All Episodes

March 17, 2023 48 mins

Aether, Sirius, and Logo spend the night at the bottom of a massive crater. They share stories as to what could be the source of the crater’s origin.

Intra Quest – Created by Michael Freiberg
A production of iHeartRadio and Astrum Media

Executive Produced by Michael Freiberg and iHeartRadio
Co-produced by Adam Raymonda and Chelsea English

Sound Supervisor and Mix by Dennis Dembeck
Sound Design by Dan Timmons
Music by Trey Toy and James Newberry 
Episode written by Michael Freiberg

Performances by:
Matthew Broussard | Aether
Mike Lebovitz | Sirius
Myq Kaplan | Logo
Lucie Pohl | Umbra

Nick Naney | Oculus
Krystal Osborne | Elder One
Carolina Ravassa | Flora
Masa Gibson | Warrior Leader
Shanta Parasuraman | Amber
Camille Theobald | Lazuli
Nina Tarr | Sapphire
Greg Stone | Foreman Stone
Dan Timmons | CantorCueva
Jen Cohn | Tahar
Tom Delgado | Josah
Julia Morizawa | Ganit
Paul Jackson | Gideon

Director and Head Writer: Michael Freiberg
Writers: Tom Delgado and Will Julian
Story Editor: Chelsea English
Dialogue Editor: Adam Raymonda
Foley: Post Red
Key Art: Rich Davies

See for privacy information.

Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:06):
Introquest created by Michael Freiberg, a production of iHeartRadio and
Astro Media. Listen with headphones for three D audio. I
can't believe we recover the satellite from the molair even
if it's broken in three pieces? Can we get it?
There's no stop at us now? How should we proceed

from here? Head straight to the lighthouse drop off point
at the other end of the desert. Celebrate our accomplishment
with a rousing night of adventure. Log stop for woon pop,
make sand bath or do you want to rest? All
I want to do now is take it slow, fight
somewhere peaceful and rest. O. Okay, rest is a good option.

Rest serious astrom what part of take its slow and
find somewhere peaceful? Arrest? Don't you understand? Should we follow him? Either?
Yea logo? Come on serious, I will hold you down

and pull your eyelids shut if that's what it takes
to get some rest around here? Rest? Either he's found
a place? What down there? Interesting? I wouldn't have expected
to come across such exotic topography in the desert, Yet
here we are standing at the brink of a massive crater.

Do you think it's quiet at the bottom well, given
the crater's convexity and desolate expanse, I suppose so right,
last one down to the crater's center, cuddles the serious.
Tonight's ah ah, quit me. We'll set up camp here

at the crater's Serious, gather some stones off the ground
and get a fire going for warm Yeah, how're cooking? Logo,
Come join us. I don't know how you do the rest.
We have yet to come up with a satisfactory explanation
as to why the craters here in the first place.

Doesn't it strike you both? Is odd? Logo? Tonight, I'll
leave the big questions for you and Serious to worry about. Mentally,
I am checking out. Serious, Put that scrap metal down.
You don't know where it's from or what it's doing here. Serious,
snow and Serious, no white hole here too. You do

drop it before you injure yourself. For all we know,
it could be left over strapnel from who knows what
this steal from CFS blade of ancient warrior Princess Flora
see steal rank from blood of enemies that's called rusts.
Serious and say you cut yourself and it gets infected,

How are we supposed to get you help down here.
Tell me about Flora Ether he's just making up a story.
No story true. From Cyrisian legend Flora most fearless warrior
in all of land. Most men hide behind shield in battle.
Flora fight with two blades and spin like store were impressive.

Mm Flora leader of great warrior tribe called Nomad's tribe
of First Leaf. Here here is where they find desert
paradise here in oasis. What do you think this was
an oasis? Plants, food, water all here, This hole we

stand in filled with water. Seriously, this barren crater could
hardly be classified as an oasis. M oasis, no war
because most savage beasts known to world once lived here.
Oh yeah, what's that? Oculus occulus from ancient warrior history.
Oculus one eyed cyclops, size of ten men, strength of hundred.

Nobody stands chance. He eats greatest warriors two at a time,
and wear bones as jewelry. It's flesh now like us
either his body hard as rock, sharpest blades snap like
twig against skin, even against oculus eye. Only weakness is

soft spot on top of oculus head way out of
mortal reach and Nomad's h they come here to Oculus,
home in oasis, one of the finding swimming in mos

a gray bottle. I drink to my bellies full. I've
been through my heart's contents. I am a happy sidecom
Homy rambles sounds like he's time for dinner. Let's see
what's on the menu for tonight, Hot Flora. We've journeyed

too far in the desert. Are no mad. People's face
thirst and starvation be spirits grow weak. Unless we turn
back now, this will be the end of our tribe.
Elder one, This isn't the end. This is only the beginning,
No mad. When you joined me on this expedition, I

promised you drink till you're drenched, food till you're plump,
and riches beyond your wildest dreams. Some of you lost
faith along the ways, But today my promise is fulfilled.
Just beyond these desert dunes lies our oasis, the whole paradise.
Here here, Flora has led us to the promised land.

Raise your swords, lift your shields, no man, three strikes
of your shield to Flora's honor. Put away your swords
and shields. There will be time for celebration later. Now
come our oasis. Await, Laura. Food has never been so filling,

water has never tasted so refreshing, and the richest gold
has never shine so bright. My kin, your delight fills
me with joy. May we reap the spoils of our
journey for now and all of eternity. Laura, it's not
safe here. There are signs that leads me to believe

we are unwelcome visitors in another's home. This is one
home I don't mind, Sherry, but not just anyone lives here.
I am afraid we may have stumbled into the home
of a cyclops elder one. You've said before, our people
have roamed the desert for far too long. You're right,

but there's enough here for all to prosper. Have you
no respect for the hollowed law? Cyclopsis are the most
hostile beasts in all the leads. If the Cyclops doesn't
see eye to eye, my blades will talk for me.
You must listen. Taken break up person in half with

his hands of weapons cannot pierce his body. No mortal
enemy has ever defeated the Cyclops in battle. No mad
be on high alert. Take cover where you can find it, Flora,

what's going on? We're expecting company. No, mad you heard her.
Drop what you're doing and retreat behind the nearest boulder,
a tall tree, high God, that was a fine tasty meal. Ivo.

It was a bore of a vitough bore thing. I
nearly his fold at home. Ah, I can't wait to washington.
That was some cold refreshing water. Wait a minute, someone's
been in my garden and they're still here. Are you, Marculus,

ruler of these lands? Good? Does enter my sacred then
come out? Come out wherever you are, or I'll find
you any jew, I'll follow you all, Laura, we cannot
fide for long Beast as it stands. If we divide
into groups and make a run for it, at least

some may escape with their lives. No, that's the coward's way.
I'll speak to Oculus. You'll have to get his attention first.
What that tackles? Who goes there? Oculus? I am Flora Warrior,

princess of the Nomad's conqueror of great beasts. Do I
have your attention? Yes, you have it, and you have
a broken blade as well. I lay my second blade
on the ground, a hollow gesture. May I approach? Approach,

little wol My people have traveled a great distance across
this desert. This land is rich and bountiful. We only
ask for enough food and water to spend the night,
and we'll be on our way before sunrise. Oh you'll
be lucky if I let you spend the night as
fertilizer in my garden. And I have one final proposal

to offer. Please consider it carefully. We don't want to
hurt you. You hurt me. That's like a fleet hurting
a bear. Though you do look a bit gamy. After
I eat you, I wonder if you'll hurt me with
a Tommy egg. You're folly amuses me. Calmly, I shall

extend ahead, step upon my palm, and I wish you
up level so we may speak face to face. Oculus,
you are big and strong. I know, mad people, we
are great warriors. But here before you plead as humble.

I have laid down my blade on the desert floor
and approached unarmed. Reconsider what I asked before, or we
will be forced to end your life. You know your
puny weapons cannot hurt me unless you reach the spot
at my tippy tippy top. Then you and your friends
will go squishy squishes. What indeed, I tell you, no

moral has ever reached a soft spot atop a cyclops.
Very well, you leave us no other choice like please,
you shall feast on your rotting carcass starting with your
high No man, I lead the charge into battle. You've

come with me this far, William fight beside me once again?
We fight together as one. Then today we earn our
prepare for comb fighting with the break formations around the flights,
me writing the trip wires to attack the BFI's lengths.

I need to take my place to front. Oh wait,
my command, you commence the pendulum strike. Now silence, where
are you bet your boo? I will dine on your

flesh and drink a puard of every last one of you.
First quadrant, now, third quadrant. Go yeah, a good quadrant.

Try one quadrant, So, Laura, the trichoire is secure. The

piece's legs are locked to weathers, ready on account to
pull the wires topped three. Two, Why the great Syclops,

Laculus and you Oculus are at my mercy? Take it old,
Please say that we will keep not we will Then

Flora and Nomad's take water and reaches from oasis and
continued journey conquering more great beasts across land, until one
day no more beasts but for conquering, and no man's
realized only beasts left is damn And for this day weep,

weep and weep, but kill o water. They don't promoculus,
they cry out and tears turn into world's ocean, seas
and lakes. Serious, don't be sad. It's a beautiful story.
I agree, despite the glaring logical inconsistencies that tall tale

could move anyone to tears serious, no cry serious, have
sand denied like oculus and no insistency story true? Well,
for one, tears are naturally sale. So while hypothetically the
nomad's tears could be the source of the world salty
oceans and seas, how do you account for the formation
of fresh bodies of water? Yeah? And why would the

nomads leave so soon from an oasis they were trying
so hard to find in the first place. To explain
that serious no care serious no in hart story true,
I don't see how you can argue with that logic. Logic,
what logic? It's missing every component of a sound logical argument.
You know, have better greater story, Actually I do. While

you were carrying on about the Cyrisian legend. I noticed
the marking on the southern perimeter. Follow me, take a
look at this. What is it? Shure animal in rock? Close?
It's a fossil. I've never observed anything quite like it before,
but it appears to be the imprint of a prehistoric creature,

degraded over time by weathering and erosion. What's strange is
that it looks more like a stained outline than an impression.
But I don't know what other than a fossil could
result in this mark on the surface's exterior. Serious never
see animal like that before. Technically, if you have, what
do you mean? Well, the impression looks like an amalgamation

of organic constructs. This can happen during diagenesis. Diagenesis the
physical and chemical changes exhibited in rocks as a result
of exposure to extreme temperatures and pressure. It can preserve
an impression, but often distorts the figure. So what well?
At first, I wasn't sure what to make of this.
It could be a combination of creatures, an ancient ancestor,

or even the missing link between serious and modern man.
But the more I thought about it, the more it
became clear. To me that the fossil source could only
be one thing, the contour Quava. The contour Quava. It
lives deep below the surface and is unlike any other
creature known to us. It has the head of a fawn,

body of a person, and stands upright on goatlike hind legs,
moving swiftly with the poisoned grace of a ballerina that
sounds like a hoax. There are countless purported sightings and
alleged accounts to support the existence of this majestic creature,
though unfortunately none of the evidence is thus far verifiable.
But that doesn't mean it's not true. Serious light to

meet contour Quava. No, you wouldn't. The contour Quava is
a hideous beast. It has alien like ruby red slits
for eyes, a serpent tongue that's always hissing and clicking
as it scans for prey, and twin serrated antlers atop
its head the size of anvils. They scrape against the

cave ceiling as it walks. Six golden spikelike books line
its back, and it has cloven hooves for feet. Oh
and did I mention the spiral mark on its forehead?
That glows crimson red in the dark. Log stop, you're
scaring serious. The contour Aquava's appearance is the last thing
he should be afraid of. It's nothing compared to its voice.

The contra Quava's voice is said to possess a magical
quality when it opens its those who hear its call
fall under a trance like state as they're hypnotized by
its ballerina tippy toe dance. Hidden in the notes of
its siren song are believed to be the truth to
all the world's secrets. That's ridiculous. And I thought you

said it lives underground. Why wouldn't have been down here
in this crater. It must have been uncovered during a
mining expedition, which brings me to the only logical conclusion
as to the crater's origin. This crater we're standing in
is all that remains of an open pit mine mining.
What exactly desert diamonds, sandstones, black opal and I'm afraid

they dug too deep. Drill hit a snag again. Warman
Stone's not going to be happy, bottle Stone. The drill

must have caught on something could be opals. Why did
you say the black of the better get the digging
Sapphire Lazily, give me a hand here, sure thing, Amber Sapphire,
got your pickaxe already? Headye, Captain Amber Lasily aloud clear

the debris. It's not oples it's a hole. No an
entrance too bad at least four and Stone can't say
we didn't try. Yeah, No use fooling around here and
getting ourselves hurt or in trouble. Ladies, We're not going anywhere.

We've just hit pay dirt. Amber, slow down. We can't
go in there. There's no telling how deep the hole
goes or what's even down there exactly. The potential's unlimited.
That's the best part. Come on, Or had to go
down the hall. She just had to go down the hall.

We might find something valuable down there. Besides, can't let
Amber go alone regretless? Right, where are you? Okay, get

back here and get me those shappy Lazily got a
match for my lantern here, one for yours and one
for mine. At least I always travel prepared. What was

that I heard something hiss? You? Probably just to match you? Thanks?
Whoa check it out? Okay, painting, I'm just some drawn
ages ago by early man. Just think of the answers
to life's greatest mysteries. We'll find out here, untouched by

modern hands and just waiting to be discovered. I've never
seen such exquisite detail captured in painting before. You can
make out the sheer awe on each person's face as
they run towards that haven in the light. Good. What's
that thing they're running from? Whatever it is? Ship True's

hugly looks deformed, must be their own version of form
and stone central tone branches off in the discrete past
like an underground lab. You know. Being down violates all
mining safety protocol which are put into place to protect

us from ending up in situations precisely like this, and
we're breaking them voluntarily of our own volition. We've just
discovered and as of yet unknown underground world full of
untold treasures, hidden knowledge, buried secrets, forgotten truths lost to time.
Turn back if you want, I'm forging forward as right

be the side of a lifetime. Fine, at least let's
stay together this way. I heard something lazily quick complaining

which try to at least enjoy the adventure. But I
wasn't saying anything sapphire me neither. Then? Who is the
words seem to float through the air and rush past
us like wind. Whoever speaking must be up ahead. Sh

I've heard about this phenomenon before. Phantom whispers. Phantom whispers,
they're fragments of words from conversation spoken hundreds of years
ago by the ancients who dwelled here. The acoustics of
these caves have preserved their sound as echoes and trapping
them in time from the bottom of this cavern where
they lived. Slowly over the centuries, their words rise up

through the tunnels to reach the surface, similar to how
light from stars that died millions of years ago is
just reaching us now. And do you know what that means?
That we're easy dropping on ancient civilizations. And I'm pretty
sure they wouldn't be happy about this. That as we
descend deeper into the bowels, it's like we're traveling back

in time itself. If we can puzzle together a full transmission,
who knows what secrets of the universe will unravel. We
have to keep going, We have to reach the source tremors.
We've gone too deep. We have to go back now,

for it's too late. What it's what I can't I
can't it's fun. Attention, its foment arms. What are we waiting?

I don't leave the glowing mark of the crimson spiral
on its forehead, the contra que buff it's real. I

have to follow it. I have to learn the secrets
of its song. If you taste that thing into the abyss,
you'll only lose yourself. She's right, you can have my
share of the opals one. We're done with the job. Please,
let's just turned back. It's not adopt the opals. It
was never about the opals. Don't you understand. We're at

the precipice of all that is known and all that
is hidden. The monumental truths that we stand to uncover
will bring forth a new era of enlightenment and forever
change the course of life as it stands. I have
to go after it ever lively. Go to the service

and get out. I'll track down am No way forget prtocol.
We'll find her together. Okay, where to go? She could
have disappear down any one of these tunnels. This way

we have to go. We sealed off from her, managed

to clear a path in the rocks. Amber won't last
the night. On the other side of this Caden. That's
if she's even still alive. Don't talk like that. You're
not giving up at her all that. Ever, we'll get
you out, even if it takes us all night. We
won't stop until no stone is left a drunk Sapphire,

help me clear some box. You have to create a
passage for airflow. What we're not meant to know? Me

some secrets of the universe are getting open and not
for us to understand. I don't know. I don't tend
to find up. Yes, that should find some airflow, Stamphire,

don't block the opening. Ever, can you hear me? If
you can hear me, walk towards my words, stay focused
on clearing the rocks. Ever, ever is that you? I
think I see her do the opening slip last one,

pass me the lantern. We can find a way to
reach her if you could just listen to me. Ever,
follow the sound of my We're going to get you
out of here. Nothing never look closer. I can almost
make out her face. Ember, it's you. What's that mark

on your forehead? The red spiral neber Amber is no longer.
I have spoken the words to unlock the master door.
I have learned two It's beyond the conscious mind. I've

experienced the sound of silence, the color of darkness, the
size of the infinite. But what I could never have
imagined is that the path to enlightenment has always been
concealed within How twisted is reality, and that the true

nature of exists it at once at our fingertips get
always just beyond our grass amber. We're not meant to understand.
We're not meant to know the secrets. Coming here was
a mistake. This was no mistake. Down here, I have
communed with the cosmes. I have stared into the soul

of the sun and witnessed its blinding rays of light.
There's no return, there never was. This is can't be truth.
I would accept it. Then you must hear for yourself
what is hidden shall always be buried. List him and

learn the truth. I'm never mind your mockery. Now that

we've come together in agreement as to why the crater
is here, I suppose we can finally get some rest. Yeah. Right,
your story has all the credibility of a conspiracy theory.
It's full of holes bigger than the crater worth standing in.
No such thing as contour quava. Well, you'd believe me
if you heard its call. But I understand it's hard
for lesser minds to fathom abstract concepts such as forbidden knowledge. Fine,

the mystery of the crater's origin will forever remain unsolved.
Have it your way, Uh, I think I found what
caused the crater, or at least what's left of this.
Either that rock come from ground to probably black opal

from the open pit mine. No, this is something entirely different. Well,
let me take a look. I suppose rocks go. It's
not uninteresting. It is a green clash like appearance. Hard
to say if it's igneas sedimentary, or metamorphic. You don't
come across the specimen like this every day, but I
wouldn't say it's particularly special. Keep it as a souvenir.

You're both wrong, and whatever made this crater, it wasn't
monster or machine. It came from the night sky. Joseph,
my father, it's time we must leave now. Our people
look to you for guidance. What is the meaning of

this ceremony? Blood magic? Father? You can't, My dear daughter,
you should not have entered my tent unannounced that the
final plague, the Plague of Eternal Night, has begun. It
envelops our city comat in total darkness. I know, and father,
do you not hear the bells tolling for us? Listen

to their chimes, Gay, sound like the most heavenly music
to my ears. Taar, my daughter, I do not hear
the music. But Darren rings the bells of freedom. He
has promised to let our people go. Yes, yes, that
is all very well. We shall finally be free from

his tyranny and oppression. We must leave from Huxlaris under
cover of darkness to receive our lord's commandments. Tar, my,
dear child, you do not know Farn like I do.
He is a diabolical man. He murdered his own father
for the throne. He slaughtered his own son in a
fit of rage. Only a fool would believe fair On

will honor his promise to free our people. But Arkhan,
our cold, watches over us. Arkhan watches over us. Will
our lord watch over us as we wander the desert,
as we scavenge the sand for scraps, daughter, This is
our land, Kumat is our home. When we are but

not even one hundred steps from here, Pharaon will send
his soldiers to hunt us down and slay us Where
we stand, Ar Khan will protect us, just as he
set the plagues upon Kumat. He will deliver us to
freedom and show us the way to salvation. When Phaon
brains a hail of arrows across the sky, when he

sends his hounds to smite us, when his stones a
fire stormed down upon us, How will our Khan protect us? Then?
Can we truly put our faith in that? Ar Khan
may have answered recent prayers, but where was he or
the lost generations who lived and died as slaves under Pharaoh?

How can you say such things? Because we must take
our people's future into our own hands, forge our own path,
fight fire with fire, You do not such vile things. Father.
Now I must return to our people, my daughter. Just

as there are the powerful forces of good in this world,
there are even greater forces of evil. Once you know
that to be true, you will understand the choices that
have been made. Tonight, go now, I will join our
people's But there is work to maloon Supreme being of

the infirm Fallen key of arc by Joseph Prime Elder
of the Archonite Summon, you please accept my mother, I
ask her brain hell fire down on Kumat, burn the
city to the ground, and turn its people to ash.

Where ar conveiled us with his restraint, show no mercy
in your fund. In return, our people will worship you
at your altar and pledge our souls to your come out.

Arconnights ahead. Arcon's light ray of light cuts through the darkness,
shining our cap forward to celeration dark. I'm here, father,
is all set right? Yes, my DearS, it goes out,

will secondarkness. We will never reach my solaris arconas We
must keep going. We mustn't lose our faith. Look, a
giant Afar will be no more good Sue that is

a miracle has heard our affairs and sent a miracle.
I am sure of it. We have nothing to fear
now in our home. Com't that right, father, Yes, dart
it is an act of divine retribution for those who
held doubts. Take his wrath as affirmation of your belief.

No longer must be run from our homeland like refugees
from the ashes. We will rise again, Argantes, by the
grace of our Lord. We shall rebuild. Food will be plentiful,
Our defense is supreme, and we will create a land
worthy to call our home. We start tonight and we

do it as free people. Here Father, I've received word
that the rebuild has been progressing faster than planned. Arkan's
divine blessing must still be with us. That's good to hear, Tahar.

But the heads of the different rebuilds are expected to
arrive with updates very well. But to her, for the
good of my conscience, I must confess to you something
from that night on the father that must begin eat
head of the harvest. She will have news to share. Yes,
it will be good to hear from her, Tahar. Joseph,
I bring with me great news. The seeds we so

just last night have already grown into plants ten feet tall,
with crops right for a feast. It is truly a
blessing from Arkhan. Father, that is tremendous. We shall have
enough mood to last us through the cold season. Yes, yes, go,
please have a sink, Tohr. Wait outside, of course, Father,

these plants they're grow It's unnatural, surely you jest, for
how can that be? It is one of our CON's miracles.
We gathered the soil from where the meteorites struck and
planted our seeds in this divine dirt. You did what please?
I understand you may be skeptical, so let me show
you in my bag. I've brought with me a gift,

a cornucopia of our ripest cross. Won't you try some?
Thank you? But I'm not hungry. Do the others outside
the farm know about this? Of course? Of course we've
already begun distributing the harvest among the villagers. And what's more,
consuming these crops comes with a deeper blessing beyond just

their nourishment. What is this? You referred to? The music,
the beautiful music. Don't you hear the heavenly sounds? I
do not hear the music. You must go now, I
must think you'll hear the music, Joseph, you'll hear. Who

is it? Father, the master blacksmith Gideon is here? Send
him in Ah, Joseph, what a fine day in Kumat? Indeed, Gideon,
How goes the development of our weapon? Supply it is blessed,
truly blessed. Our armory is nearly fully stocked. Truly, how so,

thanks to a new discovery black metal, black metal, it
has allowed us to make weapons that are indestructible. With it,
we will conquer all threats to our people. That is
impossible my reaction at first as well. But here I
bring you a present, A saber worthy of a great leader.

Black metal, Where did you find it? We forge these
swords out of iron that came from the meteorite itself.
At first, the metal seemed so foreign to my hands.
I didn't think I could crack. But the more I
worked with it, the closer I felt to Arka, this
is an abom nation. Dispose of every last blade made

from it. Ah, but we've already armed all the soldiers.
Thanks to ark On, our protection is now guaranteed. And
what's more, working with this metal has shown me the
hidden depths of its composition. Don't you hear the beautiful music?
I do not hear the music. Now out, I want

you out to take a referral weapon. You'll hear it. Joseph,
You'll hear it. Dar. Send in the next visitor, Dar, Dar.
Where have you gone? Gideon? Have you seen to Horror?

Has she come by the armory? Joseph? Won't you join
us in celebration. We've just sacrificed our first foreign children,
as instructed by the music of our coon, whoa good wait, Joseph,
you'll hear it. You'll hear it. Good, eat you must

help me. Have you seen to hear at the farms? Joseph,
my friend, how good to see you again? So soon? Good?
What has happened to your limbs? They're nothing more than stumps?
Who did this to you? Joseph? No one did this
to me. I did it to myself. You did this?
Have you lost your mind? It's all part of Arkon's

master plan. We harvested the plants, and ate, and ate
and ate, but it did not fill our stomachs one bit.
But then we realized we were wrong for expecting nourishment
from our harvest, for our con blessed us at birth
with perfectly tender limbs. So one by one we devoured
our own bodies, smiling and humming to our lord's song.

Don't you hear it? Won't you? Sing along? I? I
do not hear the music? Please please, Joseph, sing along? Please?
I must go sing sing? Oh? What have I done?

I must reach the side where the media fell, the
place where the solid began, and put an end to
this evil. At once dark, at last I found you

at the great role spire. What is the meaning of
this madness, My father, how blessed we are for you
to join us in worship with this infernal fire we
honor our Lord at the holy sight where our concert
us free. Don't you hear the music? Are you hearing?

I hear the music? Cans into the fire, my lord,
I'm coming home. That was a somber story. Their story,

no fun, terrible story. I never said I had a
happy ending. I'm ready to get some sleep. Now, sleep
after that. You give serious bad dreams? All right, you
can sleep next to me tonight. Serious? Oh, keep you safe.

We'll go. You stand up until you solve the mystery
behind the crater. Actually, I was just thinking about how
sleeping adjacent to someone can raise body heat as an
effective safety measure against hypothermia. And it is chilly out tonight. Okay,
come on, get in here. Maybe all our stories are wrong,

maybe bits and pieces of them are true. Or maybe
the answer will come to us in our sleep. Who knows,
And maybe that's how it's meant to be. I'm I

supposed to sleep with this intquest created by Michael Freiberg,
a production of iHeartRadio and Astro Media. Executive produced by
Michael Freiberg and iHeartRadio co produced by Adam Raimundo and
Chelsea English. Sound supervisor and mix by Dennis Denbeck. Sound

designed by Dan Timmins, Music by Trey Toy and James Newberry.
Performances by Matthew Brossard, Ether, Mike Leibovitz, Serious, Mike Kaplan, Logo,
Lucy poul Umbra featuring Nick Nanny, Oculus, Rista Osborne, elder One,

Carolina Ravassa, Flora Massa, Gibson Warrior Leader, Shata Pursharman, Amber Camilo, Theobald, Lazily, Ninatar, Sapphire,
Greg Stone, Horman Stone, Dan Timmins, Conturqueva, gen Cone, Tahar,
Tom Delgado, Joseph Julia, Morrizawa Guinea, Paul Jackson, Gideon director

and head writer, Michael Freiberg, writers, Tom Delgado and Wild
Julian story editor, Chelsea English, dialog editor Adam Raimunda, Foley, Host,
Red full Cast and crew in the description. Find more
podcasts from my Heart Radio on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts,
or wherever you listen to podcasts.
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