All Episodes

February 7, 2024 33 mins

When you wake up every morning, you get to decide who you want to be. That's why the idea of setting New Year's Resolutions can actually limit your potential for growth in a new year. Reflection and goal setting just once a year? You're so much more than that! You're an ever-evolving human navigating earth school full of passion, purpose, mystery, and a mission. This limitless expansion is something to contemplate as often as you feel the call, not just once a year. What if you took inventory and decided on a theme for the year instead? One that allows for fluidity and compassion as life ebbs and flows?Join us today as we discuss how to make lasting change and how that journey begins within. From frequent meditative check-ins to assessing how you'll know when a goal becomes second nature, we've got you covered as you contemplate who you are and why you do what you do. We'll also discuss the Numerology of 2024 and teach you how to identify your personal number for the year. Resources, stability, and reputation abound. How will you use this information to create a vision custom-tailored for you and your journey?Because Earth School is hard. Don't let the person you are get in the way of the person you intend to be—with Divine love and encouragement from the Other Side.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Welcome to Insider's Guide to the Other Side, a production
of iHeartRadio. Hi, y'all, I'm Julie.

Speaker 2 (00:09):
Hi there, I'm Brenda. Welcome to Insider's Guide to the
Other Side.

Speaker 1 (00:14):
Now, y'all need to know that we are obsessed with
everything on the other side.

Speaker 2 (00:20):
Yes we are, because once you learn to navigate the energetic,
or to some the invisible world, life is going to
be more fun and much more serene.

Speaker 1 (00:31):
Uh heck, yes it can, because let's be honest, for
in Earth school is hard. In fact, you taught me.

Speaker 2 (00:37):
That let's crush Earth School together.

Speaker 1 (00:43):
Well, hello, my witchy, oh pooh, howe has twenty twenty
four been so far for you?

Speaker 2 (00:54):
It's literally bad, you know, just a couple of days
and count on your hands so many days in it's
so intense. I can't even tell you.

Speaker 1 (01:04):
Okay, I have to say I do have my favorite
thing so far.

Speaker 3 (01:11):
You top one.

Speaker 1 (01:15):
This one's yeah, this is one and it stands out
and uh and if anybody hasn't heard of this yet,
we will put a link on our Instagram for this.

Speaker 3 (01:25):
But it is.

Speaker 1 (01:26):
When Fox News brought on a tearror card reader, I mean,
I'm still giddy because I.

Speaker 2 (01:35):
Think it's hilarious and it wasn't you, and it wasn't me.

Speaker 1 (01:39):
Exactly right, and I don't think it's anybody you taught,
unless you teach the Brits.

Speaker 2 (01:44):
I do teach the prints.

Speaker 1 (01:45):
But was she your student?

Speaker 2 (01:47):
I'm kidding.

Speaker 1 (01:50):
Okay, So we're gonna post it, but I actually want
to talk about it. So I have an article that
actually walks through what happened. So I just think it's
worth walking everybody through. And here's the thing. Ask me
in six months, what's my favorite thing about twenty twenty four.

I'm probably gonna tell you it's still this.

Speaker 2 (02:14):
I'm so glad I tickled you.

Speaker 1 (02:16):
Oh my god, it is the greatest thing. Okay. So
this is an article from Business Insider, and it starts
out and it says the Fox News primetime host Jesse
Waters invited a psychic on his show on Tuesday evening
to predict former president President Donald Trump's chances for the

presidency in twenty twenty four. That did not go very well.

Speaker 2 (02:41):
That's what it says.

Speaker 1 (02:42):
Yes, this what's so great about what this article? I found?
Because I found different ones that one made me giggle,
that did not go very well. Paula Roberts, who describes
herself as a fully fledged medium on her website, got
nothing short of depressin reading for Trump. Okay, and I
just have to say, I don't just love it because

it was Trump. I would have loved it. I don't
care what news network would have had it or who
would have I just loved it just because, Sonny, it's hilarious.
It's not a political reason I love it. It's just
really damn funny. So let's see she I would like,
Paula for you to give me a reading on President Trump,
Water said. Roberts and Waters agreed she would draw just

one card for Trump, after which she flipped over a
card showing a dark cloaked figure surrounded by toppled goblets.
Well that's the five a cup shall Yes it is?
And then uh oh, Roberts and Waters said in unison, Okay,

that's hilarious. By the way, do you think he reads well,
I think he saw it, because like when you see
a picture of it, it really is like it's different
than a five A cups card I've seen before. So
I don't know what deck she was using. It wasn't
actually a deck to make.

Speaker 2 (04:05):
It actually looks more like a death card.

Speaker 1 (04:08):
It toldly looks like the death card. In fact, when
you and I first start talking about it, it looked
like she pulled the death card. Yeah, okay, so it
can sus This is fantastic. I do recognize that I'm
on Fox TV's a sense of loss, Robert says, giving
her reading of what the card meant, as Waters let

out a discouraged sigh. But it's very specific. Let me
move on. It's a sense of loss, it says, if
he may be thinking more about what he's lost and
not still taking full advantage of what he still has. Okay,
let's just talk about the cards, right, They're coming, whether
you want them to or not. Like they have a

life of their own, a mind of their own, a
soul of spirit of their own, and you cannot run
from the cards. Y'all.

Speaker 2 (05:00):
Never lie the five fucking cuffs.

Speaker 1 (05:04):
Okay. Then he says, because you can see they're trying
to recover, right.

Speaker 2 (05:11):
Well, they're trying to spin it, right well, they're trying.

Speaker 1 (05:13):
To spend they're trying to recover. And it says, that's
a great interpretation, Paula Water said, laughing, and then it
continues Trump was the only glum reading that evening, as
Roberts also made twenty twenty four predictions for President Joe Biden,
Waters himself in the US as a whole. So apparently,

she said that Biden's card showed him receiving lots and
lots and lots of money, far more than what he's
used to. And of course Waters asked from China, so
he's like trying to take you know, political talking points.
And then she goes, you're cheeky. I didn't say from
where she said, And then she predicted that he that

Waters would have an other child in twenty twenty four
and so on and so forth. It is actually very
sweet about him, and that the US, she said. The US,
robert said, should look forward to joy, happiness, contentment, which
she described as big, big, big, big happy. Now that's
we'll just stop that. That is, but the videos there

and it's really hilarious when you see their facial expressions.
But so far, that's my favorite thing. At point twenty four,
how about you.

Speaker 2 (06:26):
I cannot top that. I can tell you that. But
who reads Winner Take All? Like who does that one
with one card?

Speaker 3 (06:33):

Speaker 2 (06:34):
Who do There's a reason there are spreads people.

Speaker 1 (06:37):
Right right right. Yeah, anyway, I got a huge kick
out of that, and well, I think what I really
love about it is there's a mainstreamness about it. I
don't even know if that's a word, but there's but
it feels more mainstream. So I just loved it that

they're having card readers show up. And I think it's
also showing you know, you know, it's uh, they're trying
everything they can. It's kind of like, unfortunately, when when
somebody's dealing with something physical, like a physical illness, they
they'll they'll go like the last resort is more Eastern,

you know, versus trying to weave them both in. So
this felt a little lass resorty for them that they
were trying to take it and it didn't and it
kind of backfired. Oh my god, that totally deserved a snort.
Do not cut that, Joey, do not cut my snort,
because seriously, this might be my favorite.

Speaker 2 (07:37):
Thing anyway, that's awesome.

Speaker 1 (07:42):
Yeah, So I did not mean to take up literally
a whole segment talking about this, but it truly is
my favorite thing so far about twenty twenty four. I
think what we should do is take a quick break
and let's talk about resolutions, because that's always a big topic.
So let's just come on back, y'all. We'll be here, hold.

Speaker 2 (07:58):
On and welcome back.

Speaker 1 (08:06):
Okay. I just have to tell everybody that normally we
do like account normally it's like a three two one,
and I'm not kid y'all. Brenda Lake did this whole
like witchy woo woo thing with her hands and all
of a sudden she said, we're back. She was pulling
a rabbit out of her hat or some shit like that.
But that was the most hilarious bringing. And we've I

don't know how many episodes, you know, a lot of them,
and that is the first time I have ever seen
you do the most ridiculous and we're back. Like, we're back, everybody.

Speaker 2 (08:43):
Okay, we have got to pull up together.

Speaker 1 (08:47):
It's you. Okay. My resolution is to Lee's snort on
one per episode, and so I'm already I'm ahead. I
already got two him. Oh my god, that was brilliant. Okay,
and we're back. So I so hard to introduce with.

We're having a giggle fest, so it is what's giggling for?
Because you know, it's a funny time of the year.
Everybody has the whole you know, what's the new Year's resolution.
There's articles, everyone wants to talk about it, you know,
and you know they tend to hover around, you know, money,
relationships working out, yes, physical hell, yes, absolutely, Like gym

memberships go up. You know, it's it's all of that.
And so I've actually had some folks reach out and
ask me about New Year's resolutions.

Speaker 2 (09:50):
And how you love them.

Speaker 1 (09:52):
Well, and here's the bad thing for anybody asking me
is that I think they're ridiculous, and they're so ridiculous
that I have mocked them my entire adult life because
I will pick something stupid to be a New Year's resolution,
and I'll actually stick to it, like when I chose
to keep a straight face when I was like telling

a bullshit story to make people believe it was true.
I mean, because they're so stupid.

Speaker 2 (10:21):
Do not try this at home. People do not know.

Speaker 1 (10:24):
But it's like I and here's why I think they're stupid.
It's a construct. And and not that you shouldn't actually
set goals for yourself, because that's not what I'm talking about.
It's more about the one time of year, you know,
one thing that I found one of the thousands of
things that have been so viable that you've taught me,
my witchy poo. Another resolution I'm going to tell everybody

every episode time you've taught me is you've talked about
in the past about you know, every morning, when you
wake up, you get to decide who you want to be.
And so I love the being present every day to
choose where who I want to be, how I want

to ascend, what do I want to do, you know,
all of those things instead of just one time a year,
you know.

Speaker 2 (11:16):
Yeah, and I think I think it's helpful. And when
you can have a bigger purpose or a bigger mission
or you know, for yourself, not an external one, but
how and why I do what I do, and that
that should be a constant no matter what you're doing. Right,
So there's there's like a a personal direction or a

purple purposeful and personal commitment to be or become this
kind of person, you know. You know, I'm always a
fan of like, don't let the person you are get
in the way of the person you intend.

Speaker 1 (11:52):
To be, right right, right, yeah, right, because that's all
that you know, all that chatter, all right, that are
that are trying to you know, in some cases we
hold ourselves back because of all the chatter. And I
think that's what you mean by don't person. You are
to get the way of the person that you want
to be, and you know, and on all earnestness. If

I had to pick a theme for my year and
then every day keep practicing it evolving, it is you know,
I really want to be able to be so keen
in and listen to my body. That's a big one
for me.

Speaker 2 (12:32):
Your instrument for guidance. It is not everybody has that
experience with their body, but yeah.

Speaker 1 (12:40):
Yeah, and so that's a big one that I'm really
and it takes a level of I mean, it's a
certain degree slowing down at times to pay attention right,
you have to be present and where you can't just
and this is also me is like because I can

go crazy and sometimes a really good way, and I
can get caught up in a project something I want
to do, and I can move really fast and I'm
not paying attention to the vessel that I have. So
so that is not a it's a general and every
day it's like I will practice it in a certain
way and know certain things I need to keep adjusting

over time. It's not a and also it's not a
sarcastic one, which is really what I was hoping to
do this year. But it's in every day though.

Speaker 2 (13:33):
Go ahead, Yeah, And I think it's also important knowing
that we have to navigate the world. Is that your intention,
no matter what it is. But we'll use your example
because it's such a good one, because you know, we
pretty much all have bodies, so it's a great much.
It's pretty much a great example.

Speaker 3 (13:50):
But like it.

Speaker 2 (13:51):
So you don't have the expectation or the delusion that
you have to be in touch with your body every
moment of every day at a deep level. But you
know how to come back to it when you need it.
And that's that's what's super important, right And so knowing like, okay,
so at least twice a day, I'm going to drop

into my body with full intention, say okay, if I
needed to know something, what would my body tell me? You? Like,
just those little check ins. But if you can keep
those kind of steady check ins, it just makes such
a difference. It makes such a difference.

Speaker 1 (14:28):
That is probably unlike many I could probably guarantee that
no journalist has written that that's an option for a
new Year's resolution. Yes, so if you want to practice that,
if you want to have a new year's resolution, I
think the best advice is what Brenda said, which is

it should be inside of you what you want to do.
It should be personal. And this isn't a you know,
you'd have to follow what other people do, because to
truly make change, it's an agreement you make with yourself.

Speaker 2 (15:00):
Only thing you have control over. Right, Yeah, right.

Speaker 1 (15:05):
And I could very well come up with a funny
one later, but really hard to beat the sarcasm one.
That one was good, and I did. I practice that
all year long and I got good and people were
and people were like, wait, are you telling the truth?
I'm like yes, and I wasn't. And it wasn't for
anything that was ever meaningful. It was just more playful
kind of things. And I think I convin somebody I

rode a horse into work once something like that. I
convince to something really ridiculous, and you say something with
authority and confidence, it's crazy to get people to believe.
So I need to come up with something new. But
that aside, I just I think that we people, we
should take some pressure off of ourselves with this once
a year thing is really I think the overall message

about the resolutions is, you know, you don't have to
do it day one. In fact, idea, you do it
every day and you think about it every day. Therefore
you are present and whatever it is that you're feeling
that you want to evolve, you know that's it. And
you know that thing, Brenda, I'm telling it when we
we've talked about this for years, but when you've talked

about how you know, addictions follow you from one life
to another, and that's a very very worthy cause. That
is a sole level cause to work on some of
those things, whatever they may be. No judgment. I mean, jeez,
I've had plenty. I've had almost all of them. I've

had all the legal ones.

Speaker 2 (16:40):
And I think, like I talked to someone who's my
resolution is to work out every day and you know,
two weeks and hasn't worked out once.

Speaker 1 (16:51):
Well, But because you set yourself up for failure too
with a.

Speaker 2 (16:53):
Lot of this, it's not kind, it's not compassionate, it's
not it's not it's so external driven, right right, And
and some people do great with a rigid schedule, like
a like a you know, a task list. Like people
love their lists, and you know they feel comfort by
making a list and checking things off. And if that

works for you, awesome.

Speaker 1 (17:15):
And they're going to find out if they're not your eyes.

Speaker 2 (17:17):
Yeah, exactly, it's true like those people are. Usually they
go by the they literally go by the book and
they crush their list, so they'll be.

Speaker 1 (17:24):
Fine, but right right, for sure they do.

Speaker 2 (17:28):
But you know, I just think when, and it is
important as you're moving towards any goal, external goal or
internal goal, it's important to say in your mind, how
will I know when I've experienced that? How will I
know when it's become a habit for me? Like that?
That would be you know, something that you would want

to track and you know whether even even the example
I gave earlier about you know, said two times one,
you know, two times according to whatever your schedule is
a day to drop in and go? How how am
I connecting with my body if I knew what my
body told me? Now? What would I know like that
kind of check in? Well? How when did you not

have to have that on a list? When did it
just come into your bones? You know? It is kind
of that's how you know, you know, like you can,
you can make up some sort of milestone or marker
for you to track your progress, even on something that's
very internally focused, is my point.

Speaker 1 (18:29):
Yeah, I remember when that happened. When I was learning
how to ground. It was like an automatic thing because
I had done it so much and it was like boom,
And I was rarely untethered from that because it was
that practice.

Speaker 2 (18:43):

Speaker 1 (18:45):
Yeah, all right, with the that note, y'all, I can't
believe I'm going into the one going into breaks? What
that is that? My other news resolution is that I'm
going to initiate more breaks. How could that be? Okay, hey,
this is a break.

Speaker 3 (19:01):
We'll be right back, y'all, and we're back poof.

Speaker 1 (19:19):
That was my version. I okay, So we can't talk
about twenty twenty four without numerology, some neurology, kay kay,
and the crowd goes crazy. Yeah, souky sucky luluga wild.

Speaker 2 (19:41):
All right, So twenty twenty four is obviously you add
to LUs two plus four and you get an eight,
and so twenty twenty four is an eight year. And
this is all about thinking thinking about an eight year
if you play with the numbers at all, and I'm

not talking about gambling. I'm talking about numerology or tarrow when.

Speaker 1 (20:07):
He said that, because I just texted somebody about an
hour ago who was on his way to Vegas, I said,
and I said, play Black seventeen. So actually I was
talking about gambling numbers literally an hour ago. I didn't
go ahead.

Speaker 2 (20:19):
Sorry, must be why I said it because it's not
usually part of my binacular, but that was weird, Oh
my god, perfectly. And so think of eight as a
double four, right, because we know that four brings the
greatest stability. Think about a chair, a table, a room
has four corners because it brings great stability. And so

the double eight is the double four. To create the
eight is you know in there in this number that
if you put on the side, it creates an infinity symbol. Right,
The eight is an infinity symbol. So it literally is
about having resources to create a strong foundation. Eight can
also let's talk about elevating the resources you have access to.

Of course, your greatest resource is publicly out in the world.
Is your reputation, right, whether you're talking about professional or friends,
your tribe, your community is you know your reputation in
those is your currency in social circles, and so that's

part of what you would think of as your currency.
How can I make sure clean up, be accountable, build
my resource of my reputation? Does that make sense?

Speaker 1 (21:43):
Oh? I love that because you know you you know,
I've obviously taken multiple row classes from you. And when
you talk about the the cards, like you know, we
were just talking about the woman pulled a five right
of cups and anytime you talked about the eights, you

would talk about the kind of double stability, and so
I love that. And because you talk about fours being stable,
and you would talk about you know, a table usually
has four legs, a chair four legs. You can argue,
people can argue that not all of them do, but whatever,
not the point.

Speaker 2 (22:24):
But they're not. Yes, you can have it. You can
have a three legoned table, you can have a three
leg in chair, but they're not as stable.

Speaker 1 (22:30):
Correct, correct, And so it makes a ton of sense
and thinking about that in every aspect. You know, because
a lot of people go they think resources, it goes
literal into like money, right, and which is one of them?
There's no doubt about that. But you know, and so

much of your resources you exactly.

Speaker 2 (22:54):
Exact right, and that the other thing that this particular
eight stands for in numerology is around responsibility. What are
you willing to be responsible for? And how are you
treating what you are responsible for? Like are you showing
up and saying yes, I've got this, or are you

showing up with resentment? Are you sabotaging yourself for others
with you know, like how how are you doing this?
And it will be amplified by that eight.

Speaker 1 (23:24):
That's so good.

Speaker 2 (23:26):
Yeah, yeah, it's really important to think about.

Speaker 1 (23:29):
That is Yeah, that's incredible.

Speaker 2 (23:32):
Yeah. And then when you show up to do any
sort of work, because eight is a very productive number.
Obviously it's an accountability responsibility sort of, so it's very responsible.
It gets a lot of the work done, and so
you want to make sure that you are ready to
do your work. Don't show up like it doesn't matter

this year you will get bit in the butt.

Speaker 1 (23:55):
So I am going to connect this something that we did.
This was not pre talk, but I'm going to connect it.
And literally ten percent of what we do in up
on the show is pre talk. But not a good day.
But I just it's it's interesting that you talked about
showing up, and so to all of our parents out there,

I just read a pretty lengthy article about kids skipping school.
What really yep, yep, sure have?

Speaker 2 (24:26):
Where do they go?

Speaker 1 (24:27):
Sure have? I do not know? Okay, it was more statistics,
you know, there was a lot. There was a lot
about kids that I've been reading about lately because I
you know, live in the state that has a terrible
school system, and people talk. There's a lot of talk
about it, whether it is you know, they do the
water treatment tests and they're finding a lot of drugs

in the water treatment at schools, right, and there's but nationwide,
it's a big thing about kids not showing up. And
so when we talk about like these messages in these lessons,
these predictions of what the year should be like and
what we should do with them, don't forget to talk
to your kids about it too. I think that's the

piece I wanted to kind of add to it, because
when you talk about when kids aren't showing up for school,
they're actually they lose well.

Speaker 2 (25:21):
And I think like, instead of like you have to yeah,
I would want to talk to them about how would
it feel if you showed up with your assignment done?
How would it feel if you did that like three
times this week, right versus not? I know you'd hate
it the first two times, but what about if it

was easy to do?

Speaker 1 (25:46):

Speaker 2 (25:47):
That's that's what I would think about.

Speaker 1 (25:50):
Yeah, there's I think there's that sense of accomplishment, you know,
that is you know, I know I've told this story
before about when I was on the golf team at
OU and in my sophomore year, I decided I wanted
to be part of journalism school. So I took the
test that was required to get into the journalism school,

and very few people actually weirdly passed it the first
time around. And the assignment was they would give you
a word and you actually had to write to write
a story or I think a series of words a story,
so like a creative writing exercise. You couldn't have more
than a total of five spelling errors, including punctuation. Granted,

these were typewriters back in the day who write a
typewriter And I remember going to the building because they
would print out if you who passed and failed. And
I remember when I saw that I passed, I flew
off the When I left the building, I like soared
off the stairs. And I felt like Mary Tyler more

and I throw and I didn't have a head on,
but if I did, I would have thrown it up
in the air because it was a sense of sense
of accomplishment, you know, and it's missing.

Speaker 2 (27:09):
That's missing it. And for young people who aren't challenged,
they don't have anything any feedback, right, that's right. They
need they need the feedback that says, yes, we see you,
this was good, right, you stretched yourself and you've accomplished this.

So there's no there's no feedback to them, right. And
people think go, oh, oh, we've got to make it
easy for them. No, it's the exact opposite. Give them skills,
train them, support them, give the training wheels so they
can keep moving forward. But don't make it so easy
that they're board.

Speaker 1 (27:44):
Right, right. So you know I had that labor mama
that was finished everything, and she was all about completing things.

Speaker 2 (27:53):
It's kind of an important skill.

Speaker 1 (27:55):
Right, But that was part of your point. To homework.

Speaker 2 (27:57):
Yeah, to any work, anyone, to any work. And it
doesn't matter if it's a difficult conversation at home at work.
Prepare for it, don't just just the thing is it
will be rewarded more in an eight year when you
do just it could be call your best friend and say, hey,
can you just listen? Does this make sense? I'm thinking

this is my position I'm going to make to make
this point. Does this make sense? You know? Like, get
some supportive feedback, but prepare for it. Give yourself a
fighting chance. It's really going to make a difference. And
if you don't, I'm not saying you won't get away
with it once or twice, but this is not the
year where that's going to fly.

Speaker 1 (28:36):
And this is three times you're out?

Speaker 2 (28:37):
Yere is that it could be three times out your
kind of year?

Speaker 1 (28:41):
Ye strike law.

Speaker 2 (28:42):
The only other thing I would want to just remind people.
Eight is the universal number that we are all cooking
in all over the planet. If you would like to
get your personal year right, This is called the universal
number because it applies to the whole planet. For your
personal year in numerology, would be the digits of the
month that you're born and the day that you were born,

and then you add that to eight.

Speaker 1 (29:08):
Okay, we'll just going to use mine because so eight seven,
so fifteen, so August, yeah, August seventh.

Speaker 2 (29:18):
August seventh is your birth. Yeah, right, so you would
add fifteen to eight and you get twenty three, okay,
and then you add two and three and you would
get five. So then you're in a five year.

Speaker 1 (29:28):
That's all chaotic here, isn't it.

Speaker 2 (29:30):
Oh, it's not necessarily chaotic. I mean, especially especially for you,
because here's chaotic now now, because it's really a year
of independence. That's how I think about it. That says
I can see where I want to go, and I

can recognize that perhaps other people haven't gone there, and
I can bring people with But it may not be
a year to follow, which works perfectly for.

Speaker 1 (30:04):
You because okay, again that's every year, but you never.

Speaker 2 (30:07):
Follow anybody, especially rules, and it's it's not going to
be a year where again this is you normally, but
it wouldn't be a year for you to seek external
approval at every step. But you have to gain alignment.

Speaker 3 (30:24):

Speaker 2 (30:24):
Right, those are two different things. So you have to
let people know what you're doing, but you don't need
them to do it for you, or you don't need
them to throw you a parade, right, And it's really
about creating your own world. That's what the five years about.
In numerology, it's different.

Speaker 1 (30:42):
Wow, So I like it in numerology. That's a good one.
All right. So there's your example, everybody.

Speaker 2 (30:48):
So right against you take the money, the digits of
your month, the digits of the date of birth, month
and date of birth, and added to eight and then
you can you can look it up, I mean.

Speaker 1 (30:57):
In your math. Yeah, one number, so you're nine.

Speaker 2 (31:05):
It's a I mean a one year.

Speaker 1 (31:07):
Oh okay, that's what happened.

Speaker 2 (31:09):
Okay, Yeah, so twenty twenty four is one year for me,
all right. Yeah, So it's all about starting over, creating new, originating.
This is not a rinse and repeat year. This is
a no, it's not fruit basket upside down here. So
one used to be fun and it's all fun right

because it's all our school. Come on, totally is exactly
the right best game in town.

Speaker 1 (31:33):
It is the best game in town. My god, we
should make an Earth School board game with that in mind.
We want to thank everybody for listening to the show today.

Speaker 2 (31:44):
Yeah we do always, so thanks everybody, Happy happy.

Speaker 1 (31:49):
Eight year, and remember Earth School is hard.

Speaker 2 (31:54):
Without the magical numerology of.

Speaker 1 (31:58):
The other side and the Tara Reader on Fox News.

Speaker 2 (32:01):
Thanks everybody, Thank you for joining us everyone, and a
special thanks to our producer Joey Patt and our executive
producer Maya Cole Howard, who guides us while we guide.

Speaker 1 (32:19):
You hit us up on Instagram at other Side Guides,
or shoot us a note at high Hi at vibes
dot store.

Speaker 2 (32:27):
We want to know what you think, we want to
know what you know, and we want to hear your stories.

Speaker 1 (32:32):
And remember, our school is hard without the other Side.
Insider's Guide to the other Side is a production of iHeartRadio.
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