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August 15, 2021 30 mins

As America’s political divide deepens and our culture decays under leftist control, it would be so easy to throw up our hands and give up the fight. But that’s not an option — not when the future of our country is at stake. For this podcast, get ready for a dose of inspiration and patriotism. Anna has a powerful, inspiring, and critically important conversation with David Harris Junior, a bestselling author, and conservative activist. David knows what it’s like to endure a serious struggle and come out better on the other side. He discusses how faith in God and the love of country saved him and his family as he refused to be a victim. He and Anna also discuss the identity politics of the Democratic Party and the left’s push to impose critical race theory on schools.

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Up next, Luna Talks with Anna Paulina Luna part of
the gang which as America's political divide deepens and our
culture decays under leftist control, it would be easy to
throw up our hands and give up the fight, but
that's not an option, not on the future of our
country's at stake. Get ready for dose of inspiration and patriotism.
This is Luna Talks with Anna Paulina. Welcome back to

this episode of Luna Talks with Me, your host on
a Paulina Luna. Later on in this episode, we're actually
going to be joined by David Harris Jr. He's a
very prominent black conservative activist here in the country, someone
who I actually met initially early on at Turning Point USA,
and has since just exploded on social media. I think

he has around a definitely one point two million just
alone on Instagram. So to give you some idea of
how vocal he is and how influential and effective he is,
you can always check him out there and he'll be
sharing that information later on in the show. But today
I wanted to focus on something that a lot of people,
especially parents, are now starting to pay attention to, and

that is the fact that within our education system, kids
are starting to be taught critical race theory. But a
lot of people, if you ask them, okay, well what
is critical race theory? A lot of conservatives no, but
your average American doesn't necessarily understand what it is. So
I actually went online and went to the American Bar

Association dot org, and I actually pulled up some key
points that I wanted to read to you. This is
under the principles of critical race theory and practice, and
this is really interesting. Actually wanted to highlight two in
particular because you realize how bad this is to actually
teach a young child and how divisive it could be.

The one key point is it is the acknowledgement that
racism is a normal feature of society and is embedded
within systems and institutions like the legal system, that replicate
racial inequality. This dismisses the idea that racist incidences are aberrations,
but instead are manifestations of a structural and systemic racism.

And the other points of critical race theory is that
they reject the popular understanding about racism, such as arguments
that can find racism to a few quote unquote bad apples,
CRT recognizes that racism is codified in law, embedded in structures,
and woven into public policy. CRT rejects claims of meritocracy

or quote unquote color blindness. CRT recognizes that it is
a systemic nature of racism that bears primary responsibility for
reproducing racial inequality. So, I mean, you hear that and
you realize they're literally teaching children that because of how
they were born, whether you're black, whether you're white, whether
you're Hispanic, whether you're biracial, that you are inherently going

to be treated and experienced racism because of that, which
is completely backwards, completely wrong, super divisive. One of the
interesting facts is is that David is actually bi racial.
I am bi racial. I mean, there's so many problems
with this ideology, and yet it is being promoted on
a regular basis among young children in Democrat policy and legislation.

You hear the White House now talking about it under
Biden's administration, and it's actually now being taught also to
our military. You know, if the Democrat Party, if these
progressives really wanted to help members of society that are minorities,
we can start talking about the fact that after the
expansion of the welfare state. You literally saw an increase

in incarceration rates and teen pregnancies, in high school dropout
rates within the black community. That is something that I've
been talking about for a very long time that if
you want to actually go to the core of these
issues and set people up for success for the future,
that you actually have to go to the root cause.
And the root cause is is that our family structure
across the nation is broken, and that, in fact, even

Obama admitted this. Okay, Obama said at a speech that
he was giving in Chicago that we need fathers to
realize that responsibility does not end at conception. Too many
fathers are m i A. Too many fathers are a
wall missing from too many lives and too many homes.
Then he continues to say they have abandoned their responsibility,

acting like boys instead of men, and the foundations of
our families are weaker because of it. So you can't
tell me that this has not been an issue that's
been in existence within our society for some time now,
because you literally have a president that was the first
bi racial, arguably the first black president we've ever had
in the United States. Even talking about it, so what's
really changed. Why is it now that it is a constant,

systemic racial issue that the left is constantly promoting. That's
what they're constantly saying is that society needs to embrace
his victim mentality. That's completely false. Okay. The reason why
they do that is because it emotionally divides people and
gets them to the pools. But if they really cared,
they'd be talking about these issues. If they really cared,
they'd be going in to help cities like Chicago, not

defunding the police. They'd be going into help places like
the inner cities of New Orleans. And they're not. They're
nowhere to be found. So I wanted to bring in
David David Is again, and as I stated earlier, he's
been doing some incredible stuff. He has absolutely been one
of the top black conservative leaders in the country, aside
from Candace Owns and Brandon Tatum. So he's going to
be joining us right after this short break. Make sure

you don't go anywhere. You'll want to hear a story.
You want to see what he's up to, and you'll
want to hear about critical race theory and how it's
negatively impacting not only our community, but our children as well.
So today I am joined with a very special guest,
someone that I've known for quite some time and has
been doing some incredible things in the conservative movement and

has actually been to the White House multiple times. Without
further ado, welcome to the show, David. David, please introduce
yourself to some of our listeners. So Ana, so good
to be with you to day. Thank you so much
for having me. It's truly an honor. I love everything
you're doing. I'm championing for you, believing in everything that
you're doing. So honored to be on the day. So
my my handle on all social media is David J.

Harris Jr. You gotta have that J in there. I'm
an author. I wrote a book called Why I Couldn't
Stay Silent. One Man's Battle as a Black Conservative, And uh,
you know that seems to be just more of a
pushing and pressing issue right now, people just not staying silent.
So uh, that book and then my next book that's
coming out. I should have it done and sent off
to editing and all that final stuff by the end

of September. Uh. That's on more on along the lines
of being black in America. But I'm gonna dive into
a lot of racial issues, critical race theory, black lives Matter,
the organization, uh, and just what it's meant to me
and for being a person of color in this country
that I love. I mean, if you can't tell from
the flag behind me and the one I'm wearing, I
love this country. I love everything of this country has

afforded me and my forefathers and mothers for generations. This
country is amazing. It's something that we should stand up for.
It's something we should all champion. And yet there is
a very, very strategic plan to turn American citizens against
the very country that we should all love. So uh,
you know, I travel the country and I speak in
multitude of different events and rallies, churches. I'm a man

of faith. I wouldn't be alive today if it wasn't
for God's grace and his goodness and his faithfulness. So
I love to dive in and share that as well.
And I get invited to churches to uh, to do
that and just share my other beliefs. But we're having
fun in this chaotic current climate right now. I do
not believe that our country will ultimately go the way
of socialism, uh, communism. I think that we're in a

fight right now. We all have to do our part
to fight. So it's uh, it's it's what I'm doing
right now. Well, I mean, and so just to kind
of go back to real quick though, your personal story.
I remember hearing you talk about what you struggled with,
hearing you talk about how you found God and really
how I think it saved your marriage. I know that
you're an incredible father. Would you be comfortable with sharing
that story because I think that's so important, especially right now.

You know, society like to promote this victim mentality and
they like to use the race card with you know,
both the Black community and the Hispanic community. But your
story is not a story of someone who's a victim.
It's a story of someone who's a victor. So tell
me real quick about what you really struggled with and
how you came to find God. So my journey is
a pretty incredible one. It's one that's not unlike a

lot of people's. You know. I I I came to
the revelation of God's goodness when I was eighteen years old.
Before that, and actually on that day, October tenth, I
was a drug dealer. I had a page. N I had.
My page would go off fifty to a hundred times
a day for those of people listening saying, what the hecks?
A pager before smartphones? It was before iPods. Uh. It

was when somebody would beat you when they wanted you
to call them back. And Uh, I was the man
in one of in my city, the young man in
my city that a lot of people got connected for
the you know, the illicit drugs that they wanted. Uh.
And I had a radical encounter with God with his
love with yes shoe what with Jesus, And it changed
my paradigm forever. It changed who I thought I was,

who I believed I was, and it shattered my feelings
and cares about what everybody else thought about me. I
was very I was very self conscious growing up. I'm
half white, half black. My mom is of Irish descent,
my dad is black. Um. And the the the identity
issue that I dealt with that I faced, Uh, it
was difficult. And I think that you know, on the

on the bare knuckle aspect of pretty much everything that
people deal with. We all have identity crisis issues. We
all have things that challenge our identity or we don't
know how to identify. Uh, and you see it coming
out in you know, some really crazy ways. I could
say I identify as a small Chinese lady, but that
doesn't mean it's accurate, you know. But if a person
says that and that's supposed to make them feel better, uh,

that's the issue, right, they have an identity crisis. So
my journey, I married my high school sweetheart not too
long after that, but I did also still have some
things inside of me internally that I had never dealt with.
I was never the type to be church on Sunday
and then party and throughout the week I was either
partying or I had said no to that completely, and
I would and I would spend time really seeking God.

So um, throughout the years, I battled with alcoholism. I
battled with and when you when you've done drugs and
you party in your drinking, it's really easy to dive
right back into. Man. Some coke will just really helped me,
you know, enjoy this party more. And uh So if
I had God turned off, like I'm not listening to you,
I'm doing it my own way, then I was full

steam ahead. I was just you know, all out into
whatever I wanted to do, and that took its toll
on my marriage. My wife had left a couple of times. Actually, Uh, well,
I'm glad to say and honored to say we've been
married twenty seven years now. But but it was a
rough ride. I drug her through the mud, my kids
through the mud. But on all those things, it wasn't
the system keeping me down. I was a successful business owner.

We were doing two million a year in sales in
my peak years. Uh, and all those things added additional
pressures that that made it hard for me with still
an identity crisis, but not having things healed inside of
myself made it hard for me to navigate and manage
the terrain. So uh, I got completely free in January
of and from from alcohol, from drugs, um and uh,

my wife, you know, came back and and so our
our family has been restored. And I can say with
all certainty that God is a god of restoration. He's
a God of love. He loves his kids. And that's
the beautiful thing to me that separates Christianity from every
other religion. Every religion on the planet is man trying
to reach God through man's own efforts. Christianity is the

one belief that says, there's nothing we could do as
my as minuscule and finite, finite as we are to
ever reach the creator of the universe on our own.
And He know and he knowing that actually came down
in the form of his son to reach us and
pay the price for us, so that all we have
to do is accept what Jesus did and then we
could be connected to the Father. So that's the one

beautiful thing that separates that belief of Christianity from every
other religion. And that's what I have on a daily basis.
I have a relationship with with my Papa God. I
call him Papa your father. Oh. I love hearing that though,
because like so many people, I think they have this
idea of what it means to be a conservative or
to be a thought leader. You're a thought leader and

sharing your story and realizing that you're not a perfect person,
no one is, but that it was through basically God's
good grace, and I think your respect and your love
for your family that you're able to get clean and
then really share your message to impact I think at
a national level, I mean to see people like you
to see people like Canada's own and Brandon Tatum. You
are leading out the movement with the conservative black voice

in this country, and so, you know, to kind of
segue into what we're really seeing from an identity politics perspective,
I mean, the Democrat Party is constantly trying to put
people in boxes. Right, Like you mentioned earlier that you
are biracial. You know, I'm half why, I'm half Hispanic,
And I think one of the more painful things that

maybe people like us may go through is a fact
that you have so many people that are on the
left that tell you that you are basically rejected because
of the fact that you're part white. Um, how do
you engage with people like that? Because obviously that type
of rhetoric is extremely, extremely destructive, and there's so many

young people who might not be as strong as you.
How do you even begin to explain to these young
people how they should engage or deal with that. Well,
I always try to say, look at it through a
lens of of hate, and look at it through a
lens of of diminishing another individual's sovereignty. Each, each and
every one of us is you know, handpicked, chosen by God,

created beautifully and wonderfully made. If somebody has an issue
with how I'm made or how I'm created, they can't
take that up with me or my parents. They gotta
take it up with God. So I think ultimately every
single individual needs to know that they're worth and their
value is not based in the opinions of others, and
then be bold in what you believe, know why you

believe what you believe. I'm very pro life. I mean,
I don't think any child would ever conceive of doing
something harmful to a baby, whether that baby is inside
the womb or outside of the womb, they wouldn't even
conceive of it. Yet as individuals grow up, uh, they
go through different life issues, and somewhere along the line,
they believe a lie that says, oh, that's not actually

a baby inside the womb, that's just a fetus, or
it's doesn't have any feelings or emotions, or they've been
totally misled and lied to to believe that the baby
doesn't have nervous systems where they can't feel pain. Yet
we know that a baby has a heartbeat at eight weeks,
has a nervous system, a fully formed nervous system at
ten weeks and fingers and toes, so we know it's

a baby. So, you know, individuals, it can be so
hard for people to um to speak out if they
don't know what they believe and why they believe it.
But when they know what they believe and they know
why they believe it, um, it's it emboldens them, I think,
to speak boldly. Uh. And then again just coming back
to our ultimate identity as a son or a daughter
of the creator of the universe that loves us so much.

I get so much confidence from that. I get so
much confidence from spending time in his word, from praying,
from worshiping, from just spending time in God's presence, I
get so much boldness and courage and who I know
He's created me to be. That it shatters what other
people think about me, and that gives me the courage
to stand up. So when somebody's speaking something to an

individual that's hateful, that's spiteful, I understand they're speaking from
a place of brokenness in their own life, and I
try not to react to that. A lot of people
immediately want to react and respond in another, you know,
in a spiteful or hurtful way, and it's like that
doesn't breed anything but more contempt and heartache. So trying
to keep that in mind that ultimately our battles with

ideologies and ultimately, I think the ultimate battles spiritual, uh,
you know, in the spirit realm, the dark side. They
want us all fighting amongst each other. They want us
picking each other apart. They want us to look at
each other and and try to cancel us each other
out in any way that we can as demeaning and
you know, as immoral as it can be. That's what
they want. So I think if we can take a
step back and remember that, and then we can try

to speak to people from a place of love, it really, uh,
it really goes a long way when you're in one
on one conversations, which is when most conversations happen. It's
interesting that you bring that up because I was on
a previous segment with Seth Dylan from the Babylon b
and he said the exact same thing. I mean, this
is a spiritual battle. You look at what's happening with
I think how right after they removed really God from
I think the education system. You've really noticed that society

has tanked and It's one of those things that even
if people are listening that might be atheists. I mean,
the Christian faith has such a moral and sound structure
for society that I think has a lot of positive
and so when you remove that and you see what
Hollywood really pushes onto the younger generation in regards of
what they should be glorifying, that's destructive. It's destructive emotionally,

it's destructive to the family unit, and the family unit
is essentially the backbone of this country. I do want
to get into critical race theory. We do have to
take a quick commercial break, so everyone sit tight. We'll
be right back after this quick break. All right, welcome
back everyone. I am again here with David Harris Jr.
An incredible conservative activist here in our country. David, I mean,

just play it on me thick right now. Critical race
theories something that the Democrats are pushing. All right, you
are obviously someone that is biracial, someone that isn't father,
and then someone that is a man of faith. What
do you think about it? It's purely evil evil. You
know Article six of the Civil Rights Act of States

that uh segregating or treating an individual differently than another
group of another group of individuals is illegal, and yet
we that's exactly what critical race theory is trying to do.
It's trying to it's trying to get those that do
have any kind of bitterness or resentment for anything in
their life to channel it at other people that have
no reason to uh, to be receiving that kind of hate.

You know, there's a lot of people in the black
community that you know, unfortunately there's a lot of racism
in the black community. Uh. My good friend Brandon Tatum,
he talks about how growing up, and he's not the
only one. Lebron James said the same thing. Growing up,
the black community stuck tight together and all the white
people were devils. They were all the people you didn't
want to talk to. So that has been a part

of I think our history on both sides for a
long time. And uh, critical race theories just fanning the
flames of division. It's trying to it's trying to target
are most innocent our children and teach them to judge
others based on the color of their skin and look
and judge themselves based on the color of their own skin.
That is the classic definition of racism and it's completely

taking our country backwards. I just saw a story where
a principal in a school, I'm not sure where it's at,
I'm pretty sure it's backy somewhere. She literally had started
to segregate children. The parent, this black parent, found out
that their child could not go into a certain classroom
with a certain teacher that the parent thought was was

a good a good teacher for their child, found out
that her child could not go into that classroom because
the black principle had segregated the students. There were black
classrooms and there were white classrooms. Now tell me that's
not a hundred percent against everything that Dr Martin Luther
King stood for. You know, he was a for us

combining all of us looking at each other like brothers
and sisters in the same family, treating each other based
on our character, not on the color of our skin.
And that's exactly what critical race theory is trying to do.
But at the core of it, it's interesting, we're talking
a lot about faith here. At the core of it,
it's Marxist. It's roots go all the way back to Marxism,

back to the eighteen hundreds, and the core of Marxism
is government is God. There is no God. Uh, it's atheist,
and to believe in a higher power is against there
is their religion, it's it is like a religion of hate.
So understanding what's taking place, nothing could be more important

than parents understanding that what is taking place right now
is trying to permeate and get into the minds of
our most innocent, our youngest and a lot of times
it's happening and the parents don't even know it, which
is why parents must be engaged, have to ask their
their kids, what are you learning in school? What's going
on in your classroom? Gone on the days and I

think they went on for far too long where parents
just believe they could send their kids off to school
to get a good public education at the behest of
the government. We can't forget this is government funded education,
and just believe their kids were gonna learn the basics
of life. Now they're actually learning the opposite of what
any parents should want their kids to learn, and that

the core of that argument is critical race theory. It's
interesting because the same party which is tends to be
the Democrat party that says that they're supposed to be
quote unquote representing minority voices is the same party that's
so quote unquote progressive that they're actually regressive. You see,
you know schools Ivy League universities that are now holding
separate and segregated graduations in an effort to make their

students feel quote unquote more comfortable. You have everything happening
with the Democrat Party not encouraging school choice, which if
you grew up in a bad neighborhood and you had
to go to school based on that zip code, you're
probably not going to be receiving as good as an
education as if you're in a more affluential neighborhood. So
why would they completely want to keep those kids from
the opportunity of actually being able to succeed in life.

And then you have exactly like like you said, all
of this foundation is based in Marxist ideology, which right now,
in my opinion, they're pushing a class warfare. They're pushing
a racial warfare. And it's not just within the black
and white community, it's in the Hispanic community as well.
This whole defund the police movement in Chicago especially literally
started a race war between the black and the Chicano

gangs in the United States, and no one was covering
it because it again went to turf war after the
police officers weren't there to be able to keep the peace.
So it's such an evil agenda, and I think people
like you speaking out against this is so important because
they do in the media say, well, if you're white,
you can't have an opinion on this because you have
quote unquote white privilege. I know also too, I was

researching critical race theory and I read this section from
American bar dot org and it was talking about what
the tenets of critical race theory are, and it's the
ideology that society is inherently racist, which is completely false.
It should not be taught that society is just automatically racist.
But also to they reject the notion of people saying,

for example, I was raised to not see color. Well,
I was raised not to see color. My mom never
told me, oh, that is a black kid, you can't
hang out with that kid, or you know, you're half
white and half hispanic, so you have to choose. I mean,
I wasn't raised like that, and I think a lot
of people, I mean, what is your feedback on that.
Your parent, you have a beautiful daughters, but I mean, like,

how do you even begin to explain to your child
what critical race theory is. Well, it's like you said,
it's it's evil at its very core, you know. And
then they try to take things in twist them. You know,
they're they're great with those type of word analogies planned
parenthood when they're not planning any parenthoods right, they're murdering babies.
But it's supposed to be something that we're just supposed

to go for. So here when they talk about you know,
what's we're standing up for the black community and the
Hispanic community, and we're basically saying that society is inherently
racist and that we don't have an equal playing field
when we start off in this country. The evil the
equal playing field is actually whether or not a child
is able to grow up with two parents in the house.

And that's that's a Yet one of the other things
that they deem is uh, something that shouldn't be talked
about and and and isn't doesn't matter. Even Barack Obama
acknowledged that when he was in office that a child's
five five times more likely to wind up in jail,
nine times more likely to be in poverty, UH, and
twenty one more times to wind up UH with a

with a violent record if they don't have parents, if
they don't have two parents in the home. So that's
something that we should be talking about. But instead, this
whole CRT movement just tries to turn around and take
everything that's a negative and based it on race, based
on the color of your skin, and then to teach
that to our children is something that absolutely should not
be happening. And the problem is on is that they

have been pushing this agenda for decades and now individuals
that have this belief are now in positions of power
and authority and school boards, school board superintendents, and the
individuals that also have this belief that are already teachers
are either jumping on the bandwagon, and too many teachers
are are either stay silent or they don't know. They're

caught in the middle. So it's happening. It's here. They're
trying to create a race war in this country and
set us back centuries. So real quick, before we go,
I did have one last question for you, and it's
in regards to BLM. BLM has stated in and actually
saw a school board presentation where a Black father actually
went in and said, I don't agree with BLM. Here's why,

And it's because they were attacking the nuclear family. And
when you have the entire Black community that already has
some of the lowest numbers in regards to any other
you know, demographic in the country, in regards to you know,
parents that are married in the household, why would they
attack the family from your perspective, Well, again, you know
their their roots are also Marxists. The three co founders

of BLM, the organization are all devout and acknowledged Marxists.
And uh, from from that ideology, they attacked the nuclear family.
They really want chaos, They want class wars. Uh. They
they don't want us to have a solid footing because
it will ultimately lead to big government. Right, if there's
a lot of chaos taken place in a country, then

the next level for is for the government to step
in and say, well, we need to make sure that
we keep the peace on a lot stronger basis, which
is why they've been trying to come after our guns
for decades. I really believe that Donald Trump becoming president
was a saving grace. Over eight years, he set us up. Uh,
he set us up, and he was setting Hillary up
to then put the pedal to the metal. Come in,

take all of our guns, or at least try to.
I think that would lead to a civil war in
this country, but try to take our guns. They've already
done some. They've passed some laws to true restrict more
access to guns and firearms and ammunitions, calling every assault
weapon and assault weapon assault rifle. A R doesn't stand
for assault rifle, Yeah, that's what they call it. And uh.
And then once we don't have any way to defend ourselves,

then they can begin to continue to push these tyrannical
orders and mandates like we're seeing under the pandemic, until
you've got big government in control of everybody. We're paying
taxes through the behind because they need the money and
they believe that they can spend our money better for
our communities than we can ourselves. So the Black Lives
Matter organization is absolutely evil. Again, it's just two heads

of the two heads of the same snake. In my opinion,
as far as c R T and BLM UH for
them to not call out, for them to be standing
for anything that is against the Nuclear family again, it
shows you how absolutely insane they are. It's something that
is waking up. The beautiful thing, like you mentioned, is
that gentleman in that school board meeting, parents are waking

up like never before and taking control of their child's
future by understanding what's going on. I don't think parent
engagement in schools and classrooms has been this prevalent and
this aware. Uh, the engagement that's taking place from parents
to make sure that their kids are not learning these things. Uh,
it's waking parents up and it's gonna bring the parents

to a place to make sure their kids are actually
learning what's what we should be valuing in this country.
And that I think is the silver lining. I always say,
the enemy is overplaying his hand. He's pushing so hard
right now, but in the end he's gonna wind up
on his face. And in the end, we're gonna wind
up with a whole lot of patriot loving, God loving
Americans that are standing up for truth and justice and

appreciate this flag that's behind me. Well, from your mouth
to God's ears, I do believe that too. And I mean,
where are you are you doing any events anytime soon
where people can actually go see you? Or how about
book signing? Are you gonna be announcing that soon? So
I will be talking about a book signing over the
next probably closer to the end of September. I'll be
in Washington, d C. We're having an event at the

UH the Mall there in d C. We're having an
event at Trump Hotel on the tenth, and then something
to honor September eleven on the eleventh. That will be
the twenty year anniversary of September eleventh, of that tragedy
that took place not just in New York but for
all Americans. Um, so I'll be there. I just preached
at a church in Charlotte over the last weekend. But
to stay connected with me, they can go to uh

d J h J media dot com. I've got a
lot of my information on there. And then I love
showing and representing, you know, American patriotic and Trump loving merchandise.
So David Harris Junior dot store. You want to get
a T shirt, a mug, a hat, something to help
show your support for our country or stand up against
the RT, it's all at David Harris Junior dot store. Perfect.
Thank you so much for joining us today and we

look forward to having you back again soon. Thank you
so much, Anna, God bless you. Before we go, I
want to thank David Harris Jr. Again For such a
powerful interview, and I want to thank you guys so
much for listening. If you enjoy today's show, please leave
us a review and rate us five stars on Apple Podcasts.
To hear more about my episodes and get my weekly newsletter,

please go to Gingridge through sixty dot com, slash on
a and you can also find me on Parlor, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram,
and getter at Real Anna Paulina And a special thank
you to our producer Drew Steele, writer Aaron Kligman At,
executive producers Debbie Meyer, and Speaker New Gingridge part of
the Gingridge through sixty network
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