All Episodes

April 16, 2024 25 mins

JoJo's in her Bangerz era...and she's turning 21! What is JoJo's first adult performance? What's her idea for her 21st birthday party? What is her next single and who did she write it with?
Plus, what did JoJo tell Katy Perry at the iHeart Awards?! 

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
You're listening to jo Just One Now with me, Jojo
Seua and iHeartRadio podcast O.

Speaker 2 (00:08):
Welcome back to joj Just Cue Now. Today I am
answering the burning question what the fuck is next? And
welcome to the party of Honestly, we're all figuring it
out together. You know. It's kind of funny. My life
for the last three months has truly revolved around putting
Karma out for the world. And I had a moment

on April fifth. It was like the video had just
come out, the song had just come out. Sat down
so with my family. I was with my three closest
friends and I was like, guys, like, what do I
do tomorrow? What do I wake up and do? What
I what do I post? What do I say? What
do I wear? How do I act? Like literally what
do I do? And I was like, well, we'll figure

that out when we get there. I do have a
lot of really really exciting things coming up next, though,
I'll be honest, we didn't really know. I'm going to
talk about everything, but I'm gonna start in the music
world because music for me is the most important thing
right now. It is the leading lady of my career

and it is the direction that I want to take
my career in, and so it was very important to
me that that was the fronting man for me. And
for me, I wanted this adult you know, first moment.
I wanted it to be Karma because it is so
strong in being a head turner, you know what I mean.
Having the first words come out of my mouth be
I was a bad girl gives me every single bit

of Miley Cyrus Banger's era that I have ever wanted.
That was a big goal with me, is I wanted
this to not replicate, not copy, not duplicate, but be
inspired by. And I grew up when Miley Cyrus you know,
did her Banger's transition, and I fucking loved it. I

was eight years old at the front row of the concert,
like I can remember seeing that like it was yesterday,
And so for me, I was really excited to have
a chance to make a moment like that. And I
was like, all right, you know what, this is time
to shine and saying I was a bad girl wearing
these extravagant costumes, making a song that people are gonna

say huh too. That every step of that was a
piece of this puzzle, you know, what I mean, and
then the music video getting as crazy with the concept
as possible and as large with the concept as possible
to make people go what you know? What I mean?
That is? That is all I wanted, And I think

I think people maybe said what a little bit too much?
But I ain't complained about it. I mean, the success
of the song has been actually unbelievable. I mean I
remember when it first came out, the way that I
was feeling was just like, how is this real life?
Like this is There's no way this is real. There's
no way this is the life that I am living

right now. There's no way this is me? Like, what
is happening? This is actually insane. But it it's been
so satisfying. That is one thing I can for sure say.
It's been very hard, but it has been very, very satisfying.
When we came up with that, we wanted to release
Karma first. When I really really put my foot down,

was like, this is what's happening. Karma's first. We didn't
know what was going to be. Second. I had a
few songs that are really good follow ups to Karma,
if that makes sense musically, but I didn't know which
one I was gonna want to put out first, essentially,
and then all of a sudden, the world's reaction to

Karma made me think of a different song that I have,
and it was not on this original list of what
could come out second. But then the thing is, is
Karma to the world became a lot of people's guilty pleasure,
and people were being dicked about Karma, but they were
listening to it. People were being dicks about Karma, but
they were talking about it. People were being dicks about Karma,

but they were watching it. And it made me realize
that maybe this song that I was never thinking should
go second is actually the most perfect song to come
out second. And uh, the thing is, is this song
what fun part about it? It is not. It's not finished.
So now came up with this idea about three weeks

into our Karma released plan, once we kind of figured
out the world's reaction, and I told everybody at my label,
I was like, hear me out this song next. And
I'm being cautious of if I if I say the
title or not, because I don't want to give too
much away. But the world, with Karma being a guilty pleasure, truly,
truly decided the next the next Steps, so the new

the second song that's coming out. I actually had a
big hand in writing, and everybody's favorite popster in the world,
Megan Trainer also wrote it with me, So it was me,
Megan and a writer named Matthew Koma and then uh
Paul DJ White Shadow and Megan's brother Justin Jay Train.
He also produced on it as well as White Shadow,

and that that song is so special. That song of
course has meaning behind it. You know, if I'm gonna
write a song, I'm gonna write a song with meaning.
But here's the fun thing. A song doesn't get to
have one meaning. A song gets to have however many
meanings it possibly can. Because let's say, let's just carm
me for a good example, right, I have stuff that

I can relate that song to, but what you can
relate that song to might be completely different from me.
And so I don't ever want to stuff my songs
into a box and be like, this is what it means,
is a story it's about, and this is why I
did this song because it's gonna mean something totally different
to you. Because no one walks in your shoes, no
one paid your bills, no one lives in your house.
It is you. It is your life. You you know

your stories, and you know what you've done, you know
what you're gonna do. You know your life. And so
that's why music is such a fun art is because
it is so it's so easy to manipulate, to fit
into being whatever you want it to be. And then
you know, as soon as I decided that though, we
had to get to work really really really really fast.

And I called my music video director and I was like, hey, Mark,
new music video, new song. Don't have an idea yet,
but keep these dates on hold. Then I called him
back literally three minutes later, and I was like, I
have an idea. Can I come over tonight? And he
was like, how did you come up with one that fast?
I was like, when you know, you know, man? And
then my choreographer, Richie actually called me and he had
come up with a whole nother idea and I actually

didn't even end up telling Ritchie my idea because I
liked Ritchie's idea way more than mine. And so then
I called Mark back, the director, and I was like,
lies still have the idea, It's just a new idea
that Richie has can we still come over tonight? He
was like, of course, let's go. Let's talk about it,
and then we hammered through the video idea. This song
is currently getting hammered through we believe it or not.

We don't have any official plans yet for it, but
we do. We do know what's happening. We are ready
for it, but we are now. We were in a
marathon where it was like a cute little jog. You know,
you want to save your energy, You got a really
far away to go. We are in a fucking sprint
right now. We are sprinting for dear life. We are

running as fast as we possibly can to get this
next song is next. Look out there. A few weeks ago,
when Karma released, I got to do these uh little
Weeho bar poppins, and then I had a party at
a bar in Weho called Heart just for my friends
and family. We made Club Karma, and I honestly I

got to play a few songs that are unreleased. I
played one called Chi's a Fighter, one called Balanced Baby,
and these two songs. I was really excited for the
world's reaction too, because I you know, I didn't know
what people thought yet truly about Karma. I knew people
were hating him being dicks because I'm not gonna it's

fun to be you know what I mean. But now
with Balance babe, and she's your fighter. There are so
many viral tiktoks that have happened of people being like,
she should put it this shit out first, this song
is fire, and I was like, no, no, no, no no.
That's why that song is not first. That's why that
song is not first because I got you to talk first,
I got you to think first, and now I'm gonna

follow it up with some strong ass shit. And whether
people like it or not, Karma Karma musically is a
good song. It is not. It's not the best song.
There is no such thing as the best song. But
the thing about Karma, the reason why she is so
special and why she is for me this perfect song

to come out first, it's because the way you have
to talk about it, the way that the word of
Karma translates, the way that you know this song is
so head tony. If I was to put out Balance
Baby first, which maybe is a better song, that's not
the right first moment. And so anybody out there that's

been like oh, marketing team. Marketing team first. Number one,
I am my marketing team. Second, people are talking, And
that to me was something that was so important to
get people to do because even though it might not
be my best song musically, it is my best song
for a head turn and my best song to get
people talking. And that is why I knew it was

so important for Karma to come first. And I feel
like now the Internet is actually kind of rounding a
corner with Karma being like, wait, okay, maybe maybe a
little bit, And I'm like, bitches, I've been here, I've
been saying, I've been saying, y'all gonna enjoy it. It's
been really fun. I also, I have been teasing Karma
for oh my god, six months now, and there's just

a lot that people didn't really realize necessarily I was teasing,
but as I was teasing it, and now for about
a month, I have been teasing our little next moment.
I almost just like flat out said what it was,
let me not do that. But I've been teasing it
and it's it's been fun. And there was this TikTok

with Karma with this girl was like predicting JoJo's new stuff.
She literally said, Karma's a bitch. Number one. What else
would you say abou Karma? Everybody says Karma's a bitch.
Number two. I have put that everywhere in my life
for the last three months. I have put it on
every outfit. I've put it in my fucking room. I
have put it in captions, I put it in posts,

I've put it in interviews. I have said Karma, Karma's
a bitch, good girl, bad girl for so long that yes,
she predicted it, but she just literally shared what I've
been sharing. She just picked up on it. The fun
thing is I've been doing the same thing for what's
coming and like specifically next, but also what's coming not

just next but in a bit from now. I've been, honestly,
I've been teasing what's coming next, like literally the next step,
but then also what's coming next very far out into
the future. And it's kind of been fun. It's kind

of been a like cheeky game of like play as
you go, because only I know so much. I mean,
I can't predict too far into the future, but I
do know. Look, you look at me, and you you
get what you get, and I just I don't know
I am, I am who I am. You get what
you get. I just I don't know. I uh, I'm

having fun with it, and I think that's something that's
really important to me. This career is something that I
have loved my whole life, but I have also had
times where it's not been fun for me, and I
have learned that it is so important that I keep
it fun for me. And one of the ways that
I can do that is challenge myself by seeing, you know,
how creative can I get with something. I did a

post where I was balancing on one leg and now
that I've shared balance baby a little bit, and I
did that I as I was capturing that post, I
actually captured it, and I was like, Karma photo shoot post.
Then I was like, oh my god, I'm an idiot.
Boom boom delete. This is on balance baby post. Like
just like little stuff like that that like I come

up with as I'm doing it is very fun. The
celebrity reaction to Karma was literally crazy. I mean, everyone
has been so supportive of it. A few little standoup
moments Gene Simmons. I mean, of course, people have been
called me out for copying kisses Luck, which honestly, on
set of Karma, it would have been much easier if

I just told my makeup on his look, I want
to look like Gene Simmons from Kiss, because that is
exactly what I fucking looked like. But we didn't plan that.
I don't know how that happened. It crossed nobody's mind
until like randly halfway through the day someone was like,
you look like you could be a kissed and I
was like, oh, you're so right. But Geene Simmons, I mean,
he gave TMZ the sweetest quote ever. So that was
freaking amazing. When I was at iHeart Radio Music Words,

I was in the full black Beast fit and somehow
Katy Perry recognized me, and that actually made me like
shit a brick. I never met Katy Perry before. I
actually have a really funny story. I go up to
her and I was like, I love you, and she
was like, oh my god, jojo hi, and I was
like I'm gonna go now, and I ran. I ran

because I just like panicked. I love Katy Perry and
so then my buther says like, yo, do you want
to take a picture with her? And I was like,
of course, like I would die too. So we go
up next to her and I was like, hey, back again,
can we take pictures to thegether? And she was like,
oh my god, of course. And I don't know why,
but my brain went to say to her and I'm
sure she said this two thousand times, but she was
like I told her. I was like, oh my god,
I came out to my friends and family to your song.

And she was like she she said to me, she said,
which one?

Speaker 1 (13:54):
Katie Hot and Cold et roar?

Speaker 2 (14:00):
I kissed the girl? What song? What? What does Kate
am I living under a rock? Does Katie Perry have
multiple songs that you could come out to people too?
She very well might. But I mean, I feel like
I kissed the girls pretty obvious, But I don't know
that was honestly, like, that is a celebrity interaction that, like,
I hope I never forget because Katy Perry asking me
what song I came out to to my family of

her songs is just iconic. Lil nas X was also
super supportive. We both have a dancer. His name is
Amari and he dances for both of us, and so
Mari had a birthday party and we both were there,
and he uh, he was really sweet. He was like,
I just want to tell you, like, what you're doing
right now is awesome, Like keep keep going, keep pushing.

We need this, the world needs this. You're making art,
You're being an artist, like keep going, no matter how
hard it gets, keep going. And that was really inspiring
to hear from him. I mean, Lil Nas is also
a fucking amazing artist that gets it and is down
to just clown and I think that is something that
is so important about the art that I'm making, is
you just gotta be down right now. One of the

things that's happening immediately is we are filming our second
music video actually this week, which is so exciting the
concept of this music video. Honestly, when I found out
this was happening, I we were in the middle of
Karma release plan, and I literally was like, honestly, Karma,
good luck, Like I wish you nothing but the best
of luck. I'm gonna focus on this one now. And

I kind of kicked Karma to the side of the
road for a second so I could really focus on
this next moment, and I am so happy that I did,
because this next one, I even was telling it to
my friend Malia, who is one of the girls in
the Karma music video. She's also gonna be in this
next music video, and she was like, she has this
really funny like language that she uses, and she was like,
dare I say this is gonna be better than Karma,

And dare I say, I don't even care about Karma anymore?
And I was like no, literally, and she was like,
I thought, we did our biggest on set of Karma. Oh,
we are doing our absolute biggest on the set of
d D DA DA. That's not the song Don't worries
not called da, although that is probably some shit that
I would call a song, but I'm not going to Also,

coming up very soon, I am performing for the very
very first time live in a very long time. I'm
doing Miami Pride. It will be my first time performing Karma.
I'm also performing three new unreleased songs, one little cute,
cheeky gay song that I wrote, and then one old

old faithful can Never Forget About Boomerang, And I am
so beyond excited. I have been waiting to perform like
this for so long, and just seeing the way that
the Weho clubs last week reacted to Karma. I mean,
it has gotten me so pumped up for this live performance.

It is gonna be Miami, so it's gonna be a ball.
It's a Pride performance, so it's gonna be a ball.
It is my first performance, so it's gonna be a ball.
Me six hands are we've had. But it has been
so so satisfying, so great and so much fun, truly,
and I'm ready. I've already committed to a few other performances.

I love it. They're not easy to do. They are
fully self funded by me, and so it's a lot
to get these these shows on stage, but it is
so so worth it, and I uh, I enjoy it
so much, and so it's like, you know what, let's
fucking go. Let's have a good time. Another thing that's
massive for me that I'm really looking forward to is

being back on tour. I have gotten pitched so many
tour offers and none of them have been right just
quite yet. It's just a little too soon. But when
I tell you, I am holding on for dear life
for the day that I can be like, let's go,
and everybody knows, everyone's on standby, they know I don't
want some puny, little ten city tour. They know I
don't want some little fifty city America tour. They know

I want to go world tour as many times as
we can, like put my ass on stage five hundred times, please, Duram.
The tour was one hundred and thirty four shows. We
need at least that we at least need that we
cannot do any less than that. That tour was also
spanned across five years, which is actually insane. But yeah,

I've definitely, I've definitely planned what the next tour will
look like and what I envision it to look like.
But of course, because it is far away, you know
that will change and manipulate over the next year or so.
But I think the same way that April fifth crept
up on me really really fast. I think, whenever this
tour comes, that's gonna it's gonna come fast, and no
matter what, time never stops moving. And that is one

thing that I am mad grateful for also coming up
next for me in my career. That's kind of everything
in the music world. I mean, there's there's so much
to come, but that's pretty much everything that I am
ready to share with you. There's a lot there's a lot,
but that is everything that I feel like I want
to share right now. But something that was kind of

a fun on the little side of my career, the
Dance Mom's Reunion that is coming up right around the corner.
I very excited for it. It's gonna be really fun.
We had two like sixteen hour days on set that's
getting edited down to. Honestly, I don't even know how long,
but I know it will not be that long. Imagine
thirty six hours of a Dance Walms reunion off. Y'all

had to relive those days on set with me. Oh,
you would not want it, but yeah, we did the
Dance Moms Reunion. It was really fun. It was Me, Klawney,
Page Brook, Chloe and Kindle and then all of our
moms except for Chloe's mom, Christy, she couldn't make it.
It was fun. The dynamic at first was a little funky,
I'm not gonna lie, but then we kind of found it.
We had fun, We laughed, we cried, we all got

really open with each other, we got really honest. It
was really good. It was really good. I'm excited to
see how it's edited. We all get to do press
in New York together, which is gonna be really fun. Weird.
We all kind of have like a sisterhood bond that
will just literally never go away no matter what. And
what's interesting is even though me, Chloe Page, and Brooke

never were on the show itself together, somehow we had
that same sort of sister bond, which kind of blew
my mind because I was like, I literally don't know
you guys, but like you feel like family. How is
that possible? And that's what do they say? They say
trauma bond. Okay, I feel like the last thing that

I want to talk about that I am actually really
excited about my twenty first birthday. It's coming up a
little bit over a month May nineteenth. I will be
turning twenty one, which is absolutely fucking wild. I cannot wait.
I will be in New York just before my birthday
to do some press, but then I think I'll actually

end up being back in LA for my birthday. And
I have this idea for a birthday party that I
want to do. I want to do everything but alcohol,
everything but bar, and so it's gonna be like normally
your twenty first birthday, I mean, you get shitfaced. It's
what you do on your twenty first But for me,
I don't enjoy drinking. I really don't believe it or not.
I was a bad girl. I did some bad things,

but I don't drink, and so I, uh, you know,
I I but I have before. I've drank in other
countries where it's legal. I'm open about. I've drank inside
the comfort of my home with my family. I've tried it,
hated it, didn't want to touch it. But my family
has always been very good about being like, look, if
you want to try something, tried inside the house with us,

so you don't need to go sneak out, you don't
need to go to a friend's house. And also all
my friends were always older than me and we're like, no,
this is stupid, don't drink. And so I was like, okay,
this is but I don't want to drink. But yeah,
tried things in foreign countries and honestly, like just genuinely
hated it. I in my house, I just tried like
a sip of my dad's whatever, or a drink at

my mom's white claw or whatever anyone was drinking at
the time. But then I went to Ireland with my
mom and it was like I was finally legal age
should drink there, and it was like, let fucking go.
I had everything under the sun, the moon, the sky,
the stars. I had it all. Literally. We went to

a restaurant. They had a list of shots and I
was like, bring them all. I didn't want to try
them all, but I wanted to like smell them. I
wanted to visually see them so that way I could
like pick which one I wanted. Hated them all, it's disgusting,
literally discussing. Then my mom was like, well, get this.
It's like a mixed drink. It's sweet, you'll like it.
I was like, okay, got the mixed drink and I
was like, this tastes great, but like, I'm not about

to have a four hundred calorie alcoholic beverage, Like absolutely not.
I'm already a very healthy eater. I was like, that's
going fuck with my stomach and I am not down,
and uh yeah, honestly, since then, I haven't touched it.
I just don't like it. It's just not my vibe.
So for my twenty first birthday, we're gonna do everything
but alcohol, and we're gonna do a coffee bar, a

smoothie bar, a juice bar, a latte bar. We're gonna
do like I V trips. We're gonna do like all
every drink, macha bar, every drink we can come up with.
We're gonna do that everything but alcohol. No alcohol at
the party. And one friend actually who's sober and so
he he can't come to any of my parties because

there's normally alcohol around for people. But he was like,
I can come to this one, and I was like,
you absolutely can, because there will be no alcohol. There
will be so fun and it's just I feel like
that's a very meant thing to do. It's like the
cheeky opposite of what you're supposed to do it. So
I was like, all right, Also, why the fuck have
I said cheeky forty two times in this podcast? I literally, honestly,
it's probably because I talked to my I talked to

my friend from the UK last night, but she doesn't
even really say so I don't I don't know, honestly,
don't don't care. I'll take it. It's cheeky, it's fun.
I'm trying to think if I missed anything else that's
coming up next for me. I mean there's so much.
There's so much in the works. There's so much that

is happening literally on the daily. I mean I get
four text that's like, hey, do you want to do this?

Speaker 1 (24:02):

Speaker 2 (24:02):
Fuck me. Something that's coming up that I am so
excited about is my Pride merch. I just got the
proofs of it.

Speaker 1 (24:09):
It is so good.

Speaker 2 (24:11):
I'm not sla talk about it yet though, so I'm
probably gonna get in a little bit of trouble for this,
but it's fine. We're all gonna live. The Pride merch
is actually insane this year. I am so excited. Finally
feels like a really good Pride collection.

Speaker 1 (24:24):
You know.

Speaker 2 (24:24):
I had a Pride collection last year and it it
was cute, it was fun, but it wasn't wasn't this
This is like, oh, this is actually freaking lit. Like
even if you're not a Jojo fan, which is totally fine,
Like this Pride stuff is like still really cool for
just anybody. So yeah, I'm very very excited about that.

All right, troops, I uh, I think that is it.
I got a fun day ahead of me. I got
rehearsals right now, so I am gonna get out of here.
I'm gonna head over to studio Seeua. I'm gonna bust
down train. The next project's coming up so so soon
for you. I am so excited for the future. Thank
you so much for hanging out with me. I will

see you all so very soon. Or if you're just listening,
I will talk to you very soon. You will hear
me very soon. I don't know. I don't know. I
should figure out how to word that properly. Anyways, I
love you and I will see you next week. Goodbye.
Thank you so much for listening.

Speaker 1 (25:23):
Everybody. Be sure to follow us on Instagram and TikTok
at Jojesua Now podcast.

Speaker 2 (25:28):
Be sure to write us a review.

Speaker 1 (25:30):
And maybe, if you're feeling to leave us five stars.

Speaker 2 (25:32):
I'll see you next week.
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