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April 2, 2024 19 mins

This week, Tommy is joined by actors Joey King and Logan Lerman who are currently starring in the limited series, We Were the Lucky Ones, out now on Hulu. The series is inspired by the true story of one Jewish family separated at the start of World War 2, determined to survive and reunite. We Were the Lucky Ones demonstrates how in the face of the 20th century’s darkest moments, the human spirit can endure and even thrive. Today, Joey and Logan open up about working on a series that is deeply personal to them, they reflect back on The Kissing Booth franchise and The Percy Jackson films: projects that made them become household names, how they are uncomfortable with the concept of being famous, being proud of where they are in this moment in their careers, and both of their unfortunate experiences with shaving for the first time. 

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Hey, guys, welcome to I've never said this before with
me Tommy di Dario. Today I have two incredible actors
on the show because we are celebrating their powerful and
moving and oh important series that's gonna stay with you
for quite a long time. So the wonderful Joey King
and Logan Lhermann star in the limited series We Were

the Lucky Ones, which is out right now on Hulu.
The series is based on the New York Times bestselling
novel of the same name, and it is inspired by
a true story of one Jewish family separated at the
start of World War Two, determined to survive and reunite.
We Were the Lucky Ones. It demonstrates how in the

face of the twentieth century's darkest moments, that human spirit
man it can endure and well even thrive. The series
is a tribute to the triumph of hope and love
against all the odds. I am not kidding when I
say it will stay with you forever. It is so
beautifully done. So in this episode we dive into a

series that means so much to Joey and Logan. We
then reflect a bit back on the Kissing Booth franchise
and the Percy Jackson films, which are projects that made
Joey and Logan become household names. We then pivot to
how Joey and Logan are well a bit uncomfortable with
the concept of being famous, but they're so proud of
where they are in this moment in their careers. Oh

and we talk about how both of their unfortunate experiences
with shaving for the first time are forever burned in
their brains. So let's see if today we can get
Joey and Logan to say something that they've never said before.

Joey and Logan, how are you too today?

Speaker 2 (01:55):
Good dude, thank you for having us.

Speaker 1 (01:57):
Oh, I am so psyched to talk to you. First
of all, Oh man, I have to tell you when
I watched the trailer about a month ago to your
new mini series that came out, I was balling, like
ugly crying. My husband was like, are you okay? What
are you watching?

Speaker 3 (02:13):
That's so sweet.

Speaker 4 (02:14):
I had a similar reaction the first time watching it
through me too.

Speaker 2 (02:18):
It's a really good trailer.

Speaker 1 (02:21):
Yeah, it is so reasic. Yeah, that song is like
so great and the series I got to check it out,
is so incredible. So I imagine for the two of you,
was this a super emotional and moving experience being a
part of a project like this most deaf.

Speaker 4 (02:37):
Honestly, I feel like there's so much personal connection to
this story. Anyway, We're both come from Jewish families and
that heritage obviously connects us to this subject matter very deeply.
But also like the research for the show, getting to
know this family and then kind of putting all that
knowledge and research into kind of just being able to
bond with the cast.

Speaker 3 (02:58):
We all became so close.

Speaker 4 (03:00):
It's like truly like a real family, and like even
in the way we're like get on each other's nerves
and we'd like even bicker.

Speaker 2 (03:05):
A little bit.

Speaker 4 (03:06):
But that's what made it kind of beautiful, Like we
really really loved each other, and we really fell in
love with the people we were playing. It was a
very special, special experience, very rare and special it was.

Speaker 2 (03:17):
And you know, there's a different connection to material you're
working on as an actor when it's true. It's truth,
and you know that these are real people and real lives,
and it was a really emotional experience.

Speaker 3 (03:32):

Speaker 2 (03:33):
Yeah, Well, and then on top of it, Georgia Hunter
who wrote the book it's about her family, and she
was there the whole time we were filming at the
monitors on you know, on set, her family would come,
her mom would come, Like I played George's you know, grandfather,
and so George's mom would come and I'm playing a

you know, a recreation of her father at a time
in his life that she never got to see. And
they're walking through the sets that are recreations of stories
that they were told, or that George's mother was told
at least when she was a kid, And like that
hits emotionally in a different way for you as an
actor too on set, Yeah, like a different connection to

what you're working on the scene on any given day.
Was it just hit differently than anything I've worked on before.
It was an incredible experience.

Speaker 1 (04:28):
I'm sure it was. And like you said, because there's
actual truth to the story you're telling, I'm sure that
made it all the more emotional for you. So what
was the most difficult part diving into a story like this?
Like was there a day or were there multiple days
where each of you were kind of like, I need
a minute, this is intense, very.

Speaker 2 (04:47):
Much so, I mean I actually felt that. I mean,
for me, when I have a scene or something that
was you know, emotional, that's my burden. But whatever. When
Joey had a day that was difficult, I was much more.
You were like, yeah, over yourself or act there's act no.

Speaker 1 (05:07):

Speaker 2 (05:08):
I was like I was. I was concerned. I mean,
you had a lot of heavy lifting to do, really
tough work, you know, Helena was, I mean, is the
hero of the story as such responsibility on her shoulders,
and you as an actor have such responsibility in your
on your shoulders, and these scenes and such really heavy
stuff to deal with. A lot of things are happening,

you know, to you, and it's like that's a different burden.
And I would watch you and know the days you
were going to work, and I'd be like, are you
I don't know if I would express it to you
a man, you were.

Speaker 4 (05:40):
Like are you going to Yeah?

Speaker 2 (05:41):
You okay, I'll be here, And like a.

Speaker 4 (05:43):
Really wonderful because like obviously Logan and I are really close, and.

Speaker 3 (05:48):
Like I became really close with the rest of the
cast as well, and so like we.

Speaker 4 (05:51):
Would all kind of separately have different things that really
affected us.

Speaker 3 (05:55):
Like we would all have.

Speaker 4 (05:56):
Our moments where we just kind of have a cry
or something and need a hug. And it was really
lovely because I felt really like protected and safe and
loved by all of these people. And it's true like
there would be frequent check ins, which was so wonderful
because like, okay, you know, when you kind of like
if you have like a cry in your room and
you're like a little breakdown of your own and like

you finish crying, and you and like you're only by yourself,
you feel like embarrassed for some reason that you just.

Speaker 3 (06:22):
Cried or like shameful.

Speaker 4 (06:24):
You're like, oh, what's wrong with me? It was pretty
amazing to like experience certain, you know, moments of having
this overwhelming emotion like in public, and you know you
want to hide it as best you can and.

Speaker 3 (06:37):
Keep it to yourself as much as possible.

Speaker 4 (06:38):
But for some reason, just like the support from everybody,
from all the cast, from the crew, from you know,
Tommy and Erica, and it just like there was not
that like weird shame and embarrassment that comes from having
you know, big emotions that like you know, you almost
even feel when you're by yourself. And so that was
a really true testament to how wonderful everyone was with

each other. We all really held space for each other
in the moments that we needed, and also because we're
so close, we were able to kind of just bring
some levity to.

Speaker 2 (07:10):
Those moments and just you know, like having an escape
at the end of the day a little bit too.

Speaker 4 (07:15):
Each other up, whether it was like in a way
of just being there for them or even just like
making fun of each other a little bit, because it's
what you know your friend needs in that moment, to
like put us my on their face.

Speaker 3 (07:24):
And that was really like just having close friendships.

Speaker 4 (07:27):
Like that was really important to be able to get
through those those harder days.

Speaker 2 (07:31):
Yeah, I was worried about you more than I was
for myself or something about that. It was hard work though.
It's a really tough rule and tough thing to take on.
And for me, it's like Audie is dealing with a
way different set of circumstances and a lot of the
emotional toll is internal and it's a longing for his

family and you know, loneliness and isolation.

Speaker 4 (07:58):
Whereas which was because we were so close and we
liked us like when we because we would like hang
out all the time when we weren't on set, but
like when we were on set, and like I had
many scenes without Logan, and I would like miss logan,
and that like little shred of like what the real
family must have felt like. It was just kind of
like a way into that emotion and just kind of

building on that, like, oh I missed my friend, Imagine
how Helena missed her brother.

Speaker 3 (08:26):
Just make that an ocean of feelings.

Speaker 1 (08:28):
That is so cool to see because you know, I
talk to a lot of different artists and I hear
a lot about their projects, and not every experience is
going to be as you're describing it, right. It's work,
and you bond with certain people and sometimes you don't.
And the fact that you got to form such a
beautiful relationship and friendship during some really tough conversations and

topics and then scripts that you had to learn and
deliver that, I mean that to me makes this project
all the more beautiful. So I commend the two of
you from maintaining that bond on set throughout such a
crazy and taxing story.

Speaker 2 (09:05):
I mean, like you were saying, though sometimes it's not there,
you know sometimes acts.

Speaker 1 (09:11):
So what magic sauce do you two have that it
was there.

Speaker 2 (09:14):
Well, we knew each other too beforehand, and like I
adored Joey, but everybody else in the cast too. It's
like we were strangers, you know, meeting for the first
time becoming a family. And I think that's tested the
fact that we all got along so well or whatever
it was, became a family. There's a lot of feelings
in between us testament to uh, you know, Tommy Kale,

our director, producer, and Erica Lopez who was their showrunners,
testament to their casting everybody involved, but its testament to
their eye for personalities.

Speaker 4 (09:48):
And yeah, Tommy would often say he'd be like, nailed
it exactly. We would talk about like, oh my god,
all these people are so wonderful, like we love them,
and he's like, did I tell you where?

Speaker 3 (09:58):
Did I tell you?

Speaker 2 (09:58):
I nailed it? Like I knew you.

Speaker 4 (10:00):
It all get along, which was so fun and was
like we did, like I said, like true family, like
even like the stuff, like we would bicker, and that
was wonderful because like we loved each other, we cared
like enough to just I have that closeness. And so
I think the secret sauce is like it's hard to
say because I mean, I've worked on so many things
were like, sure you like the people, but you know,

or maybe you don't.

Speaker 2 (10:22):
Sometimes you don't, just don't.

Speaker 3 (10:25):
And you just never know.

Speaker 4 (10:26):
But I think also Logan says, it's true a lot
where you're like, you know, I think we're just like minded.

Speaker 2 (10:32):
I think we are like, yeah, we didn't bigger at all.
We don't know, we don't bigger, we don't bigger.

Speaker 1 (10:44):
I think it's so cool because these roles are so
different for the two of you. I mean, you have
incredible careers, you've done seemingly at all. There's so many
different types of roles you've played. Of course, the world
got introduced to I feel like the both of you
through very specific projects. Show you the Kissing With franchise
kind of blew you up, and Logan the Percy Jackson films.
When you think about that work and where you are now, like,

does that hold a really special place in your hearts?

Speaker 4 (11:07):
Can I just say I fucking love Percy Jackson.

Speaker 2 (11:11):
Thank you, You're welcome, Iconic go on, cute.

Speaker 4 (11:14):
You're welcome, And I know you love the Kissing With
It goes well, you know exactly. I mean, you don't
have to say it back.

Speaker 2 (11:22):
Please shut I'm a briefer, but yeah, I mean, especially
that one in particular was a real, like momentous like like.

Speaker 3 (11:36):
Stars for a second wild.

Speaker 2 (11:39):
It's just crazy to think about. It's so cool to
be able to make movies and that age and something
that like reaches a lot of people and that people
still watch, and something that gives you an opportunity to
like have a career after that too and like get
projects made because you're that thing was successful. It's really
grateful for.

Speaker 4 (11:59):
It's so cool because it's also like it's a time capsule.
All of the work that we've done, I feel like
is a time capsule because as we continue to evolve,
and as like the work that I do anyway for
myself like becomes more different and a little bit more mature,
or a little bit more of this, or you know,
I dip into different genres here and there, Like each
project I've done is a time capsule for where I

was in my career in that moment, And I think
that's such a beautiful marker of time that a lot
of people don't have those physical representations of time like that.
So we're so lucky to be able to look back
at our lives in this way of like we have
movies and TV shows to show now we've grown.

Speaker 3 (12:37):
What a special thing it's crazy.

Speaker 2 (12:39):
To think about, just like wrapping your head around that.

Speaker 1 (12:42):
Well, holding on to that gratitude, I think is one
of the many reasons why the two of you are
so successful and honoring you know, all the work you've
done to lead you up to this amazing point in
this amazing series that the both of you are in.
You know, I'm always fascinated when people like the two
of you have worked for a majority of your lives.
You know, like I wasn't a child, old working person,
and you know, you guys started in the business pretty young.

So when you think of everything that we just talked
about in your entire journey and being in this amazing
mini series that's going to speak to so many people
and affect so many people, hopefully open up many people's eyes,
what makes you smile when you look back on your
career in terms of the moment you realize you were successful, Like,
do you think you're successful? Do you have a weird

relationship with success? How do you view that? My God
was like I told you we're going I have.

Speaker 2 (13:32):
No issues with the relationship with success, like, yeah, you
know when success hit, No, I don't ever feel that way.
I'm always just thinking I'm successful. I feel like I'm
successful for sure. I guess I have a level of
security in that. But I never feel like I have
a job next year or the year after that. I
feel like every year you're.

Speaker 4 (13:52):
Trying to bite by like gratitude and knowing that like
we are so lucky to have we have probably, but
like I feel the same way.

Speaker 3 (13:59):
I'm like, will I ever work again?

Speaker 2 (14:01):
Every time?

Speaker 3 (14:02):
I think.

Speaker 4 (14:02):
I don't have a problem with saying like I'm successful,
because I like, I'm so proud of where I've come
and like where I've started and like how far I've come.

Speaker 3 (14:09):
I have a problem when people tell me that I'm famous.
I think that's why.

Speaker 4 (14:14):
I don't when someone, you know, when someone comes up
to and they recognizing they're like they can't place where
they know you're from, but they're like, are you famous?
And I'm just like, I don't know. I would never
call myself that.

Speaker 2 (14:26):
You might be thinking of bird, Yeah, you might think.
I know, I get mistaken for like five other people
a lot. But you know the thing is there's a
gratitude for me in the sense that, like I get
to work at least this last year, the year before that,
year before that, like consistently on projects that I'm passionate about.

I'm getting to do something that I enjoy every day.
The painful stuff is like the moments in between where
it's like, I don't you know what's the next thing
I'm working on. Am I gonna like it as much
as I like this project? And uh yeah, there's just
gratitude for being able to do this thing. It's a privilege.

Speaker 1 (15:08):
Yeah, well it's more period.

Speaker 2 (15:12):
But that was actually the end of my mogan likes.

Speaker 4 (15:15):
To out loud expresses periods.

Speaker 2 (15:17):
Ye, just like I'm just kidding.

Speaker 1 (15:20):
I'm like, that's that's new. I never heard that one.

Speaker 3 (15:21):
But I'll my voice text a lot.

Speaker 4 (15:23):
So I have an accident before where I'm like, oh
my god, exclamation point, I can't wait, exclamation point, And
then I've done that before.

Speaker 2 (15:31):
I didn't know until recently that when that text sends,
it says that you did it by voice, And yeah,
I know that recently, And now I'm kind of embarrassed
by all the times I replied to people.

Speaker 4 (15:44):
Now I'm embarrassed because I've lied before about where I
am being like, sorry, can't talk in a movie and
it's like sent with voice text or.

Speaker 2 (15:51):
Like it's clearly you're in your car. You're in your car, guys.

Speaker 1 (15:55):
Oh my god. I wish this conversation could go on forever.
But as we're wrapping up, the name of this show
is called I've never said this before, and I'm wondering,
is there something whether it's deep or silly or whatever
you might think of, that comes to mind that you've
never said before that you wanted to share today.

Speaker 2 (16:15):
All of the things I've never said before are for
good reason, you know what I mean? Can I didn't
say that, don't get canceled, Like, uh my.

Speaker 3 (16:27):
God, hang on, I have. I feel like I've got
so many things I could say, but I've never said
this before.

Speaker 4 (16:35):
But Okay, when I was a kid and I wasn't
allowed to use a razor yet I secretly used a
razor and shaved my legs and I didn't want anyone
to know.

Speaker 3 (16:48):
And I was cleaning the razor and I cut.

Speaker 4 (16:50):
My thumb open, and I like sat in the bathroom
with like a towel on my thumb profusely bleeding for
two hours and it wouldn't stop bleeding.

Speaker 3 (16:58):
I finally had to tell my mom, and she.

Speaker 4 (17:00):
Was so so furious at me.

Speaker 3 (17:04):
So, like, just a quick tip for everyone.

Speaker 4 (17:06):
When you clean a razor and you've never done it before,
if you're an idiot, don't swipe up with your fingers.

Speaker 2 (17:13):
Oh my gods. So I mean, well, can I piggyback
on that one, because I have a similar one, all right?
I guess I've never told that. I guess I don't.
I've never told anybody this. It's similar, same stories, but
you know different. I really wanted to shave. I think
I think there's a there's a moment in a lot
of young people's lives or maybe they want to shave

but they don't have hair really on their face yet.
But I remember making my mom's like leg razor, yeah,
from the shower, but like shaving my face dry. I
didn't know what to do, and like cutting up my
entire face and trying to like not, you know, show
my mom that I did that. But I just wanted

to be like I didn't even know what a leg
razor was. That just gross to even think about that
I'm doing that mom's But now you know that.

Speaker 4 (18:04):
It's funny too when you say, like there's a moment
when like you want to shave your face but you
don't have hair. For a lot of young girls, I
feel like there's a moment where you're not allowed to
shave yet, but your legs are so hairy and you're
so embarrassed to wear shorts out and you're like, oh
my god, I'm so mad at my parents. I just
want to freaking shave my legs like the swaped like

the little boys don't have hairy yet, the little girls are.

Speaker 3 (18:27):
Like, I'm.

Speaker 1 (18:29):
You know what I have to say. I have never
talked about shaving or personal grooming on this show. So
you too, win the award. You take the cake. I
am thrilled now that we can open up this conversation.

Speaker 4 (18:39):
You're here to broaden the horizons. So just call us
when you need us to come back.

Speaker 1 (18:46):
Well, thank you so very much. Remind everybody one more
time the name of the series where to watch all
the things.

Speaker 2 (18:53):
We were the lucky ones on who marchy.

Speaker 1 (19:01):
You You are like a family. Well, thank you, thank
you so much.

Speaker 2 (19:04):
Thank you guys.

Speaker 1 (19:07):
Be well, I've never said this before. Is hosted by
Me Tommy Dedario. This podcast is executive produced by Andrew
Publici at iHeartRadio and by Me Tommy, with editing by
Joshua Colaudney. I've Never Said This Before is part of
the Elvis Duran podcast Network on iHeart Podcasts. For more rate,

review and subscribe to our show and if you liked
this episode, tell your friends. Until next time, I'm Tommy
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