All Episodes

April 6, 2024 25 mins

Hoy platicamos con Sofía Rivera Torres, integrante del elenco de "Tu Vida es Mi Vida". Ell desglosó aspectos cruciales de su participación en la serie, además de compartir sus planes fuera de la pantalla chica. La producción encabezada por Angelli Nesma, promete ser un drama intenso lleno de intriga, traición y venganza.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Oh gen knows, how are you promise afelix alas we
have real bolas bag.

Speaker 2 (00:11):
To the suki you inferat romantic Dula tried.

Speaker 1 (00:23):
Skvan no nasty his persona for sim and me in.

Speaker 2 (00:31):

Speaker 1 (00:31):
Okay, start on Jam James, grant the pro the program, square,
the in personal and who experience your more this You
got to experience your grandams, your analos as you want
to talk ya impo say mon can is to your

own persona, I stas historia agensmos and fim and then.

Speaker 3 (01:11):
A munda now and Jessurna Keria trees came a yeah
and Lesquelasco malport RelA and let us super palk Real
Sarah Conductago mass A Ya Spanos commons and Nidos y

transis Alta Guando cases and Mexico servant Ana and San
Diego Yam Tennessee and percent rais Mexicanos, Sara fasil is
a two kapt a Yam Talabas Suera icagomestrm sor cos
Ma mam route and Tosainova when I and present Lake Talentosa,

Sophia Resco.

Speaker 1 (02:04):
Wow impressed, Nada impressed your name alonso Es and San Diego,
the Moi afladar the gargano public.

Speaker 4 (02:21):
As the post i mean we contend to cap i
just because as cathletic Arcanos via porquet client conquista and
callosmos are them we have no person and being interest
in them and the tol me via co.

Speaker 3 (02:38):
Protagon Valentino l lows ca ports and sales quentas the
persona and Italian to ens dich nois soon and lost
person permitten circum las cases can a noise and look
at the style quentam Italian feeling Como title.

Speaker 1 (03:04):
Cal In clever Natalia and my last Parvi and this
salon precises pe projecto est persona mon salez respective and
this persona yam and Peppe Paula Joe Interpreto and nataliaque
Paula la si A, Paola Lotto les tetri Anguloso p

complete and c for Calam and samos.

Speaker 2 (03:35):
Poe con al fasil.

Speaker 3 (03:43):
We have real.

Speaker 1 (03:45):
Bolgonesa, mixed things up, faster things up, I re la
pie Yeah Canino, the SIPs like Peppeno and Jega nataliaes
the sonati.

Speaker 2 (04:04):
Alista super dua is super intelligent.

Speaker 1 (04:10):
Ms like Storia Jela and Natalia, the Numa mam the Coqueierra,
the Loo Nina super nice if amos bien, the the
own background, super mill Pla.

Speaker 2 (04:31):
Cencias Uda at the Cencias.

Speaker 1 (04:37):
Pars Ca Lamtlanta, summum Ma Rosa and.

Speaker 2 (04:47):
Are maas super Cancer.

Speaker 1 (04:52):
Contra its time for masterly contral Cancer mene tandos con
semo mostio cancer and ast familiar Yes albums is over the.

Speaker 2 (05:05):
Gardens and in coom natal Rosa, not in the Neo
natal again las only par Ma sl la.

Speaker 1 (05:18):
Vida and some does enredos yes Malanas and lascenos Lavosdiendo
Jack Amazon and randolos Persona last Rita.

Speaker 3 (05:30):
Super Las Winter, Santa Porto and okay resta moui veno
because the lost con Amo Lava floor is pent s.

Speaker 2 (05:43):
This is.

Speaker 3 (05:47):
Loch Boo, the local Herman Harnelly, the Namo, the bianos.

Speaker 1 (06:00):
Mira Lisi is maximodo a c ovista come n It's
the project in particular Pronto time and television in a
viablementar the to caasco projectors on the are you grana

and yeah you know we went on the kipo your
those projectors on the post now on the digamos.

Speaker 2 (06:29):
Now yeah, that's the projector the projector and ok you
participate the d HA mask and.

Speaker 1 (06:38):
Relo and calibos to amos amigos.

Speaker 2 (06:43):
Even no less so grand actor last time sposibly.

Speaker 1 (06:53):
You are so endo for the remn com pletolo you
listen are you cantando by land all over list Wow
grand actor Lisargo's grand Cadante ran by Larin.

Speaker 2 (07:11):
Yes o se John spa.

Speaker 3 (07:14):
Oh opera part do you alcome currently net Momento and
Cabo his the canvious you know Tama hill con diego
s our okay, yes, yes, like lamentest so come come

less called guando taptus. Yeah, the was.

Speaker 2 (07:46):
Not gonnactors penis to know.

Speaker 1 (07:56):
In peracty romanticadu tried retos s a well the complete
and this is in Cabo it posmo soske okay and
a moment and is an axion has a two you
know it is a persona a lack genoa a la

electors persona personata and ama persona persona enter complete the
mental chief professional like you know a c they participio
two super premion montm that cause us if okay, mass

like in Rolando, Italia Xander and the s U La
masco Ta and Italian know Insos and massa lante pork
for Natalia Lotta ce.

Speaker 2 (08:55):

Speaker 1 (08:57):
There is a romantic and Rolando hues El motivo for Natalia.

Speaker 2 (09:03):
In port.

Speaker 1 (09:06):
Hermann Hermann is Elsposo the Paula.

Speaker 3 (09:12):
Show when relation the Natalia consume that the the they
came when when the supers the la ma ma us
aloo esk is the last person, Luna forman l b

B event, the lost person, Astana u as an Arcostas
and Este Castle.

Speaker 2 (09:40):
It's the person Natalia tell you the.

Speaker 3 (09:42):
Auto to go to Ma mar Lono the SF Mexico
into the cast in San Diego, Premidia to my mam
is the auto minister person Natalia when it's the Applica
can on super.

Speaker 1 (10:03):
Applica and them as a key. It's all a la
cosactors is set mas fasil sactories, I mean them went
Suria like Ris and Mama Rossa to when we want
to give me Carlos and the Samos who doesn't help

set and and and Labanta for look Samos real me
demos como alo is the car and Maria and Sindhula
sas and las Natalia and a rosa Altilo and skavan

do naste his persona for sim and me watt persona
started on me okay, so to ha no yes Manuel
Romi corrasson okay, sies can start represent dando the La

Forma mason net Pulo public pre.

Speaker 2 (11:13):
Pactos correct and Dimiento crudo and the Bretando.

Speaker 1 (11:21):
Connecto peres Pera Keesos and dimientos and Natalia and Caenas
pack Colos and Demientos Bronco La Sophias one was the first.

Speaker 2 (11:31):
On my mind.

Speaker 1 (11:32):
The mast Cinthio and a good Momento and the Brontos
Una Senora nanos cast and Bertando person Nara American Minina
also estadis si local Minia and also plays a momento
but I mean pardo if sam a Metoco Sana part

Basalo Cormello and Natalia Na Pasado album Who is in
lar con casol person interpret sempre a personagueno knows by
a less Persons care program by novela looks So You're

aas and your looks SECAs American Gasda They were a
lo permite is a chance say okay, Analogo connect and
album Pattista and gon Ca personnere Albano.

Speaker 3 (12:33):
Prey the two persona, Paula, Natalia, los convictos, the n
P and Guando guandos and Socio the well and social spero.
It is calun formal quandos socio al repenti, can amigos
ueno restos conflictos to pardo and one. The preferred name

Carlo Cole Ortes empresso.

Speaker 2 (13:05):
No raser sim bracilo.

Speaker 1 (13:10):
Ky yam riside the chiitas and rice si ra risers
arabe number pertus is significa con.

Speaker 2 (13:25):
Ustica. It is a cantos per na la la soa
santo comas and Sofia or las and a Marinasa is.

Speaker 1 (13:45):
In esperada which is too Elria, pero pero, Jimbert Cosa
and san Diego Avia Sofia, turrest Sofia, Muller Sofia MS
Sofia are Sofia Sofia the Sophia I.

Speaker 2 (14:05):
Ur not pluna and me is does. It's the pava.

Speaker 1 (14:17):
Significado your car yeah, and carnaros significo your carea and
garnaro know the nomri soar and lo and.

Speaker 2 (14:36):
Talento Mexicano you plataforma.

Speaker 1 (14:43):
Talent ok Mexico a manos ponas are sanas manos the mexicanostan,
the endo productos, the the cosmeticos road pla tex steeles,
Tossian contract no solo cito to loocs the Seno mexicanoio

albuna for the democrat La mola mola pane yes Maine superficially.

Speaker 2 (15:13):
Lama is a.

Speaker 1 (15:17):
Successive and terms as the c in cr risament over your.

Speaker 4 (15:24):
You know the.

Speaker 2 (15:26):
Jo you know selo proper America.

Speaker 1 (15:28):
You know sello, I said relevant then commerce as the
said oh no and says una collection alemes Yes louis
prim risa una collection, Casula.

Speaker 2 (15:42):
And sula.

Speaker 1 (15:46):
But la como e commerce comul mundo commercio, the rob
access sorrios yaa cx.

Speaker 2 (15:56):
Okaya mundo.

Speaker 1 (15:59):
Sano like the risa yacom semos and corporals marcas mexicanosto
auto sUAS mexicanos no can rise as a commer one
stop shop, but USA It's and Mexico buena vanitas, y
move and press, Yes s possos, risa madamos real.

Speaker 2 (16:26):
Regala and.

Speaker 3 (16:29):
Plant p y partest to plant the clues keres ma
ma keres the nesa and pressa go s the planbo.

Speaker 1 (16:45):
See Dame James James the pro The program is the
incursional and part because pardo pero es complete calo.

Speaker 2 (17:04):
Co mina look on cart mandan and your sake. You're
not even a person like a nom bother sarka not starkie.

Speaker 1 (17:12):
Simki harme comos set up jasa, nomen po, star casts
or ariio, super pos, telenovelas, tener misa and misios is
osako the persona seeing contar alas peas and press comlos

fulfillment centers sub contravisios caen senos and pads no bro
directa and therava personam po iver como esa ida heros
algan momento o india alimenta tras vocals.

Speaker 2 (17:56):
He has a.

Speaker 1 (17:59):
Metas grandez the hors must nitas, met us is massiconasi,
luc on ercoos familiars one.

Speaker 2 (18:09):
Risa el.

Speaker 1 (18:12):
Cano and essidoske mexican that knows one of the for
los poros los Mexicanos Pronto the camos mastra patria j
semos the dubar maso who is the can to to
one day right to scolars and piel no lokes tried
to spreest ok because the Sexicanos can see the matos

mos risas is super physical club. The yat is no
buticano and look at can you say so Chimilco yacht
club La Cato.

Speaker 2 (18:56):
The Mexicanos.

Speaker 1 (18:59):
As well like as well, yes you know pro hors
and those cameos exports who need but.

Speaker 2 (19:08):
Met on a shop rise a pot com for you.
Cannos appear and belisan.

Speaker 3 (19:16):
Mamos including last last photos, cribendo and pellos. The endo
o ye po, yeah yeam p quentum knows the two
sex compagneros the los campus ala callosmos and real alicolo
esp to to bister SiO recordiclo espos thel cacellosmosost include

and its temple unas to nonga cambias to look to
the core somos t compo to records.

Speaker 2 (19:58):
Recur real doctors where well yeah, don ramon.

Speaker 1 (20:06):
Males full experience that you experiences your nalos as you
want to.

Speaker 2 (20:16):
Festo can kill.

Speaker 1 (20:17):
Or for the cavala not for cavi I s poo
programma no sa phenomena. The sabak look at it was
on mass.

Speaker 2 (20:32):
Know un reality for k textoness.

Speaker 1 (20:35):
To editada editamen perazos look at his tars history tracsa
and and so like. I see sn bibo sind program
and MBVO product delay oh ya and Programma Silus does
m bigoun the lake West puer s t.

Speaker 2 (21:02):
Albo and in danses est experience more interest something.

Speaker 1 (21:11):
Alo is carnal hate like important and personal likes is an.

Speaker 2 (21:22):
Print there in contra forma the is rely com BEng
and we may go a mil hate men.

Speaker 1 (21:34):
Cantos, contestaejos nomen personal nomen as in okay al rees
from persona and and sialists final that was what in
my test and tula look to see comments station and

random engagement station and interac on y prendis precis and
the the the cando meco miniers and says your Cason
election movie in Bortan and this is Mike a muchas
person as a person programmer Salerni camiaro, the s courl
so los muy agos ja amigos ya that's a players.

Speaker 2 (22:25):
And cases.

Speaker 1 (22:28):
Como somos pero croke jacla impo seo mones to your
own persona est person vistoria I quenes fumos and c
and thros iqi sa pasila forman like I said Edito
cordos se contoiva al who knows those we banoss sindu

Viana India yeallow capital yam coma yes and nasa.

Speaker 2 (22:59):
Pocroke alexis important.

Speaker 1 (23:01):
They are Alex in America. Relection was in port the
public sposos crokes okay appos toos pour cast respect rival
porcelo rivals in exist in Los Villanos, no existence protagonistas
in los angegistas, and I para stor yah ya mosque

in fierno since clo, no existence in mental lernos in
l c l o t mus compliments.

Speaker 2 (23:35):
It was an elemental you know, was the hot start
the whole.

Speaker 1 (23:38):
The general is best and elections Indu like dapa is
to see that God experience.

Speaker 2 (23:48):
We yaas see that Alexico to be. That's the moment
we were.

Speaker 3 (23:56):
And his experience just okay, you step come which is
hispanos colo prince hippo cherenty because fronto to.

Speaker 2 (24:10):

Speaker 3 (24:11):
Yes, the eueno recomen can PuO his astel momentoespanioliste easy
one to veruena. The news can appear the two persona Natalia.

It can also pear Damien two to impress know.

Speaker 5 (24:35):
Mis geros Mexas by Xano's mills, Kistan and us o
a lestmano on grand Besso and Norman Na and to
be the s alas at the center for vision.

Speaker 2 (24:49):
I looses peramos questo itamian not again as the Gervanian socialist.

Speaker 1 (24:54):
And when Sophia Rivera to and absolutely cal nacosa uno.

Speaker 2 (25:03):
Familiar but no broken, and three plus u punto shop
riseru com riser screw every e s a s a.

Speaker 1 (25:15):
Alon some place you go there as churches make, and
felt the churches as

Speaker 4 (25:23):
Yes perfectos of the Plato rabiat my fe
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