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May 6, 2024 46 mins

Shannen catches up with her ex-husband, former Hollywood bad boy Rick Salomon and his beautiful daughter Tyson. Despite Shannen and Rick's short-lived marriage, they always remained friends and family. In this episode, they recall their Vegas wedding, their tumultuous relationship, and how Shannen felt being a stepmom to Tyson.Rick is now 15 years sober, happier than ever, and being the dad he always wanted to be.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:02):
This is let's be clear with Shannon Dorny. You, guys,
I'm joined by two really interesting guests, one of my
ex husbands, like how I have to say one of
them and I think the same amount as you, and

one of my stepdaughters. Hey, I mean this is pretty wild.
So Rick Solomon and his daughter Tyson are here.

Speaker 2 (00:32):
Hi, what's happening?

Speaker 1 (00:33):
What's happening? Some of you may be listening. You I
was married to Rick. I think we got married in
two thousand and two January. I just looked it up.
I would never have any idea otherwise. And we got
annulled in May of twenty twenty three. So technically we
don't have to call each other like ex wife and
ex husband because we got an old but we still do. Yeah,

and we got married super fast. Do you remember how
long we were dating before we got married?

Speaker 2 (01:02):
Three weeks?

Speaker 1 (01:03):
Was it only three weeks?

Speaker 3 (01:05):

Speaker 1 (01:06):
It was longer than that. No way. I remember we
were in your car and we were at the Beverly
Connection that went across from the Beverly Center, and we
were having this conversation and the conversation ended with being like,
all right, let's go get married, like you know, we
had the conversation, and so we did and we went
to Vegas. Yeah, we went to Vegas and I had

a witness. You had a witness. And then I said
to you, like, I can't get married without my dad
being there and my mom. You're like, if we're going
to do this, we're going to do this right now.
It's like they were they were no, you gave me
like you were like they got to get on a
plane now, but they were definitely there. That was that
was wild? Like was it just normal for you? It

felt weird to me?

Speaker 4 (01:52):
Well, I think even when he's doing when you are
like at the crops table, if they don't have the
money right then there he won't gamble. So I think
that for him, if it's not there happening, then there
he's like bad luck, right it has he done?

Speaker 3 (02:04):
And I think like, well, my first marriage, their mom,
I think there was like I don't know she was
you wanted more of a companion, more like a husband,
more you know.

Speaker 2 (02:13):
And just normal.

Speaker 1 (02:14):
Yeah, it wasn't.

Speaker 3 (02:15):
I didn't know anything about that, even though I had
been married before. All of a sudden, I was like
I just was like I didn't take marriage like okay, yeah,
we'll do it. We didn't met.

Speaker 2 (02:23):
Just let the dice roll right.

Speaker 1 (02:26):
Yeah, you know, e G is very that's your mom,
your first wife. She was awesome. She was really good
with me, like inviting me in and making me feel
welcome and making me feel welcome to like the kids
and you, and I never felt really threatened by her.
She was awesome. And she definitely from what I know
of that small period of time, give you a lot

of leeway. Yeah, And I was not the girl giving
me leeway.

Speaker 3 (02:50):

Speaker 2 (02:51):

Speaker 3 (02:51):
But then also you were, like, in a different situations,
super famous in that fucking thousand where was it?

Speaker 2 (02:56):
What's it called? The lemon farm was? What's what's no?

Speaker 1 (03:00):
That was later when we first oh that.

Speaker 3 (03:02):
Was the beginning we married, and then we were always
around the lemon farm and would know how I count
fifteen minutes from the store.

Speaker 2 (03:09):
And I'm like looking around.

Speaker 3 (03:10):
Like, uh, I can't live on no fucking lemon farm
in fifteen minutes from the store. That was so many,
so much, so much bruh. It was it was like
way past thousand oaks. It's like it's it was an hour.

Speaker 2 (03:24):
And then it was like.

Speaker 3 (03:27):
The thing I thought it has a real life lemon
farmers like twenty eight year lemon farm twenty.

Speaker 5 (03:33):
She has lemons, she has a lot of lemons.

Speaker 2 (03:38):
Go crazy.

Speaker 1 (03:39):
Yeah that ways had we sold the like Sun Kissed,
but it was like more park seeming valley like out
in that sort of neighborhood. So for somebody who.

Speaker 2 (03:48):
We didn't have lemonades, well for.

Speaker 1 (03:51):
Somebody who was not used to like traditional marriage, yeah.

Speaker 2 (03:54):
You know. But also I was hustling straight, you know
what I mean, just like young and Hu, you.

Speaker 1 (04:01):
Weren't that young, dude. You were not that young, like
you were in your thirties.

Speaker 2 (04:06):
Yeah, I'm still like, that's not that young. I was
still on the street.

Speaker 1 (04:11):
I know I should have married you. Now when you've
made it like that's I was stupid. I should have
just said, like, no, this guy's not done yet. He's
going to go back in the oven. We're going to
let you take some of I knowmy so and then
I don't know, like in your eyes, because I know
people think it's weird. I've had a lot of my

friends be like, wait, you're still friends with Rick, and
I'm like, yeah, like why wouldn't I be It may
have been tumultuous at times in our marriage, but at
the end of the day, I've like, I always loved you. You.
You always made me laugh, you always made me smile.
Sometimes you made me cry, but that's only when you
didn't come home because you were off doing other stuff.
Not cheating or any of that stuff, but other stuff,

which you'll you can tell your story if you want.
I'll tell you. I remember a distinct night from me
was my friend Debora and her husband Craig were over.
Do you remember this night? And they were going to
spend the weekend. He's like, no, I don't remember most
of that.

Speaker 2 (05:15):
Best friends, you remember that night?

Speaker 1 (05:19):
Remember the other house in Malibu that I had, so
we moved in it. We moved in there, right, and
that's the house, you know. So we moved in there
and they came over and there was supposed to be
like a whole you know, like weekend thing. They were
spending the weekend with us. And then you looked at
me and you're like, I'm going to vas going to

Vedans And I was like what And You're like I'm
going And I was like no, like you can't like
and I was so hurt. And you went to the
airport and I was in the bedroom, Deb and Craig
were in the pool. It was late at night, and
he comes walking back and it was the last thing

I expected him to do. But you were like, all right,
I'm stand And I was like, see, he's got like
you've always had, just like the sweetest, kindest heart. I've
always felt I came back. You did. He came back.

Speaker 5 (06:17):
You know.

Speaker 1 (06:17):
There are other times that you didn't, but this time
you did. And I think that I don't know. I
always felt like, regardless of what happened with you and me,
that I had somebody in my corner that I could
call you and be like, hey, I'm in trouble, or
I need you to bail me out of jail, or
I need you to do this, and you would do it.

Speaker 5 (06:38):
He's good at like showing up when the time matters.

Speaker 4 (06:41):
He's also good at giving like a one when like
you're I know a lot of people that could feel
really like lost or depressed or hopeless or something, and
in a lot of times he's like not the right
person to talk to you.

Speaker 5 (06:51):
But sometimes when you're really down under, he has got like.

Speaker 4 (06:54):
A one liner thing that you're like, oh wow, my
whole perspective could have like changed, and he's got that,
so you can show up and he's got good like
one liners.

Speaker 2 (07:02):
She told me the.

Speaker 3 (07:02):
Story the other day that she broke up with her
boyfriend and she's like devastated, and I was like, oh,
how exciting.

Speaker 2 (07:08):
You know it's gonna be next Then she was like,
how exciting? How exciting? You don't know who you're going
to get the meeting?

Speaker 1 (07:17):
I know a mile of Like my life looks like
I'm gonna.

Speaker 4 (07:20):
Go to Vegas gamble and I hang with my dogs.

Speaker 5 (07:24):
He's like, you know what your life's gonna look like?
How exciting? What adventure. I was like, that's a good perspective.

Speaker 1 (07:30):
That is a good perspective. Yeah. Well, also, by the way,
I look at you like you're not gonna have any
trouble finding a boyfriend. You're gorgeous and I cannot take
credit for any of that because you're not biologically my kid.
I wish I could take credit for it.

Speaker 5 (07:45):
I look like you.

Speaker 3 (07:48):

Speaker 1 (07:49):
I know, right, We've got a little coloring, same coloring. Yeah,
so okay, we got divorce because you had a little
bit of a drug thing back then.

Speaker 3 (08:02):
I always think I think that myself and like the
girls always wanted the bad boy until they met me, like,
oh he's too bad.

Speaker 2 (08:09):
And that was that was That was the way it was.
That it always like fall in love and then I'd
just be too wild.

Speaker 1 (08:15):
You know, because back then he would fall in and
out of it. Now you're like fifteen years sober, right, so,
but back then he wasn't, and he would go on,
you know, maybe I'll be sober for three weeks or
four weeks or six months.

Speaker 2 (08:26):
So I was like, I want to try to start
getting somewhere. I was eighteen years old.

Speaker 3 (08:30):
I didn't get long term surprise until I'm forty fifty
five now.

Speaker 2 (08:34):
So but in those.

Speaker 3 (08:35):
Twenty two years, I tried to get sober. I got
sober seven times a year, you know. So they're like
I would get like, you know, clean up, go to
the champ.

Speaker 1 (08:46):
And I think being sober it actually made him a
little introverted, which is like back then obviously not now
you're clearly not introverted, but like back then it would.
So there was this like shyness and a charm. Yeah
yeah him that made someone like me fall in love
with him. Yeah yeah, yeah.

Speaker 4 (09:05):
He is still shy though, because he is still like
the guy at the party that kind of just wants
to go home, or like I think there is like
a wholesomeness about him where he's like I liked going
to walk, so I liked being with my dogs.

Speaker 5 (09:15):
I like to be at home. He is like awkward
when he is sober.

Speaker 2 (09:19):
Comfort Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm.

Speaker 1 (09:22):
So glad you're comfortable right now. But so we what
ended up happening is he obviously didn't stay sober, and
then like it just started spiraling, and eventually things happened
that I sadly was like, I can't, like, I can't
do this anymore, Like I I because I did really
want to be married. I wanted to be married to you.

I wanted it to work out, but I had to
it wasn't going to work out because he needed to
go through a lot more stuff, I think, and and
find his true sobriety, which you've done. And you know,
I think it's probably been amazing for you and your sister,

just how better you are showing up for people in
your life, even though you were always fairly good at that,
at least for me you were. I was just drug
right to what what was like the catalyst and what
what happened where you got sober? You don't have to
say it if you don't want to see everything.

Speaker 2 (10:21):
My whole life fell apart, like every every everything.

Speaker 5 (10:24):
His brain stopped working the safe.

Speaker 2 (10:26):
Yea, oh yeah, well that was the thing I said.

Speaker 3 (10:28):
Okay, I heard if you go to rehab for a month,
you and I went a couple of times, you have
a three percent chance of stand so sober, and you
go for a year, you have an eighty five percent
chances stands over. And I would say, if I ever
smoke crack, okay, and again, I'm gonna fucking go to
rehab for a year. And then I couldn't remember my
safe code that were going in all the time, and
I'm a numbers guy, and I was.

Speaker 2 (10:48):
Like, for some reason, I was like, dude, my whole
life was falling apart.

Speaker 3 (10:50):
They were going to Australia without me. My passport was
in the safe that I couldn't get in there. We're
leaving that night. I'm a fucking mess, and I just
remember thinking that fucking you promise you were gonna go
fucking you know, if you smoke this shit again. I'd
been smoking for eight months ago. I was like one
hundred and fifty pounds.

Speaker 5 (11:07):

Speaker 2 (11:08):
I had like seven million dollars in my box. I'd
lost like eight million, you know what I mean.

Speaker 3 (11:12):
Like I was like, you know what they're like, figure
out how to pay for rehab for a year.

Speaker 2 (11:16):
I had to pay for my kids for a year,
had to pay for you know.

Speaker 3 (11:19):
Some debts, my house, everything, my assistant, everything, you know
what I mean, going into rehab with like fucking.

Speaker 2 (11:25):
Being a million dollars uh in debt and then yeah,
everything just fell fucking part.

Speaker 3 (11:30):
Even when I was in rehab, She's telling me she's
walking around rehab going and I was in I was
in austral I did make it to Australia, by the
way they drilled them on the fucking safe And I
was in Australia walking around one hundred and fifty and
they don't have real cocaine in Australia. It's like everybody
does it. It's three hundred dollars a gram. I bought
a hundred bags. Fucking none of it was fucking worth,
you know. And I mean the thing I was eating
like twenty hits Actasy a day like a zombie.

Speaker 2 (11:52):
Finally get me the fuck back that I was supposed
to play at poker tournament there. I didn't play.

Speaker 3 (11:56):
I was like, get me back to America from real cocaine.
I come back, go on, like you know it's supposed
to go for two day things. Fucking two days. I'm
supposed to read by, show up by like two weeks later.
So old, but even in rehab, so scared. She's walk
around daddy going, if you don't quit smoking cigarettes, you're
not gonna grow old and get to meet my fucking kids.

Speaker 2 (12:14):
You know, I'm gonna rehab ten days. I started coughing blood,
chunks of blood.

Speaker 4 (12:19):
His mom died before I was born, so I thought,
so I think that was definitely like for him, like, oh, Mike,
mom didn't get to meet my kids.

Speaker 5 (12:25):
I'm not going to get to meet my kids.

Speaker 3 (12:27):
Kids, and uh so I'm coughing up this fucking blood
and uh I would like a couple of years before
I went to this wellness center, like they did these
full hey long X rays, and I remember, you know,
I better go do this lung scam. I go do
the fucking lung scan. The nurse turns white. I mean
it looked like she saw the ghosts. You know, I'm like, well,
I read people for a living, you know what I mean.

Sometimes it's called the bat read. And you know, I'm like,
I hope this is a bad read. The doctor comes in,
he's like, you got a golf ball sized tumor and
you're in your lungs. You gotta go to surgery right now,
you know what I mean. And then I was like,
it's Friday afternoon, there's a lot of traffic. Sure, we
don't have no options. And he starts like pushing buttons.

Speaker 2 (13:06):
He's like, you're a gambling man. You're a gambling man.

Speaker 3 (13:09):
There's a ten percent chance that fucking you just have
an abscess. But now we won't know till Monday. But
he was telling me ten minutes before I had to
go to surgery right down, and every second counts would
I go? But I was happy I had a ten
percent chance. I'm like, I've beaten worse odds. I was like,
pretty cool, I got a ten percent chance. So you know,
I'm just comfortable with death.

Speaker 5 (13:26):
You know.

Speaker 3 (13:27):
I thought about it and the thing, I'm like, die,
I sleep, It's not that bad, right, And but I
wasn't that comfortable telling her. I was like, fuck, I
to tell this little girl that fucking your dad fucked up,
did too many drugs and smokes Cita reds and I'm
dying lung cancer. So Monday I go do fucking more tests.
It's Monday afternoon. The doctor still doesn't tell me fucking anything.

Speaker 2 (13:48):
I call him.

Speaker 3 (13:48):
I'm like, yo, homies, what the fuck do I got?
You told me every second counts. He goes, give me
fifteen minutes. Give me fifteen minutes. By the way, Now
I got figured out who's gonna do my lung surgery.
So it was over that weekend. I had to fight
find a doctor. I do all the shit like, I'm like,
I got problems. Now I gottaigure out who's the surgeon
to do the shit. I never did that before, so
no one's taking care of me. And uh I figured

that all out, and he calls me back fifteen minutes later.
He says, you got a fucking tumor. It's lighting up
to your lymph notes you gotta go to surgery right now.

Speaker 2 (14:16):

Speaker 1 (14:16):
Wait year was this?

Speaker 2 (14:17):
This is exactly fifteen years ago.

Speaker 3 (14:19):
So fucking Sistem falls over crying. I'm like, I'm like, yo, dude,
fuck it, I'm cool. I can make it to the hospital.
I know, people freak out on Zone's dying, you know
what I mean, Like, I don't like, you know, people
freak the fuck it's cool, And he Alway.

Speaker 5 (14:31):
Says, you don't call me. You were times to be like, Hey,
if I die, I want you to be happy.

Speaker 4 (14:35):
I'm like, huh, well call me and around to day
and be like we all die in a plane cross
Where do you want the money go away?

Speaker 1 (14:40):
Huh? Why are you doing this to me? It's ten o'clock.

Speaker 3 (14:43):
I mean, nobody wants somebody to die, and for you
know you, I love you, but I want you to
be happy. And if you live forever, everybody's gonna fucking die.
If you're one hundred years old, every one of your
motherfucking friends die, you know what I mean. So they're
just like, hey, you gotta just like this is your
story and you gotta be thankful. Hopefully you can find
some new friends because.

Speaker 1 (14:59):
There, you know, I just wear it like, okay, die,
I gotta be happy.

Speaker 2 (15:06):
So fucking whatever.

Speaker 3 (15:07):
I go to the fucking you know right there, we
go to fucking Cedars emergency, go do surgery for my ship.
And you know, I get there and the doctor looks
at it and goes, you don't fucking have a tumor,
and if you do, it ain't lighting up to your
olymp notes, and fucking said the complete opposite. I was
going in the surgery, like in the thing, they did
a biopsy and it was just a chunk of crack
cocaine stealing my fucking lungs. You know, I've been smoking

an ounce a day for like for five months.

Speaker 2 (15:32):
To my chest.

Speaker 1 (15:34):
A chunk cocaine stuck in your that is nuts.

Speaker 5 (15:50):
You know.

Speaker 3 (15:51):
My mom died a brutal, brutal, brutal cancer cancer death
when I was eleven years old, and I just didn't
believe in God, you know what I mean. I was
just like, Wow, that lady, the nicest lady I ever knew,
fucking died the most brutal death.

Speaker 2 (16:03):
And so I just was like in the thing.

Speaker 3 (16:06):
When that I met this dude in rehab and he
was like, Rick, I thought I smoked crack coaking every
single day.

Speaker 2 (16:11):
I thought I was gone.

Speaker 3 (16:12):
I was like telling the kids that I had it
in my thing, that your dadd's cracking. That's just the
way it is, you know what I mean. I get
used to it. I ain't hiding my pipe no more,
you know what, And then she was, oh, on Christmas Day,
the poor little girl caught me, like, fucking God, Daddy's
smoking poison. Daddy's smoking poisoning because I went on. You know, man,
she called me fucking smoking cracker on Christmas Day and.

Speaker 2 (16:30):
You know I was in their next room smoking crack.
So it's just it was just all around bad. What
was I talking about before the daddy smoking? Oh? The
God the most important.

Speaker 3 (16:40):
Thing, right, So the dude just told me, I thought
crackhoa game was going to be myself forever for the
rest of my life, you know what I mean.

Speaker 2 (16:47):
I always always think about it, and that was it.
So the dude just told me pray.

Speaker 3 (16:51):
He goes pray for the obsession every morning for the
Please Dear God, Ronnie, please dear God, you know, remove
the obsession.

Speaker 2 (16:57):
I don't want to do any drugs or alcohol anymore.
They ruined my life.

Speaker 3 (17:00):
I also played there got do your will not mine
mine always gets me in trouble. Please Dear God, help
me stay sober today, you know, and do it every
single morning and then do my little meditation pray for people.

Speaker 2 (17:10):
And I've been doing fifteen years and it worked.

Speaker 3 (17:12):
And he said, I don't know if it's gonna take
a day or a month or two months, but I
promised that obsession is going to be removed. And I
was just willing. And that was that's just, you know,
just like everybody just talks about it, did I just
I didn't know. I didn't know the answer. Like my dude,
I didn't know.

Speaker 2 (17:26):
How to stay off drugs.

Speaker 3 (17:27):
I know how to stay off drugs for a little bit,
but I knew and I also knew I couldn't do
drugs anymore, like my brain, Like there's also that's a
whole other story. But I lost my mind and rehab sober,
you know what I mean. So I was like three
days from sleep deprivation, you know what I mean. I
was like fucking gone, you know.

Speaker 1 (17:43):
And was that just from like the detoxing I.

Speaker 2 (17:46):
Didn't sleep from you know what I mean?

Speaker 3 (17:48):
I was like, I don't stay for a week, sleep
for half a day, stay for a week, you know,
one hundred. So all of a sudden, I'm in rehab
and I can't sleep, and they're trying to give me
sleep meds and I'm like sleep mads means I'm gonna
get me some cocaine, you know what I mean.

Speaker 2 (17:59):
I'm like the dude on the.

Speaker 3 (18:00):
Street and I'm just call them up. They're gonna come
pick me up. Like I'm getting picked up, getting the
fuck out of here drugs.

Speaker 2 (18:04):
I came here to get off drugs. I can't drugs.
I mix them going down, I'm coming up, you know.

Speaker 3 (18:10):
So. And then I found in the book like no
alcoholic or a drugic whoever dive from sleep devas and adventure,
they just got to suffer.

Speaker 2 (18:16):
Eventually they're going to.

Speaker 3 (18:17):
Sleep and I'm showing them. But these motherfucking rehabs just
trying to give everybody drugs, you know what I mean.
I wouldn't have found God if I took the drugs.
So then I was like having these crazy fucking dreams.
I'm sweating thing and the place that promise is turned
into fucking I call like nightmare on Elm Street. Demons
and shit chasing after me, you know what, Like the
demons were chasing after me.

Speaker 2 (18:37):
I was sweating my fucking brains out.

Speaker 3 (18:39):
All of a sudden, I had a roommate and then
we had there's a bathroom, and then there was two
other dudes over there, and this one dude got his
face kicked in and he was like going to surgery
the next day, and he was like, please please please.

Speaker 2 (18:50):
Be quieting in my face.

Speaker 3 (18:51):
I have a real big bad I'm getting surgery where
I can't have the worst headache in the world.

Speaker 2 (18:54):
Everybody, please please be quiet. So all of a sudden,
this one dude opens the door and he's like, where's
my pipe? And the guy's like, I left it in
the main house, right, And.

Speaker 3 (19:03):
Then all of a sudden, fucking the guy slams the
door so out and then all of a sudden, I
know there's gonna be a fight because this guy asked
to be fucking real quiet and you slammed the door
like so loud, and all of a sudden, I'm like pipe,
you know who's fighting over the pipe? On Nightmare and
Elm Street night You know what I mean, there's demons
chasing me. And then all of a sudden'm getting in
the little dude, My little roommate's like eighteen years old.

Speaker 2 (19:22):
He never left his house. He's in plumb rich kid,
but somehow shooting heroin, you know what I mean. I
don't even know how we found heroin what the deal is?
And he screamed me rigged? What should we do? What
we do?

Speaker 3 (19:31):
And then I'm like, yo, dude, like you know what
I mean, Like like you know, demons, no demons, you
gotta see what the fuck's going on.

Speaker 2 (19:36):
So I opened the door.

Speaker 3 (19:38):
Rick, Rick, the dude just fighting, the dude, just fighting.
They say, a power greater than you will restore you
to fucking sanity. I snapped out on my fucking psychosis.
I went outside, I smoked a cigarette and when came
back and I slept like a baby. And I've been
sane and sin since ever since then. And I'm telling
you one thing, death is a peaceful Remember I told
you I ain't scared of death. I'll fucking lie the
fuck down. But being insane, that's all different, you know

what I mean. I had a couple of bad trips
before a fucker be in that bad trip for the
rest of your life, ain't fucking It's like I can't
deal it.

Speaker 2 (20:07):
Right, Like that's too much for me. Like what do
I got to do? How do I stay sober? I'm
gonna do it. And if you told me to walk
fucking all the.

Speaker 3 (20:13):
Way to point doom back every morning, because sisamn, that's
what you do to stay sober.

Speaker 2 (20:17):
I was gonna try it. I wouldn't say I continue
to do it, but I was just willing to try it.
I just that's it.

Speaker 1 (20:24):
And so that that like finding God and saying that prayer.
Do you really attribute a lot of that to keeping
you sober for fifteen years?

Speaker 3 (20:33):
I don't know what happens if I didn't. What I
attribute to sober is me being willing to do it.
I did find God and he has come and showed
up for me.

Speaker 2 (20:39):
But I've been doing it. I don't know what my
life would be like if I didn't do it.

Speaker 3 (20:42):
But I had to be told this is what we do.
This is what we do, homie, and guess what. And
I did it at worked and I just keep doing it.

Speaker 1 (20:50):
Obviously we weren't married for a super long time, but like,
I know what you were like, and so does you
know Tyson and Hunter and he and a bunch of us.
I honestly don't think that you would be here if
you hadn't gotten sober. You won the All Time Award
Trophy Metal for like, you know, drugs and the amount

that you could could Yeah, yeah, so wait, so tyson
you were because you're how old now twenty five and
you're sober now too?

Speaker 5 (21:25):
Yeah, I got sober originally when I was fifteen. He
sent me to rehab.

Speaker 4 (21:28):
I was in the opera a year, had a hard
year twenty twenty two. I think, like a little bit
after quarantine, went back out super like secretive, like relapsed
because I was sober for so long, sober for all
my teens.

Speaker 5 (21:45):
Everyone that knew me knew I.

Speaker 4 (21:46):
Was like the sober girl with the sober dad, doing
sober things, and there was like too much like well,
first off, like just a complete inability to be like
honest with myself with like oh no, I'm like a
full on like drug addicts again, but also just like
how do I go from being this person and having
this ego and this sense of like self like who

am I? To all of a sudden like I literally
don't know who I am and how am I back
to where I was when I was fifteen?

Speaker 5 (22:11):
And how do I get out of this?

Speaker 4 (22:13):
And I also don't know how and I don't really
know if I want to because I was sober for
a long time and it wasn't really helping me or
I don't feel like I got all the things that
you see some other people. He got sober, and he
got super like happy, successful, whatever, joyce, free, whatever you.

Speaker 1 (22:27):
Want to call it.

Speaker 3 (22:28):
You know.

Speaker 4 (22:29):
So I think, then, you know, getting back again. My
whole life fall apart. Me and him weren't even talking,
just a total disaster. Didn't know who I wanted, what
I wanted to do, or who I wanted to be,
and then just my appendix burst on my way out
to do.

Speaker 3 (22:44):
Like an no, you gotta talking about. So this is
a month of our's journeys. So she's doing ay Alaska
like that scares me.

Speaker 1 (22:50):
Yeah, I'm pretty sure I would go in the journey
and never come back.

Speaker 3 (22:54):
So she's talking these journeys and past lives and gods
and whatever's going on in this and all this moons
and yeah, all the lives and all the past lives
all that shit.

Speaker 2 (23:02):
I'm like, yo, homie, I ain't arguing with you.

Speaker 3 (23:05):
I'm like, there's fucking like past lives, all that show,
all the spirits.

Speaker 2 (23:08):
I believe in it all.

Speaker 3 (23:09):
But if you're trying to figure it out, you're gonna
be fucked right, because there ain't there's no figure out
you're just gonna be in trying to figure unsolvable.

Speaker 2 (23:16):
Riddles the rest of your life, and you're gonna be cuckoo. Right.
So you're here, dude, the best you can. This is
where you're at.

Speaker 3 (23:23):
This little motherfucker sneaks off to the jungle to go
do another ceremony. This is a true story, right fucking
in the jungle by herself. She's leaving at midnight. I'm
not the doctor cat like when the mom and when
there's a problem in the family, like manical shit, I'm always.

Speaker 2 (23:39):
Like call your mom.

Speaker 1 (23:39):
Mind, hold on.

Speaker 4 (23:40):
The backstory of the story is that so I've been
I thought I was doing drugs for like four or
five US.

Speaker 5 (23:46):
It was like two years, and it was getting really bad.

Speaker 4 (23:49):
It was like k holes every night and just like
my body wasn't working, my brain isn't functioning.

Speaker 5 (23:53):
I can't sleep.

Speaker 4 (23:54):
It's just like I went from like, oh, I do
drugs that are like gonna make me feel a little
bit better, and all of a sudden, now I'm just
doing anything I can, and some things are working and
some things I don't care.

Speaker 5 (24:04):
And it's like the same thing.

Speaker 4 (24:05):
I'm not really scared of death, but I'm kind of
scared of just being here, uncomfortable in my skin.

Speaker 5 (24:09):
I don't want to do it. So then I'm like
something I need God help me, God help me.

Speaker 4 (24:13):
Like I hate I hate everything, and I'm like going
to do this third time, and this time I'm like,
I'm not doing this anymore. I don't want to be here.
I'm going to Columbia and I'm hoping I couldn't get
sober either.

Speaker 5 (24:25):
You're supposed to get sober before you go do these
CEREMONI you're supposed to have like thirty days nothing. I
couldn't stop. I couldn't do stop my adrole, I can
stop my okay, because any of it.

Speaker 4 (24:33):
So then I'm like, well, you know, if I die,
I die. If I lose my mind, I lose my mind,
It's fine. At least it's better than this.

Speaker 5 (24:39):
So I go. I'm like packed, ready to.

Speaker 4 (24:41):
Go, and my stomach is like kind of hurting. So
I call him one day in the morning. I'm like, oh,
my stumming is kind of hurting. He's like, I met,
your pendix is bursting.

Speaker 1 (24:49):
Call your mom.

Speaker 2 (24:50):
Like I didn't say that.

Speaker 3 (24:51):
I said go to the emergency. Now you're appendix burst.
You don't remember the fucking story. I want your appendix burst.

Speaker 2 (24:57):
And I don't know why. I just had my dad,
but I ain't like I'm like the fucking emergency room
right now.

Speaker 1 (25:02):
I didn't.

Speaker 4 (25:02):
I took my cast to get their nails clipped. I
kept packing my suitcase. I was likest and power before
my flight, and so if I had been on the flight,
I would have gone into.

Speaker 5 (25:14):
Like it would have had spillags, my pantings would have
burst in the air on like some really cheap right.

Speaker 4 (25:19):
It would have been like I would be on the
plane and like also, like do you really want to
sit on the plane and tell everyone like.

Speaker 5 (25:27):
Hey, I could be constipated, I could.

Speaker 1 (25:29):
Have gased, or my panics is gonna burst.

Speaker 4 (25:31):
Please land this flight, Like I don't want to be
held responsible for like meeking all these people.

Speaker 2 (25:36):
Whatever it is to the fucking she can go to jungle.
And she pretty much that it was like her like
she even cool ever.

Speaker 4 (25:42):
Since just to me that was like the medicine or whatever,
being like yohomie, like I am here for like you know,
for certain times, and now you're like abusing me just
like everything else. So this isn't an option anymore, go
find something else. And that's where I'm like, oh my god,
my life has become completely powerless as well. I don't
have another option. I was gonna go there and if

I lost my mom, I was gonna go live in
the jungle and do whatever. And now I'm stuck here
with myself and my feelings and whatever the hell my
life looks like, and I have to figure out a way.

Speaker 5 (26:11):
And that's where again I'm like kind of like, hi,
I'm just like willing. Can someone tell me what to do?
Because my way isn't working right?

Speaker 1 (26:17):
So then who was the person that me to say
their name? But like, how did you finally come to
the resolution that you needed to get help?

Speaker 4 (26:23):
Oh well, my panics burst and and I still couldn't
stop the drugs. That's when like, so I have I'm
very vain and like I care a lot about the
way that I look in my body and work out
some skin, and I have these big scars and I'm
still doing these kales. And I remember throwing up in
my sink and my thing my bleed, my my cuts
were bleeding, and I'm like, oh my god, like I
can't stop doing these drugs. So then I kind of

was like, I think I need to go to like
a meeting or something.

Speaker 3 (26:48):

Speaker 5 (26:49):
I found this woman.

Speaker 4 (26:51):
I had a guy that I really liked, and he
kind of told me like he's actually my boyfriend now,
but he told me, like, you, I think you should
get sober, like I think you need to do like
some just go back to like ay do your thing.

Speaker 5 (27:01):
And I was like, oh, God, like I don't. I
don't believe in elia. I don't want to found. But
I did find a sponsor. I just found like women
that I just trusted what they said. And that was it.
It was like I just listened to someone else whose
life seemed better than mine.

Speaker 1 (27:14):
It was just that that's it.

Speaker 5 (27:15):
My life is miserable, you seem you seem happy. That
was it, and I was just willing to listen to
that person. And my life's cool today. I'm pretty happy.

Speaker 1 (27:23):
Yeah, you seem pretty happy. I mean that's a lot
to go through though at your age.

Speaker 4 (27:29):
Yeah, I've gone through a lot of different things. That
one was kind of okay that you know that one
is self imposed. I would say like I've gone through
a lot of things that weren't self imposed or were
that just like a product of my own card that
I was dealt and like dealing with it the way
the best way that I could, but definitely like relapsing
and not looking for any sort of difference. I was
just my own thing and until I decided that I

just didn't want to do it that way.

Speaker 3 (27:53):
Kind of.

Speaker 1 (28:02):
So do you think that you got some of this?
You know, it's a little bit hereditary. I'm asking because
I don't know if you remember this story of you
and me, but you Hunter, your dad, myself, we took
you guys to the Cross Creek playground and you started

throwing sand at Hunter and it was like NonStop, and
it was all in Hunter's eyes and you were screaming
and we try to get you to stop, and you
were like, I don't really you know, like you you know?
And I he wasn't as strict as I was. I
came from like the South, and so I picked you
up and I looked at Rick and I said, stay

here with Hunter, have fun. I'm taking Tyson home. And
he was like you sure, and I'm like, yeah, trust me.
I pick you up and you're like punching me, but
you're like four, You're like your little fist and you're
like that had on and you're screaming. People all throughout
the park are like looking at us and like, I
just I can't worry about this. Put you in the car,
strapped you in, took you to the house, put you
in the back room, in the back bedroom that you

and Hundre used to stay in, and I said to you,
I was like, listen, I'm gonna lock the door and
you're gonna stay here until you stop crying.

Speaker 5 (29:16):
And destroy everything.

Speaker 1 (29:17):
I didn't lock the door because I was paranoid of
something happening, but I was like I'm not I'm not
dealing with your shit. Like, get over yourself. When you're done,
knock on the door and we can talk. And you
cried in that room for approximately five eight minutes, and
I was sitting outside. And then you were so cute

because all of a sudden there was this little knock
I'm ready, and I was like already, and I opened
the door and you were You were like a totally
different person, and you were calm, you were happy. I
think you were really happy that it was like your
sister wasn't there with us, that it was just like
you and me, and we sat down and like we

talked and we had and we watched TV and like
everything was cool. When they finally came back, you were fine.
But I always said it was like you reminded me.
Out of the two of you, you reminded me the
most of him with that like sort of stubborn streak.
You have a stubborn streak.

Speaker 4 (30:16):
Well, I think it's like for me that would be
it's like that. It's almost like a bit of like
compulsive and like OCD. And so if it's like a
thought or if it's like an anger or like hundred
did something that pissed me off in that moment and
I want to throw sand at her, like and I

can't stop. It's like that until I think I think
something else switches, like the scene is different.

Speaker 5 (30:43):
So even with like yeah, it's.

Speaker 4 (30:46):
Just like until it's not working for anymore, like maybe
like with the sand, like I'm not out our sand anymore.
I have all these feelings, but I'm not back at
the sand thing like maybe I just now I need
to try something else, which is right, here's the opportunity
of being nice, having a nice conversation and like, okay,
I can do that, because that's the same way when
I got sober the first time, I was a really

big disaster and they like separated me from this one
house and like it was just a whole, just like
and they told me that you're gonna bean rehab till
you're eighteen years old. I was like, that's three years.
I'm so depressed. I saw all these kids moving and going.
It was forty day program. I was in there for
like six months. I was like, what is going on?

Speaker 5 (31:23):
But I remember it was like my way again.

Speaker 4 (31:26):
Isn't working, and like I'm gonna be in like a
shitty situation if I don't fix this. And he was like,
look Homeie, like you can keep like trying to off
yourself and like being a crazy person, or you can
go live in Malibu and we're like get a nice little.

Speaker 5 (31:40):
Job and like be normal.

Speaker 1 (31:42):
And I was like that sounds like a good idea.

Speaker 2 (31:45):
And I was like yoga, Like we're on that strip
of a fucking pat You don't got it that fucking bad.

Speaker 3 (31:50):
I'm like, oh, you obviously wasn't handling drugs and alcohol,
so you can't do none until you're fucking eighteen years old.

Speaker 2 (31:57):
But you know what I mean, you got the whole
life in front of you and like you, I'm doing drugs.

Speaker 1 (32:01):
You got a good life, And so how do you, like,
how do you stay sober? Now?

Speaker 5 (32:05):
Well, I work a very strong program of recovery.

Speaker 4 (32:09):
I like wake up every day and like my my
sponsor Kara, who's like my little mentor, she always says,
like you wake up every day with entrey your alcoholism.
So every single day you have to be of service
to someone else. You have to get outside yourself because
the problem is you. It's like bondage of self, self seeking, selfish,
all about me, self center, fear, I'm not going to
be enough, I'm not gonna succeed, I'm not gonna have

the job, I'm not gonna get the guy, I'm not
gonna keep the.

Speaker 5 (32:31):
Guy, whatever it is.

Speaker 4 (32:32):
And then it's like getting outside myself helping someone else,
showing up with my dad, come and to hang out
with you. Like now I'm not thinking about me and
I'm at peace, right, So it's all that stuff. And
then yeah, it's just like and again it's like it's
like listening to someone else. I usually don't have the
greatest idea. My head usually is always full of like
fear and like not the right thing, So going to

someone else, talking to someone else and just knowing I
can't operate unlike drugs, it just doesn't work. I like
tried it, and my life becomes very catastrophused very quick.
So it's like proof is in the pudding. I want
to be happy, I want a good life, I want
to be successful, I want all those things.

Speaker 5 (33:07):
So it's like I can't have that with drugs. I
just have to not do them and find something else
that works.

Speaker 1 (33:13):
So do you guys hold each other accountable now at all?

Speaker 3 (33:16):

Speaker 1 (33:16):
Or you keep it all totally separate?

Speaker 5 (33:18):
Yeah, because that.

Speaker 4 (33:19):
Was like, like, well, it's also yeah, it's also like
that was for me a really big problem was that
I was like, Okay, great, your life's altogether, but like
I want to die and I hate mine.

Speaker 5 (33:28):
But I felt because he got he had five.

Speaker 4 (33:30):
Years when I zero, like I just started being in rehab,
I did feel like, well, no one else has any
skin in the game besides me and him, especially like
Quarantine came in and it was like everyone in Quarantine
was just doing so many drugs and it was like
the only other person I knew that was sober was
my dad.

Speaker 5 (33:45):
And I feel like vice versa.

Speaker 4 (33:47):
But I just felt slightly like, how is he supposed
to say sober if no one else around him is sober?
But for me, I wasn't happy sober. So that's where
like it wasn't working at that time. But now it's
just like we just hang out, but we are not
like sober buddies or anything.

Speaker 1 (34:02):
No sober buddies but their daughter and we're sober.

Speaker 2 (34:04):
Right, My daughter is sober. I'm proud of her. She's
working awesome. We was there for a hundred times more
than me. I needed to rehab.

Speaker 3 (34:10):
I went to a a long time, not saying they
didn't do it. I just didn't have anyone hold my
hand and really sit me down and really make me
do shit or there's never just I just went and
would listen to stories. And that was enough for me,
by the way, to see some cool people that I
respected that didn't do drugs and alcohol anymore was enough
for me to stay sober for a lot.

Speaker 2 (34:27):
Of times, but not change my life and do all that.
And and she got all that. She found some amazing
women that like held.

Speaker 3 (34:33):
Her hand and take her through the steps and do
you know, make her work, and they're serious I didn't.

Speaker 2 (34:37):
That's not my experience.

Speaker 5 (34:38):
Yeah, But so for me, it's just finding people that
like have again like what he said, how would I want?
And are just like living life. God, I just hang
out with sober people and I do sober things.

Speaker 1 (34:46):
I mean, you must be proud of each other, like
I'm you know, like I'm super proud of you, just
knowing what you were like and seeing you after you know,
a bender and being so scared that I was going
to get the phone call that you know, you had died.
So for me, it's it's really really really proud of you,

and I think you're doing phenomenal and now hearing your story,
knowing like what kind of a little girl you were
and that you were you were my kind of little
girl in the sense of I always liked the sort
of stubborn spunky you were named properly, right, Tyson is
the proper name for you. And but I always liked

that you were a tomboy. You you know, handled yourself.
But now to know everything that you went through and
that you're you know, sober and you seem and you're successful,
you have found sort of what makes you happy. Right,
you have a bomb that you do called time bomb
that's for your body and it's all natural and you

make it yourself and you have it like put it
off on twenty assistants or manufacturing company or anything else
you're and it's like sold out all the time. Right.

Speaker 4 (36:00):
Yeah, Well, it originally happened just kind of like on
TikTok and stuff, like I'd been just doing kind of skincare, healthcare,
like mental health, just whatever, just positive healthy living type stuff,
and my skincare was always including that.

Speaker 5 (36:12):
This like video went super viral me doing my nighttime
routine and people were like, what are you using? And
I'm like, this is just my product. They're like can
we have it? And I was like it's not out,
and they're like can you make it? And I was
like okay, I guess. And I thought it was going
to be like maybe one hundred people and that was
kind of gonna be it.

Speaker 4 (36:30):
And so I opened the thing and it got like,
you know, two thousand right away, and I was like
closed the store and I was like, oh my god,
I have to figure out how to do this and
like see see the occasion I had now like all
these people's money like that was you know, depositive and
have investors.

Speaker 5 (36:44):
The customers were my investors, and like they were like.

Speaker 4 (36:47):
We just want to make it take your time, and
I was like, I got to do this. And I
found like random girls at the nail salon. They were like,
I just moved here and I don't have any friends.

Speaker 5 (36:54):
I'd be like, you can come work for me and
hang out with me in my apartment.

Speaker 4 (36:57):
I have friends, and like these girls would come and
work for me and hang out and I would just
do these drops and every time I saw and it
was like the first time I did like eight hundred
eight hundred and like two hours and I closed the
door and make them all up. Then I did like
two thousand and three hours and closed the store. I
make it up, and I just kept it like this,
kind of like scarcity.

Speaker 2 (37:17):
Never left the store.

Speaker 5 (37:19):
Yeah, I never left the store. So it was like
it was either like I didn't need you, you needed
this because like here.

Speaker 1 (37:25):
Anyway, it's currently out of stock.

Speaker 6 (37:26):
Because I told that store, I'm as many motherfuckers says,
you can't even figure it out, you guys.

Speaker 1 (37:40):
Rick was so sort of anti podcast that he actually
yesterday offered me thirty thousand dollars instead of doing the podcast,
and I was like, no, thank you a million.

Speaker 2 (37:51):
I was, and get out of this thing. It's like
a number thing, like okay, we all have our number, right, Yeah,
I'm doing it for you. This is your deal. And
you know that's just where I'm at.

Speaker 1 (38:05):
I left off before we got into everything else. Do
you have any memories of like, because you were so young,
I do.

Speaker 4 (38:13):
I remember swimming, I remember Leroy dog and yeah, I
mean I remember you were.

Speaker 5 (38:21):
Like stern like you said, I always liked stuff.

Speaker 1 (38:24):
Like that because you know, it was like I needed
like the boundaries.

Speaker 4 (38:29):
Boundaries rules and like I can't win here. I always
needed that very clear line. Otherwise I was always gonna
like bully, you go over it, get what I want,
and like what I wanted usually was never the right
thing for me.

Speaker 3 (38:43):
You know.

Speaker 5 (38:43):
It's like with a kid being like, what do you
want candy or broccoli? I want candy. Well you're gonna
have Rockley right Like I just wanted my way. So
I do remember that, and I remember hanging out on
the couch. That was about it.

Speaker 1 (38:58):
Oh my god, I should have folloween costumes. That's I
was just gonna say, I'm gonna pull out those photos
and I'm going to post them when this comes out.
He was in his astronaut suit. Yeah you were, Yeah,
you were the astronaut with the full helmet and everything.

Speaker 5 (39:12):
I liked your huh.

Speaker 1 (39:14):
I remember liking being here, like thank you, yeah, thank you?
All right, you why don't we talking about Yeah, let's
not like like what is I want to know, like
the best thing about our time together and your biggest regret.

I know, I'm like, it's time to hit hard.

Speaker 2 (39:38):
I had some uh, I don't know every guy's dream.
Like I'm fucking very proud that I've married you. I
love you a lot. I just like to think, I
mean like wow, I mean like you're the best looking
brunette fucking with the light eyes in the world. So
like you know, I got her, so like what a
great one? Remember somehow like.

Speaker 3 (39:56):
You know, I mean, whatever it is, I've accomplished some
ship sort of for my dreams, you know what I mean,
like little Ricky Solomon's New Jersey dreams that come to California.

Speaker 2 (40:04):
And like I knew when I was a little kid,
like teachers I could tell that they know I didn't
go to school. My mom died, like no I didn't.

Speaker 3 (40:10):
I squeak on school seventh grade, and I could tell
a teacher, even though they pushed me ahead for a
couple of years, but I never went, you know, and
I could tell teachers.

Speaker 2 (40:17):
Weren't gonna be fucking happy. And you know, they weren't happy.
I'm like, what are you going to teach me? You're
not happy?

Speaker 3 (40:21):
You live in New Jersey home, it's freezing, and they're
not happy. Somebody's get burst out crying. Sometimes they would
hit me, you know what. But I could tell that
as a little kid, and I came out here and
you know, I mean, I like, you know, like, yeah,
you're a part of my story and and what for
amazing that I was married to you and I loved
you and we had some great times, we had some
mild times, we had some bad times.

Speaker 2 (40:41):
But it's all part of my journey and got me here.

Speaker 1 (40:44):
So I don't think I've ever heard you compliment me
that much. That's really sweet. What's your biggest regret?

Speaker 2 (40:51):
I don't really have no regrets.

Speaker 1 (40:54):
I know, I know you're like, it's life.

Speaker 3 (41:00):
With them, I mean, I fuck, you know what I mean, Like,
I like, you know, there's videos of them fucking you.

Speaker 2 (41:04):
Know, crying like I know my mommy loves me, but
where's my daddy? You know, I disappeared for months. I
didn't hang out with the kids. I like co you
know most of the time. You know, I'm smoking crack.
I'm not near my kids, you know.

Speaker 3 (41:15):

Speaker 2 (41:15):
But now, for the last fifteen years, I got to
be there, present, accountable.

Speaker 3 (41:19):
And wanting to be there. I'm there for my you know,
and for anybody. I'm like there in president, I'm not thinking.
I might be thinking about my game sometimes because I do.
We bet a lot of stuff. But besides that, I'm here,
I'm present. I haven't looked at my phone for a
fucking thing. I'm like, you know, and I want to
be there, and I'm happy to be there.

Speaker 2 (41:35):
And so that's just a huge difference. And I don't
think any of that what you know, thats just happened.

Speaker 3 (41:40):
You know. I don't know if I stayed married to you,
what would happen? And you know, who the fuck knows?
I don't know, you know, like the story would be different, right,
don't know, my story would be different. I probably wouldn't
have the success I do today. And also I probably
might not ever got sober, I might be dead.

Speaker 2 (41:55):
I don't know. There's so many of my friends that died.
I mean, people are just.

Speaker 1 (41:58):
Dying, don't they stayed married? Maybe no, I'm just trying
to say, just like, I don't know. Maybe it would
have gotten sober sooner and had more success earlier, but
I don't know.

Speaker 2 (42:06):
But also I was under the thing of like, no,
you probably could have pulled off.

Speaker 1 (42:09):
I don't know what you can't like rewriting history and
having regrets. I don't really don't think, I dam were
you prepared at all for the kind of attention that
you would receive as like my husband, because as you stated,
I was super famous at the time. Were you prepared
for that?

Speaker 2 (42:28):
I didn't really. I mean I don't think.

Speaker 1 (42:29):
It really didn't really bother you, and we.

Speaker 3 (42:32):
Didn't really We hung on. We were pretty isolated a
little bit, and when I went, I don't think.

Speaker 2 (42:36):
It was that big. It was like it was it
was not life was right.

Speaker 1 (42:40):
We were like around a lot of other famous people,
so it wasn't always your friends not mine. How do
we remain friends? Because I don't think there were really
any hard feelings.

Speaker 3 (42:52):
It was cool.

Speaker 2 (42:53):
I think whatever I was still in there for a
couple of years after them.

Speaker 1 (42:58):
That's true. We didn't actually like that's we didn't like
end in like we ended the marriage, but we would
see each other on occasion because there was still like
love and feelings there and attraction and all of that.
So yeah, you would come over the house. It was
we had fun.

Speaker 5 (43:15):

Speaker 1 (43:16):
So it didn't last. The marriage lasted a little over
a year, but the relationship lasted longer than that. Yeah,
do you want to answer this? Uh, you married Pam
Anderson twice. Do you regret regret doing it twice? No,
he has no regrets regrets zero, doesn't doesn't. It doesn't matter.

Speaker 2 (43:38):
And we talked yesterday today.

Speaker 1 (43:41):
Yeah, you're like weird that way you stay friends with
your exes.

Speaker 5 (43:46):
Passed it along to me too.

Speaker 4 (43:47):
You do it also, Yeah, he well he's always said
he's like, he's like, I don't know, Like, no one
like you didn't like hurt each other, Like what why
would it didn't work out?

Speaker 5 (43:58):
He's like, it didn't work.

Speaker 2 (43:59):
Out, shared all your life.

Speaker 5 (44:00):
You lost them, it didn't work out. Why would you
hate them? Why? What's like, no one hurt you know?

Speaker 1 (44:06):
I think because there's people that do hurt people even like, Okay,
crack the heart and did the ship?

Speaker 3 (44:14):
Yeah, still, like I love that, dude, it's been fifteen
years or something like what's up home?

Speaker 2 (44:18):
How are you going? Nice to see your Remember we
had a good time, Remember we did this.

Speaker 3 (44:21):

Speaker 2 (44:22):
I mean, that's just it's also that's just like normal.

Speaker 3 (44:25):
And then also what Pamela, there's like kids, No, your
kids are still like I see those kids all the time.

Speaker 2 (44:30):
Yeah, around, So there's like and but I.

Speaker 4 (44:32):
Also think like it's it's like, Okay, if you had
all of you had a hundred good moments or memories
to someone and then they sucked up maybe like five
times of those, it's like you're gonna hate them based.

Speaker 5 (44:42):
On five rather than just appreciating maybe one hundred and being.

Speaker 1 (44:45):
Like I like them, I was not gonna sat that.
I mean, I think it's different for everyone, right. I
think that some people can stay friends with an ex
who's done them wrong and forgive them for it, move
on and try to only focus on the good times
and other people. And and this is with only a
very very like maybe two of mine or three of mine,
where I like and I say, you know what, what

I thought was a good time I realized that you
were cheating and doing wrong and doing horrible things. And
I don't want your energy anywhere in my house, like
my life or in my house. And I don't need
to be friends with you because if you didn't respect
me the entire time that we were together.

Speaker 5 (45:25):
Why would I have?

Speaker 2 (45:26):

Speaker 3 (45:26):

Speaker 1 (45:27):
Yeah, why? Like I respect my friends right like I
respect you, you know, like there's stuff about you, Rick
that I really really really respect. I respect that you're sober,
I respect your brain, I respect your sense of humor.
I respect like the way that you are with Tyson
right now. You know, like there are things that I
can't love you without respect. I'm weird that way. So

if I don't, if I now have learned things about
an ex that make me lose all respect for them,
I just I don't hate them. They just fail to
exist to me anymore. All Right, you guys, have anything
else to add you want to talk about anything? First off,
everybody to go order taibomb. But she obviously is not
going to be able to make it except Rick and

I are going to get her like a large many.

Speaker 5 (46:13):
Coming in today.

Speaker 1 (46:14):
Okay, you can pre order.

Speaker 2 (46:18):
And spokesperson here.

Speaker 1 (46:23):
I can just look at her skin. It speaks for yourself.
I'm shining. Yeah see. Anyway, thank you guys for listening
to another episode of Let's Be Clever. Shanna Doherty, Thanks Rick,
Let's let's be Let's be clear yet clear clear? Yeah,
let's be clear with Rick and Tyson
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