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February 23, 2022 27 mins

Against the wishes of all the adults in her life, Maxine immediately inserts herself into the investigation around Riley's disappearance. But when she joins the search party going through the woods around Hastings, things take a turn for the worse...For cast and crew information, transcripts, and more please visit

MAXINE MILES is written and directed by Lauren Shippen and is a production of Atypical Artists and iHeart Media. This new YA mystery from the creator of The Bright Sessions and head writer of Bridgewater is an audio drama with heart and wit that involves the audience in a way no fiction podcast ever has. Follow @atypicalartists on Twitter and Instagram and sign up for our newsletter to stay up to date with the clues.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Maxie Miles. It's a production of a typical artists and
I Heart Radio. Everyone settled down now and listen up.
Riley hasn't been seen since yesterday afternoon and his parents
don't know where he could be. He was last seen
at City Hall talking to our mayor for the school paper,

who said he was at city Hall until approximately four pm.
It's unclear where he went after that. Now you know
how this all works. The Volunteer Intervention Team will be
getting together this afternoon to organize search parties and pulled
together all the information we have about Riley's comings and goings.

So if anyone here knows anything, you come talk to
me today. I'll be in Principle Jennings office for the
next few hours. We have no reason to think that
he's in trouble, but obviously his family is very concerned.
Because we're not certain of the nature of the disappearance.
Will be postponing the Harvest Festival and enacting a curfew

of a p M for all residents under the age
of eighteen, and your parents will be getting a call
informing them of that fact. So don't you all try
to shirk this. Should you see anything suspicious or feel
unsafe at any time, you come straight to me or
your neighborhood's designated watch member. We've all got to look

out for each other now. Thank you From a typical
Artists and I hurt radio. You're listening to Maxie Miles.

It's this chapter two, The missing Friend. Oh my god,
Oh my god, where do you think he is? Do
you think he's okay? THEO? Did you know about this? Yeah,
my dad told me this morning. He drove me to
school and said, I'm not allowed to walk home anymore.
So he thinks it's a kidnapping. No, we don't know that.

Ross Well, I mean my dad basically said as much.
Riley's bike is missing and he didn't come home last night. Okay,
But but if his bike is missing, then then maybe
he has it. I mean, that would be a weird
thing for a kidnapper to take. So so maybe he
just went for a ride somewhere and got lost or hurt,
or he fell down in a ditch or maybe or Maxine,

he's going to be fine. He has to be fine.
Whoa Max Do you want to slow down? Maybe? Max?
Where are you going? Sheriff Combs? Maxine, did Mr Jennings

let you in. I believe there's to be an orderly line.
Principal Jennings ran the other way when he saw me coming,
and there's no one else out there. Trust me, I
would have wanted to talk to everyone now, Maxine, and
I know you like to do your own little mystery solving,
but this is a serious investigation. It's not little. Look,
Hastings hasn't had a missing person's case since nineteen sixty

two and hasn't had a kidnapping on record since nineteen
fifty four. I read remember a lot. I know how
serious this is, so you know that if you've got
information that might be pertinent, you've got to tell me.
Of course, I talked to Riley yesterday in the town
square around three fifteen. I guess it was right after school.

We'd both biked over to see the graffiti. Well, I
mean I biked over to see the graffiti, which I'm
pretty sure was spray painted by Cody Thompson. By the way,
I didn't mention it last night because well because I
didn't have enough concrete evidence. But today in home room
I noticed that he had some red marks on the
left sleeve of his jacket. So that's not looking great
for Cody. Although I'm almost certain he had an accomplice. Anyway,

that's that's not important. I was there to see the graffiti,
and Riley shot up a few moments later on his
way to city Hall. So yeah, it was around three
fift um. And and it's okay, Maxine, you take all
the time you need. Now, how did he seem? He
seemed fine, like like Riley always is. He's swell liked

in school, isn't he absolutely? I mean he's only a freshman, right,
and he's not I mean, he's not Cody Thompson. He's
not star athlete, homecoming king, popular, but everybody loves him.
I'm sure THEO told you as much when you ask
him about Riley this morning. You're sharp, but I'm not

giving you information about any other conversations I may or
may not have had about this particular topic. Fine, Riley
is kind to everyone. No one's ever bullied him. He's
never picked on anyone. Even the teachers like him. Although
yes he was talking about wanting to get out of

Hastings or not wanting to get out, he was talking
about family and how it was more than just being
related to someone, and he said he was tired of
Hastings Earth sick of Hastings. I can't remember the exact wording.
Why can't I remember the exact wording? Max, It's okay,

you're doing great, not good enough? If Riley said something
yesterday that could be helpful, I need to remember it exactly.
Oh oh, he gave me a tip about the graffiti,
that it had to have been after one am, or
that it wasn't there at one You think Riley was
involved with the vandalism? What? No, no way, you said

he was acting down on Hastings. No, Riley wouldn't do that.
How well did you know him? How well do I
know him? You mean, yes? Apologies? How well do you know?
We're locker buddies? What our lockers are right next to
each other? It goes Riley Stevens me Ross Teller. It's

been that way since the sixth grade. I see him
every single day, multiple times a day. So the two
of you hang out outside of school? Well, no, but
I don't. I don't really hang out with anyone after
school between homework and extracurriculars. I understand, But I know Riley.

He wouldn't cause trouble and he wouldn't run away, not
with telling someone first. Do you know anything about what
he's been doing after school this week? Um, other than
talking to the mayor yesterday. I assume he's been working
on the next issue of the paper. He's really passionate
about the school paper. Do you know anything about the

nature of the article he was writing? He said it
was just about the town, about the festival. Miss Honeywell, Honeywell,
Allana Honeywell. She's the new owner of the maple thorpe
Mm hmm. Did Riley mention when he was supposed to
be speaking with her? I'm not even sure he had
an interview set up. He didn't talk about her specifically,

just mentioned the inn. Maybe it's some kind of new
Hastings piece, what with the fiftie festival, the new mining project.
You mentioned the mining project? Anything in particular about it? No,
but it's Hastings. When's the last time you had a
conversation for more than five minutes that didn't turn to mining?

Fair point? Okay, I'll talk to the other kids on
the school paper see if there's anything there. Do you
think something might have happened to him because of what
he was writing about like someone was trying to silence him. Now,
let's not get carried away, Maxine. The Hastings High Gazette
isn't the Washington Post, and Riley Stevens isn't Bob Woodward.
But if he was going around town talking to folks

for an article, we might get a better indication of
his whereabouts. I don't want you going around school talking
to folks about this now. We don't need the rumor
mill or adolescent imaginings mutting this business up. You hear me,
I hear you good? Anything else not that I can

think of, But if I remember anything else, I promise
I'll come right. You'll find me. I know you're a
good kid, Maxine. Thanks Mr Combs Sheriff. You'll find him right,
We'll find him. You didn't have to pick me up,

you know. I could have just biked home like usual.
But when we all got the call that they were
cutting the school day and have to focus on Riley. God,
it's just terrible. His poor parents. Yeah. I know it's
silly to think that one day of driving you home
is going to keep you safe, but I'm just glad

is on top of it, and that curfew that's a
great idea. Sheriff Colmes has never worked on a missing
person's case before, Joe, no one in Hastings has. He
is way out of his depth. Wall is a trained investigator.
Just because he hasn't had a chance to exercise those
skills yet doesn't mean he doesn't have them. And I

know that Mr Colmes is going to do his best.
But I'm just it's okay to be scared for Riley,
you know. No, I'm not. That isn't It's just that
they should already be conducting a town wide search, especially
in the woods and at the quarry, even the old mines.
He could have been biking somewhere and gotten hurt. And
asking everybody in town if they've seen him recently isn't

going to solve that. Maxine promised me, you aren't going
to go out into those woods looking for Riley. Of
course not. I'm not stupid. But don't think I'm going
to sit out volunteering for the search party they're putting together.
When Mrs Slotsky's dog went missing, they let everyone over
the age of fourteen join. We'll see, Joe, I'm not
taking it off the table, Okay, we'll see. But until then,

no off roading into the woods or the mines. Of course,
I'm not going to go to the mines. I don't
have a death wish. Yeah, they are pretty creepy. Hey,
on the plus side, we won't have to worry about
them for long. Mm hmm. I thought you would have
been over the moon about that, kiddo. No mining is
good for the environment, right, except it's not no mining.

Them blowing up the underground mind so they can focus
on making an enormous pit mine is just as bad.
No mining would be good for the environment, but that's
not what they're doing. You know, this town was built
on the back of that quarry. You wouldn't be sitting
where you're sitting if people didn't mind. That's a pretty
crappy justification for destroying the planet. Not to me, it's
not a happy to be very glad you're here. You know.

That's not what I mean. I know, but I also
know you love this town as much as you complain
about parts of it. I do love this town. I
just wish sometimes that Hastings would be more okay with
moving into the century. We're not there yet, Max, don't
go rushing ahead all right, kiddo, this is you. You're

not coming in. It's not even neon. I gotta go
back to work. You stay home, okay. I really think
that you're overreacting. Max. Yeah, yeah, I'll stay home. And

I told him Riley, I've been mayor of Hastings for
thirty five years, and I'm telling you this is going
to be the greatest harvest festival we've ever seen. You
can take that straight to the bank. He seemed very
excited about that. I know how much Riley loves the festival.
That's really all he was asking about the harvest festival.

Oh you bet. He made it sound like the piece
was about the town more generally, like about the history
or the town's future. Well, it is a fiftieth festival,
young lady. That's pretty historic. But he didn't ask you
about anything else specific. Well, no, not that I can remember.

I have many meetings throughout the day, you understand, and
not the mayor I used to be. Of course. It's
just well, the school paper doesn't have any of his
notes or even any record of what his assignment was,
so I'm just trying to piece it together. Maybe he
was going rogue reporter cooking up something special to surprise

his schoolmates with him, maybe um mayor how yes, my dear,
you don't seem all that worried about the fact that
Riley is missing. Well, we're not completely sure what is

going on with young Mr Stevens. What do you mean? Well, now, listen,
I already told this to Walton, to Riley's parents, but
I don't want you spreading any rumors around all right.
Of course, whatever you tell me is strictly between us Scouts, honor. Look,
I don't know anyone's business. I'm always here for the

people of this town, but it's not my job to
be everyone's nosy neighbor. But before Riley left he asked
me about bus routes, bus roots. Well. He wanted to
know the fastest way to get to Berlin, and I
told him he could get the bus from Gorham, but
he'd probably have to have his parents drive him to Gorham,

so they might as well just drive him all the
way Berlin. What would Riley want to go to Berlin for?
Like I said, it's none of my business. But when
I told what that will, you seem to find it
quite interesting? He thinks he thinks Riley ran away. I
don't want to go speculating on what anyone does or

does not think. But I'm sure wherever Riley is he's
very safe. Must Berlin, must Berwin. What what did you
want in Berlin? Okay? I need to get the bus
schedule from Gorham. Talked to Riley's parents. Hey, watch it.

Oh gosh, I'm so sorry. I oh it's you. What
am I not allowed to buy gum? Sorry? I just
I didn't see you. I noticed Hastings High Gazette, Gorham
bust schedule the Stevens. What is this? It's none of

your business. You think you're going to find Riley before
the sheriff and Community Watch does well? If they let
everyone join Community Watch, then it wouldn't be a question
of who figures it out first. Look. In four years
you can graduate and become an investigator and solve all
the missing cat and vandalism cases that Hastings has to offer.

Aren't you worried, Jenna, Riley our friend is missing, like
actually missing missing? Yes, I know, Max, of course I'm worried.
But you know what's not going to make it better
trying to track Riley down to Berlin and becoming hasting
second missing person in like a hundred years. I'm not stupid, Jenna,

I know that. Wait, how did you know that Riley
wanted to go to Berlin? I he mentioned something to
me last week. I go there every two weeks for
skate practice at the big rink they have, and and
Riley was wondering if he could hitch a ride with me.

I told him, sure, I knew, may Or how was wrong?
What are you talking about? I think he's just assuming
that Riley ran away like some teenage rebellion or something.
But you don't make carpool plans with someone and then
just run away on your own. Yeah, except Max. He
was supposed to come with me this past weekend. He

bailed at the last second. Something about family drama. What
kind of family drama? I don't know. I didn't pry.
What about Berlin? Why did Riley want to go? I
don't know. Okay, I'm not always in everyone's business like me.
You mean you said it? I wonder what's going on?

Do you think he fought with his parents? I have
no idea. I thought he really got along with them.
Whenever we used to hang out there, they were always
so I don't know, like picture perfect yeah, Well a
lot of things were different in middle school. Max. Things change, Yeah,
they do. I don't know if he really was fighting

with his parents. Maybe he's blowing off steam somewhere. It's
only been a day. Maybe he'll just come back. Yeah, maybe,

good morning. I care to explain this? What were you
looking through my room? I was bringing the laundry up
this morning and I found this? This? What is this? Max?
It's nothing? Research note, it's nothing. Where were you yesterday?
I told you to stay home? And Mr Beatty said

he saw you leave and come back hours later. Why
do you have Mr Beatie checking up on me? Because
the tellers get home the same time I do, and
you know that Mrs Hannaman is usually half asleep by two.
Someone in this neighborhood needs to be looking out for you.
So where were you? I I had to go to
the library. I needed to check out some books. Oh yeah,

where are they in my back? You're a terrible liar, Max.
You always have been fine. I was at city Hall, okay.
I was totally safe and home well before the curfew,
So it's nice. What were you doing at city Hall
talking to mayor how it's a school project thing? Why

were you going through my stuff? I thought you trusted me.
I do, maccine. That's the deal we made, right. We
trust each other because we're all we've got. But that
only works when you talk to me. I do talk
to you, not about this. These are these are notes
about Riley, about the sheriff. It seems like you interviewed
every person on the school paper, and I bet that's

what you were at. How's about too, I don't see
what the big deal is. I'm just asking some questions.
The big deal is that you're asking questions that could
get you into a lot of trouble. In trouble, how
I'm not spying on people. If they don't want to
talk to me, they don't have to. Did you know
that a boy Riley's age died about thirty five years ago?

What in in Hastings? M hm? Did you? Did you
know him? No? I was barely walking when it happened.
But your dad was in elementary school and it was
a very big thing at the time, one of those
things we were all told about all the time growing up.
What happened? They found him in the woods. Why have

I never heard about this? How did he head wound? It?
Was designated as an accident. He was out exploring and
slipped and hit his head on a rock. That's probably
why it never showed up in any of your true
crime reading. But you don't think it was an accident.
That's not what I said. But it scared everyone. Those

woods are dangerous and there are there are dangerous people everywhere.
What are you talking about. You've lived a very sheltered life, magazine,
don't give me that joke. You know that's not true.
Your parents did a really good job protecting you from
all the ugly stuff. Yeah, but they're not here anymore,
are they? I know, But I've been doing my best.

I know. I know. That's not what I'm saying. I
just mean I'm not stupid. I know that the world
isn't all good all the time I've lived it. Okay,
you're right, But I also know Hastings and I know Riley.
He wouldn't go wandering into the woods. He's not reckless
like that, and I don't think he would run away

like you might feel like you know Riley, Max. But
people are always who we expect them to be. And
as much as I care about Riley too, and I do,
my first priority is always going to be you, kiddo. Yeah,
I know. So if you want to keep notes, keep notes, okay,

write down everything and anything that you think of, and
make sure to tell Walt if there's anything you think
of that could help, obviously, but believe it at that
all right, whether Riley got lost or ran off or
or something else, you don't go following him. Understood, understood.

Thank you all for taking the time out of your
busy work days and extra curriculars and all of the
rest to help us out the assistance of our crisis volunteers.
We have completed our search of the town and most
of our preliminary interviews. Riley Steven's awareabouts are still UNKNOWNE

so we'll be expanding our search into the state park
at this time. Grab a flashlight, the vest, and the body.
Then follow your group leader into your assigned sector. I've
already spoken to the folks who would have property overlapping
with the park, and we're fine to go on their land,
but everyone be sure to be respectful about the park.

And you got an assigned sector yet, tell her what
are you doing here my civic duty? You hate town stuff.
I don't know if you noticed, but This isn't some
kind of hockey town clean up effort, Miles, this is
actually important. Yes, thank you. I did notice that the

litteral clean up is important. M all right, Alf, what
are you going to be my buddy? I don't see
anyone else volunteering. I was going to ask THEO Never mind, right,

he's up there with his dad anyway, speaking. Oh, I'm surprised, Joe.
Let you come out. Joe doesn't know I'm here. I
knew you'd be here, Max, And I'm sure Joe will
figure it out, and I'm sure he'll be thrilled. I'm
allowed to be here. Everyone over the age of fourteen
is allowed. Maybe allowed by the sheriff, but your uncle
would probably have a different perspective. Your parents don't mind

you're here, I'm guessing I'm not sure they really notice
where I am at any given moment. They've got a
lot on their plates. Do you know where we're supposed
to be going? Yep? Northeast sector three, meaning that way right.

We're supposed to sweep the sector a mile in half
a mile wide and then come back again. And how
on earth are we going to know when we've done that.
I've spent most of the past six hours studying maps
of hastings in the surrounding area. Max, We've had school
all day. What's your point? Why do you care about
this so much? What do you mean? I mean, you're

acting like this is entirely your problem to fix. It's
not even in a problem you can fix. You don't
know that what you think you're going to actually find
Riley before the actual investigator Sheriff Holmes has never worked
worked a missing person's case. I know, I know, but
neither have you. It doesn't mean I can't try. You

can't actually wish things into existence. Max. Are you not
seeing me do exactly the opposite of that right now? Ross,
I'm not the one who sits at home waiting for
the world to get better around me. What's that supposed
to mean? Why are you here? Ross? Oh? What was that? Hello? Max?

It's probably just an animal. Max. Stop it could be
a dangerous animal. Well, we won't know for sure if
we don't check it out, So let go of me,
Maxim I really think we should turn around. You don't
go back and find what find a grown up? Come on, Lass? Max?

Wait Riley? Max? Riley? Oh? Maxie Miles was created by
Lauren Shipman and his Production of A Typical Artists and
I Heart Radio. This episode was written and directed by

Lauren Shippen, Dialogue editing and sound designed by Marrissy Eewing
of Hemlock Creek Productions was editing assistance Fromlaurien Davis. It
featured Jordan Cobb as Maxine Miles, Maxa Follow as Ross
teller A, Shanny Cannon Car as Jenna Ambrose, Morgan el
Garton sco Combs, Michael Smallwood as Uncle Joe, Sean Jayne
as Sheriff Combs, and Josh you Bino as Mayor how

Original artwork by Shane McMullan. For more information about the show,
Who's visit Maxie Miles dot com and follow A Typical
Artists on Twitter and Instagram. Maxie Miles is executive produced
by Lauren Shippen and I Heart Radio and for more
podcast us from my Heart Radio, visit me I Heart
Radio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you listen to your
favorite shows. Thank you for listening and keep curious
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