All Episodes

April 16, 2024 40 mins

This week, Tommy is joined by actor Edvin Ryding, best known for his starring role in the Netflix smash-hit series, Young Royals. Edvin has played Prince Wilhelm of Sweden over the last three seasons in a show that has taken over the world. We have followed his journey with fellow student Simon Ericksson (played by Omar Rudberg) and all of the wild, messy, beautiful drama that their love story brings. Young Royals is one of the strongest representations of queer love ever created, which is one of the many reasons why so many people have fallen in love with this show. Today, Edvin opens up about what it was like saying goodbye to a role that meant so much to him, how he will forever be connected to his character Prince Wilhelm, if the ending of Young Royals was what he always imagined, what he thinks happens in the love story of Wilhelm and Simon, one of the most impactful moments in the entire series for him, what him and his co-star Omar are cooking up next with their secret project, that famous scene of his character removing his nail polish, some items he had to snatch from set after wrapping, and how he always strives to dream big, but live even bigger. 

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Hey guys, welcome to I've never said this before with
me Tommy di Dario. Since starting this show, I have
never had a guest on more than once until today.
Because this actor means so much to so many people,
and with this show Young Royals officially finished after the

final season dropped a few weeks ago, I just had
to have him come on so that we could celebrate
an incredible run. Of course, I am referring to the
brilliant actor Edvn Riding so by now hopefully you have
heard my interview with the show creator Lisa and with
Edvn's equally brilliant co star Omar So this just felt

like the missing puzzle piece as we send off such
an important show. Edvan has played Prince Wilhelm of Sweden
over the last three seasons, and we have followed his
journey with fellow student Simon and Erickson and all of
the wild, messy, beautiful drama that they're story brings. It's
one of the strongest representations of queer love in all

of television, which is one of the many reasons why
so many people have fallen in love with this show,
and to me, that deserves a celebration so let's see
if today we can get EDVN to say something that
he has never said before. Edvan, my man, it is

so good to see you. How you doing.

Speaker 2 (01:29):
I'm good, Thank you. It's good to see you too.

Speaker 1 (01:31):
I'm so happy that we could do this. I know
you've been on a whirlwind and so much has been
going on, but it's always a good time to stop
and celebrate young royals.

Speaker 2 (01:40):
Right, yeah, of course, man, Like you said, it's been
a whirlwind, but I'm happy and it's beautiful and every
day I still see like the reactions to this last
season and it's just nice. It just makes you realize
how blessed you are to be able to be a
part of this.

Speaker 1 (02:01):
I have to say, I've been seeing you all over
the gram and in fashion spreads. I feel like you
are in your fashion era. Yes, you're doing the coolest
things with your style. You got the cool haircut. I mean,
is this just your time to experiment with it all?

Speaker 2 (02:16):
I think so? Yeah. I mean I was, I dyed
the hair blonde, and that like catapulted me into a
lot of different stuff when it comes to fashion. You know,
I've started experimenting with it. I think you saw me
in Paris. I was wearing the hair with like spikes
in this hole. Yeah, it's good. I think I have

very very supportive people around me, which makes it like
a safe space for me to be able to experiment
this much. But I like it. I like it.

Speaker 1 (02:47):
Well, you're looking good. I like that You're having fun.
It's so much fun to follow. All Right, we've got
to get down to business. So I imagine this is
probably one of your last interviews that is going to
be talking about young royals and depth. Is that correct?

Speaker 2 (03:05):
Yeah? I think it is. It's crazy to think about
like three or may like four years coming to an end. Yeah,
it's it's actually insane.

Speaker 1 (03:15):
So how have you been processing that? Have you been
going through a grieving phase? Has it been weird for you? Like,
how has it been going?

Speaker 2 (03:24):
It sounds like such a cliche, but it truly has
been like a roller coaster of emotions. I've been Like
it was like ahead of shooting season three, I was
pretty like I felt kind of sentimental and kind of
like I had all these emotions about like, Okay, this
is the last time I need to, you know, think
about that. Da da da dah. But then like during

the course of the shooting, I was pretty good at
removing that from my mind while you know, being in
the process, thankfully, Otherwise I don't really know how I
would have been able to do this last season because then,
like when we were done, I was crying my eyes
out and I was so so like, not sad, it

was more emotion. I was feeling so emotional that this
beautiful thing that I've been so lucky to be a
part of was coming to an end. But then I
went straight into the next project and I haven't really
been too emotional about it since until we had this
fan screening here in Stockholm, because then everything just like

collapsed to everything. I was crying so much, but it
was beautiful. It was happy, happy, beautiful tears.

Speaker 1 (04:34):
I imagine being in a room full of super fans
cheering you on and watching the series through their eyes
through their lens must have been pretty damn special, huh.

Speaker 2 (04:45):
It was one of the craziest things I've ever experienced.
It was so beautiful. Also, like for us, we've been
wanting to have like a premiere with an audience that
is not just like the cast and crew for so long,
and to finally be able to get that, and to
be able to do that with the fans in particularly,
not just like people from the same industry, just for

real fans flown in from all across the globe there
to show their love and to be able to like
show the final chapter with them and with the cast
and crew as well. It was monumental. Honestly, it's it's
we were all We were so emotional when we got backstage.
It was actually it was beautiful.

Speaker 1 (05:26):
Did you have to take a minute backstage to collect
yourself after that?

Speaker 2 (05:30):
Yeah, definitely. I had to like collect my mind and
hug everybody to just like try to get through the night. Yeah,
it was. It was a special moment. I won't forget it.

Speaker 1 (05:41):
Well, it was a special moment for so many people too, because,
as you know, with this character is so important to
so many people who have watched and followed this show.
For you, over all the years playing Willhem, what has
been the best part experiencing life in his shoes?

Speaker 2 (05:58):
It's hard to answer, is in a way we've grown
into the same person, me and this character, Like we're
so connected in so many ways. But for me, I
think it's more of like what the process is meant
for me? Like I've learned so much professionally as an actor,
but also privately, like on a personal level, I've met

so many amazing people, and I've grown up during the
course of this show, and it's taught me so much
about like who I am as an actor and as
a person. I mean that goes for the character as well,
like him developing. I've learned some stuff about myself as well,
but that goes for like almost every character I play.
It's more of like it's almost like you sacrifice something

when you go into the character, and then you come
out on the other end, and you've like double your money,
do you know what I mean? Hopefully, I mean that's
the goal at least, but I really feel like I've
done that with this, with this show and this characters
such a like important chapter in my life. I probably
will never forget it until I die.

Speaker 1 (07:06):
Yeah. Well, especially because, like you said, you went into
the series as a boy, right, and then you're leaving
it as an adult, as a man, so to speak.
So I imagine throughout all those years there were kind
of lines that were blurred between is this the character?
Is this me? Is it both of us?

Speaker 2 (07:22):

Speaker 1 (07:22):
Who am I? Through this character, right.

Speaker 2 (07:24):
Yeah, Yeah, it's been crazy. I've had a couple of
these moments. Like it's been like during the course of
these three years with everything that's been going on like
around the show, with our audience and us like traveling
around the world to meet these people, and I've had
like moments where I'm just like stopping and being like, whoa,
this is exactly what Wilhelm is experiencing. Like it's been

so like meta in my head. But it's a blessing
too to be able to Not everybody gets to experience that,
So it's been very helpful.

Speaker 1 (07:57):
Is it true that at the beginning of this season
you wrote a letter to your future self as the character?
Did you do something like that?

Speaker 2 (08:04):
Yeah, it's a pretty important like plot point. During this
last season, they have what they call like a future
week at the school. So and I did this too,
Like when I started high school. It's a pretty common
thing here. Didn't you write a letter to your future self?
That a letter that you will read like when you graduate.
And Lisa asked us all to or she asked all

of us who play like first year students to write
a letter to our future selfs for like the character,
So so I did that. I spent some I spent
like an hour or two trying to come up with that,
but it was it was nice. I found that letter
like a week ago or something, I think, and it
threw me back to when I read my own, like

my private letter, because you know, when I started high school,
none of this Young Royals thing was ever like I
had no idea would ever come or that it existed
or anything. And then when I graduated, we had done
two seasons, so I got like thrown back. It was
another one of those like meta moments.

Speaker 1 (09:07):
Do you remember, what's something you put in your own
letter as Edvin and then in the letter as your character.

Speaker 2 (09:14):
I wrote like, I hope you made it through, like
in regards to I hope you didn't quit because of work,
like I hope you made it through high school. And
it just made me think about how difficult it was
to like balance school and work at the same time.
But also like, I hope you're still doing this. I
hope you're still like acting and telling stories to move people.

That hit pretty hard. And for Wilhelm, I remember, I
think I am going to post this full letter in
a while. I don't know if I'm gonna if I'm
like ready to do it yet, but maybe in a
week or so or two. But I remember one thing
I wrote there. It's about Wilhelm's relationship to his mother

and his parents, about how he hopes that they're actually
at a place where they can understand each other and
where they feel like a deeper connection than what they
do now, and he hopes that like she's actually his mother,
that that's what he feels first and foremost, not just
that she's his boss. And spoiler alert for those who

haven't seen the last episode yet, but they actually end
on a very happy note. Villain and his parents, they
end on a note that is like, okay, his mother
and his father understands really's decision to abdicate and to
choose to be like free. It's very beautiful the way

that that line is like connected in the end.

Speaker 1 (10:47):
Man, if I found both letters, once to myself and
once its someone I was playing, I would be a
mess like that. That what an emotional experience to see
those and read those again.

Speaker 2 (10:57):
Yeah, yeah, yeah, definitely.

Speaker 1 (10:59):
That's really really cool. Thank you for sharing that. Is
there anything when you think back on your time on
the show, in any of the different seasons that you
look at and say, man, that was a challenge for
me and I did it like I did it and
I'm proud of that moment.

Speaker 2 (11:14):
Well, I mean each season has been challenging in its
own way. I think Season one was very much in
the beginning was very much like me being pretty scared
and lost and trying to navigate through playing my first
lead character and all of that, and then moved on
into like working double I was shooting another TV series

at the time and going to school, so like trying
to stay like somewhat balanced through that was that was
pretty hard. And I remember when we wrapped that first season,
I was I was feeling very emotional because of that,
Like Okay, I managed, I pulled through like it was possible.
And season two was pretty challenging in a way where

it was I was feeling a lot of pressure. It
was from myself essentially, because I was like imagining all
of the expectations that we had from our audience, and
that came with a lot of like, yeah, I will
performance anxiety or like I was feeling very like pressured,
not by anybody else, by myself, I think. But that

was a challenge too. And this last season was it
was probably the easiest to shoot because everybody was so
focused on just like enjoying it, enjoying that it was
the last time we would ever get to do this.
But it had its challenges too with shooting double again
and all of that. But I'd say like, as a whole,

doing this show with everything that's happened in my life
at the same time has been I feel proud of
myself for making it. It was also like it's hard
to describe because it was easy in a way too,
because I had so great, so many great people around me,
and it was such a happy and creative environment so

that you you were able to have fun every day.
That's probably the most important thing.

Speaker 1 (13:07):
It seems like a really familiar and family like environment
on set, which is always nice to see as a
viewer of a show, and you feel that through the screen.
I think that just makes the experience all the more better.
The last season now we're going to get into some
very specific spoilers, so I'm sure by the time this
episode is out, everyone has seen it. So and if

you haven't, then what's wrong with you? Go watch it exactly,
turn off, go watch it exactly. So that final scene,
is that what you expected? Did you expect the series
to end how it did?

Speaker 2 (13:41):
I didn't know, Like I was in a way, yeah,
this is going to sound so like weird, but in
a way, yes, that's what I expected, because it was
like to me, like I fell through Wilhem that it
was like written in the star, you know what I mean,
Like for him there was no other option than leaving

the royal family or like leaving that part of his
life to be able to be with Semou, because that's
the most sustainable way for him to live his life.
But I did wonder a few times what Lisa was
going to come up with for the last scene and
for the ending, But I'm happy it turned out the
way it did.

Speaker 1 (14:25):
So there was never a moment you thought, oh, they
might not be end game.

Speaker 2 (14:29):
I got admit when I was reading the scripts for
the first time and reading like the end of episode
five and all that, I was like, oh, how are
we gonna make this work? How we're going to get
back from this? But I think somewhere inside myself I
always knew that that they were endgames.

Speaker 1 (14:53):
Where do you think they went after that final scene?

Speaker 2 (14:57):
I remember we talked about this. I don't know if
like on set or if it was like before shooting,
even like in a meeting or something, but I remember
us talking about them driving until the car ran out
of gas, like them just driving south to like Denmark,
maybe into Germany. I don't know. They just kept driving, probably,

And I'm pretty happy with like not knowing what happens
next for them. I feel like I'm like very comfortable
with letting them go and do their own thing.

Speaker 1 (15:31):
It's such a romantic moment, and it's there's something so
to me, you know, sexy and comforting and in just
letting people live and experience life on their own terms.
And I just I don't know, it's just it's beautifully romantic.
Are you a romantic person? Are you like going through
all these motions and saying, oh my god, I love
this so much I feel it, or you're kind of

not so much.

Speaker 2 (15:53):
Yeah, I'm a pretty I'm a pretty romantic person.

Speaker 1 (15:57):

Speaker 2 (15:57):
I love accordy ending, I do, but.

Speaker 1 (16:01):
Very import beautiful and important to be.

Speaker 2 (16:04):
Poor like a negative way. I made it in like
this like super cute, like being sixteen being in love
that kind of passionate love.

Speaker 1 (16:13):
Yeah. Yeah, passionate. I love that so much. What do
you see your character doing in his now non royal life, Like,
did you ever think about that in letting him go?
Is that something that crossed your mind?

Speaker 2 (16:27):
Not really, Like I I've I've always felt like what
needs to be told about Wilhelm is what we're telling
during these like three seasons. So I've never felt like
that acute need to determine, like what happens next, what
happens after they leave hillis gay? But I mean I
can imagine, like I remember doing like the when I

when I was doing my prep for this character ahead
of season one, I was writing down like his his
dreams and goals in life, and it was kind of
sad because I realized, like he's not allowed to live
out these dreams and he's never allowed to let them
be anything more than just like interests. But there was
a lot of like him being pretty like interested in

fashion and those creative kind of stuff. Like we know
he's always been like kind of interested in like music,
Not that's what he does probably, but like he's he's
been a creative person. You've seen like little hints of
that throughout these these seasons, and I think that's maybe

the path that he I hope that's the path he
continues down on.

Speaker 1 (17:36):
That's really cool that you kind of are able to
let him go and let him to feel satisfied with
what was written in the script all the different seasons.
You know, it's not like you left the series being like,
oh man, I felt like we didn't get to explore.

Speaker 2 (17:50):
X, Y and Z exactly. But that's that's thanks to
like Liza being so like certain with the three seasons
and that's the way we're supposed to tell the story.
And then it's thanks to us being able to do
three seasons, and that's thanks to the fans and their support,
and it's just, yeah, it's it's not everybody gets to

experience that, So I'm very grateful for that.

Speaker 1 (18:13):
Speaking of Lisa and the team that created the show
and wrote the show, there are so many powerful moments
throughout this series that has stayed with me, has stayed
with fans, and will stay with fans for quite a
long time. For you, is there a scene specifically that
really impacted you that you kind of were going through
as Edvin and it just affected you in such a

strong way, and maybe you still think about sometimes a
conflict or a love scene or anything. Was there something
that really impacted you?

Speaker 2 (18:42):
Well, one answer is the lake scene in episode six
of the third season. It's very it's very beautiful, and
it was such a like free space for us too
as actors to do that, and it was just like
saying everything we haven't gotten to say yet as the
characters to each other as v and similar and that
was really beautiful. But I gotta say, like the whole

storyline between Wilhelm and August like throughout the seasons has
been pretty I think those scenes are very powerful, partly
because Mauth is a very talented actor, but also because
of like like I enjoy working with him, but also
because of like those characters, like what they come from,
the relationship they have when we see them for the

first time in season one, like with them like competing
against each other for the attention of Rich and they're
different views on the whole family and traditions and history
and all of that, and monarchy and the way that
their storyline has like developed through the seasons and where
it ends. I think that's really strong. I think those

those kinds of things where it's like it's family and
it's really uncomfortable conversations, but they managed to solve it.
That's that's yeah, that's powerful for me.

Speaker 1 (20:02):
I know for certainty through talking to you throughout the
years and through today and through seeing your face and
how proud you seem and just reflective on everything, that
you're really gonna miss this experience. And oh yeah, that
must be such a great feeling to have. So what
will you miss the most?

Speaker 2 (20:22):
Well, first of all, you're so right, it's I am
going to miss this experience so much. Like I feel
so privileged to have been able to work with so
many like young, talented, ambitious people and having periods of
each year where I get to spend almost every day
with them and work with them and be creative with

them and learn so much. I wouldn't be surprised if
that doesn't come around again. And I hope I've made
as much as I can out of this time and
learn as much as I can from these people. A
lot of these people are like some of the closest
people to me, and I learned so much from them

every day. And we are going to work together again,
some of us, but not like everybody at the same time.
And that's pretty it's it's you get kind of sentimental
when you think about it. But it's been a privilege
to surround myself with these people. I think that's what
I'm gonna miss the most.

Speaker 1 (21:20):
And speaking of working together, I had Omar on my
show and he teased that the two of you are
cooking up something, that you're working something, and he didn't
say much more. Is there anything else that you can
share about what the two of you might be up to?

Speaker 2 (21:37):
It's so exciting that we've been like starting to tease
this thing. I don't know, No, I wouldn't say it's
too much more. It's it's it's a project that we've
both been been working on for like more than a
year now, and we're very excited. It's been it's been
a fun process throughout the whole thing, and we're very

excited to tell the world what it is.

Speaker 1 (22:05):
When might that be happening?

Speaker 2 (22:08):
I wouldn't dare say, but I people won't have to wait.

Speaker 1 (22:14):
Too long, fair enough? And I presume it's not related
to Young Royals.

Speaker 2 (22:18):
No, unfortunately, not Young Royals. Is it's a closed chapter,
but it's supposed to be that way.

Speaker 1 (22:24):
I think, Okay, all right, Well we look forward to that.
I think we're we're eagerly awaiting, So I can't wait
to see. Although I do have a guess, but I'm
not going to give it.

Speaker 2 (22:32):
Okay, no, don't do that because I won't be able
to hold my face.

Speaker 1 (22:35):
Okay, fair enough, I will not guess. But that's awesome
and it gives people something to look forward to. But
let's play for a minute. So it's not Young Royals related,
but let's say there was a spin off down the line.
What would you want to see happen in that.

Speaker 2 (22:50):
Personally, I would want to see something that has nothing
to do with realm. But that's just because I feel
like his story is done. If I have to answer something,
maybe it's a prequel of the early years of the Queen, You're.

Speaker 1 (23:06):
Like, with a different actor and character, totally different. Yeah,
that's funny. That's cool, and you know what, you never know,
there could be something there. But what's so cool is
I I've talked to Lisa as well, and she really
hopes to work with all of you all again in
some different capacity. And again that just shows me what
a beautiful experience this was. So I can't wait to

see if something there might happen down the line as well.

Speaker 2 (23:32):
I hope so, I hope so that that would be
a dream.

Speaker 1 (23:35):
So it seems like three seasons beautiful ending. It's told
the story that needed and was intended to be told.
Would you have done more seasons or you feel like
it was kind of the perfect time in your life
to wrap up this role.

Speaker 2 (23:50):
No, I think like for various reasons, Like partially because
I trust Lisa when she says, like, three seasons is enough.
Three seasons is what it's supposed to be. I trust that.
I also feel like within myself that I have no
need to say anything more about this character. But also,
as you say, like, I think I'm in a stage

in my life right now where I'm ready to take
on other projects and play other characters and do different things.
That's what I'm focusing on now.

Speaker 1 (24:21):
And I think it's always good to go out on
a high where you leave people wanting more, right, And yeah,
you feel like, oh man, if we had one more season, Yeah,
be so excited because that shows that you all have
done the job that you were meant.

Speaker 2 (24:35):
To do exactly. And it's the beautiful thing is that
we have an audience that will continue to tell the
story and it's like in their hands. Now it's their
imagination that can run freely. I've already seen some like
I don't know if some of them. I think some
of them are like jokingly written, but it's fun to read,

like what happens next, what happens in the future for
these characters.

Speaker 1 (24:58):
Yeah, there's so much fan fiction out there, so you
do check some of it out.

Speaker 2 (25:02):
I do, I do. I try not to. I don't
think it's good for me to like stay invested in that,
but it's fun to read.

Speaker 1 (25:10):
Yeah, the number one fan question I've seen about you
that people are dying to know when your character removed
the nail polish, right, did that represent to you?

Speaker 2 (25:21):
Well? I remember when we shot that scene. I think
that nail polish was a really beautiful plot point. But
in the end, I think he removes it because he's
very very This is like a point in the show
and in his life where he's very affected by the
news about his brother and his like confusion and was

his brother going to approve of him the way he
is and all of that, And I think that gets
to him in that moment, so he doesn't dare to
like show his love for Semon that publicly in that way,
because he's like very affected by not only by like
his brother and all of that, it's more like him
being affected by the traditions and the expectations from like

the royal family and the history that he comes from,
which has been such an important part of his story
throughout these seasons. And this is like a moment where
he feels very low, I think, but it's also like
necessary because it guides him towards the decision that he
ultimately makes, where he chooses to let go of these

expectations in this history to actually be free and to
be with Simon. Yeah, but it's a strong scene, Like
it doesn't happen that much, but it's it hits hard
and I've noticed.

Speaker 1 (26:43):
Yeah, yeah, it's a scene that ically talked about quite
a bit. And again, it's got such a powerful and
beautiful message. So it's pretty cool that you got to
be a part of that. The other thing I keep
seeing a lot of fans wondering is if there's any
way you would dub the show in English, right, like
we want like why aren't they doing it? Like has

that ever been a conversation?

Speaker 2 (27:07):
Uh? Yeah, no, we we dubbed season one and sorry,
I dubbed season one and two in in English. I
did the English version as well, but for this third season,
I was at a point in my life where I
had shot four different projects in a row and I
was feeling very, very tired and needed some rest. And

we tried to make it work. We tried to like
push the the deadline for the for the English dubbing,
but we couldn't make it work, unfortunately. But I think
I haven't watched the English version actually, but from what
I've heard, I think the guy did a did a good.

Speaker 1 (27:40):
Job, you know what, yes, uh huh. But but I think,
you know, the fandom would have enjoyed you. So who
knows that in the future there'll be another version.

Speaker 2 (27:56):
I mean maybe, like throughout the years, as I meet
the as I continue to meet the audience, if they
can ask me to like say these lines in English,
I can say a couple of them at a time,
and then eventually they'll have the full.

Speaker 1 (28:11):
We'll just keep piecing them all together exactly exactly. That's incredible.
That would make one really fun TikTok.

Speaker 2 (28:17):
I'm just yeah.

Speaker 1 (28:19):
Also, you see me like aging throughout You're like ninety
years old saying that last line of season three.

Speaker 2 (28:26):
Yeah, yeah, you really over me.

Speaker 1 (28:30):
You know what, I'm gonna be in charge of spearheading
that project. So perfect, let's go, let's go. Can you
strike me as someone who can be a very off
the cuff person improving? Like, do you enjoy doing improv?
Was there a lot of improv in season three?

Speaker 2 (28:53):
Uh? Yeah, there was quite a bit. I enjoy it,
and like I enjoyed being in the moment and doing it.
I enjoy like having the opportunity and being in that
mindset where I'm like so connected to the character into
the story and there's like an environment between me and
the other actor where we can just like bounce off

of each other. That's like the best thing, honestly, and
we got to do that a few times this season.
There are a few moments that are improvised that are
really beautiful, and that's a huge thanks to the to
our directors who makes that possible for us, because it
takes a pretty good director to create that environment.

Speaker 1 (29:35):
Was anything in the final scene improvised because it felt
like it was or was that just you guys being
so authentic in the given text and dialogue?

Speaker 2 (29:44):
Now I think that scene is pretty much as it
was written, but the lake scene that comes a few
minutes before that's that's a lot of that is improvised. Yeah,
and that's huge thanks to Linear Roxam, who directed that episode,
because she she prepped us really good. And that was
like our last shooting day too, so we were all

we were already kind of like emotional, and she was like,
this is your chance to say everything you haven't said yet,
like make connections, make like do little like parallels, do
whatever you want, stay true to each other and to
your characters, and we'll see what happens. And it was

like two or three like eight minute takes. I think
that we did.

Speaker 1 (30:31):
You guys worked so much and you were in so
many scenes throughout all three seasons of the show. I
imagine it is hard to remember exactly what you did. When.
Have you gone back and watched the whole series or
not yet?

Speaker 2 (30:44):
Yeah? I have. I've watched the first two episodes a
couple of times. I think I've watched season episode three
at least once, and I think I've watched episode five
like three times, maybe because that's a brilliant episode. But
see episode six, the last episode I've actually only watched
it twice. The first time I watched it, it wasn't

done yet, it wasn't like fully graded or sounded it.
So like the first time I saw it like in
its final form, was was at that screening here in
Stockholm with the fans. So that made me like even
more special because it felt like we were on the
same level almost like I knew what was going to happen,
but but I didn't know like how it would feel

to watch it.

Speaker 1 (31:28):
So it's not weird for you to watch watch yourself
back like you you can get through it, yeah.

Speaker 2 (31:34):
I can, but it's it's always like it's always a
hassle to go through because you you analyze yourself like
no other human being can. I think about like the
way I'm moving my eyebrows or like the tiniest little
like muscle contractions, or like the length of different like looks.
It's yeah, it's it's horrible, but I think it's a

necessary part of being an actor too, to be able
to watch yourself and to learn from that. And uh,
it depends on what kind of setting it is, too,
Like at that screening with the fans, it was a
lot of I was just trying to like enjoy that
moment and and taken the the aura in the room.

Speaker 1 (32:14):
I think for me it would be pretty funny and
kind of weird to see myself making out so much
on a big screen. Like was that something you had
to get used to?

Speaker 2 (32:24):
But yeah, I've gotten pretty used to it. I know
now that it's it's uh, it's what it is, And
I remember what it felt like like you always like
you when you're shooting those kinds of scenes. It's it's
always very uh, it's so like staccato. Oftentimes it's so choreographed,
and it's it's so like like you don't, you don't.
I don't get too uncomfortable watching those.

Speaker 1 (32:46):
Is there something from set that you took that nobody knows?

Speaker 2 (32:50):
I don't know. This is such a burning question. Everybody
wants to know this.

Speaker 1 (32:53):

Speaker 2 (32:55):
Let me think what I have. Actually, I have two
snow globes. I have the broken one that's the one
that I threw in the trash, and then I have
a whole one that's not broken that I got as
a rap gift. And then I have the Hilish cassuit.
I have like little artifacts from like different kinds of

props like I have a Hilish coffee mug and I
have you know, those kinds of things. And actually some
clothes from other characters as well. I won't say who,
but they had like an outlet sale of every character's wardrobe,
and I remember like looking through the other actors' wardrobes
and I was like, huh, maybe this could work for me.

It just snatched it.

Speaker 1 (33:41):
Well, if we see you walking around town in these outfits, well,
now you.

Speaker 2 (33:44):
Know what, one day it's gonna happen. It's gonna happen.

Speaker 1 (33:48):
That's amazing. And then you are so accomplished. You've done
so much in your career already. It feels like you're
always working and you deserve all the success that has
come your way. What do you hope to accomplished in
the future, Like, do you have any burning desires and
goals that you haven't mentioned yet?

Speaker 2 (34:07):
I've said this before. Sorry, it's like the opposite of
your podcast title. What I have said before is that
I want to do this for like so long, and
I want to do this until I'm like ninety, and
like that includes me working like overseas and working in

other countries and Essentially, what it comes down to is
I want to tell stories that move people, and I
want to work with talented people. And I've been privileged
enough to be able to work with some of these
people now, especially during this last year. And what I
hope is like short term is to work with these
people again, and long term is to just like continue

to evolve and do loads of other characters and different characters.
I want to I want to like show my register,
I want to play characters. People should look at my
project and be like, huh, that's an interesting choice. That's
that's what I want to accomplish.

Speaker 1 (35:08):
Well, I have no doubt you will, I believe. Last
time we spoke, I referenced the BuzzFeed article that compared
you to a Meryl Streep, and you will have a
career much like her. So I think you're on the
right track, my friend.

Speaker 2 (35:21):
Yeah, I hope, So, I hope so. Yeah.

Speaker 1 (35:23):
And you lead your life with gratitude, And that's another
thing I really enjoy about you. I've spoken to hundreds
and at this point probably thousands of people in my career,
but you always strike me as someone who truly is
grateful for everything that's come your way. And the work
that you've done. And I really think that's a beautiful
message to put out among many other messages like the
importance of your mental health. And you've been so open

and honest about that, And in fact, prior to us
hopping on this, you said out, I have my therapy
appointment for an hour and can't talk to you after.
And you're so in touch with that side of who
you are. For anybody listening today who might be struggling
or having a tough day, what advice can you give
about how you go through your life.

Speaker 2 (36:07):
One of the most important things that I've I try
to remind myself of is that, like all emotions are valid,
what matters is what you do with them. So if
you feel lost or scared or angry or whatever it
may be, that's fine, that's like, that's so normal. People
have no idea. It's everybody goes through these emotions. What

matters is what you do with them, and that you,
like take responsibility to learn about them and learn about
yourself and set boundaries and learn what your needs are.
And for me, what has helped is therapy and talking
about it. That might that may not be the case
for all people. But I'd say at least like give

it a try, and at least don't be ashamed and
contain this these emotions, like talk to people about it
because everybody's going through it. You're not alone, I guess.
Is what I'm trying to say, is.

Speaker 1 (37:03):
That something that shocks you a long time to really
believe that you are not alone.

Speaker 2 (37:08):
Yeah, it's taken me a long time. I think I'm
still struggling with it in some ways, but I've come
a long way. And I think it's also like it's
funny because I'm twenty one, but I feel like I've
come a long way and I probably have a long
way ahead of me. But that's I look at that
with like excitement, Like I know I'm going to go
through a lot of different things and it's going to

be tough at times and it's going to be good
at times. But I'm like every day learning like what
I need to continue and what I need to evolve,
and so i can look towards the future with excitement
and I'm really happy about that and I'm happy that's
where I'm at in my life.

Speaker 1 (37:48):
Well said my friend, and a good reminder that there's
absolutely no shame in taking time to take care of ourselves,
our minds, our body, our spirits, all of it.

Speaker 2 (37:58):

Speaker 1 (37:59):
Well, it's that point of the show show where I
ask all of my guests the burning question based off
the title of my show, which is I've never said
this before, So well, I feel like this interview you've
definitely spoken of that a lot of things that you
haven't said before. I'm wondering, is there anything else, whether
it's silly or deep or whatever comes to mind, that's
something you haven't said.

Speaker 2 (38:18):
Before, something that I've been thinking about, Like, I keep
coming back to it because it's a great quote, and
that is dream big, live bigger. And what that means is,
like you, you always hear like dream big and and
for the stars, YadA yadi. But it's important to try

to like live big as well, like collect experiences and
try those things you've never tried before, and like throw
yourself out there because as my therapist usually says, people
can handle a lot more than you think. And that
goes for like yourself as well. So don't be afraid
to throw yourself out there and live big. That's where

I'm going to leave you.

Speaker 1 (39:01):
With, Live Big. I couldn't love that more. That's a
beautiful sentiment as we wrap up today, and I have
to tell you you are the only person that has
been invited on my show twice now, out of everyone,
I'm telling you, you are the only on your view
to air twice.

Speaker 2 (39:19):
Wow. That's a huge honor. Man, Thank you, Telly.

Speaker 1 (39:22):
I am thrill to have you on. Like I said,
I so believe in who you are as a person
and what you stand for. And it goes without saying
your brilliant amount of talent and you know capabilities that's
going to continue growing further and further in your career
for decades to come. But I just I really smile
when I see people killing it who deserve to be

killing it. So it's truly an honor. And I'm so
glad we got to hang out and talk today.

Speaker 2 (39:48):
Me too, man, Me too. I'm glad we could make
it work.

Speaker 1 (39:50):
Me too. And I hope you have a little vacation
or R and R in store for you. You need some downtime,
so take some time for you, will. I will, all
right until we meet again.

Speaker 2 (40:03):
Yes, take care, man.

Speaker 1 (40:07):
I've never said this before. Is hosted by me Tommy Dedario.
This podcast is Executive produced by Andrew Piblisi at iHeartRadio
and by me Tommy, with editing by Joshua Colaudney. I've
Never Said This Before is part of the Elvis Duran
podcast Network on iHeart Podcasts. For more, rate, review and
subscribe to our show and if you liked this episode,

tell your friends. Until next time, I'm Tommy de Dario
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