All Episodes

January 2, 2024 58 mins

It’s a new year, and Tommy has assembled the most sought-after Hollywood Gurus to help you start the year off right! First up is Don Saladino, known for getting the biggest stars in Hollywood (Ryan Reynolds, Sebastian Stan, Hugh Jackman, Anne Hathaway, etc) in superhero shape. In my opinion, he is the #1 fitness coach in the game. Next you will hear from Dr. Gabrielle Lyon, a highly respected functional medicine practitioner specializing in brain and thyroid health, lean body mass support, and longevity. She is also the New York Times best-selling author of “Forever Strong,” and we will dive into her science based strategy for aging well. Then you will meet the incredible Dr. Dendy Engelman, a board certified dermatologist and MOHS surgeon who works with some of Hollywood’s biggest stars. Today she breaks down exactly what we should be doing to get our healthiest, most vibrant, glowing skin. And rounding up this power team is Kristan Serafino, the woman responsible for some of the best haircuts on your favorite stars (Ryan Reynolds, Michael J. Fox, Jason Biggs, and so many more). She is sharing more about her secret weapon for grooming called The Best Paste, that men are going crazy for and that women are stealing from their men to use…because it is so good. So, I hope you enjoy this episode with the four superheroes in my life that I wanted to share with you. Don Saladino: Dr. Gabrielle Lyon: Dr. Dendy: Kristan Serafino:

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Hey, guys, welcome to I've never said this before with me,
Tommy di Dario, this may be the very first thing
that you are listening to as we kick off twenty
twenty four. And for that, man, I am so grateful,
and to show my gratitude, I wanted to give back
to you. So many of us we start the new
year wanting to figure out ways for self improvement, ways

to better ourselves, and so just set us up for success.
So today I am bringing four of my dear friends
and experts on my show to help us out for
what I am calling the Guru episode. The information you
were about to receive from these folks is incredible. First up,
you will hear from Don Saladino. Don is known for

getting the biggest stars in Hollywood in superhero shape, stars
like Ryan Reynolds, Sebastian Stan, Hugh Jackman, and Hathaway, Blake
Lively and so many more. In my opinion, he is
the number one fitness coach in the industry because he
makes it all seem so approachable and attainable. Next, you
will hear from doctor Gabriel a Lion, who is a
highly respected functional medicine practitioner specializing in brain and thyroid health,

lean body mass, support, and longevity. She is also the
New York Times best selling author of Forever Strong, and
today she will share how we can set our bodies
up to be forever strong. See what I did there,
and we will dive into her science based strategy for aging. Well,
then you're going to meet the incredible Doctor Dendee, a
board certified dermatologist and Moe's surgeon who works with some

of Hollywood's biggest stars now skincare. It can be overwhelming,
but today she breaks down exactly what we should be
doing to get our healthiest, most vibrant and glowy skin,
and how achieving beautiful skin does not have to cost
much money at all. And finally, you will meet the
woman responsible for some of the best haircuts on your

favorite stars, stars like Michael J. Fox, Jason Biggs, Ryan Reynolds,
and so many more. She is the most sought after
gal for all things men's grooming, and today she is
sharing more about what I consider to be the best
hair pace in the market, and it's appropriately called the
best Pace. She is such a gem and I can't
wait for her to share her hair tips with us,

so I hope you enjoy this episode with the four
superheroes in my life that I wanted to share with you.
Let's dive in and make this a spectacular twenty twenty four.
Don Saladino, my brother, how you doing.

Speaker 2 (02:31):
Okay? I'm always TechEd to have a call with you,
and it's great to see you and yeah, everything's good.

Speaker 1 (02:36):
Well, you were the first person I thought of when
I wanted to put together this episode, bringing on my
favorite gurus, my family, because I really want to help
people kick off the new year right, and it's overwhelming
in January. You get inundated with information, and I don't
want people to feel like they're failing at their goals
or they don't know where to begin. So I guess

my first question for you is what do you think
are really applicable and realistic tips to give people who
are looking at this date on the calendar January tewod
and thinking how the hell am I going to start
off my wellness journey?

Speaker 2 (03:11):
First off, people bite off more than they can chew.
You have these great intentions of wanting to start out
this time of the year, and just you know, guns
a blaze and they want to change everything, and the
reality is, it's very few people out there who are
built that way. I always like to say, there's things
that I'm great at, and there's just things that I'm
not good at, and it's just how the world works.

So what I always recommend to do is like run
on a sheet of paper, like these changes that you'd
like to implement throughout the year, maybe there's ten of them,
and just take one and spend one month trying to
work on that. Right, it might be hydration, it might
be getting to the gym. Let's spend month two working
on that. And this is in no specific order, right,
because some things are going to click and some things
are just going to be a little bit more difficult.

But I think this day and age, you know, we
are in this comparison phase of seeing people on the
internet and social media and well, this is what this
person does, this is what the other person does, and
the reality is it just doesn't really work out that way.
And you really need to, I think, recognize your strengths
and your weaknesses. And if this time of the year
has been a weakness for you or you felt like

it's a weakness, then you really need to take a
little bit of a different approach and taking that approach
of trying to work out, you know perfectly for the
next you know, I'm not taking a day off, or
I'm not going to have a cheat meal, or I'm
going to give up chocolate cake every Obviously example, I
always give like I'm going to give it up every day,
and I had a three hundred and sixty five days
last year. Well, it's probably gonna be a really difficult
thing to do, and the second you have it, you're

going to feel like you fell off the horse. So
don't try and bite off more than they can chew.
And give yourself some like really attainable goals, just something
that's a little bit easier, build some momentum, and then
you're going to take it from there.

Speaker 1 (04:46):
How important would you say is consistency because you hear
a lot. You know, I was going hard for a
week or two weeks and then I just kind of stopped.
I mean, would you say that's one of the most
important things that we all should be keeping in mind?

Speaker 2 (04:59):
Yeah, I think consistency Trump's intensity. What I'm always trying
to teach people even when getting into the gym is
don't try and come in with that rocky type mentality
every single session. Don't try and push yourself one hundred
and ten percent. I think you can just get in there,
get moving, and get out of that session. Where what
happens is is a lot of us will get in
on day one and we're feeling great and we're supposed

to be spending maybe a half hour or twenty minutes
or whatever the time frame is, and you're putting in
double time because you want to just keep going, keep going,
keep going, and then your body is gonna you know,
it's going to feel that the next couple of days.
Then out of nowhere, you're really sore. Then maybe two
three days later you're a little bit more tired. Then
you start losing that motivation. So I would say motivation

is something that people think it's very hard, it's very
difficult to find, and I find it really easy when
you're seeing progress. And I've seen some great progress from
people who are like shortening their workout times or cutting
back on their workout volume. Maybe someone's coming to me
and they're saying, well, twenty five minutes, i'm feeling like
I don't want to be there anymore. Then I'm going

to create the twenty minute workout for them, like I
always want them to leave where they're feeling like they
want to continue. And I think by taking that approach
that allows us to recover, that allows us to want
to come back in day in and day out, and
that's how we end up seeing that progress. And when
you see progress, as you know, I mean, you're the
last person I'm telling this too. When you see progress,
it becomes very motivating. Like you want to come back

into the gym, and you want to eat well, and
you want to get your steps, and you love exercise
because it gives you a feeling and it gives you
a result, and because of that that becomes very motivating.

Speaker 1 (06:35):
I think that's a really important point. Now I'm a geek,
so you know, as we know, I'm someone that can
go in a gym and spend hours if I have
the time. But I think this idea that you know,
if you're not spending two hours max in the gym,
that you won't see results, and you may as well
not even try. It's just not true.

Speaker 2 (06:49):
It's not true. Take someone who's been sitting on the
couch last year, three hundred and sixty five days and
get them to do ten minutes of work every day,
They're going to feel better. They're going to break a sweat,
they might start making some better food choices. Their sleep
quality may start improving. They may start waking up the
next day with more energy. They may start feeling empowered,
are a little bit more confident, and then suddenly ten

becomes twelve, which becomes fifteen, and then you're on this
path to you know, wanting to incorporate it's not just
fitness I like to call wellness, but I think anytime
when you're just trying to come out of the gate
with everything you've got and it's just there's no plan,
you end up crashing.

Speaker 3 (07:29):
You know.

Speaker 2 (07:29):
I was speaking to a client of mine years ago,
very very successful politician was in finance. It was a
multi billionaire, phenomenal at business obviously, but when you look
at the approach he took to business and you look
at the approach that he took to his wellness, they
were like, you're really the same person here, and it
was just this process was off right. Like in business,

everything was planned. He surrounded himself with people who had
strong points in areas that he didn't. Team approach very thoughtful,
very targeted goals and then in wellness plan, it's like, oh,
what do we have in the fridge today? What are
we doing for our workout today? What do I need
to do? And it was like, you know, you're not
taking He's got those tools, He had those tools in

his head where he was able to assemble that process
for himself, but when it came down to his wellness journey,
he just wasn't even thinking that way. There's so many
you know, things you know he can or could have
done that would have enabled him for success. And when
you start seeing that level of success, then we can
add a little bit. Right. It's like it's like when
you work with a child sometimes right like in reference

to sports, like I have two kids. My kids are
sixteen and fifteen. But when my son got in a
baseball or my daughter got in a softball, like you
were sitting there and you were trying to allow them
to build their own confidence. So you're putting the ball
on the tee and when they're hitting the ball, you're applauding,
and you're trying to get them excited to where they
want to come back and they want to do more.
It really it sounds ridiculous, but it's it's the same process.

I mean, as adults, we don't want to go do
something that we're not going to enjoy, or we're not
going to want to do something where we don't maybe
feel about a level of happiness or validation. And it's
like when you start showing them that progress as a
coach meeting or as a parent, then they start wanting
to come back in and do it more and more
and more, And that's how you want to hook them.
So that's always been my goal. It's like, it's not

about body fat percentage, it's not about a number on
the scale. It's really more about a feeling. And if
I can help give them that thought process, if I
could teach them that process to where they actually enjoy it,
It's like Atlanta always use mic drop game over like
they're gonna be great. Like with you, it's like wellness
has become part of your life. It's part of your lifestyle.
If someone turns you and they're like, Tommy, isn't it

hardy you like that? You'd say no, it'd be hard
not to.

Speaker 1 (09:44):
Yeah, right, Like if I started.

Speaker 2 (09:45):
Feeding you pizza and pasta and ice cream, things we
may like over the next few days, you're gonna feel terrible.
Like you're gonna feel terrible. That's not like maybe once
in a while to have that, there's enjoyment out of it,
and then for us it's like going back to, you know,
what makes us feel good. So that's what I'm trying
to teach.

Speaker 1 (10:03):
Well. I think it's a really attainable approach. That's why
I love what you stand for and what you put
out there, because it is the little by little approach
and work on things, get good at those things, and
then challenge yourself again and you kind of tackle it
in this three sixty sort of way. It's not just
about getting a great workout, and it's also about eating right.
And for everybody listening, Don has amazing recipes and food plans,

and you've helped me tremendously. I always considered myself a
healthy eater, but you've helped me realize the importance of
more protein and car balance and good carbs and all
those things. So talk to me for a second about
this idea of food in its relationship to somebody that's
working out, Like, is it as big of a deal
is it not? What would you say, because I think
there's a ton of confusion out there. I even sometimes

see quote unquote healthy Instagram people who are in the
gym three sixty five and all day, all night then
like wolfing down gummy bears and talking about how that's okay.
What do you have to say about all of that?

Speaker 2 (10:58):
What gets confusing about now, you know, Instagram, social media,
is that there are so many different approaches, right, Like
you can look at someone doing the ketogenic diet who
has great blood work and looks fantastic intermitted fasting. Maybe
they eat more like me and you, which is more
of a plant strong, high protein diet, right, Maybe it's
more of the Mediterranean diet. Maybe it's more palo. There's

so many different diets out there, and it could become
really confusing. And you know, all it takes is one
person to turn around and say, I eat candy every
day and look, I have a six pack, and I
have low levels of body fat and fine, Like they
may look, they may look healthy, but does it really
mean they're healthy? Like does it really mean that their
blood work is good? Like I just got off the

phone with doctor Gabrielle Line and we were reviewing my bloods.
So these are things that I always like to stay on.
But nutrition, it plays a huge role in all this.
And when I say that, I'm not saying that you
need to give up ice cream or pizza or give
up that glass of wine here and there. I just
think that there needs to be some moderation and there
should be some principles that you pay attention to. Protein
is very important, Vegetables are very important. Slow burning carbohydrates

are very important, right Like Proteins are muscle building blocks.
So when we build muscle like, that doesn't mean I'm
going to get bigger like. It doesn't mean that it
means our body is going to become more resilient. It
means we're gonna have body armor on our body. It
means our metabolism is going to speed up. There's all
these important things that we need from a sustainability standpoint
as we age bone density. Carbs are one of our

energy sources. Fats are one of our energy sources, right,
so you know we need these nutrients to be successful.
So I think what happens is sometimes we'll listen to
a friend that's the oddball, or we'll see something online
that by someone who's doing something a bit different, and
we think because it's working for them, it's going to
work for you. But there's so many factors out there

where I would determine someone being healthy or not, and
really doesn't have much to do with how they look
with the shirt off. I mean, it could have something
to do with it there. Obviously, you take your shirt off,
you have low levels of body fat. I do as well,
And you know, our blood work is great and we're healthy,
but that's really more because we're so focused on what's
going on inside our body. We're so focused on how
that motor is running, how that energy is running, and

because of that, it allows us to want to go
to the gym and want to wake up with energy.
And you know, it's the reason why you know, you
still look like you're twenty years old, right, Like all
these things are related, are you know, our result of
what you're actually putting into your body. And you know,
our parents used to tell to us, you are what
you eat. It's one of those, you know lines that
just sound so cliche, but it's it's a truth. You

are what you eat.

Speaker 1 (13:28):
You taught me that in a big way. I always
consider myself a healthy eater, but I was eating at
Midtaly a protein bar a day in the afternoon, and
to me, it was the cleanest one I could find.
But still you were like, Temmy, why wouldn't you swap
that for like half a chicken breast and some sweet potato.
And I'm like, oh man, that's so overwhelming. I don't know.
I'm on the go, I'm in a rush, I can't
do that, and I made the swap, and it's so easy.

And even if I'm going to a gig or work
or whatever, I put it in my bag. So there's easy,
attainable ways, which is the point of this conversation. What
I love about you, Don is I'm lucky that we're family,
we're brothers, and I benefit from your knowledge being in
your life. But you help people everywhere through your custom
programs online. I mean, I've been doing your full body
as you know for a year. Yes, you train all

the stars and everybody knows that, and Ryan for Deadpool
and everybody we know that. But you help everybody across
the world, which I think is beautiful. So talk to
me for a second about your plans for anybody interested
in wanting to dive in and start fresh this month.
Where can we find information. What are they don.

Speaker 2 (14:29):
Saladino dot com is a great place to go. I
have a challenge every month and the name of it
doesn't do it much justice. It's not a challenge against
anyone else. It's more of a challenge within yourself. And
I do the group coaching on a private Facebook group.

Speaker 3 (14:41):
You know.

Speaker 2 (14:42):
I sell programs on Don Saldino dot com. You can
go on there take the free quiz. If you have
any questions, feel free to DM me. As you know,
I'm always I'm always answering questions and I'm always happy
to help. And again, man appreciate the opportunity. I think
my only word of advice for everyone would be, you know,
don't don't buite off more than they can chew, right, Like,
just small wins, small steps. You're not gonna eat like

Tommy overnight. Right, You're not gonna eat like down overnight.
It's not supposed to be like that. But if you
could take one meal and make it better, make it
more nutritious, and just spend the next month focusing on
that one meal rather than changing everything at once, you know,
give yourself, like eat fast food three times a day
and we cut it to two times a day. Still
needs work, but we're in the right direction, right. We

just clean everything up about thirty three percent so that
I'm really happy about it. I want people to realize
that that's okay. Just take that one thing, focus on it,
make mistakes, and hopefully you make it a habit.

Speaker 1 (15:37):
Grateful for you, brother, you have helped me tremendously. You've
helped a lot of people in so many ways. And guys,
please check out Don Saladino dot com for all of
the good information he is going to help you kick
start this new year. I love you, man, love you.
Doctor Gabrielle Lyon. How you doing.

Speaker 4 (16:00):
I'm doing great, my friend. As always, it's so good
to see you.

Speaker 1 (16:03):
I am so in love with you and what you
stand for, which is why you're here today. I really
want to help people get off on the right foot
as we kick off twenty twenty four, and I couldn't
think of anyone better than you. So we have a
lot to get to in a short amount of time.
I want to dive right in now. You are, of course,
the founder of muscle centric medicine, So for everybody listening,

tell me what that means.

Speaker 5 (16:26):
What is that?

Speaker 4 (16:26):
Yeah, the muscle centric medicine, and the concept of muscle
centric medicine is this idea that skeletal muscle is the
largest organ system in the body, and that it is
responsible for how we age, and the health and wellness
of our skeletal muscle is directly related to many of

these diseases that we're seeing that we all care about,
like obesity, cardiovascular disease, even Alzheimer's. And when you take
targeted action to help support the health of your skeletal muscle,
you can change the trajectory of the way in which
we age and live.

Speaker 1 (17:06):
And it's such important information because, as you quite often discuss,
that we are all battling being under muscled, right, so
talk to me about that.

Speaker 4 (17:16):
Everyone except for you tell me I.

Speaker 1 (17:18):
Don't know about that.

Speaker 4 (17:21):
This is a very exciting topic, this idea that we
have continued to focus on an obesity epidemic. Quite frankly,
the last fifty years, we've been chasing body fat and
talking about obesity as if it is the focal point
for sickness. And I would argue that we don't have
an obesity epidemic, but what we really have is a

midlife muscle crisis. I would also go out on a
limb and say we are not over fat, but in
fact we are under muscled, and that the diseases and
the impact and the health of skeletal muscle is a
direct relationship and has a direct relationship to the obesity
that we see. Quite simply put that obesity begins in

skeletal muscle decades earlier, and if we were to address
the health of skeletal muscle first, then we would see
a vastly different outcome than what we have right now.

Speaker 1 (18:19):
And you have so much information in your fairly new book,
which excuse me New York Times best selling author. Hello,
congrats to you on that, Thank you, thank you. But
the book is a source of information. But I guess
if we had to summarize a little bit, make a
few bullet points, what would you say are three to
four tips on how we can avoid being under muscled?

Speaker 4 (18:42):
Number one resistance exercise. This is the key to the
fountain of youth, and that is moving your muscles and
really training. Of course, cardiovascular activity is wonderful, but resistance
exercise is a non negotiable. That could quite simply be
push us squats, moving against a force. If you are

at home, you can use bands. Eventually, I would love
for you to graduate to weights and even potentially kettlebells.
Because remember, when we're exercising, we're not training to become
better at exercise. We are training to become better at life.
And how can we choose movements that will support a healthy,

capable life. I'll give you an example. Oftentimes I hear
women tell me they're afraid of getting bulky and that
they're just going to stick to their five to ten
pound weights. And then I challenge them and I say, well,
how much does your toddler way? And I don't know
about you, but my toddler is around forty pounds and
I'm constantly carrying her around, and I'm constantly carrying another

bag around right there, that's fifty pounds. I'm not getting bulky.
What about these are what we would call smart girl numbers, right,
strong girl numbers. What about putting a piece of luggage
overhead on an airplane? My luggage is pretty heavy. So
we have to move away from thinking about just even

modest weights going to create some kind of bulk in humans.
So number one lift weights. Number two support skeletal muscle
with high quality dietary protein. High quality dietary protein includes
foods like way protein, lean red meats, fish, chicken, turkey.

All of these things are wonderful sources of high quality
protein which support skeletal muscle health as well as nearly
every tissue hormone in the body. So those would be
the first two and then the third most important aspect
of health and wellness is a little bit going to

sound like it's off the beaten path, and that would
be be aware of your weaknesses, will always focus on
their strengths. And when you focus on your strengths, that
means that you are blind sided for the parts of
you that will be vulnerable to coming off your nutrition plan,
to skipping that workout, to I don't know, indulging in avice,

whether it's alcohol, et cetera. And when you are very
aware of your weaknesses, you plan for them and you
can circumvent them, because nothing is going to take you
off of your game plan faster than being unprepared for
the predictable nature that you have.

Speaker 1 (21:34):
What would you say, in all of your research, all
of your studies, all of the beliefs that you have
and information to back them up with, what would you say,
is the biggest misconception you think people have when it
comes to muscles and protein and the relationship with both
of those things.

Speaker 4 (21:51):
That's a wonderful question, and I would say that that
answer will likely change depending on when you ask it.

Speaker 1 (21:58):
For me.

Speaker 4 (21:58):
Right now, there's a lot of discussion about the importance
of protein. Should we reduce our dietary protein? And that
is probably one of the most dangerous pieces of health
and wellness advice that I can think of. And here's why.
Dietary protein is critical for maintaining an optimal body composition

to be able to maintain the health of skeletal muscle.
We know that the current recommendations are minimum recommendations. For example,
the point eight grams per kg, which the listener who
doesn't want to do math might it's zero point three
seven grams per pound of body weight. That is not
much for dietary protein. For example, if one was one

hundred and fifteen pounds, you multiply that by point three
seven that would give you forty five grams of protein.
The idea that that minimum amount is enough is very
detrimental to overall aging body composition and health, because skeletal
muscle is important for performance, but it's very important for
blood sugar regulation, for cholesterol, for cholesterol metabolism, for insulin sensitivity,

all of these things that we think about when we
think about health and wellness. Skeletal muscle truly is the
focal point. And with this idea that we should go
plant based, our diet is already seventy percent plant based.
And again, whether these are ultra processed foods or grains,
et cetera, we are already on a plant based diet.

And if someone were to say, well, we should further
reduce our animal proteins, I would say to what and
how are those percentages going to look and what are
the implications going to be?

Speaker 1 (23:42):
I have to share with you real quick. I have
a very close family member who was plant based for years,
began and vegetarian on and off, and recently began eating
meat products. And he's a high, high, high performer, dancer, choreographer,
always working out, always moving, and he's never felt better.
And he started reading your book and it's because of

you that his whole mentality has shifted. And he's late thirties,
and you know, as we continue to get older and
age gracefully, I'll say it's important to take care of ourselves,
and him alone is having this epic revelation based off
of your teachings on feeling like he was lied to
for so many years.

Speaker 4 (24:23):
First of all, I'm so grateful that he was open minded. Oftentimes,
when we hear something repeated over and over again, we
believe that that is truth, and it really limits our
ability to explore other things. Like this doctor that's saying
that we don't have an obesit epidemic, that we really
have a midlife muscle crisis. I am so grateful that

he was able to again open up his mind and
try something different. It's not that someone couldn't be vegan
or vegetarian and be healthy. They could. What I will
also say is that we have to move away from
just the single focus of protein. Don't just eat protein.
We eat foods, and high quality animal based foods have

high amounts of iron and zinc and selenium and these
other molecules like creatine and seerine and touring. All of
these things that are beneficial to our brain, beneficial to
our body, help with energy. And when we think about
things as interchangeable proteins, they're not These foods are not interchangeable,
and they have very unique roles that are important for

sustainability of one's life and athletic performance and just overall wellness.

Speaker 1 (25:34):
I will forever think of you and associate protein, muscle building,
all of it. Every time I eat protein with the meal,
I'm like, yes, she would be so proud of me.

Speaker 4 (25:43):
True, it's true.

Speaker 1 (25:45):
And with all of that, you also dive into the
idea of anti aging and things that we can do
to age gracefully. As I mentioned earlier, what are some
other things that interests you or that you have found
through your studies and research on how to age gracefully.

Speaker 4 (25:59):
I really like some of the external influences, for example,
saunas and ice baths, those things that we can put
into our environment that potentially create a different stress than
is just this motion and force production stress. I think
that that is very valuable. I also think that there
is a place for very unique supplementation, whether that is

post biotics or prebiotics. I think that that is very valuable.
And I hate to say it, but I'm going to
say it. Sleep. Sleep is so important for brain function
and for body composition and muscular health. It just is,
in fact, one night of sleep deprivation might suppress muscle
protein synthesis, which is a big fancy word for your

skeletal muscle to rebuild itself by eighteen percent. Wow, just
one night of sleep deprivation.

Speaker 1 (26:52):
So is it hard for you to get your sleep?
As a busy entrepreneur and helping people across the world,
do you really prioritize that? Are you able to get
your full seven to eight hours?

Speaker 6 (27:02):

Speaker 4 (27:02):
I also have two little kids, and one of them
refuses to sleep in their bed. I always try to
prioritize sleep. I do. It is difficult, but certainly a priority.

Speaker 1 (27:13):
So for everybody listening right now who is looking at
their year and saying, I love what doctor Gabrielle Lyin
is saying, how do I begin? What is my first step?
What should be that first step in your opinion, to
living this healthier, more protein driven life.

Speaker 4 (27:30):
First of all, I love that healthier, more protein driven life. Again,
the first framework for thinking about it is understanding yourself,
knowing what you are going to tell yourself. I can't
do this, I don't have time, this is uncomfortable. There
is a whole multitude of things that an individual will
plan on saying to themselves as they embark on the

uncomfortable journey of the unfamiliar. Number one, so expect it's
going to be uncomfortable, and we're going to do it anyway.
The second piece of advice is get a great resistance
training program. And if you don't know where to look again,
I covered in my book Don Saladino one of my
best friends. Our best friend I know is going to
be speaking about exercise programs, but that is really the

non negotiable. You must train. Your body was designed to
function against challenges. Don't take that away from your body.
Number three is create a nutrition plan that you will
be able to be consistent with. There are many ways
to do nutrition. I cover that in my book Forever Strong.

It is what I believe and what the evidence would
suggest is a very streamlined, excellent approach to aging and
body composition. Understand what you're going to do. Leave off
chaotic eating, Tommy. I should be able to call you
and ask you what you had for breakfast two weeks
ago on a Wednesday, and you should be able to

answer me. As you are consistent and because you are capable,
and because that is the standard that you've set and
you're going to execute on that standard, and it doesn't
matter what kind of day you had or what kind
of mood you were in. This is what you know
that you have for Brekast, and this is how you
plan it out. And when we do that, we get
incredible results because there is a level of consistency and

a level of integrity that we put into place, and
these become our standards of execution.

Speaker 1 (29:25):
I could listen to you for hours and hours and hours,
doctor Gabrielle Line. You guys can follow her on all
things social media and your book. Talk to me for
one minute about your book and what people can expect
and why we should all read it.

Speaker 4 (29:39):
Yeah, this is the first book of its kind and
it is called Forever Strong, and it changes the paradigm
of thinking again. It just reverses this obesity epidemic on
its head and it focuses on what do we have
to gain versus what do we have to lose. The
diet culture, the information on health and fitness has always
been focused very much on weight loss, and I would

argue that that is a no pun intended a losing
battle versus on what we have to gain and what
we have to gain through the health of skeletal muscle
is so much more substantial than looking good being jacked,
lifting heavy, but from a metabolic perspective, from a wellness perspective,
from a mood, from a brain perspective. We all want

to live a long life and we all want to
leave a legacy. I will say that your longevity and
your legacy are very intertwined, and this book will provide
a framework for how we think about these things, as
well as the history of nutrition and very executable plans

like how you should design your diet, how you should
train meals, and how you should think.

Speaker 1 (30:54):
Pick up the book, y'all. It is life changing. And lastly,
does somebody like doctor g every lion make a New
Year's resolution?

Speaker 4 (31:02):
I don't. I make no New Year's resolutions, And I
believe in setting standards. I believe that we set standards
for our life and those are the guardrails and the
criteria for which we live. And when we do that,
goals or dreams or hopes, et cetera all fall into place.

When you set a new Year's resolution or a goal.
There is room for failure. When you set a standard,
you either did it or you did it. There is
no failure involved you either set a standard for yourself
and you execute on that standard, or you set a
goal and again that's just a little too nebulous for me.

Speaker 1 (31:42):
Well, I look forward to continuing to learn from you
all year long. You know, I adore you. You're such
a badass and, as I say, a guru in my life.

Speaker 4 (31:52):
And I just love you, Sammy, You're the best.

Speaker 1 (31:55):
You're too having me, doctor Denji. How are you my friend?

Speaker 5 (32:06):
I'm great, not me? How are you?

Speaker 1 (32:08):
I'm so good. I'm so happy that you're here. You know,
you are one of my favorite people in the world,
and I just aside from loving you as a friend,
I so value you as a professional and you are
the best of the best in this business. And I'm
so happy to have you on to help people kick
off the new year. Rights I love it.

Speaker 3 (32:25):
I'm glad to be here with you.

Speaker 1 (32:26):
I guess one of the biggest questions I see sometimes
in my DMS and on social media is very general
and kind of overwhelming, and I don't always know how
to answer it. And that question is where do I
start with getting better skin? Like? What do I do?

Speaker 2 (32:39):

Speaker 1 (32:40):
What would you say to that?

Speaker 3 (32:41):
It is so overwhelming? The world of skincare, and I
don't envy the lay person who walks into a drugstore,
department store, or into a saphora and is trying to
navigate this crazy world. And it's hard to figure out
what your skin individual needs are. So what I kind
of bucketed down onto our certain verticals that I say

are non negotiable, Like we have to have a good cleanser,
and a good cleanser does not mean it has to
be expensive, but we need to clean our face in
order to prep it for the actives that we're going.

Speaker 5 (33:12):
To put on next.

Speaker 3 (33:13):
We need a good antioxidant in the morning, so to
think about vitamin C, serum, things with vitamin E or
ferulic acid, fluoritin. They're all kinds of different antioxidants that
help to protect our skin. So that's a good thing
to put on in the morning. A good moisturizer, certainly
we think about how uronic acid or different peptides are
really important to keep the skin hydrated. And then no

skincare routine is complete without SPF, and I know that
that's not very sexy. Everyone kind of wants corrective actives,
but really, if you're preventing the damage from the beginning.
Then your skin will be so much more beautiful for
years to come. And I'm very excited about the fact
that the younger patients are really committed to that. It's
my demographic of like forty's and up that really haven't

bought into the daily use as much as we should
because I'm in the South and my mom always you say,
an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure,
and that goes for either skin cancer but also premature aging,
because there are certainly extrinsic causes of aging, like pollution
and ultra violet radiation that can damage the skin and

make us look older before our time. So those are
some really important verticals to have in the morning cleanser, antioxidant,
moisturizer sps, and then at night, a key skincare routine
would include again cleansing the face to prep and then
some kind of anti age or for most people starting
as young as in your twenties, either of vitamin A

derivative like retinol or retinoids like tretnoen that we prescribe
to patients what used to be just for acne, and
we found that people did so well in their skin
texture and skin tone. With this active A lot of
people can't tolerate that. So an alternative is bakuciol, which
is a mouthful to say. It's a plant based retinl
alternative that helps to activate a lot of the similar

genes as retinal. And then there's a really new exciting
ingredient that has hit the market just this year. It
was published in twenty eighteen. Then with the pandemic, it
was kind of slower to be brought to market, but
it usually takes about three years for like a stellar
new ingredient that's been discovered and written about to make
it to market. But it's called HPR and that stands

for hydroxy panacolone retino eight, which is, you know, a mouthful,
but it is in the vitamin A umbrella under that
and it activates similar genes to retinol or to tretnoin
or retinoic acid, but there are the RXR receptors instead
of the RAR receptors, and it minimizes irritation, so you're

getting all of the good of retinal but none of
the bad side effects where your skin is red and
burning and peeling, and you have to slowly introduce it
into your routine. So that's going to be something that's
really fun in twenty twenty four. I anticipate that that
will be a big trend that we're going to see
new products that have this new ingredient in it. And
there is one now that's available that.

Speaker 5 (36:09):
I really like.

Speaker 3 (36:10):
If your listeners are like, where do I get it?
It's made by Elizabeth Arden, and it's called retinal plus
HPR and it's great. And in the clinical trials, they
found that one hundred percent of people, even if they
were retinal naive, did not react poorly to this. They
all tolerated it. Starting at day one, after twelve weeks
of use, they were still doing well and tolerating it

and seeing great benefit in the skin. So that's a
great new discovery in the world of skin here because
we all know that retinal is so great for the skin,
but so many people can't tolerate it. So this is
like a new breakthrough ingredient that will be exciting to
see more of in.

Speaker 5 (36:45):
Twenty twenty four.

Speaker 1 (36:46):
And you mentioned some block and I know that is
so important to you, but people listening like, so, well,
I'm in an office all day, I'm only outside when
I'm driving maybe ten fifteen minutes to work, Do I
really need to put it on? And to that you would.

Speaker 5 (36:59):
Say, I would say yes.

Speaker 3 (37:01):
I mean it's all cumulative. And the reality is we
do feel protected in our offices or in our cars,
but most windows only protect us against UVB light, and
it doesn't filter out UVA, which is the more aging
of the wavelengths, and it's a more oncogenic, meaning the
one that tends to increase breaks in the DNA which

then lead to skin cancer. So we're kind of lulled
into this full sense of security when we're in the
car that we're protected, but we're only actually protected from
the one that makes our skin turn color, the UVB,
but not for the one that penetrates more deeply and
degrades our collagen. So it's just a great habit to
get into from a young age until the grave. Just

like we brush our teeth every day, we don't just
brush our teeth when we're going to the dentist. We
brush our teeth every day in hoping to prevent cavities
because we know that actually teeth are one of the
only things in the body that doesn't repair itself. The
skin is able to, but if it's fighting active injury,
it's very hard to repair it. To the same time,
so you're allowing for your skin to be protected so
that all of these checks and balances that the body

is amazing at having can repair old damage and prevent
us from skin cancers and premature agent.

Speaker 1 (38:12):
Good point, an important point. I hope people really take
that to heart, because there's no reason not to put
it on. It takes two seconds and it's protective and
we all need that. And I also like that you mentioned,
you know, going to a pharmacy or drug store early
in the conversation, because I think people assume if it's
not super expensive, it must not be good. So do

you think skincare has to cost a lot of money
to be effective?

Speaker 3 (38:36):
I don't, and I always talk to my patients about
like what kind of budget are we working within, because
I don't think it's fair, nor is it the reality
anymore that you have to have a zillion dollars in
order to have good skincare. I mean, if you think
about some of the major mass produced beauty brands, they're
owned by similar parent companies. So for example, Laroche Pross,

which is a drugstore band, is owned by Laurel, and
a lot of the offerings that they have for active
ingredients once they go off with patent. For example, skin Suticles,
who's also owned by Laurel, then that goes into their
over the counter offerings. And so the vitamin C alosorbic
acid that you find in Skin Suticles serums for antioxidant

protection is the same one that you can find over
the counter, the same allosorbic acid that's in their vitamin
C serum. So it's nice to be able to offer
someone something that fits their budget. And certainly if you
are most of us, we all have some kind of budget.
You don't have to spend a ton of money on
a cleanser. That is not where you want to splurge.

You want it to be effective. But lord knows, there
are a million cleansers out there and they all work
pretty well. Find the one that works for you, but
don't break the bank on that. Save for a good serum,
a good anti ager, and certainly they're also really good
sunscreens that are within a reasonable price point. And that
it's going to be the prevention part that's so important.

Speaker 1 (40:02):
That's such a great tip. Splurge on a serum splurge
on something where you maybe should I need to, versus
something where you don't. I love that you brought that
up for me. It is a vitamin C serum. I
love the skin suticle cephyrulic and a lot of people ask,
you know, your skin looks vibrant, it looks dewy. What
do you use? And I say, of vitamin C. Do
you think of vitamin C is important and everyone's skin

care routine.

Speaker 3 (40:25):
I do. I would back it up and say an antioxidant, certainly.
I love vitamin C. I think it's super potent and
powerful and effective in helping to neutralize the free radicals
that are formed which cause cellular damage from environmental exposure,
whether that's pollution or sunlight, and vitamin C is the
one that's kind of the most ubiquitous. There are some

people who can't tolerate vitamin C, and for that, I
would say, let's find it an antioxidant that works for you.
And there's so many now that are in the morning
serums that are so good for the health of the skin,
and they're really there as an underlying safety net to
protect you against all of the things that we put
our skin into contact with. I mean, it's amazing that
we stay healthy and well as long as we do

when you think about all of the things that our
skin encounters. But another one that's a great powerful antioxidant.
It's called edie beanne and that tends to be very
well tolerated. Vitamin E is as, which is in your
CEPO rule it that's a great one. It works beautifully
in tandem with vitamin C. They're kind of synergistic in
their power. If you find that there's an ingredient that

you are not able to tolerate that everybody in the
world just things appraisals of, then consult a dermatologist and
will help.

Speaker 5 (41:37):
You find one.

Speaker 3 (41:37):
There are a million offerings, and so I never want
people to feel like they're not able to indulge and
be part of the ritual that everyone else is enjoying.
But most people, you know, most antioxidants do lean into
vitamin C because it is such a good one.

Speaker 1 (41:52):
And what do you think is the biggest misconception when
it comes to skincare.

Speaker 3 (41:58):
There's so many, I would say, oftentimes, especially in the actives,
that the concept this is such an American thing, like
more is more, You know, and it's not whether there
are concentrations that you're looking at, like there are sweet
spots for ingredients in the most active and the least
bit irritating. For example, with vitamin C, like we were

talking about, the most effective is between fifteen to twenty
percent in the skin. Above that it's more irritating, and
less than that, it's not as optimized as far as
our efficacy retinol or retinoids. Certainly, if you use more,
you're just going to increase the irritation. You're not going
to accelerate the effects or turbo boosts the effects. So
I feel like we got kind of obsessed with concentrations

when the Ordinary came out and it would put every
active in a bottle and it would put what the
concentration was, and so everyone kind of got very focused
on the number instead of like what is actually the
most important for our skins pathology or for our skins physiology,
And so those things are really important in medicine. Poisons

in the dose, right, So you can have a perfect
sweet spot of an aspirin a day, or you could
take twenty of them and that could be very detrimental.
It's the same active it's just the amount. So think
about that when you're trying to navigate this that more is.

Speaker 5 (43:17):
Not always better.

Speaker 1 (43:18):
And what do you want people to remember when it
comes to their skin.

Speaker 3 (43:22):
I want them to remember that the skin care ritual
should be a pleasant one.

Speaker 5 (43:27):
It should be something that you look forward to.

Speaker 3 (43:29):
I find that a lot of patients take on a
lot of the heavy lifting at home, where they're ordering
the highest glycolic they can find on the internet and
really like stripping their barrier and doing more damage than good.
And so with my patients, we kind of enter into
a contract of like, I'm going to prescribe you a
proper skincare regimen that's going to augment our goals in office,

but I want you to leave the heavy lifting to me,
where I'm going to do the lasers or the procedures
to help you have your best skin. But that's going
to be once or twice a year, and at home,
you love and nurse your skin and really help it
to be the healthiest it can in order to protect you.
And the happy news, because I'm a mose surgeon and
did a fellowship in skin cancer. Even if you don't

care about the beauty of your skin. The healthiest skin
tends to look the most beautiful, so it's a win
win either way. However way we get there, if you're
protecting it and taking good care of it, it happens
to just.

Speaker 5 (44:23):
Look great too.

Speaker 1 (44:24):
And that's why you are the best of the best,
Doctor dn d How can people find you? Follow you
learn more.

Speaker 3 (44:30):
At Doctor Dundee which is Dr d E n d Y.
Or you can come see me at Schaefer Clinic, Fifth Avenue.

Speaker 1 (44:37):
She is the best. I don't know what I would
do without you. Thank you for your wisdom and your
care and for really putting out the right messages and
for helping people in a way that's attainable and not overwhelming,
and for just being a wealth of great information.

Speaker 3 (44:51):
Thank you, thank you for having me. I love you.

Speaker 1 (45:00):
Win Sarafino, Hi Tommy, Hello, my love, Oh my god.
It's so exciting to be interviewing you because I'm sure,
as people know from social media, you are like family.
I mean, what would I do without you? I love
you so much. You are not just celebrity hair stylist guru.
You are family and I'm so happy you're here.

Speaker 6 (45:19):
Thank you so much for having me, and yes we
are family. So this does seem like a little awkward
because I'm sorry, like us just hanging out versus being
on a zoom call.

Speaker 5 (45:30):
I've never had a zoom looking before.

Speaker 1 (45:32):
I know, I know, but it was important for me
to do this with you because the whole purpose of
this episode is setting up people on the right foot
for the new year. And we've talked about fitness and
nutrition and skincare, and now I want to get into
the grooming world because I think a lot of people
don't know where to begin. And for me, you know,

I've told you this is zillion times. Your company, the
best paced has changed the game for me. I have
tried every hair product in the world, y'all. I'm from Jersey,
I'm Italian, I have a thick head of hair. I
went through every hair phase and I've tried it all.
I've hated everything. But then I found you, and I
found your pace and it has seriously changed the game.

So I guess I want to begin there. Tell me
about your company and why is it so magical?

Speaker 5 (46:19):
Wow, that is quite an introduction.

Speaker 6 (46:22):
Yes, thank you first off for being the biggest supporter,
and I mean, just look at your hair. You look incredible,
The texture is remarkable today, the piece is my favorite,
the little piece of falls, which let everybody know that
is a natural experience when that little piece falls. I
also cut your hair, Tommy, so I know it very well.
So to start with The Best Pace, I had launched

it two years ago when the pandemic hit and like
so many of us, sort of reassess life. And the
opportunity was that I could purchase an existing grooming hair
care skincare company from Ben Miller, who is still very
heavily involved in the Best Paced. He approached me to
his company, which he had had for i'd say like

twelve fifteen years, and again everyone reassessed life. And he's
a single dad and his son sort of said, Dad,
I don't spend enough time with you, and so he
decided it was time called me up, said I'd like
for you to buy it.

Speaker 5 (47:16):
That's just sort of how it went.

Speaker 6 (47:17):
And when he asked me, I said, the one thing
that had to happen is that he had to stay
a part of the company. And so then is still
very much a part of the Best Paste. But I
renamed it, repackaged it, rebranded it, we changed we went
for the highest quality ingredigents, which is something Ben always
wanted to do but didn't have the resources, and we
scaled back to the five essentials, which is hair paste.

I believe as a men's groomer and hairstylist, which is
my job as my day job, is that one of
the things that even looked for is styling products. And
so we created a hair paste that could.

Speaker 5 (47:51):
Work for all hair types and textures.

Speaker 6 (47:53):
Matt finished to know high shine, and I had doubt.
I actually taught me a really rather large market rescore
on men's grooming and men's hairstyle before I bark the company.
And what I found a really fascinating and I don't
know if it's necessarily is fascinating because I knew this
as a men's groomer, is that what men wanted to
know was the shine level and the hold.

Speaker 5 (48:13):
That's all they cared about.

Speaker 6 (48:15):
They didn't care it was called like dragon or you know,
like kick butt or anything like that. They just wanted
to know, bottom line, what's it going to do for me?
And so when I reading the packaging, I called it
the best paste because it's the best paste, and I
just named it what it was, which is Matt Firmhole
low Shine, you know, medium Hole, natural Shine Hot, medium Hole, Firmhole,
and I just called it what it is, and so

that's kind of how I came about. And the one
thing that's I think really unique about our product line
is that we manufacture it so from raw materials to
finish goods, so we physically make the products. Unlike so
many other vendors are product lines out there, they're made
in a in a factory that they don't control. I
control everything. So we're men and small batches. You know,

we have the little bubbles in the jars because everything's
hand filled.

Speaker 1 (49:01):
And I can attest to the quality is so incredible.
And like you said, you have a bunch of different
products for different hair types, So no matter what your
hair type is, you can find a product from this
line that's gonna work for you. I use the Orange
the Matt firm Hold. I hate saying that because I
feel like it's gonna go away and everyone's gonna buy
them and I'm gonna be stuck without them, But that's

the one I use, and I think it's great for
the ladies listening to buy for the men in your life.
For the men listening to find a product that's actually
good and has quality ingredients in it. It's a win win.
But this is a product that even ladies can use
to touch up their hair, right, Yeah, So this.

Speaker 5 (49:37):
Is what's crazy.

Speaker 6 (49:38):
I was in a salon actually in Florida and women
I didn't even realize. I mean, I use it on myself.
So I use it for like beach hee, I have
long curly hair, beachy hair. I use it for slick
back ponytails. I use it for flyaways. And so I
was in the salon speaking with a stylist and she's like, oh,
it's like the boyfriend paste. And I was like, wait what,
And she's like, well, there's the boyfriend gan, a boyfriend blazer,

and now it's like the hair product you steal from
your man. And I went, whoa, that's exactly what it is.
It's a men's hair past that women are now using.
So it's like one of those things, it's the boyfriend paste,
it's you're basically it's a men's product that can be
used for a woman. So I thought it was just
pretty funny. How it started came about.

Speaker 1 (50:17):
That is so cool. I feel like we need to
trademark that immediately.

Speaker 6 (50:22):
I know I probably should, but it's I mean, it
is one of those things like I didn't think about
it because I like, I use it for my when
I wore my hair curly down and you know, beat
you waves when I were like my ponytail. Now I
mean my hair I just threw up really quickly, you
know style, the brushed it up, put it in a
top knot. And this has been since I left for
a pressure unker this morning. I think it was like
six thirty seven o'clock. And this is as is. So

I mean it's holding in place. And again for like flyways,
it's great for like bridal hair.

Speaker 5 (50:50):
Oh and then someone.

Speaker 6 (50:51):
Just told me, I feel like I'm discovering this with you.
But someone just said to me, They're like, oh, I
use it as a root lifter, and I was like
a root lifter, And so she has I've used it
after a few days of blow dry, she didn't want
to wash her hair, so she took a little bit
of the orange your favorite the mat firm hole in
her fingertips and just rubbed it into the root and
because of the dry mat, it actually absorbed some of

the oils. And she uses it as a rootlifter. I've
never heard of that.

Speaker 1 (51:16):
I know well because when you make it, when you
make a quality product like this, there are going to
be many different uses for it, and that's the testament
to what you created. So everybody listening, for my gentleman listening,
you need to get this product. Go on the best
paste dot com. Correct, yes, sir, the best paste dot

Com and check out all the products. Again, if you
know me and you know my hair, I use the
orange which is the mat firm hole, but there's a
variety of different products, and the ladies too. Either buy
it for the man in your life, or you can
use it, as Kristen said, to touch up your hair,
to throw it in with a slick bun for your roots,
all of the above. So I love all of that
so much, and I'm happy to share that. I'm not

just plugging it because you're my best friend. I'm plugging
it because I believe in it. And I have spent
so much money and time and energy trying to find
the right hair product and nothing ever really worked. So
when I find something, I want to share it. So
that's the best paced. Go check that out and then
on the hairstyling side, because you are a brilliant hairstylist
as well. What would you say is a good tip

for people looking to change their look and not knowing
where to begin. It's a new year, people might want
to refresh here should they begin?

Speaker 6 (52:30):
That's a great question, and I think that's one of
those things like everyone like new year, new beginning, new body,
new hairstyle. And I think the first thing that I
tell people is that pictures and magazines, actors, celebrities are references, right,
So it's like you should bring a picture in that
you're inspired by, but know that it might not be
your hair texture, your face shape. It's an inspiration, and

then use that as a guideline for your lifestyle, hair texture,
daily routines. I want to look like this.

Speaker 5 (53:02):
Does that make sense?

Speaker 1 (53:03):
It does? It does? And you think that will create
a more helpful image for what somebody wants.

Speaker 6 (53:09):
I think that that's a good guyeline because I think
we all have these sort of aspirations that I want
to look like this particular person, but you're not that person.
And I think you know this happens to me behind
the chair, like someone will come into me and they'll say, oh, well,
you know, just today. I did someone with her today.
I did a haircut today. They had really long hair
and they showed me an image of someone with like

a shorter haircut. But they had wavy, wavy hair, like
naturally texture beachy, you know, like they wanted a bob,
but it was like a beachy texture that you could tell.
This girl in her instagram had just you know, on
the beach, playing volleyball. Wherever she was, she always just
had the same sort of texture hair, so I could
tell it was her natural texture.

Speaker 5 (53:47):
It wasn't stylized.

Speaker 6 (53:48):
But the girl that I was cutting today had bone
straight hair, like zero bend in it. I said, well,
she's like, oh, I love her texture.

Speaker 5 (53:55):
I lay the way it looks.

Speaker 6 (53:56):
I love the waves in it. And the reality is
is someone with that super you know, pin straight hair
will never achieve that natural, beaty texture. It's just not
what their hair is, so we use it as an inspiration.
Might it gave her the realization or even though she
knew she had straight hair, I was like, you can
still have weavy hair when you style it. You can
still achieve that look if you put the effort into it.

But if you know that every day you're not going
to look like this, but we're going to be inspired
by it, and it's going to be your version of
that haircut. Then you'll have the same confidence as you
do when you look at that image.

Speaker 1 (54:29):
This might be one of the hardest questions you've ever
been asking your entire career. Ready for it. Okay, if
you could give me only one hair tip that will
help everybody listening right now. What would that hairtip be.

Speaker 6 (54:45):
I think the hairtip that I would give, which is
the one hair tip. And I've said this to you before,
I've said this to your husband, GEO, is that hair
is the one accessory wear every day. It should constantly evolve.
Like I always say behind the chair, would you wear
that same jacket every day for the rest of your life?

You probably wouldn't. So if you're not going to wear
the same shirt or style of clothing, always evolve your hairstyle.
Whether it's a subtle highlight, I mean it could be
subtle extreme. You can have a subtle highlight. You can
go from your color hair to platinum lawn. If you
want to go extreme, you can go from long hair
to short hair, sweeping fringe to short fringe. As long

as You've constantly evolved because in life, our life continues
to change, right no matter where we are in or
whether it's age, whether it's a milestone, whether it's body shape,
whatever it may be. So constantly evolve your hairstyle as
your life is evolving.

Speaker 5 (55:43):
That's my one thing.

Speaker 1 (55:44):
I love that. I kind of love that more. And yes,
you say to me all the time when sometimes I'm
like I want the same cut, You're.

Speaker 6 (55:50):
Like, no, oh, oh my gosh. You're the perfect example.
I mean, can I like totally call you out on this, Tommy, Yes, yes, Okay.
You came to me with like, I want this hairstyle,
and we I don't want to say we fought, but
we fought encouraged you for so long to grow your hair,

and you were just, oh my gosh, like honestly, Tommy,
like I'm exhausted.

Speaker 5 (56:15):
I was exhausted.

Speaker 6 (56:15):
I was like, why will he not? But you and
I understood you had an experience that wasn't a good one,
so you were sort of traumatized. But I said, let's
just try it, and you fought me on it, and
we just by default because I was traveling and you
were traveling, so your hair just got long and now
all of a sudden, we have taken to just different
levels with your hair and now you love it.

Speaker 5 (56:37):
And we keep changing.

Speaker 6 (56:38):
We take the side short, we change the texture, we
cut it short on the top of we let the
peace gale lommer. So we're always evolving you, even though
it's a confident place for you to be within your hairstyle.

Speaker 1 (56:47):
You're right, and you're very right about that. I think
you a little.

Speaker 5 (56:50):
I called you out.

Speaker 1 (56:53):
You know what. Now I got to wrap this up
where more secrets are going to be revealed and we're
not about to spill all the tea on me. So
we're not. No, no, we're not. And I'm gonna talk
to you after this. But yeah, you're in trouble. You're
in trouble where I live. M H. I couldn't love
you more. Thank you for coming on and sharing your wisdom.
You are the best of the best. Seriously check out

her brand The best pace dot com. Kristen Serafino celebrity
hairstylist changing the world. I love you, thank you for
joining and Happy New Year.

Speaker 5 (57:25):
I love you, Tommy, Happy New Year, and thank you
for having me.

Speaker 1 (57:30):
I've never said this before. Is hosted by me, Tommy Dederio.
This podcast is executive produced by Andrew Puglisi at iHeartRadio
and by me Tommy, with editing by Joshua Colaudney. I've
Never Said This Before is part of the Elvis Duran
podcast Network on iHeart Podcasts. For more rate, review and
subscribe to our show and if you liked this episode,

tell your friends. Until next time, I'm Tommy Dederio.

Speaker 2 (58:01):
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