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January 30, 2024 12 mins

Find out why Bethenny was brought to tears over some Real Housewives and their claim to fame. Plus, is there bad blood with Lisa Vanderpump?!?

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Speaker 1 (00:13):
I'm laughing, and I want to make sure I'm getting
this right. You guys will correct me. But I see
that there was something online about like someone on Salt
Lake City. One of the women on Salt Lake City
correct me if I'm wrong, Meredith wanting to own like
the bathtub thing like that a hotel has to have bathtubs,
but that's Teresa's thing. So either people or Teresa was

saying that that's her thing. And I'm crying. First of all,
when I go to a hotel for years, it's been
a requirement that the hotel room has to have a bathtub,
and I've sometimes forgotten and I get there and there's
only a shower, and I'm really disappointed, Like I kind
of want to move rooms because I like to take
a bath, particularly like you're relaxing, you're about to do

an appearance, you're in a different city. You want to
put your hair up in a clip, not get your
hair wet, and take a relaxing bath. I am a
big bather, and some people are freaked out by bathers.
I'm a bather. People freaked out Which're like in your
own water, And then people say you have like rent
out before after I'm a bather, and I just got
a new apartment in New York City that has two
and a half bathrooms. But the bathroom in my bedroom

only has a shower, a gorgeous, stunning shower, but doesn't
have a bathtub, which drives me nuts because I have
to go into the other room, which is like a
flex room, but it's really my daughter's room when we're there,
and so now I'm having to go into that room
to take a bath. But I'm laughing because like people
or Teresa, you know, want to like own the bathtub thing,
which is like a lot of people in the world

want to go to a hotel and take a bath.
And it's reminding me of back when I was on Housewives,
when I read skinny girl red was a thing and
people used to wear red. I used to tell them
to wear red to the signings. They used to come
to my signings and everybody would be wearing red and
it was like a tone of red and it was
skinny girl red and like I owned the color red,

which is because I didn't own the color red, but
like I, it was skinny girl red. So then years
later Ramona copied that and would wear this color blue,
like wear this dress blue or have things that were blue,
and she'd like call it blue, but if someone else
wore the color, she would say, like, there, it's my thing.
It's Ramona blue. And it just makes me laugh because
it's so stupid and it's so housewives to like care

about a color and care about a bathtub and care
about owning something that's so dumb and doesn't matter. And
it's like housewives want to own everything. They want to
own a trip, like we're going away and you know,
and we're going to Jamaica and it's this gorgeous house
and housewives will club each other for it to be
like their house. It was a big fight between Romona
and Derinda on this Miami trip because Ramona was like

owning the trip and she knew someone who knew someone
whose house it was. But all of this is bullshit
because the producers found the house, but like they know
the name of the guy whose house it is, and
I guess like someone happened to know the guy, so
then that person is like, well wait a second, I
know them, or like it was us going to the
Mayflower this place in Connecticut for Luan's like post rehab

trip when she got out after she got arrested, and
like I had suggested it, but I guess Derenda also
suggested it, or she suggested it first, or she had
been there before, or like who fucking cares? Like what's
wrong with us? What's wrong with people? Like who fucking
ca who cares? What viewer gives a shit? That is
Derenda gonna get an extra prize? I went there one time,

I like, got a massage there. Now I own the
fucking place, Mayflower like who cares? Like I It's like
so insecure. I've want to own something that doesn't matter
that you don't really own. Well, no, I know my friend,
my friend's cousin went there one time. I got a massage,
so it was my idea. It's like everyone wants the
credit for something that literally doesn't matter and it doesn't

matter what it is. It's like Vicky wants the credit
for being the first one of the first series. You know,
I was an og Sonya. It drives Sonya nuts that
she wasn't an og because she didn't come till the
second season or maybe and then Kelly came in the
third season. But like they want to pretend that they're OG's,
but like who cares? Who cares? Portia was an iconic housewife,

so is Phador. They weren't OG's. Brandy was a good housewife,
Like it doesn't matter. It's so incredibly stupid. Erica Jane
is like a diva housewife. She wasn't an OG. What
is it? Tamera? But like it bothers them that they
weren't an original OG. It's like so incredibly stupid, the
things that people want to lift their dog legs and
urinate over because they don't matter. So owning a color,

owning a spa, owning a trip, owning the housewives, you know,
Nini was one of the originals. Like none of this
stupid stuff matters. And that's so housewives for everyone to
care about things that don't matter. Speaking of houswise, I

saw Sonya a couple of nights ago at Ryan Murphy's
screening slash premiere of his show coming out on FX
and Hulu called Feud Capodi Versus the Swans. Diane Lane
is in it, Chloe seven Ye, Demi Moore, Callista Flockhart.
I think Emma Roberts is in it. I saw her

at the premiere it is amazing this thing. So Ryan
Murphy has for his shows over fifty Emmys combined, three
hundred nominations. He is such a legend, so iconic, and
he's produced this show. I went to the first premiere
years ago for the Feud and Jessica Lang and Susan

Sarandon were in that one, and it was like over
the iconic and true feud between I think it was
Betty Davis and I forget who fade done away? And
now this is like a different generation of socialites, like
the true Social Lights, the original Social Lights, the Babe Paley,
the rich rich women in the fifties, sixties, seventies, and

Truman Capodi and like it's so genuine, it's so Rian Murphy.
So he I see this invitation to this black and
white ball after this screening, and I show up in
this dress that I've had in my closet for years,
this velvet shoulder pad powerful that when was I ever
gonna wear it as a slit up to the thigh.
It's velvet, it's got cuffs, it's got a dramatic shoulder,

it's got crystals on it. Like I literally bought it
thinking there's never gonna be a place to wear this
insane dress, and this easily five six years later was
the place. It's such a dramatic Joan Collins Dynasty dress,
and I wore it and I stuck the landing on
the glam and I walk in and the first people

I see are DJ Quintero, who cut my hair short
years ago. Does Katie Holmes' hair was there to me
that night doing her hair, and her team was deep.
I'm my own stylist, you know, my own fashion stylist,
but this is Deme Moore's team. DJ on hair, Christopher

Buckle on glam, Brad Goreski on wardrobe, and she stuck
the landing. Her dress was so extraordinary, her look was
so extraordinary. Then we move into me seeing Mark Jacobs
telling him his makeup brush, which they no longer make,
but he said he'll bring back is the best foundation
brush ever made. Then moving into seeing Zach Posen, and

then Kevin Euvane and Brian Lord, who run Hollywood. They
own CIA. They are power gays and they represent Ryan
Murphy and like they represent Meryl Streep and Diane Lane
and Julia Roberts and you know, Kevin cold called Oprah
years ago represented her for years. Sarah Jessica Parker like

Ellen DeGeneres's business manager. He was there, Brandon Flynn, who
sat behind me, and the screening, he was, of anybody here,
there's no one I could ask and want to sit
next to more than you, And like that was happening,
and Gus Vancent directed and then I see, of course,
I see Sonya as Leane likes to call her in

a crown, and I'm like, she's here. It was amazing,
and I had such a good time. It was worth
leaving the house. I'd never want to go to anything.
And I said to Ryan, only you could get me out,
Like only you, I never want to go to anything.
And the post party was at the plaza. Everybody dressed
in black and white. Naomi Watts looked amazing. I didn't
even know she was married to Billy Croudup, did not

know that happened. She her kids went to the same
school as Brynn, and I used to see her in
Liev Molly Ringwald amazing, give me a giant, warm smile,
took a photo, got in, like walked into a photo
that I was in, Like I was in with these
four drag queens in the middle of the dance floor
in my slit, and one of them had a matching slit,

so my slit was I think, on the left and
hers was on the right, or vice versa. But these
big drag queens dressed in like full like socialite clutching
your pearls Audrey Hepburn type dresses. They were there and
I took a picture with them. I was right in
the middle of the picture holding my round oscar To
lorent bag designed by Fernando Garcia that he gave me. Gave,
didn't lend because I'm not one who wants to be

lent anything. I want to buy it or I want
you to give it to me. Those are the choices.
I'm not interested in borrowing. It's degrading. I'm not giving
it back, you send it. I'm keeping it, or I'm
buying it. Those are our choices. With the exception of Fernando,
I was at the last minute crunch and I borrowed
a red dress for an MTV Award thing. But like,

I'm keeping it and I'm not even gonna wear it.
I just want to look at it, or the option.
I'd like the option to keep So anyway, I had
my round clutch that Fernando gave me for the Emmys
years ago, and I had an Alex Perry dress on
for the Emmys years ago that he gave me. And
at this event the ball Man gown I bought like

ninety percent off six years ago. So I'm in the
middle holding this ball drag queens all around me, and
Molly Ringwold steps into the picture like I want to
be in this picture, and like she like knew who
I was. You could tell she was like kind of
giving it to me. And Deborah Harry same thing, gave
it to me. So I know Blondie's the band and
it's Deborah Harry, but like Deborah Harry, me, Molly Ringwold,

and four drag queens in one photo. That's the microphone.
It just dropped. What more could I want in my life?
What more could I want in my life than to
me in a picture with Molly Ringwold, Deborah Harry and
four drag queens? What else could I want? Enough? Dig
the I mean, with the exception of needing to be

here for my daughter, dig the goddamn hole. Put me
in the box. We're done. Ryan Murphy premier Christopher Buckle
brag Goreski. I mean, you know, Zach posed in it.
And then I see Sonia and I did a TikTok
with Sonya. Why because it's iconic and I love to
do iconic shit. It was so fun, And she's like

telling me the same story over and over about the
trip that I don't know about, like the Housewives trip
they all went on, and she talked about me and
you know, that whole story on a loop and loved
Sonia and loved to run into her and her daughter's
doing well and living in la and has a great
job and all's well over there. In other unrelated Housewives news,

Lyssa vander Pump is disappointed and Raquel for sharing her
post Scanda All story on my podcast Crime a River.
Where was she going to share her story at Pump
over some rose that she's recovered from and trauma? I
don't think so. Sorry, not sorry, We're still all bitter
that Raquel months ago came on my podcast and is

thrilled she did that was like the epic epic example
of jealousy, Like that guy club Shay who had on
Kat Williams. That comedian was saying, like people got so
upset and jealous, not because of the story, but because
they shared it on his podcast, which wasn't like, you know,
hadn't blown up like that. And it's the same thing

that people are still bitter that Raquel came over to
my podcast, which she's still thrilled about. Like I'm thrilled,
ihearts thrilled, Raquel's thrilled. Lisa vander Pump not thrilled, will
take it. We're all good, and I like Lisa, and
Lisa's what you know, great, enjoy your success, enjoy your life,
enjoy your bar, enjoy your show's enjoy Bravo. All good,

but like we're all okay that you're disappointed. We're fine
with it because we are appointed and thrilled
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