? Or I'm afraid this person's gonna hurt me,
or like you have all the stuff that you're still
trying to figure out as a human. So it's like,
I just feel like saying like, be confident is so
much easier said than done.

Speaker 1 (07:49):
With your friend, Sarah Yeap, what then was the right move?
How do you let a guy know you're interesting?

Speaker 4 (07:54):
Well, so I was confident. I was more confident than
even though I was divorced. But I also knew what
I wanted and I didn't want to meet him. I
personally did not want to meet a guy in a bar.

Speaker 3 (08:03):
I just didn't.

Speaker 4 (08:04):
I didn't think that was going to be where I
was going to meet my person. So I didn't want
to force the situation. So that's where and I didn't
want to force it, you know, I didn't want if
he was not coming over and we didn't have the
lockeye thing, like I'm not I don't know, I just
I was like, this feels too young for me to
be doing this game where my girlfriend's going over there
and talk to him. It just feels uncomfortable. If I
want to go talk to him, I'll go talk to him.

That's where I'm at now in my forties, right. But besides,
so now there's that confidence piece, but before you know,
I think it's and that's all I earned that through
the things that I've gone through.

Speaker 1 (08:34):
You will both married now.

Speaker 2 (08:36):
Yeah, talking me about flirting is a little weird for
me because I've been married for forever, like to someone, right,
I don't think there was a day I wasn't married
or pregnant or something. So flirting was a little weird
just talking about it. I'm like, I don't flirt anymore
unless it's with my husband, and I don't.

Speaker 6 (08:51):
Really do that.

Speaker 2 (08:51):
But I mean I probably should do more than that.
Maybe we should do an episode about that.

Speaker 1 (09:06):
How do you let a guy know that you if
you can go back to those.

Speaker 2 (09:12):
Eye contact, like you said, Kelly, a smile and a
friendly demeanor, and then you ignore them.

Speaker 4 (09:21):
So I ignored my husband for like three weeks, and
I think that's the only reason why he was the
first man that I've like dated that I ignored for
because I honestly didn't. I forgot to reply back to
him because I didn't have WhatsApp, so like I didn't
know he was texting me, but I would be like, oh, yeah, sorry,
I forgot that I had this WhatsApp thing, you know,
And then three weeks later I would text him again,
oh sorry. But I think my lack of yeah communication

was actually how he we hoped me, like how I
helped him.

Speaker 2 (09:50):
Or whatever you were playing the game without.

Speaker 3 (09:53):
I didn't even know.

Speaker 4 (09:53):
I had no idea because but I was also like, eh,
like he lives there, Like what what's the Like he
was like, and how is that even going to work anyways?
Like well, you know what I mean, like whatever, but
then you know obviously then you go into it. So
I think again, it's like you're I wasn't that available?

Speaker 1 (10:09):
Is everyone here? You will seem to not, but everybody
agree with that that strategy, if you will that let
them chase a little bit.

Speaker 2 (10:16):
I mean, yeah, what flirting techniques or just sure or
available women I did before, Yes, when.

Speaker 3 (10:26):
You were go back in like your thirties forties.

Speaker 1 (10:29):
Yeah, I was always certainly when I get over age
thirty thirty five forty, I mean we're just adults, Like
I'm a grown ass man. I have time to play
a game. If I'm interested, I will let you know,
gon toy. If I want to talk to you, I
will text you. You don't respond, okay, and that's fine.
I just don't. And I hate we keep saying game.
I know we say when we mentioned that, but I
don't like the idea of grown ass folks messing around

and playing around. We don't have time. I can't tell
you exactly what I want. You can tell me and
that's it. That's okay, right. So I don't like a
never was a fan of any kind of chase or
trying to do.

Speaker 2 (11:05):
I think when I said ignore them, I was just
kind of joking because I'm with you, I've got a lot,
I've got a lot to do. If this is going
to work out, let's make it work. If it's not,
move on. Like you know, I don't have a lot
of time to waste. I think that people don't need
to waste their time on the wrong people.

Speaker 5 (11:20):
I think also today in this era of social media,
like everyone's either on their phone or they're connecting with
someone you know through social media, and you know, people
are like Hi, I'm like what does that mean? Like,
how about do you want to go get a drink?

Speaker 1 (11:35):

Speaker 5 (11:35):
Hi, okay, Hi, Like I'm not your pen pal, you
know what I mean. Like, so it's like if you're
going to I guess. Like texting with intention is also
a good part of like the game, like obviously, you know,
like we were talking about like smiling, be happy, but
also like a little distant, but then texting with intention
like making it happen and making a date because how
do you know what these people are like until you

meet them. Yeah, And it's just hard too for like
a lot of you know, women and men alike, you know,
in their forties and fifties. Like if you're on like
Rya or any of these things, like most of these
people like on Raya, they're like, Hi, I'm in Melbourne.
It's like that's nice for you, Like what do you
mean you're in Melbourne?

Speaker 6 (12:10):
Like what does that mean?

Speaker 2 (12:11):
That's geographically undesirable? Thank you?

Speaker 4 (12:17):
Having said that, though I did meet my husband, he
was living in England, So I think you know a
little bit, you know, you got to like you open up, yeah,
so you know, hey, you make a way if it's
worth it, that's right, that's right.

Speaker 2 (12:32):
Well, we talked before on another episode about the first
Date uniform. If you haven't listened to that episode, by
the way, you should. What do you think women should
wear when they're going out there and they're trying to
flirt with guys?

Speaker 4 (12:43):
I personally always say less is more, don't do the
full hair and makeup thing. I every time I've gone
on a date, it's I do the minimal makeup because
I'm like, this is you're going to wake up with
even less than this, So putting on the full face
like I would never do this or anything like that
I have on right now. It's it's very because I
don't wear makeup. I hate wearing life no infe don't

get her exactly for racist who I am, and I don't.
Even when I met my husband, I didn't wear anything
like revealing like I had like on a sweater and
jeans and like a little boot and that was it.

Speaker 3 (13:17):
It's like, this is what do you think, Kelly?

Speaker 6 (13:19):
I mean, you're also dropped on gorgeous too, so.

Speaker 2 (13:21):
Far that doesn't hurt.

Speaker 6 (13:24):
I totally think that less is more.

Speaker 5 (13:26):
Every single guy that's ever told me about like men
or now that because I've been talking to so many
people about like relationships there, they all see the same thing.
Jeans and a T shirt. Oh I saw when she
was in jeans and.

Speaker 6 (13:37):
A T shirt. Oh, she looks so cute in a hoodie.

Speaker 1 (13:39):
You know they guys, you tell us know what you're
saying is one hundred because that's I've always said that
if a woman can't put on jeans and a T shirt,
belly up to a bar, have a draft beer and
watch an SEC football game with me, we're probably not
gonna work out. And it's not just about what she's wearing,
but there's a confidence in a woman who can just
put that on and it's cool with like, hey, let's
do it. It's just yeah, it sends a sick look

some kind. And even though you all are saying like
you didn't like make up, you know, like, do you
all think generally that's the case though I think women
go full help with makeup and hair well.

Speaker 4 (14:10):
But here's also the problem too, and this is I
talked to my ex husband about this because in the
dating world, like I'm like, how's you know, how's it going?
The women use too many filters. And I've actually stopped
doing filters because because my daughter, I'm like, I don't
want my daugh I'm like, why am I doing this
filter when this is not what my nose like looks like?

Speaker 3 (14:26):
Or this is not what I look like. I wouldn't
want my daughter to do this.

Speaker 4 (14:28):
So I've completely stopped doing filters on like the story things.
But he was saying, he's like women filter themselves so
much with their photos too, that when you meet them,
you're like, that is not what they look like. So
also like present who you are?

Speaker 2 (14:41):
I think I do that too.

Speaker 3 (14:42):
Do do they really do they do filter?

Speaker 2 (14:44):
I heard from a lot of women friends. Oh, they
show up to dates and they don't look anything.

Speaker 4 (14:47):
Like well, I think they lie. The only time I've
ever was like cause they lie about their height. But
besides that, like what, I don't know, men filter their faces.

Speaker 5 (14:57):
You can tell it guys height by they're standing next
to us car kind.

Speaker 2 (15:00):
Of look and you gauge it.

Speaker 5 (15:04):
Was and guys always have like a picture with their car.
I was like, that is really good advice. Check that's amazing.

Speaker 1 (15:11):
Is that the number one thing you will have found
that maybe that's the thing guys lie? But you still
about filters with the face or something, But is that
the thing guys will lie? About their height more than
anything on if you're online or I.

Speaker 5 (15:21):
Think that they just think it's like that that whole
age of tall, dark and handsome is like what women
are looking for.

Speaker 6 (15:25):
That's not true at all. I mean my ex husband was.

Speaker 5 (15:28):
Short, great, curly hair like and French like. That's not tall,
dark and handsome. But it's just you know, you just
never know who you're gonna like or.

Speaker 6 (15:37):
You're gonna ye know.

Speaker 4 (15:39):
I'm trying to think with like the biggest lie. I mean,
I can think of a few, but like if.

Speaker 2 (15:44):
They're wearing a ball cap in every picture, which is
totally fine.

Speaker 3 (15:52):
I love we love four men.

Speaker 2 (15:54):
Who doesn't? But I think you're we have a point
like natural, comfortable in your own skin. It's the right
message to put out to people.

Speaker 5 (16:02):
Do not wear a sequence truss not you look beautiful.

Speaker 2 (16:08):
You just said I like to be understated, And now.

Speaker 4 (16:16):
It's h.

Speaker 1 (16:28):
How do you know when a guy is interested in you?
Is it clear? Is it obvious from across the room?
Do you do? We have a difficult time you all
have found giving the right signals.

Speaker 3 (16:40):
I think from or from like when you first meet.

Speaker 1 (16:43):
Yeah, or before you even beat if you know that
person know you think that person interested in.

Speaker 4 (16:47):
You, you're flirting in the I think it's definitely the
eye contact. You know how they if they approach you.
I think that's a tell tell, tell tale sign. But
I think moving forward from that, the biggest thing that
I learned from my dating was there was a guy
that I was kind of chasten a little bit and

he seemed to like me and all those things and
say he liked me and we would hung out, but
he you know, I felt like I was pursuing him
more than he was pursuing me. And when I kind
of stopped, I'm like, oh, I didn't really hear from him.
So I'm like, I think you will know like if
the guy, if the guy wants to do with you,
they're going to pursue you, and you shouldn't. I don't
think you should always be the pursuer because then you

realize that maybe that guy doesn't want to be with you.

Speaker 1 (17:31):
So yeah, listen, it's it's okay to listen to somebody.
We will absolutely give you an answer without giving you an.

Speaker 4 (17:40):
Answer exactly, but I wish you'd give us the answer.
That's the piece that's always frustrating. It's like Why can't
you just say you don't you like my company? When
you like my company, when you want my company, but
not like but you like. That's the part the guys
that you know drive me crazy. Maybe girls do it too,
I don't know, But Jenny, was it.

Speaker 1 (17:56):
Always clear with you, like you could okay, I know
that guy is interested? Or were there mixed signals? Did
you find it confusing sometimes with the signals guys are giving.

Speaker 2 (18:03):
Oh my god, let me think back. Did I I
feel like, you know, you just know there's that little
little spark, little tingle inside and you just know instinctively
that person's giving me some vibes. Yeah, yeah, let's see
what Let's see what that means and explore it if
you are into him.

Speaker 4 (18:23):

Speaker 5 (18:24):
So I have two daughters. They're twenty four and they're
twenty six, and they're always on my phone. I'm like,
what are you guys looking for? There's nothing in there
but there And they'll see like if when I'm texting
someone that I like and they're like, mom, oh my god,
it's just you're so much blue. Oh my god, you're
so much All you do is like blahbah blah blah
blahbah like just one text and then let them. But
I'm the kind of person that's like, hi, how are

you good?

Speaker 6 (18:47):
Question? You know, I'm like I'm like no, no, no, no.

Speaker 2 (18:49):
She's like oh my god.

Speaker 6 (18:50):
It's just like he's like he's one and you're like.

Speaker 2 (18:52):
Wait, wait, wait, So is there a technique to texting guys?

Speaker 4 (18:56):
They say that you should be less blue than like
so yeah it should be. Then that's where like the
game thing comes with it. But yeah, they should. That
shows that.

Speaker 3 (19:05):
It's more interest if there's more from them.

Speaker 2 (19:07):
But that's confusing because my ex husband sends me paragraphs.

Speaker 3 (19:12):
Well maybe he.

Speaker 1 (19:14):
Don't do that.

Speaker 2 (19:16):
I don't think that's the case.

Speaker 5 (19:17):
But also, you know, some people are telling people are
good over the phone and some people are textures. So like,
you know, I would never like randomly FaceTime someone, but
some people like to do that or they like to
like be on the phone. I mean, I'm not a
I'm not a phone person just because in my work life,
like I'm always on the phone, so I'm not gonna
I'd rather be like, hey, I'm thinking of you, which

is my way of being nice. And some guys are like,
you don't even call me. I'm like, well, I'm kind
of on the phone, but I was trying to be
nice and so it's just like I feel like there's
like you can't really win. You kind of have to
like feel out the person and get a sense of
like where they are. But I guess over texting and
it's not good or over sharing is not good to

well over text But.

Speaker 1 (20:00):
How do you do you do you monitor? Do you
find yourself editing your text? Like you're right there? Okay,
wait say that the right way? Is that the right emoji? Should?

Speaker 2 (20:08):
I thank god they made that edit option. Now you can,
you can and you can undersend right right? Wait, Like
I love it.

Speaker 5 (20:16):
I mean I like you exactly.

Speaker 1 (20:20):
But you don't find yourself doing that. You don't trying.

Speaker 5 (20:22):
I'm like, you know what if you if you don't
like me the way that I am, then you're never
gonna like me. I mean, like I'm not gonna like
start to like change things up and like so I'll
probably forget.

Speaker 6 (20:31):

Speaker 2 (20:32):
So, say you've met someone and you're feeling the vibes, right,
what happens at the end of the night, Like do
you give him your digits?

Speaker 6 (20:40):
Is that what they still say?

Speaker 4 (20:41):

Speaker 2 (20:41):
Do you give him your number or do you give
him your email addressed?

Speaker 3 (20:45):
Or what?

Speaker 2 (20:45):
How does that work? Because I you, guys, if I
told you how I met my husband, it's the exact
opposite way of well, who told you?

Speaker 4 (20:57):
He told you?

Speaker 2 (20:59):
Wasn't anything. When we met, I was I didn't like him,
but at the end of the night.

Speaker 1 (21:07):

Speaker 6 (21:09):
No, no, no no.

Speaker 2 (21:10):
He was tall and actory looking, and.

Speaker 1 (21:12):
I was like, oh, he was handsome and that was
a problem and young.

Speaker 2 (21:19):
So I he said at the at the valet, we
were waiting for our cars at the end of the
awkward dinner, and he said, so, what should I call you?
And I said no. And I said, but you can
follow me? And he goes, you mean like on Instagram?
I said, no, idiot, follow me. Get in your car

and follow me like home.

Speaker 7 (21:41):
No, not home, okay, I told you when I want something,
I get it, but no followed me to it.

Speaker 2 (21:54):
I went to another bar. I didn't tell him where.
I just said follow me and I zoomed off. So
I had to see if he could keep up with me.
I wanted to see, like Gauge his like adventures because
I like adventure. And he kept up with me, and
we went to another bar, and that's where we got
to know each other without the people who had set
us up. So we were we were at a double
date before we needed to have some time. I needed

to have some time just one on one with them
to know what's who was interested?

Speaker 5 (22:19):
You know, so are you supposed to you know, people
are like, this isn't the dating is like an interview,
so you have to have your interview questions.

Speaker 6 (22:26):
I'm like, what are my interview questions?

Speaker 4 (22:28):

Speaker 5 (22:29):
I just kind of like let men like tell me
their story. I just kind of listen. I asked them
like I asked them like leading questions. But I don't
say like why were you married, who were you married,
how long was it divorced?

Speaker 6 (22:40):
What's your five years?

Speaker 4 (22:44):
I don't care about that, But the other stuff that's
I'm the like it too. I'm like, what, like I
do those questions?

Speaker 3 (22:49):

Speaker 1 (22:50):

Speaker 6 (22:51):
Telling me I should do much?

Speaker 1 (22:52):
I can't.

Speaker 3 (22:53):
What do you want? Like, what do you what are
you interested?

Speaker 1 (22:55):

Speaker 3 (22:55):
Because I'm always.

Speaker 5 (22:57):
See anything I feel so awkward. I feel like, oh
my god, and that would make me feel uncomfortable. They
were like I was like leading the dance.

Speaker 4 (23:04):
TJ your best advice for the winners Elizabeth and Rebecca
tonight because they are at the concert in the VIP section.
So I mean, what is your best advice from a
man for them when.

Speaker 1 (23:15):
You take advantage of the opportunity. You don't get this
enough to be And it's one thing to be in
a social setting, but this is a closed social setting,
meaning most of the people in the room are there
for one reason. They've kind of been vetted already. They
know somebody who knows somebody.

Speaker 4 (23:27):
You know.

Speaker 1 (23:28):
Everybody's here for the same reason, right, walk up, meet
talk to everybody. That guy might not be single, but
he might have a friend who is. That woman might
not be I mean she might not have a friend
available with her. She has her sisters. You've got to
take advantage of the opportunity and do not pass it
up tonight. You gotta be out there. You got to
be open, You got to be a company.

Speaker 2 (23:48):
You might meet a guy that has a really wonderful
wife and you could have a new friend.

Speaker 6 (23:53):
Look at it that way.

Speaker 5 (23:54):
That's why I say to my friends too, I'm like,
go on to a lot of different dates because they
also might know people that you might be like, oh,
you know, really like you, but your friend is hot, right.

Speaker 2 (24:01):
Yeah, but are you supposed to ask them about their phone?

Speaker 3 (24:05):
K Like right out of the.

Speaker 1 (24:10):
You don't follow No, I don't do that.

Speaker 3 (24:13):
I just am like, what do you want?

Speaker 2 (24:14):
Care about the money?

Speaker 6 (24:15):
She said?

Speaker 3 (24:15):
I don't care about the money?

Speaker 6 (24:16):
No, she cares about no.

Speaker 5 (24:18):
But I mean I could never say, like, oh, you
were a divorce, how long are you? I would feel
like I was literally like bulleting question that.

Speaker 2 (24:24):
You just make them feel like you're talking and you're
not grilling them, right, you know, like just be easy
on the questions and listen.

Speaker 5 (24:32):
Yeah, but I have gone a couple of days sorry
quickly where the guys talk so much and they tell
me so many stories and they're trying to like get
like the sympathy from me, and I'm just like, wow,
that's really great.

Speaker 6 (24:44):
I'm saying. I'm like, oh my god, Like what like,
way another story?

Speaker 4 (24:47):

Speaker 6 (24:48):
How many stories do I have to listen to in
like a two hour dinner?

Speaker 1 (24:51):
You will be there with Elizabeth. We will continue to
check in. But yeah, we're this is gonna be a
fun night. Yeah, So folks, we want all of you
to keep checking in here with us. Do not give
up on finding your person. Hey, maybe you'll find them
by using this podcast. If you need dating advice, want
help finding love, we're here. The number is one eight

four four four I do pod. That's eight four four
four four three six seven sixty three. The email is
idpod at iHeartRadio dot com. That's idpod at iHeartRadio dot com.
All this is going to be in the show notes.
You can rate and review the podcast as well. I
do part two. It's an iHeartRadio podcast. We're falling in
live is the main objective, ladies. It is an absolute pleasure.

Speaker 3 (25:33):
It's so fun.

Speaker 4 (25:35):
I'll be sure to get an update on how the
night goes, so stay tuned for that

Speaker 6 (25:40):
Goodlock look
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