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June 27, 2022 19 mins

Whatever happened to the one who got away? Haven’t you always wondered? Well, today, and all of this week, we’re putting that question to bed once and for all. We’re calling it the “One Who Got Away” Week! Each day we are pairing a guest with a missed love connection with an astrologer, psychic, or medium who may be able to help shed some light on this missed connection. 

Today, we’ve got guest Sam Martin joining us to tell the story of her love that almost was. For intuitive insight, we’ve paired Sam with modern mystic Gary D’Andre, also known as Gangsta Gurry. Gary is the host of the Mystic Moments Podcast, exploring everything mystic and astrological. Let’s hope the stars align for Sam! 

Get your daily happily ever after on LoveStruck Daily, with new love stories every Monday-Friday. In the meantime, follow @LoveStruckDaily on Instagram and Twitter for extra content.

If you have a love story to share, or any questions for the team, email 

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Speaker 1 (00:02):
Guess what. This week, we have an incredible series. We're
calling it The One Who Got Away Week with an
open heart, a little dash of stardust, and a whole
lot of love. These episodes are going to be off
the charts. Today. We're jumping right into the deep bed
and exploring exactly that. I'm Alicia Rye and I'm Sarah Wendell.
Welcome to Love Struck Daily, where we bring you love

stories and the good fields every day. I'm in love
with the I'm in love with you, Alicia. Do you

ever facebook stock people? Do you ever look up people
who used to be in your life and see what
they're up to? Isn't that joan? Every doesn't everybody do?
I deleted my Facebook in Twining team my personal Facebook.
I still the professional one that is just there, but
I deleted my personal Facebook. But I do confess that
I do use my husband's LinkedIn to log in and

look for people on LinkedIn is linked in Stalking a
thing I did not realize that was LinkedIn. Stalking is
very a thing I think about. LinkedIn is much like Facebook.
Facebook knows who you're looking at, but LinkedIn will tell
you who looked at you. Oh, Wow. So it's funny.
We have a family member who is notoriously private about

his life, which means that we're all very interested in
his life. So we wanted to know everything we can.
And so somebody said to me like, oh, I think
he's dating a girl. Her name is Emily, And I
was like done, and I went through. In ten minutes,

I had Emily's Facebook at LinkedIn, I had her everything.
I was like, I found newspaper articles about this girl
when she played baseball. Hes a. I am a little
too good at find Like if you give me like
even happening, you know, it's like you can give me
half a license late e anything I don't need that.
You give me like one badge with their name on it,

and I will find you everything about is first. It's
like you can really learn a lot from someone social
media post. The main thing I used to use my
power for my power was sort of vetting people before
I went on dates with him, and I I will
say I checked in on Kai before I went on
a date with him, and all I found was like
super wholesome stuff and I was like, this can't be real.

Not surprising, Yeah, not surprising at all. And but It
was funny because we're talking about wedding clothes and he's
he wants to wear an African gown for our ceremony,
and so we were looking at them and I said,
you know, not really thinking, I was like, you know,
what happened to that blue one that you used to have?
And he looked at me and he goes, what are
you talking about? You have a blue one you weren't

like a back is m or something. And it was like,
how do you know that? That was fourteen years ago?
That was my nieces Christian ng And so I told
him I'm luckily to get very like good Nature's stride,
also not surprising. I just wanted to It was like
the second picture that popped up when I'd put in
his name. So I don't know what listeners. You can't

see us, but I want you to know I am
so read right now. I am dying of secondhand embarrassment
on that very mortifying note. Oh my god. We are
starting our discussion on the One who Got Away today.
We've got guests Sam Martin joining us on the show
to tell her story about a lost love she's always
kept in her heart for years and to help her

figure out what did do. We're inviting Gary DeAndrea onto
the show. Gary, also known as Gangster Gary, is the
host of the Mystic Moments podcast. Please welcome Sam and Gary.
Sam and Gary, thank you so much for joining us
on the show today. I am very excited. Gary, welcome

to the show. Tell me what do you do? Tell
me everything? Thank you for having me. My name is Gary.
I have branded myself as a spiritual consultant. What I
like to do is work with people through tarot cards,
oracle cards, Ricky healing. Candle healing is another modaliti that
I like to use. But basically it's just like to

move through whatever blockages we have in our day to
day lives and just allow ourselves to feel a little
bit more connected to who we are in our core. Yeah, Sam,
tell us what is your story? You have one that
got away? I do have one that got away. In
a two thousand and eighteen, I was doing some internships
out here in Los Angeles. I'm from Michigan originally, so

I was sort of just floating around. I was sleeping
on my brother's floor on a one dollar mattress and
just sort of running around town. And I just on
a whim, decided to download Bumble as one does. UM
and I ended up chatting for about a week with
this guy named James. And he has hit me up
on like a Friday and was like, Hey, I'm flying

back to the UK forever tomorrow morning. Do you want
to get a drink with me today? And I when
I was younger, I was very shy and it really
put myself out there. So I think this was maybe
the second ever online date that I decided to go
on and we just went to this little bar just
down the road from me just absolutely ended up hitting

it off fantastically and then he went back to England
and we we exchanged Snapchat for the next year. Um.
We just sort of stayed in touch, and like I mentioned,
I was like very shy when it came to relationships
and like reaching out to people, putting myself out there,
so he was sort of like my sounding board for
like a year. I'd be like, hey, like can I
ask your advice on this? What do I do? Um?

So we sort of had this really interesting like friendship,
but we were still into each other, so we were
sort of chatting. So we lost we lost touch, but
I'm so he No, I was just very grateful. He
was always just very sweet and just sort of like
my biggest cheerleader when it came to all things like
relationships and dating. Yeah, I really regret letting things off

fall off. So he's definitely sort of one of my
ones that got away. It sounds like you had this
wonderful moment where he was leaving you were like, what
the heck? And you made this wonderful connection. Absolutely. Yeah,
he was in a British too. I mean, what more
can you ask? So you haven't been in touch with
him since? Correct, Yeah, we got locked out of my

Snapchat and I think he also got locked out of
his Snapchat, so we sort of lost that and then
we were on Twitter together for a little bit, but
then his Twitter has gone, so I'm like, I don't know,
I don't know how to find you. Maybe maybe someday
we'll cross paths again, but but not in the snapchat universe.
If you could connect with him, what would you want

to say? Oh, that's a great question. I think I
would just sort of loved to tell him like how
far I sort of come from like panic texting him
and being like this, like I think I like this person,
what do I do. I think that I am in
a much more stable place now when it comes to
relationships and being able to connect with people. And I mean,
obviously he's in England, so like that's very far, but

I mean in a perfect, perfect world, i'd want to reconnect.
I don't want to sort of thank him for all
of his support and to sort of re re establish
that that great friendship, relationship whatever it was that we
had for so long. Yeah, Gary, tell me what what
is your practice? Yes? A lot of the work that
I like to do is like higher self activation is

what I call it, So like, how do I activate
the best version of myself on my day to day journey?
And sometimes we need a little bit of encouragement in
order to be able to do that. And I feel
like sometimes what I get to provide is that space
for people to have a sounding board. So it's like
I get to help people really just take their own
power back, own their own sense of freedom and get
to renavigate that path with that new sense of clarity

that they gain after sitting with me. Yeah, and in Sam,
it sounds like this person served for you as this
sort of momentary guide and encouragement at a time when
you really need it. I can understand wanting to reconnect.
So let me turn this over to you, Gary to
see what the cards have to say about this situation.

I am so excited and now we're going to take
a quick break, but don't go anywhere because the story
will continue. As you were talking about James and when

you first spoke about the conversation that you all were
having by a bumble, it was like, you know how
sometimes when you get a little like anxious, you feel
it in like your chest, Like it's like this sense
of like like butterflies are flying, Like I'm feeling like
a little bit of like this, oh am, I in
the pit of my stomach. That was the feeling that
I got when you already mentioning him like being a

part of your life. And I don't know if that
was what you all's relationship was like when you first met,
but I felt this sense of like there was a
sense of anxiety or a sense of a little bit
of like, oh, like I don't know what this is
going to bring, Like it's a new endeavor. It's something
that I've never tried before, and maybe this could go wrong,
but it feels so right and I want to lean
into it. I was very close to canceling, and it

was very I like locked up to the bar. I
was very very close to just like walking away, but
but I sort of does. That was one of the
first times that I sort of just like took that stuff.
I was like, no, you're going on this day. You're
not going to be scared. So that definitely makes sense
that you I caught that feeling in regards to the situation.
What's so crazy is as you were speaking, and as

I was like shuffling cards because I like to prepare
in that way, the first card that came up was
open up. He literally allowed you to open up in
a way that you had never opened up before, and
he allowed you to see the light within yourself. It
allowed you to also like, is he the first part
one of the first few like male entities that you
have spoken to in a way where you could completely

just be raw and be sam and be yourself without
worrying about how it was going to be received. It
was like he was He was kind of like a
practice run essentially for you to be able to open
up emotionally and be available in a way that feels
comfortable for you without overthinking what the response is going
to be. Does that sound accurate? Absolutely? It was sort

of like there wasn't there wasn't this pressure to to
be in an actual relationship, obviously because he was so
far away. But I was sort of like, m he's
listening to me, and he's very sweet and I and
it just made me feel very comfortable and very able
to just talk to him about whatever. So that's definitely accurate.
In your mind. It was like, oh, like I'm getting
to know this person. They're getting ready to travel, Like

I don't have to worry about like getting dressed up
to like go see them, like etcetera, etcetera. It was
like this relationship where you really just got to be
yourself without all of the bells and whistles that comes
with dating. And I feel like this was an opportunity
for you to realize one which I'm not necessarily sure
if you've ever really realized how you get to open
up with men people in that way, you know what

I mean, Like you get to open up in partnership,
um and feel comfortable allowing yourself to really just like
unzip what's behind the surface and let people see what's
going on underneath. This was helping you to see different
sides of yourself that I don't know if you absolutely
had like been tapped into and like able to bring
to the surface without judgment, right, because sometimes as we

are getting deep into like our emotions, we we tend
to feel a little reserved a little like, oh, like
I don't know if I should be opening up like this, etcetera, etcetera.
But it was an opportunity for you to also observe
those various forms of yourself, and he also got to
see that in regards to you as well. And then
the last card that comes up for this section is
about resting and reconsidering, right, So it gave you an

opportunity to just like rest reconsider what it is that
you want out of partnership and reconsider also like James
was a great catalyst, but was he the one in
that regard He didn't live in the same city as you.
Also know that you aren't trying to like move on
like across the world, like that wasn't necessarily something you're

trying to hop into. But it also was an opportunity
for you to take a step back and reconsider what
was important for you when it came to partnership, what
was important for you when it came to opening up,
what was important for you when it came to relationships,
and how you wanted to grow those types of relationships
and other connections that you have made down the road.
You know, I have a feeling he could pop up

when you least expected. You know, that's always how it happens.
Sometimes when you least expected, the person who you haven't
spoken to and quite some time reappears out of nowhere.
Just be like, hey, like I thought about you, I
came across your number, came across your email, and they
can pop back up. Something is saying, yeah, okay. So
at the very bottom of the depth, the solar plexus
chakra is coming up, and this normally has to do

with like a person's identity. And I feel maybe you
helped him realize things about himself that he had never
thought of, that he had never processed. And this may
be something that you opened up within him where he
was also recognizing maybe he wasn't as ready for a
partnership or just like to really be out there and
himself in the way that he may have presented himself

as and he could have taken some time to take
a step back to figure that out as well. Wow,
I'm like, I'm feeling very emotional. I hope that I
helped him discover something because he helps me a lot.
So I'm like, it's very good to hear that perhaps
I I helped him in this in a similar way. Well,
I don't think anyone would answer all of your requests
for advice without themselves being changed. I'm sure he felt

very honored to help you figure out how to become
who you are. I would be if I were in
his position. Absolutely, And I was going to say, like,
I think that that may be a question that you
also have had. Was I impactful for him the way
that he was for me? Like? Did he received from
me in the same way that I received from him?
And I feel like all of this was helpful for

both of you all in that sense of like really
growing into the people you see yourself truly being. And
I feel like you've grown as a human being, you
know what I mean, You've grown as a strong person
and being able to just like not get in your
way when it does come to putting yourself out there
because you did say that this was like a couple
of years ago, and I'm sure you're going on lovely
dates since then, met some wonderful people since then, and

also just like grown as far as you and your
light and your purpose and just like also being able
to allow other people to see that light as well.
So I feel like you helped developed that in him,
and he may not have had the words for it,
but you definitely can rest assured that there was something
that was exchanged that helped him to be so much
more secure in who he is today, as well as

your own security as well. Amazing, Sam, do you think
you're gonna try to find him? Do you ever search
for him? Every now and again? Every now and then?
But his name is very gen He's like Sam Jones Smith, Yeah,
not too far off. I don't know. I guess he
probably remembers me. I guess I can find out. There's

no question, there's no question, no question he remembers you
and Gary. You said earlier that you know, people bring
themselves into your life and the universe works in strange ways.
So maybe we are speaking into the universe and invitation
for him to find you, I hope, So that would
be very convenient, but my name is also very generic.
So if you could be able to find me either, well,

I hope that I hope that you cross paths again somehow. Especially,
is just what I love about this miss connection in
this one that got away is that basically you want
to say thank you. You just want to express gratitude
for someone who helped guide you into where you are now.
And it's lovely to recognize and thank the people who
have helped shaped you, even if it was just a

moment and not a long time. Yes, absolutely, I wanted
to throw one last thing in here because the Spirits
was talking. The last card that came up was actually
the love card, and it came up in reverse. So
what this kind of like signifies for me is there
was a sense of love in that part, in that friendship,

in that connection, And what came up was like, have
you ever taken some time to just like write an email,
like write a letter to just like express how much appreciation,
how much love you have for James, Like even if
it's just for yourself, have you ever tried that before?
I haven't, but that sounds like a really good idea.
I think that would be a really wonderful just like

practice for you, and so it's like bringing in that
love for you and also just like bringing that love,
that love of yourself and that love of just like
those types of relationships that you have in your life
that help you to feel even more connected to who
you are. And it's just an opportunity for you to
see everything that you always had. And maybe also just
like writing that out Who knows, maybe the energy that

we were just like discussing, put it out there into
the universe. Who knows, James could pop up this year,
next year. You never know. People love to the universe
loves to work in the serious way sometimes it really does.
So I'm rooting for just even just like a small
reconnection because it could be really really cute. I hope. So, Gary,
where can people find you on the internet if they

wish to connect with you? If you're looking for me,
you can find me on Instagram at Gainster Gurry gangster
with a because I'm not no gangster okay Gainster Gurry,
or you can find me sometimes on on Twitter, or
you can email me Gangster Gurry gu r r y
at gmail dot com. Thank you both so very much, Sam,
I hope this gave you some guidance and optimism for

maybe reconnecting in the future. Absolutely, Thank you both so much. Gary,
Thank you that was just exquisite and your compassion and
your energy are just so caring. It was an honor
to talk to you and to be a witness to
this reading. Thank you so much for that. Thank you
so much, Saren. So nice to meet you, Sam, and
thank you so much for letting me read for you
on today, Sarah, what is your love to go for

it to day? My love to go for this episode
is a little silly, but I fully believe this with
my whole heart. This is from Mrs Frizzle on Magic
school Bus, Take chances, make mistakes, get messy. Life is
very messy and you take chances and you make mistakes,
but that's how you grow. And maybe you could drive
a magic school bus. Yeah, I like that And we

would love to know what your love to go for
us for this day is. Please send an email to
love Struck Daily at frolic dub Media and follow us
on Instagram and Twitter at love struck Daily. If you
have any feedback you'd like to share with us, any
comments or reviews, please please please chap that little star
and leave us a review. We'd love to see that
and make us so happy. Our researcher is Jesse Epstein.

Our editor is Jen Jacobs. We are produced by Abigail
Steckler and Little Scorpion Studios with executive producer Frolic Media.
This is an I Heart Radio podcast and we wish
you a very happy ever after. Me Alli all all,
I'm in love with Gillia. The Eight say to you

and I'm good to see you should love. I'm in
love with you. I'm in love with you.
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