All Episodes

January 23, 2024 35 mins

JoJo does a deep dive into her workout routine!

She shares her journey to finding workouts she loves and reveals all her favorite health tips! 

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
You're listening to Joja See One Now with me, Jojo
Siua and iHeartRadio podcast. Oh welcome back to JoJo's See
One Now. This is going to be probably my favorite
podcast ever because I am about to deep dive into
one of my favorite, most passionate topics ever. It is

not drumming, It is not indoor skydiving, it is not performing,
it is not my future children Freddie, Eddie and Teddy.
It is working out. I am so stoked to deep
dive into this topic. Working out is one of the
things that keeps me most mentally happy. It is one
of the things that over the last year two years,

I have truly educated myself by just doing and messing
up and figuring it out and learning and drying and
trial and error and this and that. And I really
feel like now, I mean, I'm sure I'm gonna listen
back to this in a couple of years and laugh
at myself being like, oh, yeah, you thought you knew
what you were talking about. But I really feel like

now I'm in a place where I could help somebody
start a workout journey. And I feel like I now
feel so confident about my workout stuff, and I feel like,
you know, my friends come to me and they're like,
I want to come work out with you, and I,
you know, know the supplements and stuff that I like.
I know the workout routines that I like. I found
my rhythm, I found my groove, I found how I

stay motivated. And I was like, it is time. It
is top of the year. We are just getting into
twenty twenty four. We got lots of months left, and
it is it is a new year. It is time
to deep dive. It is time to go down this
physical health freaking rabbit hole. Buckle up, get your arm
weights on. Honestly, bonus points if you listen to this

while walking on a treadmill. If you don't got a drummill,
put this podcast on, go outside, walk around even though
if you're inside, maybe put it on and walk around inside.
Do a little zooma dance happening while you were listening
to this podcast. Whatever your vibe is, you got probably
you know anywhere it's me talking, So you for sure
have twenty minutes, possibly even up to thirty minutes. You

know you could get a good workout and while you
listen to this. All right, I'll shut up now. About
that what you should be doing right now, and I
will just start talking about what you actually want to hear,
which is all of my workout, uh brain, all of
my workout I'm not gonna say knowledge, but all of
my workout thoughts there, it is there, It is all right,

starting in really freaking strong. I work out so much nowadays.
I have a crazy, crazy, freaking schedule. I sometimes will
work for eighteen days in a row and then have
a day off, and then work for eighteen more and
then have a day off. Sometimes I'll work for a

day in a row that don'll have three off, a
day in a row have three off. And there will
be some days where I there have been some years
actually where I work for like three hundred and sixty
four of them. I get Christmas off. You pretty much
always get Christmas off, but every other holiday you work through.
And so I have found for myself it is best
to just work out every day that I can, because

there will be some days that come where I can't.
Schedules too early, schedule goes too late, and I just
can't there's not enough hours in the day, and so
I wait until one of those days come to take
a day off, and some people have come at me
and saying, hey, look, that's not good for your muscles,
And I say, I know you're supposed to. You know,

work out, take take a rest day, take a few
rest days. Work out five days a week, take two
rest days. That's what the book tells you. Book, the
book matters, but the book doesn't matter, because what matters
is your brain, your body, and you can do whatever
you think of doing. And you can do an active
recovery day where there'll be some days where or my

arms are just exhausted because I over used them yesterday
doing a workout. That's all right. We can go for
a treadmill run, we can do some legs, we can
do some abs, we can do arms, but just use
our back a little more, you know what I mean.
It's all about how you feel, and no matter what
the book or what anybody tells you, it is what
you feel. That is why one of the reasons I

did have a personal trainer. I've actually had two personal
trainers in my life, and they both were awesome, and
I if somebody was looking for a personal trainer, I
would for sure recommend both of them. They were great people. However,
I would get personally frustrated because you know, there was
never they couldn't. They can't. No one else can feel
your body but you. And so we would be working

out and my arms would be overly exhausted, and I
would just be thinking in my head like, man, I
wish we could just switch to legs. And now you
might be like Jojo, just like speak up and say something.
But the reality is, no one's gonna do that. I'm
not gonna speak up and be like, hey, my arms
are tired. Can we switch to leg stuff. In hindsight,
sure sounds like it'd be so easy to do, but

actually coming out and saying that's your trainer is so scary.
And so I've learned that I like to do it myself,
work out myself at home, because then I can truly
listen to my body, truly work out whatever body is
feeling the fire, whatever part is feeling the fire, and
just lean with it, rock with it. Now, one of
the reasons why I do enjoy working out so much

is because when I don't, I lose so much energy. Now,
there is some technical term for this that I don't know,
but when you work out, your body produces some sort
of something that does actually give you more energy. Although
you are exuding energy, it also brings you energy. And

that is something that I didn't understand right away. I
used to think, like, no, if I work out, I'm
going to be exhausted. But I've learned that if I
have a night am call time and I have to
leave my house at eight, I will actually have a
better day have more energy throughout the day. If I
choose to wake up at six and get a workout in. Now,

it's crazy cutting my sleep short, but I will go
to set and I will feel like boom, I am
ready for the day. Could be a small workout, could
be a big workout, could be anything, but it just
really gets my day started off on the right foot.

I can't stress enough how important it is to listen
to your body. There are days where I wake up
in the morning and I'm like, look, it's not the
morning for it. Maybe it'll be the midday, maybe it'll
be the night. Somehow, I'm always feeling it at some
point of the day because I do love it. I
find a lot of enjoyment. And I'll talk about how
I find the enjoyment and working out, but I think
that really knowing that, like, hey, look, my body's actually

saying no to this right now, well listen to it.
I'm gonnaive us some more sleep. Or hey, look, my
body's saying no. But is that an excuse? Fully an excuse?
Wake up? Come on body, let's go, let's put this
out and on, Let's put these shoes on, and let's go.
Let's go work out, let's go have fun for me.
I actually have a gym in my house, which has

been so amazing. We created this gym in my house.
We started creating it at the end of twenty one,
but then I believe we finished it in twenty twenty two,
and it has been the most amazing thing ever. We
have all the machines out there, all the cardio machines
you could want. I've become obsessed with peloton recently and
that has been really fun. My brother and I do

rides together, which has been great. We got all the
weights out there, we got ketbells out there, we got
benches out there, resistance vans, and now for Christmas in
twenty twenty three, we actually decided to expand it, so
it was half of the garage. Now we are expanding
it to be the full garage, which is so sick.

It is so nice and they're so open. Now. I
had this CrossFit rig actually in my backyard and we're
pulling that now inside the garage, which is gonna be
so much nicer. I will use it so much more.
I am so excited about it. It has these monkey
bars on it. It's got a tricep like you can
do tricep dips on it. It's got a squad rack

on it, it's got shelves on it, it's got bars
on it. I mean, it is freaking awesome. It's got
a boxing bag. There's so much to do, and I
think that that's something that's really important to note, is
that working out can be so fun. You can make it.
You can make it anything you want it to be.
I found some fun ways to keep workouts interesting for me.

One thing that I like to do is actually musical workouts.
So I will make my playlist right, and I'll come
up with a circuit. So let's just say bicep curls,
running on a treadmill, and jumping jacks, So that would
be like a pretty cardio heavy. But those are just
three workouts that I could think of that you could
really visualize what I'm meaning. And so let's just use

a song that everybody knows, We Will Rock You by
Queen Right. So on the choruses, we run on the treadmill,
on the verses we do bicep curls, and on the
instrumental parts we do jumping jacks. And then you know,
so you hear the chorus buddy or a poet make
a big noise, so you do your curls, and then

you hear the chorus, we will, we will rock you.
So then you get on the treadmill and you run
for the whole chorus, and then it goes to the
instrumental guitar, So burn down, down and now no, no,
you get off. You do the show me jacks. So
it's kind of like a race because you got to
try to get to the things as fast as you can,
and then you do it for a couple songs, and
when you're done, you're done. Another thing that I like
to do is actually watch videos. I love doing many

workout videos. One of my favorite YouTubers who I freaking
love and have fallen in love with in twenty twenty three,
she is awesome. Her name is Lily, I say, Lily Sabari.
I don't know if that's how you pronounced her last
name technically, but she posts these awesome videos, awesome abroutines.
She does a lot of pilates based workouts which have
been so awesome. Now, something actually that I learned from

her is there is gender specific type of workouts. And
that's something that I didn't actually know was a real thing.
I realized that I was training, like for say, a boy,
for a very long time. And somehow, I think it
was maybe even an ad on a video, I don't

know if it was her saying it. It was like
this is a workout for girls, and I was like,
wait what? And so then I deep dived into this,
like deep, deep, deep hole, and there was something that
was saying like this workouts for boys, This workouts for girls.
Weightliftings for boys, Pilates is for girls, and I was
reading that and I actually got kind of offended because

so I was like, okay, hear me out. I've been
weightlifting for two years now, I'm not a boy. I've
been in a plates class. There's been boys in there
and they're not girls, you know what I mean? And
so I think that that's something that no matter what,
workout can bring you joy. Anything is better than nothing.

Anything small is a good habit to develop. If you
are into pilates, doesn't matter. Your gender, doesn't matter, if
you are a boy, if you were a girl, if
you're a non binary, whoever you are, whatever you are,
whatever you do, you are the number one freaking you.
No pun intend to do a jojo song, but it
is so true, So don't let any specifics of who

you are, what you look like, what your body type is,
define how you can work out. Working out can be
very scary. And I saw this post too that was like,
never make fun of anyone in the gym because they
showed up, And that is so true. It is so
hard to show up. It is so hard to wake
up early if you're working out at home, it is

so hard. It is so hard to get yourself up
and go to the gym and grow that confidence. Even
me now knowing how to work out, I remember when
I didn't know how to work out, when I was
first starting, and I would go to a gym, I
would just go to the treadmill because I knew I
could walk on a treadmill and not look like an idiot.
But if I go over to a weight rack, I'm
gonna look like an idiot a bufoon. I don't know

what to do. If I go over to these machines
and I have to like read the directions, I'm gonna
look so stupid. Right, But as I'm now learning how
to work the machines and how to what to do
with dumb bells and what to do with kettlebells, I
would love to see someone at the gym first starting,
you know what I mean, and be able to be
that person to help them. And so of course there's

gonna be some SaaS people out there who probably will
give judgmental looks, and that is on them, that is
not on you at all. But know that you should
be so freaking proud of yourself for making the effort,
for taking the leap of faith and for going and
for trying and for pushing, and you will get there.
You will learn. It takes time, it takes dedication. That

is something that I have learned so much over the
last two years. I remember I started getting into working
out actually because of Dancing with the Stars. And when
I went to Dancing with the Stars, I had my
partner Jenna. We were the first ever same sex couple.
We were two females, and she's like, all right, so
you're gonna have to lift me. And I was like, oh,

there's no way. And I was like, it's not you.
I was like, I have no upper body strength, and
she was like, well, we're gonna We're gonna have to
find something. So we started doing blanks and push ups
and I couldn't do a single push up and she
started with me and I was like, I can't do it.
She was like, you're not even trying. She goes, you
don't have to touch your nose to the ground. She'd
just bend your arms an inch and straighten up, start somewhere,

and by the end of the season, I could do
as many push ups as you wanted because I did
a little bit every single day and trained a little
bit every single day. And that is what really kickstarted
me into wanting to work out and to gain fitness
and to gain strength. So after the season of Dancing
with the Stars ended, I decided that was when I
got the first personal trainer, and he was like, what

are your goals? And I showed him a picture of
somebody's abs that I like, and I was like, I
want that. He was like, all right, well, you're you're
pretty fit right now. And he was like, so honestly,
you could probably get there in like a year to
two years. What I was like, no, no, no, you don't understand,
like I will put in all the time, all the effort.
I want this in like three or four weeks. And
he was like, oh, that's not how it works. Especially

he was saying with your body type, you know, you
are already smaller, and so you have to you have
to make sure you're doing this the very smart, safe way.
And I was like, oh, so you're telling me two
years and he was like, uh huh, maybe even longer.
And I was like, okay, all right, here we go.
And the key is patience, and the key is time
and dedication, and it is the patience game is actually insane.

But the difference that you feel and the difference that
you can make in yourself, not in your physical body
that takes so much time, but the difference that you
can feel mentally happens almost instantly. You know, you might
have the one first or second day whe're like, oh
this sucks, but honestly, I can guarantee by that third
or fourth day, you're like, wait, I'm kind of into this.

I'm not gonna lie. I'm kind of having fun right now.
Something that makes it super important too to have fun
is something to do while you're working out, whether that's
music to listen to, podcasts to listen to. I would
recommend George Sea now if it was me, I'm just saying,
but anything you're into a TV show to watch, something
to keep your mind occupied, because working out is something

that you can do and let your brain go somewhere else,
you know what I mean. And so you can make
your body work while your brain is somewhere totally different,
and that is something that is key to keeping up
with working out. I feel like the last little bit
of advice that I would give for somebody just starting
to work out is you just have to start somewhere,

and you don't have to start with two hours a
day and go crazy and drink all the supplements and
you will lift all this weight and have all this
time and row. You must do co to you and
get your ass on the stammaster. Nah, you get in
ten minutes, five minutes, doesn't matter. How you start doesn't matter,
where you start. Anything is better than nothing, and a

little bit more every single day will make a world difference.
And eventually, you know, you'll get to a point where
you might want to wake up an hour early before
work to do something, to work out a little bit,
but also a little five minute it actually can change
your life. I all the time will go out to
my Roger and just do a five minutes sprint and
it is so much fun. Another thing is people think

you have to have a place to work out, you
have to have a gym to go to, you have
to have a quick your house. There are so many
free like free body weight. You know, you can do
any body weight exercises, and this is something that I
actually just started doing at the end of twenty twenty
three now continuing into twenty twenty four. There was this

day in twenty twenty three where I didn't work out
before I showered, and it was just like it was
just like a normal day. I lived my day and
then I was going to shower and go to sleep,
and I was like, I didn't do anything physical today,
Like I feel funny, and so I was like, all right,
I'm just gonna do I was at that time I
was like, I'm just gonna do ten squats, ten push
ups and like ten setups and call it a day
and then hop in the shower. So I did that, fine, whatever.

The next day I go to shower and I was like, wait,
I gotta do my ten squats and my ten push
ups with my ten setups. And then I was like, whoa,
this is weird. What's going on with me? And it
actually developed into a habit. Well, then I started to
add a little bit to it, add a little bit
to it, and now every time before I shower, I'm
currently in a routine where I run Bop, which is

my one of my songs from my old tour Dariam
the Tour. It's about a three minute song and it
is insane cardio dance. This is the hardest one we have.
I run Bop and then I do ten push ups.
I do ten leg raises for my abs, ten pulses
for my abs, ten little penguin abs, and then I
do ten plank twists and then ten tricep push ups.

Now that is a lot. I do that before every
single shower. So even I wake up in the morning,
normally my day routines, I wake up go downstairs, have
free workout. Go work out, come upstairs, do the pre
shower routine, hop in the shower. So even if I
work out, I still do that pre shower routine that
at night. Say I have a rehearsal all day and
I come home and I want a shower, go to sleep,

pre shower. Still gotta do that shower routine. And it's
interesting because I think the shower routine that I have,
honestly is a bit is a bit much. Even last night,
I was like, oh wow, I'm dreading showering because of
the showerutine. Right now, Wow, all right, let's just do it.
But there is something about being like, I'm gonna do
ten push ups before every shower, new ten jumpin jacks

before every shower. If you think about it, I was
doing the math I shower twice a day, right, So
for me, I'm gonna do bop seven and thirty times.
It's fucking wild, right, but I've committed to it. And
I was like, all right, here we go. And that
is the thing about me is your mind is so powerful.
I learned on Special Forces how truly powerful our mind is.

You tell yourself you are going to do something, you
can do it. Only person that's gonna make up an
excuse is you. It's gonna be you in your brain.
You can either make up the excuse on why to
do it or why not to do it, and that
is fully your choice. Now I wanna shift a little
bit into the world of eating. Now, this can be

a sensitive subject for some people. So this is my
this my head's up that we are going to chat
about my personal journey, my things that I have learn,
my foods that I have fallen in love with, and
my foods that I have avoided, and things that I've
learned about foods. That's just my head's up. Anyways. Eating

is so important to your physical health. It is actually
crazy what a difference it makes. I have gone through
some interesting phases with my eating habits, that is for sure. Uh,
And I've realized it, and I've realized what I needed
to do to fix it. And it's I mean, it's tough,

I will say, being a twenty year old girl, a
looking in a mirror every day, b posting on social
media every day and see having everyone tear you apart
on social media every day about everything you do. It's
very tough and it's very tough to like what you
look like. And immediately our brain goes to, oh if

I eat bad, sometimes even oh if I eat, I'm
not gonna like the way that I love. And I
had to learn in twenty twenty three that that is
not how it works at all. Zero doesn't matter, honestly.
Special Forces fixed fixed me, broke me, fixed me, broke me,

fixed me. Pre special Forces, you know, I had whatever
my habits were, they were, they were JANKI, but it
was it was fine. We were we were making it,
we were living. Then I went to Special Forces and
there was no option. There was no option to not
eat what they were giving you. There was no healthier option,
there was no better for you option, There was no
sugar free option. This is what it was. And you

had to eat what it was because you needed the
You needed the food in you, You needed the fuel
in you. We were burning so many calories a day
and already not getting enough calories and our food, and
so it was it was tough. You had no choice,
right So I was eating stuff that I hadn't eaten
in freaking two years. I was eating normal white bread.
You know. Now, I eat like as I eat Dave's

Dave's Killer Bread, which is like a healthy, good for you,
good ingredients protein fanciness bread. We'll talk about some of
my specifics that I like towards the end here, I
got some questions and I want to answer, and that
was one of them. But it was like normal white bread.
The brand of it. Not a clue would know. It
was on a platter, you know what I mean. And
then after special Forces, that turned into me eating absolutely

everything in my site. I went to a steak dinner
with my dad the couple days after and I was like,
I'll have the twenty eight ounce Porterhouse. My dad was like, Jojo, honey, Nope,
you like like an anounce fil a normally. And I
was like, I know, but I want this and I
ate every single bite. Now, I should not eat a
twenty eight port ounce Porterhouse. That is way too much
food for my body. But I was in a phase

of everything in my site just had to be eaten,
and that was tough. It was tough for me to
get out of that, and eventually I did and I
worked through it, and I'm I'm I found some better,
greater habits now that I'm very happy that finally developed,
But there is such a balance that you have to
find for yourself, and you have to know that everybody

is different and everybody and every body is so special
and so perfect. No matter what you look like in
the mirror, it's not about that. It is about what
you physically feel like, and that is something that's important.

You never know when our last daw on this earth is.
And you want that donut, eat that donut. If you
don't want that donut, because you might want your six
pack more that day, don't have your donut. Something that

I do with myself if I want a cupcake or
if I want a milkshake, you know, I look at
it and I go, all right, would I rather have
this or the six pack? And some days the answer
is the six pack, And other days it's like, absolutely,
the Krumbo cookie flavors look way too good. This week,
I am absolutely having every single one of them and
not gonna regret it for a second. Then I normally

give myself a stomach ache because I typically eat very
healthy and pretty sugar free, and so I normally get
a stomach ache anytime I have anything. And then I'm like,
all right, and I will see you again. In about
three weeks, I'll do the same thing, and it does
a habit that just relapses. Every few weeks. I just
go into a sugar coma and it is actually amazing.
It is one of the best and worst feelings that

I feel in my life. But it's fun. So yeah,
I think that's something that's just so important to talk
about that when you really dive into gaining strength, physical health,
watching and making sure you are getting the nutrition that
your body needs and wants is so important. Yes, your

body needs a specific amount, but your body also wants
some things. You have to listen to your body and
you have to give it those things that it wants,
because overall, happiness is what matters and sometimes the only
thing that can make you happy. For me personally, there's
some shit food. I'm not gonna sugarcoat it. Some days

I just need eleven donuts. I wish I was kidding.
Whenever I go down the train a little bit, I
order about three dozen donuts and I eat about eleven
of them. It's really great, it's really amazing. It is honestly,
it is the most worth it and best stomachache I
ever can have. But then you know the next day,
we get right back into our habits of eating super
super healthy. Anyways, back to working out. I have something

fun that I always do, and this is just like
a personal thing that I don't know if people know
that I do or not, and then I'm gonna get
into some of your questions. But I like to do
this thing called stamina training. Now, a stamina training is
is it is something that a lot of artists do
but don't talk about, which is totally okay. But what
it is is basically, you do cardio exercises. So that

could be running, it could be jump roping, it could
be dancing, it could be biking, elliptical whatever. Your cardio
may be cardio of choice. And you sing while you
are doing this cardio and it is so hard and
it is so fun. You run out of oxygen, you
feel your lungs like squeezing for air because you're singing.
You're giving it everything you have, and then that end

of the song hits and you get a breather broom.
Next song starts and it is who Raisy. It is
such an adrenaline rush. And stamina training is one of
the reasons why I love working out so much because
that is what I do for my career. It's what
I do to prepare to go on tour. It's what
I do to prepare for live performances, to be able
to dance, to be able to sing. Get that stamina

freaking up. I'll stamina train for about thirty to forty
minutes a night, so I really go in on the
stamina training. And if i'm if I'm training for a tour,
you know it's gonna be more. If I'm in a
phase where it's not, then it'll be less. But maintaining
and just kind of keep in and up keep all.
My stamina training is something that I did not used
to do, and then when I had to tap back
into stamina, I was like, oh where did that go?

And I was like, all right, all right, all right,
we're gonna We're just gonna We're gonna do a little
bit now to just maintain what's happening. Yeah, stay, I'm
in the training. It's my fun, little baby. All right,
shall we answer some of your questions? I think we
shall all right, First time exercising, what should I do?
All right? First time exercising, you should stretch Number one.

Stretching before is so important little warm up, not a
not a twenty minute go all in on your stretching
three minutes. Get get that, get those muscles warm. I
can give you any advice for your first workout. Do
a couple jumping jacks, do a couple push ups, do
a couple sit ups, and repeat it about three times.
Get all those muscles working. You're jumping jacks. You know

you could do You could do like a ten ten
ten round. You could do like a twenty ten ten,
So that would be like twenty jumping jacks, ten push ups,
ten sit ups. You can do five five five. I
have this fun thing that I like to do where
I go backwards from one hundred, So I would do
one hundred jumping jacks, ten push ups, ten setups, then
do ninety jumping jacks, nine push ups, nine setups eighty

eight eight, seventy seven seven, and then you go all
the way down to ten one and one. That then
you can you can expand on that and you can
do one hundred jumping jacks, ten burpies, ten push ups,
one hundred and second plank, then ninety jumping jacks, nine burpies,
nine push ups, ninety second plank. You know what I
mean you can, you can really have fun with that.
You can work those numbers, and it can get really hard,

or it can just be simple to start. But I
would say, I would say, start with something small, have
fun with it, enjoy it, repeated a couple of times,
and then of course and also with a cool down.
Stretching in the end is very important, as is stretching
in the beginning, because you want your body to be
able to come back to life, you know what I mean.
You want your body to be able to recover properly

so that way you can work out again. A similar
question what to eat health Where do I start? Honestly, small,
small choices. One of the first like healthier choices that
I made was just drinking water, switching from water from
I mean, I used to drink everything under the sun, soda,

sugary juice, is sugary gatorades. I do look for things
with no added sugars in them. So they do make
sugar free gatorade, they make sugar free energy drinks, they
make sugar free sodas, they make sugar free, sugar free water,
all water sugar free. But water truly is the greatest
thing for you. You can you can get her. She's

the best. She will take care of you. The more
you drink, the better you'll feel. So definitely make that change.
It's hard, but then eventually you don't want anything else.
It's great. Another healthy option. Small changes and if you
want a burger, maybe check out a Lotus Fun you
know what I mean, little little changes. I will say

one of my favorite healthy food is Quest chips. They
taste just like regular chips. They've got the best players.
They got ranch barbecues, sweet chili, they have chili lime,
they have cheddar. I'm literally the number one fan of
Quest chips. It's actually insane, but they are so good.
They have so much protein on them. They are so

good for you. I would highly recommend h Quest chips.
Uh Any overall advice or tips that you can offer
to us, What resources do you like to use honestly
for working out? TikTok and YouTube? You can find some
great things on there if you look up on or
you know what else you can do? This is what

I do. I'll google like arm workouts. Then I go
to images and they will normally be like a sheet
of some sort on those images that will have like
a bunch of different workouts for your arms, and you
can do that for you can go generic and say arms,
or you can be like biceps, triceps, Deltoid's real deltoid.

You can really get into like specific muscle groups, or
you can just do like ab exercises and it'll come
up with a bunch of them. You can have fun
with that. Where do you like to shop for your
workout clothes? Truthfully, fabletics is my issue right now. I
love Fabletics, but I also really like to work out

in a hoodie and sweatpants. It is very hard, It
creates a lot of sweat, It creates a lot of heat.
But the reason why is so that way I'm prepared
to go on stage where there is lights, where there
is an audience, a crowd, a lot of us, a
lot of intense costumes. So I train in a honey
in sweats. But whatever you feel good in. Work out

in jeans if you want. I would not work out
jeans personally, but if you wanted to stage their own.
What is your workout playlist? Currently? I have three workout playlists.
I have my dad rock playlist, which consists of some ACDC,
some Queen, some bon Jovi, some Ozzy Osbourne, all those goodies.
Then I have my g flip album listen to their

album Drummer, and then I have my twenty twenty three
top hits playlist. So Spotify for me made a playlist
of all my top listen to songs and popped it
in one playlist and I was like, sick shuffle that.
What else? Morning or night workout? Honestly, it just depends.
Today I woke up and I was like, it's a
morning day, and then I was like, it's definitely a

night day. So I just it depends, honestly for me,
a little bit of both. Sometimes. If I had to
say overall, which I like morning definitely better. It gets
my day started off on the right butt. But there
is something about midnight workout that you just can't be
Who do you work out with? This is actually such
a great question, because I find that working out with

other people can be really fun and really inspiring and
it can be a good time. But overall, I do
like to work out alone best because I feel like
I focus the most. I feel like I'm not questioning
myself at all or judging myself at all, because I
think whenever I'm working out with somebody else, I think, like,

or are they looking at me? Or are they judging
my form y? Are they seeing if they're doing better
than me? Like? I really tend to question a lot,
and so I do find that I enjoy working out
alone best. But I didn't work out with one of
my best friends in the world, Tyler, and that was
so much fun. I love tie so much. I do

peloton rides with my brother, which is always a good time.
I do like to dance with my friends, so we
will train together out at the studio and dance and
have fun. And that could be called to work out.
But I am if I'm weightlifted, if I'm training, if
I'm doing ads, if I'm doing cardo at home, solo
and staming a training. I will never stand on a
train with anyone else in the room. It is one

of my biggest insecurities because I sound like a buffoon.
I mean, I'm sprinding on a treadmill while trying to
sing songs that I can't sing. It's amazinging, it's hilarious.
I sound crazy, but never in front of anybody else.
Oh my gosh, the freaking death of me. All Right, y'all,
I feel like that is pretty solid. Deep dive into

my workout life, into my little bits of tips, little
bits of tricks, little bits of advice. I hope you
enjoyed this podcast. Working out is something that I have
found so much love and so much happiness and so
much mental happiness in and I truly believe that everybody
in the world can. You just have to find the

right workouts for you. What's right for my dad isn't
right for me, and what's right for me isn't right
for my mom. But what's right for you will be
right for you. You just have to find it and you
just have to run with it. Good luck out there, everybody.
It's twenty twenty four. You got your fresh start ready
for you. If you're in New Year's resolutions type of person,
stick to those resolutions. Personally, I'm not a resolutions type

of person. I just like making good habits anytime of
the year. If that's your gig, man, now's your time
to shine. I hope you all had a good day today.
I hope you all continue having a good day today,
and I hope you have a good life. Go work out. Congratulations.
If you I feel like I'm a peloton instructor right now,
if you've been walking on the treadmill this whole time,
we're walking around this whole time. Congratulations, you have made

it to the end of your jogers. Would now podcast workout?
I love y'all and I'll see y'all soon. De says,
thank you so much for listening. Everybody, be sure to
follow us on Instagram and TikTok at Jojoes, would now
Podcast be sure to write us a review and maybe,
if you're feeling to leave us five stars, I'll see
you next week.
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