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March 8, 2024 46 mins

On this episode, Flame Monroe and Bobby Clifford discuss abortion rights enshrined in France's constitution, the importance of voting, the verdict in the Alec Baldwin shooting case, the arrest of a National Guardsman, the Supreme Court decision on Trump's candidacy,  legislation on in vitro fertilization in Alabama, the State of the Union and much more. Tune in and comment in the socials below.

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Speaker 1 (00:26):
We're saying, if you watch your coffee time, the baby
you know the name Flame, my bro also known as
my Roe Flame, come in with last and come in

with Jim love loundes. Baby, you better catch.

Speaker 2 (00:51):
It when you can drop a knowledge from fatherhood to politics.

Speaker 3 (00:54):
Shouting now comics, just paying homage.

Speaker 4 (00:56):
What's up? Tips? Yeah? You know?

Speaker 2 (00:58):
She raised shot towns on speaking to the grown a
second year. We're gonna last to color and kicking in
at the end. We leave it with just a lift
his spirits. But you want to revisit so your first
second listen, young folks say it's slip. Oh, folks say
we dig it good.

Speaker 1 (01:11):
Hey, don't do what you do?

Speaker 4 (01:14):
Cay no this do what you do? Can't no do
what I do?

Speaker 5 (01:19):
No this.

Speaker 2 (01:26):
She she.

Speaker 5 (01:35):
She Hey, Hey, hey, this is comedian Flame Monroe and
welcome to this week's episode of Laugh and Learn with
Flame and Bobby He she we he she we he
she Hello, Bobby Clifford.

Speaker 4 (01:53):
Hi, Flaming Roe. How are you tut's Well?

Speaker 5 (01:55):
I was good to its, but I can't find my
other earpot.

Speaker 4 (01:59):
Oh know you here?

Speaker 5 (02:01):
I hated with my cereal?

Speaker 4 (02:05):
Is that what you had for dinner? You had cereal
for dinner.

Speaker 5 (02:08):
That's I never eat cereals. I wanted some cocoa puffs
so bad. Oh my god, I went to this my
box of cocoa puff.

Speaker 4 (02:15):
I've never had cocoa puffs. I do once in a while,
have a little frosted flake for myself. I'm sure it's horrible,
and I am an oatmeal girl. I have to say
a little cinnamon and brown sugar on the top. Good.

Speaker 5 (02:28):
I'm already brown sugar. I don't need no more of that, baby,
I'm already.

Speaker 4 (02:31):
Brown stick your finger in.

Speaker 5 (02:33):
Oh oh, that's not sugary. Okay. Anyway, Hello to I'm
fantastic producer, mister Aaron Howard. Listen, Bobby, it has been
a week. Last week I was in Chicago. I had
a great time. I celebrated the Baton Show Lounges fifty
fifth anniversary. The Baton is a female impersonation club that

their motto is the tops of the Nation review and
it is where I got my start. So it it
was great to be back there to celebrate with mister
Jim Flynn, who was the owner, excuse me, of the
Baton Show Lounge. It was really nice. It was a
lot of nostalgia, but it didn't have the same feel
because it was not the club that we started out in.
He was at the club that we started out in
for fifty three years and the pandemic hit and then

they came over to this new location and it's okay,
but it's just not I missed the hole in the wall.
So many stories in there that if I told the
real stories, I would be in prison. Yeah, it was
a great experience, and so it was glad to celebrate
with him, to celebrate that with him. And while I
was in Chicago, I had a luxury of doing ABC

without Warner, the Wendy City Live Show and Ryan I
can't think of Ryan's last name. And I also did
Fox News and I was able to do WGC I
Want to seven point five because I filled in for
my boy Leon Rodgers on his morning show, who will
be featuring for me on Marsha twenty ninth and thirty
afore men when I'm in Chicago at the Chicago Laugh Factory.
So I had a chance to do a lot of press.

Some of the clips up on YouTube on my YouTube
page or my Instagram page which is Monroad dot Flame,
Monroad Dot Flame. Because I haven't gotten it back, but
I thought when Et was up there messing with the
sound with the barriers yes day, I was gonna get
my page back. But East didn't do enough. Girl. If
you ever watched that movie Leave the World Behind, yesterday,

I thought they was leaving us behind.

Speaker 4 (04:22):
I'm telling you Facebook down, we've had like a mess.
The phone's down the week before. Uh huh. Something's going on.

Speaker 5 (04:31):
Yeah, So get your tickets to come see me in Chicago,
and I'll be in Kylie in Texas at next month
April twenty six and twenty seven. But we'll talk about
that later. Come on, Boudy Clifford, how was your week?
I'm sorry, Oh no, my.

Speaker 4 (04:42):
Week was great, just kind of plug it along, waiting
for spring to come. Things are stopping to sprout here.
I think it probably a little prematurely, but I'll take it.
As I say, global warming is a horrible thing, but
since we already have what's going on, I'll take the warm,
warmer weather.

Speaker 5 (04:57):
Oh, Bobby, you said things that sun the sprout here. Oh,
I took that as ad you see them extra hair
going right there?

Speaker 4 (05:04):
No, I can't. So I'm fifty in my fifties and
I'm blind as a bath. So here that's the good thing.
That's what you have to have friends that can't see anything.
You look perfect to me.

Speaker 5 (05:13):
I'm only thirty nine, so I can't relate anyway. You
know that. Don't get past where we're going about and
where we're going.

Speaker 4 (05:21):
We got all sorts of stuff happening, something that I
thought was really really important. It's not even in our country,
but something worth mentioning. And I hope to God that
that Biden gets back in because France becomes the first
country to enshrine abortion rights in its constitution so they
can't be taken away, so women's reproductive rights. And I thought,

what a great first, let's help other countries fall in line.

Speaker 5 (05:48):
I love the sound of that, But I always ask myself,
when is America seemed to be always last and stuff
like that. We can be first for so many other things,
putting a man on them, the first to discover a
cure for blase skipping to do, but when it comes
down to human basic human rights, especially the rights of women,
the rights of women, we're always last.

Speaker 4 (06:08):
And you know what I really want people to think
about is being a Catholic. This is a Catholic country.
So if they can do it, you know the rest
of us should be able to fall in line. But
let's see what happens. Let's see. You know, this is
why it's important for us to vote and make sure
that we get our get ourselves to the to the balance.

Speaker 5 (06:28):
Speaking of voting, when I was on AMC, when I
was on Wendy City Lab last week, I did point
right at the camera and say, and if we lose
this election by one vote, and you'll say that you
didn't vote, it is your fault. I want you to
know I'm speaking to whoever i'm speaking to, it's the truth.

Speaker 4 (06:44):
You did and it is powerful. A lot of people
don't think that because it's really it's like multi layered,
and it's confusing because we have the electoral college, but
your vote gets us the points that we need, you know,
the other number of votes that we need for the
electoral college, which was put into place for territories and
all this razmataz, so one state wasn't more important than

the other. It kind of took population and stuff into mind.
Whether we need it still, I don't know enough about
it to know if we need it. I'd rather just
have the popular vote. But it was one of those
checks and balances that the forefathers put into put into motion.

Speaker 5 (07:23):
It is something. It is something that just like the police,
it needs to be reformed because they have the same
amount of votes in a very small county and a
very city in Boom Boom nowhere that a major metropolitan
city would happen. I just do not believe that that
is fair.

Speaker 4 (07:38):
No, they do. I think they do. I think they
need to look at it first. They need to look
at it and see if we actually need it. But
if it's really written to the constitution, we can't get
rid of it, then I agree with you. We need
some sort of reform that gives us better parody from
state to state, from area to area, et cetera, et cetera.
So that was one good thing. The other thing that
I just saw that popped up. I don't know if

you've got to chance to see any hot topics this evening,
but that rust verdict came in, you know, with that
poor woman was killed on the movie said Alex fought exactly.
She was found a guilty of involuntary and manslaughter of
that twenty twenty one, I can't say murder the shooting.

I guess I watched.

Speaker 5 (08:24):
I watched. I watched her face. I'm sorry by bad cut.

Speaker 4 (08:28):
No, no, no, no, you didn't you really don't.

Speaker 5 (08:29):
When they when they read her guilty verdict, there was
no expression on her face. It wasn't I mean, her
face never changed from just it was stoic. It was
like she didn't go yeah, like she just it was
no emotion whatsoever. And I'm not saying like she didn't care,
but nothing changed. I would have been like, oh my god, no,
but where everybody's different, But she had no expression on

her face whatsoever.

Speaker 4 (08:54):
They probably have been prepping that.

Speaker 5 (08:56):
Yeah, because I found that mind bog. I'm like, oh
my god, I don't know. I guess I'm a different
person because my face telling me all the time, well my.

Speaker 4 (09:04):
Fat ass would have hit the floor and you would
have needed a plane to get me out. But if
it was me.

Speaker 5 (09:08):
But I'm not like that.

Speaker 4 (09:09):
But they've been prepping her, and in both sides, not
just the prosecution, the defense, both sides said that there
was gross negligence. They were trying to put it on
somebody else, but she is the person that put the
put the bullets in the gun. So Unfortunately, you know,
she's gonna probably serve some sort of time. They haven't
even set the sentencing date her. It carries like eighteen

months or something in a five thousand dollars fine, which
sounds kind of crazy considering somebody died, but it was
it truly was an accident. Now they're saying what happened.

Speaker 3 (09:43):
Today in the words that were used and where they
were placed, is very good for Alex Baldwin's case because
they did hold somebody accountable for it, and he and
they all they said words such as, we expect the
actors to not act, you know, necessarily the way that
they're and to kind of go off script.

Speaker 4 (10:02):
But these are all things that we would expect. That
was the prosecution actually saying it.

Speaker 5 (10:07):
So I have always thought that because at first Alex
Baldwin got away, you know, they didn't charge them with anything.
But I have always thought that was personal because he
was such a good Trump impersonator. I always believe, oh
my god, right I did. I always thought that that
was personal on that end because he was done so
good at impersonating ex President Donald Trump. And I think

that you know, power, they have power and reach, and
I think they was always after him about that that.

Speaker 4 (10:35):
Well, well we'll see what happens. Strangely enough, his case,
they're just throwing out the numbers to kind of again
and clickbait, to just kind of let us know. But
his sentence, if he was ever found guilty, could hold
up to five years. You know, that's a vast difference
in eighteen months. So but let's see what happens. You know,
we'll have to It's going to happen over the summer.
We'll have to see actually what happens. I feel so

boundly for that lady. The only thing that is that
it was instantaneous, you know, but but her whole was
at Helanya, her whole family, She had little kids and
everything that was awful.

Speaker 5 (11:08):
Well, the prayers to the family, prayers also to the victim,
because it was just it was from what we can
from what we saw, as from what the reports that
we have all seen, it was an accident, and accidents
do happen. Unfortunately, it has to happen to somebody, and
I don't want to take that lightly at all because
I have children, and I don't want somebody to accidentally
hurt one of my children. Because I don't know how

I would feel. But accidents do happen. I'm so sorry
about that. Yeah no over here at laugh and learned. So, yes,
yes we are.

Speaker 4 (11:37):
She has to live with it. So the next thing
I thought, because it's the kind of local, was that
that National guardsman Tech Sarah I think was his name.
He was actually arrested here in Dighton, Massachusetts. He was
found guilty and is agreed. He's one who lead the
documents and agreed to a sixteen year prison sentence. He

pled guilty to all six counts. The one thing he
did by doing that and coming clean and not having
to go through a trial is that they they did
not charge him with additional counts under the espionage jeft
so for the leaking of the sensitive national defense info.

Speaker 5 (12:14):
So he wasn't the one that identified as transgender, though,
was he? Because there was?

Speaker 4 (12:21):
I don't Yeah, no, I don't believe.

Speaker 5 (12:22):

Speaker 4 (12:22):
He was very pretty boy, and I'm not being fresh,
really really pretty. So if you told me that, I
wouldn't If he was a transman, that wouldn't have shocked me.
But I don't think so. I don't think that was him.
So that that's what's happening, and just sort of a
setup for our conversation on the election. After we all
know that Scotus lets Trump be on all of the ballots.

They said that states don't have the power to remove
candidates for federal office, especially the presidency, and that it
would have to be done under Congress. And that's a
So he was on on we'll talk about the election
in a few minutes, not a.

Speaker 5 (13:03):
Surprise, And you guys are going to be shocked there
when I think about what the Supreme Court dead about that,
you guys are really going to be shocked at my answer.
So yeah, let's we're gonna keep We're gonna get to
stay tuned.

Speaker 4 (13:16):
I'm hoping I feel like because they have the two cases,
I feel like this one. And it was actually the
the Progressive Democrat that came out first and said it.
She was the she right off the bat, So sort
of was questioning and saying, yeah, I don't know, but
I think that he's my I don't think he's going

to be as happy about him him being able to
have immunity. I don't think they're going to come back
the way that he's hoping that they do. So you know,
we'll see, Yeah, the oh Republican National Committee chair Ronan
McDaniel is stepping down. They're they're they're a hot mess.

They've got you know, Trump is trying to lead the
charge on that one, put us his daughter in Lauren
and get some sort of power over that. We'll see
what actually happens. But they got big money problems over there,
So we'll see. And Trump is kind of you know,
rubbing the coffers there for his legal stuff.

Speaker 5 (14:16):
Big money problems. You listen, he hasn't even paid he
hasn't even paid fans for the lawsuits. So but according
to him, according to him, now he is a billionaire
ten times over.

Speaker 4 (14:28):
Well, I know that he said he's not going to
be able to come up with the money unless he
unless he has to have put one hundred one hundred
million dollar bomb down, unless he sells something. Okay, so
sell something. You know. It's like, oh, I don't have it,
and because I don't have it, meted if we all
went to court and said that, well we don't we

don't have what you need, or when you're paying a bill,
oh I don't have it. I know I got that
car out there and I love it, but I don't
have the money to pay. We're gonna have to figure
something else.

Speaker 5 (14:57):
We're going to see how this goes. Oh my god,
well else, Bobby, where we're going.

Speaker 4 (15:04):
So the other thing that's sort of that sort of
is great news for the country, although they're not going
to see it as navs deck was up by five
hundred last week, which is showing that there's a slower
progression with inflation. But I will say it's still expensive
to go out there, to go out to the grocery
store and pick up your pick up your your eggs

and your milk and and et cetera, et cetera. You
know your Papa book issues are still still there. Unfortunately.

Speaker 5 (15:35):
Well, well here's the thing. Well, we're comparing food prices,
and food has went up. I'm a single day and
I got food almost every other day. Yeah, but everything
is going up, So don't just hark on just the food. Now,
I get it. But everything is going up, Bobby, and
everything is going to gas prices are going up. And
I'm not going to say that this is on Biden's watch, Hibby,

And here be very clearly, I said this on coffee
time today. I would go and vote for some of
the policies that Donald Trump has not. It is it
is his morals that shake me, and some of his
positives that he just don't care, especially when it comes
to my community, that don't even care about me that much.
But I would vote for him tomorrow if he would
show me at that wall that he built in twenty

sixteen that he ran his whole plaform. If he shows
me where the wall is that Mexico paid for, because
those his words, not mine, right, he promised you all
a wall in Mexico is going to pay for it.
That was his whole entire campaign to run and win
in twenty sixteen. If you show me that wall, I
will vote for him with my man name and and
my woman name, and I would denounce president by just
show it to me. Show me the wall today. I don'kay.

I ain't think so.

Speaker 4 (16:39):
Yeah, no, it's not gonna yeah, it's not going to happen.
But you know, a lot of this it might be
under Biden's watch as far as he's sitting in the scene,
but there's a lot of price scougeon going out there flame.
You know, I understood it when there was when we
had the pandemic and then the prices go up because
there was more need and they can. But it's come

down now, you know, it's the pandemic's gone, and all
of your other gas and everything else that would that
that drove the prices to go up, they've all gone.
You know here in Massachusetts least you had said gas
is going up. Yeah, but it's to ninety seven a gallon.
You don't need to be charging me delivery fees that
are so high for my Brussels sprouts or whatever it is.

So he's gotta he's got to sort of, I think,
work on that. He says he is going to work
on it. One of the things he did do that
I thought was terrific, the President Biden and in his administration,
was he capped the junk fees for credit cards. You're
late fees down from thirty two to eight dollars. Now,
you know, that's it. That's all you can charge eight bucks.

So if the average person isn't like drowning in fees,
you don't have the money to pay the bill as
it is, and now you're going to tack on an
exorbitant fee.

Speaker 5 (17:51):
No, well yeah, And if they would sit down and
and itemized all the positive things that President Biden has done,
but right, looking at his age and.

Speaker 4 (18:00):
That's all they look at. Yeah, I mean, maybe he
should die of twenty four heirs that he has left
on his head. Maybe he should make them bright people
color yellow like the other one and people will think
he's young and via I don't get it.

Speaker 5 (18:12):
Oh no, I think I personally think he should die
a jib back and come out looking like a young Well,
I don't know about young heir, might be young.

Speaker 4 (18:21):
We have to weave bottom now looking at Biden's history,
Biden is that Biden was never my pick.

Speaker 5 (18:29):
Bite ain't even my pick. Now Biden is my option.

Speaker 4 (18:32):
Right and he's doing it. He's trying. He's either done
or trying to do everything that he told us that
he was running on. There are places where where he's weaker. Immigration.
We got to figure that out. I'm hoping on Thursday,
when we have the State of the Union that which
is kind of going to be you know, it's going

to be a big deal for him. I'm hoping to
God that he comes out with something about an executive
order just to close it down, just to stop the bleeding,
you know, until we figure it out, until they can
pass something. You know, I saw Joe Manchin today and
he was denouncing sort of the Republicans for stopping you know,
what they put forward as far as immigration for the

emergency that we've got going on, and you know, it
was a really good deal and they blew it.

Speaker 5 (19:21):
And as far as the immigrants go, I say, I
read a very disturbing article on the airplane on my
way back home from Chicago to say that they were
going to make immigrants. Some of these immigrants police officers
and law enforcement officers. I'm telling you, Bob, it is
so scary to me as the person of color, because
I feel like, are you going to do that to them?
Tell them how to vote, what to do, and then

give And because Donald Trump said out of his own
mouth that if he did get like an office on
day one, he was giving all police officers indemnity, which
means that we could have a George Floyd eight times
a day, seven days a week, and now don't happened
to any of those law enforcement officers. So I hope
you guys are really paying attention to what is being
seen and how they are moving, because we're doing all
of this personal infighting and the boxing and arguing and

the bickering and who shot John and they are moving
the needle on this machine right in front of our faces.
But we're so busy fighting. You missed, you missed the
whole train. So please change your ticket and get on
the right train, or close your windows, open your windows
or something, because it's very scary. And if they're making
these immigrants, legalizing them to be police officers, because then

they'll tell them, we're gonna give you a job. We're
gonna tell you how to vote. This is how you vote,
because this is what you want. And doctor Carl Anderson
put up a whole thing. I wroted this whole video.
Go watching, y'all. He said that we will black people
will be fourth class citizens in this country. I need
y'all to pay attention to what they're doing. While we
hardly got blacks for Trump. I can't tell you who

to vote for, but I hope that you understand that
what is important to you, and I'm talking about to
the LGBT community and to the black and brown community,
y'all better pay attention. Okay, I'm sorry, I'm Bobby. I'm
offing so much.

Speaker 4 (20:57):
No, No, I found that interesting. I had read something
like that too, but they were qualifications. So I'm hoping
they go in like you had to be in the
country X amount of years with the path decitizenship. Biberdy
body boot part of me says, because so few people
want to be police officers right now, I like that
they speak other languages so that when they you know,

when they pull up, and if there's only Spanish speaking people, jees,
they might be able to pull out you know, whoever
he is, mister Rodriguez, and and maybe get him to
maybe to get him to to interpret for us. Who knows.
We'll have to see where that goes. Alabama is is
passing legislation tomorrow Thursday to protect access to vitro fertilization,

which is great. They've got such backlash that that they're
sort of turning things, turning things around. Let's hope it's
you know, we keep on moving with that.

Speaker 5 (21:50):
That that is very.

Speaker 4 (21:53):
Expensive, super expensive. So imagine having it super expensive and
you get a viable egg, or you get three of them,
or you get three eggs, three embryos, excuse me, and
only one of them is viable and it's expensive to store.
What are you supposed to do? With the other two.
I mean, you don't you don't want two unviable embryos,
you know, it just it made no sense to me.

But I'm glad that they're working it out, and they're
figuring out, figuring out if any other Red states were
looking to make the change, hopefully this will kind of
scare them into just leaving things be. And so many
people have to do IVF flame not everybody can do
it naturally.

Speaker 5 (22:30):
Yeah, what blows me about all of it? It's all
of these old old old asked me and in charge, right,
who can't even impregnate nobody without the assistance of a
little blue or young field? Don't ask them why I
know both colors anyway? Who cannot do it without the
assistance of a little peel? And then you go off
the deep rail trying to tell the woman what she

can and cannot do with her body.

Speaker 4 (22:53):
It doesn't, it doesn't. It makes no sense to me.
And that affects both sides. Really, it doesn't just affect
the whole IVFING. It affects the father as well as
the mother. It's not this isn't just a this isn't
just a woman's issue, although it is. It's also affecting
him because once they get into our uters, it doesn't
are not going to stop them from getting into your

your peepy and telling you what what you can do
either and who has to who has to be sterilized,
and all that stuff. It can be a real slippery slope.

Speaker 5 (23:23):
Oh now you want to three kids later? Oh now
you want to see?

Speaker 4 (23:29):
Okay, where were you? No? Something that was that's sort
of I'm not going to say it's nice. Alexei and
Navalni's mom got to bury him. Unfortunately, his wife and
kids couldn't go. It was too dangerous for them. They
live abroad, but they they got to put them to rest.

And these people flame when I watched it. They were
so brave because they were If they brought flowers, the
guards came and through the flowers out immediately like so
that he could have no nobody could pay any honor
to them. They risked going to jail, and they did
grab some for no reason, just standing in line, just
grabbed him and put him into jail. It was It

was absolutely nuts, But so I'm glad the mom got
the body back. I feel terrible that the wife didn't
get any type of closure getting to see him, and
of course we still don't have a reason for the
death right. Yeah, I don't think I get that.

Speaker 5 (24:27):
Okay, let's go on to Okay, we're.

Speaker 4 (24:29):
Moving moving, I know, I know, I know. But the
good thing is the House passed some government funding bills,
so we're trying. We're coming to get up against that.
The government shut down, so work is being is taking place,
so we're gonna have to see what what the Senate does.
But fingers and toes that that the package finally gets

all signed off and and get gets it in time.
I'm sure you will. You know, we're only talking about
the eighth So it's it's like around the corner.

Speaker 5 (25:00):
Yeah, Bie, Biden got a big Biden got a big
day ahead. I hope you eat. I hope he eat
his wheedies today.

Speaker 4 (25:08):
It goes to bed. Really, I hope he's in bed now.
I hope he's in bed now.

Speaker 5 (25:14):

Speaker 4 (25:14):
We need he needs to really come across and we
have to figure out some way. Also, I mean staying
with Ukraine. There's big things going over in Ukraine and
they're literally rationing, they're rationing bullets. So we need him
to work as magic so we can get some sort
of money or just somehow figure out a way to

send them some money, because the last thing we need
is Putin taken over there and then just coming right
down the pike. And then could you imagine if if
the Orange one ever got in got into to office,
he and Putin would be like penpals.

Speaker 5 (25:49):
Pen pals, like next door neighbors. Yeah. I saw that
with h and they bombed like only three hundred feet
away from Violensky. Today they very close to him and
another world leader. It is very bad over and they
under staying. They usually shoot two hundred shals a day,
but they have to limit themselves down to like fifties.
I was like, wow, you know.

Speaker 4 (26:11):
We've got to get that money to them. We've got
to get the help. I mean, everybody else is giving
as much as they can. I mean it really the
US has. We've got to help them because this is
about everybody has to Foreign policy is about our safety.
If we can keep all of these countries safe, then
nobody's shooting at us. So it's like the last thing.
We've got enough internal problems right now, we don't need

the external ones, which which by the way, are killing
Joe Biden, you know they when we did, we did
on the ballots. Excuse me. We had a lot of
people that were doing no commitment, even here in mass
no commitment because they're angry with the way he's handling
Gaza and Israel. And you know, he's trying to keep

us out of war, never mind solve everybody else's war
as well, because if the other one gets in, he's
given enough to nobody. He's not worrying about humanitarian crisis.
He is getting he has been doing over the weekend
air drops, but it's not enough. We're not getting These
people are starving, this famine going over there. They had
people getting shot when they were trying to do give

some humanitarian aid. The Israelis shot in the air to
get them to back off, and that's scared the people
in the trucks, and the trucks were running over the
people that were looking for the bread and the water
for their fami. Oh god, what a big fat mess.

Speaker 5 (27:28):
Yeah, it's a lot. It's a lot going on over here.
But pray us to all the innocent again. And my
model for war is stupid. You know what, whenever it
sta for us to go to war, you know who
should fight the leaders put their asses in a ring
and let them go forward.

Speaker 4 (27:43):
Honest to God, you know, if you I understand where
where not Yahoo was at the beginning of the war
of the war like after October seventh, but right now,
I mean, I know we have to drive them out,
but they've got to be more strategic. There's got to
be other ways. And these people have nothing even at
the end of this how who's going to be putting
up the houses. Who's going to clear the land so

that people can actually move back in back back to
where nothing? I mean, what are they going to? What
is Palestine going to be? Nothing but like a tensity?
I don't know, but it's really it's it's crazy. I'm
hoping tomorrow we have the State of the Union. I'm
hoping some of that. It's investing in the economy, protecting
women's health, democracy at risk? Are the the are the

topics that he's going to be discussing if you.

Speaker 5 (28:29):
Let's get to him. Let's get to him, because I
want to call it that Palestine.

Speaker 4 (28:33):
Oh yeah, no, no, no, we are this is That's
what I'm saying. The State of the Union knows are
those are his topics? And I easily went online. When
you put the state of the Union.

Speaker 5 (28:41):
And you want to get more ahead, A lot is
writing on his state of Reunion because yeap this Nicki
Hayley dropped out. Uh, we're looking. A lot of his
followers are underside. A lot of her followers were undecided.
They do not want to vote for Trump, but they
don't necessarily want to work vote for Joe Biden as well.
This is his way too. And she has seventy nine

percent of her voter said that if they didn't vote
for her, they didn't know what they would do, but
they didn't want to vote for Trump tomorrow. Is he
has a major opportunity to win over a majority of
vast voters by coming in it like a damn bulldog,
standing on business as we say, he needs to stand over.

I would love if he said that tomorrow that was baby.
We would go crazy. But to really just deliver it,
to let them know and be concise and be precise
and be direct and come at it strong. I think
that he could win them over because Biden is down
for the fight. The fight is on. And to all
you not committed voters, all you, oh, I don't know,

I'm not going to vote. I'm not committed to any party.
I'm voting for a third part. I would love if
we had another party. I would love that, but we
are too close to the finish line to even try
to create a third party right now. We should have
did that day one when Biden got an office, but
you didn't. So now it is either the old Man
or the old Orange Man, because they both owe they

only three years apart.

Speaker 4 (30:07):
And people just they keep forgetting that. I'm hoping what
comes through tomorrow is I hope he's clear and concise
as well, and he doesn't have too many gaps. I mean,
everybody has one or two, but too many. What I'm
hoping is his fundamental decency comes across, because it seems
like what he's running on is this new thing they're

calling freedom of the freedom agenda and his reproductive rights.
And I'm hoping that he lands some sort of narrative
for exactly you know, what he's looking for in term two,
and I hope it resonates with the people, because you're
exactly right, Nicky, Haley's people do not want to vote
for Trump. So but what we don't want them to
do is we don't want to sit home and stay

on the couch. So he's gotta he's gotta get a
fire under them because either way, Trump or Biden, they
need those votes. And Trump is not. In his victory
speech he is. He did not once give a little,
give a little of olive branch, nothing to Nikki Haley.

So you know, I'm I'm sure she'll she'll be forced
to endorse.

Speaker 5 (31:13):
Him, which no, she did not, she did not endorse him.

Speaker 4 (31:17):
Well, no she will. I'm saying she will have to probably.

Speaker 5 (31:20):
Which it speaks volumes about when he got out the
first time. He would not concede, he would not leave
him on the court with all the hoops, and then
he created this whole narrative about that the election was stolen.
He is showing y'all early up the front what is
coming because he will not be apologetic. He would not
be empathetic, He will not care about You are absolutely correct,

You are absolutely correct.

Speaker 4 (31:42):
He really, I mean, he really Journey's speech. Millennia wasn't there.
I didn't see any of his family, but I'm sure
they were. They just didn't show them, like they never panned.
They had that very tight shot so you couldn't see
actually who was in the office. He does have a
very nice family, the best family. That's what he was
telling all of us, blesusus LAHA. But I mean he's

he's sure to be the to be the electorate for
for the GOP.

Speaker 5 (32:10):
Mind you, Bobby that he has the best family. And
you know people are dying. Who's never died before. I'm
just saying his words.

Speaker 4 (32:20):
I mean, the one person we know who is not
going to run is Michelle Obama. She has come out again.
She is not going to pop out out of a
jack in a box box and say surprise. You know,
She's just not going to do.

Speaker 5 (32:33):
It with the disrespect that she received as the first
lady and her husband received as the president of these
United States. I don't blame her or him for not
even having no say so in this because they were
very disrespected.

Speaker 4 (32:47):
Yeah, it's crazy. She just was done. She only went
in because he wanted to do it. I mean, that's
what she said then she I mean, I read both.
I read her books. She she wasn't looking for it.
It's not it's not her her get down. She supported him.
She did a phenomenal job while she was in there.
She made an actual job of it made us proud,
looked great while she was doing it, But she's not

looking for another eight years.

Speaker 5 (33:09):
Back it up, Bobby, hold on, did you just get hip?
It's not her, get down? Come on, Bobby. That was
funny to me. I had to rewind that. I said,
wait a minute, I was Catholic, white woman. Yes, say
it's not her, get down. Okay, y'all hear that, Bobby, Bobby,

get then, but it's not.

Speaker 4 (33:35):
It's politics are not her thing? Why because exactly what
we're seeing. They're dirty, they're messy. You know, people are
lying about you. They're all in your business, making all
sorts of crazy things. Now we're gonna have to worry
about AI and pictures that don't even exist actually showing up.
But anyway, so that was that she's not coming. We're

getting nobody. It looks like you're you're call on your seat.
They have the two people for Feinstein's seat. They're actually
that the representative shift and then that baseball guy are
going to be Yeah.

Speaker 5 (34:11):
That baseball guy his name is, what's his name?

Speaker 4 (34:15):

Speaker 5 (34:16):
Oh my god, he's he's he's he's the whole story
of his own baby. I hear me when I tell you.

Speaker 4 (34:22):
Yeah, he's a character. That's what we say in my family.

Speaker 5 (34:24):
But they're very close. That the race is very close.

Speaker 4 (34:28):
Oh it's closer than I wanted to be. I want
I want Shift to win, you know, I sweep, Yeah, Sift.

Speaker 5 (34:34):
Shift is that thirty three and Garvy is that thirty
two percent. So it's very close and they may have
to call a recall, I mean a do over. But
it's very close. But Garvey voted for Trumps two or
three times, so I don't know. I'm not I'm not
and it's not yet. He voted for Trump. Just some
of his policies I'm not, I'm not comfortable with. And

like you said, he's a character, his his verbiage. It
is not being politician. But I guess Trump changed the
face of that because he said what the hell he
wanted to say, and he was the president.

Speaker 4 (35:08):
Say what he wants to say. McConnell endorsed him, and
he called McConnell's wife Coco chow.

Speaker 5 (35:16):
Do McConnell know he endorsed him though, let me just
be on him.

Speaker 4 (35:20):
He looked like he did. I know, he's going he's
following potty lines and he's just going along with what
the GLP wants him to do. But my god, he
and cruized. Somebody insulted my wife or my husband. There
is no way. I don't care what they done.

Speaker 5 (35:36):
McConnell is giving me a little Elsa from Frozen. Oh yeah,
you don't.

Speaker 4 (35:41):
God, bless him, Bless his little hot. Bless his little hot.

Speaker 5 (35:45):
By the way, McConnell, he's stepping down, but not until November. Again,
does he know that he's stepping down? Because Baby, from
what I've been seeing, a lot of things that don't
seem to be sitting right.

Speaker 4 (35:56):
And he's still in like he's he's stepping down from
his leadership role in November, but he's still he's going
to finish his seat until twenty twenty seven. So it's
not like he's we're going to see him for a
little while. You know, he's just going to get well.
We'll see what happens. I don't want to put bed
Jiuju out in the world. Did you see Trump's speech?

Speaker 5 (36:17):
I see it, and I'm going to tell you about
her now, Bobby. I listened to it and I'm still
trying to decipher some of the words that he created
because he made up his own language.

Speaker 4 (36:26):
He made up his own facts too. He said that
that President Biden is Thank god he didn't call him Obama.
At least that was an improvement he was. He flew
in three hundred and twenty five thousand people. He flew
him in, you know, just for for no reason, just
flew him everywhere. I flew all over. Now, there was

a there was a parole. They called it parole, meaning
that you to come over. It was like a work
type of thing where thirty thousand people could come from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, Venezuela.
They had to have a sponsor, they had to have
somebody to pay their way, and it was work for
jobs that we don't have, migrant jobs and other jobs

that that we can't fill. And the only thing that
I have to say that I could not find information
and so it's probably a crack in the crack in
the program is that I'm hoping that they're following these people,
you know, like the people aren't just coming into the
country and then nothing. I'm hoping almost like a parole,
you have to check in one every once in a while.
If they do, then I don't see God bless them.

But he just made He just made up. I don't
even I don't even know what he he had two
or three things that when the fact checker come on
and CNN I loved it, They're like, I'm wrong, wrong.

Speaker 5 (37:38):
Well, well you said he came in and made up
his own Hasn't he made up his own story the
entire time from the pay listen? Isn't isn't he didn't?
He just lose a case in New York because he
made up square footage in a place that he owns.

Speaker 4 (37:55):
But it's the truth and his guy, his his xc
CFO Weissberg, Weiselberg, something like that.

Speaker 5 (38:03):
He is.

Speaker 4 (38:04):
He's in big trouble for perjury because he testified falsely
on the square footage of that place. So yeah, but
you know what, it's not him going is going to
go to jail, So what does he care? You know,
as the chips fail, they're always the best when they're
just coming in. But by the end, you know, everybody's
a bomb. He's speaking of bombs. He's he's courting Elon Musk.

I'm wondering if that's too to shake him down for money.
I don't know, shake him down for money for to
pay his bills, or shake him down for money for
the election.

Speaker 5 (38:43):
Well, Eve, I must thus own X, and X does
have millions and millions of people on there, so his
influence and his reach can be good. Because they did
take him off even though they did put him back over.
Now he has his own little whatever it is, he
has a whole lot of something because I'm telling you, Bobby,
these people are banning everything that he is selling and
I'm telling you, oh, it does not even look that desirable.

But that's where we are. That's why y'all know. Y'all
need to vote. And I'm telling you, I'm not telling
you who to vote for. I'm just telling you to
make sure that you do vote because it's non committed
or third party. I want a third party to good guy.
Would I like to have a third party, But we're
too close to the finish line and it is either
the old Man or the Orange old Man, because y'all
keep saying it like they're not three years apart.

Speaker 4 (39:27):
No, yeah, no, it's absolutely And did you see that
Kristin Cinema that we're going to be having like a
changing of the guard. Kristin Cinema is also announcing that
she's retiring Joe Manchin is leaving. She's leaving case. She's
the girl who came in as the Democrat and then
went out as an independent. All of a sudden, she
flipped the script herself once she was in, which of
that was kind of lousy because people voted her for

her as because she was going to be a Democrat.
But she's stepping down as well. So we got big
changes coming, and I hope they're going to be positive.
I'm hoping some of those seats have d's in them.

Speaker 5 (39:58):
You know what, I always considered, Bobby when I see
all these people jumping ship at the same time, and
I know some of them are older and they want
they've been in those positions for years, but I think
they would have held on to those positions until they did,
like Dianne Feinstein just absolutely couldn't do the job anymore,
or like I beloved it, what was the RBG, I like,

I belove it straight in there until they crossed over.
But I think that a lot of them just don't
want to be involved in the political realm if they
think that Trump is going to be the president, because
they they as much as I want to say, and
I'm going to say this to you on you. A
white woman by me and my white neighbor told me
that that she is not a Biden fan, but she
does not want to support Trump, she said, because he

put a face on racism. This is a white woman
who said this to me. And she also said that
a lot of white people agree with some of the
things that he says, but none of none of the
white the white community as a whole. She's only one person.
She can't speak for everybody, but she said he's an embarrassment.
They do not like the he is there because.

Speaker 4 (41:02):
He's got no he's got no give and take flat
it's all about him. So the difference between the two
men and I'm sorry, I hope I didn't cut you off,
was Biden is he is worried about doing worried about
doing service for the people. Trump is only worried about
what's in it for him and the people that he's
pushing in the Senate and in the Congress, people who

are supposed to be working for us. There is no
decorum and there's no space for cooperation or compromise anymore.
And that's why people like Joe Manchin like or don't
are leaving and I'm sure Cinema they don't. They didn't
take a job to do nothing, and they have to
go back to their consistuments and they've got nothing done.
They've they've got nothing to put on the resume.

Speaker 5 (41:45):
For the love of God. Yeah, yeah, that's it.

Speaker 4 (41:49):
I'm done.

Speaker 5 (41:51):
That was great. Listen, y'all, y'all listen, yeah, flame its
and and and people out there in Black Effect network land,
y'all know what it is. Y'all know where we're at.
Y'all know what we're up against. And this is the
most crucial year for politics ever. Because what I do
appreciate about Trump, because I don't respect it about him,
But what I appreciated about him is everything that he

said he's going to do, he does. As far as
the terrorization of the country now, fixing the country, or
making measures and passing bills that's going to be pertinent
for the American people. He does none of those things.
But if it's something Tyrannio, oh my god, he delivers.
So he lets you guys know, and y'all found for

a hookline and sinker every time. I'm not upset with Trump.
Trump is a pimp to me, it's the people who
is the people he pimping? And I'll upset with it?
Ain't me now.

Speaker 4 (42:44):
I used to find him entertaining way back like because
he's so outrageous and not landish. Now, as your neighbor said,
I just find him embarrassing.

Speaker 5 (42:53):
I would love to find him entertaining again on the Apprentice.
I just don't want him to be the Apprentice of
the White House because I saw what it was going
to do, and I see what it's going to do.
I can see the writings on the wall. And because
I got four eyes where if you come up by
focal six anyway, listen here at Laughing Learn. We appreciate
you guys for coming in and hanging out with us.
We're almost at season four, and I'm telling you, I

think I have to thank my too, y'all. I get
such positive feedback that y'all love Toots. They love you,
Bobby Clifford.

Speaker 4 (43:21):
Yeah, I love them back.

Speaker 5 (43:22):
They'd like to hear. I can't a little more.

Speaker 4 (43:25):
But you know, I've got to do it special. If
I do it all the time, then you'll get used
to it.

Speaker 5 (43:31):
It's not special, it's always special because it's coming from you.
We thank you, mister Ion Howard I produced the Ladies
and Genmen. Here at Laughing Learned. The model has not
changed in three years and will not change for season four.
At the end of every show, the same message will
always range you. We here at Laughing learn We are
not trying to get you to change your mind. We
are only trying to get you to use your mind.

Speaker 4 (43:52):
Because why Bobby, Because a mind is a terrible thing
to waste.

Speaker 5 (43:56):
And your vote is an even worse thing to waste.
Please utilize your responsibility as an American. How important it
is to get up and go vote. I know some
of us are feeling frustrated and you're not happy with
either candidate. But if don't complain, then and then don't
complain because you did not take the time to get
up and go vote. Bobby is an Irish woman. When

Irish came over here, they were brutalized if they didn't
vote that the way that people wanted them to vote.
Just like us, as black people, we were ostracized and brutalized.
Houses burned down. First of all, they didn't want us
to vote, and then they wanted us to vote the
way they want us to vote. A lot of racists
have had to put up with a lot of bs
just to have the privilege and the opportunity to vote legally,

including women. Women could vote to the twenties. So I'm
telling you right now, I know it's hell. It's hell
to look at. It's help for us to report every week,
but it's gonna be more hell if you don't take
the responsibility and the time to make what's important to
you important to you, which is get your behind up
and get to the polls. Mail it in, walk it in,

roll it, put it in a wheelbarrow, throw across the border.
I don't care what you got to do, but both,
because this is very important for all of us, right Bobby, Yes,
thank you, claiming no, thank you, Bobby Clifford, thank you.
Aaron Howard Flametce April twenty six and twenty seven, I
will be at the Comedy Club in Colleen, Texas. Don't
ask me for the name of it right now, because

I do not know. Google it, Bobby, and March the
twenty ninth and thirtieth, I will be in Chicago at
the Laugh Factory. Get your tickets on the website or
at the box office. Thirty one seventy five on Broadway
March sixteenth. I would be in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. All the
information is on my social media, which is claim un roll,
So go look it up somewhere and I will see

you guys next week. Here left, Where will I be
next to month?

Speaker 4 (45:45):
Bobby, you didn't mean in Chicago at the end of
this month, but you're going to be. I think it's
twice as funny comedy.

Speaker 5 (45:51):
Why is this funny comedy lounge? That's it in Kyleeen,
Texas And it's a whole bunch of it's a whole
bunch of military bases over there. Ooh, I feel I
feel like I want to serve. I feel like I
want to serve my country. So get your tickets. I
see you guys at the end of the month. You
can follow Bobby at Clifford Bobby on Instagram and Bobby

Clifford on Facebook. We thank you, we appreciate you, we
adore you. We're holding you responsible for what you need
to do for our America so we can still keep
our America. Bobby, you got any party words.

Speaker 4 (46:25):
We're nothing without you, So thank you very much and
tell a.

Speaker 5 (46:27):
Friend, tell a friend, thank you guys. We'll see you
next week, Pace, don't miss an episode of Laugh and Learn.
Listen and subscribe on the Black Effect Podcast Network, Alright
Heart Radio app or wherever you get your podcasts. Laugh
and Learn Podcast is a production of the Black Effect
Podcast Network and iHeartRadio. Our ejective producer is Tiffany Hattish.

Our theme music is by the one and only Chrissy Payne.
Thank you guys. This is Flaming Road. Don't forget to laugh.
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