All Episodes

December 6, 2023 62 mins

The Congress Queen and the Prince of Christmas convene in the Church of Cultch (Bowen's apartment) to discuss the disturbing and fascinating cult docuseries Love Has Won: The Cult of Mother God on HBO, cult aesthetics, Beyoncé's Renaissance Tour film, Blue Ivy's dance journey, May December's chokehold on the culture at the moment, the song "Candle In The Wind", and the fundamental differences between stew and soup. All this, Kyle vs. Sutton, "RockaFellaCenta" in Rockefeller Center, a dragging of Julianna Marguiles, MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENTS about next year's LCCAs and our upcoming 400th episode's theme and rules and... the moment you've all been waiting for... an acknowledgment of The Morning Show's season three finale. We want lobster NOW. MAKE us a sandwich!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Look, Mayer, Oh, I see you. Look over there is
that culture. Yes, goodness, lost cult.

Speaker 2 (00:10):
Dang dong last Culturesta's calling sorry about the quality of
the audio.

Speaker 1 (00:15):
Okay, look things are. You don't have to apologize. First thing.
This is what's happening. Matt is stopping into New York
in between tour dates. He's not gonna bring the mic
with him every time. I mean, I could have and
should have because I'm not going to be back in
LA for a while and I want to give y'all quality. Okay,
that's all I ever want is to give you, honey.

We will make up the quality with the content. In
the content. You're so right, and not that you have
any problem doing that, or should I say, congress queen girl,
we're not going to talk about that. Why well, what
do you want to know? It's not that I want
to know anything. I want to acknowledge.

Speaker 2 (00:54):
You think that the readers aren't tuning into this episode
saying they want to hear all the bts.

Speaker 1 (00:59):
The BTS was that we're not gonna talk about by
saying the full version of Candle in the Wind because
Lorne wanted to see me do it Friday night. We
didn't have a script page. We didn't, so you just
sang candle in the window. So then like Janine DeVito
are beautiful associate producers headed the script departments, like Bowen,

I'm really sorry, but I think you know you have
to stick around until this was like eighteen hour a
day on Friday, and this is my new thing. I'm
not complaining anymore. I'm not saying the words I'm tired,
and me Celest Sarah and Alison Gates at work are
saying if one of us catches the other saying the
words I'm tired, then that person has to pay everyone

like five hundred dollars or something. What we needed, like
we need a crazy like a swear jar. It's a
swear jar thing, but where it's like because you know
what saying I'm tired and I you know me, I'm
the tired culture. I'm finally hitting this point now where
I'm like saying those where its only reinforces that state,
it doesn't really do anything. It's also contagious, just telling

Charlie bar Day came to the show as a guest
of the last and he was like, it's contagious, and
it also like it is conversational filler. It only yes
when you don't know what else to say. I think
that is.

Speaker 2 (02:15):
Why I don't like when people are like, oh, I'm tired,
is because I just feel like it is inherently not interesting.

Speaker 1 (02:21):
I wrote a whole sketch about this for Popularlette, I remember,
but that was a kind of a self read. It
was the Storytellers where study was oh yeah, yeah, yeah,
yeah yeah. It was like a nature documentary about like
this really fascinating. It was like an anthropological documentary. A
fascinating storyteller shares in the tradition of ancient cultures, like
sharing interesting parts of her day. And she's like, I'm tired. Wait,
I remember this is the first ketch I ever got

on populatte Wait. Yes, I remember that. It was a runner, right,
it was a runner. It was a runner. It was yeah.
I think it didn't come in as a runner, and
we made it a runner. It worked perfectly, display it up.
It was really good. Anyway, Janine calls me. She's like,
and I think Lauren wanted to see me sing it
like and try it out, and we didn't have pages,
and so then it was like, I guess I'm singing

all of Candle on the way. So you just said,
so it seems to me live like a Candle in
the Wow, what a great song. Beautiful, it's so rich
Alton Halton for the pods, for the pod. But then
it was mortifying because it was like one in the morning.
It was Lauren was sitting right in front of me,
all these crew members who just wanted to go home,

and they were like, why the fuck are we listening
to bow and singing Candle in the Wind? Did they
applod after? No, they did it, of course not. I'm
so mad at that. They had every reason to not applod.
If you give all of candle, can I say, this
is a real culture. If you give all of Candle
in the Wind and no one the pods, I'm mad
at you. That's really forty eight. If you give all

of Candle in the Wind and no one on the pods,
I'm mad at you. So I went in to Saturday.
It's like not knowing what the hell was going on
until like we ran through it like a couple hours before.
So it was very I was very unprepared.

Speaker 2 (04:03):
I said, that was the tape. You can take the
rest of the year, easy way, do you even no way?
You're coming hard every week about no war? I'm kidding
what you see are my head's at in the gutter?

Speaker 1 (04:18):
Well, speaking of the gutter, what the gutter between your toes? Oh?

Speaker 2 (04:26):
God, can I say I'm ready to tell everyone my truth.
I think it's because I've been traveling a lot. I've
been out on the road. I've been stopping the pavement
trying to get this album promoted. That my athlete's foot
is back. And I actually just showed Bowen in the person,
in the flesh as it were, and he was really upset.

Speaker 1 (04:47):
And that's not that I'm upset any part of you.
I I think it's so beautiful. That was really shocking
to see. Yeah, it's got to get dealt with, and
trust you will be dealt with. And this actually segues
perfectly into something that I am very late on mm hm,
But love has won. This HBO documentary on the Cult

of Mother God is really upsetting. I still have to
watch the third and final part. But this woman, basically
this cult leader. This is a popular documentary. Are people
talking about it? I think people are talking about you know,
like people at work, we're talking about it. Just so
they were like all the crew members were like, yeah,
you're watching Mother God blah blah blah. It's called Love
has Won. Love, So the cult is called Love has Won.

Love has Won, which is so hm hmm. That's not
a name for a cult. No.

Speaker 2 (05:38):
For me, it's like love has Won. If I found
out there was an organization called Love Has One.

Speaker 1 (05:43):
He'd be like, I'm going to the gala. I don't know.
I would think, oh, that's a cult. No. If I
say the words you love has One, you think, oh,
I guess that's on a shirt. Yeah, yeah, yeah's some
sort of like tweet phrase. Yeah, yeah, exactly, which something
can between and cult, which I think is what period,
which I think is what this whole thing is. Basically,
this woman, her name is Amy Carlson, is just normal

gal working at McDonald's, managing McDonald's, being very successful manager
at McDonald's. And then I guess she tried extasy one
day and liked it so much that it broke her.
And then she believed that she was the creator of
the universe, and it starts this internet community that ends

up coming to her and they all believe genuinely in
their hearts that she is the next iteration of not
only Jesus Christ, but of Marilyn Monroe and of Prince
Diana Kendel and the wynd subjects. And then there's the Galactics,
which is this like group of deceased people who speak
through her, and those people include Whitney Houston, Robin Williams.

Most saddeningly, like Robin Williams is like figures hugely into
this really posthumously obviously, but like Robin Williams is like
one of the prophets. It's the craziest. You need to watch.
How many people are in this cult? And is it inactive?
It's hard to say it people so there are so
so they shot this in twenty twenty one, like a

couple of years ago. I don't want to give away
too much, but like the first moment in the documentary
is really crazy and I will have nightmares about it
for the rest of my life. Seriously, Yeah, oh my god,
I don't want that to deter you from watching. To watch,
it's not like horror, it's like something so disturbing, Oh
my god, what is it? Okay, So I think a

lot of spoiler I learned for the first moment of
love love is one Mother God. I think I think
a lot of It's so funny that it's mother God
sounds like mother God. So I'm very behind on this.
So the first moment is this town in southern Colorado
called the Crestone, and it's the cops who have a

warrant to search this house. And this guy greets them,
and then the cops are like, how many people are here?
And he goes, there are five beings and what there
are five beings and a few other people and and
then the cops are like anyone else. They're like, you're
not telling Like it's like he's he's withholding something. And

he goes, there is a mother and she she has rested.
So at first you watch it, they're like, okay, so
the mom might be in bed or something. So then
they go search the department. It's filthy, disgusting. It has
rainbows and flowers on the ceiling. The paint is disgusting.
There's like it's been through like ten layers of paint.

There are Christmas lights everywhere. It is so nauseatingly disgusting
in there. Oh my God, like Lisa Frank but fucked up.
And then they go into this bedroom and there are
like I want to say, it's like a really adorned bed,
flowers Christmas lights hanging on it, and there's like a

body under like duvets, and then they lift up like
a pillow and you just see a silver face with
like makeup, eyes over the eyelids. What and it's Mother, God,

mummified it's her, mummified her. She she's been dead for
I think a couple months, and these people have decided
to mummify her by like putting all this fucking glitter
makeup on her face and like painting eyes on her
eyelids and putting like a turban on her. It's You
said at the beginning of this that this wasn't horror.

What you just described is the most horror, horrifying horror
I ever understand. There are five beings and one mother
and she has rested rest You go in. You see
a POV of them going into this Lisa Frank Hell.
They go up to a bedroom, unveil a duvet. It's

a mummified woman who's been dead for two months in
makeup and that is a forget about Mother God, that's mother.
Excamation point the movie that is horror like that film,
which I still haven't seen. I do know Jef Lawrence,
I've never seen Jennifer. I'm not I'm not watching Mother
exclamation point. And I think people that listen to this

podcast know that's your health for me. No, I'm not
seeing anything like the Houses Like, I'm not gonna see
anything that's gonna like upset me viscerally. Yeah. I say
this as a great fan of literally everyone involved in
that film, but I won't watch that one because it
feels like what you just said. So then are you
not going to watch this document? Well, I have to say,

because it's actually this really disturbing every moment, honestly, because
there's footage, because these people are obsessed with live streams.
The thing, God, cult aesthetics are so can look like.
A cult can look like anything. To paraphrase a Pat reaganism,
he says, a family can look like anything all the time.
A cult can look like anything. It's really culture number eight.

A cult can look like anything. And so the cult
aesthetic for them is everyone has a laptop, everyone's going live.
It's like Starbucks. It's like Starbucks. Everyone's going live. Everyone
is doing shrooms or tripping or ayahuasca or on meth
like it makes me it's well, it just never, It

makes me never want to do a drug ever again.
It would that be the worst thing. It would not
be the worst thing. It is so shocking when you realize,
like how the human brain and the human spirit are
so fragile and they be so easily tempted to believing anything,
Like how this woman, who I'm sorry it looks completely

average in a very okay way. She has an average woman,
is whipping up all of these people into believing that
she is Jesus Christ herself and that she is the
most beautiful woman in the world. Yeah, well there are
monsters among us. Well, of course, a monster can look
like anything, because can look like literally anything. It looks

like Amy Carlson. Bitch, Amy Carlson is making these people
they cut to like all these notes and her part
of her thing as a cult leader is make me
a sandwich, make me a galactic taco salad is what
one of the recipes is called. Make me crab legs.
I want lobster. Now they're in Colorado. Bitch like she like,

this woman is about food. She sounds like no hiking.
I'm like, oh, That's that's me Like on a Sunday
after a hard day of work. I want a lobster now,
making me a sandwich.

Speaker 2 (12:57):
And Halen alright, p miss, Can I say I didn't
even know Halen Hardy gone.

Speaker 1 (13:03):
Until it was too late. I mean there obviously is
like an organized crime thing. Wait what it, Matt? It
disappeared with no notice, So you think it was an
organized thing. You think Hallen Hardy was the mob. I
think there was something going on there. We need the
Hale and Hardy documentary now. Halen Hardy for people who
don't know, as it used to be a soup chain

in New York that everyone loved, right Yeah, I mean
I was there all the time. We could get a
half soup. Well, I guess it was a cup soup
half Sandwichera could never literally Panera could never. And they
had unbelievable chili. They had so many soup op shops.
Someone should step up and sort of do a Hale
and Hardy esque thing. There's a huge hole in the

market major, especially for my soup queens, which I'm the leader. Yeah,
I know you are. I'm more soup. There are two
different things.

Speaker 2 (13:54):
We really don't have time to talk about the differences
between stew and soup. Right now, we might this that's
gonna be a quick hour. I would say that stew
there's more consistency there because it's probably based in a
protein or a starch, whereas the soup is based in
the liquid.

Speaker 1 (14:13):
To liquid and in a stew you would maybe put
in it would maybe have a rue base, not a
rue base that you would start, you would start. Yeah,
you develop the flavors in a very specific way. And soup,
the beauty of soup is you can kind of just
it can be anything. A soup can be anything not
accept stew. Oh yeah, A soup cannot be stew. A

soup cannot be Rachel Ray tried to make stoop happen,
which is a did she actually? Which is something that
lives between a soup, a soup, and a stew. Hubris
no part of it. Can we talk about Rachel Ray? Sure? Can?
She's still doing it. She's still doing the thing, and
I actually have to admire her. And you know, my
ass didn't give two shits about Giata or Bobby or

even I'm gonna say Aina. I was tuning in the
Food Network growing up for Rachel. It makes me I'm
looking at Amy Carlson right now on my computer and
is that her? That's her? And actually part of her
narrative is that she's pretty stunned. She looks like Maggie Rodgers.
She not looks like Maggie Rodgers. She looks like Maggie
Rodgers before Divinity School. That's her. When she died. That's

her when she died. So that's Father God. So she
had so she had multiple partners, all named Father God.
But they were like the Prince Phillips to her. Someone
says they were like the Prince Phillips to her, Queen Elizabeth,
they were just so can I ask your question? In
this documentary, in the opening moments, you see this woman's
dead body. You see her. Her body is covered up.
But what's the most chilling is that it killing. Before

it cuts to the title card, it's just you. It's
just slow, slowed down, shaky police cam footage set to
scoring a metallic face staring back at you, staring at
the camera, but the eyes are actually painted on. I've
never seen anything like that, and in every bit of footage.
So because of the live streams, they have so much

footage of these people just like being on every drug, cackling, screaming,
singing stupid songs, acting a damn fool. But it's like,
I guess this is what I'm like when I'm stoned
with friends. I mean, yeah, but like I think these
people clearly were just like must have been just like warped.

They were warped. But like, but look at her. I
mean if someone looked that looked like Maggie Rodgers came
to me and was like, get me a sandwich, not
for nothing.

Speaker 2 (16:33):
I think I would drop most everything I was doing
to get her a sandwich.

Speaker 1 (16:37):
Girl, she's look at her kind face too, that's not
it's not a kind face. That But this is when
when we say a cult clok like anything, a cult
leader clok like anything, it could look like a fucking
fifth grade teacher. This woman, well, Joel Joel Kim Booster
was telling us about the Twin Flames documentary and how
those hey, you guys have been going off with yours. Well,
I had documentaries, Joel has not started as one. I

have not started the Twin Flames documentary. I don't know
that I the subculture that you guys belong to, well,
there's a million HBO documentary that The Twin flamesland is
on Prime. But so he was saying about them, like
they are the most uncharismatic cult leaders. And I want
to say, like, I guess it's such a fine line
between charisma and uniqueness, nerve and talent. Absolutely, and like

I don't think that many cult leaders. I can't name
that many cult leaders that are like yeah, I would
follow them, you know what I mean, Like even fucking
like the Nexium guy. I'm like Keith Ranieriam like no fuck,
oh yeah, no way. That's the thing is, it's like
they're all fucking weeds. Yeah, she probably has trauma. Well,

the mom and the sister, like, I honestly think they
were doing their best because the mom and the sister
were like, she was never mother God to us, she
was just amen. She was never mothered God to us.
And then whatever. I don't want to spoil much, but
she just hurt her life in her adulthood, I guess
was defined by like these really toxic relationships with men,

and that carries over into her relationships with the multiple
father gods. Yeah.

Speaker 2 (18:13):
So when I walked in here today, this was on
there was twelve minutes off to the episode. I said, no,
go ahead, finish, and Bowen said, I don't want to finish,
And yet here you are giving it sort of a
ringing endorsement on here I just had I can't was.

Speaker 1 (18:28):
That the wait, no, no, no, oh my god, is
that it? No? No, no, no, that's not it. That's
oh my god. That's her in like a mask. Okay,
so everyone there's a photo of her on Google Images
with like a sheet mask on, and I thought that
was we're not looking at her anymore. It's actually too much. Yeah,
you're really. I can tell this has really shaken you. Well,
the reason I'm watching it is because it is presented

in a very watchable format, which is three part documentary
series fifty five minute episodes each. Yeah, I can that. Well.

Speaker 2 (18:57):
That was my problem with the vow was I was like, why, well,
it was a lot. It was like twelve episode first season,
and they were gonna like, we're doing a season two.

Speaker 1 (19:04):
I'm like to say, what, I know, Well, it's the
second things was like the aftermath of like the conviction
or whatever. Yeah, I guess, but it's just like, I
don't know if we need more of this. It's this
is an interesting one. This is a new flavor of
cult documentary that I think is important to consider. It's
just deep. I'm very disturbed and it makes me sad

to think about. I mean, cults are about self surrender,
Like there are all these pieces about how like you
can't feel too bad for anyone who joins a cult
because there's a level of self surrender to it. Well yeah,
I mean I guess they would call it faith, which
is really scary. But I think that about everything. Sorry,

I feel like it's in the It's good that we're
talking about it. It's it's out there.

Speaker 3 (19:52):
It's it's don't worry, it's not real housewives.

Speaker 2 (20:03):
Our media diets could not be more different. Right now,
do you know what I saw the other day? The
Renaissance World Tour film tell me everything. First of all,
this is a fifteen out of ten, like you're going
to have the best time. It's different than the Eras
tour because if this is an actual like it's more
of a documentary like stuff.

Speaker 1 (20:22):
Yes, so two things, three things stuck out to me.
One just to talk about the actual concert itself. If
you've seen the Renaissance World Tour concert, you know how
unbelievabullet is as a spectacle, but when you really see
just the minutia of the set, the lighting, the sound,

Like I took my band that I've been on the
road with the Gay Strangers comes see Matt Rodgers and
the Gay Strangers live on tour, and they were like,
musically so blown away. They were like, it's all bas
it's so crazy, Like the music is just cranking. She
is calling every single shot you see her in like this, yes,
oh yes.

Speaker 2 (21:02):
So that was the first thing I noticed was when
you're not watching it as part of the audience and
you can actually see like a well shot, like you know,
following it as if you're right there with her. She
is such an unbelievable performer in the midst of all that,
et cetera. We all knew that. That's obviously the first thing.
It's just just how incredible that show is too. The

thing that is so clear is how hard she still
has to fight, really so that people don't gaslight her
into thinking that her vision is not achievable. Wow, Like
her exhaustion level in preparing for this is so high. Yes,
because it's so difficult to prepare for that. She had
a knee surgery before the Renaissance store, Like it was

a full surgery. It wasn't just an injury she had
to get like operated on. She was rehearsing while she
was in recovery for it. Like there's footage of her,
you know, doing pet and whole training at the same time.
Like this is just like truly an unblo believable, like
insurmountable really thing for anyone else. But she did it
all while dealing with people, even Beyonce. And she says,

because I'm a black woman, I still have to fight
every single person to execute my vision in the way
that I know. They don't talk to other people like this.
And there's an amazing scene where she's asking for like
a certain type of rig and they're saying it's not possible,
it doesn't exist, and she's like, okay, well I looked
it up while you guys were talking, and it does exist,

and here it is, and here's how you're gonna get
it here. So that was number two is really just
how tenacious she is and anyone else would just be like,
you know what, fine, let's just do the easy thing,
but she never does that. Three the highlight of the
whole doc to me was now, well, the Uncle Johnny

stuff was amazing, and I'm really happy that was like
an extended part of it because they really Tina gets
like a whole action where they're interviewing her about Uncle Johnny,
and you know, Tina's just a legend. She really gets
her flowers in the documentary. Like there's a part where
Beyonce's being interviewed in Tina's next to her the whole time,
and Beyonce just says, you know, the only reason why

I'm here unable to do all this is you.

Speaker 1 (23:15):
You're the only reason. And they hug and it's just
so beautiful. But speaking of her family, my favorite part
of the whole Renaissance world to our film was Blue Ivy.
Like there's a sequence where Beyonce says, Blue Ivy came
to me and said she's ready to perform, and I
said no, because she's not ready, Like she hasn't gone
through nearly enough to be ready to go out in

front of all those people and do this, et cetera.
And she was like, you can do one show. And
then I guess it's really the first time I've seen
Blue Ivy like talk and exist but she's cool as
fuck and like, you know, seems to have it together,
and she's got opinions about the things that her mom
is doing, and like her mom wants to cut a

song from the show. I think it's I forget exactly
what song it is, but it's one of the older ones.
It's Diva Diva. Beyonce is like, I kind of want
to cut Diva or make it way shorter, and Blue
Ivy's in the corner like doing her homework, and she
turns around and she's like, no, you cannot cut Diva.
You can't do it. She's like, Blue, stop and she's like, no,

you can't cut those songs.

Speaker 2 (24:19):
You cannot cut those songs. I think she was trying
to say, like what you can't cut the classics, Like
you just can't. And then Beyonce turns to Blue and says,
I appreciate your opinion, but you need to calm down
and you can't be cutting people off. And it's intercut
with Beyonce doing all of Diva. That's which I love.

Speaker 1 (24:38):
I love it. And so then to speak more about
Blue Ivy, Blue gets on the Internet and sees troll
mean comments about her dancing and in the beginning, she
wasn't at the level she was at at the end,
and so they just show her working really really hard
to get it right and like really taking it seriously.
And Beyonce was like, this is not only a renaissance

for me and everyone here, but it was truly a
renaissance for Blue Ivy because she learned what happens when
she applies herself and what she's capable of. And then
they show Blue doing the number with Beyonce, like, and
what I loved about the movie too, is and this
set it apart from eras, like they filmed so many
of the concerts so that they were able to cut

I know, the cuts were insane and bowen, the garments,
the outfits, the stunning, the costumes, the robot arms into
cozy like people have been like putting down on their
stories and my jaws on the floor, Like there is
never a moment you're not gasping at what she and
the whole cast, the dancers, the band, what everyone, even

the crew, And she goes on to talk about how
she wants to dress the crew specifically because she wants
the cruise movement to actually be part of the show
because the mechanism of it. She wants as much of
a light shone on that. So that's why the crew
were in those like metallic outfits, because when a crew
member comes out, that's for her the world of the show,

I'm telling you.

Speaker 2 (26:08):
Like they show this sequence of Blue and Beyonce dancing together,
and you see it at the end just how hard
Blue Ivy was slaying it, and you just feel at
the end of that sequence of the movie like it
was really well done and like snaps to Beyonce for
that the whole thing, but especially this because the pride

that Beyonce as her mother feels at the end, you
feel as the audience for her because of the way
that it's been edited totally, lots of great cameos. Megan
the Stallions in it, Kendrick is in it.

Speaker 1 (26:39):
There's a really funny moment during the mute challenge where
in the middle of it they cut to Cardi b
and the audience being on mute, and it's a test
for the audience because you don't know Cardi is coming,
and then when you see her you just want to
laugh and scream so much so fine someone in my
theater did laugh and we all turned to her rooms,

like that's a trap? That is?

Speaker 2 (27:02):
It was so good anyway, best time watching it, Like
obviously seeing the tour I thought twice was brilliant. But
I think this could be a really fun idea for
Christmas Day.

Speaker 1 (27:15):
Like I'm thinking, because are you gonna be here for Christmas? Okay,
so a bunch of us are going to be here
in New York City for Christmas. I want to maybe
this will need to me joining a cult to the behive.
I'm already in the behind, but do a little period,
do a little mushroom and then go to the Renaissance
tour film on Christmas in New York City. That could be.

That would be absolutely because I'm definitely seeing this again.
Can I tell you the fact that Thick was not
in every show. I didn't get to see Thick live,
Thick and all up in your Mind in the Renaissance
film highlights. Really Sick is a contender for me to
be number one song on the album Really Yes, I

mean it's excellent, so good All your Mind made the cut.
That's interesting. The whole thing is in there.

Speaker 2 (28:07):
The only thing that I remember she definitely cut was
a few of the numbers from the beginning, which she's
like doing her own opening with the ballads. Ye you
get dangerously in love into flaws and all, and then.

Speaker 1 (28:22):
She disappears into the stage and the renaissance begins. But
they cut the rest of it, So they cut I
care they cut one plus one and you do see
a little bit of the Tina Turner tribute that's later
in the movie. That's yeah, brilliant, brilliant, of course. I
mean that is she is the paragon the student of performance. Yeah,

it's like Beyonce is the student of performance. Gaga is
the student of like, let's just say art, and like
theater theater. I think Ariyana is a student of vocals.
Bean is a student of coolness. Taylor is a student
of songwriting. And that is a very hard thing, Yeah,

to like occupy. I think all the girlies have like
their their niche. It's not even a niche, it's like
their superpower. Yeah, you know, like their stats are like
distributed different. It's the only real way to describe Beyonce
on stage is as superwoman. Yes, it's I mean I

complimented Taylor on her actual like acting performance in the
Eras Tour film. Beyonce is such an unbelievably focused, focused,
committed like she's just in it the whole time in
the sense of fun and play, especially after you see

how seriously and how difficult.

Speaker 2 (29:55):
How seriously she takes it in how difficult it was
to achieve that, to see her having fun doing this
and to see it all paying off in the moment
to the point where she can be so like improvisational
free because she knows it so well. And she talks
about that too.

Speaker 1 (30:09):
She talks about how as a performer she is a
storied perfectionist. But the reason why she's that way is
so that when the performance happens, there can be that
sense of fun because it's in your body and it
is almost not robotic in like a derogatory or pejorative sense, like,
but it's already there, and so you can survive and

live and thrive in what is happening in the moment.
It's on the largest scale. It's the whole idea of
like knowing the rules to break them or yeah, she
is our best performer, especially in those moments when at
the show, I mean everyone was noticing like that she
just knows where every yep shot and frame is down

to like looking up at the like to serve it
up to a drone. Is I don't know how to
do that? No, I don't know how any if, if
anyone besides Beyonce knows how to do that so effortlessly.

Speaker 2 (31:05):
I mean, and also like we were there at the
show she was finding those cameras. I mean like that
was one of the things I clocked at the London show,
which was in the documentary. Yes, oh wow, yes it
was because she was wearing the London There were two
outfits that they show Break My Soul from London definitely,

and they show the movie Girl Girl. In many ways,
I was on the shoar very that, but but there
was I was. That was one of the things I
was blown away with when I was there. Was I
was like, there's like this one moment where like a
camera flies over her head on like it's like a
suspended camera and she looks up at it and makes
eye contact with it, and I'm like, with everything that

is going on, how do you pinpoint the exact three
D spatial coordinates of something that's like up in the air.

Speaker 1 (31:54):
No, do you know what I'm saying? Yeah, that is hard.
It's hard to find that one eye line one hundred
thou inc. And that's just a commitment to the just
pinpoint accuracy of every decision. It's just a flawless piece
of art. Almost feels too small. It's like it is

just such a feat of culture. That's really what it is.
It is a moment in culture.

Speaker 2 (32:25):
And to even say that on this podcast where we
talk about that, yeah, this is just like this. Actually,
the Renaissance World Tour is actually winning an award right now?

Speaker 1 (32:37):
Are you serious?

Speaker 2 (32:38):
We're actually really thrilled to announce that the Renaissance World
Tour is winning the Pinnacle Award. There will only be
there will only be three given out in our lifetime,
and today we have awarded the Pinnacle Award to Beyonce
for the Renaissance World Tour.

Speaker 1 (32:58):
There are only two more allowed.

Speaker 2 (33:00):
It's like the horre Crukses, the Deathitely Hallows How. It's
like the Deathly Hallows hun It's like the hor Crutches were.

Speaker 1 (33:10):
Do you think there might be a special moment at
next year's Cultural Awards in honor to honor Renaissance World
Tours Pinnacle Award.

Speaker 2 (33:19):
I think the Pinnacle Award is being given to the
Renaissance World Tour, and there will be.

Speaker 1 (33:24):
A moment in the show. I'm very excited about that,
which is not yet planned or confirmed. Speaking of moments,
I actually thought about this and I did not consult
with you. What I think we should announce something on
this episode? What is it? I think we should announce
that because you're doing it and you're still not running
it by me. Well, what is it? Oh? Yeah, wow,

that's amazing. No, we don't, don't cut around it. This
is they want to see the BTS. They love the friendship. Yes, okay.
So if now for any reader's kidies publicist finalists who
have tapped out because they said, I don't want to
listen to this bad sound quality episode, this is what
they're missing. You missed out on something major. So for
all of you who are sticking with us in this episode,
thank you, and this is your reward. As we're approaching

our four hundred episode, we can now announce that the
four hundred episode special will be called Iconic four hundred,
the four hundred people of Culture. These are the top
four hundred most iconic people I would say, living or

dead or yet to be born in the culture, Realistic
or fictional and that was my surprise to you. Now,
can we announce number four hundred? No, we can't. We can't,
but just to say this, we know who number four

hundred is and it's and it will start the list
off in a way that will make you say, I'm
going to keep guessing. Oh, that is the perfect description.
No one saw that one hundred is. I think this
person deserves the spot one hundred percent.

Speaker 2 (35:20):
This person is a legend, beacon, a legend, a vibe.
This person is vibe style.

Speaker 1 (35:28):
Everything you said you said, I said a gender, Well
that's okay, okay, but this person is a vibe, multidisciplinary legend,
a talent, a huge talent, no matter in what context.
Oh god, it's very hard. It's so hard to be
kg about this. But needless to say, we are very excited.

I know exactly the moment where we came up with this.
When was that we were in London on our way
to the airport to go to Berlin. Yes, I felt
it in my and I've been thinking about an iconic
four hundred. I'm so excited for this, and we hope
you are too. And it's coming up. Yeah, it's probably
like in a few months. It might be I'm gonna
venture to say bless you, thank you so much, queen

for a part episode. I think it might even be
more part special. Okay, we're gonna have to fly through it.

Speaker 2 (36:20):
If it's for because that per episode, Yeah, that would
mean even if we spent one minute on every single person,
and that would be in an hour.

Speaker 1 (36:28):
And okay, it might be five. It might be the
whole week. It might be a whole week of lost Culture.
It might be a Monday through Friday, so Joway, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday.
Each day of the week you get an episode. Oh
my god. And the way that people were like, they're
gonna flop soon. So why people were like they're going
into their flop era. They have seen their best days. Like,

there's no way the podcast can be better. It's not iconic.
There are flops. Everyone was saying flops. But this is
a more substantial, important, prestigious list than Time one hundred, Oh,
I'll forget it, forty forty Forbes Forbes. This is the

list of people animals. Now it's a real curble bitch.
I kind of four D includes animals, whoa beings, anything
with the spirit is eligible to be on the list.
Can I say, who's not on the list? Mother God
Amy Carlson is not on the list, And she she

would say, if she were still alive, she'd say, oh, well,
all these other people who are on the list are
actually me. You can't this is what I'm saying. You
cannot reason with people like her. But it's what's crazy
is that she gets multiple a big group of people
who agree with her and say, yes, you are communicating
through Robert Williams. Yes, you are like the next Whitney Houston.

It's it's so unbelievable what drugs can due to your brain.
I'm sorry, I'm being such I'm being so dare right now.
I'm being so dare pilled. I'm like, drugs are bad.
Maybe I don't even know if it's drugs. I have
to say, because can I ask you a question? Serious question?

Speaker 2 (38:11):
And sorry to even bring him up, but if Donald
Trump said I spoke to Robin Williams last night in
my dream and he told me that this is true,
there would be a lot of his followers that would
be like, yeah.

Speaker 1 (38:21):
Of course no, it is like lost people. Yeah, And
it makes me sad that this is the human condition.
It makes me really said that this is the human condition.
And it also like I just want to reach out.
Can I say, if you're in a cult, reach out
and touch somebody. Now you sound a little cult dish, yeah,

but I would have a cool cult. You would have
a cool cult. What would it be called? Amazing cult?

Speaker 2 (38:53):
Having a cult with the word cult in the name
was the countiest thing of all cut County culty.

Speaker 1 (38:59):
County culty cult. It should be called amazing cult counter culture.
Now amazing cults may go with your first instinct.

Speaker 2 (39:07):
All right, Well it's called amazing cult. So by the
time this airs will have performed my song Rockefellersena on
the Today Show with Hoda and Jenna looking on.

Speaker 1 (39:25):
We hope it went good. We hope it went good.
If it went terribly, we're so sorry. Yeah. I don't
think it will go terribly, though. I think we're gonna
kind of eat and slay. It does not get more
full circle than this. You wrote a song Bitch about
Rockefeller Senna and about the people who work there, and
then you end up working there and we ended up

performing it there in front of people who are name
checked in the song. Literally you did that. You know,
there's rumors that I might have to fly around Rockefeller
Center and get content with other people mentioned in the
song so that they can sit together music video. But yeah,
oh my god, I don't know who is going to
be in it, Honey. We're gonna find out, honey. It is.

It is a living building. So watch that on YouTube.

Speaker 2 (40:12):
They'll have posted it, honey, if you didn't see it
yesterday live on the Today Show.

Speaker 1 (40:17):
Hoda and Jenna talked to us after.

Speaker 2 (40:19):
I think, oh, we're going to have an interview and
have an interview if they don't know you're coming.

Speaker 1 (40:23):
Yeah, they might have the surprise ruin for them because
we have to rehearse this and they're gonna put it
on the monitors, and I think Hoda and Jenna have
the monitors. I think they're going to be seeing the monitors.
I wanted to quickly touch on a couple other things
before we guess. I don't think so, honey, because we
have not yet wrapped up the Morning Show. We've had
so many other present matters. I guess I just want to,
I guess apologize because I was incorrectly informed that something

happens in the finale of the Morning Show. That was
the craziest thing that's ever happened on the show, And
I would say.

Speaker 2 (40:50):
That, like, in totality, I think the craziest thing that's
ever happened on the show is Bradley Jackson being at
the insurrection getting found out by the FBI and going
to prison. That's probably, in totality, the craziest thing has
ever happened. But nothing in the finale was like singular
insanity in the way that I think I set it
up and was assuming it would be. And I want

to apologize for that, because you certainly the ninth episode
was better than the tenth episode.

Speaker 1 (41:16):
Certainly, but I don't think you have anything to apologize for.
You set it up that way based on what someone
else had told you. Yeah, and I think that that
person articulated to me.

Speaker 2 (41:27):
The season wraps up in the craziest way a season has,
which I think is debatable actually, but.

Speaker 1 (41:33):
Then I guess season of any television show. That show.
I think the season two finale was bonkers.

Speaker 2 (41:40):
It was for sure bonkers. I think Bradley at the
Insurrection just those wow can you how can you top that?
I mean, we're gonna find out. I wonder because that's
one of the craziest moments in American history. Yeah, and
so like it. It's stranger than fiction. You cannot make
up something crazier than that. Maybe close second is Bradley

Jackson going to space?

Speaker 1 (42:02):
I think so here's my question, Bradley in prison? Are
her roots growing in red? Are her roots growing in red? Wait?
I'm so sorry. I was under the impression that her
natural hair color was blonde and that she dyed her
hair red for what she dyed her hair red for

her Adirondack Conservative Channel. Yeah, she was getting just off
the shelf color anyway, what.

Speaker 2 (42:31):
I'm sure that's what they would say. Well, first of all,
if we're to look at Riese's actual roots, she's a
brunette queen of course.

Speaker 1 (42:38):
I mean love Reese is one of those actors who
can look good at any hair, any hair. Her and
hem stone face for wigs, face for wigs, good for them.
Not everyone has that anyway, Yeah, I mean Morning Show.
I think it sort of ended up with a whimper.
Every episode was a bang yep, and so it's still
my favorite show. Can't wait for season four? Are we
going to see Bradley on trial? Are we going to

see her in Are we gonna see her broken out
of jail? I mean what? Certainly now they've made it
really easy to shoot Jennifer and Rae separately. Certainly there
was a scene in the finale that the friends I
was with were like, oh, they're not together in the
same room, and I was like, are you serious? Which
one it was? When Alex goes over to Bradley's apartment.

Uh huh.

Speaker 2 (43:21):
It's very possible, And it's crazy because their acting is
so like good in that moment, They're like, I wonder
if they're together.

Speaker 1 (43:29):
To think about them doing that with a stand in
blew me Away? I mean, these are these after for good.

Speaker 2 (43:35):
They're so good. Speaking of good acting, we talked about
it last week. I can't believe how big and how
large May December is looming in the culture.

Speaker 1 (43:45):
It is a hit. I mean, if something ends up
on Netflix, it's getting seen. I have to.

Speaker 2 (43:50):
Say Charles Melton won the Gotham for Supporting Performance. For him,
I believe he is a contender for the win absolutely.

Speaker 1 (43:57):
And now I'm pretty I'm pretty feeling pretty good about
Natalie and Juliet too. It has to feel to share
a trophy with him. I guess we do share a
trophy with him, the award. Wow, I believe the same trophy,
different categories, different ears, but the same material of trophy,
troph which is a heavy trophy that one. Where's yours?

You display awards? I don't, I don't. I don't. I
have the Culture ICA's Culture Award on my office shelf.
But I don't want to. I don't want to be
that person. And nothing wrong with that person. I just
don't think that. Can I say I'm gonna be that?

Speaker 2 (44:28):
Yes, if I ever, if I ever win awards, they'll
be They'll be somewhere in the house, absolutely more for
me than anyone else.

Speaker 1 (44:35):
More to be like, hey, look you did it, girl.
I have not had that. I don't have people over.
And so I'm saying it's like if I display something,
it's probably not for other people. Period. Well that's not
really true if you're We're in Bowen's sort of iconic
apartment and I have to say, my one just went
to the bathroom for a minute and I tried every chair.

Speaker 2 (44:54):
These are unbelievable. The dining room chairs are unbelievable. He's
got several different couches that are so comfortable. Look at
that piece under your television.

Speaker 1 (45:05):
It's so long. Oh that's the son of soundbar. Oh
you what, No, no, no, I'm talking about the console.

Speaker 2 (45:12):
But the console anyway. I'm just such a fan of
everything you've done here with the place, Queen.

Speaker 1 (45:17):
Thank you, Queen. Alvin Wayne worked with Alvin Wayne. I
want a true deer. I wanted to say, where do
you sit on Kyle versus Sutton? Can I reveal that
I am behind on Beverly Hills. I hear it's really
picking up. Beverly Hills is great. There there are proxy
wars happening, is what I hear. But Kyle versus Sun,

I think Sutton. I mean, we talked about Sutton on
the last episode. I am concerned. I don't know if
she's turning around for herself on the show. But I
also not you know, I'm not like standing Kyle. I
never really have. I don't really maybe I don't really
care about this fight. Okay, So basically Kyle being the
protagonist of the real housewise of Beverly Hills. I think

that if you're a fan from Go, which I am,
you kind of have to care because it's like Kyle
and Mowe. So it's like they're Kyle mounting is So
basically the thing is like Sutton is being very like,
what's going on, what's going on? What's going on?

Speaker 2 (46:15):
And Kyle's like, you're not being sensitive because Kyle ha
stopped drinking and started working out a lot, and she's
you know, things are going on. She's now got this
very close friendship quote unquote with Morgan Wade, this country
singer who's got a lot of tattoos. Kyle's getting a
lot of tattoos without telling her husband or anyone. She's
just kind of really doing her own thing. And Sutton
is like, what's going on in your life? What's going

on in your life? Like being very invasive. And I
think Kyle's problem is like, you know, you don't have
a light to stand out to treat me like this,
You're not being a friend, You're not being sensitive, like
if something's going on, like, let me just handle my
shit the way that I am and trust that I'll
tell you in time.

Speaker 1 (46:50):
So can I just say the discourse about Kyle and Sutton.
First of all, I'll say about Sutton High High's lo
lows totally Hi High Lolo's on this show, and it's
hard to cape for a housewife like that in general
on any face.

Speaker 2 (47:07):
Yeah, and Kyle, I would say high Hi's lolos too,
But here's Sun's.

Speaker 1 (47:12):
Southern girl prone to dramatics. Yeah, in a fun way
that works for reality TV, but it just in terms
of like signing with her, I think, well, she could
never be like the lead of the show, you know
what I mean.

Speaker 2 (47:23):
Sudden is like this like orbital that comes in and
out and you're just like it's like an agent of
chaos almost where you're like, I don't really understand this
woman's reality and so I don't ever know what she's
going to give. Whereas Kyle has been the star of
the show for thirteen years and she is so audience

stand in like that you really feel connected to her
in that way. I would say that one thing that
hasn't been featuring into the show that much, which I
think people should consider when they come on a side
of Sutton or Kyle with this whole thing is Kyle
and trigger warning, her best friend took her own life,

like right before the season started, And I think, like,
if someone wants to stop drinking or start working out,
or make changes or like their relationship changes because of
something they've went through, like jumping to call it a
midlife crisis feels weird to me. Like, and I don't
like the way the women on the show are talking
about Kyle's not drinking like it sucks for them. If

if someone not drinking is a problem for you, that
is a problem for you. That is a serious problem
for you. And I haven't loved the way Garcella's talked
about it something for sure, all of them, and like
even Deurt who's like doing her best to do her
job as a housewife. It's just like, I feel like
what's being lost in this show is that Kyle suffered

an immense personal tragedy and if you don't understand what
she's going through, like probably the best way to handle
it is not to put her under a short cooker
like this. But that's my thoughts on Beverly Hills. I
haven't even watched Potomac.

Speaker 1 (49:05):
Did not watch last night. I couldn't care. I read
I skimmed through the Vulture recap. Recapper for Potomac is
doing excellent work. But I don't envy her job because
I think she has a lot of She's just watching
a lot of bummer footage. Yeah, it seems like this
whole necka Wendy thing is still going on, and it's
really tough. I feel like it's gonna go on for

a while. Salt Lake, God, thank goodness, what a blessing.
It's a blessing. And Miami also a blessing. I would say, I.

Speaker 2 (49:35):
Would say all those shows are blessings. I have an
opportunity to be on a podcast coming up called The
Brav Bros. It's two straight men who talk about bro
they are so they're really good, and they're really good there.

Speaker 1 (49:45):
I could listen to them talk about this all day.

Speaker 2 (49:48):
So I'm going on their show. And they offered one
spot to talk about Potomac and Southern Charm and another
to talk about Miami, Beverly Hills and Salt Lake, and
I was like, it has to be the latter because
I will not talk about for tom now.

Speaker 1 (50:03):
I'm not getting into it. It's evil, evil, evil, evil, ugly, ugly.

Speaker 2 (50:09):
I wanted to say I saw the color purple. I'm
going to withhold my review until it's closer. Okay, lots
of great things, a couple things to discuss, Okay, but
let's just say no one has anything to worry about
about these goddamn performances.

Speaker 1 (50:26):
I love.

Speaker 2 (50:26):
The performances are shining bright. I would give it a
big old see it when it comes out on Christmas,
and we'll talk more about it as it comes. But
I did see it.

Speaker 1 (50:36):
I just wanted to say that I have seen it
since I said I was going to see it last time.

Speaker 2 (50:40):
I've seen it much to say, this is a moment
in color purple. If I get the sense of what
the vibe in the screening I saw was, this will be.

Speaker 1 (50:49):
A moment in culture. I can't wait. And I guess
that's really it. I guess other than that, it's time
to do I don't think so, honey, unless you have
any cultural addendums. Well, I was maybe thinking about doing
this right and think someone, but I think let's just
I just want to say this now, speaking of the
morning show, Oh this is my I don't think so, honey.
Oh the great is it? Juliana? And then mine is
much less of the bummer? Okay? Cool? Yeah? Great? And

then I'll start with you. Yeah, we'll start with me.
This is I don't think, so, honey.

Speaker 2 (51:24):
One minute to rant against something in culture and look
it's just fucking too much.

Speaker 1 (51:29):
At this point, I gotta here you go. This is
Matt Rogers. I don't think how many a time starts now,
I don't think so. Honey, Juliana are released. You should
have kept your mouth shut on that podcast, because now
we hear you saying with your full chest you're I'm sorry,
but those were racist things that you were saying. That
was ridiculous. The way that she was referring to, the

way she said the black disgusting. These people that want
us to call them they them, It's like, fuck you say,
you say you respect people so much less without even
I mean, it's not even without even saying you said it.
Also to drop this imagery of people getting their fucking

heads cut off and like kicked around like a soccer ball.
Can I just say, if Susan Sarandon.

Speaker 2 (52:16):
Is being dropped by her agency for what she said,
where is the movement on this with Juliana Argolis? And
you know what, here's why, because she's probably making the
agency a lot of money and that's bullshit, and like,
this is a much bigger topic. But if we're going
to do something about Sarandon, do something about this.

Speaker 1 (52:34):
I don't think about everybody who is suffering some professional
consequence for being propus. I'm sorry, but you know what,
especially in a world where you can filter what someone
actually said through something and then report on it. This
was on a podcast. You heard her say it with
her full chest, And where is the movement? Where are

the consequences? I'm not seeing them. I am not seeing them.
It's so so. I mean the disturbing thing, like the
disturbing addendum to it all is like her saying that
I'm more offended as a lesbian than I am as
a Jew. You are such a moron, like she doesn't.
This woman's grasp on reality is like not there. My

view on it is just that, like I'm processing images
and news in a way that I'm trying to detach
as much as possible from social media. I'm obviously learning,
I'm being very informed by it, as we all are.
But I think if you're at all able to have
conversations offline, I think that is, on its face, there's

a higher floor there, I think than what can be
done on social media. And I think what's driving people
to say really wild things like maybe what Juliana Margley
is saying on podcasts is I think her feet is
probably completely infected by bullshit like what she repeated on
that podcast. I think you're probably right shocking. I mean,

they them. Her language was shockingly disgusting. She fucking sucks
and that's what she believes. That's what she believes in
that apology. I don't buy for one second.

Speaker 2 (54:17):
And I'm sorry, but this bad faith conflation with wanting
human rights for people in Palestine and in Gaza with
anti semitism has got to stop.

Speaker 1 (54:29):
Also, I don't think somebody holler a reporter for still
confusing me and Joel can Booster in an article about
this whole Juliana Markley's thing. An article, How funny is that?
How ironic is that? It made me so upset?

Speaker 2 (54:40):
It's an article reporting on racism, and then you do
the racist bullshit of Saturday.

Speaker 1 (54:48):
The second time, give like, this is your job, these trades,
this is your fucking job. But to get this shit right,
you know, we're not going to talk about that show,
and then like when one of the stars says something
like that, just be like we'll skip around it. That
would be I would make me really feel uncomfortable. Okay,

I have.

Speaker 2 (55:09):
Something Girleena magoo, I have something, Bowen has something. This
is Bowen Yang's I don't think's funny this time starts now.
I don't think so, honey.

Speaker 1 (55:20):
I wasn't able to put my poor thing screener onto
my Apple TV. Why I need to be able to
watch this on a larger screen than my computer? Issues girl,
And all week I'm going into work wanting to compliment
Emma on what might win hert another Oscar period and

her team was kind of to send everybody at work
a link, and I was We were all so excited.
We were like, oh my god, I would love Maybe
I'll have people over and we can watch. We can
want thirty seconds. It couldn't happen. All I could do
was chrometast it. I'm sorry. I only have certain Google
things in my house. I don't want to do a
little chrome cast dongle on my television. Fifteen. I can't

believe that this is getting in the way of my
viewing experience. I'm not going to watch the latest your
Ghosts on a small screen period. Okay, this is cinema
of the highest order. Five. I need to experience it
as such. And if I can't do it in a
theater with other cinophiles and other movie lovers. Then I
want to do it in the comfort on my own hall,
but not from the comfort of a hot computer on
my chest. That is one minute, and I think that's
just a sign that you're going to have to experience

Yugoslanthemos's Poor Things in theaters I'm starring. I don't mind
more and more I'm just saying and willing to foe.
Let's not forget and romy yusif I'm just saying, I
was so invigorated by the promise of being able to
watch Poor Things from my own couch. I couldn't do that,
and it was a huge disappointment the fact that the

screener technology still is not there. It's so stupid. Stop
sending DVDs. Yeah, that's the thing.

Speaker 2 (56:55):
Is like, if you're in SAG or WGA, you know this,
But if you're someone listening at home, can you actually
believe they still send physical copies of all these things
and no one has a DVD player to watch them.
I guess it's for the older membership members. But even so,
like the older members know how to use a computer.

Speaker 1 (57:14):
Period also, do their computers have dis drives anymore.

Speaker 2 (57:18):
That's another thing is this was like, first of all,
even if you are an older member of the Academy
or of some guild and you are traditionalists and you
like to use the DVD, it's like, Okay, the times
are changing, Yeah, they're changing. Now it's a link you
can click instead of physical DVD.

Speaker 1 (57:36):
It makes it way easier. Anyway, girl, I just feel
like I'm being fucking blue balled here with good movies.
I'm so excited to see it. I cannot wait. I
saw the first like I mean, I pressed play because
I had to on my computer. I was like, what,
I all, just like see the first couple of moments
of this, and of course I'm drawn in. Everyone I

talked to I said, it's the performance of the year.
Of course, I'm like fifteen minutes ago by it, I'm like,
I can't. I had to stop myself, and I'm really
proud of myself to be like, no, I'm watching this
on a big screen. But the first moments of the film,
I'm like, what is going on? Oh my god? What
is that? What There's a little goosehead on a fucking
dog body. Oh my god. Like I was Joe and
Yang was just acting. He went somewhere, listen to my voice,

this queen, I need my instrument. Christmas is like a
high wire act for all of us, but especially for
Matt obviously, but all of us are here being like
our kay needs to sing. The album has crossed two
million streams. Thank you club, two million club. My one song,
I Don't Need It to be Christmas at All is

right now at one point five million streams. It has
been the sleeper hit. This is the power of the
Spotify playlist.

Speaker 2 (58:49):
Please come to the show, everybody. We're having such a
fun time with the show. The band is a sleigh
in the hand.

Speaker 1 (58:55):
The gay strangers. Give it up to the gay strangers.
Talk about in Boston, this person in a Wrinch costume.
Someone was in a Grinch costume.

Speaker 2 (59:02):
You brought them on stage and I so, I'm not
gonna reveal how I start the number, but let's just
say I wasn't even there. A special guest came out
to sing how to Swim Inhoville, and she saw that
someone in the audience was dressed as the Grinch.

Speaker 1 (59:18):
Christine Baransky, No, it wasn't her. It was to Christine
Bbransky played in the movie. She actually showed up. It's
like a Santa Fe. For a second, I thought you
were gonna say that a grown up CINDI lu who
And I thought fucking Taylor Momson, Taylor, Miss Taylor Momson.

Speaker 2 (59:35):
No, no, no, no, let's just say I leave the stage
and then someone else comes back out. Okay, I see,
I just sing who Will? And there was someone dressed
as a Grinch and I pointed to him. I mean
she pointed to him and said get up here. And
there was a strip tease moment. It was hot, sexy
and more and more.

Speaker 1 (59:54):
And the shows have been really fun and I love
doing it with the band. It's just great. He's crowds. Look,
the crowds have been amazing.

Speaker 2 (01:00:02):
I signed vinyls after the show, So if you come,
you can buy a vinyl and some other merchant I'll
sign it for you. We can hang out for a
sec and you can go to www. Dot Matt rodgersofficial
dot com for tickets and tour info and more.

Speaker 1 (01:00:16):
Girl is it official? Now? Have you beat the SEO
and argue you the first Matt Rodgers that comes up.
I actually that's happened for quite a bit of time.
I knew it. I don't think we ever celebrated that.
I mean, that's that's fine, and we all love and
respect to the other. Matt Rodgers is of the internet.
You are all legends who have been all legends. But
for now I'm really toasting it to my girl, who

deserves her Google flowers. We just got a text from
Mamas who Connect, which is our text chain with Joekin Booster,
and he said, Karen's tagline is up. There is one
of the most nonsense taglines in history. Most of these
women are despicable. It's impossible to enjoy now. With the
exception of Karen, Candace and Wendy. We love you guys,

but everyone else is Actually I thought to tell its
evil as an evil person. I just told him. We
just read this on the podcast Live Love It. We
love that.

Speaker 2 (01:01:10):
Joel has to come back soon. Joel's time for your return.
They're clamoring.

Speaker 1 (01:01:14):
They're thinking, we're Bethan on the raddit.

Speaker 2 (01:01:17):
Why because he hasn't been on a tenth time. So
they're like, they're beething, you are ridiculous.

Speaker 1 (01:01:23):
What do you mean, We don't know you never look
at the raddit. We love you love y'all, Love y'all,
be yourselves. We end every episode with the song It
seems to me you live your life like Candon no Wind,
never knowing who to claim to Hell no what of

its have known you. I was just the.

Speaker 2 (01:01:48):
Kid you candle burned out before.

Speaker 1 (01:01:54):
Legend who who oo boo boo boo Yeah Bashi m
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